The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, May 18, 1900, Image 1

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Entered at the Poetoffice In McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
Reed’s Fence is Best on Earth
For the Money.
Ranch or Residence. Hard,
Galvanized Steel Wire.
Running for Office
Talking Politics
- -
* ■ :
properly it takes time. It requires experience and
a complete knowledge of drugs. It requires the
druggist to have a large varietj' of drugs—fresh
drugs. He must give the best possible work, and
for compensation he must be reasonable. With the
above facts remember we are careful and strive to
please one and all alike. These are reasons why our
prescription file thribbles all in this county. We
are recognized by doctor and customer alike for be­
ing accurate and dispensing only the purest drugs.
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists.
Everything but Ingrains for the next 60
days at a very LARGE DISCOUNT.
Must have room for more paper now on
the road.
Yours Truly,
Cook School Notes.
Report for month ending May It:
Average daily attendance 48, with no
cases of tardiness.
Roll of honor—1st grade: Col Bran­
son, Hollis Bulger, Boyce Fenton, Lee
Hutchings, Home Mosher, Arthur No­
wak, Claud Smith, Bertie Weaver, Dora
I Long, Minnie Nowak, Augusta Puter-
baugh, Irma Rummel, Rosa Nissen, Bes­
sie York, Clarissa Smith, Hattie Smith,
Edna Wing, Beulah Williams.
Let Us Be Your Watchman
To some extent the impression prevails
that almost anybody can "fix a watch,”
and many only learn by costly experi­
ence that it is not so. The tinker, the
natural born mechanic, the genius who
can “fix anything,” finds himself at sea
when he tackles a fine watch, for the ad­
justment to positions and isochronism
requires something besides mechanical
skill. There is no minute detail with
which we are not familiar in the mechan­
ical and mathematical adjustment of a
W m . F. D ielschneidfr & B ro .,
McMinnville’s Reliable Jewelers. I
2d grade: Terry Pace, Nile Porter,
Max Fleming, Harry Powell, George
Puterbaugh, Willie Snyder, Earle War­
dle, Bessie Baker, Emma Biome, Lora
Dee, Esther Grissen, Marie Henry, Mil­
lie Kaufman, Muriel Long.
Williams, teacher.
5th grade: Willie Neal, Myrtle Me
Conkey, Alphild Peterson. Willie Little,
Clara Houck, Linnea Peterson, Mary
Ixing, Lee Fletcher, Bertha Savage, V.
Kratz, Leia Hayes, F.dene Briedwell,
Edgar Pace. Cora Comer, teacher.
7th grade
Lily Granstrom, Julia
Olds, Hattie Emerson, Ray Henderson,
The R eporter and Weekly Oregonian Guy Bradley, Lora McConkey. Wm.
I Scott, teacher.
pne year for *>, «trictly in advance
NO. 22
< Ol l.l> NOT' SURVIVE.
Work has been commenced on the The lleiuorrhuRe of l.ukt Week Too
locks again.
Great a shuck, mid Caused the
Messrs. Duncan and J. L. Vickrey were
down to Portland lately.
Miss Rose Vickrey came home not to
stay. Mr. George Harris of Portland, a
preacher of Lafayette and a number of
friends gathered at the home last Wed­
Made in Six Heights, 18 to 58 in. High. nesday noon, a ceremony was said by­
Rev. A. A. Winter, then a splendid din­
ner. All wish them great success. Oil
for Portland via St. Joe same day.
McMinnville Fence Works,
Prof. Blough has the school engaged
“Wool) ! Reed has fenced ns out forever.”
for another year as principal, with three
assistants. He closed the term on Fri­
day. It has been a successful school
Ed Perkins sold his buggy mare to
Mrs. J. W. Cowls at McMintiville. She
is a fine animal and brought a good
The band boys social was a grand suc­
cess. The hall was well filled.
We have had a hard rain, and there is
plenty for the present.
W. O’Connor returned from the ranch
near Silverton on Tuesday, after several
weeks’ absence.,
Is the concern of both fat and lean ’
but a subject of more vital import’
Mrs. L. Dixon and her granddaughter
ante is the
Miss Mary Hays, went to Tillamook thir
week to summer.
Rev. C. C. Poling sold his residence
To this end where can you obtain the best bargains in Groceries ?
here this week.
«i Have you tried L. E. WALKER? The fat man is telling the other
Great complaints of slugs and bugs
«Ï what lie knows of Walker’s bargains, and of his surprise to find how
eating garden truck. Cayenne, lime ano
♦i the little grocery is coming right up to the scratch selling goods.
ashes are used to preserve plants from
Politics quiet.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Singlenumbersflvecente.
