The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, May 04, 1900, Image 7

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Observations on Commonplace Thing*
by the Atchison Globe Mun.
Idleness is uot a luxury.
It is easy to say, "Dou’t uiiud It;” but
we all do.
The fame of Hood’s Sarsaparilla has
been won by the good it has done to those
is who were suffering from disease, lu cures
have excited wonder and admiration. It
has caused thousands to rejoice in the en­
A friend lias great power in hurting joyment of good health, and it will do,you
your feelings.
the same good it lias done others. It will
When a man insists on having a row, expel from your blood all impurities; will
give you a good appetite ami make you
let him have It all by himself.
strong and vigorous. It is just the medi­
A woman's idea of a refined man Is cine to help you now, when your system
is in need of a tonic ami invigorator.
one who likes oatmeal better than
Sores—“Last spring I had sores on
my face. I began taking Hood’s Sarsa­
parilla and continued with it until the sores
It Is easy for some people to attract were all gone and 1 was stronger and
attention. All they have to do is to healthier than ever before.” J ohn E.
M oungovan , Point Arena. Cal.
A cut is never healthy unless
half starved.
Mrs. Pinkham person­
ally attends to her tre­
mendous correspondence
with suffering women.
Her trained assistants
are all women.
The letters from women
are opened by women
They are read by wo»
men only.
They are answered by
women and only women.
The correspondence Is
saoredly confidential.
Write for a book Mrs.
Pinkham has Just pub­ I
lished which oontalns let­
ters from the mayor of
Lynn, the postmaster of
Lynn and others of her I
own olty who have made
careful Investigation.
Mrs. Pinkham has
helped a million women
who suffered with female
troubles. She can cure I
YOU. Her address Is
Lynn, Mass.
A Confederate's Idea,
“Io succeed in war,” General Miles
observes, “is to get ready before you
commence hostilities.”
One of the
confederate generals in 1861 said his
idea of success was ‘ ‘to get there fast­
est wi’h the mostest.”—Detroit Free
Kickers are so unpopular that many
men stand injustice lather toan coin-
After all, It is a matter of taste, The
man who succeeds in anything must
have good taste.
A new automatic machine gun is be­
ing tested by the United States army.
It weighs only 12 punds, can be car­
ried by one man, and fires 450 shots a
London has an asylum for lost and
starving cats. Last year it cared for
8,000 of these useful animals.
Rifle clubs are being formed all over
France to perfect the members in
marksmanship. The system is in imi­
tation of the custom so long practiced
by the Boers, who instruct even their
children in the use of firearms.
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,.
IS trup or Flos, manufactured by the
C alifokxia F ig S yrup C o ., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa­
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa­
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per­
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, mak«. it the ideal
Some people have an unconquerable
prejudice against anything made at
home or bought at home.
Cough Syrup.
in tinte. ' Mold by druggist*.
A new method of preserving tele­
graph poles is to surround the portion
in the ground witli an earthenware pipe
like a drain pipe.
Into the space be­
tween the .pole and the pipe is poured
a mixture of sand and resin.
According to Prescott, the money of
the Aztecs consisted of quills full of
gold dust and bags of chocolate grains.
Before the introduction of coined money
into Greece skewers or spikes of iron
and copper were used, six being a
drachma or handful.
New Excuse of tlie Fox.
An Emperor * III*.
A Saf' gn rl.
Somebody, very learned, once took
the trouble of weighing the brains of a
number of animals, and found that the
brain of a tame rabbit weighed less fur
its size than the brain of any other
known creature—much less than that
of a wild rabbit. •
Once there was a wily old fox that
was too fond of grapes, and one day.
the New Year’s of all the foxes, he
swore off from eating this fruit lest his
Clothing in Winter.
embonpoint increase beyond reason and
Overclotliing induces debility; for if he be called fatty, a term of derision.
