The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 28, 1900, Image 2

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L>. I. AtBUBY, Publlsbar.
Comprehensive Review of the Import-
nut Happenings of the Fust Week
'Culled From the Telegraph Columns.
Floods have washed away eeveral
towns in Texas.
Eight persons were killed by a tor-
aado in Michigan.
Bryan will make a determined effort
to capture New York.
The latest list of Galveston’s dead
lumbers 3,859 names.
The navy department is hurrying ves-
-els to the Asiatic station.
The expected clash in the strike re­
gion in Pennsylvania did not occur.
Eight persons were drowned at
Brownwood, Texas, by a flood. The
Rio Grande railway is badly crippled.
Anti-foreign leaders aie said to have
oeen appointed to positions of respon­
sibility and honor in China, in defiance
to the allies.
The Merchants’ Nail & Wire Works,
if Charleston, W. Va., which have
been closed for two months, opened
again. About 250 men are affected.
Anita Lutz, aged 18, shot and fatally
wounded her father, John Lutz, near
Lansing, Kansas, because her father
had sent her brother away to school.
Direct advices from Carthagena,
Colombia, say the rebels are active in
that department. September 3 they
attacked the town, but government
troops from Colon arrived just in time
to prevent their success, The rebels,
who are under General Conimancho,
will join hands with the forces of Gen­
eral Uribe. Plans are proceeding for
another revolution for the nets but un­
recognized government.
All the Leg&lions Will Move
Ker. George B. Cutting, a young
clergyman in New llaveu. Conn., has
discovered in hypnotism a curs for the
cigarette habit.
Bethel Baptist church at Fairview,
Ky., built as a memorial on the site of
Jefferson Davis* birthplace, was de­
stroyed by lightning.
Rar. Dr. Francis 8. McCabe, a I’ree-
well kuowu
throughout the west, died at bis boms
!■ Topeka, Kansas, aged 77 years.
Calcutta, Sept. 84.—The extraordi­
nary raiuiall in Northern Inliahas not
ceased for four days. Half the city of
Calcutta is submerged and even iu the
northern part the streets are Hooded to
a depth of three feet. Many houses
have collapsed. Thue far, there baa
been but little lose of life, although as
the rsiu continues very heavy, there is
considerable apprehension. It is esti­
mated that 85 inches of rain have
fallen in Calcutta.
Strange Sight at lhe Sonlhnrn Mouth ol
the Gulf of Mexico.
William S. Patten, of the quartermas­
ter de pertinent, ou duty at the war de-
paitn ent, has completed arrangements
¡or the free transportation to the United
'fates of the teinaius of soldiers and
tailors and civilians who lost their
lives and were buried iu the island pos­
sessions of the United States and
China. According to the present plans
of the department a burial corps will
take passage on the transport Hancock,
icheduled to leave San Francisco on
October I for the Philippines.
At the request of the secretary of the
navy the same burial corps will under­
take t<> perform similar service with
respect to officers and enlisted men of
the navy and marine corps buried iq
China and the islands of the Pacfiic.
The corps will be in charge uf D. II.
Rhodes, inspector of national cemeter­
ies, who was sent to the Philippines in
November, 1899, ou a similar errand.
When the tiansport stops at Honolulu
to coal, the bodies buried there will ba
taken up and made part of her cargo.
Similar action will be taken at the
Island of Guam and iu the Philippines.
Colonel Patten says that the prevail­
ing conditions in China will scarcely
render practicable any disinterments
ii that country eallier than next
spring, The remains recovered
to be given honorable burial in
United States at places selected
next of kin. In all cases where
otherwise ordered, interment will be
made in the national cemeteries, with
preference for the cemetery at the
Presidio at San Francisco and Arling­
ton, near Washington.
The approximate number of the re-
mains to be exhumed is 1.831, distri-
buted in the following places:
Honolulu, 36 enlisted men of the
army and one marine. Guam, eight
men of the navy
Chinn, two officers
of the army 58 enlisted men of the
army aud 37 men of the navy, Phil-
ippines, 17 officers of the army, 1,150
enlisted men of the army and 28 men
of the navy.
