SOUTH AND EAST Don’t be without a sewing machine. $5 a month, 5 months, will buy a New ' Home Climax this month at C. Grie­ sen's. . 12t* AV. A. Benedict went over to Salem ou Munday, to accept and take charge of the position of elevator man at the asy­ lum, tendered him by Dr. Calbreatb. The doctor has chosen a good, faithful and deserving mah in Mr. Benedict, and : we are glad to see him thus favored. LOCAL NEWS. THE Ci HOI >1» WAM BUOhEX. II Largest stock of bulk garden seeds at VIA Daniels’ produce market. The Chemeketa ludge at Salem last Wanted—Wool and mohair, by M. Thursday inaugurated the movement for B. Hendrick. 13tf a new temple. The interesting character 45c cash buys a plug of Slur tobacco at of their ceremonies is given below, as de­ the Grange store. Battle Axe 38c. scribed by the Statesman of the follow­ Dr. Harry Littlefield of Portland is ing day: soon going to form a partnership with lion. Tilinon Ford, a past grand of Train» leave McMinnville for Portland and his brother H. J. at Newberg for the Mrs. Dennis wishes to announce that Cheiueketa lodge, and a inemlier of the The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been way stations at 5:68 a. in., and 3:06 p. m. Leave I ♦ building committee, standing at the practice of medicine. for Corvallis at 10 a. in. she has been to Portland studying the northeast corner of the lot, called the in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signallire cl New 1900 model Rambler bicycles, advanced styles and getting all the new gathering to order and briefly addressed and has been made limlcr his per- clincher or cemented tires, luteal im­ ideas as to trimmings, drapings, etc., for the assemblage in the folio» ing words: Leave Portland .................... 8:30 a m. sonal supervision since its Infancy. Leave Albany.................... 12:30 p.m. “Members of the Odd Fellows of Sa­ proved. Prices $20 to $40. F. W. Spencer. her spring trade in dress making, The Allow no one to deceive you in this. Arrive at Ashland............. 12’33 a. m. lem: We are about to enter upon the “ Sacramento........................... 5:00 p.m. The Dayton Journal lias temporarily ladies will please give her a call. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex­ customary ceremony of breaking ground, •• San Francisco........... 7.45 p. m. suspended publication, pending, as it periments that trifle with mid endanger the health of preparatory to the erection of an Odd Yamhill Lodge No. 20 I. 0. O. F. oi Fellows’ temple upon this site; and that Infants and Chihlren—Experience against I'.»jicriment. .5:45 a. m. 11:45 a m. says, “arrangements deemed advisable I this city, celebrated the 81st anniversary pleasant duty has been assigned to Judge “ Ogden . ....9:00 a. in. 9:00 a. m. for us to make.” “ Denver. _ | of the organization of Odd Fellowship, on George H. Burnett by the Odd Fellows, “ Kansas City................. 7:25 a. m. 7.25 a. m. “ Chicago........................ 7:45 a. m. 9:30 a. m Farmers, take your poultry, eggs and Thursday evening. A banquet was pre the building committee, the architects produce to the fish and poultry market pared for the occasion, and very pleasant and contractors. He is the most appro­ priate man that could be selected for the 120 Los Angele«, and get the highest cash price. Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, I’art-.r.»i i<*. Drops time enjoyed by members of the order. purpose on this occasion, being a Past 6:00 El Pano....... H. A. P almer , Prop. and Soothing- Syrups. It is Harmless and Flei» ant. It Fort Worth. Noble Grand of Chemeketa lodge No. 1, —Dayton lieraid. City of Mexico........ 9:55 a. in. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Past Grand Master of the grand lodge oi The Yamhill county Baptist Sunday Houston ...................... 4:00 a. ni. Prof. S. 8. Duncan of Dayton came Odd Fellows of Oregon, and Past Grand New Orleans........... 6:25p. m. substance. Its age is its guarantee. It dost ro s Worms . will school association and B. Y. P. U Washington............... 