PHYSICIANS LOCAL NEWS. QOOK & CABLE, Physicians and Surgeons. Rooms in Jacobson Block,, J ... OaiooN. C. MICHAUX, n. D., Physician and Surgeon, G. S. Wright, dentist. C. Griesen’s new stock of wall paper. 6 3 spools of thread for 10c at the Grange store. Organ for sale cheap. Inquire of Chas. Griesen. 19-2 Miss Alice Link was a Portland visitor during the week. An ice cream social at the Christian Church tonight. All invited. Friendship Rebekah lodge will hold initiation next Tuesday evening, and Oilice in Union Block. a full attendance is desired. Papa, go and C. Grissen, he sells such nice pianos and organs. I want one. yy H. VOSE, M. D. Miss Stella Patty left yesterday for a ten days’ visit with Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Physician Lowe in Eugene. and Surgeon. Full line of field and garden seeds at Daniels’ produce market as cheap as < iffiee in Wright Block, over Chicago Store. anywhere in the valley. Residence north end of E. street. The best field and highway fencing, MCMINNVILLE - - - . OREGON. manufactured at McMinnville Fence Works, 50 cents per rod on orders in May ATTORNEY. for May and June deliveries. 20-4 Misses Lena and Mary Payne of Salem L. CONNER, returned home on Wednesday, after a visit since Friday with W. L. Warren’s family. New lot of all wool cashmere and serge remnants at the Racket store. 20-3 For sale—1 ,'4 acres land, with good 7- Office rooms 9 and 10, Union Block McMinnville, ■ Oregon room, two-story bouse. Ou College side near bridge. Enquire at Reporter office. The patent leather ladies’ shoes, CONVEYANCER. French heel, have arrived at Mr. Diel- Schneider’s. A E. McKERN For Sale—380 acre farm 2% miles west of McMinnville. Inquire at county clerk’s office. 15tf We are going to Nome and must have money. Please call and settle your ac­ NORTH YAMHILL, OR. counts. W arren & S on . Subjects to be discussed at the Chris­ Legal papers written and acknowledgements tian church next Lords day are as follows : taken. Morning—Expansion; evening subject— The Transfiguration. Good music, as BICYCLE REPAIRER. usual. F. W. Spencer has the Rambler bi­ J S. ROSCOE, cycle, in several different models. These wheels have the best pneumatic tire ever Enameling in Black and made. . Call and see them. 7tf Maroon cheap for Cash May day in this office was beautifully Full line of repairs and all repair work done inaugurated by Mrs. Wm. Chrisman in the best style. South side Third Street near leaving a superb rose bouquet from her B. Mower garden hanging on our office door. Many thanks. Mrs. Chrisman is a pre­ MEAT MARKETS mium flower grower. For sale—100 acre farm, nearly all in p STREET MEAT MARKET, cultivation. Good location. Best bar­ gain in the county. Enquire at this office Reynolds & Bond, Prop’s. for owner. 19tf Some spectators at the fusion conven­ Fresh and salt meats and sausages of all kinds constantly in stock. Cash paid for ... hides. Highest market price paid for all kinds tion are of the opinion that Willie Scott of fat stock. did not have a fair show. He had the same number of votes as Gist, but one ballot, which had "Gist 14” on it was ^ATTHIES & CO., counted as one vote, and gave Giit the Proprietors of nomination. A good many thought a third ballot would have been fairer. J. A. Frisbie returned Tuesday even­ Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds ing from a four months'visit to his old South side Third St. between B and C. home in south central Ohio, reporting a very pleasant trip. He says the farmers' BARBERS. wheat in that state is bothered with the fly, and they are plowing much of it up aud putting it in oats and corn. Other­ I OGAN & BRADLEY, wise business and prospects are good. M c M innville , O regon . Attorney and Notary Public Notary Public and Conveyancer CITY MARKET. BARBERS Wc arc located opposite H. C. Burnt.’ and aim to give all customerb good treatment for little money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pat­ ronage solicited. HARNESS £?LSIA WRIGHT, Manufacture, and Deals in HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, «.nd brushes, and sells them cheaper than they ean be bought anywhere else in the Willamette Valley. Our all home made seta of harness are pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. DRAYMEN gROWER & SON, McniNNVILLE Truck and Dray Co Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful handling guaranteed. Collections will be made monthly. Hauling of all kinds done cheap. t or stale. A fine home in Fairlawn addition. A good 1 '2 story house, good barn, plen­ ty of fruit, all cleared and enclosed by picket and board fence. Inquire of 13ui2 W. R. D erby , Lafayette. Diversified r »arming Dor» ray! There is no doubt but that the farmers of Yamhill county now realize that rais­ ing cattle, sheep, goats, hogs and chick­ en-, pays. The St. Charles store appreci­ ates this most beneficial change and is now enlarging for the increasing trade in consequence. May 1st our large store will be completed, when our splendid stock can be displayed to better advan­ tage, and will be central for ladies from the country to get a chair while waiting. Notice is called to the planked place on B street for tying horses. Everyone welcome to visit this splendid trade de­ pot. You’ll be given polite attention. N. E. K egg . Prop The city warrants for the payment on the new dynurao have been taken up by the banks of the city, and the debt it thus placed at home. G. S. Wright, dentist. F. W. Sj«encer has sold over one hun­ dred bicycles this season. Want to trade a sewing machine for a milk cow. Inquire at this office. 