we bear in mind the fact that four- But his appetite for the lucious bunches
fifths of the food we eat is burned for grew too strong and he hied him to a
heating the body, it will appear at once grape arbor. A heavy hunch ol grapes
why the wearing of sufficient clothing was hanging high up on the vine. He
to overheat the body, or greatly to les­ jumped and jumped, but could not
sen the amount of heat production re­ reach them. After he had exhausted
quired, must exercise a most marked himself to no purpose, and he was sure
effect upon the appetite, Nature, It is he couldn’t reach the grapes he said:
true, often comes to the rescue by in­ I “No, I will not eat them. I made a
during perspiration; but here another resolution not to do so. What a virtu­
danger arises; for with clothing moist­ ous fox am I.” - And he went off to
ened by perspiration the body is almost tell his friends about his self-denial.
certain to be so suddenly cooled by en­ Moral—Virtue is always a comforter
countering a draught, or by evapora­ i when vice becomes impossible.—N. Y.
tion alone when the body is not in act­ Commercial Advertiser.
ive movement, as seriously to unbal­
“The Newest Thing; Out.”
ance the circulation. Inducing internal
When some little time ago a minister
congestion, colds, and not infrequently had finished his sermon shoving how
maladies of the gravest character. new light was constantly shining upon
Care must, therefore, be taken not to God’s word, until now it was resting
overload the body. It Is better in cold on surer foundations than ever, a theo­
weather to accustom one's self to wear­ logical professor in one of our semin­
ing clothing which involves the neces­ I aries, who had listened to the discourse
sity for moderate activity in order to with the closest attention, approached
maintain the warmth of the body, than the speaker as the services were ended,
to dress so warmly that a little exercise and thanking him for his discourse,
is sure to Induce perspiration with the said: “Yes, the Bible is the newest
risk of an after chill.
thing ent; I read it now more under-
standingly, more satisfactorily, more
Mark Twain on the B»cr.
helpfully, than ever.”
The professor
Mark Twain has met the Boer, and
is not alone in his position; everywhere
this is what he says of him: "He is
countless thousands, in the newer light
deeply religious; profoundly ignorant;
shed upon the Scriptures by historical
dull, obstinate, bigoted: uncleanly in
research and by science, find that
his habits; hospitable, honest in Ills
which supplies its own liest defense
dealings with the whites, a hard master
against the skeptic.—Christian Work.
to his black tSrvant; lazy, a good shot,
Ether Drinking in Pru««iH.
good horseman, addicted tothecliase; a
To the evils of alcohol are now added
lover of political independence; a good
husband and father; not fond of herd­ the evils of ether drinking, which has
ing together in towns, but liking the spread alarmingly in Eastern Prussia,
seclusion and remoteness and solitude where ether is sold in the saloon like
and empty vastness and silence of the any liquor, four or five grammes to the
veldt; a man of mighty appetite, and glass. In the town of Memel alone, it
not delicate about what be appeases it is stated, the amount thus sold last
with—well satisfied with pork, and In­ year was about 8,580 quarts, and in
reality twice this*amount was con­
dian corn and biltong, requiring only
that the quantity shall not I m * stinted; sumed, the rest brought in by smug­
willing to ride a long Journey to take a glers. The effect is Baid to be four
times more powerful than an equal
hand in a rude all-night dance in*
amount of alcohol, but its continued use
terspersed with vigorous feeding and
produces intolerable suffering and in­
boisterous Jollity, but ready to ride
curable lesions of liver, kidneys an 1
twice as far for a prayer meeting.
A popular remedy for the bite of a
mad dog, at the beginning of the 19th
century was for the victim to take an
ounce of the pulverized jawbone of the
Some woman's idea of originality dog that had bitten him.
After tiie
runs to something new in tilling tor administration of this remedy the ani­
sandwiches for afternoon parties.
mal was never known to bite any one.
To be perfectly satisfactory, a sick
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s 800th-
man Is glad to have his wife ask every hig Syrup the best remedy to use for lh*fe
during the teething period.
five minutes how he is Feeling Now.
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the C alifornia Fie S yrit
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of theCompany
printed on the front of every package.
