The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, August 10, 1900, Image 3

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Allied Force. D«e st th.
Eight Hays.
Capital In
vim of im w
Brussels, August, 4.--M. de Fav-
reaiix, minister of foreign affairs, has
received the following dispatch, dated Have Reachad Point 35 Miles
Shanghai, August 4, from M. de Car­
Beyond Tien Tsin.
tier de Marchionne, secretary of the
Belgian legation, now acting as charge
DOCUMENT OFCESSION SIGNED d’affaires of Belgium at Shanghai:
"The allies are marching on Fekin.
They are 18 miles from Tien Tsiu and
All Ohrl.tlan. Killed Near Pekln-Prlnc.
Commander Tilley Establiahes a Sta­ should reach Fekin in eight days.
ble Government Where Heretofore the Europeans have taken refuge in the
Chi««'. Peace Policy Ha. Little Sup­
inner inclosure of the imperial city.”
There W ms N o Order.
port at Pekin-Chleia Beheaded.
America's Work in the Sa­
moan Islands.
Washington, August 5.—Commander
Benjamin F. Tiller, in charge of the
United States naval station on the Isl­
and of Tutuila, Samoa, transmits in a
recent report to the navy department
upon the condition of affairs on the isl­
and an “instrument of cession” exe­
cuted by the chiefs of Tutuila and the
United States government. The docu­
ment formally cedes and transfers to
Commander Tilley, as the representa­
tive of the United States government,
the Islands of Tutila, Auua, and all
other islands, rocks, reefs, foreshores
and waters lying between certain de­
grees of latitude and longitude, namely,
to erect the same into a separate dis­
trict to be known as the district of Tu-
tila. The "instrument of cession”
was signed by the marks of 22 chiefs,
with their seals affixed, on April 17
last, immediately prior to the raising
of the Stars and Stripes over the naval
station at I’ago Pago.
The provisions of the documents set
forth that the chiefs of the towns shall
be entitled to retain their individual
control of the separate towns, provided
the same shall be in accordance with
the laws of the United States concern­
ing Tutila. It provides also that this
government shall protect and respect
the individual rights of the people to
their land and property; and should
the government require their land, it
shall take the same on payment of a
fair consideration.
Commander Tilley visited Rose isl­
and, the eastern member of the Samoan
group, which lies 70 miles to the east
of Mayna, hoisted the American flag
and took formal possession.
This ii
nothing but a coral reef, and is of no
Very stringent regulations
have heen issued by Commander Tilley
prohibiting the importation of tirearms,
dynamite and other explosives iuto
Tutila. An order recently issued for­
bids the importation of wines, beers or
liquors except by permission of the
Tivoli Frequenters Fined.
New York, August, 5. — Eighty-one
women and 11 meu who were arrested
in the Tivoli, a tenderloin resort, last
night, were araigned in the police court
here today. Two of the women were
lined $10 for disorderly conduct, and
another was sentenced to three months’
imprisonment as a vagrant. The other
■cases went over. Of the men. all were
discharged excepting J. F. O’Conner,
the teni|iorary manager of the Tivoli,
who was held in $3,000 bail for- exam­
ination, and J. F. McAvo, the waiter,
who is alleged to have assaulted Stat*
Senator Ford in the Tivoli a few nights
ago, and against whom Senator Ford
appeared as the complaining witness.
McAvo was held in $100 bail for ex­
amination tomorrow, his counsel stat­
ing that he desired to bring counter
charges against Senator Ford.
New Jersey Laws Adequate.
New York, August 5.—Governor
Voorhees, of Now Jersey w hen asked if
the state authorities would make any
investigation of the anarchists in New
Jersey or try to stop the promotion of
their cause, replied that the laws are
well observed now in New Jersey and
amply sufficient to cover the anarchy
issue. If any transgressions of the
laws were committed, the state will
take prompt action, and the offenders,
when proved to be such, will be prose­
cuted and punished.
The governor
did not seem pleased at the imputation
that anarchists were being sheltered in
ins state.
Yellow Fever in Florida.
Key West, Fla., August 5.—Dr.