15tf Prof. W. I. Reynolds has been elected to the priucipalehipof the Dallas schools. Call aud settle your accounts with Warren & Son. Geo. W. Bibee and J. M. Chapman were in the city on Tuesday, and gave us a pleasant call. Dr. W. Tyler Smith, the coming joint senator, was down from Sheridan on Wednesday. The R bpoktek and Weekly Oregonian one vear for $2, strictly in advance Mrs. Wolverton of Independence was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Campbell this week, returning home on Wednesday. Store fixtures for sale. Enquire of Warren & Son, McMinnville, Or. Mrs. Grant Hoberg started on her re­ turn home to Baker City Wednesday, but will visit at some points on the way. A span of good heavy horses for sale cheap. Address P. O. Box 62, Carlton, Oregon. 19-2 Will Logan was over to Salem on Mon­ day and disposed of bis fine bay driving horse to Dentist Smith, realizing $150 for him. 3X wide tire wagon with double box, and spring seat, only $85, at O. O. Hod­ son’s. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cressy visited at Dallas this week and attended the mar­ riage of Miss Clara Uglow, Mrs. Creasy’s sister, to Mr. Robert Gaynor. You will find an A 1 tinner and plum­ ber at Hodson’s. Work the best and prices the cheapest. Judge Bird has appointed A. V. R. Snyder secretary of the republican.coun- ty central committee. Rev. Geo. W. Fender haa been in Portland ibis week, attending a meeting of Presbytery in his church. Mr. Chas. Babcock, a lawyer of Minn­ eapolis, Minn., is here on a brief visit to his mother Mrs. Ellen Babcock, and his son Samuel. The Turner Bros, have closed the jew­ elry store recently purchased of D. A. Smith, retaining a part of the stock, and selling part of it to F. H. Johnson. Lee Collard didn’t get as far as Sump­ ter or Nome. Ho has found his gold mine in a livery stable in Salem. It is bard for Lee to break away from the liv­ ery business. A farewell party was given at the resi­ dence of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Johnson on Monday evening, in honor of all those who were preparing to leave the city for the Cape Nome gold fields. Dr. Bernard Daly, democratic candi­ date for congress, was getting the lay of the land at McMinnville on Wednesday. He conceded that the Tongue element was very strong in this county. The St. Charles store will still continue to do business as usual. Thanking you for past favors, your patronage is solicited in the future. You will be given polite at­ tention. Mrs. N. E. Kegg. S. H. Maris says the crop of straw­ berries will be good, and most other va­ rieties of fruit will be sufficiently abun­ dant. The shortage with him is mostly In the turmoil and tribulation of poli­ Italian and Champion prunes. He will tics and war, Eisia Wright, the harness pick his first ripe strawberries in a few­ maker, nas not been lost sight of. He days—probably early next week. is still doing business at the same old The residence of Mrs. Chas. Sitton, stand and is as ready now to give cus­ about a mile west of Uncle Doc's house, tomers the best articles for the least was consumed by fire Wednesday after­ money as he ever was. Among the lat­ noon, the blaze originating from the flue. est invoice in his line will be found some Mrs. Letitia Bean occupied the house and very fine buggy robes aud fancy bridles. was alone when the fire started, Most of His riding and buggy whips are good her effects were saved. There was DO persuaders. insurance. C. D. Johnson and eon Willie left OD ‘ Cyclone” Davis, the crude and ec­ centric campaigner, who changes color Wednesday for Seattle, from which point about as often ar J. B. Weaver and the they will take passage about the 10th chameleon, spoke at the court bouse in6t. for Cape Nome, to join the search Tuesday evening. Cyclone was last for gold. Dr. Goucher will go on the here in '90 in the interest of the demo­ same steamer. Other parties going to crats. He was then heralded with a Nome from this city will sail about the braes band and a big choir of singers 24th. with piano accompaniment. He brought Report of school in District No. 86—for with him a trunk full of books and piled month ending April 27th, 1900: Those them on a table to terrify the republicans who have been neither absent nor tardy, but only referred to one book. This trip and have maintained perfect deportment lie was not desired, but to prevent a ruc­ are Pansy Johnson, Julia and Jacob Agee, tion he was permitted to come. There Veda Guild, aud Jimmie Hess. The vis­ was no music, and the few democrats itors during the month include Messrs who were courageous enough to sit up T. Watts, D. Johnson, and Leander John« front, for the most part turned their son, Mrs. T. O. Guild, Mrs. T. Watts, backs to the audience. Cyclone “ still Misses A. Johnson and R. Shumate.