6.42 a. in. I near losing his home by fire last Satur- Representative of the sovereign grand and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrha-a and Wind New York................ 12 43 p. in. meet at DaytoD, Tuesday and Wednes­ lodge, I. O. O. F. , of the LTnited States, I day. The fire started from the burning Colic, it relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation day, May 15 and 16. fie will now proceed to perform the duty 1 out of a chimney, the sparks falling into au worth its cost. For sale by S. Howorth never flinched or quailed in his useful Township No. 1 8., range No. 6 W., and will oiler this city. et ami slipped it on his head. Mr. I Co., druggists. —Newberg Graphic. work; his life in Oregon was a blessing to show that the land sought is more valuable to this state, and tens of thousands’, if for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ poses, and to establish her claim to said lancf be­ they realized the worth of such a spirit fore the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon city, Oregon, on Saturday, the 2d day of in a new, undeveloped commonwealth June, 1900. like this, would feel inclined, if oppor­ She uames as witnesses Paul Rossman. A. T. Kelliher and Chas. Delaney, of Salem, Oregon, tunity and circumstances permitted, to and Aliuon E. Lodge ot Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the stand as mourners at his honored grave. above-described lands are requested to file their Oregon lias long needed more just such claims In this office on or before said 2d day of June, 1900. CHA8 B MOORES, Register men as Mr. Kay, and she needs them yet.” NOIK'E OF NHEHIIPI MALE It might be added that Mr. Kay re­ N Pursuance of a decree and order of sale duly ceived much encouragement in his en­ Notice is hereby given that on tlie Fourth day of June, 1900, at the rendered in the Circuit Court of the atate of J Oregon, for the county of Yamhill, on the terprises from public-spirited citizens, 16th day of April, A. 0 I960, In the suit of Arthur polling* place in the precinct of................................................................................. which enabled him to do more than he McPhllllvs, plaintiff, vs. Florence A. Frisby et al, defuuuantH, mid under, by virtue u( and pur­ could have done alone. There is a lesson suant to a writ of execution duly issued out oi in the County of Yamhill, State of Oregon, an Election will be held for ■aid court in said suit on the 25th day of April. in this, too, that when a worthy man is 1900, I w ill expose for bale and sell an the law di found lie should receive all the necessary reels, at public sale for eaah in hand, to the State, County and District Officers, namely: highest bidder, at the court house door in the encouragement in his enterprises for the city of McMinnville. Yaiubill county, Oregon, on Saturday, the 26th day ot .May, 1900, at the hour public good. The Shasta Route What is CASTORIA CASTORIA Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought ELECTION NOTICE! of one o clock p. m . the real property described iu said decree and order of safe, and writ, as fol­ lows, to-wtt Lots numbered one (1), two (2), three (3) h nd four (4), in Block No two (2) in South Park, the same being a wiibdivision in the Donation Land Claim of 8. F. StaggN and Miner­ va Staggs, bis wife, ( lalin No. 55, T. 4 8. R. 4. W of Willamette Meridian, Oregon, as shown by the duly recorded plat thereof. Dated at McMinuvilie. Oregon, this 27th dav of April, ¡900 W G. HENDERSON, 19-6 Sheriff of Yamhill County, Oregon. NOTllF OF NHF.HIFF'N «Ut. Is hereby given that the undersigned as Sheriff of amhtll county, State of Ore­ N OTICE gon. under and by virtue of a writ of exe­ cution issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county 01 Yamhill, on the 25th day of April, 1900. bearing said date and under the seal of said court upon and to enforce a judgment, decree and order of sale duly made and entered by said court on the 5th dav of December, 1899, In a suit therein pending where- ini b Laberteaux was llamtiff. and Calista E Thomason, formerly Calista E Robertson. Emily H Hume and \\ I Hume WCTW I tviidn D t 0. wherein it was ordered, adjudged and decreed by »aid court that said plaintiffs have and re cover oft and from the defendants. Calista E. Thomason, tbrmerly Calista E Robertson, Emily H. Hume and W T Hume the sum of | >vO.UO together with interest thereon from the 17th day of June, 1898. at the rate of ten per cent. per annum; the sum of 150.00 attorneys fees and $16.26 costs and disbursement«* and the taxe« now due on the land described below, and or­ dering that the real property bereaftet ■ !