Porter, Florida’s state health officer,
•who is now in this city, received today
from Dr. Weedon, medical representa­
tive of the board at Tampa, a message
announcing two cases of yellow fever in
that city, and saying he believed the
infection to be general. Dr. Porter nt
jnce wired Dr. Weedon to place quar­
antine restrictions on all travel to and
form Tampa. It is believed that the
disease can be confined to Tampa.
San Francisco Italian*.
San Francisco, August 5.—The Ital­
ians of San Francisco met last night
and gave expression ot their feelings on
the assassination of King Humbert. A
cablegram of sympathy was sent to the
Minister of foreign affairs to be com­
municated to the royal family and it
was decided to hold memorial services
here on the day of the monarch’s
funeral. C. F. Serra, the Italian con­
sul at this port, is now in Rome, and
be was instructed by cable to represent
the local colony at the funeral.
Louisville’s Population 704,731.
Washington, August 5.—The census
office today announced the populatioa
of Louisville, Ky., to be 204,731, an
increase of 42,602 over the census of
Tien Tain, July 28, via Che Foo,
July 31, and Shanghai, August 4.—
London, August 6.—According to a
The American commander received special dispatch from Shanghai, dated
orders from Washington today not to August 3, the udvauciug column of
delay the advance on Fekin. He was the allies was retried there, yesterday
also informed that heavy reinforce­ J to have reached a point 35 miles be-
ments are en route.
! yond Tien Tsin. Nothing from any
<ireat activity is noticeable at the ' other poiut coiroborates thiB state­
Japanese headquarters.
Transport ment. In fact, the Standard goes so far
pre|>arations are being hurried. It is as to say that it fears the real advance,
extremely unlikely that either the Jap­ apart from preliminary measures, has
anese or British intend to be left behind uot yet begun. Tien Tsin dispatches
the Americans, though the British dated July 30 tell of an action which
preparations are a long way from com­ is termed a “reconuoissauce between
pleteness. The Japanese organization, Japanese and Chinese two miles be-
on the other hand, excites the admira­ yond the Hsi Ku arsenal, in which th«
tion of all.
Japansee withdrew after .uttering 30
The total strength of the allies here casualties.
is 17,000. Reinforcements are arriv­
The Tien Tsin correspondent of the
ing daily.
Standard, under date of Jalv 27, de­
clares that the Americans and Germans
have been ordered to move forward
Imperial Edicts Condemn tl»e Christiana without waiting for the British.
A Chee Foo special reports the safety
— Boxers Ordered to Kill.
London, August 4.—At last the story Americans in Pekin and the receipt
of Pekin has been told. Dr. Morrison, of a letter from Dr. Cheltman, dated
in today’s Times, holds up the Chinese Fekin, July 20, saying that on the
government before the world as guilty, previousdav Sir Claude MacDonald, the
and to a degree of infamy as duplicity British minister, had agreed to a truce,
that exceeds the surmise of its worst providing the Chinese came no closer,
detractors. In the same dispatch he and continued: “We hope this means
gives a more hopeful view of the pros­ relief, but, having »gain defeated the
pects of the besieged than has been ex­ Chinese, we are fearful of treachery.
pressed by any of the others who have All are exhausted from constant watch­
been heard from.
Simultaneously ing, fighting aud digging trenches.
there conies from the Belgian charge The greatest credit is due to Mr.
d’affaires at Shanghai an official state­ Squiers, secretary of the United States
ment that the allies are expected to legation, whose military experience
reach Fekin in about a week, they be­ and energy are invaluable.”
The Shanghai correspondent of the
ing 18 miles from Tien Tsin yesterday.
Another letter has been received at Daily News says that the consuls there
Tien Tsiu from the British minister. regret the independent action taken
Sir Claude MacDonald, dated July 24: by the American Association and the
“We are surrounded by imperial Chinese Association, on the ground
troops,” he writes, “who are firing on that it 1« injudicious. He s ya: “The
settlements being international, petty
us continuously. The enemy is enter­
must disappear The China
prising, but cowardly.
