LATER NEWS. WRECKAGE OF A LINER. NORTH COAST LIMITED. in Mid-Atlantic—Cannrn Anxiety rh»usandi of People Inspected Hand- Ex-Congressman David B. CulLert- in Marine < ircieM. I eoiiie and Brilliantly Lighted Train »on, of Texas, is dead. I I D. I. AHßlKY, Publisher. Chicago, May 9.—A special to the Exclamations of astonishment an 1 General Hamilton has captured Win­ Record from Philadelphia says: lelight at the sumptuous furnishings of burg, the Boer stronghold. McMINKVILLE..................... O R EGON Eig1 Pier in New York De­ Captain Campbell, of the British It Is Reported That He Has he Northern Pacific’s new North < oast L. Marquis, a farmer residing seven steamer Tenby, which arrived at Phila ­ ; Limited were heard on every side Wed- stroyed by Fire. Joined Tino ’ s Band. miles northwest of Eugene, committed delphia today from Port Said, brings an 1 issdav evening at the union depot m i account of wreckage passed at sea, suicide. I I’ortland. Lighted by electricity, a* Heavy rains in Iowa did much dam­ MANY PERSONS BARELY ESCAPE which is causing great anxiety among FIGHTING IN SOUTHERN LUZON 'it whs , from the outside the train looked shipping men. The captain believes age to property and caused large losses | ike a gigantic fiery glow-worm. On a maritime disaster has occurred, in in livestock. ' he inside the effect was as rich as an volving the loss of an Atlantic liner. Recrut Engagements With Rei» n la Oriental dream of splendor. XOomprehenai ve Review of the Import­ Lord Roberts has crossed the Vet The Tenby fell in with the wreckage in the Viaayaa Reunited in the Kil* "Beautiful!” ant Happeaiuga of the Past Week river and the Boers are still in full re­ men'ioued at a point west of the mid­ "Look at those fine chairs!” ling of of Thein. Called From the Telegraph Columni. treat northward. Atlantic and the lookouts observed a “Never saw anything to equal it!” San Antonio, Texas, was struck by a bark flying distress signals, but it was These and similar exclamations of Manila, May 9. — Telegrams received 5ew York. May 8.—A fire that start­ to far off and the sea too rough for the Four miners perished in a fire in a terrific wind storm, doing damage to here from General Young report that wonder burst from visitors. the amount of $75,990. ed at the river end of the Mallory Line steamer to lender any assistance. tnine near Roanoke, Va. Aguinaldo has rejoined the rebel Gen- | The train made its initial trip from Toward sunset on April 30, when the steamship pier, at the foot of Maiden W. C. Endicott, secretary of wi ■ar in Munkacsy, the celebrated painter, eral Tino, in the uoith and that they St. Paul to I’ortland without a hitch of Cleveland’s first administration, died Laue and the East river early this Tenby was steaming slowly westward died at Bonn, Germany. have reassembled a considerable force iny kind. At every station where a morning, completely destroyed the pier against heavy seas the lookout reported at^Jostou, aged 78 years. stop was made laige crowds of visitors that her path was obstructed by float­ in the mountains. General Young tie- ' swarmed aboard, aud in some of the Michigan Democrats want Charles and its valuable contents. Scientists hope to make many' new A. Towne for Bryan’s running mate. The police place the loss at $1,000,- ing timbers and spars for a considera­ J sires to strike them before it rains, and larger places difficulty was experienced discoveries on the event of the sun’s 000. Several barges, which were ble distance head. Captain Campbell asks for reinforcements. The tenor of in getting the cars cleared in time to An eight-hour day has been secured total eclipse on May 28. moored near the pier, were also de- himself saw portions of a deckhouse, the dispatch leads to the belief that start again. Charles S. Fee, general by New England building trades jour­ General Harrison Gray Otis is boom ­ I stroyed, and many rescues of their cap- pieces of planking, seemingly from a I General Young is confident Aguinaldo passenger agent, was aboard. He was neymen. ing Congressman Hepburn, of Iowa, for , tains and of members of the families vessel’s hull, and many minor objects, I is with Tino, and it is presumed they | met at Seattle by A. D. Charlton, of Balt Lake capitalists have bought the McKinley’s running mate. on board were made. One life was all of which seemed to have been in are preparing to fight. Iowa group of mines in the Baker city A detachment of the Forty-seventh ' Portland, assistant general passenger ' lost. The 9-months-old daughter of the water only a short time. There Aguinaldo has joined his forces in district for $30,000. of the ' agent; 1. A. Nadeau, general agent at North Luzon and has assembled con­ Captain Charles Lochs, of the barge were steamer chairs and other tine regiment met and routed a band I Seattle, and A. Tiuliug, general agent furniture not generally carried by enemy between Legaspi and Riago, ! at Tacoma. A dozen vessels have already left siderable force iu the mountains; Gen­ Sherwood, was drowned. 