The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 27, 1900, Image 1

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    VOL. XXX
Reed’s Fence is Best on Earth
For the Money.
Splendid Ticket Nominated.
Ranch or Residence. Hard,
Galvanized Steel Wire.
NO. 19,
R oyal ä
A bsolutely P ure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Made in Six Heights, 18 to 58 in. High.
McMinnville Fence Works,
“Wooli !
M c M innville , O r .
Recd has fenced us out forever.”
Running for Office
Talking Politics
Is the concern of both fat and lean’
but a subject of more vital import"
ance is the
To this end where can you obtain the best bargains in Groceries ?
Have you tried L- E. WALKER ? The tat man is telling the other
what he knows of Walker's bargaihs, and of his surprise to find how
the little grocery is coming right up to the scratch selling goods.
A Large and Harmonious Conven
tion Places in the Field One of
the Best Tickets Possible.
Nickell moved and Foster seconded
in good speeches that the nomination be
mane unanimous. Carried.
For assessor Huston named J. M. Yo­
cum and Watts named E. U. Heuderson
of Amity.
The ballot stood, Yocum, 130; Hender­
son, 31. Nomination was made unani­
mous on motion of Henderson.
J. H. Olds nominated E. V. Littlefield
for superintendent, warmly* seconded by
Profs. Stilwell and Hodson, and on mo­
tion of the latter he was named by ac­
For couimisioner J. L. Davis named
Geo. D. Vinton and M. M. Edwards
named Amos Nelson.
The ballot stood:
Nelson .
Vinton moved and Bones seconded
(laughter) that nomination be unani­
mous. Carried.
For treasurer Baxter named Henry
Gabriel, seconded by Waddel, and Scott
named O. O. Rhude, seconded by Wins­
low, Bibee, Wright and Stilwell. The
vote stood Gabriel, 75, Rhude, 85. On
motion of Gabriel, Rhude’s nomination
was made unanimous.
For surveyor, T. M. Laughlin named
Branson and Win. Young named E. D.
Green. The vote resulted Branson, 102;
Green, 55.
For coroner John Sanders named J. M.
Chapman, and Woodward named Cum­
mings. The former received 82 votes,
latter 62, scattering 11. Chapman was
declared the nominee.
The various districts named the fol­
lowing for justices, constables and super­
Dist. No. 1—For justice of the peace,
J A Huston; constable, I) Delashinutt.
No. 2—For Justice of the peace, H ?
Williams; constable, T B Holcomb.
No. 3—For justice of tile peace, E A
Hill; constable, Neil Westerfield.
No. 4—For justice of the peace, J M
Wright; constable, J J Woods.
No. 5—For justice of the peace, F L
Roberts; constable, Nels Nelson.
No. 6—For justice of the peace, J E
Brooks; constable, F T Hays.
No 7—For Justice of the peace, 8 R
Baxter; constable, W M Hamilton.
Nominations for road supervisors for
the different districts were ratified us
1 John Derby
16 Maine Berry
17 John Willis
2 A A Russell
18 W Goodrich
3 J G Morris
4 W R Morris
19 J R Forest t
20 E 8 Cooper
6 Chas Jenson
21 T J Stimson
0 J P Johnson
7 A R Mills
22 A L Hadaway
23 Jas Heid
0 Wm Thomas
21 Win Hobough
9 W 8 Allen
10 Win Hamilton 25 J B Handley
26 E LT Henderson
11 J H Olds
It John Lindberg 27 D M Kirby
13 Ch us Stewart 28 Geo Cuttbrod
2fl John Bell
14 Ciias Taylor
36 Henry Wade
15 W m Casey
31 David Leno
Ou Tuesday at 10:25 a. tn. Judge Ma­ Myers, J P Johnson, E B Flett, A Bar­
gers called to order the republican coun­ tholomew.
Willamina—E F Lamson, O E Hyland,
ty convention. D. H Turner was cho­
sen secretary, and F. G. Adams assist­ II Z Foster by E F Lamson, A Kershaw,
G A Epperly, M F Wade, Roy Lamson,
On motion of J. P. Irvine the chair ap­ J W Mendenhall, E B Morse, Guy Lam-
pointed the following credentials com soh, Win Ralston, M Sweitzer, Wm Bar­
mittee: J. P. Irviue, Lee Laughlin, Jesse ber.