We have pro­
visions for al>out a fortnight and are eat­ Association is of little local influence.”
ing our ponies. The Chinese govern­ Presumably he refers to the American-
Asiatic Association.
ment, if there be one. has done nothing
The Hong Kong correspondent of the
whatever to help us. If the Chinese Daily Express announces the arrival
do not press the attack we can hold there from San Franeiico of Hoer Lee,
for. say 10 days. So no time should be for unit time resident agerit in the
lost if a terrible massacre is to be United States of the society for the ref­
avoided. ”
ormation of tlm Chinese empire, with
Yet a Shanghai special says Li Hr- • £6,000, which will presumably be util­
Chang has received a decree, u..ted ized in connection with the movement
July 28, commanding him to inform against the empress dowager, a move­
the consuls that the ministers ware ment quiescent since 1898 until within
safe on that date.
Evidently Sir the last few weeks.
Claude MacDonald was over-pessi­
Nearly all the correspondents con­
mistic, as Dr. Morrison, under date of firm the reports of a wholesale massa­
July 21, announces the arrival of sup­ cre of Christians outside of Pekin, a
plies. In view of this it is quite with­ correspondent of the Dailv News giv­
in reason that the edict anouucing the ing the number of killed as between
safety of the miuisterH on the 28th is 10,000 aud 15,000, all defenseless con­
verts. Imperial troops—so it is stated
—did the dastardly work.
According to the Shanghai corre­
The Jury Find That He Did Not Murdei spondent of the Tinies, one of the mem­
Gilbert Gates.
bers of the Taung li Yamuii mentioned
Kansas City, August 4.—A Times by United States Consul Goodnow as
special from New London, Mo., says: having been beheaded for pro-foreign
"Alexander Jester, the octogenarian, tendencies was Captain Hsu Chien,
who has been on trial here for the past formerly minister to Russia. The cor­
two weeks for the murder, 29 years respondent says the empress dowager
ago, of Gilbert Gates, was acquitted ordered his execution on the advice of
tonight. The jury took three ballots. Li Hing Hong.
"When the jury tiled iuto the court
Li Hung Cliaug has been informed
room it was tiled with an expectant from Pekin that Prime Ching's only
■ throng. Judge Erbv, who was in wait- prominent supporters in his peace pol­
i ing, prompty adivsed the foreman of icy are General Yung Lu and Wang
the jury, Joseph Barry, as soon as the Wen Shao, preside nt of the board of
jurymen had taken seats and asked if revenue, whose influence is small.
they had come to a conclusion. Barrv
answered in the affirmative and handed
the verdict to the judge. The latter, Dr. Tanner, of Cork, Create, a Been« In
unfolding the paper, scanned it a mo­
Parliaiiieu t.
ment, and then read: ‘We, the jury,
London, August 6.—Once more Dr.
find the defendant, Alexander Jester,
Charles Tanner, Nationalist mem bet
not guilty.’
“The old prisoner, bent with age, of parliament for the middle division
and worn with watching, sat as if of Cork, has been suspended; and. al-
dazed for an instant, while the audi­ i though in this iuBtance the suspension
ence, at first too amazed to realize that : was only for one night, it was accom­
the trial had so quickly come to an plished by scenes that would have done
end, watched the actions of the judge credit to the most disorderly legisla­
in breathless silence and seemed unable ture in the world. After opjioeiDg a
to grasp the meaning of the words just vote in supply at today’s seAion, Dr.
spoken. Jester, finally realizing the Tanner was appointed a teller. Subse­
import of the words, arose, and, his quent to the division the chairman an­
face beaming with joy, moved toward nounced that Dr. Tanner had grossly
the jurymen to thank them. A mo­ : insulted hint on account of the appoint­
ment later the spectators awoke and ment, aud that, in conseqence. he
gave vent to their feelings in a shout would suspend him for the remainder
that made the court room ring. Then of the sitting.
Gesticulating wildly, Dr. Tanner de­
with a common impulse a rush was
I made for the man who had. in his de- fied the chairman, the house and the
| dining years, made so brave a fight for whole English nation. Amid a deafen­
, his life, and he was almost smothered ing roar he declared that the chairman
| was “merely one ot the premier’s miu-
j with <ongiutulations.
"When Jester was enabled finally to ' tons.” He then exclaimed: “1 defy
i disengage himself from the friends who the whole lot of you. I throw that in
surrounded him, he made his way your teeth. As an Irishman, I leave
quickly to the hotel, where, surrounded the house with greater pleasure than
by his children, he rejoiced quietly. I I ever entered it.”
