Even if some of them did have Lemons are probably more abundant, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ t and cheaper Ilian sour milk down wheat this year, the prune men and ♦ the hopmen are wearing the old-time there. ♦ I». I. ISBI HV, Editor A Eropr. ♦ smiles just now. That’s the motto of many a woman's ♦ J <à. ECKWAN, Akkoclale Editor. ----- -------------- life. She manages the house, receives * “A dranger asks The Oregonian ♦ friends, entertains company, with a moan : Great Britain is unrelenting when to inform him how muelica. hexemp ♦ in the mouth which is stifled and a smile Subscription $1 OO Per Year. : tiou is allowed a bankrupt in this dealing with her enemies or those on the face which is a mask to cover up ♦ her pain. Only who oppose her sway. Recently state. Bankrupts are allowed the ♦ ADVERTISING k vteh . those who note the Lieut. Cordua plead guilty to enter­ Depend on the makers. Every suit labeled 1 ♦ ♦ ■ dark ringed eyes, RendlngnotlceMn local columns 10 cents por same exemptions as arc allowed line tor drst week and 5 cents per line tht realier. judgment debtors under the law of ing into a conspiracy to abduct Gen­ ♦ t. the lines about Dhpiwy advertisement« annual rataa, one inch S. L. S. & Co. i ♦ K- the lips, the ocea­ eral Roberts and kill a number of per month 91; each additional inch 60 cent# per this state. ♦ The only provision for ni sional pallor of month. ♦ For this of­ Obituary and marriage notice« not exceeding what might be called “cash exemp­ other British officers. T the cheek, know ♦ are perfect in fit and finish. They are not 10 line« published free, if furnished In time to ♦ ’ the real story. be current new*. Additional matter 10 cent« per tion” is that a man with a family is fense lie has been shot. Cordua was ♦ Such women are CHEAP Clothes, but GOOD Clothes, at a line. ♦ allowed to retain one month’s wages an officer in the Boer army, and the J among the most ♦ moderate price. Their label is a guarantee. grateful for the or so much thereof as may be neces­ summary punishment inflicted upon : FRIDAY’, SEPT. 7, 1900, cures performed We are sole agents for this line. Come in sary to support his family a month. him will not tend to create a love for by the use of Dr. and see. them. As a general thing ready cash does Britishers among the Boers, though Pierce’s Favorite Our wool growers—and all of our not cut much of a figure in the assets it may make them fear their con­ Prescription. To New arrivals in Fall Neckwear, 25 and 50c. Smile and not to ♦ farmers ought to be wool growers— of bankrupts. querors. suffer is something will remember that when Mr. Bryan wonderful to them. Women suffering was a congressman, he was for free A case of considerable importance^, 1° the midst of the Chinese crisis from female weak- wool all the time. , when the people of three continents and one that will determine the au­ ♦ ness, inflamma­ The Best $1.50 Hat in America. ♦ tion, ulceration or thority of county courts to employ had become convinced that Russia the drains that so Others from $2 to $3.50. The war in China is greatly stirnu private counsel, is likely to come up was foremost in the effort to grab weaken the body, lating business in San Francisco. in the circuit court at Albany. The Chinese territory, the Czar has called take ” Favor- ite Prescription ” Russia, Germany and France are all case is one in which District Attor­ a halt. Joining hands with the Uni­ ♦ with almost abso- shipping supplies for their soldiers ney Hart will appear before the Linn ted States in the endeavor to hasten lute certainty of ♦ cure, It’s sure to in China from that port and have county court in opposition to the al­ the restoration of peace, Russia has ♦ help, almos; iure to heal. It has purchasing agents buying cattle and lowance of $525 to Attorney Watson, gone even a step further than Amer­ cured ♦ i ninety-eight per cent, of those THE CLOTHIER, ♦ other necessaries for the use of their of Albany, for conducting a suit ica. The Czar proposes to withdraw who gave ve it a fair and faithful trial. ♦ ♦ Mrs. H A. Alsbrook, of Austin, Lonoke Co., troops in the present campaign. against defaulting County Treasurer the allied army from Pekin in order Ark., Union Block, McMinnville. ♦ writes: "After five months of great suf­ with female weakness I write this for the I Morris. Mr. Hart contends that the that negotiations with the Chinese fering benefit of other sufferers from the same afflic­ I doctored with our family physician It is solemnly asserted that the or­ trial should have been conducted by government may be facilitated. tion. without any good results, so my husband urged ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ chards of today produce no such District Attorney Hayden, and since There is a strong probability that me to try Dr. Pierce’s medicines—which I did, with wonderful results. I am completely cured magnificent fruit as they did thirty that official was ready and willing to Germany will follow the example set I took four bottles of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre­ scription, four of his ‘ Golden Medical Discov­ years ago, and if this is so, there attend to that duty, thecountycourt by the United States and Russia. In ery ’ and two vials of his ‘ Pleasant Pellets.’ * view of such action by the leading must be some natural cause for it. had no authority to employ other Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Some ascribe the cause to the lack of counsel to look after public business. nations, the complications in China Pierce by letter free. All correspond­ ence confidential. Address Dr. R. V. care and cultivation. The farmer of Mr. Hart says he is informed that an will have a chance for cool, level­ Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. thirty years ago took an intelligent injunction will be brought to restrain headed adjustment, and the world­ interest in the selection of his fruit, the payment of the money, should wide war that a short time agot was X so imminent, will be averted. and especial pride in its cultivation. the claim be allowed by the court. ----- ► ----- The farmer of those days had one The fine weather that has enabled A weak nation can be pardoned for natural advantage over his successor the farmers to harvest their crops giving up a work which it does badly, of today, and only one—he planted without interruption still holds out, but a strong nation cannot be par Grissen’s Old Stand. his trees in a virgin soil, but the conditions can be made equal by doned for flinching from a great work and is permitting the owners of hop­ thorough cultivation and judicious because there are attendant difficul­ yards to put into bale a fine quality Our large Fall Stock of fertilization. Fruit culture is one of ties and hardships. The century of hops. If it should continue two the coming industries of Oregon. which is just closing has seen what weeks longer the farmers will be Shoes for both ladies and gen­ Small farm holdings will be the rule the century which is opening wilj about ready to welcome the gentle tlemen. ‘•Meet Us On the Midway” in this country twenty-five years surely also see vast strides in .civil­ patter of the raindrops. Rain is Come in and see them. needed, for the dust of ages perme ­ The Event of the Tinies. ization, the result of tlx* conquest of /hence, and the Willamette valley will then be one great orchard and gar­ the world’s waste places, and the re­ ates every nook and cranny of the Our footwear fits correctly, den. Its climate, soil and natural sult of the expansion of the great rul­ valley, and rivers and streams are and wears well, because it is adaptability to the production of ing races of the world. Those who becoming old and shrunken. People selected by a practical boot fruits and vegetables will make it oppose the spread of civilization and ask what has become of the water, and shoemaker of 30 years’ Occupying many solid blocks, taking in an entire street from such. There are plenty of countries the maintenance of stable govern­ and others with the prime, old popu­ curb to curb. experience. list doctrine in view, say there is that can raise wheat, oats and bar­ ment as undertaken by the United ley, but only a few favored spots are States, are fighting against the stars just as much water in the world as Portland, Oregon, September 4 to 15,1900. udapted to fruits and vegetables, in their courses, for they are striving ever there was, but it is not in circu­ Under the auspices of the Portland Elks. Surpassing in magnitude amt gran­ and none surpass the Willamette val­ to bring dishonor upon the American lation; it is being hoarded. If there deur any tiling of the kind ever attempted on the Pacific coast. Something to re­ member up to the date of your heart tailure. ley in this regard. Diversified farm republic. They can qualify, refine, was as good a prospect for the hoards The Streets of Cairo, Jhc Oriental Theater, The German Village, The Dancing ing, which includes the production of differentiate and differ all they wish, of money being put into circulation, Girls. Au Arabian Pageant Crowning the Queen Hex. King of the Carnival, at­ tended by his Magnificent Court, The Great Parade of the Elks and other Order«, fruits and vegetables, is the goul to­ but fundamentally their attitude is and everybody getting more than his The Italian Park and Fountain, The magnificent Triumphal Arch and Grand Midway tilled with wonderful attractions, Mining, Mercantile, Agriculture ward which the Oregon farmer is the attitude of hostility to the great­ share, as is the ease respecting the Horticulture and other industrial exhibits, The Women's Pavilion, designed by water now stored up, every Oregoni ­ women, built by women and decorated by women for the exhibit <4 women's in- progressing, and proper care given ness of the nation and the greatness duslrial work, The Grain Palace, built of Oregon and Washington grain« and an could look forward to prosperous of the race. grasses. Music, gaiety and fun. Night turned into day. Lowest rail and water to the orchards will represent no rates ever given to Portland from all parts of the Pacific Northwest times, for we are assured that when suggestion of wasted effort. Discouragements induced bv the the rain does come, it will have to JUUUUULSJUIJUUUUUUUUUIJUUL low price of the products of the hop make up for lost time, and may not If Mr. Bryan is seeking contrasts with Lincoln republicans why does fields during-the past several years know when to stop. The flight of time has never he not quote from the messages and led many growers in Oregon and < <»lATÏ CO VI VI I SS I ON E Hs. had a better assortment of re­ Washington to plow up and sow the proclamations of Lincoln? In 1863 corders gathered under one roof President Lincoln said; “Uutil con hopyards to wheat. While conditions BILLS ALLOWED. before. American clocks in all have certainly been discouraging to <^_Salem, Oregon, September 17 to 22,1900. fitlence shall be reestablished little E V Littlefield, salary............ |75 styles, designs and makes, and hopgrowers, they have scarcely been Bigger and better than ever before. Grounds greatly improved, 2 can be done anywhere for what is David Leuo, road work .. buildings repaired and renovated, all stock buildings thoroughly dis­ surpassing all are seen those o “ called reconstruction. Hence our less so to thi' wheat grower who C C Barker, infected, everything in first-class condition for the largest and best dainty yet serviceable porcelain Live Stock Show and Agricultural Exposition ever held on the coast 4 chiefest care must still be directed to makes that cereal his principal crop. G Louden hausen A Son “ .. . clocks with their pretty faces 6 the urmy and navy, who have thus Owing to the discouraging conditions John Schaler, road supplies. . $20,000 in Premiums and Purses ! and rich decorated cases that 79 fur borne their harder part so nobly this year he has little assurance of S A Manning, hdw r Good racing every afternoon—music and fun at night, Auction can always be washed clean and sale of live stock will be made a leading feature. All ........ live stock and and well.” In 18G4 Lincoln pro enough as the result of his endeavor Daniel A Agee, bridge << lumber.... 82 bright when they get a little dus­ Rowell Bros, other exhibits hauled FREE over the Southern Pacific Railroad, ....150 to pay taxes on his land, while the claimed: ‘‘There will be no cessa­ << Reduced passenger rates on all railroads. For premium list and II Bailey, ... 19 ty or dirty. We have just re­ other information, address tion of hostilities short of an end of man with a carefully tended hopyard F R Wilson <( .... 49 ceived twelve cases of clocks di ­ W. H. WEHRUNG, Pres , << M. . D WISDOM, the war and the disbandment of all has promise, both as to quality and Jones »V Adams, .... 9 rectly from the factories and con­ Hillsboro, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. forces hostile to the government.’’ price, of abundant returns. Gener­ M Uuderwood, rent 2 fidently assert that we have as In all his proclamations relating to allyspeaking, the persistent farmer, Hannah Bond, care of poor. . .... 15 fine an assortment of reliable those in rebellion President Lincoln who raises year after year a reasona­ Il F Bedwell A Co, mdse for poor. 15 clocks at as low a price as was bused all promises on the condition ble diversity of such products as are Jae Thoma«, cure poor.................... 8 OÄJJO JO*5*5 JÔJÔJC Jö^OoJÖ Jû Jô Jü J ever offered in the Willamette best adapted to his soil, will live well E C lluguelet, .. 35 of unqualified acceptance of national » J acob W ortman , Pres. E d H endricks , Vice Pres. valley. and prosper, in a small way at least, H McGuire, . . 6 authority. These proclamations will J ohn W ortman , Cashier. A rthur M c P hillips , Asst. Cashier » t « .. 10 » make good reading for Mr. Bryan while his constantly experimenting, 1’ Raatnurten, WM. F. DIELSCHNEIDER T W Math, mdse for poor . 20 easily discouraged though equally in ­ J* and others who are striving tocreate & BRO., The Jewelers. .1 C Porter, •• ... 44 » the impression that Jefferson and dustrious neighbor finds himself II J Littlefield, medical attendance 14 00 » Of McMinnville, Oregon. Lincoln were as weak and blind as without hops in a hop year and W B Parker,Good Samaritan hsptl 20 40 » Mi 11 Sat l.ossei the Flat. !> the copperheads of this day. Mr. wheat in a wheat year. Wade A Co, hdwr. The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885. 5 10 » Capital and Suiplus, $90,000. “No hitman being now living ever will Bryan has u mania for associating O B Parker, sal and labor .... 33 75 New York society lias been shocked OO Rliude, “ .......................... ?♦ himself with Lincoln. Tn one of his Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the Uuited è» . 50 Oo see the flag come down.” These words lately by fashionable men who dis­ F W sitton, “ ami board prie .190 94 regarding the stars and stripes in the States, and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The speeches he quotes Lincoln as say­ » accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited. carded their coats and with an utter Robt Simons, puncheon ............ 15 DO Philippines were spoken by General ing in 1869 that the declaration of disregard for the conventionalities T r Johusou, blksmtg ................... . 6 10 Daniel E. Sickles, the Grand Army vet­ independence ‘‘in all coming days They ex- donned a shirtwaist and mingled L Endicott, gravel hauling . 27 50 eran and hero of Gettysburg shall be a rebuke and a stumbling with their fellows They wore oo Oregon State Fair The First National Bank » :I f I • O. O. Hodson Closing Out MM Take The Reporter and Get the News One Dollar Per Year.