New York, Sept. 26.—Captain Lyd-
die, of the British steamship King
Bleddyn, which arrived here today,
brought a tale of the discovery of a sub­
marine volcano ou the northeastern
edge of the Campeche bank, at the
mouth of the Gulf of Mexico, lhe
location was 102 miles north of Cape
Taoclie, the nearest point of land. The
captain 6ai<l that late in the afternoon
of September 16 he saw a great, volume
of vapor one mile away, it seemed to
cover a space of at least 100 leet square.
The air was clear and the sun shining
at the time. The vapor rose like a
cloud of steam 60 to 75 feet iu the lir.
The water around seemed to be perfect­
ly clear.
“Occasionally the
vapor would
clear,” said the captain, “and then we
»aw the water break as if over a shoal.
Now, it is impossible that any shoal
exists there, and if it did that would
not. account for the vapor.
“The chart shows 41 fathoms of
water near this point, and just to tbe
eastward off the hank it deepens to 300
fathoms. We watched the vapor aud
the occasional boiling of the water lor
nearly an hour, and the disturbance
was still going on as lively as ever. It
certainly looked like a volcanic dis­
turbance to me."
Captain Lyddle took an observation,
and marks the spot as being latitude
23.14 and longitude 87.7.
Justin McCarthy Retire«.
Th re« reel nf R-lnrall.
fteiiiHlrtM of Soldier* hik I Sailor« Will
Be llrought 1* ruin lite <>rl«ut.
Chicago, Sept. 25.—The Recoid has
The state of Oregon has conti ibutea
the following from Fekiu, under date
more than $2,000 to the Galveston re­
of September Hi:
lief fund.
Changes in the plans of the allied
Belle Archer, the actress, died at the
conimauders indicate the evacuation of
Emergency hospital at Warren, Pa., of
Pekin before the winter sets iu. The
British leaders have countermanded the
order for extensive winter supplies and
Three men robbed the First National
the Americans are also making evident
bank at Winnemucca, Nevada, and se­
preparations for departure.
At the
cured about $5,000.
same time all foreign residents have
General John A. MeClernaud died as
been warned to prepare to leave l'ekin.
a result of old nge at his home in
The German legation will soon move
Springfield, Ill., aged 88 years.
elsewhere aud the Russians are alieady
in an engagement with Filipinos
withdrawing to Tien Tsin and differ­
near Solonan, near the end of Laguna
ent stations iu Manchuria. It is also
de Bay, the Americans lost 13 killed
extremely likely that the Japanese
and 28 wounded.
will make the town of Nagasaki their
At Iona, I. T., Postmaster Dismuke
winter base instead of some Chinese
was shot and instantly killed by Sain
town as was originally their intention.
Ashton, a well-to-do stockman, Bis­
The missionaries are protesting
muke’s son rushed to his father’s as-
against this “desertion.”
distance, and was also shot.
From North China come reports of a
long series of disturbances. The at­
Thirty thousand dollars was for-
tempted control of the local authorities
warded to ths governor of Texas by the
there is synonymous with anarchy and
citizens’ permanent relief committee
Phil A. Julien, coroner of Silver the country is only safe where floats
of Philadelphia, I’a., making the grand
Bow comity, Mont., aud one of the best the allied flags. Native Christians are
total of cash forwarded to date by this
known of the old-time newspaper men still being attacked and besieged in
committee $55,000.
of the country, died suddenly at Butte many different places in the province
At a meeting at Lebanon, Pa., of of heart disease. He was a native of of Chi Li.
about three-quarters of the 1,200 men Washington, D. C., and was 56 tears
The allies are beginning to realize
employed by the American Iron & of age. He worked on the Washington that the city of Pekin is, after al), an
Steel Company, who struck August 1 Republican iu the early days oi that empty prize. Comuiuuicatiou between
against a reduction of wages from $4 paper, and on other papers at the capi­ the foreigu forces, the envoys and the
to $8 a ton for puddlers, it was agreed tal. He had been on newspapers in empress government is next to impossi-
to go back to work at the rate offered, Myutaua for about 15 years.
ble. The new capital in the piovince
$3 a ton.
