The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, May 25, 1900, Image 7

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Wwo Letter« from Women Helped Through
the "Chang« or Ltfc” liy Lydia K.4*luk>
ham’» Veg etable Compouod.
•• D ear M bs . P inkham
When I first
wrote to you I was in a very bad con­
dition. I was passing through the
change of life, and the doctors said I
bad bladder and liver trouble. I had
Suffered for nine years. Doctors failed
to do me any good. Since I have taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­
pound, my health has improved very
much. I will gladly recommend your
medicine to others and am sure that it
will prove as i/reat a blessing to them
as it has to me.”—M rs . G eo . II. J unk ,
»01 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Relief Came Promptly
“D ear M bs . P inkiiam :—I had been
under treatment with the doctors for
four years, and seemed to get no better,
I thought 1 wou!4 try your medicine.
My trouble was change of life, and I
must say that I never had anything
help me so much as Lydia E. Pink­
ham's Vegetable Compound. Relief
came almost immediately.
I have
better health now than I ever had. I
feel like a new woman, perfectly
strong. I give Lydia E. Pinkham's
Compound all the credit, and would
not do without her medicine for any­
I have recommended it to
several of my friends.. There is no
need of women suffering so much for
Mrs. Pinkham's remedies are a sure
cure.” — M ahal a B utler , Bridge­
water, III.
Another Woman Helped
•• D ear JI kb . P inkham :—I took Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
during change of life and derived great
benefit from its use.”—M ary E. J ames ,
136 Coydon St., Bradford, Pa.
Nearly every barber’s shop in Albany
has on its shelves a mug labeled “Theo­
dore Roosevelt.”
Yet the governor
rarely patronizes any of them; he is
usually shaved in a private room of the
executive mansion.
Boinethinif that Will Interest the Ju­
venile Member, of Every Household
—Quaint Actions and Bright Saying,
of Manj Cute und Cunning Children.
When the writer was n small boy he
ilisilalmd to play with paper dulls or
any other sort of doll babies, for no
l.oy among Ills acquaitauce would play
with girls' playthings; but the unwrit­
ten law which forbade boys to amuse
themselves like the little girls did not
forbid them to make playthings for
their sisters and sisters’ friends, ami
so it happened that the long winter
evenings were ofttimes spent with scis­
sors and paper making furniture for
the girls to start them in housekeeping.
Nowadays all manner of paper furni­
ture printed iu gaudy colors can be
bought at the toy shops, and paper
dolls with dresses like queens can be
had at the same shops fora fe.w cents;
still there is good reason to believe
that the workmen who design these ar­
ticles have more real pleasure in their
work than the children who buy them.
There is more joy in making things
than there possibly can be iu possess­
ing the work of others' hands, and that
Is one reason for describing the follow­
ing simple furniture, which any dttie
girl can make for herself. Another
good reason is that no child can make
the simplest toys without acquiring a
certain amount of skill, and skill is edu­
cation of brain and baud.
Do not let tills alarm yon, girls. Edu­
cation has a solemn sound, and brings
up to the mind tiresome books and fig­
ures. but that is because yon think that
n knowledge of books and their con­
tents is all there is In education. Why,
bless your souls! You are educating
Affairs can easily reach a crisis, but
they are never permitted to stop there.
—Chicago Democrat.
FOR $50.00...
Would be too cheap to be good,
but we have Top Buggies for
for $65 Cash that we guaran­
tee for one year from date of
purchase. They have good
strong wheels, guaranteed hick­
ory spokes, tires 5-16 thick,
round edge and projecting
over the felloe, to protect same.
We have others at $70, $75,
$80, $85 and up.
Road Wagons at $40 and up.
Mitchell Farm Spring Wagons
and Harness.
Infantile Diplomacy.
“I don’t love you any more, grandpa,”
said 4-year-old Nellie tlie other day.
“Why not, Nellie?” asked prandpa, in
surprise. “Because, replied the little
diplomat, “I love you so much already
that I haven’t room for any more.
