The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, July 13, 1900, Image 1

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    VOL. XXX
Euteredatthe PostoMcein McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
We Sell Groceries
Keep us busy7 and growing.
Come and see us.
L. E. Walker
! . .•.••aR/i'.’
properly it takes time. It requires experience and
a complete knowledge of drugs. It requires the
druggièt to have a large variety of drugs—fresh
drugs. He must give the best possible work, and
for compensation he must be reasonable. With the
above facts remember we are careful and strive to
please one and all alike. These are reasons why our
prescription file thribbles all in this county. We
are recognized by doctor and customer alike for be­
ing accurate and dispensing only the purest drugs.
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists.
♦» J acob W ortman , Pres.
<’ J ohn W ortman , Cashier.
E d H endricks , Vice Pres.
A rthi r M c P hillips , Asst. Cashier
The First National Bank
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885.
Capital and Surplus, $90,000.
1 q
Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United
Z q State's, and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The
accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited.
» » »
A Chance
To Save Money
We have special arrangements with
the following leading publications,
whereby we are able to offer them in
On your shoe purchase is what we connection with our own at exceedingly
ratee, as follows: The R eporter and
ar? offering you for the next thirty low
Weekly Inter Ocean................................................... 11.36
days. We will make a general re­ St. LoulsOlobe-Democrat, semi weekly.......... 1.50
duction on all our stock of shoes, in­ Rural Northwest, Portland, semi-monthly... 1.25
weekly................................... -............... 2.00
clu ling all the latest styles. Our Oregonian,
The Weekly San Francisco Call....... -............... 1-70
regular prices are way below any­ , The Weekly New York Tribune..............................1.25
thing in McMinnville, and when we The Tri-weekly New York Tribune................. 2.00
The Oregon Teachers' Monthly............................ 1.60
cut them still further it s time you
were investigating this. Besides the The Heat Remedy for Momnrh and
Rewel Treiiblea.
g neral reduction on all shoes, we
in the drug business for
are sacrificing all our broken lines
twenty years and have sold most all of
and odd sizes, and to move them the proprietary medicines of any note.
quickly, have put them on what we Among the entire list I have never found
call our bargain counter and cut the anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic,
prices right in half. They won tlast Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all
stomach and bowel troubles,” saysO. W.
long at J prices, so come early.
Wakefield, of Col cm bus, Ga. “This
remedy cured two severe cases of cholera
T^ Si^n of the Big Boot.
morbus in my family and I have recom­
mended ami sold hundreds of bottles of
it to my customers to their entire satis­
faction. It affords a quick and sure cure
form.” For sale by Ho­
Boot & Shoe Dealer. in tt or a th p)ea«ant
A Co , druggists.
Take The Reporter and Get the News
One Dollar .Per Year.
NO. 30
the Hunter with everything.
We had
quite a time bucking ice. There is lots
Do Not Find Prospects Bright, mid
of it in Bering sea, but I was surprised at
Some Will Return Home.
its being so smooth. The first night at
From letters written by Earnest Hen­ Nome I slept on the beach w ithout any
derson to bis parents we glean the fol­ tent. We did not go to bed until about
lowing interesting facts concerning the 2 in the morning. On the 19th we were
McMinnville people who joined the gold I lucky enough to get a place large enough
for Mr. Warren’s tent, so have been
“I have been on the water one week sleeping on the sand in his tent up to
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
today, and it has beeu the longest week date. Our freight is not unloaded yet,
I ever spent in my life. This ship is the (June 21st) not any on the steamship
slowest tub I think that travels the seas. Nome City is, so you see we are ‘up
Monday Bhe made 195 miles, Tuesday against it.’ We are getting along very WHITEm nOVHU FOR CREAM­ made in dairying. From her 800 cream­
245 miles, Wednesday 212 miles, Thurs­ well, as we are camped by Tom Rogers,
eries last year she shipped products to
day 180 miles, Friday 215 miles, Satur­ Will Burdette and Frank Newell, and we
the value of eleven million dollars. We
day 190 miles. I haie not been sick a use their dishes and cook on their stove, A Preliminary Nleetlug Held and can produce butter fat cheaper than
Conditions Dlarusard.
bit, and have missed but one meal, and what little we cook. There is the largest
Minnesota or Iowa dare to, and instead
that was last Sunday eve, when I was crowd of people here I ever saw, anil it
A number of farmers and citizens of of the carloads of cattle coming to Seattle
asleep and did not wake in time for sup­ seems to me that they never sleep, as Whiteson and vicinity held a meeting on and Portland from the east to supply
per. I feel fine, only it is very tiresome there seems to be as large a crowd any Tuesday to consider the establishment of Klondike and oriental trade, they should
on the boat with nothing to do. Mr. time of night as in the daytime. You a creamery at that point. W G. Rob­ come from the Willamette valley.
