The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, May 18, 1900, Image 6

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There are no days like the good old
The days when we were youthful!
When humankind were pure of mind
And speech and deeds were truthful;
Before a love for sordid gold
Because man’s ruling passion,
And before each danie ami maid became
Slaves to the tyrant fashion.
There are no girls like the good old girls—
Against the world I’d stake 'em!
As buxom ami smart and clean of heart
As the Lord knew how to make ’em!
They were rich in spirit aud common
A pie.y all-supportin’;
They could bake and brew, and had
taught school, too,
And they made the likeliest courtiu*!
There are no boys like the good old
When we were boys together!
When the grass was sweet to the brown
bare feet
That dimpled the laughing heather;
When the pewee sung to the summer
dun a
Of the bee In the willowy clover,
Or down by the mill the whip-poor-will
Echoed bis uigbt song over.
There is no love like the good old love—
The love that mother gave us!
We sre old. o!d men, yet we pine again
For that precious grace God guve us!
Ho we dream ami dream of the good old
And our hearts grow tenderer, fonder,
As those dear old dreams bring soothiug
Of heaven away off yonder.
—Eugene Field.
T was a year since he had left Chi­
cago, nnd In all that time she had
heard nothing from him. It seemed
strange! tney had been such friends—
indeed, more than friends, for he had
seemed to like her much, and had
sought her society on every possible oc­
casion. The day before he was to leave
Ito bad come by appointment to see
her. Rhe had noticed with concern
that his manner was chill and con­
strained, but had had no opportunity
to dissipate that chill by her own cor­
diality. Although It was not tlielr reg­
ular reception day, tlie drnwing-room
wns full of people, aud her sister, who
was apt upon occasion to monopolize
bls attention, never left them alone for
1.OVAD lull AfTKH ALL.
a moment, although lie prolonged his
stay until after the Inst visitor bad left.
"Surely lie will write,” she had said
to herself, and for weeks the postman's
ring had caused a quick flntierlng of
the heart which subsided Into the dull
ache of disappointment when the long
ed-for letter never came. She had heard
of him often from common friends, of
Ills success socially and financially In
tlie distant city which he had imide Ills
home, and had slowly and unwillingly
resigned herself to tlie conviction that
their friendship had been but au epl
sode. Anil now site held In her baud
tlie announcement of bls marriage to
another woman. She felt glad that the
family had regarded him as her sister's
Slowly she went upstair« to he,' room
and unlocked her desk, taking from an
Inner drawer a »mall stock of treasures
• a dozen m-lex. some dried violets, candy
box, ribbons, and other souvenirs equal­
ly trifling. She must destroy them now,
she was too old fashioned to preserve
such memorials of another woman's
husband. Violets nnd ribbons were
soon III ashes on tlie hearth, but each
note In the packet was opened and
read before being sacrificed. She was
naturnlly methodical and they came lu
correct order. She smiled bitterly to
herself to see how little there was real­
ly lu them. Even Mrs. Bardell's law­
yer would have been pussled to find on
those png*'« anything tender or com­
mittal. Wliat a fool «lie had been! She
finished the holocaust aud turned to re­
place the empty drawer. It stuck aud
ha<l to be pulled out again. Looking
for the obstruction, she found auother
note—the last one-which she had
mourned as lost. Now «lie rememliered
that she hs<$ put It away, after rending
It hastily, for there were people waiting
below. It announced that he wa« com­
ing to see her that afternoon aud re­
quested that alie would not fall to lie
In. Just above the signature was a sen­
tence In I-atln. rapidly and Illegibly
written—hm handwriting at It« l>est
waaddfleult to decipher. Rhe started an
she remembered that In the hurry of
that long ago afternoon «he bad put off
translating Latin. He knew that «be
had studied the language, for be bad
ouce asked her, seemingly apropos ef
coming downstairs In the morning, and
that this was long before she could STORY OF THE FLOOD.
l>ossibly have had an opportunity of
learning the facts in the case from any
MYSTERY CLEARED UP BY A TEN- source whatsoever. The child was
questioned closely, but she stuck to her
story with a persistence that began to
disarm suspicion. She described the
Site Locate« a Dead Body in tlie Bot­
garments worn by Mrs. Sommers at Fragment Discovered by Fere Schell
toni of thè 1 llinoiii Ri ver — Claiin» the time of her departure, and to the
1» a Babylonian Version of the
that, in a Vittori, She buw the surprise of her listeners her descrip-
l eluge, Which Antedates Moses by
VS oman Drown,
tion proved to be eutlreiy correct.
