The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 19, 1900, Image 1

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Kntaredatthe Poatofflceln McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
Fallii amdl tomterStore
Hews M
> ©otos
550 Men’s Oregon all-wool Cassimere and Cheviot suits
well worth $lo, our price per suit..................................... f" 48
Same in Youths’ sizes from 12 to 20...................................... 5 98
2 98
Higher grade Cassimere, fine tailor-made Mens’ Suits. . . 8 78
Youths’.......................................................................................... 7 78
3 ®7
A large assortment of Mens’ and Boys’ Cassimere and
mixed suits from.............................................................. 3 5° UP
A fine assortment of Mens’ Boys’ and Children’s dress
suits at prices to suit everybody’s purse.
It is unquestionable that our stock and Cloak and Ladies’ Ready-Made-to-
prices are superior to any house in the
VVear Department,
We carry a very large assortment of
Dry Goods Department.
Ladies’ Tailor-made Suits for Ladies and
In this department we have cleaned up Misses. Jackets, Golf Capes, Seal Plush
several big eastern dry good houses. All and Crushed Plush, Cloth, Astrachan
of the seasons goods but some of them for Ladies, Misses and Children at mod­
being only one or two pieces of a kind erate prices.
ami we purchased the same way below
the regular pricet we are going to give
Furnishing Goods Department.
you the benefit. Note prices:
2500 yards Dress Goods, Fancy
Mixed, Solid Colors, Suiting, and
some All Wool Suitings, worth
from 35c to 50c, our price per yd 23c
1800 yds all high grade goods worth
from 50c to 85c, our price ................ 38c
65 pieces Dress Goods, most of it All
Wool; among the lot we have about
15 pieces of Fine Ladies’ Cloth,
nothing-less in the lot than 75c,
and some of it worth up to $1, our
price per yd.......................
2000 yds of Silk Flush and Velvets in
all shades, worth up to $1, our
price per yd.... ........................... 38c
Just received a fine line of the very
Newest Dress Goods, namely: Zib-
¡line, Soleil. Vida raised, Venetian
Zibra, Golf, Zolas and Raden at
popular prices.
500 Mens’ and Boys' extra heavy
Sweaters, plain and fancy collars,
worth as high as 75c, price............ 38c
280 Men’s Percale Dress Shirts worth
75c, sale price .............................. . 39c
5 cases Men’s Extra Heavy Balbrig­
gan and Natural Wool Shirts and
Drawers, regular price, 50c, 60c,
75c. our price.................................... 89c
350 Men’s and Boys’ Extra Heavy
All Wool Sweaters, assorted colors
well worth |l, selling price.......... 79c
220 Extra Fine Lambswool Men’s
Sweaters, plain and sailor collars,
well worth $2, our price,................ I 23
A large assortment of men’s and
Boys’ Underwear at astonishingly
low prices.
Everything but Ingrains for the next 60
days at a very LARGE DISCOUNT.
Must have room for more paper now on
the road.
Yours Truly,
rescriptions uuhen not
roperly compounded and used as
rescribed give no results.
URITY and cleanliness are the dis­
tinguishing features of our
Bryan a Trust Magnate.
The following disposition of cases was
made in Judge Boise’s court, which held i
its session on Monday and Tuesday of
this week:
Mr. Bryan is himself one of the great­
est trust magnates the country has pro­
duced. He secured the democratic pres­
idential nomination in 1896, by which he
hoped to secure a monopoly of all demo­
cratic votes. To this he added the pop­
ulist and silver republican nomination,
and thus became the head and principal
beneficiary of a great political trust, and
he has used his power, just as every com­
mercial trust does, by charging exorbi­
tant prices for his product. This combi­
nation in restraint of political trade, and
of political freedom of action, having
failed of its purpose in the general elec­
tion of 1896, the head of the trust devot­
ed his talents to the writing of a book
entitled “The First Battle.’’ He placed
it upon the market. At what figure ?
