the party. Harding had called a small boat alongside preparatory to going ashore and this boat had dropped un­ der the quarter. At u moment she BEULE BOYD, A NOTED CIVIL thought suitable the girl nodded to WAR CHARACTER. Capt. Henry, whom she had planned to have escaped. He left the wiue party and stepping into the shore Imat which She Was Once Exiled by President was soon handy he was sotai on hi» Lincoln and Twice Sentence I to Be way to Boston. Wheu later Harding Shot—She Also Made One Man a came aft he asked Belle where his pa­ Traitor to Hia Country. lters were and she told him that prob­ ably they were in the lower cabin, The career of Belle Boyd, known as where he had been dressing, and he the “rebel spy” and who died In Wis­ weut after them, while the small boat consin not long ago, w as a thrilllug oue. got farther away. She bad Just left Her After Career. school when the For allowing the escape of his pris­ civil war begau. oner Harding was arrested and tried, She had a lover In but he was not convicted. Belle Boyd theCoufedernte ser­ was banished by Lincoln and went to vice without whom England. Harding deserted shortly she thought she afterward and went to England, where could not live, but he and the spy were married on Aug. she married an­ 25, 1864. Harding returned to this other before the country and became a Confederate spy. war was over and His wife became an actress in England made him a trai­ and returned to America after the proc­ tor, was divorced lamation of general amnesty. She from a second husband twenty years played tinder the name of Nina Ben­ after her first marriage, and within a jamin in different cities, and at one year after that married a third. She time lobbied successfully to put a bill saw life in camps and military prisons, through tlie “black and tan” Legisla­ was a prisoner on shipboard, was ban­ ture of Texas. ished from the country, and after re­ In 186S> she married Col. John Swains- turning to it lived in various States In ton Hammond, quit the stage, went, in tlie East, West and South; was in an ill health, with her husband to Cali­ insane asylum for a time, and after­ fornia and was obliged to enter an In­ wards lectured throughout the country, sane asylum. lu 1884 »lie obtained a often under the auspices of Grand divorce from Hammond and soon after­ Army posts. She was about five feet ward married Nat 11. High, an actor, five inches tall, with bright eyes and with whom she went on the road giv­ aquiline nose, and when »he was young ing dramatic recitations In costume. her hair was described as of "a reddish golden hue.” FOUND AT LAST. Belle Boyd was born in Martinsburg, W. Va.. in 1843. Not quite 18 years The Ax with Which Charles I. Wa, Beheaded. old at the opening of the war. she en­ tered with all her heart and spirit into The vexed question, so much in evi­ the service of the Confederate cause. dence in the papers recently, “Where 19 She was a resident within the Federal the present location of the ax with lines and knew many of the officers, which King Charles 1. was beheaded?” and she used her acquaintance and her has finally been answered. Tlie famous blandishments to gain from them in­ relle now reposes in tlie Museo Bor- formation which would be of service bonlcc, at Naples, Italy. One who has to her friends In the Southern armies, rummaged much among tlie archives to whom she conveyed it at every op­ of tlie Britisli Museum furnishes these portunity. Many of her messages site particulars regarding It: Tlie execu­ sent to Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. At favor­ tioner of Charles (Giles Dekker) sur­ able opportunities she abstracted tiie vived the monarch 36 years, dying in side arms of her Federal acquaintances 1685. His claim to tlie ax, which he appears to have regarded as ids per­ quisite, was, after considerable discus­ sion. granted by Parliament, and It re­ mained ids until ids death, lie always refused to make nil exhibition of tiie instrument, but his son, however, de­ void of such scruples, placed it oil show at the tavern in Lambeth, and this coming to tlie new King's ears, a raid was made, tiie ax was confiscated and James II. became its custodian. When compelled to fiy from tin* kingdom in 1688 he took it with him to France, and at St. Germain it remained until bis death, in 1701, Louis XIV. became its next possessor, and later on tie IU-gent Duke of Orleans, who parted witli it for a “consideration" to Ferdinand, King of Naples. Treasured by that WASHES