The surgeon-general’s office oi the of Shen Si is 400 miles from Pekin aud
General Viljoen, who succeeded war department has no information the journey has to be made by cart,
louis Botha in the supreme command regading the epidemio of yellow fever which requires at least 60 days
of the Transvaal forces, is reported to in Havana. Private advices indicate
There has been a change in the
l>e moving northward in tho direction that the outbreak is serious. The American front in the direction of an
of Hectorspruit, with 8.000 men and fever exists in the best parts of the city aggressiveness which will probably be Min« Owneis Ar#» Not Willing to Settle
TIiat Way.
30 guns. He is known as “the fire­ and among Americans who lune gone the last important demonstration before
brand,*’ and will'endeavor to protract there. It is said at the war depart­ the evacuation. General Wilson, with
Philadeli h:a, Sept. 22.— “Every­
the war.
ment no fears are entertained of a 800 United States infantry, 600 Brit­ thing quiet and orderly," is the report
In the North China Daily News, Li serious outbreak among the American ish and six guns, slightly aided by a that comes from the strike region. A
Hung Chang is reported ys having said troops, as they are outside the city and German column, inarched against the few more miners joined the strikers'
that as China could not possibly pav imt iu tile infected districts. Surgeou- Boxer citv of Pei Ta Chu, 16 miles ranks today, Imt not many.
The temper of ths miueowners on
indemnity which will be demanded General Sternberg does not think
there northwest of Pekin, and surrounded it
from her, there wifi be no alternatis»« need be any apprehension concerning with the intention of capturing an the question of arbitration, as indicated
arsenal there. A courier reports to­ in iuterivews ami statements given
but to give territory instead of money, the spread of the disease.
day that General Wilson’s attack was out today, is very much against the
in which case Japan would get Shin
The powers are planning to
I evacuate successful from the first. There were proposition.
King, Russia would be given Shin
Fillips came from the Hazleton district
uo losses on the foreign side.
Kiang, and Thibet would go to Eng-
Railroaders may join the striking
For the present all campaign plans tonight and is with Archbishop Ryan
coal miners.
guerilla warfare. Both the mili­ in consultation on the subject very near
Llyod Griscom,
mid dear to his heart—the quick settle­
Spokane, Wash., is visited by a tei- tary and the topographical situation in
charge d'affaires, at Constantinople,
ment of the strike Bv mbitration or
China forbid anything else.
Turkey, has made verbal representa­ rilde wind storm.
any other honorable means. Protestant
tions to the ports, demanding tho re­
Anglo-American troops defeated the in the return of a small number of peo- ^clergymen in Hazleton have also taken
lease of an Armenian, who, it is claim­ Boxers at Pei Ta Chu.
pie to business. The jealous guarding ’up the matter and will endeavor to
ed, is a naturalized American citizen,
The British troops occupy Koomatl- of the forbidden city by the allies bring the opposing elements together
and who wits arrested upon the charge
makes the Chinese believe that the amicably. The coni scarcity is more
of belonging to the Armenian revolu­ l>oott without opposition.
keenly felt today, mid, although the
Boxers aud other anti-foreign Chi­ foreign leaders are afraid to desecrate
tionary committee. An investigation
11 jading Company is mining and ship­
has been ordered and if the prisoner is nese are in imperial favor.
The American authorities here in ping its usual quota of anthracite, deal­
found to be an American citizen he
English and Germans express dissat­ tend to urge the severe punishment of ers are finding it hard to get as much
will be released.
isfaction lit American attitude.
the persons guilty of the l’ao Ting l-’u as they need. Tlie'tonnnge of the oth­
Count von Waldersee has reached
Further violence in the Shenandoah, murders. Summary vengeance will, er great coal carrying companies is
Hong Kong.
