The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, July 20, 1900, Image 4

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    In many farm journals the dairy
column are harping continuously on
the fact that cows give more and
richer mill; when “milked to music.
If this be triii- before engaging ex
tciisivi ly in the dairy business the
farin' 1 should edii ■a'-- tin ir bo’ • ill
the . ft of l»i tlii g and violin play­
Readingnotlcestn local columns to rents per ing.
Yambill County
line fi-t fl’-i week au*1 5 cants per line tber* after.
Diapiay a-tveili»«mi»i>ts annual iat> '. one ln» l-
per month tl. each additional inch 50 cents per
Obituary and marriage notices sot exceeding
10 lines published free, if furnished Iu time to
be current uewa. Additional matter 10cent-per
The poets who, but a short time
ago, were hunting through the dic­
tionary to find words to rhyme with
kopje and similar words, are now
hustling back over the same ground
FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1900.
to catch something that will go with
tsin, ven, wah, etc. Thus the trou­
It may soon be necessary to fish bles of tho poet move on with him
Dewey out of political obscurity and around the earth.
send him over to China to land more
Adlai Stevenson, democratic Br
an s mate, is called the “souvenir of
A cry for help comes up from the democratic hard times— a reminder
agricultural districts, and these are of tli.- Grover Cleveland reign of 1893
consequently melancholy days for tn !'
' Since there are others,
tramps. To evade employment the those who vote for Mr. Bryan can
genuine tram]) must pursue his path exercise their own judgment in se­
away from the farming sections, lecting a candidate for vice presi­
when there are crops to be cared for. dent, upon which to bestow the hon­
or of their ballot.
If half the people who are making
inquiries about this section conclude
The railroads of Oregon and Wash­
to settle in Webfoot, a heavier immi­ ington voluntarily reduced their pas­
gration will reach the state in the senger rates to three cents a mile on
near future than has been seen in July 1st. the Southern Pacific being
many years.
the only exception. Already the
roads which made the reduction re­
A Kansas man has struck a new port an increase of local traffic, which
way of getting a living. He has a more than makes up for the 25 per
flock of six hundred turkeys, which,
cent reduction in fare.
in consideration of board for himself,
he moves from one farm to another,
Having lately criticised McKinley
where they clean up the grasshop­
sending troops to China, the Bry­
pers with which the farms of that
are now berating the ad­
section are infested.
ministration for not hurrying up and
In trying to find out who killed saving American lives. This is the
Goebel, the Kentucky courts have , real anti-expansion idea. Uphold
sprung another knotty problem upon American honor, but maintain no
the public. “Who killed Goebel,” ■ army; don’t send soldiers to China,
may echo down the ages in company . but if Americans perish because no
with the unanswered query of who , soldiers are sent denounce the gov-
stole Charley Ross, and the mystery , ernrnent.
surrounding the “crime of 73.”
As was to be expected the inde­
press is almost unanimous
Since the adjournment of the Kan­
sas City convention the interesting in its opposition to the Bryan ticket
discovery has been made that the and its platform. Among the power­
expected income tax plank is miss­ ful journals against the democratic
ing from the platform. The creed of regime are the Philadelphia Ledger,
189f> is reaffirmed, as everybody New York World, Brooklyn Eagle,
knows, but there is no separate and Boston Herald, Baltimore Sun, New
specific mention of the issue on which York Times and New York Journal
the democratic party was exceeding­ of Commerce. This is a formidable
array that reflects the conservative
ly warm four years ago.
opinion of the country.
Farmers whose faith is pinned to
well-constructed wheat stacks and
whose faith therein is proven by
their works, will be able to laugh at
the storm if it breaks in the midst of
their harvest as it did last fall.
When the dauger of damaged wheat
is computed, the additional cost of
carefully stacking the grain is con­
sidered as a light premium on a well-
chosen insurance policy.
