1 lalior. They must go hand in band with ' prosperity. If capital receive« more | io» than its just share, it sliouhl Ire equitably : » (distributed between capital and labor, by just and equitable arbitration laws, I I lint each may receive its just rew ard. ?«> “The state of Oregon and city of Bort­ » Theae unwelcome visitors usually appear in the spring or summer, when the blood is making an extra effort to free land are prosperous umler present condi 1 i» in choosing a Grocer are these: itself from the many impurities that have accumulated during the winter months. Carbuncles, which are more painful anti dangerous, come most frequently on the back of the neck, lions. The only cloud, apparently, that 1 ’> eating great holes in the flesh, exhaust the strength ami often Drove fatal. Boils are regarded by some obscures the horizon of prolonge«! ami | Are his Goods fresh and wholesome? jieople as blessings, aud they patiently and uncomplainingly endure the pain and inconvenience under continued prosperity is the possibility of I» Does In* keep up with the .Market? the mistaken idea that their health is l>eing lienefitted, that their blood is too thick anyway, and this is the election of Mr. Bryan. I.et us keep: 5» Is he neat and clean? Nature’s plan of thinning it. The blood is not too rich or too thick, but is diseased—is full of poison—and Does he deal fair with all Customers? unless relieved the entire system will sufTer. The boij or carbuncle gives warning of serious internal our sense«. ?» troubles, which are only waiting for a favorable opportunity to develop, Many an old sore, running ulcer, IT W AS A I'll K i ll II .IIIKI . ?» even cancer, is the result of a neglected boil. If you find he is all this and more, he will do to tie to. Keep the blood pure, and it will keep the ?» We aim high, and are trying to fill this bill as well as all ?» skin dear of a|l the irritating impurities that Bros. B. Marshall, a popular business others left with us. cause thrs« painful, disfiguring diseases. « ?» man of Albany, was married Wednesday S. S. S. Cures boils and carbuncles easilv ?» to Miss Wiuifre«! J. Wilils. It seems Come and see us. ami permanently by reinforcing, purifying and •> that the groom has many enthusiastic 1 Mr. R. M. Pratt, Cave, ft. C.. writes : building up the blood and ridding the system of all accumulated waste matter. ‘» “For twenty years 1 was sorely S. S. S. is made of rootsand herbs which act directly on the blood, and all |>oisons, no matter friends 111 Albany, and fearing they afflicted with boils and carbuncles ?» caused by impure blood. It is impos how deep-seated, are soon overcome and driven out by this powerful purely vegetable medicine. would make a dernonst ition at the «lepot ?» aible to describe my suffering ; part of S. S. S. is not a new, untried remedy, but for on his departure for his honeymoon that i the time being unable to work orslet p. fifty years has been curing all kinds of blood and skin Several ductors treated me, and 1 tried might be a little embarrassing to the all the so-called blood remedies, but diseases. It has cured thousands, and will cure you. nothing seemed to d<> me any good. It is a pleasant tonic as well as blood purifier-—im­ newly married people, it was determined | During the summer of ishs 1 was per proves the appetite and digestion, builds up your to avoiil this by the couple leaving Al­ tuadt d to try S. S. S , and after taking several trottfes was entirely cured, and general health and keeps your blood in order. bany iu a carriage »nd taking the train have had no return of these painful Our physicians have made blood and skin dis­ pests up to the- present time.” at Jefferson. Mr. Marshalls friends were eases a life study- write them fully about your case, and any information or advice wanted will be cheerfully given. <>\Ve make no charge determined that proper respect should whatever for this service. Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases—free. Address, The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. be shown him on this important occa­ sion, and issued a small hand bill which ft I M M.S.S < O VI 1C 4 4 IIO\ was distributed freely among the passen­ Safe for sale. «I dem . A W ood . gers on the train, as it passed through ■I. CappsA Sons all wool clothing from And lli-crensi* ot Credit Two t'er- Albany, on which the couple were to lain Itesiilis Ki Trade amt Labor Over 4000 pair« of new spring »hoe 49 to fill a suit at the <¡range «tore. take passage at Jefferson. The poster it Hryun slioultl lie Elecletl. shown Ht the Granite store. Prof. S S. Duncan of the Dayton read as follows: Grissen’s Old Stand. \ i The Sunday Oregonian of Oct. 14th Binhop Morri« will lie here on Sunday schools was in the city on Saturday. “This will introduce the bearer to Mr. contained a communication from Hon. ami Mrs. Pres. B. Marshall, a bride ami pext and will hold services in the Epi«- Fine line of mackintoshea at the Rack­ copal church morning ami evening. et store. Do not buy till you see them. , IL W. Corbett, w ritten from the stand­ groom, who will board the train at Jeffer­ I point of a business man and an employer son, en route to Portland on their honey­ Glen Henderson is serving an appren­ Photo mounts cut to any size you wish of labor, winch treated of the effect on moon trip. DON’T FAIL TO EXTEND at this office, and for ssle cheaper than ticeship in tha barber business with Lo­ the general prosperity of the country in CONGRATULATIONS.” gan Bros. the cheapest. 1 case of the election of Bryan. The writer Five hundred passengers with this Lost—A bunch of keys. Finder will said: The Telephone-Register oflice and poster in their hands looke«! forward to equipment is being moved to its new be rewarded by leaving same nt this of­ “It may be well to review the past to the arrival of the train at Jefferson with That is next to your wife is your Shirt, quarters in the Tyler building this week. fice. some extent, that we may judge what great expectancy, anil when the couple so you want to see that it is treate«! well D. Perkins is one of the jolly Lafayette would be the effect of the election of Mr. were sighted they were given an ovation, I have money to loan on farm prop­ boys who has added his name to the Re ­ when other people handle it. There is Bryan. We bad a remarkable degree of erty at good terms. Parties wishing to so it is said, that W. J. Bryan himself porter’s list of readers. prosperity in business under republican would have turned green with envy, had no one that will handle fine linen, in narrow, call and see me. The endeavor society of the Christian politics from 1876 to 1892. This was dur­ he witnessed it, at the power this couple It L. C onner . either shirts, collars or cuffs, more ten­ chilli h will give mi interesting social and ing the time that we returned substanti­ possessed for calling forth a demonsta- A new monument has been erected by derly or with greater care when being ally lo the specie basis, which inspired tion of the people. Each passenger Mrs. Emma Barnhart at the grave of her program tonight, with refreshments. renovated than vve do .1. W. Ilenrv is busy this week placing our country with confidence in the sta­ seemed to feel at perfect liberty, with husband in Masonic cemetery. bility of our mouetary system, with the the introduction in his hand, to advance the ballots and boxes in the proper hands Have your table linen and your flat The St. Charles store pays cash for in the various election precincts. This exception of tlie time when the Sherman anil offer congratulations and with them work done up on our new Steam Mangle. veal, chickens, eggs, and all kinds of pro­ bill, providing for the purchase of $4,500,- a “bon voyage” on the blissful sea of job keeps a man stirring pretty lively for It gives an extra fine finish. duce we can ship on the market. 