The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 07, 1900, Image 1

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Enteredatthe Postofflcein McMinnville,
f Wall Paper
Everything but Ingrains for the next 60
days at a very LARGE DISCOUNT.
Must have room for more paper now on
the road.
Yours Truly,
><wO wO -G
«kJzwCJ ookj •'J
Represents the Freight Bills paid by
us in one week.
We Sell Groceries |
Keep us busy and growing.
Come and see us.
L. E. Walker. |
, i iTa
properly it takes time. It requires experience and
a complete knowledge of drugs. It requires the
druggist to have a large variety of drugs—fresh
drugs. He must give the best possible work, and
for compensation he must be reasonable. With the
above facts remember we are careful and strive to
please one and all alike. Thes^ are reasons why our
prescription file thribbles all in this county. We
are recognized by doctor and customer alike for be­
ing accurate and dispensing only the purest drugs.
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists
M Ä «
The Shasta Route
Trains leave McMinnville for Portland and Chicago*
way stations at 5:58 a. tn., and 3:06 p. m. Leave Port land
for Corvallis at 10 a. m.
9:15 a. m.
Leave Portland............ ....... 8:30 a.m.
Leave Albany............... .12:30 p.m.
Arrive fit Ashland........ .... 12 33 a.m.
Sacramento.................. 5:00 p.m.
San Francisco......... 7.45 p. m.
7:00 p. m
10:50 p.m.
11:30 a.m.
4 35 a.m.
8:15 a. in.
Ogden ..............
Kansas City...
11:45 am.
<HW a. m.
7 25 a. in.
9:30 a m
9 p. m.
6 p. in.
8 p. m.
Lo« Angeles.................. 1:20 p. m.
El Pa-o..........................6:00 p. in.
Fort Wurth................... 6:30 a. m.
City of Mexico......... .9:
9:55 a.m.
.4:00 a. m.
... . 6.25 p. m.
New Orleans
• 12 a. m.
12:43 p. in.
New York......
Daily Ex.
8 p. m.
10 p. m.
6 a. m.
[•ullman and Tourist cars on both trains.
Chair car- Sacramento to Ogden and F.l Paso, Ex Sunday
ami Tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, New Or­
leans and Washington.
Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kan­
sas City. St. Louis,
Chicago and East.
Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha. Kan­
sas City, St. Limit!,
Chicago and East.
4 p. in.
7 a. m.
Walla Walla Le wiston
Spokane, Minneapo­ 8:40 a. m.
lis, St. Paul, Duluth,
Milwaukee, Chicago
and East.
All Sailing dates sub­
ject to change.
For Sun Francisco—
Sail every 5 «lays.
4 p. m.
Columbia River Stmrs
To Astoria and Way-
Willamette River.
p. m
Oregon City. Newberg, 4:30 Ex.
Salem Independence
and Way-Landings.
Willamette and Yam­
3:30 p. m.
7 a. m.
hill Rivera.
Toe. Thur
Oregon City, Dayton,
Connecting «t San Francisco with several
and Way-Landings.
and Fri.
stonin»liip lines for Honolulu, Jspsn. China,
Philippines, Central and South America.
W illamette River.
4;30p. m.
Tues Thur Portland to Corvallis Mon. We.
and Sat.
and 1 ri
and Way-Landings.
See MR. W. MERRIMAN, agent at McMinn­
ville station, or address
Snake River.
3 3.5 a. m.
Riparia to Lewiston.
Gen. Passeneer Agent.
9 a. in.
Portland, Or.
W. H HIKLBCKT, O. P. A , Portland. Or.
K hodhi A R hoi . br , Agents, McMinnville
Come to The Reporter Office for
• Typewriter Papers
♦ Marriage Certificates
Legal Blanks
Bear, the aignature of C has . H F lxtcbxx
In use for more than thirty years, and
7Wc Kind Yon Have Always iionghl.
8. H. Maris reports hie strawberry
vines again in bloom, and if the fall rains
bold off long enough be will have a one-
fourth crop.
NO. 38.
The dam at the locks is nearly com­
Miss Etta Shortridge left Tuesday to
join her parents in easteru Oregon.
Prof. Bittner will preach here on next
Frank Ferguson and Al Newby of Am­
ity were seen on our streets on Monday Sunday night.
Look out for the steamboat through
A iittle shower of rain fell Tuesday the locks soon.
afternoon, but not enough to lay the
William O’Conner is at work in the
Willamette paper mills at Oregon City.
Anywhere can be heard the buzz of
Rev. Scott and family returned home
the woodsaw, reminding one of the ap­ last Monday after several weeks’ vaca­
proach of winter.
