The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, July 06, 1900, Image 5

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One of the Very Bent Jlc.tlinnville
and Surgeons.
Offices in Wright Block, over Chicago Store.
Phone, Oregon, 115.
M c M innville
O regon .
and Surgeons.
Rooms In Jacobson Block,
M c M innville ,
O regon .
C. MICHAUX, n. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
M c M innville , O regon .
Office in Union Block.
Enameling in Black and
Maroon cheap for Cash
Full line of repairs and all repair work done
in the best style. South side Third Street near
Reynolds & Bond, Prop’s.
Fresh and salt meats and sausages of all
kinds constantly in stock.
Cash paid for
hides. Highest market price paid for all kinds
of fat stock.
Proprietors of
Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds
South side Third St. between B and C.
We are located opposite H. 0. Burns’ and aim
to give all customers good treatment for little
money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pat­
ronage solicited.
Manufactures and Deals in
^ndbrushes, and sells them cheaper than they
can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette
Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are
pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them.
M c M innville
Truck and Dray Co
Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful
handling guaranteed. Collections will be made
monthly. Hauling of all kinds done cheap.
Bargains in
Gents’ Fine
IIRy a fortunate purchase we are able to offerf.
half dozen of the celebrated I'aillard non-inag.
netic Watches in gold-filled case«, at remarka­
bly low prices. They arc all fine adjusted nick
el movements, gents’sixteen size, and are not
affected by electricity or magnetism, and are
fully guaranteed. They will go in a hurry at
t ie prices we offer them, and we will not be able
to get any more of them.
W m . F. D ihlschne T der & B ro .,
Dealers in
Kodaks and Supplies.
Cha*. Griesen is over at Tillamook on |
business. -
tMrs. Lou Watkins of Boise City, is bete
o i a visit to relatives.
Harlow Mills returned home Saturday
evening from his visit of several weeks at
his old home in southern Kari’ae. He
reported a crop of wheat being harvested
in that state.
At the city council meeting Tuesday
q_vning an ordinance was passed author-
¡Ag the mayor to enter into a contract
for the purchase of sufficient sewer pipe
to lay a sewer from the corner of Sixth
an I E streets to Cozine creek.
Bear, the signature of C has . H. F lictcbes .
Ju use for more than thirty years, and
ZV Ktid
Havt lUtrajit fiuMgkd.
G. S. Wright, dentist.
Has Ever Enjoyed.
Mrs. E. C. Dallas is again reported
The Fourth opened with threatening
very ill.
skies and falling mists in this city, but
Miss Nena Schoepps of Portland is vis­ by eleven o’clock the clouds parted and
the balance of the day was delightful.
iting Mrs. A. Maltbies.
The finest parade the city has ever had
Full line of field and garden seeds at
formed at 11 o’clock and marched in
Daniels’ produce market as cheap as
the following order through the streets
anywhere in the valley.
Ed Hoskins was home from Washing­ and to the grove:
1. Marshals Geo. Keen and F. H.
ton to spend the Fourth.
A full stock of single and double har­
2. Lafayette band.
ness. Repairing a specialty, at Man­
3. 21 marching veterans G. A. R.
4. Speaker in carriage.
July 10th W. T. Macy will take charge
5. Geo. and Martha Washington.
of the Kegg grocery as manager.
6. Liberty car with little girls repre­
Horse muzzles for harvesting at the senting states.
McMinnville Fence Works.
7. 26 young ladies on horseback.
8. A. O. U. W float. .
The foundation of the Burns block was
9. Beautifully decorated carriage of
unsatisfactory, and will be taken outaud
R. Jacobson and Co.
a new one laid.
Screen doors and windows, on hand 10. Horseless carriage pulled by Hen­
and made to order, at the McMinnville ry Fletcher’s mules.
11. Woodmen float.
Fence Works.
12. Fire company.
Brof. Fargo, formerly of the college,
13. Float of Flynn & Co.
will be principal of the Brownsville
14. Trade display of Blacksmiths Fer­
schools next year.
guson & Fletcher.