I’lease give me 5 cents to buy candy
Thought Care Didn’t Pay.
“You should tie more careful of youi
toys, Johnny,” saol a mother to her
small son. “Look at Willie Brown; lie
seldom breaks any of ids.” "Yes.” re­
plied the wise youngster, “nnd I'll bet
that's why lie don't get half us many
new ones as I do.”
So Much Labor Lost,
“Now, Tommy,” said an anxious
mother to her small son. “tlie minister
will lie here to dinner to-day and you
must be sure to wash your face clean.”
“All right, mamma,” answered Tom­
my, “but suppose lie doesn't come?”
A Sum in Addition.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv­
ous feet, and instantly takes the sting out
of corns and bunions. It’s the greatest
comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-
Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy.
It is a certain cure for Ingrowing Nails,
sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching
feet. We have over SO.nOO testimonials.
Try it today. Sold by all druggists and
shoe stores. By mail for 25c. in stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address, Allen 8.
Olmsted, be Roy, N. Y.
Clouds that move in a contrary direc­
tion to that of the surface current indi­
cate a change of weather, because they
prove the existence uf two air currents,
tine warm and the other cold, and the
mingling of these frequently cause rain.
How Iloves Coo,
Many birds form tliefr sounds with­
out opening their bills. The pigeon is
a well-known instance of tills.
cooing can be distinctly heard, al­
though it does not open its bill. The
call is only rendered audible by reson­
“Mamma,” said 3-year-old Flossie,
“didn't Mrs. Jones say I got my eyes
from you?” "Yes, dear,” was tlie re­
ply. “Ami did you used to have four
eyes, mamma?” queried tlie little miss.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at lea<t one dreaded disease
that science lias been able to cure in all its
•tages, and that ia catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh <’nre
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis­
ease, requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous snr<aees
of the system, thereby destroying the founda­
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro­
prietor« have so much faith in its curative
J lowers, that they offer One Hundred Pollart
or any case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials. Address
F. .1. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 7.5c.
Hall’s Family Pills are the best.
l and watch. lie noticed that the tmta
was barely moving, ami It occurred to
him that there was a second section
close behind. He knew the brakeman
hail no lantern, eveu If alive. The
plucky boy took the red light and tor-
I ]H'does, dropped off. ran back, expeet-
Ing at bvery step to be shot, and flagged
tlie other train.
Travelers westward over tlie Big
Four sometimes wonder why a slender
volunteer seems so prominent in help­
ing the switchmen attach tlie dining
ear at one of tlie terminals. If they
happen to inquire, tlie men reply:
: "Why that’s John’s boy. the conductor
those bums 'put in the clear’ that pay-
I day last year.”—Century.
¡ourselves when you jump rope or play
bopscotch! You are- training your
thinking machine, which is hidden tin­
ier your curly hair, when you take
your scissors in hand and cut out
b’ig. 1.
First you fold a piece of ordinary
writing paper down the middle of the
sheet lengthwise, then you fold the
same pieces in the middle of the paper
.•rosswise, and then you cut out like
Fig. 1.
When you unfold Fig. 1 you will
have Fig. 2, which, bent down at each
side, makes a first rate doll's table.
Yon know that paper is very limber
inti will bend in all sorts of forms, and
if tlie table is a large one it will sag
with its own weight, lint if it is a small
piece of furniture It will stand firmly
■Hough upon Its four legs.
Should you wish larger size furniture.
?ut it out of paper as already described
the required size, and. using the paper
is a pattern, place it (Fig. 2) flat upon
the piece of thin cardboard, and with
s pencil trace a line ail around it. This
will give you a duplicate of Fig. 2
without the cross creased, represented
jy the dotted lines on that figure. When
the cnrdlxinid table is cut’out and bent
in shape it will be a good, steady tabic
tor dolly, from which dolly may eat.