H. H. Winslow and wife, also daugh­
V. Shirer is at home for this month
ter, Miss Sadie, of Newberg, are camped looking alter the gathering of the hop
at the hopyard of A. S. Fogg.
Mrs. J. W. Bewley and children, also
Mr. Doug. Nelson is at hume again
Mrs. A. J. Bewley and children are pick­ from tending his fish wheel near the Cas
ing hops at the Fogg yard near town.
8. W. Shortridge and family left last
Mrs. Hill will go to Dallas soon to
Saturday for Tillamook, where he will look after the boarding house for the
seek employment in a logging camp.
C. C. Linden and family have gone to
Mrs. Hill has rented her property for
the Dudley Baling hopyard near Balls­ a year to the new R. R. agent at this
ton. Mr. Linden is yard boss again this place, Mr J. T. Lemasters.
l’rcf. D. M. Metzger returned home
F. B. Churchman and wife contem­
plate taking a trip to the mountains for
a two weeks’ outing, starting the latter
part of this week.
A. S. Fogg was kept busy Monday,
moving parties that are going to camp
and pick hops in his yard. It is under­
stood that he will pay eighty ceuts per
hundred for picking
One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers live cent*.
on last Monday, having been away in
Polk county over two Sundays. He will
go to Dallas on Thursday and his family
will move on Friday of this week.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
.oral ba .iso powoea co., hew vork .
Bark From Nome.
Ex-Sheriff W. L. Warren and his sons
Tom and Dell reached home from Nome
lsst Saturday evening, all looking happy
and hearty, and are being welcomed by
their many friends. Not one of them
seems to regret his three months’ experi­
ence in the far north, and in reply to
the question “What do you think of
that country? ” they are unanimous that
it is a good place and a country full of
gold. The trouble is that the best prop-
ing have already been engaged by stu­
dents from abroad. Prospects were nev­
er better for a fine year in the college.
H. L. B oardman , President.
Pluu« Taking a Little Different
Shape front That First Content*
The executive committee may reconsid­
er some plans for the coming carnival, in
connection with business citizens, and
have concluded that a celebration of one
day, or at the longest two days, would be
far better under existing conditions, than
to attempt a three-days’ celebration.
The idea is to have a good and attractive
time at reasonable expense. The barbe­
cue, for this reason, is likely to bo dis­
pensed with and something more inter­
esting put up in its place. It would be
in expensive feature, and at best a kind
>f miscellaneous jostle for a little cooked
meat on a stick. It is understood that
Capt. Hosford has a couple of steamboats
he is anxious to put through the locks
ihead of everything else, and those
steamboat men who are expecting to
traffic on the new route will doubtless
deem it an houor to join in the flotilla on
excursion day to represent their respec­
tive craft.
The executive committee authorize the
statement that they are willing, to com­
ply with the wishes of the citizens of the
town just as far as possible, and if two
days is the choice, two days goes. It
would not be possible to crowd every­
thing into one day, as the arrival o( the
boats and crowning ot the queen would
occupy one day, and the excursion and
speaking would take up another.
The 60x60 ft tent for the street fair,
made of 10 oz duck, can be obtained
complete for |107.50, and as the property
of the city, would be very useful on fu­
ture occasions.
The committee is iu receipt of some
very encouraging letters. Mr. W. F.
McGregor, one of the builders of the
locks, thus expresses himself in reply to
his invitation:
G entlemen :—I beg to acknowledge
receipt of your kind invitation to be pres­
ent at your carnival and return many
thanks, assuring you I shall be there.
Everything looks now as if
will be no dii-appoiutment in the com­
pletion of the locks in three weeks time.
1 trust your greatest ex pee tat ions shall
be realized in benefit the locks shall be
to your city and county, and I shall be
the happiest man among you when the
locks are completed. Seeing the expense
your city will be put to we shall be
pleased to contribute towards same if
you will put us in touch with your finance
committee. Again thankiug you and
hoping that your fair and carnival may
tie a grand success.
Hon. Thus. H. Tongue responds as
follows :
I know of no good reason why I should
not accept the generous invitation to
share the joys of my neighbors, and I
shall certainly do so, and lie on band un­
less some unforeseen contingency hap­
pens to prevent.
Newman’s Theatrical Agency of Port­
land offers any attraction in their line
that we may want.