For sale—100 acre farm, nearly all in 15. Decorated Deering binder by
cultivation. Good location. Best bar­ Wade & Co.
gain in the county. Enquire at thisoffice 16. Plug uglies.
for owner.
At the grove Judge Bird presided and
The office of connty recorder has had the following program was carried out:
receipts the past year amounting to
Baud music.
1246.85 over the salary.
Prayer by Rev. A. A. Winters.
Recitation by Mrs. J. A. Young.
F. W. Spencer has the Rambler bi­
Reading of declaration of indepen­
cycle, in seveial different models. These
wheels have the best pneumatic tire ever dence by Prof. S. S. Duncan.
Song, “The Blue and the Gray,” by
made. Call and Bee them.
Henry Wade of Willamina was arrest­ Hobbs-Patty quartette.
Mute recitation of the “Star Spangled
ed yesterday for selling liquor to Foster
Banner” by Miss Mina Murton.
Wathena, an Indian.
Oration by Hon. W. D. Fenton. This
S. H. Maris harvested the last of his
strawberry crop on Monday. He saye was a superb effort. Mr. Fenton’s hand­
the aggregate of this Beason’s crop has some presence was a welcome feature to
everybody and nearly everybody in this
been very satisfactory.
county knows him as a personal friend.
Blue Flame oil cook stove, cheaper
His oration was a keen analysis of the
than wood. Call and see them at Hod­
spirit of the revolutionary leaders, such
as Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, James
There is expansion doctrine in Hon. Otis and Stephen Hopkins. From this
W. D. Fenton’s address that is red hot he drifted into a noble eulogy for the
truth. Read it and ponder.
common soldier, whose work he said
Robt. Henderson, of the Salem States­ would never be forgotten.
man force, spent the Fourth in McMinn­ They live and have become immortal in the
institutions their valor defended and in the
civilization which they have given to us. For
Sargeant Fred Ramsey of Salem was a more than a century that glorious flag has kissed
conspicuous figure in McMinnville’s cel­ the summer sunshine or been torn in fragments
by the winter storm. It has cheered brave sol­
diers on a hundred has been
Campbel] Hendrix of Carlton is home to them in death a sign of victory and liberty.
from the far north, and celebrated in Mc­ While shot and shell rained upon the deck of
our navy, or poured into forts held by our arms
in every war, that flag has been an emblem of
Mrs. Mary J. Washburn has sold her power, towards whose ample folds every eye
property in Olympia, aud will live with has constantly turned. Today it Boats alike
over the graves of the illustrious dead whether
ter daughter in Seattle.
buried in the consecrated battlefield of Gettys­
About 1,000 people celebrated at Ami­ burg or in the bloody tomb of Shiloh. It was
ty. Senator Mulkey was the orator of lifted as a symbol of liberty above the oppressed
the day. The Unionvale and Amity in Cuba and a relinked people north and south
followed its victorious lead at Santiago. It has
clubs played ball, the latter winning.
become the sign ot liberty and freedom in the
Fred Hibbs came near being killed by islands of the Pacific and it was present when
the bursting of an emery wheel on Satur­ Spanish power fell in the cast. Has the strug­
day. He was struck and rendered sense­ gle of all these years been in vain? Here and
there a voice, like some bird of evil omen,
less for a short time.
croaks from its solemn retreat, a painful proph­
Mrs. Nettie Patterson of Portland and ecy, and would have us believe that American
Mrs. Mary Post of McCoy are the guests patriotism has lost its intensity, that the fruits
of the revolution have turned to ashes, and that
of their uncle aud aunt, Mr. and Mrs. the nation is tottering to its fall. We must not
Dan Holman.
lose sight of first principles and what was se­
Miss Clara Fisher, of Corvallis is visit­ emed, if we would know whether the country
has lost anything of its former glory. It must
ing Miss Clara Irvine, and accompanied not be forgotten what issues were involved and
that lady to Portland, to uttend the wed­ what results were achieved in the struggle for
ding of Miss Rebecca Smith to Mr. independence. Mr. Fiske has truly said: “The
principle of statecraft against which Washington
fought no longer exists among either British
Married—At the residence of Mr. John or Americans; it is as extinct as the dino­
Hugueiet, in this city, Sunday, July 1st, saurs.” The same thought is happily expressed
1900, bv A. V. R. Snyder, J. P., Mr. by Senator Lodge, who declares that “If the
Arthur Smith and Mrs. Amber Coates. revolution had not come in the American col­
onies, it would have come in England itself.
