The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 19, 1900, Image 4

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    Yamhill County
Subscription $1 O() Per Year.
Reading notice fill local column* 10 rent* per
line for ttrst week an<i » cent* per line thereafter.
Display a«l vertiwinvnts. annual rate**, one inch
per month $1, ea< h a>l<lit tonal inch 50 cent* p* r
Obituary and marriage notice» not exceeding
10 linen published free, if iurniHbed in tint»* to
be current new*. Additional matter 10cent* per
be saved the annoyance of hunting
up six citizens and swearing in his
vote. In this county, and |>erhaps
in every other county in Oregon,
there are many voters who are legal
ly registered in other parts of the
state, but who will be deprived ol ■f
their vole unless they conform t<
the troublesome "swearing in'
Democratic leaders are beginning
to realize that Missouri is a doubt­
ful state and are trying to wake up
the rank and file, but apparently in
vain. All accounts agree that the
party is buried in hopeless apathy
and rent asunder with innumerable
quarrels. The republican national
committee continues to hear encour­
aging tidings from all parts of the
I ...
Business demands, social engage
more common than we may think, if
Market quotations in Sunday's Or­ Is
merits and religious duties will In­
we define gluttony as eating beyond the
body’s need of sustenance and beyond
put by from now until the first Mon­
stomach’s cajiacity for digestion and
day in November, for the mysterious that three earloads of eastern eggs the
FRIDAY, OCT. 19, 1900.
assimilation of food. That is a fair
conference of the button-hole consul arrived during the week, and "an­ definition, and it fastens the name glut­
tation on the street corner, relative other is due tomorrow, and two oth­ ton on many a person who would resent
“Let well enough alone” is the to our annual municipal election. ers are on the wav to arrive later in the term as an insult. The fact of this
gluttony is marked by its consequences.
motto of a club of theatrical men With tin- candidate in the field, his the week.'' Six carloads of eggs im­ The overloaded stomach fiecomes dis­
formed in New York to work for the tory and tradition will be ransacked, ported into Oregon within the space eased. The popular term for the condi­
tion is ” weak ” stomach. The ” weak ”
election of McKinley and Roosevelt. and their anxiety will only give place of about one week shows that a con­ stomach fails in furnishing adequate nu­
The amusement fraternity has node- to measurable contentment, and dition and not a theory confronts trition for the Ixxiy, and soon the " weak­
sire to return to the black days of peace when the votes are finally the Oregon producer. While the ness ” spreads from the stomach to other
depression that prevailed from 1893 counted in their favor. Our unsal­ best state in the union in point of
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
to 189*1.
aried city officers tread a path which natural advantages is sending to organs of digestion and nutrition. It
is not all paved with roses. Criti­ eastern markets for cold-storage eggs enables the perfect assimilation of food,
The most perplexed man in Indi cism is abundant, while appreciative aud paying the freight on the same, by which alone the health and strength
ana is George Rogers of Richmond, comment is more rarely given. It our farms are basking in the sun­ of the body is maintained.
"Your medicine helped me so much that I
who raises chickens for the market,
praise it too highly,” writes Mrs. C. V
must seem to the mayor or council light or dripping under the rain­ cannot
Brooks, of Poland, Androscoggin Co., Ms. ’’The
aud has over 3(H) of them. While
I took helped me. I cannot forget
man that his is a thankless and dis­
how I felt wheu I took it; I was suffering every­
feeding them the other day, one of couraging task. This, however, is enjoying' their days of idleness, and thing
with indigestion, and my stomach was so
that it seemed as though it must burst.
the fowls nipped a |5(>0 diamond one of the penalties of greatness, the bard worked farmer is putting bloated
My husband said he was going for the doctor,
if he would get me a bottle of the
from a ring on his finger, and then
and must be considered as such in another crop of wheat. An im- ‘ Golden Medical Discovery ’ I would try that.
darted in among the other 299. Whoever the new officers are, they proved»strain of egg producers, and I had not taken it ioug when I felt relieved, and
have not had a touch of indigestion or stomach
George doesn't know which of the
since I bad been sick for four years,
will have been elevated to public of a modern incubator on the poul­ trouble
and lea« than four bottles cured me. Some
chickens gobbled his costly gem, and
that knew me before I began to take the
(ices to serve public interests in the try farm, in view of the amount of people
rGoldeu Medical Discovery ’ tell me that they
therefore he is deeply perplexed.
never saw such a change in any one, and they
best sense, and as their s is merely a eastern eggs imported, would be a also
say they don’t see how I can do such large
labor of love they should prove a worthy addition to the Willamette washings as I do now, w|ien I had not done a
washing for so long.”