Hon. John H. Mitchell unfortunately
cannot be present. He writes that he is
compelled to go to New York city about
the middle of the month and will not be
back before Oct. 10th. He adds: “Noth­
ing would give me greater pleasure than
to be able to be with you on that occa­
sion aud to join with your people in cele­
brating the opening of the river to Mc­
Minnville. I took great pleasure while
in the senate in aiding the inauguration
of this work. I had the pleasure of visit­
ing the locks u couple of weeks since,
and was very much gratified at the sub­
stantial character of the work.'*
All are busy picking hops now. Pros­
pects for better prices are good, and hops
are fine. More pickers are wanted at
some of the yards. Hops are looking
up, reports of 121 cents having been of­
There was no church service in our fered for certain yards. They are
town Sunday except in the Congrega­ to be of excellent quality, free from
tional church, Rev. Blair, of the Free or mould.
Methodist denomination preaching both
erties are controlled by a few individu­
morning and evening.
als. and what would be a good thing for
5000 people, is wholly inadequate to sup­
Sometime during the forenoon on
The dryer will start before long.
port eight or ten times that number.
Monday the flouring mill at this place
Will Blood’s house is begiuuing to
Billy says he would have been pleased
was discovered to be on fire, but by
look very well.
to remain there the coming winter, but
prompt action the fire was extinguished
Mrs. Celia Caldw ell is having a bay Mrs. Warren desired him to come home,
before any serious damage was done.
window built on her house.
and the truth probably is that he was
Mrs J. W. Cowls of McMinnvillle
Frank Fouts and wife are moving to just a little homesick himself. He dis­
drove up Monday, spending the night
with the family of her son, R. L. Bewley, Mr. Johnson’s place west of North Yam­ posed of his beach mining machinery to
good advantage.
At present he has
returning Tuesday accompanied by Mrs. hill.
We understand Mrs. John Fouts and some intention of returning next year.
Lydia Sunderlin, who will visit her and
Sam Laughlin, who took a lot of
the family of T. A. White for a few days. her daughter have gone to Newberg
horses up there, lost money on the deal,
but he is compensated by a paying prop­
CliHmberlnin’e C»URlt Itcmedy a
Last Friday nine young ladies from
Great Favorite.
erty at Daw son.
Carlton went up in the mountains and
The accompanying portrait is a good
The soothing and healing properties of
spent the day. They reported a very
likeness of W. L., with the exception
this remedy, its pleasant taste and
good time.
that the beard he brought home with
prompt and permanent cures have made
Last Saturday afternoon a few friends him extends up under his ears, and he
it a great favorite with people every­
where. It is especially prized by moth­ were invited to Mrs. Coffeen’s to tea, in has what might be termed whiskers “for
ers of small children for colds, croup and honor of her friend, Mrs. Herrin, who is further orders.’’
whooping cough, as it always affords now visiting her.
quick relief, and as it contains no opium Cut» anil Brul.e. Quickly Healed.
or other harmful drug, it may be given
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm applied to a
The new year of 1900-1901 at McMinn­
as confidently to a baby as to an adult.
cut, bruise, burn, scald or like injury­ ville college will open nextj Wednesday,
For sale by Howorth & Co., druggists.
will instantly allay the pain and will heal Sept 12th. Prospects are good for a
the parts in less time than any other large attendance from abroad and for a
treatment. Unless the injury is very se­ fine year in the college. The program
Miss Elsie Hoffstatter is home after vere it will not leave a scar. I’ain Balm for opening day this year will be as fol­
also cures rheumatism, sprains, swellings lows :
spending the summer in Portland.
At 10 a. in. in the college chapel, pub­
Mrs. Nora Skyles of Astoria visited and lameness. For sale by Howorth de
Co., druggists.
lic meeting to which the citizens of Mc­
with relatives and friends this week.
Minnville are especially invited. Trof.
H. F. Bedwell rind J. M. Bunn were
Licenses to Nfnrry*
W. W. Bristow, of Corvallis, the new
Portland visitors the first of the week.
Aug. 31—Claud B. Cummings, 25, and principal of the McMinnville public
Many are planning to attend the car­
schools, will deliver the annual opening
nival and circus at Portland the 6lh and Leona Sims, 25, of Newberg.
Sept. I-—J. Fred Emmett, 24. of Polk day address. His topic will be, “Ethic­
county, and Ethel Putman, 21, of Amity. al Education.” The address will be
Ray Goodrich, who has been with a
John McKinney, 28, of Oakesdale, followed by presentation of new mem­
surveying party all summer, returned
Wash , and Lilian B. Turner, 27, of Mc­ bers of the faculty and announcements
by the president. Citizens of McMinn­
Lee l.aughlin and wife attended the
John P. Wade, 26, and Bertlia May ville and friends of the college generally
wedding of Mrs. Laughlin’s neice at
Davis, 22, of Willamina. The marriage will be most welcome to this tnoiuing
Forest Grove.