State Auditor Sinclair of Idaho,
who was elected to his present office
on .i fusion ticket by a majority up
ward of leno, announces that he will
support tin republican national,
state and local ticket this year. Hr
pronounces tin* declaration in the
<|, oiocratic platform favoring It! to 1
"childish consistency.' Comparing
the position of the two parties on And a clear complexion are desired by
lav.- and order, Mr. Sinclair said, in every woman and admired by every man.
Eruptions, pim­
aa interview: "The republican par­
ples and similar
ty is the party of law and order in
blemishes are
caused by an im­
Idaho and everywhere else. No re­
pure condition of
publican took part in the assassina­
the blood. These
tions and violence of the C’oeur
skin blemishes
are permanently
d’Ak’ues. They were either popu­
removed by the
lists or democrats. I know this of
use of Dr. Pierce’s
Golden Medical
my personal knowledge. The dyna­
Discovery which
mite methods are distinctly populis­
thoroughly puri­
tic. Republicans, by training and
fies the blood and
cures the cause of
belief, oppose violence. Indeed, what­
the disease.
ever charges may be brought against
” For about one
year and a half my
the republican party, its law and or­
face was badly
broken out.” writes
der tendencies will never be im­
Miss Carrie Adams,
peach, d. The stall* of Idaho was
of 116 West Main St ,
Batliecreek Mich.
put to a severe test and the McKin-1
" 1 spent a great deal
of money with doc­
lev administration was friendly to
tor» and for did. h ut
kinds of medicine,
us, although the democratic party in
bat received no bene­
fit At last I read
congress unanimously condemned us
one of your adver­
tisements in a paper
for li ving to sustain the law against
and obtained a Lottie
Doctor Pierce's
the a saults of the dynamiters and Golden Medical Discovery __
Before . _ I __ had taken
anarchists.” These are his principal one bottle of this mediciue 1 noticed a change,
and after taking three bottles I was entirely
reasons for deciding to support the cured.
republican party this year.
Free. The Common Sense Medical
Safe as a Bank.
California Consolidated
I 50 Oil Companies In One !
Owns 15,000 acres of the best oil lands in the best oil fields
between Oakland and San Diego. Lands situate in the counties
of Merced, San Benito, Fresno, Monterey, San Louj^ Obispo,
Kings, Kern, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange.
5Û00 Acres Leased to Capitalists on Royalty.
10,000 Acres Reserved for Development.
This Company also owns Two M illion F ive H undred T hous ­
S hares of the Capital Stock of 50 of the best oil companies
in California, thus covering us thoroughly as can be done ail the
oil fields.
Par Value of this stock is from $1.00 to $10.00 per Share.
Adviser 1008 pages, is sent free on re­
ceipt of stamps to cover expense of mail­
ing only. Sfcnd 21 one-cent stamps for
paper covered book, or 31 stamps for
This is an age of consolidation and the cloth binding. Address, Doctor R. V.
California Consolidated Petroleum Com­ Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
pany is born of this successful principle.
NO. 3857.
The “ten-cent” oil companies are of few
days and full of trouble. They must
strike oil in their first wells or buret, for of the McMinnville National Bank at Mc­
in the State of Oregon, at the close of
with their money gone in a dry bole Minnville,
business, June 29, 1900:
their stock is killed
If they survive
»159,621 76
they will be swallowed up by the Cali­ Loans and Discounts............
Overdrafts, secured aud unse­
fornia Consolidated or the Standard, for cured......................................
3,638 51
Bonds to secure circula­
such is the history of the oil business. U.S.
tion ........................................
1.000 00
There is ouly room for two oil concerns U. S- Bonds on band...............
Stucks, securities, etc..............
35.289 99
like the California Consolidated and the Banking-house, furniture and
s. 500 co
Standard on the Pacific coast. Theee two Other
550 00
real estate owned.........
giants will inevitably control the oil busi­ Due from Slate banks and
3,816 24
ness of California, and it is those wise Due from approved reserve
47,813 85
enough to see this who are buying the Internal
217 00
Revenue Stamps
381 43
stock of the California Consolidated Pe­ Checks and other cash items
60 00
Notes of other National Banks
troleum Company, which stock is likely, Fractional paper currency,
ere long, to make its holders rich. Al­ Lawful money reserve in Bank,
ready the stocks of a few other oil com­ viz:
.... $12,615 85
panies, brought at a nominal figure, are Specie
Legal-tender notes.