I’a., coal district prevented by the ar­ if they can effect it, be exacted for the gradually diminishing, however, and,
slaughter c
tile in the natural order of things, unless
The yellow fever situation iu Ha­ rival of troops.
the strike is settled, will soon cease al­
vana is decidedly unfavorable.
The Astoria. Or., coal. Blinkers, val­ Dodges and
together from some districts.
British and Boers are fighting for ued at $30,000, were completely de­
M ill'll Property
Somewhat vague reports are com­
stroyed by tire.
the possession of Komatipoort.
Scranton, Texas, Sept. 25.—A cloud­ ing in of preparation on the part of the
A atevedoiein Portland, Or., drowned burst in the valley of the Nences river sheriffs and coal companies for a pos­
The work of clearing away the
from n falling scaffold. Ten others Saturday night did much damage to sible clash with the reckless element
wreckage iu Galveston progresses.
property, and also, according to re- among the strikers. Nearly everybody
narrowly escaped.
Merman Petersdorf, a farmer living
ports received here, resulted iu loss of believes that, trouble must come, yet
near Junction City, Or., murdered his
60,000 iron aud steel workers will re­ life on ranches iu that vicinity. The there has been no sign of an on break,
Nences at Uvalde rose 25 feet in two ami the men appear to be well handled
sume work in Ohio.
President Mitchel), of the United
hours time anil broke the bridges, A by their leaders.
Four masked men held up an express number of ranches were inundated mid
Mineworkers, says 118,000 men are on
ear on the Burlington route, near Lin­ one English sheepman, Ethelbert Mac-
coln, Neb., aud a very large sum was Donald, together with some Mexican
Germany demands that the Chinese
sheepherders, are said to have lost Three Demperndo«« lleltl Vp « Winne«
rea,M>nsible for the outrages be deliv
miicca Institution.
E. J. Clough, of Arlington, Or., esti­ their Ives on a ranch in the mountains
ered up.
mates the wheat crop of Gilliam coun­ near Brackett. Reports from a colony
Sept. 22. — A special to
Seventy-two new coal in lues have
ty at 1,000,000 bushels. Some think nf nomadic Indians say that two lost the Gazette from Winnemucca, Nev.,
been opened in Prussia this year, in-
the output wiil reach 1,500,000 bush- their lives.
creasing the output for 1000 by 2,500,- els.
The First National bank was robbed
000 tons.
Wandered A<*r«»«N the Country.
at noon today l>y three men, who en­
The United States trans|M>rt Port
25.—1’. Charles
The transport Thomas sailed from Albert sailed from Seattle for the
Phil- Murphy, a New York undertaker, aud tered the front door and made all pres­
Fan Francisco for Manila with 1,(148
ippines with 509 calvary horses and a sou of Felix Murphy, ex-assembly­ ent throw up their hands. There were
enlisted men, 107 cabin passengers
largo of forage and commissary sup- man of the Second district. New York, tb e people iu the bank. Cashier Nixon,
and $1,200,000 iu treasure.
Assistant Cashier McBride,
has been wandering aimlessly over the keeper Hill, Stenographer Calhoun,
Emperor William has pardoned a
country since early in July. Yester­ ami a horsebuyer named Johnson. One
Fire destroyed '
Germau-America« named Schuh, in
day he appealed at police headquarters roIdler made Cashier Nixon open the
mil elevators on
Kiel. After 20 years' absence, Schuh
I'rooklvu, causiug a loss of $100.000 to attired iu overalls anil jumper, his safe and take fiom it three sacks of
bad visited his relatives and been sen­
buildings and contents.
Forty-live bauds calloused from bard work, and gold coin.
tenced to six months’ imprisonment for
thousand bushels of oats were tier asked to have his wife communicated
They threw this into an ore sack, to­
contravening the army regulations.
with and told of his condition. He gether with all the gold coiu iu the
Major Edward E. Bravo, commis­
The United States transport Grant rememl>ered nothing siuce the Fourth office drawer.