— make« the same speech, from the text M. F rances T aylor , Teacher. derived from Dr. Franklin, that they Gam Sing Quah, the educated China­ who pull the purse strings of this coun­ man, now on hie way to Canton as a mis­ try ajso pall the heart strings of the peo­ sionary, preached twice to good audiences ple. From this he expands until be in the Cun,b. Presbyterian church on makes such bald statements as that 44 Sunday, and lectured the following ev­ millions out of 75 millions of people in | ening on hie boyhood days in China. All this country do notown their own homes. Very few who hear such talk take the his addresses are full of interest, and on trouble to analyze it, or ask where he the lecture proposition he broke the rec­ ord of the town, receipts amounting to gets his information. All they care to do is to believe it. They fail to remem­ $28 on a 10-cent admission fee. Mr. ber that many rich people live in rented Gam took unto himself a handsome wife homes as a matter of choice. We said the previous week in San Francisco, who Cyclone was not desired to come. There accompanied him here. The sad duty devolved upon the coun­ was good reason for it. Our democratic brethren are not without honor, and ty court and others on Wednesday toad­ they remembered ttat after Cyclone's judge Nicholas E. Kegg, grocer of this first visit here be went back to Texas city, insane from the excessive use of in­ and stumped the state for McKinley. toxicants. Sheriff Henderson and Dr. We could not help thinking while listen­ G. S Wright accom| anted him to the ing to his speech, how glibly be must state hospital yesterday, where it is have told the other side of the question hoped his improvement and cure will be in Texas, and whether be wouldn’t re­ speedy. His business here will be con­ peat the operation this fall, if he can tinued by Mrs. Kegg and Garner Speich- get a conference with Mark Hanna. ler. Wire cloth for fanning mills, at the Fence Works. Garden seed 3c a package at the Grange store. Wire cloth for fanning mills, at the Fence Works. All the new spring goods at the Grange store will be sold at removal sale prices. Chas. Benedict is home from Washing­ ton, on a visit. Mrs. Wm. F. Dielschneider visited her parents in Marion county last week. The creamery- at North Yamhill will be started up again, after a long period of idleness. Judge Ramsey and family removed to Salem on Wednesday, to form a law partnership with Geo. G. Bingham. Considerable damage was done to fruit in California and Texas by frosts which occurred about the same time as those in Oregon. Mrs. Holt, sister of Ed Allen of this city, died in Portland on Tuesday. Mr. Allen was present at his sister’s death and burial. John Steprath, aged 47, a resident of the Fairdale neighborhood, was adjudg­ ed insane on Wednesday. His mania was religious in its nature. He was un­ married. Harlow Mills departed on Monday for a five or six weeks' visit in Kansas and Illinois. The best authorities say he will return alone. The force at the Rack­ et store is being supplemented by the services of S. C. Sherrill, late of southern Oregon, now a student at the college. The services at the M. E. church will be conducted as usual next Sunday; the pastor Henry T. Atkinson who is home from Forest Grove, will preach morning and evening. In the evening the subject will be ‘‘Our doubts and how to over­ come them.” The preaching service is preceded by the Epworth league service, which begins at 7 o’clock. Everybody is cordially invited to come out and en­ joy these services, especially those who have no other church home. CHICAGO STORE Choice Tailor-Made Suits for Ladies At Less than Cost of Material 4* COMMENCING Saturday, May 5th We will offer for 5 days only our entire stock of TAILOR-MADE SUITS At the following extremely low figures: Lot I—All suits worth up to $16 made by the famous John Ainsfield, tailor-made seams, jacket lined with best grade of satin or silk, marerial first- class in every respect, choice - - - $9 85 Lot 2—All of our choicest garments, many worth up to $20, a few as high as $22.50, none lower than $16.50, choice.................................................. $12 85 An Opportunity You Should Not Neglect A dispatch from Sheridan under date of May 1st says: “A road race to Balls­ ton and return by way of Bellevue, a distance of 12 miles, was held