Only a lew intimate friends were present.
The storm broke in the colonies for the same
reason that made the English strike down at
This world is not so bad a world,
As some would try to make it; V— its very inception the personal monarchy of the
17th century, and which forced them to be
For much of comfort comes to those
the first to exhibit signs of deep political unrest
Who wear Star 5 Star shoes.
in the last quarter of the eighteenth century.
It was the rising tide of popular government
They are al the Racket Btore.
¿hat began to submerge the renewed demands
Alex. Spencer returned from Sumpter of royalty that swept the colonies into the rev?
on the evening of the Fourth He has olution. Has there been any lack of vigilance
a mining claim up there which assays among our people upon this score? Have we
to the ton, be says, and be will go not securely guarded iu the organic law of every
state the rights of the individual, rich or poor,
back to it.
and have not the law-making .bodies been re­
The pastor of the M. E. church will sponsive to the slightest infraction of any popu­
preach as usual next Sunday. In the lar right? Is there any citizen in this great
morning the subject of the sermon will country today( who can justly complain of any
denial of his right to liberty, security in his per­
be “I'he New Birth,” and in the evening son or protection to bis property? Has be not
•‘False Gods.” A cordial invitation is the absolute-right to the pursuit ot any lawful
vocation, and is he anywhere denied access to
extended to ail.
courts of his own creation, to redress his wrongs?
For sale—the old McDonald donation Let us put the finger upon the violation of civil
claim, consisting of 633% acres, midway rights anywhere in the Tnited States which re­
between McMinnville, Amity and Day­ ceives recognition and approval by those in
ton. For particulars call at The Report­ authority or a majority of the people. Whose
property ha9 been taken anywhere without
er office, or inquire of F. Freeman, at the just compensation? Whose right to labor and
have the wages of his toil requited to him, has
About 75 teachers enrolled at the coun­ been denied? What country is today doing
more to upbuild the blessed influences of the
ty institute yesterday. There is a large age than ours? Who has been driven from
preponderance of ladies. Profs. Dur- peaceful pursuits to the military prison, and
rette and Grout of Portland are in charge. what soldier wears the uniform of the United
States that did not freely and of bis own choice
W. T. Macy, W. G. Henderson and D. enter the arm} ? What sailor has been impressed
I. Fierce went out of office yesterday and on any man-of-war belonging to our navy?
their successors were sworn in. The What citizen has given up his home that a hos­
gentlemen retiring have made good offic­ tile soldiery might I m * quartered there? Who
of the eighty million people has felt the burden
ers, aud retire with clean records.
of a standing army, and what American farm­
Mrs. W. J. Simonds of Whatcom is er. mechanic or laborer has ever felt the weight
here for several weeks’ visit with her of an American soldier on hh shoulders? In
■ works of education our age is unsurpassed. The
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Adams. children of the rich and poor alike enter the
She is accompanied bv her 16-year-old schools and en oy their advantages. No min
pays a tithe to any church, excepting upon bis
D. C. Derby, the painter, suffered hie own volition, and yet no country has made
such progress in the upbuilding of great relig­
third stroke of paralysis on Sunday, ious universities, the wide extension of church
while in Rogers Bros’ drug etore after agencies, and in the support and adornment of
medicine. He was carried to hie liome, magnificent church buildings, temples and ca­
and for a time his life wae despaired of. thedrals In all that go js to make up a great,
contented prosperous people we are abundantly
an attack of angina («etoris accompany­ bles-ed. We have come to this exalted place in
ing the stroke. He has improved some­ the life of the nation not without great sacri­
what since, and will probably recover. fice and after mafty struggle*. In the time, we
Dre. Voee and Cable have given the have ’uceemfully fought two war* with Great
Bri.ain, one with Mexico, many Indian wars,
most untiring attention. Mr. Derby has the great civil war, the recent Mpanish-Amori-
worked too bard recently, for the good of pan war, and we are now seeking to restore or­
der. establish civil and religious liberty and our
his health.
