An : invitation Rich Blood Geòrgie’'s Gab S Perfectly Healthy People Have i it. If vou are easily tired, apt to get nervi Olis, can’t sleep well and »ppctiK? fails, your blood is not what it ought to be. Rich blood is show n by strong nerves, healthy complexion, good appetite, strength and vigor. Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes the blood rich and thus it cures all troubles that are due to |>oor, thin blood, like anae­ mia, nervousness, that tired teeling. Peace in the Family. All the world knows of the wonder­ ful cures which have been made Lydia h. Pinkhams Aegetable Com­ pound. yet some women do not realize that all that is claimed for it is abso­ lutely true. If all suffering women could be made to believe that Mrs. Pinkham can do all she says she can, their suffering would be ut an end. for they would at once profit by her advice and be cured. There isnoinore puzzling thing than that women will suffer great pain month after month when every woman knows of some woman whom .Mrs. Pinkham has helped, as the letters from grateful women are constantly being published at their own request. The same derangements which make S sinful or irregular periods with ull backaches and headaches, and dragging-down sensations, presently develop into those serious inflamma­ tions of the feu ¡nine organs which completely wreck health. Mrs. Pinkham invites women to write freely and confidentially to her •bout their health and get the benefit of her great experience with the suf­ ferings of women. No living person can advise you so well. No remedy in the world has the magnificent record of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cotu- pound for absolute pores of female ills. Mrs. Pinkhum's address is Lvnn, Three Letters from Ono Woman, Showing how She Sought Mrs. Pinkham’s Aid, and was cured of Suppression of the Men­ ses and inflammation of the Ovaries. "D kah M ks . P inkham -I have been Carter's In bed a year. Doctors say I have female weakness. 1 have a had dis­ charge and much soreness across my ovaries, bearing-down pains and have not menstruated for ayear. Doctors say the menses will never appear again. Hope to hear from you."—Mas. ,1. F. B rown . Holton. Kans.. April J, 1S98. "D kar M bs . P inkham I received your letter. 1 have taken one bottle •nd a half of your Vegetable Com- pound, and used two packages of your Wash, and feel stronger and better. I oan walk a few steps, but could not before taking your Compound. I still have the discharge and am sore across the ovaries, but not so bad. Every­ one thinks I look better since taking vou r Vege t a b 1 e Q >m pou n d. “— ,M Rs . J. 1. B rown . Holton. Kans., Aug. 13, i s as. •• D ear M um . P inkham —I think it i* my duty to let you know the good that Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound has done me. After I took three bottles, menses appeared, and I began to feel stronger and ail my pain was gone: Yours is the only medicine that ever helped me. ] am able now to work •round the house, something 1 did not expect to do again.'’—M bs ,1. F. B rown , Holton, Kans.,,Tan. 25, 189k. Three More Leiters from One Woman, Relating how She was Cured of irreg­ ular Menstruation, Leu- oorrheoa and Backache. “What fools some people are,” paw sed when we were Having a nice so­ ciable Time on the fruut portcb Thur»- dy nite. "I no it,” maw told him. "Sometime« it makes me feel real sad To think they food’s Sarsaparilla are so menny people in the world tliat Is America’s Greatest Medicine to enrich can't see their faults as Others see and vitalize the blood. All druggists. them without thinking They are preju- This is the time to select the seed ilist against themselves.” "Look at the captun and his wife corn, as the growth of stalk, number next door,” paw says. "I should Think | of ears on stalk and other advantages can be noticed. Every farmer should they ot to no Better.” “What have they Been doing?” maw grow his seed ■'coni in rows separate from the regular crop, and from select­ ast. If this is "I rode out iu the same car with the ' ed seed, so as to improve. captun to-day,” paw anserd. “and we | uot done the seed corn should be