But even a self-respecting paper doll
ioes not like to be compelled to stand
st the table to take her meals—she
much prefers a chair to sit upon—and
Fig. 4 gives you a pattern for a "Janice
Meredith” chair, or what old-fashioned
people call the bandy-legged, or fiddle-
back, chair. Fig. 5 shows tlie chair
bent Into shape for Miss Dolly to sit
upon. She will need more than one
zliair with which to keep house, and it
is best to make about six for the din­
ing-room. By changing the pattern to
stiaight legs and backs you can make
more chairs tor the kitchen and bed­
A Railroad Adventure.
To Br the Highest Bridge.
New Generation Objects to Thorough
and Continuous Work,
The distaste which the new genera­
tion of blacks feel for thorough and
continuous work is most conspicuously
shown in their objection to following
trades, says tlie Contemporary Review.
Owing to tlie distance caused by tlie
size of tlie estates iu the age of slavery,
which made it Inconvenient to send for
white mechanics, who generally lived
in the villages. It was the custom to
train negroes to most of the common
handicrafts. There were blacksmiths, 1
bricklayers, shoemakers and saddlers
on all of the most extensive plantations,
and many of these men were very skil!-
ful in their trades. They had from
boyhood served an apprenticeship with
older slaves, and for years hail been
called on to do a great quantity of work, i
A craft was often passed down from
father to son. nnd had thus, on the same
estate, been In tlie bauds of tlie mem­
bers of tlie same family for a century or
more. Oue may travel now many bun
dreds of miles through tlie rural dis­
tricts of tlie South and not come upon
a siigle black mechanic. And this
seems all tlie more remarkable wheu it
is recalled that in tlie numerous col­
leges for tlie blacks established In all
parts of the Southern States manual
tasks have been used as an Important
branch of the system of Instruction.
Tlie graduates of these industrial
schools either give up their trades nlto-
getlier or they do not return to tliefr
native rural communities as tlie most
promising field for such pursuits. In
most eases the trades are abandoned,
because to follow them would make
necessary a confining and exacting life
in one place. Willie men have practl-'
cally usurped all tlie handicrafts in the
rural districts, while tlie negroes still
continue to look to the tasks of tlie
field for subsistence. These tasks they
can drop in one locality without risking
their chance of securing work In anoth­
er, as would be the case If they were
mechanics. Such tasks they can also
perform with ns many intervals of In­
dolence as they like.
The Buffalo branch of the Pennsyl­
vania Railroad, which will run through
Bradford from Wilcox, I’a., across the
ridges, by way of Lafayette. McKean
county, will cross a deep and moun­
tainous george in the latter vicinity
with a steel viaduct nearly 500 -feet
high. The bridge, says the Philadel­
phia Ledger, will be over 8,000 feet iu
length, and its construction will be
sue of the greatest engineering feats on
record. It will be the highest bridge
in the world.
■a« t hörnt Avenue, Puri land. Or.
Hhattereil Illusions.
This age of personalities is the meant
of spoiling ninny illusions, says Ben
con. One listens to a musician anil
finds the music heavenly, ami then lie
remembers bits of gossip and talk that
are very unpleasant, and It does de­
tract a little from one’s enjoyment, for
the personal does come Into one's re­
lations of all kinds. The same thing is
true of prominent persons In other
walks of life. Ideals rarely bear con­
tact with realities without becoming
somewhat damaged, and the tendency
to idealize musicians, authors, painters
and such folk Is very strong, for they
uppeal most strongly to those persons
who have Imagination nnd ideality
above a low level. It Is a mistake to
tell the public about tlie personality
and life of Its idols unless they are
more than human In their characteris­
tics. The fact tliat the public Is curi­
ous does not alter the case. The love
of talking about people is almost as
universal as tlie instinct of self-preser­
Tlie Automobile In South America.
In the enterprising cities of liuenos
Ayres automobile carriages are no nil-
common sight, in the form both of pri­
vate vehicles and of delivery wagons.