Then, while staid members rose in
He will leave here at ouce for his home
in Oklahoma. He was taken prisonet their seats and tried to drown these ut­
terances, Dr..Tanner still yelled defi­
over two years ago.”
ance and went out.
Sentenced to Be Shot.
Farmington, Utah, August 4.—Judge
Rolapp today sentence.I Nick Haworth
to be shot on Friday, September 14, for
the murder of Night Watchman San-
dall. The murder occurred last year,
and Haworth Wil captured in Oregon
an<l brought back for trial.
Six Dead and Many Injured.
International Pre«« Service.
a Chicago, August 4.—A special to the
Paris, August 4.—The international
Ttecord from Tampico. Mexico, saves
As a result of the encounter which took peace and arbitration conference today
place at Donna Cecilia, a fashionable adopted a proposal for the establish­
subnrb of this city, yesterday, Itetween ment in connection with the peace
60 Bahama negroes and a force of Tam­ bureau at ¡Berne of an international
pico police, aided by a company of press service to be known as the Peace
soldiers from the government barracks Agency, whose duty will be the publi­
here, four negroes and two soldiers cation of a bulletin showing the ad­
have died from their wonn^s, and 21 vancement in the interest of peace. It
negroes are suffering from wound«, I will be furnished free to all the paper«
I if Europe. Funds will be raised by
Several of them will die.
i rabeenption to carry out the plan.
Nl.aragna Sel.nre Will Not Stop
ths Canal.
Washington August,**.—From inside
sources it was learned that the action
of the Nicaraguan government in tak-4
ing possession of the property of the
Maritime Canal Company will have
not the slightest effect- upon the con­
strueton of the canal by the United
States government. It is fully under­
stood that when the canal is actually
authorized by the United States that
the Nicaraguan government will have
to make terms with the United States,
notwithstanding any concessions it
may have granted to other parties.
There is a possibility that provision
will be made for concessions that have
been granted, in order to avoid any
possible difficulties. It is not believed
here that the Cragin-Eyre Company has
any purpose in this concession other
than to secure money from the United
States when the canal is built. Author­
ities on the caual have uever believed
that the com essions obtained by this
syndicate were of any value.
Eyre-Cragin Concession Proclaimed.
Munafua, Nicaragua, via Galveston,
August 5.—The Nicaraguau congress
convened last evening, and was per­
sonally addressed by Ptesident Zelaya,
who declared that the condition of the
country, especially from the point of
finances, showed distinct improvement.
He annouuced the termination of the
concession to the Maritime Canal Com­
pany, and formally proclaimed the ex­
istence of the Eyre-Cragin canal con­
cession. He also emphasized tlie gov­
ernment's programme for extending
the national railroad. His speech was
received thrroughout with enthusiasm.
Thrown From a Hor.e aud Killed.
McCook Says Alaska Is
tined to be a Wonderful
Mining Camp.
“Alaska is destined to be a wonderful
tuiuiug country,” says United States
Consul McCook, at Dawson, in a letter
to the state department. The Tanana
district, he says, is creating a stir and
is dividing honors with the Kyokuk
conutry. In the Tanana region the
miuers claim they can get 10 to 30
cents’ worth of pay dirt to the pan,
aud this in summer digging, with only
two or three feet to bedrock, w equiva­
lent to $1 a pan where one has to go
25 feet to bedrock.
“The great necessity now in Alaska,”
says Consul McCook, “is good roads,
good camps and the prospecting of com­
paratively unknown sections.”
Great dissatisfaction was expressed
at Dawson City this spring after the
wash up, he says, by miners who
woiked for men who had leased mining
claims from the owners. The lay men
sign contracts to work so many feet of
the claim during the season, to receive
50 per cent of the gold coming out of
the claims, and the lessee agreeing that
all men working the propetry will be
employed under a written contract by
which they promise not to hold the
claim in any way liable fortheir wages.
It has turned out in hundreds of cases
that the cost of working the olaims has
taken more than 50 per cent of the out­
put, the lessees’ share. Thus the men
employed on the claims have been de­
prived of their wages. Lay men on
rich claims, says Consul McCook, can
do very well, but the majority of the
olaims cannot be worked on tins basis
at the current rate of wages.