Edwards, A. II. Denny and J. M. Craw­
Willamette—C S Williamson, J R For­
rest, J B Layson, P H Fowler, II C Bran­
On permanent organization and order son, E S Cooper.
of business G. S. Wright, G. M. Allen and
Whiteson—A M Waddel, A M Hoff-
E. H. Woodward were appointed.
,man, EM Garrison, J S McAlister.
properly it takes time. It requires experience and
Convention adjourned till one p. m.
We wpnld therefore respectfully rec­
a complete knowledge of drugs. It requires the
and on reassembling the report of com­ ommend that the above named persons
druggist to have a large variety of drugs—fresh
mittee on credentials was read, and after he seated as delegates of this conven­
drugs. He must give the best possible work and
certain corrections were made and a mo­ tion, with full privileges as members
for compensation he must be reasonable. With the
tion by Dr. Watts that each delegation thereof. Respectfully submitted,
J P Irvine, Lee Laughlin, Jesse Ed­
be empowered to fill its own vacancies
above facts remember we are careful and strive to
was carried the report stood as follows: wards, H Denny and J M Crawford, Com­
please one and all alike. These are reasons why our
We, the undersigned, your committee mittee.
prescription file thribbles all in this county? We
On motion of Edwards the same was
on credentials, beg leave to report that
are recognized by doctor and customer alike for be­
received and committee discharged.
ing accurate and dispensing only the purest drugs*
The report of committee on permanent
members of such committee, credentials
from the various precincts in said coun­ organization recommended retaining the
ty, showing elected delegates as follows: temporary officers and named the order
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists.
Amity—W111 Thurman, J J Henderson, of business ns the nominations appear in
G M Allen, F B Ferguson, R O Jones, T this report, and on motion of E. C. Wal­
ker the same was adopted.
J Stimson, II C Fatty.
On motion of Meyers the chair ap­
Baker Creek—H M Daniel, D I Asbu- pointed the following tellers: A. L.
[ ry; T R Willis, C D Johnson, by F G Meyers, I. Daugherty, F. E. Storey, P.
Adams, Maine Berry, Carl P Fuchs.
P. Olds, and Gus Detmering.
Bellevue—W J Sargeant, Byron Bran­
Hodson nominated Butts for represen­
son, L D Mulkey, Wm Goffoier.
tative and Watts named Lamson, both
Carlton—Chas Taylor, J Winneberg, referring to the past records of their can­
F L Roberts, G R Johnson, W A Howe didates in glowing terms. Lamson’s
by F M York, Geo Gray, C E Harbaugh. early family connections were referred
Checowen—Lee Laughlin, TM Laugh­ to, and the doctor said Ed’s time, money,
lin, S Hatch, C W Johes, Fred Bunn, Alf "Injuns” —everything, had been devot­
Smith, W R Morris, E S Cole.
ed to the republican party. (Laughter).
Dundee—M JI Eduards, Z J Imus, W Ou motion of 0. H. Irvine the rules
Everything but Ingrains fur the next 60
S Allen, I R Craven.
were suspended, and the secretary cast
days at a very LARGE DISCOUNT.
East Dayton—J T Gowdy, F L Tost, the ballot for these gentlemen.
J B Stilwell, L Litcher, J W Coovert, A
For sheriff Bibee named John Bones.
Detmering, N A Harris, E Hadley, *F Caughlin named Alderman, and spoke
Must have room for more paper now on
Odell, E M Aiderman, C Robertson.
of him as a warrior worthy of his steel
the road.
West Dayton—T P Caughlin, J C Nich­ iu the precinct contest, and the argu­
ols, Martin Miller, A P Fletcher, S R ments of geographical location, honor­
Yours Truly,
Baxter, J M Crawford, E A Aiderman, D
able manhood and party stronghold
V Olds.
were all pressed in good shape. H. M.
Fairlawn-—J B Handley, Ivan Daniel, Daniel named Henderson, and thanked
The Heat In Ibe World.
J A Derby, M Thurber, G W Keen, S B God we had a whole lot of good boys iu
We believe Chamberlain's Cough Rem­
Hopkins, Wm Young.
this county for sheriff, and it wasn’t ad­ edy ie the best in the world. A few weeks
Lafayette—J W Watts, H Denny, John
visable to swap horses in crossing the ago we suffered with a severe cold and a
111..ugh by P P Olds, P P Olds, J L Vick-
stream, etc. O. H. Irvine named J. A. troublesome cough, and having rea 1 their
i rev, C Westerfield, J H Olds, S Carr.
