The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, June 29, 1900, Image 1

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    Entered at the Postofllce in McMinnville,
as Secoud-cla.s matter.
HcMinnvîlle Will Celebrate July 4th
HON. W. D. FENTON will be the Orator.
Let Everybody plan to attend.
f Wall Paper
Splendid Music.
Must have room for more paper now on
the road.
Yours Truly,
Represents the Freight Bills paid by £
us in one week.
sfhTWe Sell Groceries à»
Keep us busy aud growing.
Come and see us.
L. E. Walker
properly it takes time. It requires experience and
a complete knowledge of drugs. It requires the
druggist to have a large variety of drugs—fresh
drugs. He must give the best possible work, and
for compensation he must be reasonable. With the
above facts remember we are careful and strive to
please one and all alike. These are reasons why our
prescription file thribbles all in this county. We
are recognized by doctor and customer alike for be­
ing accurate and dispensing oniy the purest drugs.
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists
E d H endricks , Vice Pres.
c hillips
Bicycle race, free for all two miles 5 00
Judges of all contests: Wm. Raleigh,
Fred Kirkwood and Hugh Nelson.
Ball game, Torpedoes vs McMinn­
ville.................................................. 50 00
Very little sickness at present.
Rev. Crandall of Dayton preached in
All sports to commence at one p. m.,
Mrs. S. E. Hamilton is attending the the M. E church last Sunday at 3 p. m.
sharp. Ball game to commence at 3:30.
C. C. Bryan has returned to Portland
Turner meetings.
Music by the Lafayette band.
to work, his little girl having improved
The recent rains make the wheat and in health.
oat crops look better.
Blackberries are abundant this year.
Lumber is on the ground to repair the
M. O. Lownsdale’s apple orchard
Mrs. F. X. McAtee, who has been ill
promises a great yield this year.
bridge over Salt creek, west of town.
for some time, is on the mend.
Mr. McIntyre is in very poor health.
Howard Ellston is peddling cherries
Mrs. Wiley Edwards and daughter
Mr. Goheen and son are| expected
have returned from a week’s visit in for J. A. Likens, and reports good suc­
home from Dawson every train.
Carl Michaux of McMinnville passed
Mr. and Mrs. John Chance, late of
About one-half of the clover crop is through here on his way to Washington
Linn county, are stopping with their
down and badly damaged by the recent for a visit.
daughter, Mrs. C. E. Smith.
Hard rain here last Sunday about 12
Children’s Day was observed at the
o’clock. Hard on campers.
Walter Rea is fencing the land bought
M. E. church on Sunday last. An inter­
Mrs. Mianda Smith has added much
esting program was rendered.
some time ago, which adjoins this place to her residence by two new gates at her
Mrs. Stella Ingalls and two children on the south.
arrived from Wisconson, and will spend
A steamboat passed on up the river
The ladies of the Baptist church rented
the summer with her sister, Mrs. J. W.
towards McMinnville this week and
back the same day.
egates. It is needless to say they were
The Royal Ann cherries were greatly
damaged by the late rains.
Thursday of this week, and a large num­ well-fed.
Indian war dance.
ber of delegates are looked for. Pres.
E. P. Wallace is having his residence
Old People’« Service.
Pony race, 200 yards ..
5 00 Newlin will deliver three lectures, which papered and painted, after which he
Sack race, 50 yards ...
a 00 promise to be worth hearing.
The pastor of the Baptist church re­
will move to the same and make it his
Three legged race, 50 yards, Box Pane-
members with what pleasure the old
Wheat has reached 60c in this market. home.
tella cigars.
Fruit of almost every variety is plenti­ folks entered into a service for them in
Celebrate in McMinnville and be
Fat man's race, 200 pounds or over a 5°
ful this year, and some otie should make this church about a year ago, therefore
Wheelbarrow race, blindfolded 50
preparations to dry as much of it as pos­ he has decided that there ought to be
yards................................................ a 50
held another like service this year, and
Mrs. A. Hussey of Portland is visiting sible this fall.
