SOUTH AND EAST VIA The Shasta Route Trains leave McMinnville fur Portland ami way stations at 5:68 a. in., and 3:06 p. m. Leave for Corvallis at 10 a. in. Ix-ave Portland Leave Albany.. .... 8:30 a. m. ..12:30 p. lu. 8at i amento....... ..... 5:0t> p. m. San Francisco.. ..7.45 p. in. Ogden .................. ....5:45a. m. 11:45 a. in. 9:00 a. m. Kansas City......... ..... 7:25 a. m. 7 25 a. m. 9:30 a in ...... 7:45 a. m. Chicago.......... s... lx»« A ngeles......... ..... 1:20 p. in. Ei Paso................ . ... 6:00 p. m. Port Worth.......... ..... 6 30 a. in. < íty of liexieo ..... 9:;»5 a. m. 1:00 a. in. ilouston ............... New Orleans...... .6 25 p. m. Washington......... 6.42 a. m. 12:43 p. ni. New York Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, and Tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, New Or leansand Washington. ConuvcUing ut San Francisco with several steamship linea for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippine«, Central and South America. See MR W. MERRIMAN, »gent at McMinn­ ville station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. Passenger Agent. Portland, Or. LOCAL NEWS. Cl. ON»'. CAI.I. FOB MIN l.l»F. Melvin Lynch hands us a clipping Mrs. True, of Middleton. is visiting from a Washington paper giving an ac­ her nisler, Mr». John Willis. count of a narrow escape recently ex­ Largest stock of bulk garden seeds at perienced by his father, Martin Lynch. The dispatch is from Oakesdale, Wash., Daniels’ produce market. under date of April loth, and reads as Mias Mabel Adkins of Hillsboro is vis­ follows: “An accident occurred in town iting Mrs. E. 8. Warren. last evening which came near costing M. Wanted—Wool and tnohair, by M. ' Lynch his life, lie was walking down B. Hendrick. 13tf Steptoe avenue last evening in company Miss Nellie Larkin of NVwberg is vis­ with his wife and daughter when he iting lier sister, Mrs. N. C. Christenson. heard the report of a gun and felt the 45c cash buys a plug of Star tobacco at ping of a bullet in his left shoulder. It was found that the ball had merely tire Grange store. Battle Axe 38c. raised the flesh where it had struck the I»ell Warren has lieen visiting Carl left shoulder and raked across his back. Sliortridge at Dolph the past week. This morning Town Marshal Burns, ac­ New 1900 model Rambler bicycles, companied by Mr. Lynch, went out to clincher or cemented tires, latest im­ look for some clue to the would-be as­ proved. Prices |20 to |40. F. W. Spencer. sassin, and the marshal while standing E. H. Woodward and son of the N'ew- near the house of old Watty Evans lierg Graphic were pleasant callers at heard some boys ask the old man what this office on convention day. he was shooting at last night. He re­ Farmers, take your poultry, eggs and plied that he was shooting at a cat and produce to the fish and poultry market that he would kill the blamed thing yet and get the highest cash price. if he could shoot straight enough. Evans . H. A. B almer , Prop. admitted that it was he who must have Mrs. G. W. Bradley, who has been se­ fired the shot, and was terrified to think riously HI lately, went to Portland on how near he had come to taking a man's Wednesday’s train, to secure medi­ life. Mr. Lynch allowed the matter to drop. The bullet that struck Mr. Lynch cal treatment. We now have a few thousand dollars to was fired from a 32-calibre revolver and was found by Mr, Lynch in the lining of loan on farm property, at good terms. his coat. To all appearances it was I2tf I rvine & V inton . was T. E. Conner of Whiteson is recovering in the same condition as when it the from a severe illness due to pneumonia, fired, being unscarred except by rities in the barrel of the revolver. ” lie is going to travel about by wagon for HrkOlutions on tile Deatliof Cliaa. W. Walls. Alliany, Or., April 19, 1900. To the Officers and Neighbors of Albany Camp, No. 103, Woodmen of the World: We, your committee, appointed to pre­ sent a memorial on the life and charac­ ter of our late neighbor, C. W. Watts, Iteg leave to report the following: Neighbor Watts was born in St Hel­ ens, Columbia county, Oregon, on July 17. 1858, and died in Dawson City, N. W. Ter , on Marell 15, 1900, aged 41 years, 7 months and 28 days. He re­ moved to Lafayette, in Yamhill county, when quite young, where he spent his boyhood days, removing to Salem and later to Albany, Oregon. The greater portion of his life was spent in the newspaper and printing bu- siness, being at one time city editor of the Salem Statesman. He was active in politics, and at one time was reading clerk of the senate. He resided at Albany for about 15 years. He eschewed the ordinary vicious hab­ its of men, was kind and liberal to a fault. His gentlemanly, courteous and genial disposition won for him a host of friends wherever known. He was charter member of Albany Camp No. 103, and was elected its first clerk. He was active and enthusiastic, punctual in