STORMS A Iflptovy Renominated John R. Rogers for Governor. CONTEST WON ON 8TH BALLOT Huger« Men Force«! the Nuu»lii»tl«»u oi Kob.rt.un, ot Spokane, anti Konalft, «if Seattle, for Congre... Gongres»:nen-»t-)»rge— F. C. Robert- «ou, of Spokane; .1. T. Ronald, of King. Governor—John It. Rogers. Lieutenant-Governor—W. E. Mo- Croskey, of Whitman. Supreme Judges—E, C. Million, of Skagit; Richard Winsor, of King. Secretary oi State—J. A. Brady, of Snohomish. Attorney-General—Thomas Vance, of Yakima. Treasurer—W. E. Runuer, of Spo­ kane. Auditor—L. Silverthorn, of Douglas. Land Commissioner—O. R. Hol­ comb, of Adame. Superintendent of Public Instruc­ tion—F. J. Browne, ot King. Presidential Electors—James Me- Neeley, of Pieroe; N t G. Blallock, of Walla Walla; J. G. Heim, of Pacific; George T. Cotterill, of King. Seattle, August 31.—John R. Rogers was renominated for governor by the union Democratic convention on the eigth ballot, at 1 o’clock this morning, lie received 708,H votes, or 65a more than the necessary mini her. The con­ test throughout was most exciting, and great disorder many times marked the oourse of proceedings in the i«inven­ tion. Rogers on the first ballot re­ ceived 633 votes, and gained on every ballot until his final victory. He was actually nominated on the seventh bal­ lot, but in the confusion and through a misunderstanding as to the vote oi the Walla Walla Populists he lost four vot«'s intended io be cast for him. He then wanted only 1 H votes. The chairman ordered another vote, which was decisive. The unexpected turn of events in Roger’s direction came about with the nomination of Robertson, of Spokane, tor congressman. This state nominates both congressmen-at-lsrge. It was the plan of the anti-Rogers faction to put J. T. Ronald, of King, whom a great majority undoubtedly favor, against Robertson, for one nomination, and ;tius kill off Robertson, and leave the way open to Voorhees as a candidate j lor governor. Robertson proved a very strong candidate, and led Ronald, and vs the balloting proceeded seemed cer­ tain to defeat him. Many delegates voted for Robertson, expecting to give Ronald the second nomination. The King county man had made a combi-i nation with Thurston Daniels for the other nomination, and he could not honorably enter the second contest. ; Daniels finally solved the problem for King county and saved Ronald’s neck by offering to withdraw. Ronald and Robertson were then nominated by ac­ clamation. The Platform. The following platform was adopted by the convention: We, the repieseutatives of the Dem­ ocratic, Peoples and Silver-Republican parties of tiie state of Washington, as­ sembled in joint convention this 29th day of August, 1900, respectively re­ affirm our faith in the principles enunciated by our respective national conventions; and we pledge our earnest sapport to the peerless representatives «if the people, William Jennings Bryan and Adlai E. Stevenson. We still believe in the Declaration of Independence, and therefore hold it aloft in preference to the imperialistic jiolicy of the Republican party. We oppose trusts and combinations •which corner the products of industry and levy tribute on the people. We denounce these twin relics of barbarism—imperialism and militar­ ism—whether iu the form of trusts at home or greed of oouquest abroad. We pledge our repersentatives in congress to »work for the passage of a measure providing payment for the time consumed by our state volunteers iu the late war with Spain. We favor just and liberal pensions to the true and faithful soldiers of the United States, including the gallant Indian war veterans. We demand such legislation as will insure to the farmers and producers ot the state of Washington a reduction of freight rates and fares to a just basis. We demand tne inauguration of «nch measures as shall give the people the right to express themselves, when they so elect, upon all important ques­ tions, by the system known as direct legislation. We commend the official conduct of all our state officers, and call attention to the contrast lietween the present ex­ cellent financial condition of the state *n«l the blight and ruin prophesied by tbe opposition to surely result from the ele«'tion of our state officers. W’e commend the wise, courageous and patriotic manner in which the Hon. George Turner, our representative in tbe United States senate, lias defended the honor of his country and fulfilled’ his eeu recovere«! on the beach aud buried by the officials. Captain Ricbaidson, of the Sequoia, which is engaged iu the fishing trade down the coast, says that 17 dead bodies have been found ami buried between Topkuk aud G<.lotinin bay, aud 21 between Topkuk and Port Safety. The major­ ity of the drowned men are supposed to be victims of the late storm. R. J. Nelson fonud two bodies at Chiuik. On one was fouml the address, 21 Third street, Ban Francisco, but no name. So far as known, none of the bodies were identified before burial. Captain Ram well, agent of the steamer El­ more, says that passengers arriving from down the coast sav that fully 25 dead bodies, washed ashore by the waves, have been buried between Top- knk and Golofiuiu bay. ' Reports of drowning have also been received from up the coast. Men who have come down from York and l’ort Clarence lately, say that without doubt many persons were drowned. How many will probably never be known. KILLED Crime of HIS FATHER. 