Fully Seven Hundred Years-
At length In response to her earnest
When the sullen waters of the un­ solicitations she was allowed to go The announcement of I’ere Scheil, the
nois River gave up their dead in tile out and point out the resting place of French Assyriologist, who has given so
person of Mrs. Lucy Sommers some the woman she insisted was In the
much time to study of the collections lu
time ago there was not only cleared up river. She started from the house ac­
one of the deepest mysteries that lias companied by her father and others the museum at Constantinople, that be
ever occurred In Peoria, but at the nnd followed the streets she claimed to had discovered a Babylonian account
same time there was evidence estab­ have seen Mrs. Sommers follow until of the deluge much older tliau Moses,
lished corroboratory of a most extra­ she came to the foot of Spring street. was so interesting to the biblical stu­
From there she isiluted out the ex­ dent that we asked the discoverer for
ordinary case of second sight,
One night early In January Mrs. Lucy net spot at which Mrs. Sommers had au account of it. He kindly consented,
He Caught It In the Presence of Napo­
Sommers, who was visiting her sister, gone down. She said that she walked and his account, the first thus far pub­
leon III. and It Made Trouble.
calmly Into the water and went down, lished in America, and, we think, in
In the etats de service of Gen. Galll­ Mrs. IL B. Craig at S22 Fayette street down, down, until Anally she disap­ Europe, will be of no little Interest.
fet, the present War Minister of In Peoria, suddenly disappeared. She peared altogether. The next night she Every biblical scholar knows that the
France, there Is a curious uote which bad been ill and suffering at times from saw the body again. It rose slowly Hebrew account of the deluge, found
should endear him to the hearts of all
from the bottom of the river, being In Genesis, nas been paralleled by two
fisuermen. After paying a just tribute
caught in an eddy, and after whirling Babylonian accounts, one that of Bero-
to Ills abilities, tlie note reads:
around several times moved away | sus, a Babylonian historian, whose nar­
"But, unfortunately, lie selects
slowly down the stream, sometimes | rative lias beeu handed down to us by
traotdlnary companions."
floating and sometimes rolling alongj early Greek Christian writers, aud the
Thereby bangs a fish story. Long
the river bed. Once, according to her I other that found on Assyrian tablets
ago, In the days of the second empire,
story, it stood erect in the water, but i by George Smith. Both resemble, and
Galllfet was tlie aid-de-camp of Napo­
did uot rise to tlie surface.
yet both differ, from the Genesis story.
leon III. At St. Cloud Ills quarters
At her request she was then taken to Biblical critics have differed as to the
were just over the Imperial bedroom.
a point at the foot of Fayette street.
Everything around him was very grand
By this time the news of tho child's age of tlie biblical story, the more con­
attempt had became noised abroad and servative holding that being written by
and very gloomy. The window of his
the river bank was lined with thou­ j Moses, it is older than his time, aud
room looked upon the pond that wash­
sands of spectators eager nud anxious I was incorporated by him into the Book
ed the walls of tlie chateau. The water
to see what the outcome would be. 1 of Genesis, while the newer school of
was clear, and the surrounding scen­
After sitting quietly In her place for a 1 critics was, until the discovery of the
ery was beautiful; but the young lieu­
moments she rose quickly and with Tel-el-Amerna tablets. Inclined to be­
tenant felt like a prisoner. Early one
a hurried gesture pointed to a spot a lieve that the story was borrowed from
morning while seated at bls window
few hundred feet from the shore, ex­ Nineveh or Babylon at the time of the
trying to drive away the blues with a
as she did so: “She lies captivity, or not long before it, at which
cigar he espied below in the crystal
time the Book of Genesis was written.
water au enormous carp. The instincts
The multitude broke up and a drag­ The discovery by George Smith of a
of the angler, strong in Galllfet, made
ging party was at
-- -------
once .....