Candidate Bryan has been caught
credit to the people who will place valley farmer's assets.
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets cure biliousness.
in the act of falsifying the treaty
them there.
with the Sultan of Sulu, and the act­
The votes for the McKinley elect­
———♦ -------
ing secretary of war has found it
ors are increasing, and will continue
The success of the McKinley ad­ to increase in exact ratio as it be­
necessary to “call him down' for his
Week ending Oct. 17th:
deliberate or reckless distortion of ministration is astonishing when the comes apparent that the party of
Dalquist to A J Kidder Its
facts. Instead of recognizing slavery
Bound currency and protection has
7 and 8 blk 4 C I Co’s add to Carl­
the treaty expressly and distinctly
to fight such an obnoxious mass as
ton ....................................................
prohibits it. The statement made are considered. Although the coun­ the instigators of strikes, the labor Wm Miller to Sanil A Bamdrick
a in sec 22-5-3 ................ .........
by the candidate for the highest ottice try was flat on its back as a result, of agitators, the defenders and friends Joe 20 Hartwick
and wf to J G Miller
in the gift of the people of the great
of Aguinaldo, anarchists, and other
n lif ne qr sec 26-2-4
est nation on earth, who makes it for with factories closed, labor idle and froth, bubble and “skimmings” of U S to Henry A Reasoner 80 a Sec
the purpose of trying to influence a industries paralyzed in every section, American politics as are heralded Sheridan lodge A F & A M to J W
few votes in his favor on account of it has been brought rapidly and safe­ under the many-colored banner of the
Janies lot 82 Masonic cemetery
the prejudices sought to be appealed ly to a high state of prosperity, in­ sonorous motithed leader of the hy­ XV m Kirby to Jas M Stott e hf sec
dustries have revived, factories have phenated party. Every one knows Pratt K Sitton to Elbridge D Sit­
to, is demagogical in the extreme.
opened, labor has found employment the republican party by its record,
ton 10 a t 3 r 4 ............................
Thos Hall and wf to T O Allison
The persistency with which a dis and wageshave increased. And this, and the more the anarchists wave
4.51 a in Fletcher's ist add to
honest political assumption is ad­ too, in the face of a foreign war, the red flag, the more the socialists
hered to is remarkable. An exam which it was feared by even the most talk repudiation and confiscation, Carrie M Johnson to Bert F Terry
lot I blk 16 H & L add to New­
pie of this is found in the repetition sanguine could have only a demoral­ the more voters will be made
berg ................................................
of the statement that Abraham Lin­
for the party now in power. The A L Fryer and wf to G A Douglas
2 1-3 a t 3 r 4
coln wrote a letter in which he pre­ broad and liberal views of the presi­ poor idiots who rub their hands
W E Stanton and wf to Jennie E
dicted great danger to the country
in glee at every misfortune to our
Kenedy lots I, 2, 3^-and 4, blk
29 Edwards’ add to Newberg
from trusts. The letter has been re­ enforcement of them, will have the country because it will hurt McKin­
Jennie N Glover et al to Arthur
peatedly shown to have been an ar­ strongest possible sanction of the ley, tetcended from the copperheads
McPhillips lot 2 blk 6 White’s
rant forgery, false in every particu people and of history. All the busi­ who used to get hilarious every time
add to Whiteson........................
lar, still it is quoted as simon pure ness statistics, as well as the busi­ the rebels gained a victory. Discom­ L N Barnes to S M Henrv 100 a t
3*3..................................................... '
by certain political speakers, who ness men of the country, recognize fiture ar.d oblivion will mark their de­ Esther
A Cook to E T Bransou 6.74
a t J r 4............................................
desire to secure votes by every hook
mise, as it did that of their fore­
or crook possible, without reference Bryan. The most non partisan fig­ fathers. American voters are tninkets M E Weaver to A W Laughlin lots
I, 2, 5 and 6blk 41 Lafayette
to honesty or truthfulness.. Such ures of commercial activity are elo­ and when they begin to think they M C and Sarah Luellen to Diana
M Sivyer lots 6 and 7 blk 7 H &
methods should be understood and quent, of prosperity and of the ludi­ begin to desert the frail ship of Bry-
L add to New-berg ......................
crous falsity of Bryan's doleful pre anism as they are now doing all over
rebuked by the people.