ígon 8( po 0IW i (R
Foxhunt Ended In a Church.
There ought to be some man nround
every big institution who will have
nothing to do with politics.
We wonder every time we see an
energetic woman wash a boy's fate
that it retains the shape the Lord gave
If you are afraid of lightning there’s
a very simple safeguard to remember
—simply put on your rubbers and then
stand up so that your clothes won’t
touch anywhere. Whether you’re in­
doors or out of doors you're perfectly
safe, for rubber Is a non-conductor and
you are completely insulated.
We* th at Bottom of Hea.
It is computed that there is £800.(100.
«MM* worth of gold and jewels at the bo.
lorn of the sea on the route between
India and the British Isle*.
A Guilty Conscl.n«.,
Rastus—XVhad yo tink is de mattah
wif me, doctah?
Doctor—Oh, nothing but chicken*
pox, 1 guess.
Rastus (getting nervous)—I clare on
mail honah, doctah, I haint bin uo-
what 1 could ketch dat!—Judge.
• 1OO ltKWAltD U1O0.
Is America's Greatest Medicine.
As the congregation was assembling
the other day at Broughton Astley
church, near Leicester, where a daily
service is held during the war, a fox
and the whole of the Atherstone pack
Every girl of sixteen believes that of hounds ran intQ the sacred edifice!
she can keep off the wrinkles by pure where the fox was quickly dispatched
strength of mind.
by the hounds. Some minutes elapsed
When it comes to putting the neigh­ before they could be cleared out of the
bors “on” to bargains on sale, every church.—London Mail.
woman is a.missionary.
Will Cure you. Dr. Pfunder’s
The Chinese Emperor is obliged to
live in seclusion. He can never go out
of his palace gates ami see his people
and country, as other monarchs do. His
promenades are anrrounded with mys­
tery, and though lie passes at least sev­
en or eight times a year down the prin­
cipal streets of Pekin no ordinary citi­
zen can laiast of having seen him.
For sale by all Druggist«.—Price Sdc. per bottle.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
When a brakeman goes to a dentist
he says lie is going up to have the slats
in his pilot fixed.
When the average sick man begins to
talk about the Lord his women folks
are convinced that he is on his death-
Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
It should be a part of every man's
It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv­
ous feet, and instantly takes the sting out preparation for a lonesome old age to
of corns and bunions. It’s the greatest acquire a taste for playing a game of
comfort discovery of the age. Alien’s Foot- i solitaire.
Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy.
It is a certain cure for Ingrowing Nails,
We have noticed that when a ma n
sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching gets married lie begins to speak : in a
feet. We have over 30.000 testimonials.
Try it today. Sold by all druggists and more bossy tone to the other w< omen
shoe stores. Bv mail for 25c. in stamps. he meets.
Trial package *FREE. Address, Allen S.
The fashions are making one baby
Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
and its wardrobe cost so much that it
No able-bodied men need be idle in is becoming positive extravagance to
New Zealand. The government gives I have two.
every applicant work, and pays him the
Judging from what leaks out from
rate of $2 a day.
women’s literary clubs, woman is weak
as an infant physically, and a giant in
mental strength.'
Advertising is not a luxury,
but rather an economic busi­
ness proposition, recognized
by all the be st and most suc­
cessful business men the
world over.
Croat Fame of a Great Medicine
Won by Actual Merit.
Toujour. I.* Polites««.
“During a recent sharp skirmish,”
•ays “The Sphere,” “an English officer
in South Africa noticed that one of his
guns was in danger. Calling an officer
to his side he requested him to go snd
help the captaiu to try ami bring it in.
'Pardon,' he added, as the officer turn­
ed to obey, ‘perhaps you do not know
the captain.’ The officer had not the
‘I’ll introduce you, then—
charming fellow,’ Baid his lordship,
and, regardless of bursting shells and
puffs of dirt which marked the pitch
of bullets all around them, he can­
tered along the hillside with him.
‘Captain,’ he shouted, ‘let me intro­
duce my friend. Mr. B.. Captain A.