Pony race, 300 yards....................... 7 50 Mrs. J. W. Cowls.
next Sunday has been decided on as the
Amity, at the present time, is in good
Little girls’ egg race, 50 yards.. .. l 00
Fresh fireworks warranted to shoot and condition and her business people doing time for it. Last year special invitations
Footrace, free for all, 100 yards. . 5 00 shoot bard at L. E. Walker’s.
were sent out, but in some respects this
a better business than at any tinie dur-
Pulling match between teams ... 10 00
did not meet the full desire, so this year
ing the past five years.
Climbing greased pole for goose.
through the kindness of the editors a
We are informed that Mr. Roth will general invitation is given through the
Greased pig—pig to belong to captor. promptly at 12 o’clock July 4th.
Misses Elsie and Maud Hobbs will go out of business this fall, This is a
Bicycle race, boys under 16, %
medium of the press. The service will
mile.................................................. 2 50 leave for Indiana July 5th, for a visit rare chance for some enterprising man be as nearly like the olden time as is pos­
to conduct a general store.
Bicycle race, free for all, one mile 5 00 with relatives until September.
sible to make it, with a sermon espec­
This community is getting quite a rep­ ially to old people. The front pews of
utation for bees,the various apairies hav­ the church will be reserved for all over
ing in the neighborhood of two hundred 60 years old, and it is hoped all over that
Of the County Clerk of Yamhill County, State of Oregon, showing the amount and number colonies of these warm-tempered little age will avail themselves of this oppor­
of claims allowed by the County Court oi said County, for what allowed, amount of warrants
drawn and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid from the first day of October, 1899, to fellows.
tunity to a good pew with the others
the31st day of March, 1900, both inclusive:
Come fathers and
Miss Ethel Putman has the musical who may come.
Roads and bridges
.........................................................................................................................> 8,988 62
2,654 96 program iu charge for the celebration to mothers, let us have one more good hour
Court Expenses
......................................... I.....................................
619 95
She is training together.
Stationery and Printing
......................................................... 1................ 1,025 80 be held here the 4th.
Officers’ Salaries
.................................................................... .........................................................
5,566 91 some of our best talent, which insures
982 03
Creamery Meeting lor Whlietsn.
that part of the program to be a success.
Total amount claims allowed and drawn
>19,738 27
A meeting for the purpose of establish­
As a musical iustructor Miss Putman is
Outstanding unpaid county warrants on 81st day of March, 1900....
>18,574 80
ing a creamery at Whiteson is to be held
Estimated interest accrued thereon at 6 per cent, interest
................................ .
554 88 spoken of very highly by people who
at the school house in that town on July
Total amount of unpaid county warrants and interest
.................................................... >19,129 68 have employed her iu that capacity.
loth, at 3 p. m. Dr. James Withycombe,
9tate of Oregon, County of Yamhill, SS.
While some places are straining every
vice director of the State Agricultural
I, J. H Nelson, county clerk of the county of Yamhill, atate of Oregon, do hereby certify that
the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount of claims allowed by the county
court ot said county for the six months ending on the 31st day of March, 1900, on what account citizens here would be more wise to try college, and C. H. Markham of the
the same were allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants out­
Southern Pacific, will be present and ad­
standing and unpaid as the same appear upon the records of my office and in my official cus­ to secure some proper person to estab­
dress the people. Everybody is invited.
Witness my hand and the seal of the county court of said county this 23d day of June, 1900. lish a creamery or cheese factory.
It is well known that the railroad men
l . a.
J. H. NEL8ON, County Clerk.
stitutions of this kind are a continual
look with favor upon Whiteson as an
source of revenue—something that
ideal point for the location of a cream­
brings in the cash every day in the
ery. The people of Whiteson and vicin­
year, and any community that has them
Of the amount of money and warrants received for taxes, and money paid to the county
ity are just as anxious for it, and have as
treasurer by the sheriff of Yamhill county, Oregon, for the six months ending on the 31st day of is in a prosperous condition and the cry
much faith in its being made a success.
March, A 1) 1900:
of hard times is not heard.
A slight preliminary canvass has already
To amount received in coin and currency:
The district Baptist convention con­ revealed many farmers ready to pledge
Nov. 1
Jan. 1 Feb. 1 Marcb. vened at this place Tuesday of this week
their patronage, and no doubt the re­
1699 Tax ...
>3521 45 and lasted three days.