Tho robbers then
sary of subsistence, who has just ar­
irrived nt San Francisco from the of July, which he spent iu New York, marched the five men out through a
rived at San Francisco from the Phil­
Philippines and China, bringing home
back door to an alley, where they had
ippines, has been ordered to New York
>ver 500 discharged soldiers, including ing aloug the streets of Denver that he three horses waiting. The men were
for assignment to duty as chief com­
JOO sick and wouuded nn<l 30 dead was iu a strauge city. He attributes kept covered with guns until the des­
missary of the department of the East,
>odies. There were 11 deaths during his mental lapse to excessive use of peradoes mounted their horses aud es­
to relieve Major David L. Brainerd, ¡he voyage.
patent bitters prescribed by a physician caped. Au alarm was quickly given
oommissary of subsistence.
as a touio.
and several shots were fired at the
Methuen completely routed a Boer
The department of the interior is
desperadoes as they sped through town,
taking steps to prevent the further suf­
St. Johns, Ji. F., Sept. 25.—An un- but without effect. The robbefS re­
fering among the Pima Indians on tho lorp, and recaptured a 15-ponnder lost
Facton reservation, Arizona, caused by it Cobmao. Ilo also captuied 26 wag- known Americau fishing vessel found­ turned the shot«, but no one was hit.
The officers and armed citizens have
a scarcity of irrigation water. Col­ ins, 8,000 cattle, 4,000 sheep, 20,000 ered on the Grand Banks in last week’s
started in pursuit and a posse has also
onel E. H. Graves, of that department,
nnmber, perished. The French “bank­ started from G< lconda to head them
who is at Phoenix making an examin­ irs.
off. The amount secured by the rob­
ation ol the conditions on the reserva­
A special dispatch from Lo irenco er,” Thornton F. .lard and 15 of her bers is in the neighborhood of $15,000.
tion aud reporting any method of relief Marques says that Boers arriving there crew were lost, while six escaped. The
that is practicable, has investigate«! report that collisions aro occurring on schooner Eddie lost three men. The
Kxpl«»»h»n in n Itohninlmi Mln«.
thoroughly and has planned a system the frontier between Poituguese troops achoouer Dolphin was dismasted and
Dux, Bohemia, Sept. 22.—An explo-
by which the underflow in the Gila and bmghers, whom the former wish lost five men. A number of other ves­ -ion occurred at the Frisch Gluck mine
river n>av be raised to the surface in to disarm on entering Portuguese ter­ sels were greatly damaged aud many of vestetday. Tnirty-five persons were
Sommer and a supply of water devel­ ritory. Several haie been wounded the fishermen who were away in l<oats killed anil 15 injured. Five persons
overhauling their trawla when the gale
oped sufficient to iirigate many hun- and further fighting is feared.
are missing.
•rose were drowned.
Ireds of acres now uncultivated.
Mayor James G. Woodward, of At­
lanta, Ga., was im|>eached for intoxi­
The Lehigh Valley railroad has abol-
ished the custom of earn ing uewsboys
on trains.
The largest portion of the town of
Whitewood. N. W. T., was demolished
by a tornado.
Exports from the United States dar­
ing the past fiscal year increased Is
s.ery section of the globe.
Over 500 People Homeless
in Nome.
Worwt ^tmni Ever Known in History of
Nort It w « m t«rn Alaska Property L oh
EstiiiiHt««t at Over •.>(>(»,<>O<>.
Seattle, Wash.,
Sept. 26.—The
steamer Roanoke brings news of the
most disastrous storm at Nome. It
raged with unusual violence for nearly
two days up to the evening of Septem­
ber 18, an-l was the severest that ever
visited Northwestern Alaska.
A number if barges and lighters ware
driven ashore and tidally wrecked.
All aloug tiie beach for miles, both east
and west of Nome, the wind aud water
have created havoc with tents aud
mining machinery. A number of lives
are believed to have been lost. It is
known that Andrew’ A. Rymi, of Los
Angeles, was drowned. Several cap­
tains and seamen on small tugs are
missing, and it is thought they are
lost. Fully 500 people are homeless,
while tho loss to property is over
$500,000. There is not an alley lead­
ing to the beach that is not filled with
Many of the Front street
buildings abutting on the beach have
been damaged. Numerous small build­
ings were swept completely away. The
damage to the buildings, tents, house­
hold effects, merchandise and other
goods anil chattels is seen everywhere
along the water front.