He will lend you a hand to bring in
that gun; hope neither of you will be
knocked over doing it.’"—Collier’s
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure iu ail its
stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh belnç a constitutional dis­
ease, requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby destroying the founda­
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro­
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
tor any case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials. Address
F. J. CHKNEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's'Family Pills are the best.
A doctor of Breslau has been experi­
menting with hens, and he gave 40 of
them gout by feeding them on horse­
flesh without fat. Then he partially
relieved them of the gouty pains by the
administiation of powdered egg shells.
New York City, Feb. 15, 1900.
My Dear Carlton:—I know it will
please you to learn that my homeward
journey irom San Francisco was more
than pleasant. One striking feature
that added very much to my comfort
was the dining car service on the Rio
Grande Western and the Denver & Rio
Grande. This is the finest service of
this description I have ever seen any­
where, either in this country orabroad;
the food and cooking was all that could
be desired, and at very moderate prices.
If you happen to know the Rio Grande
Western people, I wish you would say
to them that it will afford me the
greatest pleasure at all times to bear
testimony anywhere to the above facts.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) J. ADDISON BAKER, 2nd.
[ -alt Lake Tribune.]
The Rio Grande Western Railway
now operates through Pullman sleeping
cais between San Francisco and Chi­
cago, without change. The route via
Salt Lake City is unequalled in attrac­
tiveness and wealth of novel interest.
Three through trains daily.
Write for
information, rates, etc., to J. D. Mans­
field, General Agent, 253 Washington
street, Portland, Ore., or Geo. W.
Heintz, General Passenger agent, Salt
Lake City.
Sure ft. taxes is the care ot
them by
St. Jacobs Oil :
The street cars of Havana are heavy,
cumbersome, old style cars, drawn by
three ponies, one in the lead of a span
at the doubletree, all of them hitched
too far from the car for economy of
effort on the part of the little beasts or
successful handling by the driver.
Don't Constipation Kill You!#
It will do it, openly or tn disguise. C onsti-
pHtion hie. ninny long .cientlne aliases, but
Case nrets Candy Catliarlle w ill save you. Drug­
gists, 10c, 25c, 50c.
In San Rafael, Cal., is is illegal to
shoot game with a repeating or maga­
zine shotgun.
Tie« Shortest General** Long Titles.
“Bobs, who is sometimes known as
Lord Roberts, has, next to the royal
family, the longest lists of titles in
Great Britain.
Here is his official
designation: Baron Roberts, of Kan
dahar and Waterford, P.C.,
G.C.B., G.C.S.I.,
D.C.L., LL.D.
And yet he is the
shortest general in the service, Should
be be triumphant in South Africa he
may count on a few more letters to his
name.—Collier’s Weekly.
Wife—John, you have a very annoy­
ing habit of saving “What’s that?”
whenever you are spoken to.
you break yourself of it?
Husband—(reading) — Eh — what’s
that?”—Tit Bits.
Th« Maker» of Carter’» Ink Say:
“We can’t inakenny better ink than we do;
we don't know how to. We can make
poorer ink, but we won’t.” Carter’s Ink
is the best.
There is a time in every lfie when
one muBt concentrate or fail. It is so
in business, in the choice of a profes­
sion, in respect to religion.—Bov.
C. Barrett.
1’iso’s Cure is I lie best medicine we ever
used for all affections of the throat and
lungs.—W m . O. E niisi . ky , Vanburen, Ind.,
Feb. 10, 1900.
The British government keeps 11
If you haven't a regular, healthy movement of the vessels at work sounding and charting
bowels every day, you're sick, or will be. Keep your
bowel« open, and be well. Force, in the shape of the ocean beds to find out where dang-
violent physic or pill poison, is dangerous. The
smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping the ers lurk. Last year 10,000 square
bowels clear and clean is to take
miles were carefully charted in differ­
ent parts of the world—Asia, Africa
and the South Pacific.
Refuse, choose and endure I
are truly the great things of which thia
life of toil and suffering are made.—
Rev. D, C. MacLeod.