J W Fletcher and wf to R T Pen-
dictions four years ago. Every trade the country. Some have not yet be­
Penland 3.59 a of blk 12 Fletch­
er’s ist add to Dayton
Estimates are made by intelligent paper i 1 the country, even though it gun to think, and there are others
John Burch ank wf to R T Penland
persons on the ground that Colorado.
2aofblk 12 Fletcher's ist add
to Dayton ......................................
Idaho, Montana, Utah and Nevada contradicting Bryan s anti-prosperi­ giance to any proposition that does
R W Lancefield andwf to 8 H Hal-
will be carried by McKinley in 1900. ty utterances, and urging the pres­ not conform to the divine, heaven-
lekes 23.68 p pt Chas Buffum d 1
The republican campaign managers, ervation of the conditions that cre­ born ratio of lt> to 1. It is just as
c 15 r 4 .......................................... 710 40
of course, are not putting the mining ated the present activity. These well, for without these there would Timothy Goodrich and wf to Cath­
erine Stewart 8 a pt Fletcher's
not be enough Bryanites left to or-
states in the republican column this signs are significant.
ist add to Dayton
ganize for a future campaign.
Mrs M C Rutan to R L Conner Q C
year. Nevertheless the drift to the
deed to lots I, 2, 3 and 4 blk" 1
republicans in all of them issostrong
The tonnage of vessels chartered
Edw-ards' add to Newberg, also
that ail of these stales will be in or available for grain cargoes en­
blk 19 H A L add and lot 15 Wy-
nooski subdiv t 3 r 2.................... 5000
doubt until the ballots are all count­ route to. and in the harbor at Port
Mrs. Elmira Springer, prominent­
^L Conner and wf to W E How­
ed. Some of them probably, despite land foots up 130,150. This will ly connected with the Woman’s
ard and wf Q C deed to same
their heavy Bryanite majority in move a vast pile of wheat
property ........ ........ . .
At the Christian Temperance Union, and es­
189<i will be won by the republicans same time, the enormous array of pecially noted for her helpful work Jesse Edw ards and wf to Henry C
Schneider 75-tooths a in New­
The republicans can win the presi­ figures points to I he importance of among young women, says:
berg ............................... ...................
"It is safe to assert that nine- Isaac Lynch and wf to Thos Kirk­
dency without those states, but the Oregon s metropolis as an export
prospects are so favorable in them city. Portland is centrally located tenths of the women who belong to G B Bement to Chas S Jones 00 a
that the country will not be surprised with the best agricultural bucking of the organization known as the W. C.
in see 17-4-5 ..................................
if even Colorado should be carried by any city in the world, with more T I . are grid cd and pained beyond N L Wiley and wf to Sarah P
Ward I a sec 14-3-2...................... 26 50
McKinley and Roosevelt.
railroads, more water power for man­ measure at the attitude assumed by
ufacturing, more timber tributary, some of their members. We allude
Americans will be pleaaed to learn more mines of gold, silver, iron. etc., to those unwise women who have in­
that the French press lias followed more of everything that contributes augurated what is known as the ’An­
the lead of London Truth, and is to the prosperity and advancement ti McKinley Endless-Prayer Chain
"Such action is both silly and sac
solid for Bryan. Henri Rochefort, of a great city, than any other loca­
editor of L Intransigeant. declared tion on the Pacific coast. Why. then, rilegious. and casts ridicule and re­
editorially on .September 2Gth that if should not Portland rapidly take her proach on Christians and Christian Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Mr. Bryan be elected the expansion allotted place commercially? The observances. Prayer is the sacred,
Almost everybody who reads the news­
policy of Mr McKinley will be struck Willamette valley will soon be one secret cry of the soul for help and papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
from American polities for years to vast garden, teeming with fruits aud | guidance, and it is belittled ar.d pro
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
come Libre Parole goes further, flowers, and become rich in the diver 1 faned when ordered bv postal card.
the great kidney, liver
saying “The results in the elections sitv of its products. The water pow­ We trust these prohibition women
and bladder remedy.
