Working Women ' «re Invited to write to The town of Feodosia, on the Black sea, gave the celebrated marine painter, Alvazofsky, who died theie in bis 83rary Kussiau “t'lM'* KKT'S do all c-lulmeU far ih.a painter,, except Verestchagin, has en­ And are a trmy wouderfiu medicine. 1 have often wished for a medicine pleasant to take and ut last joyed a wider reputation, and most of buw found it in Cascareis since taking them my biocd has Men uurided and uiy complex ion has un­ the great picture gulleries of Europ* proved wonderfully and 1 feel much better In every possess examples of Alvazofsky’s work. Mus. S all Li hi. silla ns. Luttrell. Teuu. Ka«y anti ( lieiip Viicutloii Trip. CANDY Just think of riding 700 miles for CATHARTIC $12, on a smooth sea. with no dust or heat, ano getting the finest meals and every possible attention,without extia cost. The O. K. A- N. makes thia pos­ sible. Steamers every fifth day, at 8 1*. M., from Portland to San Francisco. * Described Alliteratively us the Place of “Dust, Dirt aud Disdain. I Mrs- Pinkham for free advice about their health. Mrs. Pinkham Is a wo­ man, If you have painful periods, backaches or any of the more serious Ills of women, write to Mrs. Pinkham; she has helped multitudes. Your loiter will be saoredly confidential. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Oompound Is known wherever the Eng­ lish language Is spoken. Nothing else can possi­ bly be so sure to help suf­ fering women. No other medk»ire has helped so many. Remember this when somei..'ng else is sug­ gested. Mrs. Pinkham's ad­ dress Is Lynn, Mass. Her helping hand Is always outstretohed to suffering women. Pekin lends itself to nickname anil alliteration. Au English minister de­ scribed it as the place of “dirt, dust, aud disdain.” Others have found it, like Lord Amherst, a city of despair. Henry Norman says that the two mo­ ments when one appreciates It are the first sight of its frowniug gates aud the last. Whatever it is or is not to the "men of long views,” It must always be one of the nerve centers of human interest and iutematioual relations. During the dynasty of those Mings, whose name was the warcry of the Taipings, and is to-day in the mouths of many of the secret societies that form the great difficulty of Chinese rule and management, It was a city of but second-rate importance. Their attention was given to the em­ bellishment of the now half-wasted city of Nankin, often called “the na­ tional capital,” but Pekin has been the imperial capital since the Ta-Tsings seized the throne, and those who are qualified to speak are of opinion that any notion of degrading it from its pride of place, to suit the convenience of European diplomacy, is foredoomed to failure. It is not ouly the capital of the Manebus, It is the capital of the mandarins. The official word is of the Pekinese stamp, and the Pekinese is the official language, the tongue of the graduate aud educated man. To the ear it lias a pleasanter and softer sound than the rough dialects of the prov­ inces. and it has been developed and molded to the elaborate and ornate phrases of polite society. 'The “sb” is often heard instead of harder and more uncouth conjunctions.—Loudon Tele­ graph. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. o» __ Good Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c. 25c. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Oleri lug Keaiedy I To fold gowns of delicate silk, or those trimmed with delicate ribbons, in casings of white tissue paper seems tlie dainty and suitable thing. Scientists, however, advise the use of brown pa­ per, as in the manufacture of white pa­ per chloride of lime is used, and is likely to injure the silk. I Live Like a Prince for a Week. Getting something for nothing is never realized iu this tough old world, but you can come mighty near it by going from Portland to San Frailer co og the (). K. N. steamers leaving Portland every fifth day at 8 1‘. M. A wonderful ocean trip for only $12 each way. with meals like mother used to cook and the best possible attendance, without being held up for a cent by waiters aud others. Motherswill find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth­ The Georgia man who chained up bis ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their Children during the teething period. daughter because she married in oppo­ The state of New York has expended sition to his vviahea merely deniou- stinted that she was wise iu marrying in the last 20 years $93,690 for investi­ anyone who would take her away from gating committees of various kinds. him. I A l»uon for Mothers! Formerly children cried when they had to Dropsy treated free by Dr. II. IT. Green’s take medicine, now they cry for tlie medicine Sons, of Atlanta. Gil. The greatest dropsy (’asrarets, the family laxative. All drug­ specialists m the world. Bead theiradier- gists, • XX’. 