attendance, a tireless worker for the interests of tjie order, and social­ ly, the life of the camp, being particular­ ly original in entertainment work, being versatile and fluent tn address. When the gold excitement of the Northwest Territory came, he, in com. pany with several other Albany men, including Neighbor D. B. Monteith, who lost his life in those northern regions, went to Dawson City to better his for­ tunes, engaging in the brokerage and hotel business. After about two years spent in and about Davysou City, in March, 1900, he contracted pneumonia, lingering about twelve days, and died March 15th, 1900. Calmly folding his hands across his breast and with a smile he passed away, leaving his wife, Emma N., his daughter Emma M., and his fa­ ther, Dr. J. W. Watts of Lafayette. Resolved, That tlie sudden removal of such a life from our midst leaves a va­ cancy and a shadow that will be deeply realized by all the neighbors and friends of this camp, and that with deep sym­ pathy for the bereaved relatives of the deceased, we express our hope that even so great a loss to us 411 may be overruled for good by him who doeth all things well. a season in the hope of further inproving uoi * h »: i < liis health. In other words,a trial of the Will Evans spent Sunday at Upper efficacy of “roughing it.” Willamina. Timber Land Act J line 3,1878.—Notice lor The Racket Store is just the place Mr. Conrod of near Sheridan, spent Publication. To buy your ribbon and your lace, Mouday with his daughter, Mrs. Chas. And everything along our line, United States Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, March 14,1900. Agee. You ’ ll find is very, very fine. 1\TOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress Miss Louella Agee returned home Fri­ A new club has been organized by the of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands in lhe States of California, Oregon, young folks, who call it the "Penocbe’ day, from a long stay with her sister Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extend* rd to all the public land states by act of Augpst club. They hold a weekly meeting at Mrs. II, Phillips. 4. 1892, Almon E. Lodge of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed which they give a literary and musical Jasper Agee and wife were visiting in tiiin office his sworn statement No. 5167, for program, and then adjourn to trie kitch­ Sunday with the family of Herbert Phil the purchase of the NEV4 of Section No 82 in Township No. 1 S. Range No. 6 VV., and will oiler en and make penoehe candy. The lips, near Shetidan. proof to show that the land sought i,s more valu­ able for its timber or stone than for agricultural club is likely to become very popular Miss Ella White came out from Sheri­ purposes, and to establish his claim to said land with people of the traditional “sweet before liie Register and Receiver of this office at dan Sunday to begin teaching in the front the strife and the hattie, timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Minnville, Monday, after a short visit . Oft with shamefill defeat. Nevada and Washington Territory,’’ asextended storm that was very suggestive of ice Up to the palm and the laurel, with Mr. and M rH John Eborall. to all 'he public land states by act of August 4, Alt, but the rest will be sweet.” 1W2, Emma E. Lodge ot Portland, county of cream. Verily, Oregon sometimes has Mrs Ada Rogers and chihlfen, e absent at Forest days. the duly recorded plat thereof | ¡irsl-ciass Pullman sleeper, a dining ear, Hated ut McMinnville, Oregon, this 27th day Grove holding the quarter!» meeting for There is five feet of water ■ above low I two chair care, and a tourist sleeper. ot April. I'.HXl the paator at that point. Every body is water mark at the locks. W 5 sheriff of Yamhill county. Oregon. I all eastern point*. The full time will be cordially invited to come and hear Mr. yet on the dam ' three days through tp Chicago, or four Black. Many of those who heard him < lire « ('slil in One Day. Rev. A. A. Winter was setit back to 1 days and two hours to New York. the last time lie preached in this church The second train, known as No. 6, will Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. this charge for this year It gives gener­ were well pleased with his discourses up­ leate Portland al tf:2t) p. m., connecting All druggists refund money if it fails to al satisfaction. ile is ati active worker. i at East Portland with thr’ Southern Pa­ on that occasion. cure. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each Quite a nutnberof our citizens attend­ cific's overland iraiu from 8au Francisco, “Don't be without a sewing machine. tablet. For »ale by Rogers Bro». 