THROUGH THE FIRING LINK. family for upward of 60 years, it was finally deposited in the Naples Mu­ when they left them carelessly about, seum. anil these she forwarded to the enemy. She was suspected after a time, and The Other Was Handsomer. then one of her notes fell into the Fed­ it was in an art store in Fifth avenue, eral hands and she was arrested, repri­ says a New York paper, and tlie dealer manded and threatened, but Gen. was showing gilded clocks and cande­ Shields set her at liberty. Gen. Shields, labra to a customer. Pointing to oue she said afterward, was completely off particularly handsome set, lie said: his guard and introduced her to officers "That is worth $350.” Pointing to au- of his staff. Other of similar pattern, but not so Sentenced to Be Shot. handsome, lie said, “That is worth The night before Shields set out after $600." Stonewall Jackson lie announced that “But tlie other one is better,” said he was going to whip Jackson and a tlie customer. council of war was held ill what had “Well,” said tlie dealer, “tlie chief been tlie drawing-room of Belle's aunt's value of tlds one (pointing to tlie six house. Through tlie floor of a closet hundred dollar affair) is tlie gilding. It off a bedroom above the drawing-room was gilded by tlie mercury process, a hoi3 had been bored. Belle crept up which is now forbidden by law almost to tlie closet and applied tier ear to it everywhere. The other act was treated when the council assembled. She was with tlie electro plating process.” able to be of such service to Jackson “Well, it's tin- handsomer," said the that he sent her a letter after his de­ customer, is it as durable? if it is, feat of Gen. Banks, dated May 23. why should I pay $250 more?” 1862, thanking her for her "liumeuse “It is practically as durable and It Is ser rices.” On Jackson's advice she re­ handsomer,” said the dealer. "But you moved to Winchester, and Jackson can duplicate it. and you can't dupli­ made her an aide on his staff with the cate tlie other. The mercury process of rank of captain. While at Winchester gilding was death to the workmen en­ she was made aware of several very gaged in it. They inhaled tlie fumes of suspicious Northern plans which would the mercury, and in the end it killed destroy the cotinter-niovenients of the them, and it wasn’t long in doing it, armies of her beloved Confederacy. either.” Without a thought of tlie danger to “I’ll take the mercury one," said the herself she instantly started from the customer, “but the other is hand­ town to the point of land occupied by somer.” General Jackson and the Southern troopers, a isiint she gained after a Pte. most perilous and harrowing run The prejudice against pies, more im­ through tlie Bros of both armies. Dur­ aginative than real, is dying out. ing tier career as a spy she was twice Many persons now eat pie for break­ sentenced to be shot, and was for 11 fast. Combined with coffee or milk months a prisoner in the Carroll and it furnishes a fine repast, and athletes. Capitol prisons at Washington. I after a sumptuous meal of tills charac­ Belle Boyd's career in the military ter, easily digest it in ten minutes* ac­ service ended in 1864. when she was tive exercise so some fieople say; captured willi dispatches on a block­ others do not indorse the assertion.— ade runner. Lieut. Sam Wylde Hard­ Pittsburg Dispatch. ing. of the navy, was put in charge of the blockade n.nner. which was or­ Irish Mos«. dered to Boston. The lieutenant and One of tlie many useful tilings which Belle Boyd were thrown together a absolute privation lias been tlie means good deal and left largely to them- of making known to the world is Irish selves. lie quoted from Sliakrpeare < tnoss. Tin1 poorest of the inhabitants and Byron to her. she tells In her au­ of the Irish «-oast were driven to its use tobiography. When he l*.