10c,........... tlseinent in another column of this paper. As a rule, the eyesight of women is Shoe Clerk—Entirely new toeswill better than that ol men. be seen in shoes this year. Customer — Well, I guess I will be satisfied with I’fso’s K4TKOYN CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. PORTLAND, ORECON. Branches at Spokane, Seattle Salem. McMInavlllt, Medford and I.a Orande. I Promotes Digeslion.ChM’rfuI- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. N ot N arcotic . CARBOUNEUM. Are the bnt that can be made. Nothing is or can be superior to a Mitchell Vagon, because it is made of the best r*at«rial - by experienced workmen which, cou­ pled with 65 year»’ experience in building wagons, during which time the manu­ facturers have had but one aim, and that to produce the best possible to build, is a guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell Wagon, you get the best that can oe made. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. - if none in your vicinity, we will sell to you direct. Send for circular. When roll see a woman start out of her house after dark in a stealthy fash ion. with a bag in tier arms, it means .he i- < hi her way to drop kittens into some yard. 1NkAMS /( H1L DKL N / Mitchell Wagons The New York department of high­ ways bus purchased four new sand­ sprinkling carts, w hich are to tie used on the driveways of the park and on asphalted streets. They will sprinkle a tine layer of «and on the driveway, to make rough plai-ea sinoolh, nn«l by the same prisa-sH it is thought that slippery asphalt p.iements can be safer when covered witii ice or rain. The Kind You Have Always Bought An oil painting of Frederick Stearns, of Detroit, who gave the Stearns collec­ tion of musical instrument, to the Uni­ versity of Michigan, has l>een placed iu the Stearns room in the mnsemn build­ ing. Tlie painting was a gift to the university from Mr. Stearns’ son. One application is all that is required. It lasts for yean. If your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the following distributing agents: Perfection Pile Preserving Co., Seattle, Wash.; Fisher. Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Sand Sprinklers. In hot weather, and make ft pure, rich and healthy with lloud's Sarsaparilla, which has a toning, invigorating efleet on the whole system. It creates a good appetite, strengthens the nerves, overcomes that tired feeling and braces you up to resist tlie efTects of the heat and the danger ol serious illness. Remenibei For Infants and Children. AVcgetable Preparation for As - similat’mg lite Fikul and Refi ula linfi the Stomachs and Bowels of I f emi for cat­ Yea and Nay.” This imperious Rich­ alog. Tenth year begins August 6, 1900. ard is Richard Coeur de Lion, of whom Scott, to name one only, has made such After a man passes 40 he is greatly line use in romance. encouraged if he has enough hair t "Miss Johnston typewrites her own get a tangle in it. stories," writes Annie Kendrick Walk­ er in tlie New York Times Saturday Review after an interview witii Miss Mary Johnston, tlie author of "To Have and To Hold," which is now past its 200th thousand. “She spent last summer at a fashionable resort in the Alleghenies, and the dick of her typewriter was frequently beard far into Hie summer’s night, as she was at work on the concluding chapters of ’To Have and Io Hold,’ then running serially in tlie Atlantic Monthly." CATARRH “When I get to be a man,” said the boy, who has a good memory for phrases, “I’m going to strive to culti vate an unselfish nature.” “That’s right,” replied his tether. “How are you going about it?” “Well, in the first place, if I have any little boys. I’ll let them shoot their own fireworks, instead of telling i them they must let me do it, fot fear' they will hurt themselves.” While in congress Jerry Simpson Is the Best Medicine Money Can Buy. saved most of his salary and invested | the money iu land and cattle. He is H ood ' s Pu ts cure constipation. Price 25 oenta. now rated at $40,000. When he first went to congress he had to borrow ! From Richmond, Va., to Atlanta, Ga., along the line of the priuoipal money to buy a railroad ticket. railways, it seems as il it were impos­ K fl'll I ift'iice. The American Man. sible to get out of sight of new cotton “He isn’t nearly so bright as he Much comparison lias been made be­ thinks he is,” said the young woman ta een ihe endurance of tlie Chinese and mills, either iu operation or iu course the American working man. Those witii of construction. These mills are prin­ who discusses her acquaintances. Miss Cayenne, authority say that the average working cipally the growth of the last decade. “No,” answered man of America is us su;>erior to tlie Chi­ “and that's a very fortunate circum­ nese as Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters is to ! For Ladles and Gentlemen. stance. If he were, we couldn’t look any other dyspepsia cure. The Bitters While the old library or smoking also cures constipation, indigestion ami at him without using apiece of smoked car hauled next the baggage oar was prevents malaria. glass. ” quite a convenience for men, it prao- Thre great man has greatness in him ticall.v shut