Cycle roads now radiate from Buenos
He Missed *he Motive.
Tills is a story which Representative Ayres to distances of 60 and 70 miles
Wliy tlie Doctor Didn’t Call.
in the surrounding country, and untler
Little Clara—Dr. Cubebs is often at Eddy of Minnesota tells on himself.
the cure of tho Argentine Touring Club
our house, but 1 never see him at Mr. Eddy not only enjoys the «'tuiition these roads are reserved for the use of
when the laugh is turned against him,
bicycles nnd automobiles.—Youth’s
Little Bessie—Of course not. We but has a sense of humor which leads Companion.
him to start the laugh sometimes him­
don’t owe him anything.
I mil sure Fiso’s Cure for Consumption
“In making the campaign In my dis­ saved my I ife t bree yea' s ago.— M as Titos.
B obbins , Maple Street. Norwich, N. Y.,
trict one year.” said Mr. Eikly, “1 took Feb.
17, l'.KlO.
Symptoms of Fear Displayed by Them along as an attraction a veteran of
Prior to ail 1 arihqnake.
ITncom pro id lx Ing.
the war of 1812 and of the civil war
There are many symptoms of unrest who was a famous hand at beating the
Small Boy—Wanter buy a dog, mis­
and apprehension shown by domestic I drum. He was a drummer from away ter?
animals before tlie serious earthquake back and could arouse a whole town­
Mr. Dignetide—Not that kind of a
of 1807 iu tlie Riviera. The facts then I ship. Drum music Is an incendiary dog. Why, he looks as if he had fleasl
observed correspond generally witli kind of thing, anyhow, and the old cap­
“He lias got ’em, but ver got tergiv’
those remembered in tlie ease of the ' tain's drumming was particularly stir­ dat dog credit fer wan t’ing.”
other great disturbances of earth and ring.
“And what's that?”
air. A number of cases are given In i "Well, one night, nfter the captain’s '
“lie don’t like ’em.”—Ohio State
which horses, dogs, a monkey and even drum luid given the usual overture, I Journal.
- ■ ■ ------- —
ducks showed signs of panic for a day, 1 commenced my speech to tlie populace
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth­
two days, or even longer, before tlie last which had been lured to the scene by
best remedy to use for thrir
great earthquake. A lady at Nice re- ' his drum. I noticed at the foot of the children during
the teething period.
marked the bad condition of the horse ' rostrum, the same being a big dry goods
Tl|e Acme of III I ms .
she usually drove, anil told her coach­ box. a bright-eyed little fellow about
Cholly—My bwother is in luck,
man to take It home and bring an- ; 12 years old, who sat through the
other in a brougham from the livery speech, following me witli great atten­ lie’s got a ¡dace as floor walkah iu a
stables for her. Tlie hired horse seem­ tion. It pleased uie very much. Any dry goods store. He is there 16 hours
ed as timid and as weak ns her own. fool can interest an audience of adults, a day.
Awther—I cawn’t see tho luck.
The driver then said that all animals but it takes a genius to hold a child.
Cholly—You cawn’t?
Why, his
were “off their feed.”
"So, after the speaking, I went down pw lints cun neviili bag at the knees.—
A monkey and other pets at a villa nnd spoke to the little fellow, and after
near Villefranche, on Shrove Tuesday, shaking hands witli him asked film liow i N. Y. Weekly.
the day before tlie shock which de­ lie liked my speech.
Food for the CaribSe
stroyed much life and property, re- | “ 'Oil, It will do,' lie said; 'but if 1
Cassava and fish form the chief arti­
fused to enter tlie house where they was you 1 would keep the captain u
cles of food of the Carilis, of Guate­
were generally nuxious to come. They drummiu' all the time.’ ’’—Washington
mala, and the former is cultivated only
were all spiritless, dull and scared. A Star.
in sufficient quantities for their daily
small lapdog which usually sat on the
needs, as a vegetable to eat with theix
arms of his master’s chair nt meals
Youthfnl Classitlcati«n,
fish and to make their strange bread.