put to work
____ full poetical account of the deluge, on
the young umn’s eyes snap and set his
searching tlie hidden depths to wrest tablets in King Assurbanlpal’s library
heart a-tlirobblng.
from them tlielr secret. The hour at Nineveh, was of immense Interest,
Hie big flsh was the private property
passed, tlie afternoon and the day, but but it did not assure us of the age of
of the Emperor. Consequently, for
nothing was brought from the lake. tlie deluge story among tlie inhabitants
Galllfet It was forbidden fish. But it
In strict justice It must be said that of tlie Euphrates Valley, for it was on
was such a fine fellow! The resist­
the dragging process was not carried tablets written in Assurbanlpal’s reign,
ance of the soldier's conscience was
on according to her directions. She that is scarce 600 years before Christ.
useless. It surrendered uncondition­
now declares that the net never touch­ To be sure, these were said to be copied
ally. The remaining part of the cam­
er the body reposing on the bottom of from tablets in Babylonian libraries,
paign against the carp was simple
the lake.
but we did not know how old these
enough. Galllfet went to bls trunk,
When It was known that the drag­ original tablets were. Besides, the del­
brought out his trusty Hue, to which
ging bad been unproductive those who uge story was on the eleventh tablet
l.e fastened a hook and an artificial
had based their faith on the child's
bait With his accustomed sk III he
julgment began to waver and she was In a long poem, compiled in twelve
cast the line. The carp was Locked slight attacks of dementia, though it denounced as a fraud of the most pro- I books, one for each month, in a quite
was not supposed that they were of a nounced type, Tlien a severe cold artificial way, aud might belong to a
and hauled In through tlie window.
Here the lieutenant’s lull ended and serious nature. But on the night men­ spell set iu and the lake was locked In comparatively late period of religious
Ids trouble began. The fish lauded, tioned she arose from her bed, and an­ ice and tlie matter began to fade from and literary syncretism.- The original
upon ii table, overturned a large globe nouncing to her mother, who was the public mind. Not so the little girl. Babylonian tablets, from which the As­
tilled vlth water, and caromed from watching with her, that she was going It was useless to tell her that she must syrian copies were made, were mucn
that to a magnificent vase, which It also to get a drink she left the room and be mistaken.
Now Pere Scheil has made the dls-
She declared that the body was still
upset aim smashed to pieces upon tlie was nevet after seen alive, When she
floor. Then It began to execute a genu­ did not return her mother gave the In the water, that she could see it and covery. To lie sure the record on the
ine pas de carpe among the smither­ alarm and the Inmates of tlie house persisted in going to the river at in­ I tablet does not amount to much, It is
turned out to hunt for her, supposing, tervals. During these visits she made such a fragmentary bit, but It Is large
Tlie Emperor, hearing the strange of course, that in a fit of temporary tlie acquaintance of Captain Hefele, enough to make it sure that the tablet
racket overhead nnd seeing the water aberration she had wandered to the of the steamer Gazelle. She went to contained the story of the deluge, and,
trickling through tlie ceiling, wns aston­ house of one of tlie neighbors. But the the captain and solemnly asserted that most fortunately, the most Important
ished. He rushed upstairs to find out most diligent Inquiry failed to reveal the body was fast to a snag in the bot­ part of all is preserved, the colophon,
what was the matter. Galllfet heard her whereabouts and then the family tom of the river. The captain paid no with the date. It is dated in the reign
became genuinely alarmed. A search­ attention to tlie child, regarding the of Ammi-zaduga, King of Babylon, and
him coming nnd endeavored to grab
we know that he reigned about 2140 B.
the carp and throw it out of the win­
0. That is, we have here a precious bit
dow, and thus destroy tlie evidence of
of clay on which was written a poetical
ills poaching in the imperial pond. But
story of the deluge, seven centuries be­
tlie slippery thing was hard to hold; so
fore Moses and about the time of Isaac
lie tossed It Into tlie bed nnd covered
or Jacob. That is enough to make the
it up with the lied clothes. When the
discovery memorable. We learn posi­
Emperor entered the room he noticed
tively that the story of the deluge was
Immediately the quivering bed clothes,
familiar to the common people of Baby­
lie pulled them down and uncovered
lonia, and therefore of all the east from
the floundering flsh. «His majesty’s
Syria to Persia.
face assumed an almost jlm-jamlc ex­
Prof. Sayce has lately stated, misap­
pression, which gradually faded Into a
prehending Pere Schell’s oral an­
faint smile. He took In the entire situ­
nouncement, that the new text verbally
ation, saluted, and left the future War
agrees with that discovered by George
Minister to meditate upon the masteries
of a flshernuin's luck.