civilization in the Philippines. These contests
appealed to the martial spirit and ended with
credit to our arms. In each of these struggles
some of our people did not share in the hopes
and aspirations of the nation or support those
who were charged with the mandates of the
people. But after the years have passed and
the smoke of conflict has cleared away, these
great events appear as epochs in the progress
of the nation. We declared war against Spain
something more than a year ago ostensibly and
partly in the defense of national honor, and to
avenge the shocking destruction of our battle
ship and its sailors in Havana harbor, but the
real cause is seen to have been the irrepressible
conflict between the free institutions of Ameri­
ca and the oppression ot the Spaniard. We have
promised to give to Cuba her independence
when and as soon as her people have, in the
judgment of freemen, demonstrated their ca­
pacity for self government, and by the time this
period shall have arrived, the same capacity
for and love of liberty that we possess and enjoy-
will annex by the voluntary suffrages of intelli­
gent Cubans, that magnificent island to our
country. We took as the trophy of war Porto
Rico and its inhabitants, and we have begun to
plant American institutions in that garden of
the Altantic We have added to our Pacific
possessions Hawaii and given to its people a ter­
ritorial form of government. In the destruc­
tion of Spanish power in the Philippines we
are attempting to .found a republican form of
government and to take to the rebellious tribes
tribes of these islands of the far western seas
the same form of government, the same insti­
tutions and civilization which we ourselves en­
joy. At this point in our national struggle
there may be room for difference of opinion as
to the ultimate disposition of these islands, but
it is mainly because of the effect of their dispo­
sition npon us as a people and a nation whether
for good or evil and not because our mission
there will not bring untold blessings to
their people. We have not violated the declar­
ation of independence nor trampled upon the
fundamental principles of free government in
our temporary or permanent acquisition of this
territory. The principles of civil liberty will
flourish in our hands in the tropics as they
have grown in this hemisphere. Before an>
question is made as to whether it Is our
duty to remain there and by force of arms, if
we must, establish our authority, ¡t might be
well to ask whether our withdrawal would not
be the establishment of a tyrant upon the ruins
of Spanish power? A military leader who holds
no commission from any government excepting
one created by his own hand, who prates of the
struggles of the American patriots at Valley
Forge and in the same moment nervesan assas­
sin’s hand to strike down his greatest general,
a despot who talks of freedom for his people at
long range, and through Hong Kong juntas, and
who indiscriminately puts to the sword, with­
out so much as a military trial, peaceful natives
of his own race,who have been non-combatants*
cannot receive from the United States any other
treatment than that properly accorded to ty­
rants. It would be an offense against the age,
against free institutions, against every consider
ation of humanity, to w ithdraw our forces and
abanden these islands. We shall not do so
The question docs not admit of any debate on
party lines. It should not now become a politi­
cal issue. It has become one of national ihteg-
rity. It is in no spirit of fault finding that
we must take up this great question. The time
may come after order has been restored, when
the military shall have given place to the
civil authority, when courts of justice shall
have been established, when just
equal laws have been enacted and entered,
when our institutions have had their full sway
in these islands, when it may be just and
worthy of is to yield up our possession and con­
trol. That time, if it shall ever come, is far in
the future.
Meantime, we shall have many
problems there and here to perplex us. We have
as a nation entered upon a larger career, and we
shall never return to the provincial life which
has hitherto surrounded us. Theorists may de­
bate, partisans may criticize and statesmen
may condemn, but if there is one act that has
become irrevocable, it is that by which the ar­
bitrament ot the sword gave to us control of the
islands formerly owned by Spain. They are
ours, and we must take care of them and their
people. Nor is this result illogical or unexpected
The people’s pulse beats steadilyin this direction
There will be criticism and debate, there have
been mistakes In detail and in plan, but over all
and above all is the controlling and overw helm­
ing thought, that this country has just begun its
great career of usfthilness, and that its institu
tionR, its learning, its trade, its prowess, and its
people, shall rightfully enter upon these oppor­
In the afternoon there was a pony and
foot race, and after assembling on tbe
ball grounds, the contest for thegoora at
the top of the greased pole was won by
Gay Ferguson. Then followed the war
dance by the Grand Ronde Indians,
which served to kill time till the ball
game was ready. Thia was the game of
the season, and among the best ever
played here. The McMinnville boys
stood one score ahead when they played
their last inning, but were unable to hold
the vantage, and the Torpedoes reversed
the honors, leaving the field with 8
scores to the home team’s 7. This prac­
tically ended the attractions of the day,
and everybody went home pleased.