Delegates were quired number to supply the creamery
1898 Tax.
>14206 56 116620 40 11206 26 12361 37 42291 99
1238 31
1897 Tax.
. . I
present from Portland, Astoria, Hills­ will be obtained. Here is subject for
1 05
10 60
1 86
1896 Tax.....................................................
. .
7 60 ...............
boro, Salem and many other points. It congratulation. It means both business
Total Received
>14215 21 116620 46 11208 28
>4769 76 is needless to say the gathering was a
and money under proper management.
success and much good was done. All We must diversify. We must get away
By amount paid to county treasurer:
present expressed themselves as well from such sole reliance on wheat. Turn
pleased at being so pleasantly enter­ out to the Whiteson meeting, and show
To County Treasurer, 1899 Tax....
« 142O»5 56 »186J0 46 » 11208 28 82881 37 «2291 94 *3462
189a Tax
1238 31 tained, and went away singing the praises your interest in plans that will keep you
1897 Tax
1 05 ................
10 50
1 66
...... of their brethren at this place.
1896 Tax
7 60
employed at something that will bring .
.... .............
............. .............
Balance on hand March 31, 1900
........... .............
you ready money.
President of the day, Hon. R. P. Bird.
Reader, Prof. S. S. Duncan.
Chaplain, Rev. A. A. Winters.
Marshal, W. G. Henderson.
Assistant marshals, R. L. Harris, and
F. Caldwell.
Grand Parade.
Music, by the Lafayette Band.
Grand chorus, “America” Band ac­
Prayer, ReA. A. A. Winters of Lafay­
Solo, G. C. L. Snyder.
Recitation, Mrs. J. A. Young, “The
Surgeon’s Story.”
Declaration of Independence, Prof. S.
S. Duncan of Dayton .
Music, Hobbs-Patty Quartette.
Recitation, “The Star Spangled Ban­
ner,” Miss Mina M. Murton, deaf and
mute language.
Oration, Hon. W. D. Fenton of Port­
Chorus. “Star Spangled Banner.”
15 pieces of Japanese Matting AT COST. Want
to close them out. Prices ranging from I ic to 23c.
Regular prices 15 to 40c.
100 doz towels—15, 20, 25, 35 and 40c kind.
Prices now 11c to 29c.
100 Men’s Hats, large sizes. Regular prices
$1.25 to $3; now 87c to $2.10.
120 pairs Men’s Pants. Regular prices $1.75 to
$4; Now Si.30 to $3.10.
180 prs Men’s Shoes, sizes 9, 9'2 and 10, broken
lines. Regular prices Si,50 to S3.50; Now $1.05
to $2.60.
McMinnville Grange & Farmers Co.,
CHAS. P. NELSON, Manager.
Total paid Treasurer..............................
States, and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The
accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited.
A bsolutely P ure
Base Ball.
, Pres.
, Asst. Cashier
« J J W W
, Cashier.
« The First National Bank
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885.
Capital and Surplus, {90,000.
Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Everything but Ingrains for the next 60
days at a very LARGE DISCOUNT.
Sports of many kinds.
NO. 28
One Dollar if paid In advance, Singlenumbers five cent..
14215 21 i 118820 46
11208 28 1 >2.563 22 »2302 44 1 *4759 76
State of Oregon, County of Yamhill, 89.
I, W. G. Henderson, sheriff of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is
correct and true. Witness my hand this 23d day of June, A D. 1900.
W. o. HENDERSON, Sheriff of Yamhill County.
Of the connty treasurer of Yamhill county, Oregon, for the six months ending on the 31st
day of March, A. D. 1900, of money received and paid out, from whom received and from what
source, and on what account paid out:
To amount on hand from last report, Taxes, General Fund, >2,591 72
To amounts received from W. G. Henderson,
.. 83,483
33,483 76
927 10
To amounts received from W. T. Macy, Recorder, fees, “
J H. Nelson,
828 10
J. M. Yocom, assessor, polls ...
50 00
A. V. R. Snyder, J. P., fines, etc
» 00
R. P Bird, County Judge.......
6 75
School fund......... > 9,796 54
I »21,614 75
>37,Ml 43
By amount paid out on County Warrant«,
■nd State Tax for 18W, general fund,
By amount paid out on School Superintendent’«
Warrant«, .....................