19-Ye»r-oi anil lihorder That Fol- |««wrer cent interest for the first 10 yean t nd 3H per cent for another 10. It is unofficially stated that the bonds will be offered at 98 aud accrued inter­ est. Dnvid Sinton, of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Spet. 3.— David Sinton, one of the richest citizens of Cincin­ nati, died at his home here today, ag«l 93 years. He left a fortune estimated at $20,000,000. He had l.«rge real estate interests in Chicago and New York, as well as here, aud owned big cattle ranches in Texas. He had given much money to public institutions. His inly heir is the wife of ex-Con- gressman Charles P. Taft, proprietor of the Cincinnati Times-Star, and * brother of Jwlge Tait, of the Philippine commission. Fire In New Orleans. New Orleans. Sept. 3.— Fire tonight destroyed the building at 64 Canal street occupied by the Fairbankks Scale Company, entailing a loss of $200,000. Keifer Bro..’ shoe factory, adjoining, suffered a loss of $100,000, aud the Morris building, corner of Canal ami Camp streets, sustaind about $50,0v0 damages. Seattle, Sept 3.—The steamship Sen­ ator, which arrived today from Nome, brought news of a briAal murder, iu which the life of F. Scott Morrisou, of Chicago, was as orifice« I to the blood­ thirsty savagery of Siberian natives. She brings also lhe report of tbe drowniug of Captaiu Gilley, a noted Alaskan explorer, whose good or bad fortune it was to have killed five North­ ern Indians some years ago while they were trying to take forcible possession of a vessel of which he was master. Gilley was captain of the sailing schooner Edith, which, with F. Scott Morrisou and Edward Foregreu, as pas­ sengers, sailed from Nome, August 8, for Siberia on a trading and prospect­ ing expedition. They had enlisted the rerviees of an Indian named Sam to pilot them to Siberian shores, where they arrived the Friday following their departure. That afternoon was passeil in making exchanges with the natives, who appear«-«! to be both friendly ami peaceable. About 10 o’clock at night, Morrison retired to his stateroom, and a few moments later shots from ashore were heard. The reports had hardly subsided when Morrison exclaimed: “I’ve been shot.” His shipmates hurrie«! to his assistance. They found that the.bullet had penetrated the side of the schooner and stateroom, enter­ ing Morrison’s groin. A few minutes later the vessel set sail for American shores, but Morrison succumbed to his injuries at «5 o'clock the next morning. The next «lay, when in the vicinity of Sledge island, 15 or 20 miles off Nome. Captain Gilley went on deck and seated himself oil the rail of the ves­ sel. A second later tbe boom swung around, striking him. He toppled over iuto the sea ami drowned before assistance could reach him. His body was recovered. Foregren assumed command of the Edith, and, with tho aid of a Sledge island Indian, succeed­ ed in reaching Nome in safety. Mor­ rison was a passenger to Nome on the first voyage of the Jeanie, which reached the district May 2. With M. C. Anderson, he was engage«! in the saloon ami general merchandise busi­ ness nt Nome. His widow ami five, step-children, one of whom, H. C. Heisler, accompanied him to Alaska, survive him. Captaiu Gilley was 60 years old and a uative of the Island of Borneo He had been a resident of Alaska for nearly two decades. His fight with the ludians, in which 10 are sail! to have been slain, occurred at Cape 1’riuce of Wales. “Jack” Hawkins, a passenger on the Senator, says tbe steam schooner Samoa arriied at Nome from Sibera the night the Senator sailed. In cross­ ing from the czar's domain, her pas­ sengers, composed of Russians, Eng­ lish and Americans, are re|a>rte return to their peaceful avocations. For the suppression of those insur­ gents who continue in armsit is under­ stood measures will be taken as soon as the dry season begins. General Mac- Arthur will soon have a force of nearly 7<>, effective men, who will be use«! to «lestroy the insurgent organizations when operations can begin. ANXIOUS TO ENLIST. Welsh Coal Miners* Strike. C«nnecaase tbe immigration bureau con­ sidered him an undesirable immigrant. Pott laud, Oregon. CardiS, Wale., Sept. 3.—A meeting of the strikers at Cardiff to«iay con­ firmed the action of their committee in agreeing to a resupmtion of work, the coin [»any having acceded to the de­ mands of the strikers. About 50,000 colliers went to work this morning. Washington, Sept. 8.