R. Jacobson A Co. will run a midsum­
mer clearance sale, commencing July 5,
KMX), and will continue until evdry dol­
lar’s worth of summer goods is closed
out. Cost or less is no object, as the
goods must be closed out in order to give
us room for fall stock.
G. 8. Wright, dentist.
Manning sells cheap and buys more.
Emerson, Milton, Lakeside and Prince
pianos at C. Grissen’s.
Over 4000 pairs of new spring shoes
shown at the Grange store.
J. Capps & Sons all wool clothing from
|9 to $13 a suit at the Grange store.
For Sale—104 acres,
miles from
McMinnville, at a bargain. 75 acres in
cultivation, 7-room house ; large barn ; 14
acres orchard; variety of fruit; good
place for stock. Terms easy. Inquire at
this office.
The first monthly business meeting of
the Epworth League for the half year
ending with December next, was held
last Monday evening. Tbe newly-elect­
ed president, Harlow V. Mills, was in
the chair, and with but two exceptions
all the other officers of the league were
present, an well as a number of members.
The meeting was a very successful one,
and promises well for success during tbe
coming months,
A Clothing Slaughter!
On account of lack of room in our Dry Goods Depart­
ment we have decided to close out all Men’s Clothing and
discontinue the department. With this end in view we shall
One of the most interesting sales ever known in Oregon.
Cost or value will be no guide, as we have to make this a very
rapid sale in order to commence changes in our store room
before our fall stock of dry goods arrive. It would be impos­
sible to tell you of the values we are going to offer. You
know the Chicago Store never does anything without doing it
well. Every article iu the
Hen’s Clothing Line
Except Dutchess Trousers, which we shall continue to han­
dle, will simply be slaughtered. Every dollar’s worth has
got to be sold before August ist. The stock is all new, made
by the best makers in the U. S. and an opportunity like this
occurs only once in a lifetime; better avail yourself of it while
the stock is complete.
The McMinnville National Bank.
S urplus and
P aid C apital , $50,000
P rofits , $25,000
Transacts a General Hanking business and extends to Its patron, every facility
consistent with safe ana prudent banking.
L. E. Cowls
Wm. Campbell
W. L. Warren
Lee Laughlin, Pres.
J. L. Rogers, Vice Pres.
E. C. Apperson,Cashier W. S. Link, Asst. Cashier
Office hour. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
O. O. Hodson Closing Out
to make room for other goods. Come
early, as prices tell.
3% Mitchell Wagon, complete
12-disc Steel Harrow.............................................. 32
8-foot Steel Hay Rake........................................... 25
16-inch Sulkey Plow........................................
Plows, Harrows and other implements at
Low Prices.
Lawns for 3c......................
Ladies’Shirt Waists
Linen Towels
Ladies’ and Children’s Hose
Manila Cords 5c
25. 45 and 90c
ii. 13, 19 and 27c
5, 10. 18 and 23c
Entire Stock of Shoes, 75,000
To make room for our mammoth stock of Boots &
Shoes to arrive, which will be the Largest
Stock ever carried in Yamhill county.
McMinnville Grange & Farmers Co.,
CHAS. P. NELSON, Manager.
Palmer’s fish anti poultry market has
C. H. Cable of Brownsville has been
visiting his eons, for a number of day-, been moved next door to the McMinn­
and celebrated with McMinnville. He ville National (tank, on Third street,
has been managing a mercantile buainesa where a tiret-clase stock of groceries ie
in Pendleton for several weeks.
carried. Cash paid for poultry «nd egge.