The heaviest individual losers are
probably the Alaska Commercial Com­
pany and the Wild Goose Mining &
Trading Company. A serious loss is
the disappearance of over 2,000 tons of
Captain French, in command of the
troops, lias thrown open the government
reservation to those rendered homeless
by the storm and will extend such
ather assistance rs is jiossible.
4 Bam Dropped on a Saloon in a Mich­
igan Town,
■ _ meapolis, Sept. 26.—A special to
the limes from Faribault, Minn., says:
Meager details have just reached
here of a catastrophe which visited the
village of Morristown. 10 miles west
of Faribault, shortly after 6 o’clock
this evening. The village was struck
by a tornado, and n barn was raised in
the air and dropped directly on top of
Paul Gatseke's saloon, where 16 peo­
ple had taken refuge from the storm.
The saloon collapsed, and all its occu­
pants were buried in the debris. At
present it is said that eight dead bodies
and three injured persons have been
taken from the ruins.
The storm came without warning,
from a southwesterly direction. The
length of its path in the village was
less than half a mile, Imt., owing to
its peculiar action, the distress aud
damage resulting Were not as great as
they might, have beeu.
The storm made jumps of one block,
but whenever it came down every­
thing was crumbled by the power of
the wind. A barn belonging to Dr.
Dargahel on the outskirts of the village
was the first structure destroyed. It
was picked up and carried a block,
leaving the floor uninjured, with two
horses standing on it. Before reaching
the Gatseke saloon there is a two-story
building, which was left untouched.
All the people killed and injured in
Morristown were in the saloon, having
hurriedly taken refuge there wnen the
storm was seen on the outskirts of the
village. Thare were 16 people in the
structure at the time the storm struck.
The building was crushed like an egg­
shell. Before the building fell three
people managed to escape, but the
others are found iu the lists of dead
and injured.
After leaving the saloun the storm
crossed the street aud destroyed the
burn of J. G. Temple, aud took the roof
from the barn of W. M. Bigoli. It
then crossed the Cannon river and de­
stroyed the barn id A 1am Snyder, kill­
ing several hogs. The storm then
passed off to the northeast, and did no
further damage. Before reaching the
town tho storm descended on the farm
of John Olsen and killed a hired man
named Peterson.
Forest »»n<i Grass Fir«.
Santa Rosa. Cal., Sept. 36.—A for­
est aud grass tire which has been burn­
ing in the, vicinity of Occidental the
past three day» today assumed vast
proportions. The tire has covered a
space of about 100 miles square, aud is
estimated to have done over $25,000
damage. Only by hard work was the
town of Occidental saved. The tire is
now traveling south, owing to a strong
north wind. The^ North Pacific rail­
road lost miles of track, in addition to
two long trestles, one 219 feet, and
other 800 feet in length.
Three county bridges are in ruins,
aud about 18 farms have been swept
clean of their buildings nnd crops.
The towns of Freestone, Bodega and
Sebastopol are iu immediate danger.
Nearly 1,000 people are fighting the
Germany I elieves all the power» but
America will approve her policy.
Six Feraont Perished.
St. Louis, Sept. 26.—Dispatches
from Neoces river valley, Tex»#, say
in a little Mexican village. La Aigle,
on Gallardo creek, a branch of the
Neucea, not a house is left atanding as
a result of the flood. A Mexican fam­
ily of fonr aud two American campers,
supposed to have been deer hunters
from Eagle Pass, perished. All efforts
to get word from Brackettsville, which
Mor« l’lajii* In Glasgow.
Glasgow, Sept. 22.—Two additional was wrecked by a Hood a year ago,
oases of ou homo plague bave been re­ failed, owing to tbe washing away of
the telegraph wires.