E. C. Seukel, gold commissioner of
Yukon territory, has information that
Canada is to introduce radical reforms
In the Klondike. The royalty system
is to be done away with altogether and
a government assay office is to be estab­
lished at Dawson and a compulsory fee
of 3 per cent charged for assaying gold
and exchanging for drafts. The 3 per
cent must be paid ou all gold taken from
the country, whether the government
assay office be patronized oi not.
New Y’ork, August 3.—Miss Clarissa
Blake, daughter of 8. Parkman Blake,
a retired banker of Boston, was killed
at New Rochelle, N, Y., this after­
noon. She went there to purchase a
horse for cross-country ridiug, and
picked out a magnificent bay. She
mounted the animal aud took several
turns around a field and then started to
try him over the hurdles. She ran
him to a hurdle, and the horse rose to
it, but as he wont over his hind hoofs
struck the top rail, and Miss Blake was
Lucky Queen Hill.
thrown. She struck on the back of
A rich strike has just been niadu by
her head at the neek. Her spine .was
broken at the base of the brain, aud she Corliss & Rush, on Lucky Queen liill,
about 10 miles from Grant’s Pass, Or.
was dead when picked up.
It is on the Double Eagle claim, which
Hospital Corps.
was purchased last year for a very low
Lexington, Ky., August 5.—Sergeant figure. The strike is in the nature ol
George Whitemever, of the local re­ a very rich seam, one to two inches
cruiting station, received telegraphic thick, with a body of quartz on either
orders from the surgeon-general to en­ side. The gold is all through the
list men for the hospital corps, consist­ seam, which is easily pounded up, aud
ing of stewards, wagoners and mechan­ runs $10 to $15 to the pan.
ics. The order is considered significant
Reviewing the Gem Mine.
ot the hurried movements in the near
future, as the orders allow any one to
The Gem miue. near Sparta, Eastern
serve who has a common school educa­ Oregon, now owned,by Portland capi­
tion. whereas heretofore meu for hos­ talists who purchased the property sev­
pital serivce were required to havo had eral mouths ago, has shown exceeding­
some experience.
ly rich ore, acording to Manager N. J.
Jenkins. A depth of 460 feet lias been
Sir Edwin Arnold*. Son Held.
San Francisco, August 5.—Julian attained and levels are being run 450,
B. Arnold, son of Sir Edwin Arnold, 350 and 300 feet in depth. Au uprise
who is in custody of a United States from the 450 to the 350-foot level is
marshal awaiting the result of extradi­ being driven for air. A contract has
tion proceedings, was not surprised to been let to sink a prospect shaft 300 feet
learu that his partner, Thomas Bolton south of all previous workings. As
Sisme, had been held for trial in Lon­ work progresses, large ore l*odies are
don. He said that the fact that only being exposed, and there is ore enough
$10,000 bail was Hsked showed that the ill sight for a 10-stauip mill for years
action was not serious. He said that to come. The old Gem was worked 30
his father was not at outs with him, years ago by Captain Ainsworth and
and that the affairs of the firm were Captain E. M. White, but was aban­
being settled. If he is not ext radited, doned by them. The wealth of the
miue was little known, as recent de­
he proposes to stay here.
velopments show . The property now
Lost in Wonderland.
bids fait to be a great producer.
Helena, Mont., August 5.—J. II.
Electric Line for Republic.
Piper, cashier of the First National
is before the council ol
bank at St. Mary’s, who was one of a
party going through Yellowstone park, Republic, Wash., to grant the Republic
is lost in Wonderland He strayed Gold Mining Company a franchise for
away on Monday from the rest of the the laying of track and the runniug of
party at the Fountain Geyser hotel, and steam, electric or norse cars through
at last accounts no trace of him had that city, the erecting of poles and the
been found. A detachment of troops transmission ¡of electricty for lighting
is assisting in the search for the miss­ purposes for the municipality and for
ing man. His friends fear that his power. Should the franchise be grant­
ed, the tramway system will be built
mind became unbalanced.
first. The route for the train way has
Aehentee Caanpalgii,
been surveyed. From this line, which
Beekwai, Ashantee, August 6.— will lie about three mile« long, branch
Major H. R. Beddoes, with 100 men lines will run through the oross streets.
and two guns, started July 24 to locate
Northwest Notes.
the enemy’s war c«r>p. The camp was
Denny pheasants are becoming plen
found, the warriors numbering 3,000
to 4,000 men, three days’ marching tiful in Rouge River valley.
east of Mom|s*essi.