15. Twenters of Omaha are out on * but three stores. Loss, $80,990. Ten Thousand Children. Welland, Ont., May 7.—The trial of will have a bearing on the cases of sadors met yesterday and decided to The war department issued an order strike. They demand an eight-houi St. Louis, May 7.—Ten thousand Bullman, Nolan and Walsh, the alleged Lieutenants Gregg and Bailey, as the relieving General Otis of the command reply to the porte’s note of April 29 re­ Sunday school children waving 10,000 dynamiters, reopened here today. The same legal principle is involved in each day and increase of wages. garding the in< rease of duties, as fol­ Generally stated, that in­ Five men were killed and three in- of the division of the Philippines. The lows: "The embassies note the porte’s American flags cheered aud sang sacred first witness was W. C. Thompson, of them. general has left Manila for the United and patriotic songs in honor of Admiral the canal engineer. He estimated the volves the right of General Otis to dis­ jured by a boiler explosion in the mill declaration that it does not intend to States. miss the officers without the reference of J. V. Bray e in the hands of Williatn | A startling deathbed confession was On April 23. a force was sent to clear L. McLean, chairman, courthouse. Iu- Minn., has obtained insurance iu the men took him from the arresting offi­ course. It was funue) shaped and did made by Mrs. Van Horn, at Sioux Falls. Mutual Life Insurance Company, of cers and carried him to the woods, damage over a large area. Farmers the rebel force to the eastward. E’onr de|>endence square. Philadelphia, by 8. D. She solemnly declared that she members of the constabulary were May 15. It wll be impossible to con ­ west and north of Wilsonville were the New York, to the amount of $1,909,- where he was later found dead, hang­ had murdered her mother, the wife of greatest sufferers. Many people tied killed and a large numtier of the rebels sider applications received after that Thomas Egan, who was hanged for the (MM), the annual premium on the policy ing to a limb. were killed or wounded. date. to their cellars. being $48,800. crime in 1882. The Pullman Estate. A St. Lonlx Strike. Mayor Forbid* ***appne.** A London physician claims to have Chicago. May 9. — The final report o| A Human Plnrnahion. Tx>avenworth, Kan., May 8.— St. Louis, May 9.—At 2 o’clock a A Spanish silver mine loat a century cured inebiiety by hypnotism. "People are always wondering wher« "Sappho.” which has been played mass meeting of the employes of the the executors of the estate of the late ago was rediscovered in Texas. Bishop Hartsell, in charge of Metho­ throughout Kansas for the past few St. Louis Transit Company, without a George M. Pullman is expected to la all the pins go to.” Lewis Watkins, a natiteof St. Paul, dist work in Africa, has traveled 60,000 weeks, was billed here for Sunday dissenting vote, decided to go on a filed in the probate court this week. "That’s right. Do yon know?” is said to be the talleat man in ths miles since 1806. night, but Mavor Neeley forbade the strike immediately. Twenty-six hun­ It is believed that the report will show "No, but some Baltimore surgeon* world, ilia height is said to be eight Constant weeping over the death of production. Church people got up in dred men participated in the meeting. that the estate, which amounted t< can account for 11 of them. They feet 11 inches, and his weight 864 her husltand and daughter made a New arms, and a deputation of ministers something over $8,000,000 when th« A Brooklyn barber Vras shaving a will was filed, has grown to $15,000,- found them in a ‘Human Ostrich’ upon jamnds. York woman blind. called on Mayor Neeley aud laid the sleepy patron and found it difficult to 000 under the administration of Robert whom they were operating.”—Clare- Rev. David Greeg. a Brooklyn (N.I Chaplain C. C. Tierce makes an offi- matter before him. do his work. "Lift up your bead, or I T. Lincoln and Norman B. Ream, tht land Plain Dealer. Y.) I’resybterian, savs he doubts if any eial report that there has been no in- can't shave you,” he said. "Well, executors. The compensation of th« Montreal, May 8. — The paper and member of the general assembly be­ crease in the numlier of saloons in He who would not change the atones then." was the response of the drowsy executors for handling the estate will pulp mills at Grand Mere. Quebec, lieves in condemnation of non elect Manila into bread for himself multiplied ths man, "cut my hair. ” baie been entirely destroyed by lira be more than $500.000. I nbildren. I loaies of others.—'United Presbyterian. IH[ W Of THf WEIK