$3.50! ! Not because it was worth it,
but becuse he, as the head of a great
political trust, could get it At the same
time you could go to any department store
in the country and secure a volume of
the best literature in the English lan­
guage for 50 cents. To-day, according to
Senator Dollivar, “The First Battle” can
be secured at the second-hand book
stores for 25 cents. Later, Mr Bryan
piade a tour of the country delivering
speeches for pay. He came to Oregon
He delivered one speech at Gladstone for
the Willamette Valley Chautauqua Asso.
ciation, and received $500 for it. The
association has been favored with scores
of infinitely better speeches from the
best talent on the American platform at
less than half ot that figure, but Mr. Bry­
an had a monopoly in his particular line
and charged the full limit, without ref­
erence to the quality of the goods. At
some of the fairs of the Mississippi val­
ley it is said a single speech has brought
him as much as $2,500. The story that
his book and his speeches have brought
him $250,000, and that he has invested
the proceeds in government bonds is not
unreasonable, but whether true or false,
it is certain that there is not another
trust in the country that has, in the last
five years, made such an exorbitant ad­
vance in the price of its products as Mr.
Bryan has in his. In a general sense his
action in this matter is perfectly legiti­
mate, but one who has done this is dis­
qualified from talking in a very high key
about monopoly or corporate greed.—C.
B. Moores.
1. R L Sabin vs M Fisk et al; fore­
closure. Thos G Green for plff, Ramsey
& Fenton for deft. Continued.
2. Assignment of F W Redmond.
Spencer & Talmage. Dismissed.
3. DA Covert vs Alice H Covert; mo­
tion to set aside deed. Latourette &
Latourette & Ramsey & Fenton for plff
4. John H Duffy vs Walter L French
etal; foreclosure. Lionel R Webster &
Rhodes & Rhodes for plff.
Motion to
dismiss as to W. B. Smith. Motion al­
lowed. Continued as to other defts.
5. Board of School Land commission­
ers vs A Odell et al; foreclosure. Irvine
& Vinton for plff. Continued.
6. JE Hubbard and Ivan Daniels ex­
ecutors vs J J Cary and wife; Confirma­
tion. Irvine & Vinton for plff. Con­
7. Francis M Simpson et al vs Mariah
Sweatt; suit in equity. F W Fenton for
plff. T. J. Jellison appointed referee to
sell the property, and a decree dividing
the interest of the parties. Referee to
give a bond in the sum of $500, to be ap­
proved by the clerk of this court.
8. E E Laberteaux vs Calista E
Thomasen; confirmation. Oday & Tarp­
ley for plff. Confirmed.
9. Charles P Bacon vs Clara L E An­
thony etal; foreclosure. Woodward &
Palmer for plff. F W Fenton appointed
guardian for Walter B E Anthony. De­
10. A E Withee vs S L Gaines et al;
confirmation. JnoJ Spencer for plff-
It. McMinnville National Bank vs D
W and Marth Ralston et al; confirma­
tion. F W Fenton for plff. Confirmed.
12. Ada W Street vs Alfred C Street;
divorce. C C Linden for plff. Divorce
granted and name changed to maiden
13. Ida M Roberts vs S A Roberts;
divorce. C W Talmage for plff.
fault. Divorce granted.
14. Wm M Chrisman vs Clara M Mon­
tague etal; confirmation. J110J Spen­
cer for plff. Confirmed.
15. Jessie G Gray vs Justin Gray; di­
R L Conner for plff. Default.
Divorce granted.
16. Wm Klaetsch vs G A Luke et al;
foreclosure. J F Clark for plff. Default
and decree as prayed for.
17. W A Howe vs John H Carse etal;
foreclosure. Rhodes & Rhodes for plff.
Continued to adjourned term.
18. Nettie Hively vs Geo A Hively;
divorce. Irvine & Vinton for plff. De­
fault. Divorce granted.
19. Josie Olds vs Frank M Olds; di­
vorce. Irvine & Vinton for plff. De­
fault. Divorce granted.
20 Anna Johns vs Edgar Johns; di­
vorce. James McCain for plff. Default.
Divorce granted.