*gan to talk I by the pangs of hunger. When boiled of tender subject» she thought he I it produced a thick, nourishing and not might become useful to her cause, so 1 unpalatable jelly. It is most bene- when be askeil her to Iteróme his wife | fleial for diseases of the throat and she told him that It might Involve seri­ I lungs. ous consequences. He was ready to face them, apparently, and renewed his f'tiyslcisn« la Germany. proposal while the ship was In Ixing In the last eleven jearij the nuintier Island sound on the way to Boston. of physicians In Germany Increased 56 So >ise» a woman. THE HEALTH OF YOUNG WOMEN WAS A “REBEL SPY.” Two of Them Helped by Mr*. Flnkhoia —Bead Uwir Letters. “D ear M rs . P inkham :—I am sixteen years old and am troubled with my monthly sickness. It is very irregular, occurring only once in two or three months, and also very painful. I also suffer with cramps and once in awhile pain strikes me in the heart and I have drowsy headaches. If there is anything you can do for me, I will gladly follow your advice." — Miss M art G omes , Aptoe, Cal., July 31, 1898. “ D ear M rs . P inkham :— After receiv­ ing your letter I begau the . use of your reme­ dies, taking both /,’ Lydia E. Pink- '' ham's Vegetable Com­ pound and Blood Purifier. I am now regular every month and suffer no pain. Your medicine is the best that any suf­ fering girl can take.”—Miss M ary G omes , Aptos, Cal., July 6, 1890. Nervous and Dizzy “ D ear M rs . P inkham I wish to express my thanks to you for the great benefit I have received from the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ pound. I suffered constantly from ter­ rible sideache, had chills, was nervous and dizzy. I had tried different kinds of medicine but they all failed entirely. After taking three bottlesof Vegetable Compound and three of Blood Purifier I am all right. I cannot thank you enough for what your remedies have done for me.”—Miss M atii . da J ensen , Box 18, Ogdensburg, Wis., June 10, 1899. Elevatimi Itenirable. Lady (with high hat)—I beg yonr pardon, but I foigot * my opera glass. Would you kindly lend me yours just a moment? Tyrant Man (in the seat behind)— Very sorry, madam, but I need it to sit on.—N. Y. Weekly. Try Allen'«« Foot K»«e, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season yonr feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen’s Foot-Ease. It cools the feet aiid makes walking easy. Cures ingrowing nails, swooleu and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Believes corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. We have 30.000 testimonials. Try it today. Sold bv all druggists and shoe dealers for 25c. Trial package FBEE. Address Allen fci. OlSnsteao, I.eRoy. N. Y. Tlie Occasion. “Oh, yes; Prof. Groskopf is quite phlegmatic. In fact, I never knew him to be excited, except once.” ‘•What was the trouble then?” ‘He couldij’t find his pipe.”—Puck. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ST? Signature of LAizX// f-C&CcJuAt Fire Escape. *‘My mother found my little brothel putting his stockings on wrong side out this morning.” “Y’es? What did she do?” ‘‘Turned the hose on him.” — Harvard Lampoon. Fancy gojds, after Christmas, have a boi t as inviting a look as cold gravy. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy tèe «enee of smell and completely derange the whole sys­ tem wuen entering it through the mucous sur­ faces. touch articles should never be used ex­ cept or prescriptions from reputable physi­ cian«, as the damage thev will do is ten fold to ihe good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is "taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s C atarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testi­ monials free. bold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. No >>oy thinks he has had enough eaudy until he has started a tooth to aching. COURTED BY MEANS OF SIGNj. Couple that Never Spoke loitil They Stood Before the Altar. A marriage took place in Boston the other evening, the parties to which had never spoken until a few minutes be­ fore they stood before the clergyman who prououuced them man and wife. They had' beeu courting for nearly three months at that, and they were both In full possession of tlie faculty of speech. Oue day a young woman employed in one of the department stores and a young man holding a clerkship in a music store engaged rooms on Shaw­ A Waw Romantic Novelist. The Century Company announces the ¿Mcovery of a new romantic novelist hi a young New Yorker, Miss Bertha Runkle, whose maiden effort is to be The Century’s leading piece of fiction for the next eight months, beginning in the August number. It isdescrilied as a dramatic romance of love and ad- ' venture, and is entitled “The Helmet of Navarre.” The scene is Paris dur­ ing the siege by Henry of Navarre, and the action occupies but four days oi the week preceding the Sunday when 1 Henry entered the city. The story is full of vigorous action, and the plot is said to be oue of fascinating interest. Warm Weather Weakness Is Quickly Overcome. The cooling, toning, and blood enriching qualities of Hood's Sarsaparilla are won­ tierful. It strengthens the stomach and digestive organs and creates an appetite. It has an unequal record of cures of scrof­ ula, salt rheum, boils, pimples and other diseases caused by impure blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla 1* America's Greatest Medicine. Price ft. Prepared by 0. I. H och ! A Co., Lowell. M as*. H ood ’ s P ill » cure in,tlon. Price 25 ceni.. The Trust Problem By * 'appearing at perfect ease in so­ To a thoughtful mind is one of serious im­ ciety,” is meant that one laughs and port, for it creeps upon society before you talk» as loud aa if on the back porch at are aware of its existence, in this resect1 home. much resembling the various disorders which attack the stomach, such as consti­ Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's .Sooth­ pation, indigestion and dyspepsia. Hos­ ing Syrup the bent remedy to use for the'« tetter's Stomach Bitters is the one reliable children during the teething period. remedy for ail >u< h ailments. The gossips in Bible days must have I could get along with a confession of faith containing but the little that had a good time, if they knew of th» Jew is said wheu He was trying to things going on that the Bible tell» make a Christian of Nicodemus: “God ' about. to loved the world that He gave His Piso's Cure cannot be i«>o highly spoken inly begotten Son, that whosoever be- I of a* a cough cure.—J. W. O'BktKN, 321 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jun. lieveth in Hint should not perish, but _________ have eternal life.” That gives to us «, 1900. the doctrine of God’s unlimited love, It is better to lie defeated in a good human guilt, the divnity of Christ, sal- I cause than to be victorious in an un­ vatou through Christ, faith in Christ, righteous one.—United Presbyterian. immortality; every word Saxon, three- < quarters of the words monosyllables, Down in the Dumps. profound enough for any eider, simple Sail, with a heavy, anxious feeling—th« mut avenue and Union Park street re­ enough for any four-vear old.—Dr. C. blues! Tlie liver needs quick attention. Take ("ascarets Canity Cathartic at oileel spectively. and that night, sitting at the | ' H. Parkhurst. ■■■■ II - !. ■! .1 ■ ■ ■ .1 ■ ...............- - All druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c. windows of their lodgings, saw each The problem of Indian education other across tlie expansive courtyard seems to he solved by the Indians them­ for the first time. For several uighte selves. In the territory the Chicka­ they enjoyed each other’s presence in a silent manner. Later on the young ' “Both my wife and myself have been saw» have five college« and the Creek» CASCA RETS and they are the best have 10. The Choctaws have no col- man acknowledged the lady’s presence • using medicine we have ever had in the house. Last with a bow, which was returned with a week my wife was frantic with headache for lges, but have 160 common school» in two days, she tried some of your CASCARETS. which the higher branches are taught. smile. Then began the odd and unique and they relieved the pain in her head almost The expenses of educating the Indiana courtship. Tlie young man, in order to immediately. We both recommend Cascarete C has . S tsiuford , get a better look at his iuamoraia. Pi Ila bury Safe A Depot it Co , Pitleburg, Pe are borne liy the federal government. bought a pair of opera glasses, and, to HOITT'H school . FÿfebW CANDY his delight, the lady did tlie same. Then F CATHARTIC the young man cut out some letter from Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal.. with it* new buildings, newly furnished white paper and pinned them on a and complete laboratories, beautiful sur­ piece of board that lie had covered with I roundings and home influences, is one oi black muslin, to spell out “Tell me your the beBt equipped schools lor the training of boys and young men on the coast, it name.” < is in charge of Dr. IraG. lloitt and is ac­ The young lady answered tlie next credited at the universities. Send for cat­ night In the same way. Through this alog, Tenth year In-gins August 6, 1900 medium, slow and unsatisfactory as it Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good Ik) Good, Never «Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 2oc. 50c If you want t.i make trouble for an was, the courtship went ou. the young | ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... lady, however, being deaf to all bis en­ Iterilag R«««> not Gripe or Bu.kea. Te convince y