out the best half of human­ Appropi-iatel.v Naineil. ity— the ladies. The observation car ‘•Why are they called pyramids, pa?” before the occasion brings it out. on the Northern Pacific’s crack train, asked George, who was lookiug at a I’lillmaii Sleeping Cara. the “North Coast Limited” gives up picture of those wonders of Egypt. These cars are standard the world to the ladies the best part of a thor­ “They are vailed pyramids, my son,” replied the father, without hesitation, over; well and strongly built, beauti­ oughly modern oar, which by the way “because, you see, they appear auiid fully furnished, service unequalled. is carried at the rear end of this train. The Northern I'aeitic is the onlv rail­ Daily service and all classes of tickets the general desolation of the desert.” I way runniug l'ullmans—first class and are honored on this train without extra tourist. Portland, Or., to St. Paul aud fares. HOW’S THIS.' Minneapolis. Try our “North Coast | Scotch Woodcock.—Cut some stala .. e offer One linin’.red Dollars reward for any Limited,” daily service. There is no case of Catarrh iliatvan not bo cured by llall’a bread into thin slices aud then into extra charge made for traveling on this Catarrh. Cure. rounds aud saute them in a little but­ F. J. CHENEY A- CO., Props., Toledo, O. train. We tlie undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney ter iu the chafing dish. Spread them for the past 15 ' ear», and believe him perfectly Into two well Irrigation is of the utmost import­ with anchovy paste. hoim-abl in all bushi ss transaction and fin­ ancial''* able to cur: y out any obligations made ance iu Persia, ns cultivation depends beaten eggs stir two tablespoonfuls of by t.ieir lirm. ujion it, and water is extremely dear. anchovy paste; add half a cup of W ist A T ruax , Wliolesal tiruxirlsts, Toledo, It has been suggested that artesian cream; turn it into the chafing dish, W aiding , K ixnan < fc M arvin , well manufacturers might tind an ex­ and cook over the hot water, stirring V» nolesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Eall’sCatxrrhCure ist ken n- rnally.acting cellent opening once that the success constantly till thick. Serve it on 'iree :y on the blood and tn co us surfaces ot sauted bread. the s;.-si in. Pr* o tic per bo’lie. bold by al. of these wells was assured. drug. 1st». Testiinoul Is free. -------------------- Hall s Family Phis r th > best. Liquid hydrogen is transparent, and the lightest, as well as the coldest liquid known, a cork sinking in it like lead. A whitish substance seen at the bottom of the vessel on Professor De war’s first exhibition was really solid Caramel Custard—One cup white air or air ice. sugar, put ou stove and brown, not burn, When well cooled add cup hot I'oiirigt Sleeper. Keep on stove until sugar dis- The handsomest tourist sleeper that water, Beat si^eitgs light, add one ver turned a wheel. The electric solves. — ..... _ in., flavor with lighted Pullman tourist sleeper on the and one-half quarts milk, “North Coast Limited,” daily service vanila, then add syrup and bake slow­ It should be watched carefully, between Portland and St. Paul and ly. Miuneajadis. Try our “North Coast that it does not boil. Try Alim'« Foot Kase, which grasps one without warning, the mucous membrane which lines the entire body suddenly becomes! weakened in some spot ami disease j is established. It may be of the* lungs, the head, throat, stomach, bowels, or any other organ. \Vh>re- ever it is. and whatever it seems, it all springs from the same cause— 4hlca<*. Mnntreal. hew lurk. 3lS MR TH Dlfi Sold and guaranteed by all drug- ifU'IU'DAV iriiuto 4'1 KF. Tobacco Habit Ham Salad.—Chop fine one cup ol ham; soak one cnp of bread crumbs in one-half cup of sweet milk; add one teaspoonful each of dry custard and cel­ ery seed and a little pepper. Turn all into a sauce pan and heat thoroughly. | Serve hot on a small platter, garnished i with slices of hard-boiled eggs. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season vour feet feel swollen, nervoib and hot. and get tired easily. If you nav<: smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen' A literary autobiography of William Foot-Ease. It cools the feet ami ma>.e< walking easy. Cures ingrowing naiis. Dean llowells, bearing the title of »woolen and sweating feet, blisters and “My Acquaintance Among Authors: callous spots. Believes corns mid bunion* of all pain and gives rest ami comfort. \V< A Personal Retrospect of American Lit­ have 30,000 testimonials. fry it todav erature.” is to be run as a serial before Fold bv all druggists amt shoe dealers f'*inimiently. |1 per bioitie at yonr di iixki H' b . SURE CURE FOR PILES ITCHING Pile« produce moNtnre and ratine Itching Till* form, at wen a« Blind Blredlua or Protriollng i ' i are cured bv Dr.Boeanko’e Pile Remed;. Kn>pa fu-blutf and b eetling Abaorba tnfnorw. 5o< a Jar aMrijKK'xiR or aeol by mail. Treatise free. Write me abuut your cbm . Dll. HOMANKO. Fb lad a. Pa. th year« experience could tell yon the best way tog- t goo