21 II E K Denison vs John R Wilson;
confirmation. A C Spencer for plff. Con­
22. Board of School Land Commis­
sioners vs W W Nelson et al; confirma­
tion. Irvine & Vinton for plff.
23. B F Huston vs Antoine Lefever et
al, foreclosure. Irvine & Vinton for plff.
24. In the matter of the estate of Eliz­
abeth J Hadaway, deceased; appeal.
Rhodes & Rhodes for plff, Jno J Spen­
cer for deft. Appeal dismissed.
25. Maud M Mitchell vs David P
Mitchell; divorce. Clarence Butt for plff.
Default. Divorce granted. Custody of
children awarded to plff.
May Sargent vs C N Sargent; divorce.
Continued to adjourned term.
State vs Win M Hendren; larceny. Ar­
raigned. Plea of guilty. Sentenced to
one year in the penitentiary.
Adjournment taken till December nth.
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists.
The McMinnville National Bank.
P aid C apital , 150,000
S urplus and P rofits , 125,000
Transact» a General Rankins bn.lne»» and extend, to Ita patrona every far Hit;
consistent with safe and prudent banking.
L. E. Cowls
Wm. Campbell
W. L. Warren
Lee Laughlin, Pres.
J. L. Rogers, Vice Pres.
E.C. Apperson,Cashier W. S. Link, Asst. Cashier
Office knon « a ■. to 4 p. M.
Telling Blows.
Married—Some time within the last
week we are moral sure that Mrs. M. C.
Rutan atyi W. E. Howard were united in
matrimony, though like everybody else
we are unable to get particulars. The
] uncommunicative couple left for Port-
land Tuesday morning on their supposed
wedding tour. We realize that if this
forecast is previous we have trouble on
our hands, but the signs seem sure
enough to justify the risk —Newberg
< suih
the < »14.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets core a
cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price
23 cents.
Hon. W. D. Fenton, a former demo­
crat, of Portland, made a speech at the
Tabernacle in that city Saturday evening
which contained some of the severest yet
most logical scoring the democratic par­
ty and its leader have received in Ore­
gon. On the subject of expansion he
“The great events of the last two years
have brought back this old question.
And how do the democrats face it? Af­
ter clamoring in congress that the rights
of belligerents be given the Cuban insur­
gents, and trying to hurry the president
into war with headlong haste, war came
on us as a righteous war, after the ill-
fated 15th day of February, 1898, and
was recognized as such by all parties.
Dewey entered Manila bay, and later the
troops were sent to back up the navy.
Do we find Bryan protesting? No. Do
we find an alliance with Aguinaldc, who
had sold out his countrymen, his interests
in the Philippines for the traitor’s re­
ward of $400,000? On the contrary oue
of the first acts of William McKinley was
to cable Dewey, ‘Make no alliance with
Aguinaldo or anyone else.’ And then we
have the spectacle of Bryan, this gallant
colonel with the great fear of militarism,
down on bis knees before tbe governor
of Nebraska, begging for a commission
in a volunteer regiment in the army of
the United States, which by his vote in
congress had been harassed so that the
soldiers of the army may not be paid ex­
cept by special act of congress every two
“Now we come to the terms of peace
with the cession of the Spanish islands,
Cuba being left ’out on account of the
sentimental resolution of congress. Do
we find Bryan protesting? Na. Bryan
leaves Lincoln, Neb., hastens to Wash­
ington, saying: ‘I will become an em­
peror. I will annex these islands,
miles away, and take in 10,000,000 creat­
ures at $2 a head. ’ By 10 democratic
votes he assists the ratification of the
treaty, and the islands became as much
a part of the United States as Alaska,
the Sandwich islands, New Mexico and
Arizona. And Bryan and his party have
equal responsibility in the ratification.
“And shall he be allowed to make po­
litical capital from it? I say that he has
no right to stand up now and say he
didn’t think it was right He is estopped
from this by every consideration of right.
He is estopped by his previous acts from
charging that the republican party is
now the party of imperialism.