—A dispatch from General MacArthur announces that Second Lieutenant H. N. Way, Fourth Infantry, was killed near Villa Vieje, Luton, August 23. ARE Glasgow, August 30.—A member of t|>e family (father, mother and child) which, as cabled yesterday, had lieen certified to bfl goffering from bubonic plague, haivng died today, 10 families living in their neighborhoo«! have l»een placed under medical observation. To­ day’« death was the second which has A Tone to Don's and Bra.l.lroos’s Weekly Kevlew. . I J ' ' Brastreet’s says: Distribotiv« trade, that from jobber* particularly, increases as the vacation season warns. Reports from leading Western cankers are more favorable and a large aggre­ gate of business In dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats and hardware are featusee noted this week. Tbe iron and steel trade, too, notes a decided gain in tone* and volume of sales, though pricee ex­ cept in a few instances harden but slowly. Clearing», reflecting past buai- uess and dormant speculation, are very email, but railroad earnings, reflecting the really heavy actual movement into consumption, maintain their old gains. Relatively, the most quiet and lees* satisfactory conditions rule in tbe pri- mary textile markets of tbe East, re­ flecting the backward state of next spring’s business. Corn crop n^-tn-ntt are viewed as rather better because of the euding of the late dry, hot spell at the West. Cotton crop conditions are still, however, only partially defined, aud leading state authorities are quoted as predicting a sliort crop. The stead­ iness of staple prices is a feature in present quietness of trade. To disappointing foreign advices and the backward state of tbe deman«Tfes cotton goods are to be attributed the shading iu raw cotton this week. The season in men’s wear, woolens, has been rather disappointing bo far, while the jobbing demand for dress goods is quite favorable. Manufacturers are buying only enough raw wool to cover orders foi goods ami prices are weak at the lowest point reached. Wheat, including flour, shipments for the week aggregate 8,248,813 bush­ els, against 2,695,168 bushels last week. Failures uggregate 165 for the week as against 135 last week. Canadian failures uumber 32, against 29 last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Heattle Market«. Onions, new, lFio. Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate. Potatoes, new. $15. Beets, per sack, 85c@$l. Turnips, per sack, 75c. Fquas h—4c. Garrote, per sack, $1.00 ParHuipe, per »ack, $1.25. Cauliflower, native, 75c. Cucumbers—10 («4 20c. Cabbage, uative and California. 2c per pounds. Tomatoes—40 (gi 50". Butter—Creamery, 25c; Eastern 22e; dairy, 15@ 18c; ranch, 14o pound. Eggs—24c. Cheese—12c. Poultry—12c; dressed, 14c; spring. 18915c. Hay—Puget Sound timothy, $11.00 @12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $16.00. Corn—Whole, $23.00; cracked, $3»; feed meal, $25. Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton, $20, Flour—Patent, per barrel, $3.50; blended straights, $3.25; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra­ ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wbeab flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.80@4.00. Millstuffs—Bran, per ton, $13.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed—Chopped feed, $19.00 per ten; middling», per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef steers, price 7‘«c; cows, 7c; mutton 7!rl pork, 8c; trimined, 9c; veal, 9® He. Hams—Large, 18c; small, ISM; breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt aldee, 8 He. Portland Market. Wheat—Walla Walla. 56@5«X«i Valley,57 He; Blueetein,60c per bushel. Flour—Best grade», $3.10; graham, $2.50. Oats—Choice ¡white, 42c; choice gray, 40c per bu»hel. Barley—Fee«l barley, $15.00@ 15. M; brewing, $17.00 per ton. Millstuff»—Bran, $18.00 ton; mid­ dlings, $20; shorts, $15; chop, $1» pea ton. Hay—Timothy, $11 @ 12; clover,$7« T.50; Oregon wild hay, $6@7 per ton. Butter—Fancy creamery, 45@50e; store, 27 He. Eggs—19c per dozen. Cheese—Oregon full cream, I3e; Young America, 14c; new cheese Mo per pound. Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $3.00« 4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.50; springe, $2.0093.00; geese, $6.00 9 7.00 per ducks, $8 .00 9 4.00 per doaen; turkeys, live, 149 16c per pound.{ Potatoes—40950c per sack; sweete, 392*40 per ponno. Vegetable«—Beets, $1; turnips, $1; per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cadi- bag»*, 2c per pound; |ound; carrots, $1. Hops—2 98c per pound. Wool—Valley, 15916c per ponml; Eastern Oregon, 15916c; mohair. M per pouwl. Mutton—Gross, tiest sheep, wetisaru an Governor Leary. 20.00; bran, $12.W« 13.30. occurred from the plague. ilies are now isolated. Forty fam­