The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 20, 1900, Image 8

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Largest stock oi bulk garden seeds at
Daniele* produce market.
C. B. Lafuiietteof Sheridan was in the
county seat on Tuesday.
Wanted—Wool and mohair, by M.
B. Hendrick.
Hon. Clarence Butt
tended circuit court in McMinnville on
Let Us Be Your Watchman 45c cash buys a plug of Star tobacco at
the Grange store. Battle Axe 38c.
To some extent the impression prevails
Some good work has been done by
that almost anybody can "fix a watch,”
and many only learn by costly experi Marshal Neal in ordering the cleaning
e ice that it is not so. The tinker, the up of back alleys.
natural born mechanic, the genius who
New 1900 model Rambler bicycle*,
can “fix anything,” finds himself at sea
when he tackles a fine watch, for the ad­ clincher or cemented tires, lai cut i 111-
justment to positions ami isochronism proved. Prices f20 to $40. F. W. Spencer.
requires something besides mechanical
Farmers, take your |>oultry, eggs and
skill. There is no minute detail with
which we are not familiar in the mechan­ produce to the fish and poultry market
ical ami mathematical adjustment of a and get the highest cash price.
II. A. P almer , Prop.
wm . F. D iklschneiiier & B ro .,
Mrs. P>. A. Millsap and son Max ar­
McMinnville’s Reliable Jewelers.
rived from Lebanon Tuesday afternoon,to
Timber Land Act J une 3,1H78. Notice ior visit for a season with Mr. and Mrs. Jo­
seph Hoberg, her parents.
United States Land Office,
We now have a few thousand dollars to
Oregon i’ity. Oregon, March 11, 1900.
rOTICE is hereby given that in compliance loan on farm property, at good terms.
the provisions of the act ol congrchH
\ of with
I rvine & V inton .
June 3, 187*, entitled ‘An act for the sale of 12tf
timber lands in lhe States of California, Oregon,
Delos Underwood is stiil lying very ill
Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extend­
ed to ail the public land states by act of August
4. 1892, Almon E. Lorige of Portland, county oi of stomach trouble, and has been dow n
Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed for about a month. Mies Agnes Sweet
in this office his sworn statement No. 5167, for
tiie purchase of the NE‘* of Section No 32 in of Portland has been employed as nurse
Township No. 1 S. Range No. 6 W., and will offer
The Racket Store is just the place
p.roof to show that the land sought is more valu­
able for its timber or stone than for agricultural
To buy your ribbon and your lace,
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office at
Ami everything along our line,
Oregon City, on Saturday, the 2d day of June,
You’ll find is very, very fine.
He names as witnesses Paul Rossman, A. T
Mrs. A. N. Martin is clerking jn the
Kelliher and Chas. Delaney of Salem, Oregon,
and Mrs. A. E. Lodge of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the store of R. Jacobson & Co., having spec­
above described lands are requested to file their ial charge of the millinery department.
claims in this office on or before said 2d day of
June, 1900
CHAS. B MOORES, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.—Notice
for Publication.
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore.
March U, l'JUO
■VT0T1CE is hereby given that in compliance
Li with the provisions of the act of congress
of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory.” as extended
to all the public land states by act of August I,
is92. Emma E. Lodge of Portland, county of
Multnomah. State of Oregon, has this day filed
in this office her sworn statement No. 51(16, for
the purchase of the8E*4 of Section No. 82, in
Township No. 1 8., range No. 6 W., and will oiler
to show that the land sought is more valuable
k»r its timber or stone than fur agricultural pur­
poses, and to establish her claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this office at
Oregon city, Oregon, on Saturday, the 2d day of
June, 1900. ’
She names as witnesses Paul Rossman, A. T.
Kelliher and Chas. Delaney, of Salem, Oregon,
and Almon E. Lodge of Portland, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file theii
claims in this office on or before said 2d day oi
June, 190U.
ClIAS. B MOORES, Register.
You will find an A 1 tinner and plum­
ber at Hodeon’s. Work the best and
prices the cheapest.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wright are spend­
ing the week with their sons Frank and
Lyle at Amity.
Cyclone caméras, Seeds' dry plates, Ve-
lox paper, prints by lamp light and
makes the best pictures; no time lost. O.
O. Hodson sells them.
I have money to loan on farm prop­
erty at good terms. Parties wishing to
borrow, call and see me.
R L. C onner .