000 of silver per month was enacted, at matrimony, to the great embarrassment 3 1 . days. N. E. K ego , Prop. the solicitation of the representatives of of the newly wedded couple. Call and see me and get cut rates on The first of January we expect to move The Epworth League topic for next the silver states, in order to bolster up Family Work. across the street, in the Fenton building. I m II the VliMMlntr Link? Sunday evening is “Are You Doing Your silver, which had commenced to decline, We want to sell all the goods we can be­ Best?” Mrs. Atkinson will lead the A few miles east of Corvallis, on the iu consequence of large production fore that time. Please come in and help meeting. throughout the world. This act caused farm of George Cochran, Linn county, a us move them. If. M ills A S on . •' 7 depression in the country and tended to queer skeleton has been unearthed. On C. F. Daniels carries a stock of flour, Frank Logan was taken into partner­ Wm. feed and baled hay, and sells as cheap as ship in the barber business with his create distrust in our monetary system, account of its peculiarities, the skeleton the same can be bought anywhere in the brother Will on November 1st. Clarence the etlect of which compelled congress to may tnell become the subject of inquiry, It is in the shape of a man, and an elon­ repeal that act. valley. I i r t rnix. Schultz Ims returned to Dallas where he “General discouragement seemed to gated vertebral system suggests that the President McKinley has appointed purchased a half interest in the Lawton take hold of the minds of the people. In missing link is at last found. Describ­ In the County Courts for Yamhill County, Thursday, Nov: 29th, as Thanksgiving shop. 1893, alter the election of Mr. Cleveland, ing the find the Albany Democrat says: State of Oregon. day. Soe the proclamation elsew here in In the matter of the estate of Jacob T. Wil­ The pastor of the Christian church has few, if any, new enterprises were inaug­ “All the bones were secured and they liamson, deceased. this paper. returned and will be at his post next urated, aud those already in existence will be articulated as soon as possible. To John Winebrenner,Samuel M.Winebrenner, Sarah Borrougbi, Elizabeth Fellers,Mary C. Cot- The condition of Miss Lizzie Dodson, Lord’s day. Morning subject—“Come were paralyzed to a great extent. La- Tliev indicate a man of 4 feet, 8 inches, teriil. Ida M. ( otterili, Emily V. Roily, Georgette M. G. Smaii, Saran R. Gorrell, Amelia who has been quite ill for over a month, and Hee.” Evening—“Why is man im­ I borers sought employment w ithout avail; of large bones. The skull lacks the Biiteiiscli, McDonald,!) J. Sloan, Jr., John H. V. Sloan, mortal?" Miss laiuise Yoran will sing usual sutures. It is 18 inches in circum ­ they thronged the street corners seeking Mary .Sidney Sloan, Estella Lee Sloan, Valentine ia reported tut growing worse. Mr. Dod­ A. Sloan, Charles D. Johnson, Lydia Roland, son and his sone have rented the large one of her tiest «elections and Mr. C. employment for half the usual w ages to ference, four inches smaller than that of Sm all E. Shrode, Lillie Wageley, Annie A. Frye, support their families, but no one had the average skull of the white man. Alfred R. Johnson, James E. Johnson, Bessie Braly farm and are now living thereon < irissen w ill render a violin solo. Johnson, ami to ail other children or grandchil­ oi Mary Winebrenner or Margaret Small, ( Inis. Sweet, a resilient of McMinnville the courage to start new enterprises. The jaws are large an«l protruding and dren Elder Arnold Lindsey returned on late ot the state of West Virginia, deceased, and Mechanics were out of employment, rail­ the teeth perfect. The vertebrae have to all other persons known or unknown in any 11 number of years ago, and 11 member of Monday from holding a series of meet­ road receipts throughout the country an additional bone and a socket for a manner interested iu the estate of Jacob T. Wil­ liamson, deceased: ings in Sheridan, in which good interest Charity lodge A. O. IL W. of this city, dropped oil', general reorganization of missing bone. The bones of the legs I N T11E N