Smith, showing the care and accuracy
with which the document was pre­
Shaved Wiitiom Arms.
served from generation to generation,
American men think It a very merito­
with “no change even In tlie form, of a
rious and remarkable accomplishment
word.” This is not the fact.
to be able to shave themselves. Yel
Pere Schell suggests that different
Charles Frauds Felu, the armless Bel­
cities would have tlielr different poeti­
gian artist, who has just died In his
cal editions of the story. This frag­
seventieth year, performed this ardu­
ment belongs to the story current at
ous office every morning for himself,
Stppara, where the fragment was
and did not consider that he was do-
ing party was organized and they set whole thing as one of her hallucina­ found: and we may suppose that the
lug anything unusual.
When a baby Felu related how he out to find her. The ground was not tions. Again and again she went to account given by Berosus was also
used to alt lu the garden with 111 s frozen and they soon came upon foot­ him, begging him to go and release the from tlie Sippara edition, for Berosus
mother during the long summer days prints In the mud aud going from the body. Nothing would put her ofT. She tells us that Xlsuthrus (Noah), before
declared that she could see the body the flood, buried in Sippara the records
while she taught him to pluck with his bouse.
These were followed as far as they and would not rest until it was re- of the world’s antediluvian history.
little toes the bright colored flowers
Ilie cuneiform account discovered by
with which their garden abounded. For­ could tie In tlie darkness, when the leased
At length there came a day when the George Smith seems to have originated
tified by this practice Ills baby feet be­ party returned home to await tlie com­
came dally more flexible and useful to ing of day before renewing the search. waters of the staid Illinois were fat in the city of Surippak; at any rate, the
their little master, aud when lie had When the morning broke, however, the above their banks. The wind was Noah of tliat story came from the Sur­
reached the age of 0 lie could do almost earth was frozen hard and the trail blowing a hurricane and when the oc­ ippak. There are iu tliat account no
such passages as we have in this new
ns much with them as his little com-
panions And playmates could do with to follow. New parties were added, well side of the stream looked out of fragment, which shows tliat we have
and a reward offered for tlie discovery the window they saw what looked like to do with another version, we do not
their hands.
In later yearn, when ho commenced of tlie woman dead or alive. Tlie coun­ a bag of some kind floating In the know how old ?or k is Itself a copy
try was scoured for miles in either di­ water tyuong the willows In which from a partly effaced original.
the study and pmsult of hts favorite rection. but always without result.
This text is In poetry. It proves that
art. painting. It was a wonderfully in­ Sometimes they fancied they had tlielr boat was fastened. A hasty ex­
teresting sight to natch the gifted boy discovered the broken trail, but these amination convinced them that It wns the poetic construction wns fixed more
a human body, nnd upon rowing to Its than two thousand years before Christ.
at work.
fragmentary discoveries led to nothing
Ho always held Ills palette with the tangible. At last, in despair, the rela­ side It proved to be the body of the Each line Is divided into two hem­
long-lost Mrs. Sommers. When the
great toe of bls left foot and manipu­ I tives Invoked the aid of bloodhounds. body was taken from the wnter the istich». ns in Hebrew poetry. Literary
lated the different brushes, crayons ami The trail they followed wns a devious condition of the dress garments con­ form was no unfamiliar tiling in the
pencils with the toes of his right foot and winding one. running from the firmed even to the smallest detail the time of Abraliam.
We learn nothing more from this
Always when at tabla he skillfully Craig home, on Fayette street, north statements of the child.
fragment than we knew before as to
managed tils knife and fork.
by northeast to Glen Oak Park, theuce
In a westerly direction to Bradley Park, HI« Baby'« Future Quite Apparent. tlie origin of the deluge story. The his­
Held Itefoi liter to HU Word.
tory neither of Egypt nor of Babylon
the city's limits and on Its
"A ugh waugh!"
