fiood ftentlmeiit by Judge Gallo« Way. Skin Diseases When the excretory organs fail to carry off the waste material from the system, there is an abnor­ mal accumulation of effete matter winch poisons anil clogs the blood, and it becomes sour and acid. This poison is carried through the general circulation to all parts of the body, anil upon reaching the skin surface there is a redness and eruption, ami by certain peculiarities we recognize Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, 1'soriasis, Erysipelas anil many other skin troubles, more or less severe. While’the skin is the seat of irritation, the real disease is in the blood. Medicated lotions aud powders may allay the itching and burning, but never cure, no matter how long ami faithfully continued, and the condition is often aggravated and skin permanently injured by their use. The disease is mare than skin deep; lhe entire circulation Is poisoned. The many preparations of arsenic, mercury, ¡abash, etc., not only ilo not cure skin diseases, but soon ruin the digestion and break down the constitution. . . S. S. S., nature’s own remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, of great purifying and tonical properties, quickly and effectually cures blood and skin troubles, because it goes direct to the root of the disease and stimulates and restores normal, healthy action to the different organs, cleanses and enriches the blood, and thus relieves the system of all poisonous secretions. S. S. S. cures permanently because it leaves none of the original poison to referment in the blood and cause a fresh attack. Healthy blood is necessary to preserve that clear, smooth skin and beautiful com- pltxion so desired all S S S can relied ujxtn with certainty to keep ■'uS th, l,|,,,„| in perfect Older li Ills been curing blood and skin diseases for half a cen- tury ; no other medicine can show such a record. S s. S. contains no I>oisonoiis mineral-, is purely vegetable and harmless. a <)ur medical department is in charge of physicians of large experience in treating blood and skin diseases,« bo will take pleasure maiding by their advice and direction all ■HfiF confidence. Skin Diseases will be sent free upon application. We make no charge whatever for this service. Our book on Blood and THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA. , LOCAL NEWS. NEWBEHG. Safe for,sale. ODELL & W ood . Sanford Goodrich and family of Day­ J. Capps A Sons all wool clothing from ton were in town Sunday Over 4000 pairs of new spring shoe $'.) to $1.1 a suit at the Grange store. Mrs. Rhodes of Hood River is visiting Adelbert Perkins is teaching the school shown at the Grange store. with her sons, Walter and Warren Rob­ Miss Ina Stilwell is teaching the Hope at Whiteson. Fine line of mackintoshes at the Rack­ ertson. well school. George Metcalf will move to Salem The R kportkk and Weekly Oregonian et store. Do not buy till you see them. this week after a three years residence one year for $2, strictly in advance Dr. Clare Brown of Independence in our town. spent Sunday with friends in this citv. Photo mounts cut to any size you wish J. L. Larkin is moving into town for a at this office, and for sale chea|>er than Henry J. Pearson lias moved his fami­ season of rest, and has rented his fruit the cheapest. ly into Miss Elia Woods’ residence on B to Mr. Armstrong. street. Miss Josie Gortner visited in Portland The G. A. R. supper given on Friday several days the past week. J. B. Dodson has begun teaching a last was a decided success. A goodly I have money to loan on farm prop­ term of school in district No. 46, between sum was made to help beautify the cem­ erty at good terms. Parties wishing to this city ami Whiteson. etery . oorrow, call and see me. (iood for Amity! She sent #17 of per­ A. C. Churchill & Co. are having rock It L. C onner . sonal contributions to the Galveston suf hauled for the foundation of a large ferers, and holds an acknowledgement of Harry Branneniau has rented and building, to be used as a cannery and the same from Mayor Jones. moved to the Darr farm near Dayton. fruit house. There is complaint that rural mail The St. Charles store pays cash for A day or so last week Mrs. J. C. Nelson boxes are being tampered with in Polk veal, chickens, eggs, and all kinds of pro­ county. One box was completely riddled was in Portland, visiting with her aged duce we can ship on the market. mother, Mrs. A. Cummings, who will Ity shot. N. E. K eoo , Prop. spend the winter in New York City. Delos Underwood took a position in Two hundred and seventy pupils are Last week Mrs. M. J. Hoberg of Me-» enrolled in the Newberg public schools. Shafer’s harness shop at Salem last Mon day. He was taken over by bis father Minnville and Mrs. Ella Metzger of Dal­ C. F. Daniels carries a stock of flour, las, mother and sister