Hutchcroft Bros, began picking hops ceremony iu this case was performed by exercise.
At 2 p. m. will occur registration and
Monday. Pickers are scarce. By the Justice J. M. Pugh, being the first marri­
loth hop picking will be well com­ age he ever solemnized. The wedding classification of students Every young
occurred at the home of Mr. Agee in this person who expects to attend the college
this year should be present the first day,
Mrs. Lucy Buscoe and children of Port­ city.
if at all possible. If a uew student, do
land, who have spent their vacation nt
not fail to bring your certificates from
Tillamook, staid over Sunday at the
important to Mothers.
the public schools or other schools at­
home of D. P. Trullinger.
Examine carefully every bottle of CA8T0RIA. tended previously, as these papers will
D. P. Trullinger made a trip to Cor­ a aafe and Bure remedy tor infanta and children,
be required of all applicants for admis­
vallis Saturday to examine some new and tee that it
sion to regular courses, except where ex­
milling machinery. He contemplates
amination for admission is taken.
putting in the same in his mill.
Signature of
Miss Rose M. Trumbull, the new prin­
Mrs. N. H. Perkins and daughter Elsie la Uso For Over 30 Ye»ra.
cipal in the department of music, will
went to Eugene Saturday to secure rooms
The Kind Y ou Bare AJwaj» Bvugbt.
be present at the opening of the year.
for Miss Elsie and Cloan, who will at­
Profs. Northup, Brumback, Storey, Gro­
tend school at the university this winter.
Ural Batate Trannfer«.
ver, and President Boardman will be in
Rev. W. B. Parker, who underwent a
their respective places in the faculty
Week ending Sept. 5th:
very severe surgical operation at the
Rev. Willard H. Latourette, the college's
Good Samaritan hospital, is gradually
general agent, will not be able to attend
growing worse. Nothing could be done
|2O the opening exercises of the year, he be­
coner’s ist add to Sheridan . .
for him, as his stomach contained a can­
ing absent on a tour for the college in
eastern Oregon and Idaho.
y, int 4.86 a Faulconer'» 4th add
The general building and entire plant
to Sheridan, also lots 3 and 6
Cnred of I hroulc Dlarrhoen After
Thirty Years of Suffering.
is being put in good order for the open­
and lots 4 and 5 in frac’l blk 31
(*) ing of the year. Old students generally
same add................................ .........
“I suffered for thirty years with
are to return, and many new students
diarrhoea and thought I was past being Tennessee Faulconer and Hattie
and Walter Hunt to Marcellus
have already engaged rooms and will be
cured,” says John 8. Halloway, of
on hand for the opening. Many others
Faulconer, lots 2 and 6 and 4854
French Camp, Miss. “I had spent Mí
delayed for a little time by the urgency
ft off w side lot 7 blk 12 Faul-
much time and money and suffered RO
coner’s 1st add to Sheridan........
much that I had given up all hopes of
25O of the late fall work on the farms, will
enroll later in the season.
recovery. I was so feeble from the et- S. J. Randall et ux to John W.
Frank C. Stanard and family, of
Hodson, 10 a t 3 r 2......................
fects of the diarrhoea that I could do no
Adams, Or., have been secured for the
kind of labor, could not even travel, but R. W. Phillips to John Enery,
roadway 20 ft wd............................
I position of college steward and to con­
by accident I was permitted to find a
duct the dining hall. The college and
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera E. 8. Remington to Jno Enery,
roadway 20 ft wide........................
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking
3 the town as well are to be congratulated
upon the acquisition of this new family
several bottles I am entirely cured of
Boliee Io Debtor».
They will not arrive until October 1st.
that trouble. I am so pleased with the
All persons who are indebted to us
t ' Other arrangements for boarding will be
result that I am anxious that it be in
made, pending their coming. All the
reach of all who suffer as I have.” For will please call at once, and settle.
S. H oworth & Co. , I available dormitory rooms in the build-
sale by Howorth & Co., druggists.
Carnlial NIeellnR.
Many soggegtion», valuable and other­
wise, have been made in regard to the
program for the celebration here the 27,
28, 2V, inet. by representative business
men and others. Therefore, the execu­
tive committee have decided to call a
meeting of all committees and others for
tomorrow, Saturday, evening to discuss
the matter fully. You are urged to at­
tend or forever hold your |>eace. Be on
band at the committee rooms at 7 .45.
K. P. B ird ,
H. 8. M aloney ,
J. C. C ooper ,
Ex. Com.
Bear, the .Iroature of C bas . H F lxtcbb *.
In uae for more than thirty year», and
TU Kind F«a Have Always AengM,