here last evening, in which Misses Millie and Bes­ sie Daugherty, F. B. Churchman, Flor­ ence Smith, Zella Bones, Jeannie Find­ ley, Bessie Linden, Messrs. Will Smith, Gary Price, Thomas Scroggin, Cal Droe- baugh and John Talbot took part. The young ladies were given 20 minutes’ start. Gary Price won the race against a very strong sea breeze (on the return trip) in 48 minutes, with Miss Millie Daugherty a good second. The first accident occurred about four miles from Sheridan. Miss Findley had a bad fall in an isolated place, and as she had not returned at dark a hack was sent out and she was found by the road­ side iu a semi-conscious state. Miss Florence Smith had a fall and broke her arm. Among the boys Mr. Scroggin a- lone was injured, escaping with a finger­ nail torn off and a badly smashed wheel.” THE CHICAGO STORE. 3857 2Tlc2Tttnnr>iIIe National 3ank Of McrtlNNVILLE, OREGON. P aid C apital , $50,000 S urplus and P rofits , $25,000 Transacts a General Banking business and extends to its patrons every facility consistent with safe and prudent banking. DIRECTORS: L. E. Cowls Wm. Campbell W. L. Warren Lee LaAghlin, Pres. J. L. Rogers, Vice Pres. E.C. Apperson,Cashier W. S. Link, Asst. Cashier Office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. An Open Meeting. President Boardman will lecture before the Philergian society Saturday evening in college chapel. Good music. All are invited. For Sale. Good, fresh milk ccwe. Also an extra tine Red Polled bull, and Angora goats. T. D. H enderson . Notice To Contractor«. Sealed bids will be received by the un­ dersigned upto Saturday, May 5th, 1900, tor the construction of a two-story brick block 60x80 feet, according to plans and sjteciflcations to be seen at my store. Bidders are expected to furnish bond for the faithful performance of the work, in the sum of $10,000. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. McMinnville, April 19th, I960. IL C. B urns . Notice To Contractor«. Sealed bide will be received by the un­ dersigned up to Saturday, May 5th, 1900, for the construction of a two story brick block 30x85 feet, according to plane and specifications to be seen at my store. Bidders are expected to furnish bond for the faithful performance of the work, in the sum of $8,000. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. McMinnville, April 19th, 1900. P. M. F lynn . : e Hodson’s Line of Wall Paper is Unsurpassed. His Paints are High Quality. Examine the BOTTLED ENERGY of his BICYCLES T en Days’ Bargain Sale At Jacobson & Co’s Big Store. Commencing May 3—ending May 12. 650 yards of all the latest shades of Japanese silk, regular price 60c and 65c; sale price, per yard ....... . . ........................ 450 yards of Japanese Silk, regular prices 38c, 40c and 42c, sale price per yd 1500 yard« of changeable Taffetas and fancy silks; regular prices 35c, 40c aud 42c; sale price per yard ...................................................... ......................... 300 pairs men's and boys' Tennis Shoes, high cut, regular price 60c |pd 63c, sale price for men’s sizes .............................................................................. Boys’ sizes ...................................................................................................... The same in low cut, men’s sizes................................................................... Notice to Horne Hreederi. “ " boy«’ sizes ................................................................. My stallion Van S. and Pollux, will 200 pairs of men's covert leather sole shoe«, regular price $1, sale price, pair make the season as follows: Amity, 300 pairs Ladies'Dongola and cloth top shoes, black and tan, just arrived from a back order, our regular $2.50 leader; sale price per pair................ Mondays and Tuesdays; Sheridan, Wed­ nesdays and Thursdays; McMinnville, Wheelmen, Attention. Fridays and Saturdays, beginning April 15tf 2d J. W. H enry . Anybody purchasing a bicycle suit from now until further notice, will be sented with a nice leather belt and a nice pair of bicycle shoe« free of charge. 49C 33C Me 46c 42c 39C >99 pre­ Belgian Hare Kxchange. Breeding stock and a few choice backs Two Specials in Men's Clothing. for «ale. Fine lot of young Belgian hares —British Sovereign, Champion, Yukon, Special 1—A nice line of Oregon all wool caaaimere suite, sale price per suit, $6 85 and Young Rufus strains for sale. Special 2—A higher grade and more nobby patterns to choose from, sale A. C. W yxdham , price, per suit................................................................................................... $7 ®5 1216-1218 23d Ave., East Oakland, Cal. Important to Mother«. Examine carefully every boul« of CA8TORIA « safe and sure remedy foe Infant* and children, and we that it Signature of In U«e For Over 30 Year» Th« Kind Ten Hav« AJwayi Bought. faccbdcn 4 'Ge. Take The Reporter and Get the News One Dollar Per Year.