AME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, was manifested. Quite it large church died nt his home nt Gresham on Friday, 1 You and each of you are hereby cited and Oct. 2(lth, at tlie age of 60 years, lie bankrupt railroads took place, street rail­ ami feet are normal like those of a man, required to be and appear in the county court debt was paid ot! through his efforts. of Yamhill county, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 4th but 111 the arms the radius and ulna was a veteran of the civil war ami known way receipts fell one-third, many em­ day of December, A. D. 1900,at the hour of one bones are about two inches longer than o ’ clock p. m., ofsaid day in the county court ployes bad to be discharged. When, to 11 good many people hereabouts. room in the court house of the city of McMinn however, Mr McKinley was inaugurated, the humerus bone,where they are gener­ ville. in said county and stale, and then and Mrs. .1 W. Cook is canvassing for the I eon/idem-e let urued. Die Dingley tariff ally considerably shorter, indicating an there show cause, if any exists, why the said should not make an order directing the "History and Triumphs of the I9tli Cen­ act was passed, and foreign commodities arm that reached considerably below the court executors of said estate to distribute and pay out all the residue of said estate after the pay­ tury” by Dr. Morris, a. very useful and The Iwmes of the finger are long­ ment of the speedic bequests contained in saut were taxed. All kinds ot manufacturing knee valuable addition to a library for those imlust lies w ere al 1 mu late« I, railroad busi­ er than those of a man. The skeleton is will in the manner following: THE VICTOR is madfl for men only To M. G. Small, Sarah R. Gorrell, Amelia Mc­ in all «ort« of leailier«. ami it may be who wish to secure the events of lids im- ness 1 evi veil, street railroads were again not that of an Indiap, because distinctly Donald. John Winebrenner, Samuel M. Wine­ brenner, Sarah Borroughf and Elizabeth Fellers, had in all lasts that are up to date a|i«l portant century in 11 nutshell. Mrs. Cook patronize«), people were employed in all «lifferent. What is it? t-ach one-eleventh thereof. com fortable. has oilier nicely illustrated hooks for vocation« ot iff««, mechanics were again lo D. J. Sloan, Jr., John H. V. Sloan, Mary The Victor quality is of the highest. Sidney Sloan, Estella Lee Sloan, Valentine A. children. Sloan. Lillie Wageley Annie A. Frye, Alfred R in demand at remunerative wages, build­ AA’hat Hops Will 11» The mode)« are most comfortable. «lohnsoh, James E. Johnson and Bessie Johnson, A Corvallis fruit man received returns ings were erected in ail portions of the J. Carmichael, a hop buyer of Salem, each one-fifty fifth thereof The price is unbeatable. T<> Charles l ». Johnson, Lydia Roland, Sarah yesterday fr«un 100 Isixes of apples country. Products of the country were on Tuesday last bought the hops that Oh, yes, there are other $1 50 shoes E. Shrode, each one-thirty-ihird thereof. shippe«! to Portland mid sold on com­ in demand, at greatly increased price«. grew on 130 acres of laml in this county. To Mary C. Cotterill, Ida M. (’otterili, Emily Bnt there is no shoe for men on sale in Roily and Georgette Butefisch, each one-for- any McMinnville «tore that will match mission. The boxes < ost him $9, freight New markets are being openeil to our Jas. H. Sewell, 30 acres; J, A. Iuibrie, V. ty-fourth thereof, Witness the Hon. R. P. Bird, judge of the the Victor, not even those that are sohl '$13, commission $2, total $24. The total people through the m «positionot the new 40 acres, Wm. Bagley, 45 acres; Zina above-entitled court, and the seal of said court at $4.50. One pair will prove it. amount that the RIO (sixes sold for was territorial possessions. 