C. P. Yates of Sheridan was in the
city on Tuesday. lie expects to canvass
Linn couuty the coming summer for the
sale of school furniture, hut expects to
lake a little hand in Yamhill county
politics first.
Don't be without a sewing machine,
$5 a month, 5 months, will buy a New
OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
has duly tiled in the* County Court for Home Climax this month at C. Grie­
N Yamhill
county, State of Oregon, his final ac
count as administrator ot the estate of A. Maj sen’s.
Sawyer, deceased, and said court has set Tues­
day, the 1st day of May, A. J). 1900, at the hour
of one o’clock in the afternoon of said day, as and Mrs. Joseph Mattey of Lafayette at­
the time, and the county court room in the court
house at McMinnville, In said county, as the tended services at the Climb. Presbyte­
place to hear said final account, and of objec­
rian church in this city Sunday morn­
tions thereto. ami to the settlement thereof.
Dated this March 14th, A, D. 1900.
13 5
Administrator of the estate of A. May Sawyer,
J. C. Cooper came within one vote on
two ballots at the state democratic con­
vention last week of being nominated for
Cure n Cold in One Day.
joint senator in place of J. T. Simpson
Take I .axative Bromo Quinine tablets of Sheridan.
All druggists refund money if it tails to
M O Warner, the reliable piano tun­
cure. The genuine has L. R. Q. on each
tablet. For sale by Rogers Bros.
47-6 er is in the city this week, doing his
usual good work. The best musicians
will have no other than Warner, and he
Eor Siu le,
is regular as clock work.
A fine home in Fairlawn addition
A good lji story bouse, good barn, plen­
Miss Emma Green is rarely excelled
ty of fruit, all cleared and enclosed by ns it trainer of little folk9 for public ap-
picket and board fence. Inquire of
l>earance, and the program rendered by
W. R. D erby ,
them tinder her instruction at the C. P.
ehurch Sunday evening proved this
statement, and was heartily enjoyed by
(he large number who were present.
C. P. Huntington, of the Southern Pa­
cific, says that lie will build a road from
Sheridan to Tillamook providing a fair
inteieston the investment can be se­
cured. A letter from him was read tie-
fore the regular uieetiug of the board of
trade yesterday. The laiard bad taken
the matter up with R. Koehler, the local
manager of the Southern Pacific, who
had referred the question to Mi. Hunt­
ington. The latter replied as follow s :
“ Yours of April 4th is received and 1
note what you say of building a road from
Sheridan to Tillamook bay. 1 looked
that country over some years ago, and,
as I remember, it might pay us some­
thing to build a railroad to Tillamook,
bjt we have as much work laid out as
we can do this year. I will endeavor to
have the whole matter looked over
again, and should there Is* a prospect of
getting a fair interest on the investment
we will extend the road from Sheridan
According to Tillamook people who are
in a position to know, there is no doubt
such a road would pay. It would handle
the traffic of a large and rich section,
which at the present time has no trans-
portation facilities further than an uncer­
tain steamer service. Considerable of
the trade of the Tillamook country now
goes to San Francisco, and it is about as
cheap to trade with that city as with
Portland under existing traffic condi­
tions.—Telegram, 13th.
Church Announcement.
Man can make music and it can be ap­
preciated, because of the harmony of
man’s powers and the unity of man's
nature. God is essentially a unity, and
his powers therefore essentially a har­
mony. Man is a miniature duplicate of
God. All chords of unity and harmony
begin in God, and proceeding through
bis entire system, unite in man. They
proceed from God by divergence and
meet in man by convergence. God’s sys-
tent is an ellipse, and He and man are
the foci. Mau is the image of God. In
fact, God declared before he made man
that he would make him according to a
pattern found in himself. Such being
man’s nature, tia constitution, though
complex, is a unity, and his powers are
harmony, corresponding with the harmo­
ny of things, one of whose natural ex­
pressions in the concrete is music. Our
ideas of such a man are naturally ex­
pressed by the use of musical terms, such
as they have no discordant elements in
their constitution, they enjoy a sweei
concord of potters, theyare full of music,
etc. The man that hath no music in
himself, nor is not moved with concord
of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, strat-
egems and spoils. If you could have
been awakened as we were last Tuesday
eve from slumber land, and heard those
sweet strains of music made by the Row­
land quartette near our window, you
would acquiesce in the aliove expression
of appreciation. Gentlemen, we would
be pleased to have you do that again.