61 UU 12,076 85
worth on the market several hundred Redemption fund with U S.
Treasurer (5 per cent of cir­
dollars per share, and the time is not culation)....,...........................
2,500 00
distant when a small block of this stock
may mean a competence to the fortunate
owner. Certain it is that the present Capital Stock paid In...............
50.000 00
fund.......... ...................
lu.lXM 00
price will soon be doubled, and those de­ Surplus
Undivided profits, less ex­
15,634 20
siring non-assessable oil stock in a solid penses and taxes paid...........
National Bunk notes outstand­
company, backed by solid men, will do ing..........................................
48,290 00
deposits subject to
well to carefully read the company’s ad. Individual
139,893 79
Demand certificates of deposit
62,384 02
which appears in this issue.
CaI it or >,ia Consolidated Petroleum
1st—Royalties collected on 5000 acres.
2d—Dividends collected from 2,500 000 shares of stock held
in 50 companies.
3d—Oil produced from 10,000 acres.
It covers the Oil Interests of the State and will expand with
them Its eggs are not all iu one basket.
It offers 50 chauces to one compared to any other oil company.
It is as sure to pay large dividends as there is oil in California.
Its plan is a new one and the best and safest yet conceived.
Business men endorse the plan as do sensible, prudent peo­
ple everywhere.
Why buy the stock of an oil company having limited re­
sources when you can in one company invest in the entire oil field
of California? Why do it?
The California Consolidated Petroleum Company has men be­
hind it of capital and high reputation. There are few people on
the Pacific Coast who do not know some of the directors at least
by reputation. Their names are not only a guarantee of the hon­
est handling of the money but of the success of the company.
This company is not a trust. It is not connected directly or
indirectly with the Standard Oil Company, all rumors to the con­
trary notwithstanding.
The stock of this company can be bought for a short time at
fifty cents per share, which is one-half of the par value. This
offer will positively be withdrawn and stock advanced to $1.00
per share as soon as the block of Treasury Stock offered for sale
has been sold.
Should the limited amount of stock offered at 50 cents per
share be sold before receiving your application your money will
be promptly returned. “First come, first served,” is the Com­
pany's policy in selling this stock.
Purchasers may engage stock at once by paying one-fourth
of purchase price. 121 cents per share, and balance within sixty
days from date of application. Following form of application
may be used:
The democratic national platform
.................................................. 1900
»¿26,202 01
State of Oregon. County of Yamhill, ss.
has a plank which refers to the Fili­
I. E. C. Apperson, cashier of the above-named
President California Consolidated Petroleum Company ,
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state­
pinos as “our former allies.” Ad­ Fine weather for hay harvest.
ment is true to the best of ins knowledge uud be­
miral Dewey, General Otis, and
' ..............
.. .........
Mrs. S. Neal of Jacksonville is visiting lief.
Subscribed .and sworn 10 betöre me this 16th
every other prominent American offi­ with relatives here.
day of July, liKW
I hereby subscribe for....................... shares of the capital stock
cer who served in Manila deny that Good work being done on the locks (Seal.)
Notary Public for Oregon.
of your company at fifty cents per share, and enclose herewith
they were ever our allies. It is evi­ now; no breaking away of cofferdams Correct-Attest; LEE LAUGHLIN, )
i ,...................... as a payment of 25 per cent, of purchase price of
WM. CAMPBELL, -Directors.
dent thiU the platform makers were any more.
W. 8. LINK,
same, and will pay balance on or before 60 days from this date.
never near enough to the scene of Report says Rev. Bowercox of Dayton
On receipt of balance forward Stock Certificate to me at my ad­
hostilities to judge accurately, yet, is in poor health, and gone to his sons in
they have the effrontery to accuse of east Marion county for rest.