In this household the true and only
refused to occupy Ills usual seat. But
perhaps the most striking evidence Vermont maple sirup lias never lost
that the animals were In a state of fear Its sweetness, and several times a week
was that the cows In the dairies sup­ from the bead of tlie table paterfamil­
plying the coast resorts seemed terri­ ias pours out Judiciously measured
fied, and the quantity and quality of quantities of It on the plates of Ills
the milk suffered. As the farmers and children. To give piquancy to the cere­
peasants of the district nre noted for mony, be always explains tliat this time
their skill and knowledge tn dairying, he is going to give Bob an ostrich aud , Is a serious complaint. It’s a warning that
small facts of this kind nffectlng the Mazie an antelope, with something else should be heeded. Il is di Acre nt from an
yield of milk and butter would almost from the nursery books for Teddy. One | honest tired feeling. It is a sure sign of
poor blood. You can cure it by making
certainly be uotlced and remembered. day the latter small philosopher «ns
your blood rich and pure with Hood's Sar­
seen to regard the various plates for a •
—London News,
considerable space of time In silence. I saparilla. That is what other people do—
thousands of them. Take a few bottles of
Derivation of Boer.
“What Is IL Edward?” his mother | this good medic ine now and you will not
It is curious to note the survivance in asked.
only get rid of that wenk, languid, ex­
Scottish legal and agricultural parlance
“Nutfln,” replied tlie hopeful. “I was hausted feeling, hut it will make you feel
of tlie closely allied term “Bower,” (pro­ just flukin' tliat me an’ Roll an Mazie j vteil all through the summer.
Tired Feeling “I had that tired
nounced Boer). The expression is prop­ alius seems to get birds an’ snakes an' , feeling
and did not have life or ambition to
erly applied to a person who hires, from tings wiv skinny legs, but pop he gen- ' accomplish my u^ual Amount of household
Hood's Sarsaparilla gave me relief
the proprietor or principal tenant of a erally gets a el'pliant or u bipper|H>ta-
farm, a stock of cows along with the mua.”—New York Commercial Adver­ and also cured a scrofula tendency.”
Mas. K. M krkitt , Dowagiac, «Mich.
right of grazing them on certain fields. tiser.
The Bower makes in return a money
A Beauty of the Arctic.
payment of so much per cow, and trusts
There is a tieautiful bird called the Is the Best Medicine Money Can Buy.
to making his profit out of the sale of
the dairy products. The precise legal rosy gull, very few specimens of which
exist in any museum, and whose entire
position of a party who has a “bowing"
life Is si>ent In tlie Immediate neighbor­
lease Is somewhat intermediate, being
Building or remodeling residences and
hood of the eternal Ice that surrounds
midway between tliat of a mere mana­
stores. We carry a complete line of Mantels,
ger and tliat of a sub-tenant. Instances the north pole. A paper describing (■rales and Tiling, Tile Flooring, Tile Wain*
these curious birds was read at the re­ sco.imf Andirons Fsuders, Screens, Kleetf ■
of this mixed contract of lease of land
Gas mid Combination ('hsiidelters, and all sup-
cent meeting of the American Associa­ plies pertaining to Electric and «»as Lighting.
and hiring of lalior are now rare, but it
tion In Boston by John Murdoch. They We also carry all kinds of Batterie-, Bells and
Is still to be found in agricultural dis­
Indicators. Photographs cheerfully sent on
follow the advance of the Ice toward application. FKANK H<>1.< OMH A < O.
tricts. The word “liower” Is allied to
>45 Waehingteu »t., l ortlsnd, Or.
tlie south as winter comes on, keeping
the Gaelic "bo,” a cow, and among its
near the loose edge of the floating pack
numerous cognates In the Aryan lan­
Ice, and then retreat with It toward tlie
guage Is Included the Dutch term
north when the summer sun begins to
rise high upon the Arctic circle. The ONC FOR A DOSK. Care tick Headache and Dya-
P«P«K FUmo -« Plmpies, Purify tbs Blood. Aid Dlgee-
bird Is stnnil and of n deep rose color. 1 t!oa, Prevent bIJousnrsa. Ib• not Gripe or Kir fcea. To
A Foreign 'longue.
eonvlnceroe. w Blm al i samp «treat full bos. 15c. DR.