45-5 Wood. 20 acres ami Mr. Suasbauer, 15 uftixed this 2|th day of October, l'MJ). We’er closing out many lines of Men's. J. II. NELSON, County Clerk. f.'li. lie had left for his picking mid Ladies’, Boys and Children’s shoes at IRVINE A VINTON, Att’ys for Executors. "When we lake all these things into acres. The price paid was 15 cents per prolit With Oregon apples selling al Cost Prices. IVe want lo. make a clean consideration, lire election of Mr. Bryan pound. At that figure the purchaser sweep. a nickel each in 11 neighboring state, is would Is- a great calamity to the busi­ pays to these five men $30,000. The NOTICE OF HEARING OF HML not there meat for thought in this sale'' ness and lalsu interests ol tlie country hops will load a train of 15 cars. From ACCOCftT» Stopping rates from state to state should Ills threat to overthrow the gold stan- Cornelius the Buchanans contributed 370 be reasonalile enough to give the man ilaril and his arraignment of latror against bales at I4'._, cents. Enough to load 4 'OTICE is hereby given that the final account who grows apples more than two dollars of Mary A Hcmsiluck as executrix of the capital would engender distrust, discour­ cars and bring $10.000 into circulation — estate of Wiliiam Hemstock, deceased, has been for loo boxen.—Times. tiled in the county court of Yamhill county, age new enterprises, and lessen the de­ Hillsboro Independent. state of Oregon, and that the LHh day of No­ To remove a troublesome corn or bun­ mand f«T labor. This, together with the Ewi ritix Milit i: of in ti. vember, 19UQ, at the hour of IQ o'clock a m.. has ion : Fust soak the corn or bunion 111 know n l««dicy of the democratic party to been duly appointed by such court for the hear­ ACCOUNT. II ch I Affine 'I'ranslerM. ing of objections t<> such final account and the warm water to soften it, then pare it reiluee the taritl on many of our home settlement thereof, nt which time any person in­ Week « mling Oct list: terested in such estate niffy appear and tile ob­ This picture is the trade mark of dow n as closely ss pos-ilile w ithout draw products, w««ill.I lower the price of all Bert 'OTICE i« hereby given that the undersigns«! I. Terry ami wf to Susannah jections thereto in writing and contest the same. exi'cutrix of the last will ami te-iament itig blood ami apply Chamlwrlain'a Pain MARY A. HEMSTOCK. SCOTT’S EMULSION, and is on 1 su«'h produ -is ol the country, and cause of John K i ' ihi K, «lecs-ased, has tiled the final ac­ Shaw lot 1 blk th H A L add to Executrix of the Estate. count ot her administration of the estate of said Itilm twice daily, rubbing vigorously for the eo;i nt iv t<> Is* Il side« I with foreign: Newberg ......................................... $ every bottle of SCOTT’S l.MI'L- deceased, in the county court of Yamhill coun­ five minutes at each application. \ corn ty. Oregon, ami-««¡«i court ha- appointed Mon­ Willie C Sargent to Wm Campbell SION in tlie World, which now plaster should la« worn for a lew «lavs, to I piislm lions to our ii.juri . <111 HIK (OINTY W4HKAMTM. day. the ad day of December. A. I>. pot, at to "Hryun's poll, y lo abandon the newly [ lots 1 ami 2 blk 12 McM exc 25 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, as the «lav amounts to many millions yearly. protect it from the shoe. As 11 general and hour for the hearing of otij< «'lit.ns to said .................. . .u-qiiire.l p.issessi«ui-« would lessen the I ft off s side final account and the «ettlemeui thereof. Mi Minnville, Or , Oct. 26th. 19uu. This great business has grown to liniment for sprains, bruises, lainene-a growing «ieiuand l.ir our pr«>«lucta ini Nancy ami W F McKinney to Therefore, all persons iuter«-*ied ill said estate V’OTICE is hereby gi\en that all unpaid conn- are hereby notified and required to appear in a i«l iheumatism, Pain Balm is un ty warrants of Yamhill county, Oregon, the county court room in McMinnville, in sai«l such vast proportions, Minnie M Buffuni 49-tooth a t ; tho-e markets. It woul I discourage new which were presented and endorsed Not paid county, at said time, to show cause, if any there e piah'd. J or sale by lloworth A Co., 5 r 4 ................................................ too for want of funds," from Jan. 2d, 1‘. mn >. to March be, why said account shall not be settknl. al­ ! enterprises that can be carried on iu F/car,••Because the proprietors druggist«. 2d, 19(M), will be paid upon pieseiilation al this lowed and approve«! as prayed for therein, aud : those posses-1. ns. where our young men Maggie Milliem to Harvey E Car­ oflice. Interest will not be allowed after «late executrix «!>-< harged. ami said estate forever have always I kvii most careful in of this notice o. o. Kill’DE. ami finally itettled ey 23.61 a pt Elijah Millican d 1 would go ami naturally become the di- County Treasurer of Yamhill County, Or. < INI I4»X. ltated October 19th, A. D. 1900. selecting the various ingredients c t 4 r 4 ........................................ < , reeling ami governing« las«. The Philip­ 9»4 40 44-’ E. A. COOK. Executrix of th«* last will and testament of used in its coni(>osition. namely; There will tie preaching at the Baptist pines, w t,i. h «.tb-r a ti«-l«l f«ir our energv A B Faulconer et ux to Walter John F. Co««k. deceased. RHODES A RHODES, Attorneys for the estate. Blackburn parcel in Faulconer's I.¡reuse« to Harry. the finest Cod Liver (Hl, and the church next Sundae Prof. Ralph Sf<> and enterprise, would lie close«l, and oth­ add to Sheridan ........................ 12 er countries wcul«l reap wtiere we have rev ot McMinnville will preach for them 50 purest Hypophosphites. Oct. 26—H. V. Stott, 33, and Bernice NOTICE. II um* labor would be robbed of 1 Sauil Ewing ami wf to A N Green twice a month until the first ot Janflarv sown Bremmer, 22. of Yamhill county. Mar- Second: -Because they have so Mr. and Mrs. York came back from its just rcwai«l, ami our etreels would ; 23 6t a pt E Millican d 1 c and rieil by Vine W Pierce, J. P. In the County Court for the County of Yam­ skillfully combined the various Parti and last Motidav. 80x200 ft ami lots 1 ami 2 blk tt again la* thronged with the iiiiempioye«i. hill, State of Oregon Oct. 26 — Milton S. Peery, 48, an«l Hat ­ In the matter of the estate of Jacob T Wil­ ingredients that the last possible Lafayette...................................... 1000 I seeking a precarious ami uncertain em- liamson, deceased. Will Blood brought his tamilv up from tie Dorsey. 30, of Yamhill county. Mar ­ ’OTICE is hereby given that the iimtersiened results are ohtained by its use. 1 ploymenl w uh inadequate remuneration. J B Fryer ami' wf to Minnie H executors of the last will and testament <■! Oregon Citv last Saturday, and tliev ried by Rev. T. L. Jones. Looney 13.16a t 3 r 4 ............ t SOO th« al«ove nanitSi deceased, n*«-«. b|ed “When Capital can be usefully em- above entitle«! ci’iirt their final account «• «uch T/»/rdrc«l «lucks. Dat«st at Meginnvine. Oregon, this the >4th prise. In the opening of our new posses- cvwrain Oi tober this y ear. l>i«I you let Oct. 29—Chas. A. Huston, 28, and day of October nssi thousands in the i.. t -ta < Miss Carrie l-'inlay, has Iwen hav­ sums an.I elsewhere, lalor ami American your chance go by ? Olive Cox. 28. of this county. J. E HI HBiKD AND IVAN DANIEL, Consumption. Executors of the last will and t«*rtament of ing her eves treated tn Portlaml, -i tnrned genius will l«e freely employe«! for the The Inekv number« at the Ctiieagol j Jacob T. WilliauiMtii. de« <■»«+■ 4 Oct. 31— Robt. F. Wood, 51, and El ­ If you hrtvr not tried it set»! fqr fre. . ;ipl • home on Monday evening's train. IRV INI. A k INTON, Au'ys for Executors. I eitcriiieiil »I their comliiioii ami for the store are it» agree:«LI t:tlt< t The RironrER and Weekly Orejrouian joc. auti ¿* n . all slruiigu t- on his place. Feek to destt-.y ,apit?’ and you destroy Holders of ooopons are not yet known. I same day. one vear for |2, strictly in ad vane« SOME THINGS »CONSIDER Baneful Boils Dangerous L. E. Walker. Where Can I Get School Books ? ? LOCAL NEWS. Why, at SCOTT & WILLIAMS < Æ BOSOM I^R IENU McMinnville Steam Laundry, Lambert, Prop. No $3.50 Shoe Quite as good as the Victoj? F.Dielschneider, X Shoe Dealer. N X