Young, and spoke of his business quali­ advertisements in our own and other pa­
North McMinnville—O J Leabo, Jacob fications, his affability, and his service pers we purchased a bottle to see if it
Wortman, E C Walker, G S Wright, M to his country in the Philippines. Mr. would effect ns. It cured us before the
! Underwood, D Stout, O II Irvine, G w Young declined with thanks.
bottle was more than half used. It is the
Hendershott, J E Magers.
best medicine out for colds and coughs.
The ballots were as follows:
South McMinnville—S L Hayden, B
ist 2(1 3d —The Herald, Andersonville, Ind. For
W Walker, Geo C L Snyder, Frank Henderson............. ............... 60
75 74 sale by Howorth A Co., druggists.
Hayes, A M Dee, C F, Branson, CT Long, Aiderman............
............... 7« 74 89
T A McCourt, J E Brooks, W H Sliger Bones.
Notice for Hid«.
........... ............. »3 15
I by A V R Snyder.
will lie received by the
North Newberg— J I. Hoskins, J G
Aiderman was declared nominated on : clerk of Yamhill county until the next
Hadley, F H Storey, R J Cooper E H the third ballot.
regular term of the county court on May
Sunday, May 27, 1900.
H J Littlefield, A J Winters,
Hodson nominated J. H. Nelson for ! loth at 10 a. m , for covering the span
Let Us Be Your Watchman J Woodward,
H Rees, Albert Heater, A T Blair, C A clerk, and on motion of McKern the of the county bridge across the South
Steps will lie made at the principal To some extent the impression prevails Hodson, N G Kirk, R B Linville.
Yamhill river on the road leading from
nomination was made by acclamation.
places of interest along the Columbia that almost anybody can "fix a watch," South Newberg—Clarence Butt, II H
McMinnville to Dayton. Bids are invit­
river, allowing the people theoppor and many only learn by costly experi­ Winslow, B C Miles by H R Morris, L M
ris, Lcabo named G. W. Franklin, ed on the two plans onJile in the clerk’s
that it is not so. The tinker, the
tunity of view ing some of th»* grand­ ence
natural born mechanic, the genius who Parker by C B Wilson, It H Turner, Jes­ Daugherty named C. B. Lafollette, Wil­ office. The county court reserves the
est scenery in the world. Those so can
anything,” finds himself at sea se Edwards, J C Hodson, J J Woods.
lis named Wm. Wess, Jesse Edwards * right to reject any and all bide.
disposed can stop at any of these when "fix
he tackles a fine watch, for the ad­
McMinnville, Oregon, April 6, 1900.
places, and the return trains will stop justment to positions an.l isochronism North Yamhill— C Obye, A E McKern, named Hoskins, Watts named Harrison
J. H. N klson , County Clerk.
and pick them up. This will give requires something Itesides mechanical H V Stott, Chas Brown, Scott Bremmer, Foster, Post named Arthur Lambert,
them the opportunity of viewing at skill There is no minute detail with I H P Moore, C R Brown.
and Allen named W. W. Nickell. Hos­
their leisure the extensive govern­ which we are not familiar iu the mechan­ North Sheridan—Isaac Daugherty, J E kins won on the second ballot. Har­
Please Call and Nellie.
ical and mathematical adjustment of a Huston, T J Scroggin, A S Fogg, Dan
ment works at The Cascades.
payment within the next ten
Kossack, John Bell, J W Foster, J R
1st 2d days of all accounts due anti all my out­
McMinnville’s Reliable Jewelers.
Sanders, W S Buell by J E Husfon.
Ho'kins ...........
................... 71 82 standing notes overdue.
. 26 30
South Sheridan—C W Buell, J W Foster.................. .
C. D. J ohnson .
...................31 38
Bones, G W Bibee, Eugene Brown, Ben Nickell..............
.................. 18 IO
E. S. Warren, traveling man for a
Bean the .ignatore of shab H Ft stchi
F ranklin .................. ..................... I
West Chehakm—Geo D Vinton, A P W ess
la we for more than thirty years, and
.......... .......... .................... 3
1 Portland furniture houae. »jient Bunday
Johnson, A Nelson, J L Davis, A L Lambert................ ..................... .IQ
in this city with bis family.