The services at the Christian church
next Lord’s day promise to be as inter­
esting as last Lord’s day. Gentlemen of
the quartet of brass, we appreciated youi
most excellent selection of music last
Lord's day eve. We will be very much
delighted to have you next Lord’s day.
Choir, your Easter selections were very
nice indeed. We always expect good
things of you. Subjects to be discussed
by Pastor Lindsey next Lord's day, morn­
ing, “Am I My Brother’s Keeper? ?” ”
evening, “Theoretical Religions.” All
are made welcome.
< I Ht • I I < O1 HT.
Department No. 2, Judge R. P. Boise
presiding, disposed of the docket the
first three days of the week as follows:
1. R L Sabin vs M Fisk, et al; fore­
closure. Continued.
2. Assignment of F W Redmond; as­
signment. Continued.
3. FC Smith vs Isaac and Lucinda
Amy; confirmation. Confirmed.
4. 1> A Covert vs Alace 11 Covert,
motion to set aside deed. Passed; testi­
mony not taken.
5. Arthur Mcl’hillips vs Florence A
Frisby and A C Frisby et al; foreclosure
Default anil decree.
6. John J Flynn vs Mary J Flynn et
al; confirmation. Confirmed.
7. Emma B Torrance vs Frederick
Quapp et al; confirmation. Confirmed.
9. Elvira J Walker vs S A D Walker;
divorce. Default; divorce granted.
10. McMinnville National Bank of Mc­
Minnville vs DW Ralston et al; fore­
closure. Default and judgment of fore­
11. Sadie J Heacock vs LeonaS Hea-
cock; divorce. Default; divorce granted.
12. Newberg O Assn, private corpora­
tion vs J T Osborne ; foreclosure. De­
murrer to complaint submitted and over­
ruled.. Deft, to answer by April 19, plfl
to reply by April 26. Case to be for trial
at adjourned term.
13. Ethel Dorris vs M L Dorris; di­
vorce. Demurrer to complaint over­
ruled. Divorce granted.
14. Evan D Green vs Ida A Green; di­
vorce. Default; divorce granted.
15. O M Harris vs Maud Harris; di­
vorce. Default; divorce granted.
16. Slatia Vautra vs Peter Vautra; di­
vorce. Default; Divorce granted.
17. John F Qjiffy vs Walter L French
et al; foreclosure. Continued.
18. John \V Fletcher vs Thos McNish
et al; foreclosure. Time not out.
19. State School Land Commissioners
va\V W Nelson et al; foreclosure. De­
fault and decree.
20. State School Land Commissioners
vs A Odell et al; foreclosure. Continued.
21. W McChrisman vs Clara M Monta­
gue et al; foreclosure. Passed.
22. J E Hubbard et al, executors, vs J
J Cary’ et al; foreclosure. Default as to J
J Cary and wife. Decree as per stipula­
State of Oregon ex rel C F Daniela vs
O O Hodson and R Nelson; quo warran­
to. Motion to tttrike out part of com­
plaint allowed as to statutes pleaded.
Amended complaint. filed. Demurrer
Notice for
Sealed bids will be received by the
clerk of Yamhill county until the next
regular term of the county court on May’
ioth at io a. tn., for covering the span
of the county bridge across the South
Yamhill river on the road leading from
McMiniiville to Dayton. Bids are invit- ,
ed on the two plans on file in the clerk’s
office, 'ftie county court reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
McMinnville, Oregon, April 6, tgoo.
J. H. N blson , County Clerk.
Heal Estate Traueter*.
Ol It <1.1 BBlIUi EINT
American MtgCo of Scotland to
Grant Bailey lota 11 A 12 blk 29
We have special arrangement« with
25 the following leading publication«,
Dundee .......................................
Rubt and M J Rich to to Lewis
whereby we are able to offer them in
Jones lots 1 to 6 blk 4 Deskius’
connection with our own at exceedingly
add to New berg.........................
Maliala Cozine to Emma 8 Arthur
low rates, as follows: The R epoktkh
lots 142 blk 3 Fir Grove sub­
division .......................................
Weekly Inter Ocean........................................... 11.35
F C Elmlund ct ux to Hulda A
8t. LoninGlobe-lreiniH’rat, wnii weekly........ 1JO
Swanson 3-7th int iu 21 a and
Rural Nortbwent, Portlauii. M nil-nioiilbly... 1.25
17.37 a pt Peter Smith d 11: t 3 r
900 Oregonian, weekly.......................................... - 2.00
4 and lots 1 to <> blk 4 Carlton
McClure'.i Magazine, monthly........ i............. 1.86
Mary O Wuugaman and huab to
The Pacific Homestead, weekly ..................... 1 60
John Emmett lot 8 Fairlaw n sub
division....................................... 750 Cosmopolitan Magazine, monthly............. 1 KS
The Weekly San Francisco Cell.