Warren and Tom were not sick. Dell can read a newspaper here any time of bins was called to the chair and J. G.
Numerous questions were asked and
was sick a little the first day, but has the night. The weather has been fine Eckman was chosen secretary of the answered, and the farmers left the meet­
eaten three square meals a day ever ever since we landed. Much warmer meeting. C. H. Markham,general freight ing with a fund of information they did
since. Rev. Lindsey was as sick as a than I expected. Sunshine every day so and passenger agent of the Southern Pa­ not possess before. The following com­
horse, and is sick yet. It was very funny far. A person has to go in his shirt cific railway, who has for some time mittee was appointed to solicit a cow
to see him going around groaning Oh-o- sleeves, but I suppose we will catch taken a thorough interest iu locating census: A Sheldon, T. T. Yoder, Geo.
o-o-o-o I So we have had no preaching or plenty of storm yet. Some things are creameries throughout the Willamette Phillips, W. G. Robbins and Hayne
prayer meeting since we left Astoria. pretty high, while others are cheap. valley, was introduced. He explained Holmes, and they are to report at a com­
Mrs. Lindsey was also very sick and Bread is 25c a loaf, canned goods, such the object of the meeting. He thought mittee meeting to be held on Saturday,
doesn’t feel very well yet. She looks as peaches, tomatoes, etc., 50c per can, the conclusion self-evident that this is July 28th.
very bad. Mrs. Bakeman was not sick a beefsteak $1 per pound, potatoes 5c a it>. not a grain country, but naturally a stock
A rising vote of thanks was taken for
bit, but Mr. Bakeman was sick enough meals, ham and eggs, $1, tenderloin country, it was a good grain country 25 the visit of Mr. Markham and Dr.
to make up for both of them. Charles steak $4, coffee and sandwiches 25c, all years ago, but conditions have materially Withycombe, who in return announced
Mayben, who bunks in the same room drinks in saloons 25c, eggs 50c per doz., changed. We must now compete with that they were ready to do all in their
with us, was very sick, and has been in bacon 30c per lt>, lumber $150 per thous­ Argentine and other countries, which power to assist in establishing the enter­
his bunk ever since we crossed the bar. and, water 5c per bucket, coal oil 50c per have an advantage over us in transpor­ prise.
Has only eaten two or three meals. gallon, oranges and lemons 5 for 25c. tation rates to Liverpool of 15c a bushel.
Frauk Newell was sick only a little the Teams are getting $10 per hour, wages $1 Wherever creameries have beeu estab­
first daj' or so. The weather is very per hour, but there are Jots of idle men lished, at Farmington, Albany, Scio, the
W. Evenden made a business trip to
cold and windy ; seems colder to me than here Sam Laughlin arrived here Mon­ communities have become prosperous.
any time in w inter in McMinnville. * • day eve about 9 o’clock. Got his horses Probably the best creamery is at Albany.
Miss Louella Agee is visiting in Muddy
We arrived in Dutch Harbor at 5 a. in.,
landed all O K. but has not got his other
June 5th. The harbor was full of ships. freight yet, wagons, etc., so can’t go to the credit for its establishment is due to valley with her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Spring.
We had a very good trip, no rough weath­
Messrs. Tawney and Lawrence of the
work yet. One of his horses died about the merchants of the town, who put up
er at all to speak of. Tom Warren and
visited friends in our valley
a half hour after landing them, which
I went ashore and went over to Unalas­
breaks one of bis teams, but be can buy tributed $18,000 among the farmers, and Sunday.
ka, about a mile from the harbor. We another one, as there is lots of horses made butterat 18c a pound. The ques­ Glen Macy of McMinnville is visiting
saw Miss Frances Maun, who has been
here, more than one would expect. It tion might be asked, he said, what con­ with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
teaching school there. Her school was seems to me that everything is overdone. cern the railroad might have in the mat­ I. Lambright.
out last week. Unalaska is quite a place You can buy anything here that you can ter. Simply this, the railroad can’t pros­
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Churchman of
—two storee, 4 or 5 saloons, 5 or 6 res­ in Portland, even cherries, peaches, per if the community does not If a man
Sheridan visited with their neice, Mrs.
taurants, U. S. school, one missionary straw berries, dressed turkeyB, etc. Of has money he has something to ship, and W. Scott, Sunday.