Wrath of .Hr. Barnhart.
The announcement of the sudden and
severe illness of Mr. Barnhart of the
Sheridan Sun was made in The Report­
er last week. Death came to the relief
of this brave and good man on last Sun­
day morning, shortly after 9 o'clock.
Francis Henry Barnhart was born
April 18th, 1849, in Chautauqua county,
N. V., on the banks of that beautiful
lake of the same name, whieh has
since become nationally familiar as the
yearly meeting place of that great body
of students known as the "Chautauqua
Literary and Scientific Circle." The love
for the beauties of nature instilled in his
youthful mind at this place, remained
with him through life.
While yet in
boyhood he went to Iowa on his own re­
sources, and at Muscatine learned the
R oyal ss
~ A bsolutely P ure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
sweet and helpful music at the service on
Montlay at the residence.
For his family and myself I wish to
say from a heart warm with gratitude,
that there comes never another time in
the life of any of us when the kindly
offices of friends are so strongly felt, or
our inability to repay so surely made ap­
parent. The presence at the service of
the splendid body of friends from both
McMinnville and Sheridan attested the
esteem in which Mr. Barnhart was held,
and as surely impressed his family with
their noble love aud sympathy.
J. G. E ckman .
Mrs. Sophrona Rowland, w ife of Green
L. Rowland, died at her home near
Carlton, Or., May loth, 1900, of paraly­
sis. She was born in Indiana Nov. 25th,
1835, and crossed the plains to Oregon in
1852. In 1853 she married Green L. Row­
land, anil lived on the old donation
claim from that time until her death.
In this union five children were born
to them, three of whom are still living,
viz: Mrs. Nancy Hatch, Mrs. Martha O.
York ami Janies F. Rowland. She unit­
ed with the Christiau church in 1857,
and was a devoted and faithful member
until her death. "Blessed are the dead
For Joint Hcprcicntallve.
who die in the Lord, for their works do
The following published in recent issue follow them,” and this can truly be said
of the Tillamook Herald, attests the pop­ of Mrs. Rowland.
F. M. Y.
ularity of our candidate Mr. Eddy, in his
Bepubllcan Speaking.
home county: "The republican candi­
date for joint representative, Mr. B. I,.
B. L. Eddy, republican candidate for
Eddy, is one of the brightest men in the joint representative for Yamhill and Til­
state. He is, comparatively, a young lamook counties, will address the citi­
man, but has had a successful career in zens of Sheridan Monday, May 28th, at
his chosen profession, anil is one of the 8 p. ui., at Amity, Tuesday, May 29th,
"rising" kind. He began at the bottom nt Lafayette. Thursday, May 31st, and
ami is now the leading attorney of the at North Yamhill, Friday, June 1st, at 2
county, lias served the city of Tillamook p. tn., upon tlie pending political issues.
two full terms as mayor, to the complete
Voters of all parties are cordially in­
satisfaction of its citizens, and with much vited to turn out and hear him.
honor and credit to himself. He is now
By order of the central committee.
Rev. J. F Day went to Portland on
serving liis fourth year 011 the school
board, is deputy district attorney for this
X ole For the Old Soldier.
county and is a citizen of whom any
On Sunday last Rev. J. Snyder attend
J. Lewis Hoskins the republican nomi­
community might well be proud. An nee for county recorder, is aq old soldier
ed services in Sheridan.
article of this kind is worth but little to and served his country in time of peril.
A number of Baptists were attending
printer's trade. He next went to Mar­ Mr. Eddy in this community; and is only He enlisted when he was a few days less
a convention at Dayton the first of the
shalltown, and published a daily paper written to show the esteem in which he than 17 years of age as a private in the
in partnership with his uncles, now of is held by those who know liim best as 13th Ohio cavalry in the spring of 1863.
Mrs. Gertie McPolland of Portland is the famous type foundry company of
he also has to make the race in Yamhill He served over two years in the army of
in town visiting relatives and friends.