Several hours’
Klamath Indians have sold 65 horse«
fighting resulted in the defeat of the to a government buyer at price« from
Aahantees against a stubborn resist- $25 to $40 per head.
Major Beddoes* losses were
A panther that had been killing
heavy. He aud Lieutenant Phillips goats was shot last Sunday by William
and Swabv were severely wounded. Templetou, of Crown Point, Or.
Thirty meu were also wounded. More
Fire is destroying much valuable
troops will be necessary l>efore the cam­
timl>er in the mountains west of Enter­
paign can fiossibly finish.
prise, Or. The fire started about a
Garman Transport. Mall.
week ago.
Bremerhaven, August 5.—The Ger­
A Chinese vegetable peddler at Spo­
man transports Rhein and Adria sailed
for China today, with the staff of the kane cut off his queue to couivnce skep­
expeditionary corps under General von tical persons that he was not a Boxer,
Lease!. Emperor William aud the but a Christian.
empress visited Ixith vessels on the eve
An exceptionally large fruit crop is
of their departure, aud hade the offi­ assured this season in the Rogue River
cers adieu They were enthusiastically valley. One farm will yield from 50
to 60 car loads of apples.
Walla Walla’s outlook for a fruit
A large number of young men of
Martinique have petitioned I’raeident fair is good, its soliciting committee
Kruger Prumiiei Indemnity.
Loubet of France, for arms and passage got $1,000 from business men ill three
Pretoria, August 6.— President Kru­ to enable them to proceed to South hours, and promises ol much more.
ger and Commandant-General Botha Africa to tight for the Boers.
Charlie Linn, a boy at Salt creek,
have issued a proclamation promising
in Polk county, Or., has caught 168
to pay all damage done to farms by the
The coast region ol Georgia is to have digger squirrels with a steel trap since
British provided the burghers remain a sugar refinery, the first one in the last March. He gets 1 cent each for
with the commandos.
state. It is to be located in Blaxley.
their scalps.
Will Be Burled In Koine.
Glanders Among Cavalry Horses.
Salmon have commenced to make
Rome, Anguflt 4.—The minister« their appearance in the Wallowa river
San Francisco, August 6.—Glander«
have unanimously decided that the Ixxly below town, and axm Chief Joseph’«
has broken out among the horses at the
Presidio stables, belonging to the vari­ of Kiug Humbert shall rest in Rome. gang of Indiana will be here catching
ous cavalry regiments and «waiting Fifteen thousand troops will pay the and drying them for winter use.
shipment to Chnia on the horse trans­ last honors.
The creamery at Chehalis, Wash.,
ports Altec and Strathgyle. The pre«-
A fruit grower at Central Point. Or., turned out 10,000 poaumls of butter
snee of glanders was discovered thia clears hie orchard of winl fall apples ■nd 500 pounds of cheese during June.
morning, and eight infected anima)« by driving a bunch of hogs through it. The Bee-Nugget estimates that with
were shot. The commanding officer All apple« which hav« dropped will the Toledo, Browning, Centralia and
has received orders to spare no effort be eaten by the hogs, also the worm« in ■mailer creameries in operation Lewi«
or expense in stamping out the disease the apple«—which were the direct county’s diary product will reach $75,-
before it can become epidemic.
cause of th« apple« dropping.
000 to |80,000 per year.
Trade Conditions Do Not Warrant Aap
Great Activity.
Bradstreet’s says: Trade condition*
■till favor the buyer; general fail de­
mand, though fair in view of the mid­
summer condition, is still below expec­
tation», and below a year ago; bank
clearings are at the lowest for two
years past, aud failures are slightly
more numerous, though no marked ten­
dencies are perceptible. On the other
hand, gross railway earning* bold their
percentage of gain previously shown,
and where prices are made low enough
to satisfy buyers, a heavy business ie
uncovered, and readily booked, point­
ing to demand being still present and
waiting disposal. The crop situation,
as a whole, is better; the outlook as to
corn is lor. a 2,100,000,000-bushel
crop. Spring wheat is- turning out
better in quality and quantity than ex­
pected, and there has been an unques­
tionable improvement in cotton crop
conditions. The yield of apples will
be the largest hi many years, and fruit«
generally are yielding liberally and
commanding good prices.
