The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 07, 1900, Image 6

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I’ve <ot three sweetheart» nud I’m a
married uiau;
Now think uf something worse than that
if any ui you can;
My wife is pure and faithful, she’s al-
ways good and true.
And her hair’s like burnished sunshine,
her eyes are honest blue.
Khe’v the queerest little woman, she don’t
mind this mix at ail;
One sweetheart “taught me how to pray”
that He knows the sparrow’s lull
Hhe’a old and wrinkled, bout and gray; I
love her like no other—
One sweetheart that my wife don’t mind
is my own, my darling mother.
The next one in a “terror," full of happy,
childish glee.
And the picture is a sweet one when he’s
at his “grandma** knee.’’
He cads my wife “his mother" and we
know him as “our boy,”
Ko I can love this sweetheart and my
wife without alloy.
Oh. thou who guardeth the angels, hover
them with thy wing.
Hrant all three Thy blessing in every lit­
tle thing:
Guide me to know “the only way,” mi
when my life is past
I may join the woman, boy and girl at
Thy “gates of pearl" at last.
—Denver Times.
HEN Miss Amy Warden, only
child of the wealthy broker,
Anthony Warden, tripped into
her fHther’H office one December after­
noon she was the embodiment of beau­
tiful, healthful IK. Nodding kindly to-
ward the clerks, who lmd for a moment
ceaaed their scribbling, ahe approach­
ed the door of.her father's private of­
fice. A privileged character, as she
well knew, she turned the knob gently,
intending to surprise him in the usual
A r she peeped into the dimly lighted
room she discovered al a glance that
her fai her was not there: but his <s>nli
dentlal clerk. Ralph Morton, a good
looking young man of 25, was standing
ltefore the desk. I'or a space «lie was
intzzled by I lie young mini's peculiar
actions for lie raised Ids hand twice
to the side of his head, then, ns if un­
decided, slowly lowered It again, and
each time she caught the gleam of pol
Tint |»KSK<
ished metal ns It tlnshe I In the rays
from the electric bulb. Then, as If
fully decided Itpon Ids action, he partly
turned his face toward her; but she,
noting the tenseness of Ills white fen
lures, realized In a Hash the awful Im­
port of his action, mid darting across
the room snatclusl the deadly weapon
from his hand mid held It behind her.
For a space lie stood, regarding with
wild eyes the beautiful, terrltled fine
liefore him, then, uttering a Io» groan,
he sank Into a chair aud hid Ids face
in Ills hands.
Khe stood looking at hlui, '.he color
gradually returning to her face; them
she said, a wondering pity lu her tone:
“O, Mr. Morton! Ilow could you think
of such a thing?”
lit slowly raised Ids bend mid met
her pitying gaze wildly.
"Why do you atop me. Mis* War­
den?" he said, brokenly. "I am a thief!
J eaught the accursed fever of «pecu­
lation anil used your fathers money.
] prefer death to discovery and dis­
His eyes doted, as If blinded by tier
accusing gaze.
"Amt do you Imagine this will save
you from dishonor?" she said, gently,
holding out the revolver. "O. Mr. Mor­
ion, do you not realize that It will only-
add to It? Will such mi act restore my
father's money or absolve you In the
eyes of the world and God?” Infinite
pity shone In her eyes as she softly
breathed the last word.
He did not look up.aml she continued:
"You are young ami talent<sl, Mr. Mor­
ion. perhaps alioie the average. The
world Is before you. Ho you presume
to dictate In thia way to th* tender
mercy that has bestowed such priceless
gifts main you? My father may not
overlook thia, but there Is one. at least,
who will How much money have you
1a— used?" ahe concluded.
lie threw out tils hands despairing
l.v. "'More than I can repay." lie fal­
tered. 'Two thousand dollars at least."
She remained silent ao long that lie
vent lin'd to look at her. She seemed to
look lieyond him. a smile like that of a
pleased child on her now flushed face
— the wariutb of a high, noble resolve.
