Yamhill County Reporter 11. I. 4SIIIBV, Editor A l*ropr. W II 1 they are political intriguers inimical to China. That notion is, of course, I a monstrous error; but it may be a strange and paradoxical irony of fate that its falsity can be demon - strated only by making it largely true. N. Y. Tribune. 5,000,000 $5.000,000 It is not to Christianity as a relig­ ion, but to Christians as suspected political agents of foreign powers, Subscription $1 OO Per Year. that the Chinese object. That is Lord Salisbury’s explanation of the case, ADVERTISING K VTEH. and it is exactly confirmed by other i not t n i i li. Rp*er pound. Not much Consolidated Petroleum Co. Prospectus mailed on application. Nothing so enrages our democratic that the Christian powers behind the made at such prices. brethren as the suggestion that pros missionaries are constantly making had east us. and established us upon Rev. A. A. Winter returned from the OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. perily and republican administra­ aggressions upon China, forcing her a firm basis. Our financial position, Dallas campineeting, reported a good tions go hand in hand. It makes to modify her laws and customs to so sensitive to flurries ten years ago, meeting. R. E. BlH. kburn, the Presidrnt an inter, ts the 4th at tlie hub. we were not affected one jot or tittle. Senators. S And rotis, Treasurer, tsone of Southern California's soli.l citizens win, along this line. One organ of the judge tilings by appearances come deservedly, holds the confidence of the public. His good impress has been left main All glad that the warship Oregon is the law* ol (his commonwealth. party says: “The beneficence of the to the conclusion that Christians are Not a dollar was withdrawn from t. W live is the Assistant General Passenger Agent of the Southern Pacific Rail afloat again. rains which have come to the just really political agents, intent upon the banks nor a loan called in to Died at Lafayette, Or , July 4th, at 10 road Company, which responsible position be has held for many years to the satisfac­ tion of that corporation and the public. aud the unjust, the employment and undermining and overthrowing the meet demands from the east or from a. in., Mrs. S. M. B. White of liver and P. J. Beveridge, son vf ex Governor Beveridge of Illino’s, is one of the most active of Ixts Angeles capitalists. The electric railway from this city, via Hollywood, to San­ demaud created by the war with Chinese government anil partitioning abroad. All over the Pacific coast lung trouble. She was confined to her ta Monica, is the latest monument to his enterprise .1 M. Hale, one of the leading dry goods merchants of Los Angeles, is one of the the stock of money is large, and it is lied but little. Will be buried in the Spain, to which Mr. McKinley was the Chinese empire. four Hale brothers who own dry goods establishments in San Francisco. Sacramento San Jose, Salinas. Petaluma, l.os Angeles and New York. finding its way as rapidly as condi ­ opposed, and the impulse given in The directorate’s reference: Bradstreet's, or any bank in California. This is a statement of the case as tions permit into new enterprises, Henry burying grounds at Lafayette. many directions by the south Afri some of the most competent observ­ or is being used to enlarge old ones. For Further Information, Call or Address License* to Vlnrry. can war, are all beiœvolently assimi ers, including missionaries, have In Oregon we se<^ it going into Estall Null, 24, to Frank Weed, 26. Room 212 Laughlin Building, Los Angeles, Cal. luted us results of republican wisdom seen it. We repeat that it is not a mines, creameries, public and pri­ Bessie Rounds. 20, to B. W. Johnson. and statesmanship." It is a queer condemnation of missionaries or of vate improvements, manufactures 28. fact, and one which must be very ag­ missionary work. If is merely a rec- and business. In eastern Oregon D. C. Buffimi, 24, and Mary A. Ranch, gravating to the opposition, that so (ignition of evils that have crept into money will be available, if there is 18. many good things seem to happen such work, chiefly through the guile no disturbance of conditions, for during the republican rule and a like I. N. Collard is home from Bonneville. of some of the Chinese themselves. railroad extension and irrigation preponderance of evil things during It is no argument against mission­ works that will develop a semi arid Forest Narver ami wife of Sprague, the reign of the democrats. They ary enterprise, but rather one in Wash., are visiting in this city. seem to recognize the reality of this region capable <>f sustaining a popu­ condition in one of their late pleas, favor of prosecuting it with renewed lation of 1 LOO.UOO and make it tribu­ George Flesher came home from Olym­ whim they say “Let us in this time zeal on the highest possible plane of pia to spend the Fourth with his family. the country is on a gold basis now. ■ disinterestedness and with the ut­ tary to Portland. Everywhere the Mrs. J. W. Henry left on Thursday of Traction or Portable, Simple or Com­ and we can’t do you any harm in the most possible tact. Neither is it an (K'ople arc prosperous and contented atilt enjoying the ls-st times they last week, to spend the summer with rel­ next four years, anyway. pound. Wood or Straw Burners. argument agatfist prompt and rigor­ , have ever known. They don’t want atives at Boise. 8. A. Manning has been quite severely A union Suuday is lioul picnic will lx* ous suppression of the prtsent re- It! to 1 They don't want Brvan, ill of pneumonia since Saturday, but is held next Tuesday at llir place known as ■ volt. For it is the duty of law and Jim Owen’s hill, near McCal'e vlmnel. It order to suppress a riot, no matter nor bis crown of thorn«, nor his considerably better now. cross of gold. They do not want the will be part ici paled in bv Hie McMinn- Moreover, nation bound so that it cannot par­ Mr«. I.atourette ami daughter Freda ville M E. Bunday si bool and also the what may be its cause. removed to Oregou City this week, and M> Calm « c I hhi I. Arrangement« are n<>w the old principle of power and re- ticipate in the trade to be opened up this city thereby loses some good people. twing made to se< me enough teams to j sponsibilit v holds good. The out- take the McMinnville school to llie in the orient. They don't want the Mrs. B E. Clubineof Centralia. Wash . grounds, and through the kiiier wag­ the residence of J. E. Noll by E. North- The l>all game on Saturday between | sirable always to keep in mind that on for $S.> cash. Also a new reversible up on Thursday. June 28. There were the Chetuawae and the home team »»• ' Chinese hatred is directed. not ■ lisi’harro'v for $40. Also a fine driving but few guests, but a good many nice won by the former IS to ti. On Sunday the St. Banis beat our boys 9 to 4. Oa against Christianity as a religion, mare, six years old, aired l‘T Coenr presents were given the happv couple Tneeday the home team played Corvallis but against Christians personally,