of Mrs. V. J. Nel­ on Sunday. feed and baled hay, and sells as cheap as son , visited with the latter at her home Clias. P. Nelson and Ed Briedwell the same can be bought anywhere in the near town. were out in the mountains early in the valley. week inspecting and sleeping on their Sheriff Thos. Linville of Astoria was in It |>pi-licit ■■■ a Drug Store. ranches at the head of the Willamina. McMinnville over Sunday, the guest of “One day last winter a lady came to For sprains, swellings and lameness Sheriff Ward Sitton. there is nothing so good as Chamberlain’s my drug store and asked for a brand of Judge .1. E. Magers is campaigning in Pain Balm. Try it. F'or sale by lloworth cough medicine that I did not have in eastern Oregon, and has dates from Octo­ stock,” says Mr. C. R. Grandin, the it Co., druggists. ber 15th to 27th, in many cases speaking popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. “She Good hope have reached 15c, and in twice a day. was disappointed and wanted to know one sale as high as 15*4. This was the When you cannot sleep for coughing, what cough preparation I could recom­ sale of Mr. Dick of Silverton last Satur­ it is hardly necessary that any one should mend. I said to her that I could freely day of 200 bales to J. Carmichael. tell you that you need a few doses ol recommend Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­ Lora Stow, the little daughter of Mrs. edy and that she could take a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay Mary Stow, who has been ill so long, was the remedy and after giving it a fair trial the irritation of the throat, and make sleep |>oesible. It is good. Try it. For admitted to membership in the Cumb. if she did not find it worth the money to Presbyterian church last Sunday. Bile by lloworth A Co., druggists. bring back the tmttle and I would refund D. M. Caldwell and family have itioved tlie price paid. In the course of a day or Milt Potter of Gopher had a hard chase after a 500-pound bear last week. After to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill, two the lady came back in company with having his clothes torn from him by rid­ near the waterworks, in order to be with a friend in need of a cough medicine and ing through the brush and tiring out his the old people, who are growing quite advised her to buy a buttle of Chamber­ lain’s Cough Remedy. I consider that a horse, he proceeded afoot and succeeded feeble. Arnold Lindsey being absent, Mrs. very good recommendation for the rem­ in getting the animal with his last cart Lindsey will conduct the services at tlie edy.” It is for sale by Howorth & Co., ridge.—Sheridan Suu. druggists. A citizeu of Corvallis, Mr. Oleman, is Christian church next Lord’s day, morn­ ing and evening. Splendid music is ex- tongueless. The organ was removed at NIIKHIUAN. the roots, because of cancer. Five days pjeted. All are invited. Harvey Walker has a pear tree in his after the operation the patient was able to eat and Sjienk a few words. His yard whose enormous product of fruit now fallen to the ground reminds one speech is becoming plainer each day. strikingly of the way walnuts grow in Prof. C. 11. Jones of Salem, principal old Ohio. of the public schools of this city in 1896, Mr. and Mrs. If. 8. Thomas of Everett, ami one of the best boy s in Oregon, was in McMinnville last Friday and Saturday . Wash , visited Misses Lena and Ethel canvassing for his Oregon Teachers’ McCain und other friends hereatsiuts last Monthly, which he has made the leading week. Mrs. Thomas was formerly Miss publication of its kind in this state, if Rebecca Perry of Lafayette. not on the Pacific coast. The Goodrich place adjoining I. Nich­ ols'hop yard has been sold to a Mr. •Stewart, who has taken possession and is living on lhe place. 8. Stevens, who formerly lived on the place, has rented the Worttnan farm, 2 miles southeast of McMinnville, and has moved there. Mr. Sully who lived on that place, has moved to his father's place, at Sully station, ,'t miles west of Dayton Day ton Herald. Rex Lailison and family of Willamina were visiting in town last Sunday. Walt. Graves has gone to his mountain ranch on the other sjde of Dolph, for a few days. Rev. Frank Abram Powell has accept­ Ralph Winslow and mother drove over ed a call to the pastorate of lhe First trout Newberg Thursday, returning Christian church of Oakland, Calif. Mrs. home on Saturday, Powell, who lias been visiting in Corval­ Miss Louise Maloney and Mrs. Nannie lis, left on Monday for her new home. Nelson of McMinnville, spent last Sun­ Just 4(>8 years after Columbus discov­ day with Sheridan friends. ered America, Oct. 12, llkki, a daughter Mrs. Mollie Rice and son Harry left came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Apperson of this city. This is a very last Thursday morning for San