When a Is-ggar asked a Philadelphia outside
finds any place for an historical deluge.
western border, Here the trail grew
stationer the other day for help th« faint and It wns only with difficulty
The fragment Is large enough to show
latter offered him two lend pencils, that It was continued to the Easton
that It is a poem full of polytheistic
saying: “With half the effort required farm, where it was lost, and the dogs hour.
and mythical details, of which the Gen­
lu begging you can easily sell these for stopped and never after did they get
esis version has been thoroughly
stood on end.
5 ceuts apiece." The beggar gated at any further.
“Gwow ahrnb wowbdgow alwaugh!” purged, giving ns a tale purely mono­
the peuclls scornfully. "Who’d give
At this juncture little Grace Holmes added the baby, while people across theistic. absolutely ethical and fit to
me 5 cents for them?’ he demanded. appeared on the scene. She Is a child the street got up and closed tbelr win­ give religious Instruction to an unscien­
"Why. anybody,” said the stationer. about ten years old av l especially dows.
tific people In the Infancy of civiliza­
"Go out and try It.” “Would you?” bright for her age. Her parents are
Mr. Newlelgh ground his teeth. “To tion.—New York Independent.
nsktx! the beggar. “Why, certainly,” uneducated |>eople and not In the beat think.” he groaned, burying his face In
was the reply. A smile of triumph of clrctiinstances. She declared that bls pillow, “that I should grow up to
spread over the grimy features of the while lying In her bed at home more become the father of a railway porter!”
Kvgrythlna, from Wheat to Pepper,
mendicant "Here you are. then," be than a mile from the Craig house she —London Tit-Bits.
Found In the Orient Island».
said. “Gimme the 10 cents. You can’t hail seen the unfortunate woman come
Considered from the point of view of
go back on your own word.” It took out of the house, climb over the fence
There are some women who begin
the stationer several minutes to re­ and make her way stealthily to the dressing for an evening party at 2 In ' what grows In them—which Is, after
cover his breath, but he finally entered I river, where she had plunged Into an the afternoon, and who do not look par­ ! all. the point of view of most people of
I to-day—says a writer In Ainslee's
Into the deal, and hereafter he will opening left by the Icemen the day be­ ticularly well, either.
1 Magazine, the Islands of the Pacific
adopt other tactics.—Hartford Times.
Every young man overestimates his present everything from the wheat of
This statement was borne out by the
It's unwise to judge a man by the parents, who asserted that she had told popularity In the community In which I Argentina to the pepper of Guiana, and
umbrella he carries until you find out the story Identically as repeated on be lives.
a host of things found neither In the
who owns it
Vopica of South America, »or lu ths
nothing, but she had not told him that
she bad forgotten nearly all of It since
Having school.. She rushed for the die-1
tlouary and rend uuderstandlugly for
tho first time tlie neglected message,
the gist, as It proved, of the whole:
“O love of mine; tny bleeding heart
lies at thy feet; deign to accept the of-'
ferlug of thy slave.”
She had uot been mistaken; be had
loved-her, after all, but why did lie­
how could ba—trust a living story to a
deail tongue? And why had she, how­
ever hurried, left a word of that letter
unread ?
Tho letrec was clutched convulsively,
the lexicon dropped to the floor, aud
her head went down on her arm lu a
passion of futile tears.—Philadelphia
heart of Africa, nor elsewhere, savs
I hot
within their own abnormal spheres.
Beginning with the wheat and live
stock and the ordinary edibles and
utilities grown iu Australia, Tasmania,
and New Zealand, there is a rapid mul­
tiplication of strange and unusual
products as the zone of output moves
north and west. The Dutch East In­
dies are like the northern regions of
South America, putting forth the best
coffees from Java tliat the coffee world
affords, the nutmeg which flavors
men's milk punches aud women's
bak>«d apples, the camphor that cures
wives’ headaches, the pepper, the gin­
ger that brings tears to the eyes of the
small boy and balm to bls suffering
midriff. From the same region come
also the valuable teak to calk ships,
auu upon which much of the future
merchant marine of the South l’acifie
is likely to depend. From Java and
Sumatra, up to the Philippines and For­
mosa, is the chief source of the world's
supply of straw for bats, of ropes
wherewith criminals are hanged or
sails set, of mattlugs for floors instead
of carpets.