The rag pickers of Paris, of whom
there are aobut 40.000, are enraged be­
„Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. TatteOoort. Do UooS,
Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c.
60c Write cause the new rubbish l>oxes, just in­
for free .ample, and booklet on health. Address
SGrll.s R.Mr.y t’Mipaar, Chtea«., ■•, KawT.rh. 3M. troduced in that city, cannot lie opened
If CCD VfillD DI nnn HI ElU l,yi,ny°ue ,,ut t,le cartmen who are
ALLI TllUn DLUUU u L l A Iv, en|pluye(i to carry off the contents.
Death-Dealing In atrumen tu.
Soapless Sam—I see dey’s
anudder drownded in a bathtub, l’etey.
Perambulating Pete — Yep;
t’ings is a dangerous ns trolleys.—
Philadelphia North American.
LABASTINTE 1* the original
and only durable wall coating,
entirely different from all kal­
somines. Ready fOt use in
white or fourteen beautiful
tints by adding cold water.
The Ideal French Tonic
Since 1863, Endorsed by Medical Faculty
anvun man U VV,
About one-fourth of the population
of Porto Hico are beggars.
>10 B. Tainhill Mt„ POKTLAND, OR.
(Mention this paper.]
III «5 Sava.
Prevent* CnataglM.
t»» Big 44 for nnriRHiral
dinr bargea.iaflaBtmatlOM,
irritation« or ul< erations
of moeoni membrane«.
Painleas, and not aatria-
THtiM .lCKFUICAl CO, »'>nt or F’»*»no«S.
MM by Drwrrtoto,
tr sent (a plain wrapper
n. a. a .
y «ipr*M. prepaid, for
■1 an, or 1 bottle«, |2.75.
Circular «ent on requ««t.
■ TFIIT* «ECi'Rr.n
fl ■ ball I F ree a vic* as to pa*
ntabili ï* Rend for •Tntentorr Primer.’’
MILO B. 8V8V»M * co..
F«tab. 1M|
«17 14th Mt.. Ws « niwo T'«. D C.
Branch oil *es
Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit
.11 Meli liter y
P ortland , O rkoom .
can give you the best bargains in general
nnu hinery, engines, bollera, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel i X L windmill, sold by him, is tin-
Growing in Mexico
■nrpHMHe« richest KlonJyke tremsurM- tllJO c««h
inv0wte<l dritw« five ner cent inter««! five yeer«,
worth llOOlthen; yield« |l.'«i)n year thereefter;
land ino«t fertile, tilfe aneolule. Two dollar«
monthly without inter«*!, sufficient time, mm urea
Mme reunite, co-operative plan, death cancel«
unpaid iimttlImeniH, mtfer than « avium bank or
life inauranct, crop failur «« impomnble. larger
investment« «qurd'y profitable, other crop« and
bnaiueM make quick fortune«; dswirabl« employ­
ment al«o obtainable, reliable information «'»otit
■ ure aource« of wealth, inciudinu colored map
an<l elaborate photograph«, fiv« hundred dollar«
cannot buy elaewher«, l>«cauM« other« do not
poHMtwM, maiieii |MMtpai>i on r«c«li»t of On« Dollar
rvgi <tered or money order. A l<ir<w« or call ou
«UNMET t'O-OPrlH ATl VE t’O., Aaent«.
Htreet. Kan Franci«co, Cal. Cut thia out.
all kinds
UIBANCE of wall paper 11 ob­
viated by ALABASTINE.
can be used on plastered walls,
wood ceilings, brick or can­
vas. A child can brush It on.
It does not rub or seal» oft.
8TABLI8HED in favor. Shun
all imitations. Ask paint deal­
er or druggist for tint 5ar._
Write ue for Interest Ing book­
let. free. A LA BASTIN E CO^
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Write for Catalogue.