Francisco, where they expect to reside. auspicious beginning for the little lady. lion. Tilmon Ford of Salem will ad­ dress the people of North Yamhill this evening on the political issues from a re­ publican standpoint. Mr. Ford is cam­ paigning the state with goes! success in interesting Ilia audiences. He is one of the nominees for presidential elector, and occupies the position of first m in on the ticket to tie voted at the coming elec- lion. “For three days and nights 1 suffered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on bv eating cucum­ bers," says M E. iarwther, clerk of the district court, Centerville, Iowa. "1 thought I should surely die, and tried a dozen different medicines, but all to no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Chamber­ i lain's Colic, Cholera and I hart lioea Rem­ I edy and three doses relieved me entire­ There will lie preaching morning aud ly.” This remedy is lor salel>y lloworth evening in the M. F. church next Sun­ A Co., druggists. day. The pastor will occupy ttie pulpit The faculty of the college will tender a at I mm I i services, and in the evening w ill reception to Miss Ruse Trumbull, the re­ preach on baptism, as several have ex­ cently installed principal of the conserva­ pressed a desire to hear him speak on tory of muaic, on Friday evening. Oct. this subject. The usual cordial invita­ 26th The reception will lie given in the tion is extemled to all friends and mem­ <*ha|iel and studio at the college \ pro bers of this church to attend these ser- gram of s|>ecial interest t musical people v ices, will lie rendered by Miss Trumbull, as «tinted by Miss Mollie Patty and Mt«s Ixiuiaa Yoran. Mias Trumbull's work in the college baa opened wuh great eu- «ruragement. The opportunity will lie affor.led on tlie evening mentioned, for tlie musical people of McMinnville and vicinity to hear and to meet the a--com- phslied lady, who now has charge of the «wnaicai interests of our home etiilegi lajok for fuller announcements next I meek. R. L. Bewley was a Dallas visitor on Tuesday. Mendenhall & Bibee are receiving new goods at their store this week. Miss Susie Branson is teaching the Riverside school, which is situated about half wav between Sheridan and Willa­ mina. l’rof. C. C. Linden made a flying trip to McMinnville Tuesday morning. This is court week and he is interested in one or two divorce cases. Rev. Lindsey of McMinnville, liegan a series of meetings on Tuesday night tn lhe Christian church at this (dace, which will continue over Sunday. Rev. Edward Gittens. the new minis­ ter of the M. E. church at this place, ar­ rived with his family last week and oc­ cupied the pulpit of that church both morning and evening, last Sunday. The citizens of our town were shocked on Tuesday afternoon to hear that Mr. II F Mayer, an aged gentleman living here, had very suddenly died of apo­ Valier •• VV hum it »Ini 4 aarrrg. Not lee it hereby given that Jennie N Glover plexy. While making some repairs on a h«» without cause or provocation, this day <.ter-igneil LN rwi ntrix ot the ls«t will «nit testament of John F. Cook, deceased, ha- died the final ac­ count of her administration oi the,-state of saal deceased, in lhe county court of Yamhill coun­ ty, Oregon, and .»aid court has appointed Mon­ day. the id dev of December. I. It. Ison, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon ol «aid day, a« the day and hour for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Therefore, all persons interested in «aid estale are hereby notified and reuuircd to ap|>ear in the county court room in Mi-.Minnville, in said county, at said time, to show cause, if any there be, why said account shall not be «etiled, al­ lowed and approved a« prayed for therein, and executrix discharged, and said estate forever an i finallv settled Dated October l'.ith, A. D. 1900. 44-5 E. A. COOK, Executrix of the last will and testament of John F. Cook, deceased. RHODES .V RHODES, Attorneys for the estate. S0TICF <»« II4 1KIM. IH FIX Al. < A< < »« SIT. IVOTIi 4. is here h \ given that the final account «v 01 Mary \ Henistock as executrix of the e*late of William liemst.ick. deceased, has been filed in the county court of Yamhill county, State of Oregon, and that the loth lav of So. vemlier, l-su. at the hour of 10 o’clock a m . ha- f been duly appointed bv such court for the hear­ ing of objections to such final account and the settlement thereof, al which time any person in­ ter.t.-.i in such estate may appear and tile ol»-- jections then-to in writing and contest lhe «am. , MARY A. HEM.-fTOCK. 44-, Executrix of the Estate. Already people in the vicinity of tbe mouth of the new sewer are beginning to kick on the threatened danger of it« being a menace to health, and say they would be satisfied if the pipe were placed down to a level with tbe creek.