What he terms “the recent acts of falsehood those who were present E. A. Hill finished his census work of
Lafayette and Carlton precincts on time,
tuy political enemies,” has induced and know.
II. W. Corbett of Portland to an­
On y’our shoe purchase is what we
Make all drafts, money orders, etc., payable to the California
nounce himself a candidate for elec­ The rush to the alleged golden proved, O. K.
are offering you for the next thirty
Consolidated Petroleum Co. Prospectus mailed on application.
tion to the U. S. senate to succeed shores of Nome has been of such pro­
days. We will make a general re-
McBride. Evidently there is some portions that fully 50,000 people arc on the same business that Samson of old duetion on all our stock of shoes, in­
fight left in the old man vet, and his there and thousands more going. | was on when attacked by the lion in the cluding all the latest styles. Our
garden of Timnath. The lion was killed.
the President and General Manager of the California Consoli«
“political enemies ' may be sorry while many almost beggared and
regular prices are way below any­
dated Peinift nui Company, bus achieved success in the inauguration and manage-
ment of large enterprises. He is known as California's “Orchard King
that they dug him up. Corbett be­ thoroughly disgusted, are preparing I Mrs, Mattie Lewis is visiting her sister thing in McMinnville, and when we
lion. Will a . Harris the Company’s Vice President and Attorney, is r lawver and
Mrs H. Davis, near Mill, City, Marion
orator of national reputation, and is acknowledged authority on mining law-
lieves that “money talks,” therefore to return home. Hundreds of the i
county, will see Mrs. Carrie Sliaw of cut them still further it s time you
Fred L. Johnson, Secretary, who, though largely interested in gold mining prop­
he has a mighty strong argument at poor dupes who were led to the fro-' Mill Citv while there; will be gone about were investigating this. Besides the
erties. will devote his time and executive abilities solely to the Company’' interests.
Senators N*. Androus, Treasurer, is one of Southern California's solid citizens who.
zen north by the tales of gold circu-: a week.
deservedly, holds the confidence of the public. His good impress has been left up.ft
general reduction on all shoes, we
the laws of thi< commonwealth.
lated by the steamship companies I Mr. Childs of this place, who was are sacrificing all our broke!) lines
G W. Luce is the Assistant General Passenger Agent of the Southern Pacific Rail
road Company, which responsible position be has held for manv years io the satisfac­
Commenting on the Kansas City will be utterly unable to secure the 1 kicked in the face by a horse a week ago, and odd sizes, and to move them
tion of that corporation and the public.
P. J. Beveridge, sun of ex Governor Beveridge of Illinois, is one of the most active
convention platform, the democratic necessary funds to pay their passage | has recovered very fast and is doing bus­ quickly, have put them on what we
of b>s Angeles capitalists. The electric railway from this city, via Hollywood, to San­
ta Monica is the latest monument to his enterprise.
Manchester Union says “Imperial­ home, and, their condition being | iness again. He is turning out some fine call our bargain counter and cut the
T. M. Hale, one of the leading dry goods merchants of Los Angeles, is one of the
four Hale brothers who own dry goods establishments in s^an Francisco. Sacramento
ism, or no imperialism, we can do more helpless than that of the poor-1 cheese; not milk enough to keep him prices right in half. They won’t last
San Jose. Salinas, Petaluma, Los Angeles and New York,
The directorate’s reference: Bradstreet's, or any bank in California.
nothing if Mr. Bryan is to have his est tramp in the country, the gov-j busy; busy time harvesting, Good long at i prices, so come early.
way and his free-coinage nonsense eminent will be compelled to send j weather for it
For Further Information, Call or Address
JSTSign of the Big Boot.
receives any further encouragement. ships to carry them back home be- |
Room jij Laughlin Building,
Los Angeles,'Cal.
We utterly and entirely repudiate fore the rigors of an arctic whiter ini 1
Assessment roll of Sheriff Henderson
the platform and its candidates, and prison them on the barren strand.
as tjx collector turned over to Sheriff
we hope and believe they will be
Boot & Shoe Dealer
Sitton, and bis receipt taken for $79,110-
beaten by an overwhelming vote.