school, Jesse Lee Home (that is where course I don’t know how the mines will people with money will ride. Dairying
Luke Booth and family of Willamiua
Miss Mann stops) and about loO bouses
turn out yet, but don’t think the beach also brings with it stock-raising. Tbe spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr.
and huts. We went to the cemetery mining will amount to much, but proba­ railroad has made the best rates it has
There was a man buried there who died bly there will be some big strikes made ever made on milk and cream, viz; 10c a and Mrs. D. Evans.
on the steamship Ohio while on his out on some of the creeks. I think hundred for short hauls, and not to ex­ Miss Cecelia Flynn came home last
way here from Seattle. The natives have there will be lots of people disgusted and ceed 12c a hundred up to 17 miles. He week. She has been visiting with her
a very peculiar tombstoue. We ate din­ go back on the next boats, ami there are was in communication with a party de­ sister in Portland for about four months.
ner in Unalaska; cost 50c. After dinner lots going back already on the same sirous of establishing a creamery if a lo­ The Sunday school is progressing nice­
we went back to Dutch Harbor and saw boats that they came on. There was one cation could be found which would fur­ ly although the attendance is not as large
a game of ball between the boys on the or two on our boat that never got off the nish adequate support in patronage. This as it was last year. The S. S. has been
steamship Ohio and the steamship Aber­ boat; the sight of so many tents was was all the party desired, and Mr. Mark­ changed to 11 o’clock.
deen. The Ohio boys won. The next enough. Rev. Lindsey has leased his ham suggested a committee for the pur­ Miss Lottie Daniel, who has been stay­
day we saw another game at which there
ing in McMinnville, is visiting at I. Lam­
cart and is prospecting on the beach. pose of taking a cow census
were 7,000 people present. I saw Tom Don’t know how he is making it. Bill
Dr. James Withycombe, vice-regent of bright’s. She will soon leave for Wheat-
Rogers and Henry Oliver yesterday. They Warren has got his machine about set the state agricultural college, next land, where she will stay a short time.
are looking fine, and they were not sick up and will commence running it in a addressed the meeting. He showed from
Ed Murphy and Marion Delashmutt,
al all. I saw a native funeral w hile iu
few days. Sam Laughlin’s two brothers a scientific standpoint why western Ore­ who have been working in eastern Ore­
Unalaska. It is very peculiar. The and sister came down from Dawson, and gon was not raising as good wheat as
gon came down to spend the 4th with the
corpse was a child, and they sat it up­ as soon as they get settled I suppose I she used to, and also expressed the opin­
"Yamliillers", and are now visiting with
right in a box painted a bright green. will stay with them. Everybody frcni ion that crops would continue to deterio­
relatives and friends in our vicinity.
The father of the child packed it on his
McMinnville is well. I think Tom Rog­ rate after the manner in which a bank
The attendance at the ball game Sun­
shoulder to the cemetery. The men al­ ers will be back 011 the next boat, as he account may ultimately be exhausted by
afternoon was unusually large. An
ways go with their hats off, rain or shine. thinks there is nothing here. There is continued checking without adding to
The priest did not go, as he only goes freight stacked in a solid mass for about the deposit. The reason for poor crops interesting game was played between the
when some big native dies and there is three miles along the beach, and lots of is that the soil has got nothing back. Gopher nine, the old players, and the
money in it. There was a man on the machinery that will never be used.”
Summer fallow does not rest the land First nine, consisting of the younger
steamship Ohio who jumped overboard
as is popularly supposed, but on the con­ boys. The result was a score of 21 to It
while on her way up here. His body
trary, exposes it to the sun and the in favor of the First nine.
was not found, lie was drunk. There
humus, or vegetable mold, is oxidized.
.Wollce to Property Owner*.
was also a man jumped overboard on the
Mrs. W. R. Derby was quite sick last It adds nothing to the soil. Every acre
is hereby given that any accum­
steamship San Pedro. Hie body was not week.
of slimmer fallow loses 100 pounds of ni­
found. He was also drunk. Rev. Lind­
trogen by leeching out in drainage or by ulation of moss on the roof« of buildings
Several fruit trees broke down with volatile ammonia. The cloddy condi­ witliiii the corporate limits of McMinn­
sey is out shoveling coal, helping load
the ship. The boat that Dr. Goucher fruit in town.
tion of the land this year is the result ville must be removed therefrom within
and Chas. Johnson were on bad left
of reducing the humus, and we have dog ten days from the date of this notice.
Dutch Harbor before we arrived. MieB from Carlton.
fennel instead of wheat. To replenish Failure to comply will subject the owner
Manu said that Mr. Johnson looked
Mrs. Dupuy and daughter have gone the soil we need to raise leguminous of such building to a fine of $25 00, as
peeked. She didn’t see Dr. Goucher; I to the coast for an outing.
plants which arc better than corn to re­ provided by ordinance
D. W. F rklv ,
guess be was prospecting all the time.