. ...
By balance General fund on hand
By balance School fund on hand
11,818 21
135.368 31
2,571 12
School fund.......... >12,653 73
137, »41 43
8,961 02
>21,614 75
State of Oregon, County of Yamhill, 89.
I, O u. Kuude, du hereby certify that 4be foregoing la a true and correct «tatement of the
amount« received, paid out and remaining on band in ibe county treasury of «aid county for the
aix month« ending on the 3l«l day of March, A. D. 1IW0
Witness my hand this 4tn day of April, A. D. 1900
O. O. RHUDE, County Treasurer.
Semi-Annual Summary Statement
Of the financial condition of the county of Yamhill, in the State of Oregon, on the Slat day
of March, A. D 19U0:
*1*^74 80
To warrant« drawn on the Connty Treasurer and outstanding and unpaid
M4 88
To eaumaled amount of interest accrued thereon .........
78 «0
< La.m* allowed and warrants not drawn
Total Liabilities.....................
nv,208 28
By fund» in hand. oi County Treasurer applicable to th* payment of county warrant. * 2,57» 12
By iunaa iu baud, of County Htierlfi applicable to the payment of county warrant.
JO 00
By estimated unpaid current laxe« applicable to the payment ol county warrant« and
•tat* tax
.............. ...........................
...187,050 48,
Total Resources .......
Attention, Farmer. !
The promoters of the beet-sugar fnc-
tory at Newberg respectfully invite the
farmers of McMinnville and vicinity to
attend a meeting to be held at McMinn­
ville on Saturday, June 30th, at 2 p. m.,
for the purpose of securing acreage for
the cultivation of sugar beets. This is
not a mere local industry, but one that
will benefit every community within 30
miles of the factory. It means the an­
nual distribution of a half-million dollars
for beets and labor alone. Come out
and learn all about it. Place of meeting
will be the city hall.
A Good <:•«■■■« Medicine.
It speaks well for Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy when druggists use it in their
own families in preference to any other.
“I have sold Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­
edy for the past five years with complete
satisfaction to myself and customer«,”
says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten,
N. Y. “I have always used it in my
own family both for ordinary coughs and
colds and for the cough following la-
grippe, and find it very efficacious.”
For sale by 8. Howorth A Co., druggists.
HeaolutIona of Condolence on the
Meath of Brother Emil Lind her*.
We your committee appointed to draft
resolutions of condolence on the death of
our Brother, Emil Lindberg, respect­
fully submit the following:
W hereas , with heads reverently
bowed we submit to the will of the Su­
preme Ruler of the universe, who in His
divine wisdom has seen proper to re­
move from our midst our esteemed
brother, Emil Lindberg, therefore, be it
Resolved—That we, the members of
Hope Lodge, No. 15, D. of H., sorrow­
fully impressed with the loss our lodge
has sustained iu the death of Brother
Lindberg, extend our sincere sympathy
to the bereaved relatives in their sorrow
for the departed loved one.
“Ho let him sleep— that dream lea« sleep.
Our sorrow« clustering round hi« head.
Be comforted, you loved that weep.
He lives with God—lie 1« not dead.”
Resolved—That as a token of our re­
gard for our deceased brother, our char­
ter be draped in mourning for thirty
days and that a copy of these resolutions
be spread upon the minutes and a copy
be sent to the bereaved family and to
the Yamhill County Reporter for publi­
M aggie B rvan ,
L aura H ub ard ,
K ate J ohnson .
Lafayette, June 25, 1900.
Prebate f'wurl.
Estate of Nora A. Drumeller. Final
Bears the algnature of Cana. H Pr.sTcasa.
account filed and set for hearing August
la use for more than thirty years, and
7, 1900, at 10 o’clock a. m.
Ta» A'lid Yo* Havt Al-traji BvagU.
Estate of Martha Shaddcn. Final ac­
count filed and set for bearing August 7,
J. Capps A .Sons all wool clothing from
1900, at 10 o'clock a, m.
|9 to |13 a suit at the Grange store.