“Bryan proposes, if elected, to estab­
lish a stable government in the Philip­
pines. What has President McKinley
One Dollar If paid in advance, 8ingle numbers five cents.
and the army been trying to do for two
years, harassed by Bryan's opposition,
encouraging the Filipinos? Do McKin>
ley's attempts savor of imperialism? He
has incorporated into the scheme of gov­
ernment to be applied to the Philippines
every guarantee of the bill of rights of
the constitution. What is good enough
for you and your kindred is good enough
for the Filipino. Is the brown man to
be deprived of liberty of conscience, of
trial by jury, of a right to participate in
his own affairs?
“Bryan has simply tried toescape from
the consequences of the resurrection of
former issues buried in the last election
by adopting the tactics of opposition, of
hypocrisy, to create new political issues,
lacking the patriotism, the loyalty, to
support the treaty, now the supreme law
of the land under the constitution. ’’
New Modal Club.
A new club has been formed in this
city to be known as the “McMinnville
Commercial Club.” It has engaged as
as its quarters the upper story of the new
Flynn building. The purpose of the or­
ganization is the social, moral and intel­
lectual improvement of its members.
The officers chosen are E. V. LittleGeld,
president; Leroy Lewis, vice president;
R. L. Conner, secretary and treasurer;
executive committee, W. L. Warren, M.
A. Baker, E. C. Apperson, W. S. Wade
and C. R. Hamblin.
Cards and billiards will constitute the
chief forms of amusement. Membership
is now being solicited and a roll of forty­
seven names is secured. The club will
also include in its purpose tbe entertain­
ment of new comers, visitors and strang­
ers within the city.
City Ticket Named.
A citizens’ meeting was held at the
court house Saturday evening, which
named the following persons for city
For mayor, Jacob Wortman.
For recorder, Thos. H. Rogers.
For marshal, C. H. Neal.
For councilmen, first ward, long term,
John Newell; short term, W. H. Logan.
For councilmen, second ward, Henry
Gee and Geo. W. Jones.
For councilman, third ward, II. C.
It is understood the democrats will put
up a ticket. The action of the republicans
as a party is still in doubt. We think
the above ticket a pretty good one.
Cook School Note«.
Another month gone.
More new students.
We need a library cabinet.
The board is going to fit up one of the
vacant rooms for a lunch and general ex­
ercise room.
Miss Comer's geography class is pre­
paring a very interesting chart of tbe
products of the different countries of tlie
The literary society in the eighth
grade is yet without a name but it will
not long be in such a sad plight. It now
has a full set of officers, including a li­
brarian to look after the periodicals.
Tlie eighth grade is in search of some
mottoes for their walls. Can you sug­
gest one?
There is talk of Indian club and wand
drills. Why not?
Columbus School
The pupils all began in dead earnest
Monday morning. It was the beginning
of the second month, and the professor
said we must tighten the strings a little.
Several college students have been vis­
iting the school this week.
Miss Christa Seitters is able to be in
school again, having recovered consider­
ably from her “pitch out” excursion.
Tuesday afternoon a literary society
was organized with Otis Neal, president;
Geneva Vinton, vice president; Edith
Hamblin, secretary. This society is to
meet the second and fourth Friday af­
ternoons of each month, between 2:30
and 4p m. Its purpose is to make the
pupils accustomed to shaking to audi:
ences, and to get them so they wont
faint when called on to make a speech or
give a talk.
Among the visitors for the first month
were: Prof. Duncan, Carl Shortridge,
Harry Jones, Mrs. W. T. Vinton, J. P.
Irvine, Mae Reynolds, Thos. Hutchens,
Leila McCormick, Rua Goucher and
Mrs. G. E. Vinton.
There were i84 boys and 186 girls
enrolled last month, there were 6015 days
attendance, 175 days’ absence, 18 tar­
dies, two of them being in the high
NO. 44.
Mrs C. E. Watts is expected home to­
day from Mills City.
Boats through the locks with dispatch
nearly every day. Works to perfection.