Main street has been worked, rocked plenish laud. The soil can be built up
Chief Fire Dept.
Pete Latourette and Will Johnson seemed then graveled. Splendid job.
here each year. The farmer should study
to be happy as clams at high tide.”
Mrs. Jane Griffen of Carlton was visit­ to so govern his crops as to get the great­
We qnote from a later letter written ing in town with Mrs. Dupuy.
est value and yet draw least on his land. KewolutlonaL'oncernlng Inion Aar-
from Nome City on June 18th :
As an example of what can be done he
Judge W. L. Bradshaw and son of The gave the result of an experiment at the
“We dropped anchor off the coaet of
At a recent meeting of the minister«’
Nome City last night about 9:30. We are
station at Corvallis. From ij^ acres of
The water is so low in the Yukon river clover and vetch was produced 14 tons association of McMinnville, tbe following
about a mile out. The town is quite a
eerie* of resolution« were unanimously
place. Tents are along the beach in one that the large boats can not run above and 955 pounds of green feed. This was adopted,in order that when it ia intended
solid mass for about six miles, and about Dawson City.
fed from May 2d to June 13th to 12 cows to hold union services of tbe churches on
a mile back, I should judge. I guess
Mr. Campbell Hendrick of Dawson and some young stock. There was ob­ any special occasions, tbe arrangements
there are twenty to thirty thousand peo­ City was in town. He will start back to tained 6,850 pounds of milk, 316.41 for same may be easily and conveniently
ple here. There are about 30 vessels, Dawson in a short time.
pounds of butter fat, from which over marie. The preamble and resolution«
and some are coming in at present, and
Mr. Childs,our cheese man,met with a 369 pounds of butter were obtained. This read as follow«: Whereas, it iaimportant
others leaving. We have been eight bad hurt on last Sunday. When water­ at 22 Jic per pound netted $64.25 as pro­ in tbe interest of the spirit of true fellow­
days coming from Dutch Harbor, and 22 ing his two horses one of them wheeled ceeds from the 1S acres, deducting cost ship, to have a full understanding of all
days from Portland, a long and tiresome round and kicked him square in the face of bran also fed. A second crop of rape matters looking to a union service in
trip. We had a snow storm last night, with full force, knocking him seuseless. and clover is now growing on the laud. which the churches are to take part;
but today is very good, cold and foggy. His face was cut to the bone. Dr. Watts Instead of summer fallowing the doctor therefore, be it resolved :
On the way up from Dutch Harbor we was called and dressed the wound.
recommended the following. Plow your
First, that we ask all parties contem­
were overtaken by a steam launch, and
land in the fall and again in the spring. plating such a service to present their
they informed us that there were two
About June 1st sow a few pounds of rape plans to this organization for approval.
sailing vessels wrecked off some cape
seed to the acre and put in with disc
Second, that we as individuals, shall
about 99 mile« back, so we turned back
K. Jacobson A Co. will run a midsum­ harrow. You can carry six sheep to refuse to take part in, or dismiss our ser­
to eave the crews and what few passen­ mer clearance sale, commencing July 5, every acre, have just as much wheat the vice for any service until it sball first be
gers there were. On our way back we 1900, and will continue until every dol­ next year, and better land, besides the approved by this association.
met the steamship Valencia and she lar’s worth of summer goods is closed *beeP- He gave the following figures on
Third, that this is not intended as a
went back with us. This was the lEb. out. Cost or less is no object, as the |
From 7'4 acres of clover and disapproval of union services, but rather
We anchored about 10 miles out and good, must be closed out in order to give vetch they pnt in “lo ” «0 ton», This as an expression of w hat we believe to be
eent the launch and life boat to get the tie room for fall stock.
will carry ten cows a year, with bran. A the best plan for the promotion and con­
people al-out 6 p. m , and they got back
good cow should give 5,000 pounds of duct of sncli meetings, and the conveni­
about 1 o’clock a. m. There were 47
milk yearly or 250 pounds of butter. ence of all concerned.
people. The vessels wrecked were the . Bears the signature of C bas . H F lstcsbl ' This would make the average cow worth
Eclipse and Hunter. The Eclipse was
Over 4000 pair« of new spring shoe*
In me for more than thirty years, and
about $60 a year—many are worth more.
loaded with whiskey and lumber, and ,
JTtW Pea Zf«w
He spoke of the progress Minnesota had shown at the Grange store.
Represents the Freight Bills paid by
us in one week.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Slnglenumbers five cents.