Barnhart Bros. & Spindler of Chicago. county where liis acquaintance is more the l’otoniac under McClellan and Gen­
Roy Grafe had the misfortune to run a After being employed for a time on the circumscribed. He will not only poll his eral Pliil Sheridan, with whom he was
nail into his knee, and will be laid up St. Louis Daily Republic, the pioneer party vote in Tillamook but there are personally acquainted. He was in the
for a while.
spirit led Mr. Barnhart to go west, and many of the opposite faith who will battles of the Wilderness, Fredericks­
A very enthusiastic beet sugar met ting he located at Lincoln, Kan., and estab­ cheerfully vote for and support him burg, Cold Harbor, the siege of Rich­
He soon knowing that he will faithfully discharge mond and many others, and witnessed
is reported by those who attended, held lished a weekly newspaper.
saw a better field awaiting him in a bor­ the duties devolving upon him as a tn em­ the surrender of General Lee at Appo­
at St. Paul on last Saturday.
dering county, and in 1874 removed to ber of the law making assembly of the mattox. He is a member of the G. A. R.,
On Sunday’ quarterly meeting was held
Osborne county, Kansas, and established state as he has every other public duty and lost his health in the service of his
in Friends church. In the morning Rev
the Osborne County Farmer. This he which he has ever undertaken.
couhtry. He is competent in every re­
Herbert Cash delivered a grand sermon
caused to grow into a prosperous and in­
spect to fill with credit the office to
to a very large'congregation.
fluential business, and the paper still
Some Nome Price«.
which he aspires. Vote for the old sol­
Quarterly meeting will be held next inaiutains a high standing upon the sure
Nome City, the new mining town on dier.
Sunday in the M. E. church, conducted foundation laid by him.
the Alaskan coast, already has a news­
by Rev. F. H. Belknap. Special music
In 1870 he mairied Miss Marilla Jatn- paper, which sells at 50 cents a copy. Tbe Progress of ll>e Y amhill I.ocka.
will be rendered at all the services.
esou of Redfield, Iowa, who departed The new journal styles itself "The Nome
D. B. Ogden, assistant United States
this lifein 1874. On June nth, 1878,11c Gold Digger,’’ and its first issue contains
engineer, has returned from a trip to in­
married Miss Emma I- Eckman, who is some interesting ads. The bill of fare of
spect the Yamhill locks at Lafayette.
now left his widow.
From tbe Herald.
the principal cafe includes tendeAloin The water has reached a fairly low stage,
With his family he came to Oregon in steak at #3; reindeer steak f j; parmigan
Mrs. J. B. Stilwell is on the sick list.
and if it keeps on falling active opera­
February, 1890, and purchased the Yam­ f), boiled mackerel p.50; coffee and
tions to complete the locks will be be­
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Alder
hill County Reporter, which he published doughnuts jocents; corned-beef hash ft;
gun by the end of the month. The con­
man, Friday morning, May II, a boy.
nine years, selling to Mr. Asbury, the sausage ft .50; fried ham fl; salmon fl;
tractors have already begun preliminary
A deputy sheriff.
present owner, February 1st, 1899.
three eggs $2: loaf of bread 25 cents; work. They aie getting out brush and
Died—Of spinal meningitis, at the
He became a member of the Christiau toasted cheese $1. Two-storv seven-room
piling, and intend to lose no time in get
home in Dayton, Tuesday, May 8, at church of McMinnville in April, 1894,
dwellings are advertised for rent at J 200 ting to work. There is every hope that
6:30 a m , infant child of Levi and Dora and remained such until his death.
per month; a shave costs |i, and a hair the locks will be completed by the end
Bradley, aged 4 months, 21 days.
On March 21st of this year he pur­ cut f 1.50.
of the present season, when boats may
T. P. Caughlin, of the red hills, has chased tlie Sheridan Sun, and encour­
begin making regular trips to McMinn
been out with republican candidates for aged by his improvement in health, was
Nollen for Sealed lild«>
ville and way’ points. Mr. Ogden states
county offices this week, putting in a conducting it with consummate ability.
Sealed bids will bo received by the that the locks camc tlirough the winter
This lie leaves to his son Ray, who had county clerk until the 6th day of June,
good word for them
in fine shape, and were not damaged at
Hon. Austin Dorsey and Miss Myrtle been taken into partnership.
1900, at ono o’clock p. m., for building a all. The bank of the river opposite the
Wednesday of last week a severe hemor­ bridge on the county road reading from locks caved in, which will make it neces­
Dorsey, bis neice, daughter of Mrs. D
M. Dorsey, who has been stopping with rhage, presumed to have been due to an Dayton south to Wheatland on a creek sary to make the dam a little longer.
her uncle and aunt at their home in Port abscess, came upon him while at his uear Alva Macy's farm about ono mile Otherwise there is no apparent damage,
Angeles, Wash., for over a year, arrived desk, without apparetitcause, and proved from Dayton, according to plans and despite the fact that it was a most severe
Not­ specifications on file with the county winter, there being many freshets, which
here on Wednesday evening. Mr. Dor­ to be the beginning of the eud.
sey will remain here a short time visit­ withstanding this, he was up and about clerk. The county reserves the right to carried down a large amount of drift.