"Your case requires no such draper
ate remedy as thia." she said, turnlug
her fae« a little front the growing
ragnrnesa of Ida <•«•■ “KupiMMlng that
J—J replace thia money, would---- ”
He sprang to hl« feet. "No! no! Mis«
Warden," be cried. eutrvMlugly. "You
must not tiling of such a thing. I ha vs
a rubber fountain syrlngj* bag. Then a
sinned; I must suffer.”
bar of soap, a feu- fulminating caps
"You inns', do us 1 say. Mr. Morton."
and a fuse complete the veggmau's out
«hr firmly replied. "My father, I know,
tit. All of the cracks about the safe
would uot forgive you: but that is no MANY BANK ROBBERIES TRACED door, except an Inch or two at the top.
are closed with the soap, and with the
reason for »aerificlug ymfr future ca­
reer. Besides, you can repay me some
same thing a little cup Is made against
1 day."
the front of the sate with the uuillbd
Are Known to Detectives l.'nder the
bit of crack at the bottom. Into this
He regarded her through a mi-t of
Name of ** t eggioen” — Ki vut Other
cup glycerin Is poured. The liquid grad­
tears, then held out Ids hand. "I will
Burglars or Cracksmen in Fearlesa-
ually seeps through the crack. After
accept your offer. Miss Warden (lie
aevs—Carelesa w ith Nitro Glycerin.
the 'hobo' has poured in all of the gly­
offer of an angel," lie said, huskily.
cerin lie Is going to llse he applies the
"But 1 must leave this place ami re­
"(luce more 'Topeka Joe.' the notori­ fulminating cap aud to it the fuse,
deem myself among a strange people." ous 'hobo' burglar and cracksman. Is |
She started a little, but, laying her under arrest." said W. A. Pinkerton at I while he retires to a safe distance te.
soft hand in Ids, whispered: “It may lie his office In Chicago tile oilier day . j await tlie explosion. In ids determlua
for the best; but, wherever you go, God “The latest crime of this crook calls at­ lion to secure 'swag' the yeggman has
lieen known to resolutely stay by the
lie with you,” and she left him.
tention to the fact that the 'hobo' erim- :
Five years hail passed by when Inal Is becoming pretty ubiquitous, uot I exploded safe aud commit murder
Ralph Morton agaiu entered the city of ouly in the Chicago region, but every- I rather tliaii be driven off without z
Ids past folly. He did not bring the where else lu the country. As ail oper ‘ light.
proverbial fortune, but lie had amassed
Reckless Work,
a competence which many less fortu­
“The man is equally reckless In ban
nate might envy.
dling the dangerous oil. Once a safe
During all this time lie had never for­
was blown ojieu in the East. The per­
gotten I lie sweet-faced young girl hi«
petrator escaped without leaving tlie
savior. Thrice hud lie written to her,
least trace behind him. Finally tvi
but no answer came; and no»-, when
landed the criminal several bundri i
lie went to the old office. lie wits told
miles away ill another Slate. He wa-
that Anthony Warden had failed three
known ns Black Jack.’ I asked hili,
years previously and lmd died, leaving
ho» on earth he managed to leave I In
Ids daughter penniless.
country without leaving nuy telliah
He determined to find her If money,
evidence behind. He told me that hi
backed by love, could do so; but all
lode eighty miles on the trucks of 1
search was unavailing. She had disap­
Pullman sleeper. All of tile time lit
peared, like many unfortunates, into
had with him a quart bottle of nitro
that mysterious realm where despair,
glycerin. Think of carrying a quart
perhaps, Is the larger portion.
Pottle of that stuff with you on tin
"You will find her yet. Ralph." said
Jolting trucks of a railroad train. Out
his friend. Dr. Banks, to whom Ralph
little jolt might luive caused jt to ex­
Morton lmd confided Ills story. It was
plode. and tlie tramp and the whole eat
a bleak winter evening, and they were
would have been blown to atoms.
on their way to the doctor's house.
"Nearly nil of these yeggmen go by
"Heaven will surely guide me to her,”
nicknames aud ate seldom known by
answered Ralph.
any other. Often tlie names indicate
(TtAKAcTKH sri tiv in “rxomirs."
As they turned Into a side street a
the eitv or tlie State from which the
young woman a short distance ahead ator he Is getting to lie more formili- j tramps were supposed to have come
stopped and uttered ti low cr.v.
A able and more to lie dreaded than the < originally. Some of the prominent
'yeggs' are 'Frisco Slim.' 'Michigan
drunken ruffian had burred Iter |mtli. gentleman burglar.
He lmd already grasped her arm » lien
" 'Topeka Joe' has been In trouble : Red.' 'Tlie Rambler.' 'Denver Harry.'