Eastward from the coast Is the home
of the cocoanut and pineapple, and the
bread fruit, which does not endure ex­
porting, to say nothing of the universal
banana. Along the shores of the far­
ther islands the natives and tlie Chi­
nese, who from time Immemorial have
beeu invaders, gather pearl shells and
the long, slimy snails, called beche-de-
mer, one of the most popular courses
on the tables of the well-to-do In China.
In choice spots among all the islands,
spots becoming constantly less discov­
erable, the Oriental food-hunters And
the delicate birds’ nest, for which man­
darins and financial potentates of the
Mongolian kingdom pay $250 per pound
that their cooks may make them soups
from it. There are mineral, metal, and
timber resources as yet little more ex­
ploited than those iu the Philippines.
There are possibilities of agricultural
cultivation, which nave not beeu sound­
ed save lu the southern islands, where
John Bull has put the aborigine beneath
Ills solid foot and ventured to trans­
form the semi-tropic regions into the
likeness of his home country. Tobacco
is growing richly in most of the larger
islands, aud cotton has been tried with
such success that the South Sea Island
product is a considerable factor iu tlie
cotton market price lists. Some san­
guine prophets look to a time when this
cotton crop of the Pacific will be a seri­
ous competitor with the Southern
A Wonderful Taaa.
John Curzon, a Polish mechanic, who
was presented with a gold medal for
nis Inventions, performed a most extra­
ordinary thing when he succeeded in
manufacturing a complete watch In the
space of eight hours, and from mater­
ials on which another watchmaker
would have looked with contempt.
It appears that the Czar of Russia,
hearing oi the marvelous Inventive
genius of Curzon, determined to put
him to the test, and forwarded him a
box containing a few copper nails, sotne
wood chippings, a piece of broken glass,
an old cracked china cup, some wire,
and a few cribbage board pegs, with a
request that he should transform them
into a timepiece.
Nothing daunted, ajid perceiving a
golden opportunity of winning favor at
the court, Curzon set about Ills task
witli enthusiasm, and in the almost In­
credibly short space of eight hours, bad
despatched a wonderfully constructed
watch to the Czar, who was so sur­
prised and delighted at the work that
he sent for the maker, conferred upon
him several distinctions, and granted
him a pension.
Tlie case of the watch was made of
china, while the works were simply
composed of the odds and ends accom­
panying the old cup. Not only did it
keep good time, out only required wind­
ing once every three or four days. This
remarkable watch Is believed to be still
in the possession of the Russian family.
Work Only When They Pieuse.
Observera of Industrial conditions In
Mexico assert that, as far as they havo
noted, there Is no more independent
perxon in the world than the Mexican
laborer. Especially is this true of th«
peon of the tropics. It would seem that
he works for Americans who have big
plantations to develop more as a mat­
ter of accommodation than from neces­
sity. He demands a snug sum in ad­
vance, too, on which to have a good
time at the fiestas befo?e he settles
down to several months of drudgery.
No native Indian has to work for whit«
men in the tropics in order to gain a
livelihood. Ills wants are few, his am­
bition is limited to a desire for enough
to eat, a thatched hut and a little cotton
cloth. The hut he can make for him­
self. There are fish in the river and
game in the forest. There is plenty of
unoccupied land upon which he can
raise a few cereals to trade for the
tnings he cannot produce himself,
There Is no winter to provide against.
and. though the rainy days come often
in summer. they only mean more resL
Str city F^ofcsgional.
A eharyterlstlc story Is going the
rounds at the expense of one of Phila­
delphia's most prosperous pawnbrok­
ers. In common with a great many of
bis fellow townsmen he has been suf­
feting from the grip, and last week he
felt very badly indeed. He came to his
place of business one morning, com­
plaining that every bone In his body
ached, aud despondent in spirit. “I'm
afraid it’s all up with me,” he confided
to hie assistant “Nonsense,” reas­
sured that young man; “you’re good for
many years yet” “I'm not so sure of
that” said the pawnbroker. “It Isn’t
that I'm afraid to die, but the idea of
living put In a hole In the ground baa a
horror for ms. Now, If I could ba
wrapped up and laid on a shelf with a
tag on me It wouldn't be «o baiL"-s
Philadelphia Record.