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dor­ the following day, and on Friday came reject sny anil all bids.
There was also a log drive, and the logs
sey. Upon his return home his sister home by team. Saturday evening be­
Dated Maj’ 11th, 1900.
got jammed at the head of the locks,
J. If. N ilson , C o . Clerk.
Miss Hattie Dorsey will accompany him fore his death he occupied his chair for a
but they did no harm. Messrs. Normile,
Fastabend & McGregor, the contractors,
A birthday dinner was given last Sun­ time. To the end his mind was perfectly
state that they have lost enough money
day by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Baxter at clear, and five minutes before his death
Scaled bids will be received by the on the contract, and do not intend to
their home, it being in honor of the he recognized his friend Mr. Campbell,
clerk until the 7th day Of Juue, let it rest over another season.
anniversary of the births of Geo. H. and
1900, at. 10 a. di ., fur painting the outside
his son Frank, and his son-in-law Guy preeminently a lover of home, and noth­
sud also the roof of the Yamhill county
I consider it not only a pleasure but a
Sulley. The dinner, as every one who ing that his strength or means could pro­
court house as j>er specificatiuns 011 file
has partaken of edibles prepared by Mrs. cure for the comfort and pleasure of his
duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about
with the county clerk. The county re­ the wonderful cure effected in my case
B. would expect, was first-class, consist­ family was too good.
The loftiness of character displayed in serves the right to reject any and al) bids. by the timely nso of Chamberlain’s
ing of turkey, chicken, angel cake, etc.,
Dated May 11th, 1900.
etc. Those who had the pleasure of par­ the patient endurance of years of ill
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
J. H. N elson , C o . Clerk.
ticipating in tlie pleasant event, were: health, and the kind and helpful hand
I was taken very badly with flux and
Henry Fletcher and wife, Mrs. Marion extended to all hi# friends as opportuni­ All Epldemle of SY hooping Cough. procured a bottle of thia remedy. A few
doses of it effected a permanent cure. I
Palmer, Mr and Mrs. E. Hadaway and ty offered, constitute an example well
Last winter during an epidemic of
take pleasure in recommending it to oth­
family, Guy Sully and wife, Geo. and worthy of emulation, as well as a legacy
whooping cough my children contracted
er# suffering from that dreadful disease.
Maple Myers, Mrs. Satali Dorsey and of pleasant memories.
the disease, having severe coughing
His family is commended to the grace
—J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va. This rem­
children and Mr. ami Mrs. G II. Baxter
spells. We had used Chamberlain's
edy is sold by 8. Howorth A Co., drug­
and family. „ The parties whose births and love of the God of all good, in whom
Cough Remedy very successfully for
were celebrated received a number of he so much confided. The proof of his
croup and naturally turned to it at that
nice presents. Mr. Baxter was present­
time and found it relioved the congh and
ed with a neat gold A. O. U W. badge. emphasized than in a statement made
effected a complete cure —John K. Clif­
of C has . It. F l trena
The guests remained during the after­
ford, proprietor Norwood House, Nor­
In use for more than thirty years, and
"I am not following a blind faith. 1 j
noon and had a very enjoyable time.
wood, N. Y. This remedy is for sale by
Kind }'(M //aw Always Bought.
Miss Nina, daughter of the host and know that my life is inseparably joined j
S. Howorth A Co., druggists.
hostess,furnished excellent music for the to the great life of the universe, and 1
Notice io Horse Breeder«.
tor Kale.
whether or not I shall 1* able to over­
My stallion Van S. and Pollux, will
Good, fresh milk cows. Also an extra
come this 'error’, (referring to his sick­
< are ■ < aid In One
ness) I know that I shall live on forever. make the season as follows: Amity, fine Red Polled ball, and Angora goats.
T. D. H enderson .
Mondays and Tuesdays; Sheridan, Wed­
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. God is good, and all will be well."
Elder Lindsey paid a glowing tribute I nesdays and Thursdays; McMinnville,
All druggists refund money if it fails to
Wire cloth for fsnning mills, at the
cure the genuine has L. B. Q. on each . to the character of deceased, and a quar j Fridays and Saturdays, beginning April
tablet. For sale by Bogers Bros.
47-6 I tet choir from the Christian church sang 2d.
J. W. Hmr.
Fence Works.