Morton, running forward, planted a before and has twice been behind I 'Topeka Joe.’ 'Warren Patty.’ 'Macon
well directed blow that sent him reel­ i prison bars. He is a |>erfect type of I Tip,' 'Meridian Joe,' 'Silvers.' '('hl
ing. Ralph caught the young woman. I the 'holm' safeblower. A fen weeks | Jack.'.'Baldy.' 'The I'rog.' 'Wheeling
Imlf fainting, in ills arms; then, its the ago lie rollbed a bank in Williamsburg. Red.' 'Big Frank,’ Janesville Tommy.'
doctor hurried tip. lie turned Iter face Va.. b.v blowing open the safe. The 'Zanesville Shorty.' 'Sqtlench,' 'New
to tlie light. It was a thill, pale face, other day only we succeeded in catch­ York Slim.' 'Ohio Fatty.' 'Ohio Shorty.'
though beautiful a beauty matured by ing him away out in Portland, Ore., 'Shenandoah Red.' 'Slieiiamloah Dan.'
where lie is now under arrest awaiting 'Bellaire Bob.’ 'Yorker Dick.' 'Sleepy
days of struggle and sorrow.
Ralph Morton almost dropped tlie extradition to Virginia. The ap|iear- John.' 'Toronto Jimmy.' 'Syracuse
light burden as he gasped: "It is she - ance of large numbers of criminals Shorty,’ 'The Turk,' 'Dago Frank.'
Amy! O, Fred, thank heaven I have from the tramp class is a recent devel­ 'Oakland Sammy.' Brownie.' 'Alton
opment. Six or seven years ago tlie Whitey' and 'Montreal 1'onnie.'
found her at hist !'*
"In his attire the yeggman differs
It »as in the doctor's cozy house, af­ modern 'hobo' expert Wils comparative­
ter he and ids wife left them alone, ly unknown in criminal circles. To-day widely from tne gentleman criminal.
tlmt lie said: “You were my guardian
angel once, Amy; will you continue to
be such? Tlie debt I owe you can only
be repaid with a life's devotion. Will
you accept It. dearest?"
And she Whispered: "I believe I loved
you then. Ralph: at least 1 was sorry
to have you go."—Boston Post.
cal silver. A second communion servtc»!
i was bestowed upon the parish by
Exciting Fxperieuce in Midoceun of George III., but the most interesting ot
tlie Steamer Border Knisht.
the three is the venerable set known as
Kipling’» "dour Scotch engineer,” Mc­ Hie old Jamestown service, fraught
Andrew», could hardly have acquitted with reminiscences ot the wonderful
himself more creditably than did Mr. building of the colony.
William Gerrie, chief engineer of the
This set, made in 1086, Is of silver
British steamer Border Knight, which gilt. It consists of a paten aud an ex-
arrived at New York a few days ago i qulsite specimen of goldsmith’s work,
after an exciting experience ill uild- a double-headed cup ornamented wMh
jcean. The Border Knight Isa steamer ■ leaves. Another service of three pieees
of the genu» trump, a nomadic freighter bears Hie royal arms and the motto.
that set out from Natal iu ballast for
"Iloiii soit qui mal y penee," with date
New York. All went well with her until
one afternoon, when there was a sud­ 17tM.
Tlie church organ is very old. It la
den jar aud a shock, a whirring of ma­
thought to be the first brought to this
chinery aud a hiss of steam.
"Shaft’s bloke,” explained Third En­ country.
Visitors are shown a gray marble font
gineer Findlay briefly, as he closed in wliicli local tradition deciares that
the throttle on racing engine.
Examination »bowed that hla diag­ Pocahontas was baptized. An ancient
nosis was correct. I'or no ascertainable clock without a face aud with stiffly
cause the tail shaft, a twelve-inch immovable hands is yet to be traced
length of steel, had snapped just out­ upou the steeple. The bell of Brutou
board of the sleeve, releasing the eight­ Old Church was presented by an Eng­
ton propeller, which went spinning to lish nobleman.
Daniel Parke Custis was the first hus­
the bottom. The ship lost her headway,
ot the lady best known to Ameri­
and. having no sail power to give Iter
steerage way, sat provokingly a-rock- can history as Martha Washington, and
Ing in tlie sea. biding the outcome of the bis ancestor, Daniel Parke, was an
misadventure. The usual procedure in early vestryman of Brutou Parish
such cases is to haul tires and hoist Church.