On the strength of a story printed In
BOtANKO CO., PkilsMeaAe, U 6<4dby Druggists.
the Washington Star, it may lie said
Asso>'( Milky Fur.
that It Is a wise person that knows bis
A recent writer on the Augora goat
own vernacular after the dialect writer
rails attention to the fact that the cli­ That if you write ua yoer name and addreas. we
is done with It.
l MM ’
« plmtograjdi and full dewriptlon <»f
"What on earth is de matter wid yoh mate of Angora possesses some remark­ w
what ton will perceive to tn* the finest, most eco­
talk?” asked Piccaninny Jim’s mother. able peculiarity causing tlie develop­ nomical and pleas»nrly aervlrenble Are grate ever
It !• entire,y new. has s new system of
"Dat talk w bat I was jes* now talk- ment of a silky coat on animals of va­ known
flratights. burn» a pure white flame, no «moke In
hut all the heat In the room Instead of
up the chimney
If you write us for information
which produce mohair, are thus fur­ you'll
be glad of It. THg lttHN HAIlt lCTr
“Ob. «1st ain't sho-nuff talk! F.v'y- nished. but a similar tendency Is exhib­ (•>., 0t First Ntreet. Portland, Oregon,
body's gotter s|>eak In school, an' de ited among such animals as cata and
teacher is learnln' me a negro dialeck greybounds living In the same country.
Not long ago a freight conductor
■tarted on a night run after drawing
his month's wages from the pay car
He bail with him bis son, a lad of 12,
»nd when well under way they began
to cook supper on the caboose stove.
The rear brakeman on watch in the
cupola, observed that the engine
teemed to have unusual difficulty In
pulling the train. He did not connect
this fact with the presence of several
hoboes on top of the cars, who. un­
known to him. were setting brakes anil
stalling the train.
Suddenly the front door of the ca­
Buy reliable good* of a reliable concern
boose flew open and four masked and
te good oolicy.
irnied men ordered tlie occupants to I
throw up their hands. The conductor
MeCormlrk All Steel Hay Rakat,
lumped to shield bls child, seized a
the Kest in the World.
roupliug pin and smashed a bead, but
King of the Mesdow Roth Hand Helf-Dump
• feet, 20 or 26 teeth ; 12 feet, 82 or 40 teeth ; 10 not until four shots had rung out and
feet, 26 or 82 teeth.
three bullets were in bls body. Fight­
ing to the last, he fell dead in the door­
way. The brakeman was shot in the
*rm. and made his escape from the car
to the ground. Fearing he would give
the alarm and cause their capture, the '
bandits fled.
Then the boy showed that the blood
of heroes Is transmitted to succeeding
Some men think they are good citi­
generations. He pulled the body of his
Ry and by la the path that loada to zens because the e is
snow on their
For esta'ogu*. address A H BOYLAN, >21 father inside, and secured bls money never.
ealks tn July.
Curiosity Save« Life.
A package marked quinine was secretly
sent to a bright woman, but being curious
sue took it to a druggist w ho said it was
not quinine but arsenic. A like inquiry
into some of tlie medicines offered will cer
taiuly detect tlie false from tlie true. For
half h century Hostetter’s btoniacii Hitters
lias been curing indigestion, constipation,
dyspepsia, liver and Kidney troubles and
Ims never once failed. Try it if you feel
weak anil tired.
Is Sought by Female Suf-
lerers From Ocean
to Ocean..