••• crlbed be sold tn the manner provided by law to satisfy said judgment, which real property is described as follows, to-wtt: The southwest fractional quarter of Section thirty (301, in Township two (2) south Range three (3), west ot tne Willamette meridian, containing one him dred and fifty and thirty-live hundredth's Uflo 35-100) acres, tn Yamhill county, slate of Oregon. Now therefore, under and by virtue of said writ of execution, judgment, decree ami I o-der of sale, and in pursuance with thecom- tnands thereof, I will on Saturday, the 2d day of June. 1900, at the hour of one o’clock p. in oi ■ ltd day, at the court house door in the city ot McMinnville, Yamhill county, Oregon, sell the •Dove described real premises, at public auction t » the highest bidder for cash in hand, subject t > redemption, to satisfy said execution, cv»t* a id accruing costa, and 1 will on the day of wale put (he purchaser of said real premises into immediate possession thereof, as by said decree ordered ana directed. Dated thia 4th day of May, 19UU W.i, HENDERSON. Jo-5 Sheriff of Yamhill County, Oregon Cure h Cold tn Onr ■>«> . Take I-axative Bromo Quinine tableta. All druggists refund money if it falle to cure. The genuine lia» L. B. Q on each tablet. For »ale by Rogers Broe. 47-6 Frank Rennie returned home from Oregon City on Tnemlay for a short visit, the flouring mill at which lie was at work having closed temporarily Jared Todd is on crutches from drop- ping a grain drill on hi* foot. A One Member of Congress for First Congression­ One County School Superintendent One County Commissioner al District. One Dairy and Food Commissioner One County Surveyor One Judge of Supreme Court One County Coroner One District Attorney for Third Judicial L)is- One Justice of the Peace and One Constable for Justice of the Peace and Constable District trict One Joint Senator for Yamhill, Lincoln and Tillamook Counties, District No. n. One Joint Representative for Yamhill and Til- lauiook Counties, District No. 14. Two Representatives District No. 13. One County (. hie County (hie County One County One County Sheriff Clerk Recorder Treasurer Assessor No. One Supervisor for Road District No. One Supervisor for Road District No. For or Against Municipal Indebtedness Amend- ment For or Against Judiciary Amendment For or Against For or Against For or Against For or Against Judge Boise's opinion, unseating tho McMinnville councilman who were elect­ ed by the council to fill vacancies, with­ out a majority of the council as originally constituted, is a surprise to some people hereabout-, who would have bet their money the other way, on account of an opinion given by Boise as counsel in a similar case just before he became judge. The same problem arose in Sheridan, but the case did not reach court. Prob­ ably a judge's opinion handed down from the bench, and the opinion of an attorney in a case wherein he is retained as coun­ sel, are nut necessarily the same.—Sheri­ dan Sim. Last Tuesday was Dewey day, but somehow it seemed to have lost some of its significance. Irrigation Amendment Repealing Amendment Equal Suffrage Stock Running at Large Which Election will be held at S o’clock in the morning and will continue until (»o’clock in tin'afternoon of said day Dated this day of ... 1900. County Clerk The above is a copy of the election no­ tice being posted over the county by Sheriff Henderson this week. Below we append a brief explanation of the con stitutional amendments to be voted on MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS. Amending Sec. to, of Art. it to read as follows . No county, city, town, school district or other municipal corporation shall be allowed to become indebted in any man- tier or for any purpose to an amount, in­ eluding present existing indebtedness. in the aggregate, exceeding five per cen­ tum on the value of the taxable property therein, to be ascertained by the last assessment for state and county taxes previous to the incurring of such indebt­ edness. JUDICIARY AMENDMENT. Amending Sec. to . Art. 7, providing for the election of supreme and circuit judges in distinct classes, one of which shall consist of five justices of the su­ preme court, who shall not perform cir­ cuit duty, and the other class shall con- sist of as many circuit judges as may be deemed naccssary, who shall hold full terms without allotment, and who shall take the same oath as the supreme judges. The legislative assembly may create as many circuits as may be neces­ sary. IRRIGATION AMENDMENT. Adding Art. XIX. making the use of lands for construction of reservoirs or storage basins for purposes of irrigation or rights of way for construction of canals or conveyance of water to a place of use for beneficial or useful purposes, shall tie declared a public use, and be subject .to the regulation and control of the state. REPEALING AMFNDMFNT. Repealing Sec. 35. Art. I. relating to restrictions upon the rights of negroes and mulattoes not residing in this state at the time of the adoption of the eon- stitntion. SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT. Art. I.—That the elective franchise in this state shall not hereafter be prohibit­ I ed to any cituen on account of sex. Sold by S. Howorth à Co.