Outside of the edifice, but within c«n-
your flag upside dow u, by way of a dis­
tress signal, by day, and to burn blue seerated ground, sleep noted men ot
lights at night. But these men of the colonial Virginia, keeping guard over
Border Knight did nothing of the sort. tlie eliurch. Two executives of the old
The engineer went nmnholing on his dominion, Gov. Nott and Gov. Farqua-
back to the end of tlie tail shaft, and liar, two councillors, three Secretaries
then came back with an idea wliicli the of State and a noted lawyer of early
captain gave him permission to put into days, one Edward Barrailale, lie burled
The first step was to uncouple tlie in-
Caucasus Tribe Which Lives in Inde­
scribable and Ant qnateJ Filth.
Kl-1'1. ACIXll Tilt. SCHEW AT
ska .
terniediate shaft, mid to do this expedi­
tiously a battering ram was Improvised
from the anchor stocks. The coupling
bolts forced oiu. tlie intermediate shaft
was lowered clear of Hie fractured tail
shaft, ami tlmt piece of metal was
knocked from the opening in tlie stern.
A wooden plug the exact size of tlie
shaft was forced into tlie hole, mid then
a spare tail shaft was lifted into posi­
tion and coupled onto tlie intermediate
Sugar Juice Piped.
All this work occupied three full days.
One of the marvelous accomplish­
With both shafts In place again the
ments of the I tali Mormons is their
work of tilting on a spare propeller,
Iwet sugar industry In the valley of tlie
which the vessel carried, was com­
Great Salt Lake. where IK. immi . ihri
menced. To lift the stern out of the
(Miunds of white sugar are turned out
all of tlie water ballast was
each year. Cheap as sugar Is, tlie Mor­
pumped into the forward hold. This
mons make a good protit in the manu­
lifted the stern until the opening was
facture of it. aud largely because of
within four feet of the surface.
their ingenious device to deliver tlie
Meanwliile the six-ton propeller had
Juice from tlie vats to the factories,
been lowered over the port quarter, sus­
twenty-tw<z miles distant. Instead of
pended from a cargo boom and guyed
transporting It at wluit »-mild I«' pretty
»•¡Hi heavy tackle. Chief Engineer
heavy expense, the Mormons pump tlie
Gerrie mid Chief Officer Mathie then
Juice from vat to factory in a three-
took positions ou the rudder pintles
inch pipe. This enables the Juice to be
tnd. standing waist deep in water, guid­
made into sugar close to the produehig
ed the big piece of metal to its [dace on
center, and saves a large amount of
the tail shaft. The massive nut which
money that would Imve to be employed
was to bold it in place was then screw­
otherwise, in the trans|H>rtatlon. The
ed tightly ou by a giant spanner,
beet sugar industry of these people is
worked by tackles from the quarters.
lu the hands of a company tlmt appor­
The work of the two men in the
tions to each farmer the nmount of
water was made somewhat entertain­
land he may devote to the raising of
ing b.v the active presence of several
tlie beet. Tlie company pays cash divi­
sharks that played around the stern of
dends regularly of 1<> to 2B per eent a
Hie ship. Mr. Mathie was once washed
year and dividends of something like
overboard mid nearly drowned before
I When Hie later Is prosperous ami has being rescued. But that was only an
20 per eent oil tlie slock. New York
robberies. Within the last few years I plenty of money lie lives on the fat of incident, as Messrs. Gerrie and Mathie
there have been nearly two score of tlie land and dresses fu the most ex­ explained, neither making much of it.
A Lingual Tangle.
banks rohlted ill Kansas. Nebraska. travagant style. Ou the other hand,
Farmer Hornbeak While I »ns at i Missouri and a‘few other Western when the [wickets of the yeggnmn are
the village this afternoon 1 heard a States, and nearly every one of these bulging with money be continues to
drummer In Hopper's store say lie had crimes was committed by tramp opera­ dress like a mechanic In hard luck and In It Pocahontas 1« Said to Have Been
Baptixe I.
Jest read tlmt HI Chang Imng-li'm
tors. These 'holm' criminals are cailed never displays the least evidence of
tlmt don't sound right; llang Ling Cid •yegg«' or 'Johnny Yeggmen.'
One of the most interesting religious
his wealth.”
no; Lang Chung III eh-h'm Irmme
buildings iu the United States is the
"Other classes of tramps are called
see. It's Haug no; Chi Lung Hang
Bruton Parish Church, at Williams­
'cats' and 'gay eats.' The 'cat' is the
oh. pshaw;—Ching no; Lung —
I have accomplished right here in burg, Va.. the tirst pastor of which was
tramp who »ill do nothing but beg.