Il is the great medi­
in the United States on the Gth of er of the Willamette river and its will think better of the ‘army can
cal triumph of the nine­
November interest our future des tributaries is unlimited, and factories teen inatter, withdraw their crusade
teenth century: dis­
tiny. It is for us that Bryan is work­ ai d mills for the manufacture of ev­ against the president, and turn their
covered after years of
1 scientific research by
ing. Made a criminal by imperial ery article entering into the eon attention to the improved condition
8 Dr. Kilmer, the emi­
ism, McKinley conspires against sumption of man can and will be set of the country since the reins of gov
nent kidney and blad­
der specialist, and is
France. All true Americans should in motion, while the vast Columbia ernment have been intrusted to his
wonderfully successful in promptly curing
note that Bryan is working for the basin an empire of itself, will eon strong. ca|>able hands
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­
interest of Europe not of the United tribute its raw materials, There is
"Four years ago .he soup house bles and Bright s Disease, which is the worst
scarcely anything in which we do not was a familiar institution, the coun­ form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec­
excel the Atlantic side of our conn try was flooded with goods of foreign ommended for everything but if you have kid­
A lame place in the present regfo try, and it don't take a man of a very manufacture, while our working men ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found
the remedy you need. It has been tested
tratiou law is the failure to provide vivid imagination to see in the near walked the streets in enforced idle­ just
in so many ways, in hospital work, in private
for issuing transfers to those who future such vast developments as ness, and want and wretchedness practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­
are legally registered in other conn will make the Pacific coast, the seat, prevailed. How soon this was chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement hss
ties aud precinct* th»u those to and emporium of t«a<le for this vast changed, ami what a wave of pros­ been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
which they uiay have removed
By nation. Let Portland puab to the
William MeKinlev was elected'
bottle wnt free by mail, also a book
such provision a voter who expected front and assume the position sp Jhese prayerful women want a repeti­ sample
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
to be in another part of the state on ptiunlv marked out for her on the tion of such times? If they do not, find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
election day could go to the clerk of map of (¿¡is coast. Ami while Port- then let theip stop praying for Bry­ When writing mention reading this generous
in this paper and
hie county,get a transfer and by pre land is on
home stretch, the an s election, and, after asking for­ offer
giveness for their mistake, Jet them send your ikircss to
«eating his transfer in bis new coun­ country must keep pace for the in-
go to work for that wise, patriotic Dr. Kilmer fi Co.,Blng-
ty of residence, go on record in the teresls of city and country are iden- Christian statesman, William McKin­ p.atrton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and B<w at
clerk s office as a regular voter and tjcal.
dollar sues are sold by all good druggists.
Are You Looking for Ready to Wear Clothing
With all the styles, fit and finish of the
best merchant tailoring ?
We have them, »nd they cost 11« more than the cheap, quickly
thrown together kinds. When you wear au
S. L. S. & Co.
Suit or Overcoat
Yon know you are dressed properly. Prices from $10 to $20.
We have received another shipment of TRUNKS.
M. Born & Co.’a representative will tie at our store Oct. 15th,
with their line of merchant tailoring samples. Come and get your
measure taken.
t t
Union Block, McMinnville. *'
Furniture !
All New Stock and Strictly Up-to-date. We are satisfied we can out­
fit you in household furniture as cheap as any house in the
valley. Picture Frames made to order. A large
variety of Mat Boards and Binding Papers.
Headquarters for
The Celebrated
Woven Wire Keiice.
«far «fir »(■* «f* «f» ■i«»
vf r «f * «fa «fa «fa «fa «fa «fa -af
has all the necessary sup­
plies for making connec­
tion with the
New Sewers.
All Plumbing Work entrusted
to him will receive the best
possible attention.
Plows, Harrows and other implements at
Low Prices.
J acob W ortman , Pres.
J ohn W ortman , Cashier.
E d H endricks , Vice Pres.
A rthur M c P hillips , Asst. Cashier
The First National Bank
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County.
Capital and Surplus, $90,000.
Established in 1885.
Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United
States, aud draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The
accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited.
<11 oz
L t
- 3
7 7
And other Pianos will be slaughtered for the
Next Thirty Days.
Pianos aud Organs sold on easy payments.
Old Instruments taken in exchange.
Scott & Williams, '