47-e ed conference at .Hillsboro over last Sun and will cam through 1 quipment to Chi cago via the t’niou I’acite and the Chica­ |5 a month, 5 months, will buy a New day. Several of the seminary people go ¿t Northwestern, and also the equip­ OI K Cl.I II HI Nil I.INF Home Climax this month at C. Gris- were liceused to preach. ment for the Washington division of the sen’s. t'.’tf We have special arrangements with Mrs Schwab and Mrs. Latlie Thornton (> R. A N., ih connection with the Great Northern for St. Paul. This train will Mrs. G. W. Kutch and sister, Miss the following leading publications, of Portland were up on a visit and spent reach Spokane nt 10 11. in. A dining car Thomasen of Independence, are visiting whereby we are able to offer them in last Sabbath with their mother, Mrs. will be furnished for breakfast into 8po- in Carlton, the guests of their brother J connection with our own at exceedingly Hill, and returned to Portland on Mon^ kanc. and for dinner ou corresponding F Thomason. They brought with I them train leaving Spokane at 3.-4S p. 111. The low rates, as follows: The R kportkr .lay morning. 1 new schedule as arranged, will supply lhe to this office on Tuesday the first wild and Dr Holt preached an excellent sermon most complete service ever furnished on Weakly Inter Ocean ..... »1.3» I strawberry of the season, picked on 1 Mr. at the Presbyterian bouse on last Sunday- | the O. R A N.; it provides increased ser­ 1 Thomason's farm. 8t. laMilaGlotfo-Democrat, ssml weekly......... 1.50 night. He announced that Rev. Scott vice in Eastern Oregon, where it is great­ Hurst Northwest, Portland, semi -monthly... I 2S ly needed, and gives immediate connec­ Mrs. Dennis wishes to announce that would sever bis relation as pastor of this tion with the Washington divisional Pen­ Oregonian, weekly............................................. 2.00 ‘ she has been to Portland studying the McClure's Magazine, monthly....................... 1.85 vhurch in June dleton. At thia point there is a large in­ The rseitlc Homestead, weekly...................... l.ftO advanced styles and getting all the new terchange of iratlic, on account of the va­ Cosmopolitan Magazine, monthly................ 1 A5 ideas as to trimmings, drapings, etc., for KeninrkH ble < urv »I Kheuiainlisin. rious uitniug districts of Baker c Family Magmill** . A party of 23 bicyclists, about an equal attack of rheumatism which confined her much as increased service is given from 1 : ia No. 3. out of Chicago This will next morning site walked to breakfast reach Portland at 7.30 a. tn. Westbound Beare the Auneelinf of bicyclist» »as held last w ithont assistance in any manner, and train No. 1 w dl leave Chicago at t>:30 p. Klgnatare of evening in Oddfellows’ hall, for the pnr- she has not tied a similar attack since.— m.. and Omaha at 8:2d the follow jog day. The lime will lie reduced two hours and In Ute For Over 30 Year«. pose of discussing the tax questiorf and A. B. F arson ». For sale by Howorth A 45jjiimitea. N > 3 westbound train will The Kind Yun Bave Aha aye Bong id the construction of paths. A plan to Co., druggists. leave Chi< ago at 10 .30 p. nt., and Omaha at 1:25 p. m. the next day. build a plank walk four feet wide from CASTOR!A The service on the Union Pacific on all Yeeterday was the 81st anniversary < f the end of the city sidewalk to Turner's Bear, the ■.ignature of Cwa*. H FirrcBBR these train« include» buffet smoking libra­ the institution of Odd Fellowship in hill a mile and a quarter in distance, w as la u«e for more than thirty years, and ry ears, and dining car«. No 8 will carry Anterie». It was observed in Salem hv discussed. Thia could be done for about TKt Kind i'v. Ham Ahaaiyi Beagkt. a dailv ordinary sleeper to Kansas City, with change enroute to ordinary cars to laying the corner stone <>f a new temple four hundred dollars, which some K H. tirover, of the Grange »tore gro- Cbi< ago. and ope»» house. Jn.lge Geo. H. Hur- thought conld be raised in two seasons. Consult the nearest ticket agent for , nett, past grand master of the Oregon A committee of three was elected to col­ eery Hspartment, is spending the week detailed information. jurisdiction, threw the first shovelful of lect the tax and handle the donation» at Bruwnivill», looking after busi nee« in­ W. H. Ht Rt.m rr. 1 terest» and visiting friends and relative». General Passenger Agent. I dirt in the ceremony. I withoot commission — Sheridan Son. I L MB CASTOS The Kind You Have Always Bought AVc ge table Preparat ion for As - f sibilating theFood and Regula­ ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Bears the J [ ; [------------------- llBtfAXIS ( H1L 1)KE> Signature J Promotes Digestion.Cheerful- Ì1C5S and Rest.Contains neither Opnitri.Morphine nor Mineral. Ì of N ot N arcotic . Í i > Í of CIJ ZrSMl’ZL PITONI I\ Su2' Alx. Senna * SJtt - struse Seed * }Ypj*rmint - Bi CisixxuiitSeJa- * flam Seed - i The Kind You Have A prrf’ct Remedy f or Constipa­ tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature ot NEW YORK, Ì EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 1 This is beyond question the most successful Cough Medi­ cine ever known to science: a few doses invariably cure the worst ca