Mrs. Hornbeak Mercy on us. Ezry! He will uot be couuected with a crime Denver more tbau Diogenes could do. Rev. Row la nd Jones, an ancestor of
Martha Washington. Erected In ItMO,
Wlmt In time are you tryin' to git off? except In a remote way, and there are lantern aud all, iu all his life.
It is now in a good state of preservation,
Farmer Hornbeak Why. I was jest* probably great number» of 'cals' who
I have found an honest man.
goln' to say that Hing Lung Chi—oh. | would have nothing whatever to do
I was walking up Sixteenth street, and the antique bell still rings out Its
drat it! Chang. I.atig. Hang. Jang, j with any very great offense. The 'gay­ near Curtis, ami asked a |«issvr-by the message, calling all who hear It to at-
cat' occupies a imsitlou midway be­ time of day. He hastily looked at his teud divine services beneath its time-
Dang, or whatever It 1»----
honored roof. Bruton Old Church is
Mrs. Hornbeak -Great day, Ezry! tween that of the 'cat' aud the 'yegg.' watcli and said:
well worth a visit.
Wimt nonsens» are you tryin' to recite? He will take a baud in a robbery or a
"Ten thirty.”
The church has the triple-story tower
safe-blowing expedition if there seems I I thanked him and walked ou. At
You talk like a dinner liell.
Farmer Hornbeak I guess I do. for ’ to be no chances of his being caught. ' Champa street 1 felt some one touch me
n fact. I was tryin' to sny the name ' If there seems to be any chance of bis on the shoulder.
of that great Japanese or Chinese arrest he will luive uotliiug to do with
"I beg your [tardón." said the party
the project. But the yeggman Is made who had given me the time. “Near Cur
Mrs. Hornbeak -Oh, you mean LI ' of eutlrely different material. As an tis street 1 told you it was half past ten.
llung Chang. Well, what him? exhibitor of a fearless or don't-care I was mistaken; It was ouly ten twen­
Farmer Hornbeak—I—I dunno.— spirit, or whatever you want to call ty-eight."
It. he Is entitled to the banner over all
I stood open-mouthed, expecting to
the burglars, thieves aud cracksmen of ( see a chariot of tire descend and take
A Discouraging Entry,
the day. He will often hang on to bis him up. Elisha like, but lie had disap­
The performance of the Bhakspear- I project and try to get results even peared In the throng of his dishonest
can drama of "Hamlet” was dragging when the noise of the exploding safe fellow men.—Deuver Times.
itself slowly along.
The time Imd bas brought citizens on the run to the
Spectacles U»r Horses.
come for the appearance of tlie ghost. | acene. He doesn't seem to be much of
It is asserted in Popular Science
There was a slight delay, owing to the a rusher for safety.
tardlnea« of the ghost lu responding to I "Here the 'hobo' is a widely different News that spectacles for horses are BRfTON VAKISII < Hfi CH, KRF.CTRtl IMO.
its cue. The profound stillness that Citizen from the gentleman burglar and among recently patented Inventions,
followed was broken by a loud voice safe-blower. Like the gay cat.' the abe purpose is said to lie not to ini- of w hich our English colonies were so
In the front row of the main balcony: first tiling the hitter looks out for is his ’pro'é the sight, but by causing the foml. It can sttll boast of mahogany
pews. The aisles were paved with
“Mamma, there are thirty-seven men •afety. He Is about twice as careful ground in frout to appear nearer than flagstones. On the walls are some
down then* with round white spots on as the yeggman lu the matter of uot i it really is. to induce the horse to take quaint mural tablets reciting the vir­
top of their heads!”
getting caught. The 'hobo' is extremely I high ste|>s After a training with such tues and piety of worthies of the old
And no stage ghost ever made its ap foolhardy not only In the way he «[H'etacles, It Is avemd. the horse ac­ dominion. Williamsburg was the an­
liearance under more discouraging a us- I stands his ground and opens fl re on quires and retains the habit of high cient capital of Virginia, and in the
pices than the armor clad phantom tlmt » hoever disturbs him In Ills operations, ! stepping.
quiet churchyard of Bruton Old Church
came «talking u|>on the stage at that but also In the reckless way In which
the tombs of the Farke Cost is family
The 1 alue of *i|w-esl.
moment.—Chicago Tribune.
he handies nitro-glycrrin. All of hla
“Who cauie out ahead in that street and those twaring well-known Virginia
safeblowing is done with this explo­ ( row between Blowly atxl Bluffly ?"
uauie« of Page. Burwell, Lyttleton.