mark­ got to talkin' about how jellus It al- j ed in the hold by tying strips of muslin ways makes a woman to Be told some to the stalks, so as to harvest it when other woman looks yuug. So he told matured. Do Your Feet Ache mid Burn? me all about it. He sed he got to plaig- Shake into vour shoes Alien’s Foot Ease, ing his wife telling her Mrs. Bassett doesn't look a day mor« Than thirty. a powder for the feet. It makes tight or The cnptiin’s wife sed she new she Was new shoes feel easy ; gives instant relief to and bunions, it’s the greatest com­ thirty Five, and so they Got a going it, corns fort discovery of the age. (Tires swollen and now she won’t speak to him.” feet, blisters and callous spots. Allen’s "It makes me perfectly disgusted Fo<»t-Ease is a certain cure tor ingrowing sweating, smarting, hot. aching feet. with some people,” maw sed, “when I nails, We have over 30,000 testimonials. Il cures bear about the Foolish things they do. w hilc you walk. All druggists and shoe If he wasn't blind he could see bls wife Flores .- el ir. 25c. Trial |»ackage FREE \aby girl. I “Love is the most dangerous form of believe I never would have’ bad her Insanity, teaching Its victim to disre­ without your Vegetable ( ompound.”— gard the first law of nature— self-pres­ M r « C abhik P hili . ii s . Anna, Ill.. Jan ervation.” •7, 1899. “What Is love'-" asked the maiden, Proof that Falling of the turning to the child, which replied: “Love Is that which leads my parents Womb Is Overcome by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege­ to bring me things home, and the re- gnrd I have for them on such occa- table Oompound. slons.” "D bar M rs . P inkham — When I "What is love?” asked the maiden wrote to you some time Rgo. I had been suffering from falling of the once more, this time of another maiden womb for many years without obtain­ of many years. ing relief It as obliged to wear a “It I«,’’ said she. “an unsatisfied long­ Bandage all the time; also had bad ing for something you cannot get.” headache aud backache, feit tired ami No the maiden sighed and went Into a worn out. After taking six l-ottles of convent. Foolish maid! Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Had she asked mo. I would have giv- pound and four boxes of Liver Pill*. 1 discarded _my bandage and have not I en her a few ideas on the subject!— had to wear it since. 1 am entirely Harper's Bazar. --------- --------- - ----------- eure tional rente'lie-. lieafness ia caused by »u in­ flamed condition ol llie mucous lining of the compounded of the be.*t materials. If your Children during the teething period. Eu-isebian Tillie. When this tube gets in­ flamed v on liave a rumbling sonnd or imper­ fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is t he result, and unless the lnflamuis- tlon ean be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine eases on: ot ten are caused by catarrh, w hich is nothing but an inflamed condition oi the mucous surfaces. We will give One ilundred liollars for any case of Dealneas(caused be catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for Circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists. 75c Hall s Family Pills are tba beet. The announcement that Peking is pronounced ‘‘Peh-king” will lie apt, says tlie Clevelnnd 1’laiudealer, to pique paragrabpera. dealer dues not keep it lie can get it for you.______________________ Dish towels should be washed in luke-warm water before scalding; other­ A pet robin awoke a farmer in New wise the grease and staius will be set. Jersey in time for him to frighten ! awav burglars. The price of pet robin- ' burglar alarms will now go up. I am sure 1‘iso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three year, ago—M rs . T ikis . I’oHBiKs. Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1900. Dr. Wilde, the new Argentine min­ ister at Washington, says that more daily papers are published iu lluenos Ayres than in New York City. Young When bouillon is served in cups a spoon is laid in the saucer, and it may be eaten either from the sjmonor drunk directly from tlie cups. Covered cups are very seldom used for this purpose, but when they aie, each person removes the cover and places it just at one side ot her plate, and when the course is re­ moved the servant takes away the cov­ ers. A Sure Tiling for You. Every la»dy’s consti pan <1 now and (hen, ami the only Mire, pure, harmless cure is ('asrarvls < iimiy Cathartic. Buy and ir\ I All druggists, 10c, 2.x,l 50c. ‘‘All the world loves a lover” is an old proverb. But all women love a wedding. And the bride's dress is more important than the music, or tlie decorations, the bride's father, the bridesmaids, the ushers or die clergy­ man. Kugineern The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature A state lunch iu China consists of 140 dishes. | - i ' Aperfeci Remedy forfonslipn lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms.! ohvh I skhw .Feverish ness «ml Loss or S leep . • ; ! i i I i 1 1 Fac Sunil« Signature of I NEW- YORK. Alb rfiOiilhs <»l s - i « C. i ms lluMuli be. Detroit. Ilion. P>ni»nnt. I’nlaf.uble Potent. 'Paste tiood. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weusen. or Gripe. Itlc. 60o. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... iter!!■< 11 •■*•<(y ('«Mpany. « ItlMg«, Muntreal, Kew Isrk. M E. C. ATKINS & COMPANY (am.) PORTLAND, SAWS REPAIRED JJ OREGON. Chisel Bit SAWS Solid Tooth ' SAWS Band SAWS Shingle SAWS Cross Cut Hand SAWS All Kinds of SAWS SAWS Portland Branch, GO First Street. Here’s a Proposition l*n'f it to «■upiM'sc tlmt h flrm of Ho vrnr» experience could id! \< hi the best u hv to g< I Koo will save mnne\ and be well united if vou coil null TH K .HHI \ It \ It Hit I T < O., HI First Street. t’oi'ilrtlHl, Oregon. CARBOLATE OF IODINE pocket inhaler . PHTI [D’Q UUIL l I i u A K'inr.'iteiMl f'nre for Catarrh an*! Conaumption. All DritvgiMrt, |1.U>. W. H. SMITH 4 CO, Bwffilo. N.Y, Plop's. FINE OLD NOTHING BETTER MADE WHISKY You can’t make a mistake it you get a Gin, Brandy, Rum Mx blvM ♦ t./« - "I bava nono H daya at a time without a movement of the bowel», not being able to ino»« them except by iihtug hut wuter lnleciloua. ! t'hrunie eonat ipaf Inn for »even venia placed me la ihla terrlbig condition : during t bnt lime I did ev- •rvthiDg I hen rd of bui- never round u ny relief: such waa my cane until 1 began uaing CASCAHKT& I now ha ve from one to I hive pmaahkc « a day. and If I vai rich I would give IKD W for each moveineut; 1| la aueii a relief.' a ï i . ms il !.. li int , In all scientific branche« are in such demand now, so as to be far beyond the supply. The reason oi this is bt'causc never in the history of tlw Ibusiic <'oast lias there been such activity in Mining, Eb‘ciri<‘. R. H. building and gene ih I Engineering Work. The Vandpr S h II' ch School ol PraeiicHi, Civtl, Mining, EleetriCRl Engineer, iini. Assaying Cynnide, ete., which I hl - been vs- taulislied since Tw>4, being the oldest prnclieal s 'hool of todiiv, having machine shop, electric plants, and all necessary apparatus,admits sin. dents of all ascs, at all times, regardless of their present eoncalion. Illustrated catalogm-H are mailed to any address by mentioning ihi« paper ami addressing 933 Market St., S. F., Cal. A novel plan of edm-nliou h«s boon adopted iu Copenhagen, Denmark. No books arc used, but the Isiys are in­ structed orally, when at the Kame time t-hev perforin some light manual work. For Infants and Children CONSTIPATION In Use For Over Thirty Years KASTORIA 12 full qn»rt«. •’<‘r r* Ion, I’.TO. rolìT AM! ■!. All. I.ll'lll XXX I.OOIlH Order* loi t_’ > On *na|i. Treatise free. Write rue aboui your can*. DR. BOSA.XKO. Pb lada. Pa. SO'IE WOMEN .„de Drop y and it» com- Have wa.l 4 a A • spec.auy for treaty Think they mu-l xrln amt hear their ■uttering, w..h tas most wonderfal lit ihl« ehflgtilene.l a«* there la no need of il yaarawiijg. suíc ^ bs . Havecuredtnskuythoxu- aud ease». *> •*. S. Z. 3IWÎ : C3V3* Atlaata, Ga. Boi K, JOHN POOLK, PoRTtawn, O*zaox, e*n rive you the best betgalu* in general Diachinery. engines, boiler*.tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new *iee| f X J, windmill, »old hy him, 1* un •o nailed. Their com plaint« timi a cure Iu rioore’s Revealed Remedy It .loran'l diMpisant. N. r. X. ti. |: at your drusglat