German-American democrats of 22. the uncollected portion of the roll.
The only way to put the democratic Burlington, la . says the Chicago Sheriff Henderson credited with $124.68,
A G oih I ( oiluli Medicine.
party upon its feet is to take Mr Tribune, are the first of their class errors and double assessments found.
Many thousands have been restored to t
Bryau at hi* word and utterly and to express their opinion of the plat­ Clerk's accouut examined and found health and happiness by the use of Chain- 1
entirely bury him and the cause— form and nominations at Kansas that the sum of $1.393 55 had been turned berlain e Cough Remedy. If atHicted
with any throat or lung trouble, give it a
the only cause he stands for—be­ City. They are bankers, manufac­ over as receipts of office for the vear.
yond resurrection. Anything can turers,brewers, merchants, ami busi­ W. T. Macy s books examined and trial, for it is certain to prove beneficial.
found that the sum of $1.646.85 hail been Coughs that have resisted all other treat­
wait for that. ”
ness men of various kinds. They are received during the year and turned in ment for years, have yielded to thi® rem­
Traction or Portable, Simple or Com­
solidly opposed to free silver at the
edy and perfect health been restored.
The demand for poultry products ! ratio of 1(1 to 1, ami will not vote for to the county.
pound, Wood or Straw Burners.
Account of Sheriff Henderson as bicy­
is increasing iu Oregon, statistics any tuau or any party that favors cle tax collector approved, the sum of Cases that seemed hopeless, that the cli-,
mate of famous health resorts failed to
showing that four tunes as much of I such a scheme They are in open re- H256 being turned over as tax collected benefit, have been permanently cure«I by
such products are consumed now in , volt. As the German-American dem- on bicycles.
its use For sale by Howorth
Co., |
the state as was but two years ago, , ocrats of Burlington go. so will Ger-
Petition of nt citizens for an appro­ druggists.
and vet we are constantly using eggs ; man Americans of both parties go all priation of $75 lor county exhibit at state
and poultry products brought from i over the country. The bogie of "mil­ lair denied by board for lack 0* lawful
Oregon's greatest need is the in­
the eastern states. There is always itarism'' does not scare them They right to thus divert the county funds.
auguration of machine shops aud fac­
a great demand for poultry product* I kuow that their liberties are not en-
tories, rather than the free and un­ Automatic Stackers. Wind Stack-
Henry T. Atkinson, prstor of the M.
Horse Powers, Tnreshermen’s
and those here who have an inclina­ I dangered sad that the “paramount E. churvh, will preach next Sunday limited coinage of silver. Oregon era,
Supplies of All kinds.
tion for raising poultry both for pleas­ j issue” is simply a popocratic subter­ luorniiil and «veiling, as usual in the can produce the raw material needed
he will .peak on some appr.v
ure and profit, realize enough to fuge to cover up the issue of dishon- morning
p isle lueme and in the evening hie snb- by «Galen mills and canneries, sugar
^handsomely recompense them for I est money.
Mrt will I* "Life's Suusbiue.’’ The and starch factories, packing houses
F. W. SPENCER, Local Agent, McMinnville, Ore.
>i:rth and las* quarterly conference of and paper mills. When we learn to
-their pains. The poultry business
the present year will be held on the 4th
cannot be overdone, for after the Seventy death« were cAii«ed by the ex- end
fith ci August, at which time Rev. use all these natural advantages and .
home market is supplied our produ­ cewne iirat iu .’’>■>« York City ou We i D. A. H .»Ilers, who has returned fr« tn put the iu;"i and boys to work, the
cers will find California and Alaska needay. New Yoik’» climate 1* recom­ tne geneial conference at Chicago, will silver question will find no place of
preside. A further announcement of abode in the busy and prosperous
ports good customers.
mended in broken doeea only.
thia eery ice will be made later
A Chance
To Save Money
F. Dielschneider,
Threshers KilQQkl I
£ Ph
Take The Reporter and Get the News
One Dollar Per Year.