Occasionally a man refuses to drluk sive. To get the stuff he steals a lot
"Bliitfly did. but he bad nearly half a Saxange and Nelson are found.
tieer unless hla physician rrcommenila of dynamite, and with alcohol or wanu | block the start.”—Detroit Free Press,
Burton Parish Church bouses three
It or unless he thinks be ought to rec­ water soaks out the glycerin. After
antique I'omniunlon services, one pre-
After a man has s|>eiit an evening «etited by "good Queen Anne." who did
the soaking la done the glycerin Is
ommend It.
poured off or the water drawn from the with very young [atiple, he feels u< | her duty as defender of the faith by
Two weak partners arc seldom able bottom of th«* receptacle with a ayrlugv further curiosity when he hears a I equipping Infant colonial branches of
ui make a business firm.
The explosive la carried la a bottle or I crowd of young folks laugh.
the Church of England with ecclealMti-
Tlie laziest aud dirtiest people lu the
world have receutly lieen discovered iu
tire Caucasus. They live in an inacces­
sible mountain range between the
Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, and as
they were 2.5<M> years ago, so they are
to-day. Seen from without there is a
certain plcturesqueitess about a Svanc-
tiau village, altiiougli it merely consists
of miserable stone hovels without any
attempt at form or adornment. Within
the houses are inconceivably fllthy.
They are tilled with rags, vermin aud
dirt of every description. They possess
no tireplace or chimney. All the cook­
ing, iu fact, is done over a hole scooped
out iu tlie middle of the floor. In these
houses men and women ami children
are buddled together; during the long
winter months they are shut iu for days
at a time, tlie c-atlle often sharing their
quarters. Every aperture has to be
closed on account of the cold. This tong
imprisonment is, perhaps, the cause of
the degradation of the people. Horrible
diseases result from it, which are ag­
gravated by abnormal consumption of
arrack, tlie strong distilled drink of the
Besides this. It is an invariable rulp
to make four days a week holidays,
with saints' days as extras. Since they
have adopted the holidays of every oth­
er country with which they have been
in contact, it is not surprising that the
men And little time for work. Farm­
ing, bee culture and cattle breeding are
the ouly industries of these people,
while throughout their territory there
is not a single manufactured article.—
New York Ledger.
A lleniarkable Colony.
There is a colony of Jews in Toledo,
Spain, who were allowed to remain in
that country when the remainder of
their race were expelled by Ferdinand
and Isabella, because they showed sat­
isfactory evidence tlmt they were de­
scended from a priest of the court of
Caiaphas, who alone of the sanhedrim
of priests ami elders protested against
the crucifixion of the Savior. It is said
that the evidence upon which they
were exempted from the edict of expul­
sion was accepted by the hierarchy at
Rome as genuine aud truthfuL It Is
supposed to be now on tile among the
archives of the Vatican. This little col­
ony of Jews has grown and prospered,
until now it Is one of the wealthiest
and most influential communities ou
the Spanish peninsular. Several of the
members In times past have achieved
high rank and reputation under the
Spanish government.
A New Light troin Science.
An illustration of the new light»
which science throws upon old ques­
tions is the modern explanation of an
experiment made nearly three centurie»
ago by the French physician. Van Hel-
uiont. In a pot of earth weighing 20o
pounds he planted a willow branch
weighing five pounds. He kept the
plant well watered, and in five years
the willow had gained 104 pounds In
weight, while the earth in the pot bad
lost only two ounces. Van Heimoat
Inferred that the plant's gain was due
only to the water which had been »up-
piled. Modern botanical science proves
that the gain was in a great measure
due to the carbon absorbed from tha
air.—New York Herald.
Prevent« Sunstroke.
In Florida sunstroke is entirely un­
known. although the temperature oftoa
reaches 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Thh
1» attributed to the extreme molstara
of the atmosphere.
Sacred Temple in China.
Many Chinese temples have windows
made from the white mother-o'-peari
found in oyster shells. The material la
perfectly transparent, and looka like
opal glass.
A woman's recollections of ber girl­
hood days seem to be devoted entirely
to accounts of ber sisters borrowing
her clothe».
If people were to get paid for al the
foolish things they say and do poverty
would soon be a thing of the past.
A b»by Is a rose without thorns. Iks
thorns gradually appear as it reockaa