ZU JTtW I’oa //aw A’aMjn Bought.
Train will pass McMinnville at 6:20 a. tn.
Annual Excursion
Pursuant to call the populists met in
convention last Friday, Shade Richard-
son was called to the chair and Tom
Vanorsdul was made secretary, The
minutes of the meeting of the advisory
committee on fusion were read, which
allowed that they had decided to nomi­
nate a ticket to be called the ‘‘citizeus’ ’’
ticket. The proposition 1 b to give the
populists on this ticket the offices of rep­
resentative, slieriti and commissioner,
the democrats to have all the other nomi­
nations. In case of election, all deputies
chosen are to be of the same political
faith. The democrats will consider the
ratification of this proposition in their
county convention to be held tomorrow.
At Friday’s convention the sentiment
was greatly divided with reference to
proceeding to nominate along the line
of this committee’s report. Mr. Braith-
wait reported that the democrats were
understood to be very desirous of keep­
ing their party name at the head of the
ticket. Mose Johnson thought that the
priority of action of lhe populists eutitled
their name to as much consideration as
any other, yet they could not accept and
act on the report of the committee in
good faith until they knew the action of
tiie democratic party on the report. On
the advisory committee there were four
democrats for it and three against it,
w hich leaves them to report only a bare
majority, and they would not be likely
to adopt the report. “All we-can do,”
he said, “is to accept of it and adjourn,
or reject it and go ahead.” A. A. Wal­
ker couldn’t quite comprehend Mr. John­
son’s position. He didn’t know where
they would gain by waiting for the demo­
crats. He wanted to go right ahead,
and no kick could arise, as they were
first and not last, and could elect their
ticket through and through if they should
hang together. W. G. Robbins favored
adjournment without nomination. John­
son thought they might have to call an­
other convention and fill a complete
ticket. lie didn’t want to be the tail to
any democratic kite, or join together un­
less they could elect their own men, and
here made reference to the seat now
watmed in congress not beiDg properly
warmed, as our congressman was a cor­
poration man. Vanorsdal said he fore­
saw that they were going to split. “Are
we going into the democratic purty?” he
asked. “1 want to go ahead. I have been
a reformer in Yamhill county for the
last ten years, and can go over the coun­
ty and pick out the reformers. It is
child’s play to go back on our propo­
sition. We should go ahead or go downj”
Robbins moved to proceed on the report
of the committee, seconded by Walker,
who said “we have nothing to gain by
falling behind, and have a jterfect right
to go ahead and place our men in nomi­
nation. The committee might have
named a later day for this convention,
but this they haven’t did. I want to
stand in for reform through and through.
If we don’t we will fizzle. We must
either take back-water or Bwini across,
and I say swim!” This was regarded as
a very good |>opiilist speech. Perkins
explained the position 01 the democrats
on the committee to be that they had bo
|x>wer to make arrangements, but were
only sent out to confer. Johnson also
■poke for the committee, and said
that they didn’t name a later day be­
cause they hadn’t any power. “They had
been in convention, and you said this
was the day we were to meet. If we
name a ticket today our three men will
have to go on the ballot by |>etitiou, and
we wont have time to fill a ticket in a
second convention.” Johnson then
moved that a committee of seven lie ap­
pointed to meet after aitiop of the demo­
cratic convention, snd fill the ticket if it
became necessary to name a full ticket,
and that they proceed to put in three
men. There was no second, and Rob­
bins asked Johnson to withdraw his mo­
tion until vote waa taken on the motion
before the house. Johnson consented
and motion to accept the report was car­
ried, Johnson voting against it. He said
this meant that they must go on the bal­
lot by petition. He thonght it would lie
a traiia to call the ticket a citizen. ticket,
and asked if he would be in order to
move to adjourn. A motion then pre­
vailed that when they adjourn it be to
meet on the 28tli of April at 10 o’clock.
The precinct» of North Newberg, South
Sheridan, Lafayette, and East and West
Dayton were found to be without repre­
sentation It was moved by Johnson
that a committee of five be appointed on
resolution» and report at the next meet­
ing. Carried. Chair appointed M. E.
Johnson, T. F. Venorertal, W. G. Rob­
bins, A. A Walker and J. B. Perkins.
Everv one «»» requested to bring a set
of resolution», anil let lhe committee
jointly draft them
On motion adjourned.