Goa Ide r,
1306 Fourth
avft., Kock
Island, 111.,
“1 w a *
afflicted for
five or nix
years witlr
cat a r r it a I
dillicul ties
a u <1
w a s
worse all
the time. I
began tak­
ing your
I’ernnii witli
ment froui
the first,
ludepe u ti •
ent of cur­
ing that, tli*.
Peruna has
greatly ini
proved my
g e n o r a 1
“Every bottle of Peruna is woith its
weight in gold; especially to me, for I
owe my prseent good health to Peruna. '
All over the country there are women
who have been invalids for ninny years,
suffering witlr female derangements
wliich the family doctor cannot cure.
What a boon to such women is
Dr. Hartman’s free advice! So
famous has his skill made him
that hardly a hamlet or town in
the country but knows his name.
He cures tens- of thousands, ano
he offers to every woman who
will write to him her symptoms
and a history of her trouble, free
advice and treatment.
The medicines he prescribes can 1'8
obtained at any drug store, and tlie
cost is within tlm reach of any woman.
He describes minutely and carefully
just what site “hall do and get to make
a healthy, robust woman of herself.
Tlie doctor lias written a book espec­
ially for this class of women, entitled
"Health and Beauty.” This book con­
tains many facts of interest to women,
and will l>e sent free to any ittltlreas by
Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O.
Immediately after the outbreak of
the war in South Africa, 221 French
officers resigned their com missions and
enlisted with the Boers.
Japanese school boys are taken into
the forests by their teachers, one day
in the autumn, to engage in rabbit
A poNtftl AtldrcBwed to P. (). Box 41, Porlliiul,
Oregon, will bring you » hnn«tsoine Ko-Nut
('ook Book. Ko-Nut is the latest lard sulsii-
tuie ; and purer, cheaper and more economical.
For Sale by all Grocers.
Very often creates havoc with woman’s
nervous system.
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Cures quickly and is pleasant to take.
It never fails. |l per buttle at your
To full* Introduce our Famone “SOUTHKRN
HEIalafc <*IGARN** we give to each person buying
a box of A0 cigars for $2.A0 and express charges, an elegant
nickel plate case, stem wind, stem set, open face Watch«
American make, which with proj>cr care should last
for years; also a plated wau-h chain and charm. Rend us
your name and full address—no money. We will aend
cigars, watch, chain and charm. If. after examination, you
are sadsfled, pay your agent
and express charged.
These goods sent anywhere in tne U. H. at these terms. The
“Koiifhern Helle in as good as many 10c cigars now offered.
A>idrr<*National Cigar Co.,
M Louis.
wheu ordering please give the uame of this paper without fall
Hood’s 8arsaparilla YOUNG MEN!
For Uonorrhxea and (Beet get Pabst's Okay RpeHflo. It
ie tho OWLY medicine which will cure each and every
< mmw . NO (’ASF. known it hea ever failed to cure, n«
matter how serious or of bow long »tending Results
from Ite use will aMonieh you. It is sheolutely »af».
prevents strh-ture. and can 1« taken Without inconve­
nience and detention from bueincM. PRI<'K. >SS* For
sale bv »11 reliable druggists, or sent prepaid by express,
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by
circular mailed on roaueaS.
I'se Big<4 for unnatural
disc barges,Inflamuiatiotis,
irritations or ulceration«
of mucous m-mbranes.
Painless, and not astrin­
gent or poisouuua.
S»M kr »rwratota.
or onl In plain vrnprer.
Will Bet You $100
Circulur sent on rwqueel
Mnrhlns>ry toni M«i|»pl is»a.
I -
cioBerr, supplies. 4M ôu F irsi ml , Portland, Or.
JOHN POOLE, P ortland , O wfoon
can give you the beat tiargainn in general
iliacliinery, engines, boilers, tank«, pinup«,
plows, belts and windmills. 'I he new
•t^*l IXL windmill, sold by him, is un­
N. F. N. U.
No. «1-1 BOO.
HBN writing to advertisers
moatioa this paper.