Krnnch, 134 & 130 Main Mt.,) Francisco
CAWMTON A <’<>.: lAtilM'.s, BOILER«,
chinery, Miipplies. 4K óü I- list Ht., P<»i Hand, Or. <
every church and school should
be coated only with pure, dur­
able A LA BA STINE. It safe­
guards health.
Hundreds of
tons used yearly for this work.
customers should avoid get­
ting cheap kalsomines under
different names.
Insist on
having our goods In packages
and properly labeled.
build the
II n III J fl Cement firavel Mills, and ths
D kakk A malgamator .
Special Machinery for CAPE NOME. Send for Catalogue.
KROGH MANG CO • »•in»«™*»"’».
LL kalsomines are cheap, tern-
whiting, chalks, clays, etc.,
and stuck on walls with de-
cnvlng animal glue. ALABAS-
1 TINE Is not a kalsomine.
EWARE of the dealer who
says he can sell you the “same
thing“ as ALABASTINE or
“something just as good.” He
Is either not posted or Is try­
ing to deceive you.
ND IN OFFERING something
he has bougnt cheap and tries
to sell on ALABASTINE’S de­
mands, he may not realize the
damage you will suffer by a
k kalsomine on your walls.
RN BIBLE dealers will not buy
a lawsuit. Dealers risk one by
selling and consumers by using
infringement. Alabastlne Co.
own right to make wall coat­
ing to mix with cold water.
cities from one gallon to 100,000 gallons per minute.
ADIES naturally prefer ALA-
BASTINE for wails and ceil­
ings. because It Is pure, clean,
durable. Put up in dry pow­
dered form, In five-pound pack­
ages, with full directions.
New Double Cylinder Farm Loco­
motives and Threshing Machinery
2000 S
are the pains and aches of
British Aristocracy Blamed.
Many people attribute the recent rever­
ses of the British to the degeneracy of the
aristocracy. The life of luxury certainly
does not produce vigor. Indigestible sup­
pers, late hours, constant nerve strain and
lack of exercise upset the stomach and
weaken both physical and mental vitality.
The blood that makes men heroes must
conic from active, healthy stomachs. Hos­
tetter’s Stomach Bitters purities the blood
and strengthens the stomach. It cures
constipation, indigestion* dyspepsia and
29 I. It First Street
This form, a« well a« Blind. Blredl
Plies are curedbv Dr.Bosanko'i
Stops Ite hl nt? and heeding. Abaci
Jar at druggists or aent by mall. Treader free. Write
me about your case. Dll. Bog A S Ko. phiiada. Pa.
Old as the Hills
Building or remodeling residences and
•tores. We carry a complete line of Mantel«,
(•rates and Tiling, Tile Flooring. Tile Wain*
Moling. A ml irons. Fenders, Kcreens, Khctric,
<» h « and Combinntion ('hantlelieis, and all aup-
*•! ips pertaining to Electric ami G hk l ighting.
By ft «impie twist Of the wrist you C.xn line We also carry all kinds of Batter e , Be l» and
up the cutter bar on the
Indicators. Photographs cheerfully sent on
I KINh HOl.t OM11 A ( O
245 Washington Mt., lurtland, Or.
Champion Draw Cut Mower
You can’t do It on any other. And there «re
other points too. K««nd for Catalogne.
Requires «ome sort of * tonic that cleans out
the Impurities. On« that really does tills—and
floore’i Revealed Remedy
And doe« it thoroughly. Pleasant to take. fl uO
at your druggist«
For G0n**rrh«v*a and Gleet g»-t Pabst's okay Specific. It
to th« ONLY medirme which will cure e«ch and «vet y
raae. MO «'ARE known tt ha« ever f«lh-d U» cure, no
matter how aer1o«M or of how long afandinir Resalta
from ita uar will astonlah you. It to alMolutrly «afe.
prevent« atrlrlure and can I* taken without Piconvw
Bien«** and dele niton from Imainei«. PKjCE. t3<W For
•ale bv all reliablw dmwrMU. or «ent prepaid by «ipreaa
plainly wrapped, on re<
CO . Chicago, m.
‘ -f ular mailed on rru