London. Sept. 23.—Justin McCarthy,
the noielist and historian, who has
been a member of parliament for North
Langford since IS92 and who was
formerly chairman of the Irish parlia­
mentary party, aunonces his retirement
from public life on account of failing
Hardship, of Gold Mining
G uiana.
New York, Sept. 26.—George II.
Moulton, of Colorado, United States
consul to Demarara, iu British Guiana,
has airived in New York, being on
leave of absence. In discussing affairs
in British Guiana Mr Moulton said
“The rush to the gold fields of Brit­
ish Guiana and Venezuela, which was
expected to follow the settlement of
the Venezuelan boundary dispute, fail­
ed to materialize. The new boundary
fixed by the arbitration court is quiet­
ly accepted by tho people of Venezuela,
and no further dispute is likely to
arise. Gold mining is still being pros­
ecuted in the British Guiana gold
fields, and a few Americans are there,
trying to make their fortunes.
yield of those gold fields is about $2,-
000,000 a year. All the gold is secured
by placer mining.
“Mining in British Guiana is attend­
ed by the gieatest difficulties aud hard­
ships, and there is also some danger to
life. The gold fields are all at some
distance iu the interior. To reach
them the miners have to travel through
swamp lands and dense brush, which
are infested by alligators, enormous
reptiles aud wild beasts. Everything
the miners carry along has to be packed
by men. British Guiana is no place
for American minets. They can do
better in Colorado or Montana.”
20,000 Cubic Yarili of
Uns Dittlodged.
Pueblo, Colo., Sept. 26.—A special
to the Chieftain from Texas Creek,
Colo., where Orman & Crook are mak­
ing the grade for the Rio Grande
branch to Silver Cliffe, says:
At 4:56 P. M. one of the largest
shots ever used in railway construction
was fired in the Texas Creek canyon.
There were 640 kegs of blasting pow­
der used, besides a quantity of giant
powder, which altogether dislodged
nearly 20,000 cubic yards of rook.
The Blast was pronounced a thorough
success. All trains ou the main line
were stopped by signal several miles
each side of the canyon, and all tbe
livestock in the camp was removed to
a safe distance. Contrary to expecta­
tions, the report was not heavy, al­
though the shock was felt plainly on
surrouning mountain sides. Quite a
party from l'ueblo and other points
had arrived to view the spectacle,
which was magnificent. No injuries
resulted, though a shower of small
stones, which followed the explosion,
covered a radius of a half mile.
Shot Hi* Kimlier-ln-Law.
New Whatcom, Wash., Sept. 26.—
in a drunken quarrel at Blaine last
night, Thomas Betrand shot his broth­
er-in-law, Frank Adams, with a re­
volver, the ball entering la-tween the
sixth and seventh ribs, passing through
the left lung and lodging near the
heart. Adams will die. Betrand had
been drinking during the day. Going
out on the street he met Adams and
eommeuced to abuso him, following it
up by drawing bis revolver and shoot­
ing at him three times, only one ball
taking effect. Betrand is in jail. He
is a half-breed Indian, and both he and
bis victim have bad reputations.
Five Suicides in One Day.
New York, Sept. 26.—There were
many suicides in New York today.
Magnus Swenzen, a cabinet milker,
drowned himself in the North river,
»(ter tving his own hands with fish
lines. George Burick, an insurance
solicitor, shot himself in Tompkins
tquaie. He had been complaining re­
cently of a carbuncle on his neck.
John M ver took poison in a Third ave­
nue notel, then turned on the gas and
was found dead later.
James Camp­
bell fatally shot himself in Central
park. He had been drinking. Edward
Schwarz also ended his life in Central
Five Tramp« Killed.
Cincinnati, O., Sept. 24.— In a
freight wreck on the Queen & Crescent
route at Sadieville, Kv., today, five
tramps were killed and a sixth badly
Manchester Cotton Spinner«.
Manchester, Eng , Sept. 24.—After
the meeting of the cotton spinners her«
today, it was decided to recommend
that all the members of tbe trade using
American cotton stop their mills for
the tiist ¡2 working days of October.