George Lewis is now at home waiting
on his uncle, Mr. Burbank, who is in
poor health.
C. E. Burt has closed his work on the
railroad here, and will soon go to Eure­
ka, Calif., to work.
The many friends of Hon. A. R. Bur­
bank will be sorry to learn of his fast de­
clining health of late.
Messrs. Olds have rented the Frank
Fenton hopyard east of town, and are
putting it in order for the crop.
Several relatives of Mrs. N. Olds were
up trom Portland to see Aunt Nancy over
Sunday, returning to Portland on Mon­
Mrs. Ella Metzger of Dallas, who has
been visiting here among relatives and
friends of late, will return home the last
of the week.
Mayor John Thompson returned the
first of the week for a short stay, and
made a business trip to McMinnville on
Wednesday. He will ¡go to East Port­
land on Thursday.
J. E. Hubbard resigned his appoint­
ment as judge of election at this place,
owing to ill health, and J. H. Olds has
been appointed in his stead. The board
now stands: J. W. Watts, Job Carey and
J. H. Olds.
So far not a political speech in Amity.
Wood sawing is now the order of the
The big bridge south of town is being
Mary Weston attended the Baptist
convention at The Dalles this week.
Our public school is progressing nice­
ly under the management of Prof. Fisher.
A suit to recover money was tried here
last Tuesday by parties from Wheatland.
Potato digging is well under way.
They are “turning out” good, and quali­
ty is fair.
Mrs. Wm. Buffum was taken to the
hospital at Portland last Tuesday for
Mrs. Douglas departed for The Dalles
Tuesday last, where she will attend the
Baptist convention.
Chester Briedwell now goes on crutch­
es, all on account of some naughty
thistles getting in his toe.
M rs. Broadwell received a severe cut
on the arm last Monday while canning
fruit. Dr. Wood sewed uptlie wound.
Auction sale at Roth’s store last Wed­
nesday. Mr. Roth will go out of busi­
ness, which will leave one of the best
openings in the valley for some enter­
prising merchant.
One thing needed very badly in thia
town is u fruit dryer. There is a large
amount of fruit raised here, and those
who sell have to haul either to Salem,
Dayton or some other far away point.
This is the story every year, and it is
surprising that some public spirited citi­
zen does not take advantage of thia rare
chance to make money.
One ol Dr. L'albreuih’a
On Monday morning at 5:30 the life­
less form of John F. Adams, an inmate
of the asylum, was found in his room nt
that institution, hanging by a strip of a
blanket tied around his neck and at­
tached to a steam pipe above. The pa­
tient had resorted to this tneams of put­
ting an end to his existence, and had
probably been dead but a short time, as
the body was still warm when it was dis­
covered. The deceased was 51 years of
age, and was a resilient of Jackson coun­
ty before his commitment to the asylum
in 1896, this being his third commitment.
The four leading angora counties of Or­
egon are Polk, Yamhill, Marion and Ben­
ton. Douglas is gaining very fast and
will probably be in tbe same class in a
year or two..........There are a number of
succeaeful growers of grapes in the Will­
amette valley. Of these W. K. Newel),
of Dilley, is taking the lead, although he
baa a less favorable location for grapes
than some of the others. Mr. Newell
confines himself to the American vari­
eties and of the many which he has giv­
en a thorough trial be finds Moore's Dia­
mond to be unquestionably tbe best. It
is earlier, sweeter and more melting than
the Concord. The only trouble with it at
present aa a market grape is tbe prejudice
ot the people oí Portland in favor of black
grapes. When they learn bow much
A jocular farmer of Oakvilto «area the lietter Moore's Diamond is than tbeCon-
heads of the Denny pheasants he kills cord tbe former will be in great demand.
and mounts them in bis stubble field 1 —Rural Northwest
near tbe road. To encliance tbe effect of
bis jest be bas decorated bit fence with
Prof. J. G. Lewis, manager ot tbe new
tree pane notices. However, be has not Dayton Novelty cash store, was a county
found it necessary to prosecute offenders. seat visitor on Wednesday.