The iron aud steel industry furnishes
the most notable example of reducerk-
pricea, induoing a heavy business,
while the outlook is*still a confused
The cereals are all lower this week,
partly on better crop reports, partly on
lower cables, but largely on the growth
of bearish feeling after the late re­
Beef products are generally higher
on army demand, while tin is seeking
a lower level in sympathy with foreign
markets and increasd supplies.
Wheat, including flour, shipment«
for the week, aggregate 3,327,008
bushels, against 2,366,743 bushel« last
From July 1 to date this season,
wheat exports are 14,568,869 bushels,
against 18,508,96 bushels last season.
Business failures for the week num­
ber 170, as against 183 last week.
Seattle Markets.
Onions, new, lJic.
lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate.
Potatoes, new. $16.
Beets, per sack, 85c@$1.
Turnips, per sack, 75c.
Carrots, per sack, $1.00
Parsnips, per sack, 50975c.
Cauliflower, native, 75o.
Cucumbers—20 @ 30c.
Cabbage, native and California,
2c per pounds.
Butter—Creamery, 24c; Eastern 22c;
dairy, 15(3)18c; ranch, 14c pound.
Poultry—14c; dressed,
14 @ 15c;
spring, $3.50.
Hay—Puget Sound timothy, $11.00
@12.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, $16.00.
Corn—Whole, $28.00; cracked, $25;
feed meal, $25.
Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour—Patent, per barrel, $3.50;
blended straights, $3.25; California.
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra­
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80@4.00.
Millstuffs—Bran, per ton, $12.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed—Chopped feed, $19.00 perjton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef
steers, price 7 He; cows, 7c; mutton
7's; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 99
Hams—Large, 13c; small, 13 Hl
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides,
8 He.
Portlaud Market.
Wheat—Walla Walla.
55 @ 58c;
Valley, 54c; Bluestem, 58c per bushel.
Flour—Best grades, $3.20; graham,
$2.60; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats—Choice white, 86c; choice
gray, 84c per bushel.
Barley—Feed barley, $14.00915.00;
brewing, $16.00 per ton.
Millstuffs—Bran, $12.50 ton; mid­
dlings, $20; shorts, $14; chop, $15 per
Hay—Timothy, $109 11; clover,$7 9
7.50; Oregon wild hay, $697 per ton.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 45 @ 50c;
•tore, 27 He.
Eggs—17c per dozen.
Cheese—Oregon full cream, 18c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $3.009
3.50 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs,
$2WO(<i4.00; geese, $4.00(3)5.00 for old;
$4.5096.50; ducks, $3.0094.00 per
turkeys, live, 16@17c per
Potatoes—40 9 50c per sack; sweets,
2 (3 2 l«c per poumi.
Vegetables—Beets, $1; turnips, 75c;
per sack; garlic, 7o per poumi; cab­
bage, 1 He per pound; parsnips, $1;
onions, 1 He per poumi; carrot«, $1.
Hops—298c per [>ound.
Wool—Valley, 15916c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 15916c; mohair, 28
per pound.
Mutton—Gross, l*est sheep, wethers
ami ewes, 3*4c; dressed mutton, 79
7Ho per pound; lamlw, 5‘ic.
Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light ami feeders, $4.50; dressed,
$5.0096.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef—Gross, top steers, $4.0091.50}
cows, $3.50 9 4.00; dressed beef, 6H9
7?.c per pound.
Veal—Large, 6 H 9 7 He; «mall, 89
8,He per pound.
Ban Francisco Mnrket.
Wool—Spring—Nevada, 18915c pea
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10915c; Val­
ley, 18 9 20c; Northern, 10912c.
Hops—189» crop,
11913c pet
Rutter—Fancy creamery 22 9 22Sc;
do seconds, 219 21c; fancy dairy,
19c; do seconds, 16918c per pound.
17c; fancy ranch,
Mlllstnff« — Middling«, $17.00 •
20.00; bran, $12.50913.50.