....... 1 i0
Franklin and Mary Fonts to W 11
The Weekly New York*Trtbnne....................... 1.25
Blood 29 a pt se qr of ne qr see
55 The Tri-weekly New York Tribune
11-3-6... .
Oeiuorest’s Enmity Magazine........................... 1 "■»
W G Hender«on, sheriff, to D 1
McCall's Monthly Magazine...........
1 30
Asbury 240x103 ' • ft in .McMinn­
ville......................................... 1020.50 The Oregon Teachers’ Monthly .......................1.60
Word w- Work? (monthly) an,t Hicks’alm’ne.1.75
E W Evans et 11 x to J W & M A
--------• • •
Ballinger n lif lots 1 2 A 3 blk 13
Johns addition to McMinnville 315
important to Mothers.
J LVannoy to Lorenzo Root 136'4x
1U0 ft in McMinnville................
tux» Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOR! \.
a safe and rare remedy for lufaute and children,
isa F Cate et ux to J W Lawrence
and see that it
w hf sw qr sec 4 A e hf se qr sec
5-4-5 ....................................
492 51
Beam the
Joseph Melotte A wf to Maud
Bryan lots 1 A 2 blk 62 Lafayette 300 Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years,
A Trudell et al to Wm Colwell lots
4 A 5 blk 12 Johns add to MeM 1200
The Kiud You Have Always Bought.
J C McKern & wf to T P Johnson
pt lot 2 blk 4 North Yamhill
Norris H Perkins A wf Io Edward
Obye et al 50 a sec 23-2-5 .......
Irena Everest to Geo W McCon­
nell Its 4 A 5 and strip 40 ft off e
side lots 3 A 6 hlk 3 Everests add
to Newberg
Jesse Edwards et ux to Minnie A
Clark lots 13, 14, 15 A 16 blk 46
Edwards addition to Newberg . .
W M Manning et ux to C S Fling
w -3 of lot 1 Wynooski sub­
R M Wallace et ux to Orlo Baldwin
pt S Heater d 1 c.......................
A E Maxson et ux to Mrs Anna D
Madson, 10.89 a pt sec 10-4'4. . . ll 50
Trains leave McMinnvilla Or Portland and
Lars M Marlson et ux to S D Craw­
way stations at
a m., and 3:06 p. m. Leave
ford same land........................... ll 00 for Corvallis at 10 a. m.
ABWestertield and wf to Cornelius
Westerfield 3t interest in lots 4-5
Leave Portland
a in.
6&shflot8 2& 3 blk 12 La­
Albany............ . .. 12:30 p. m.
fayette and other land
150 Leave
12'3.3 a. ra.
Arrive al Ashland
Sacramento........ .... 5:00 p. m.
Ida M Nichols and hu“l> to Sarah
San Francisco..
. 7.45 p*. m.
J Dorsey lot 286 A l-7th of lot
287 Dayton..................................
Thos McNish and wf to Isidore M b -
Ogden ................... ...,5:45 a. in.
.*•’00 h m
Nieh lots 1 to 12 blk 10 and lots
Kansas City......... ..... 7:25 a. m.
3 A 4 blk 11 Lippincotts 2d add
Chicago............... ..... 7:45 a. in.
to Dayton .................................. 1200
Maggie I, Littlefield to Julia A
Los Angeles........ ..... 1:20 p. m.
Smith lots 5, 6,7 A 8 blk 3 Des­
6(10 p m.
bi Paso
kins 4th add to' Newberg
Fort Worth.
6'30ii m.
A W Gaines A wf to MaryM Miller
Citv of Mexico... ..... 9:55 a. in.
Houston............... ...... 4 (H) a. in.
10 a sec 21-4-3. ..... ...........
New Orleans
6'25 p. m
Gilbert G Graves and wf to Estella
Washington......... ..... 6.42 a. m.
Vincent lots 13, 14, 15 & 16 blk
New \ ork............ ...12:43 p. m.
53 Edwards add to Newberg. . .
E I) Elwood et ux to J L Myers 20
Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains.
ft off of lot 7 blk 2 Everests add
cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso,
to Newberg................... ............
1 Chair
and Tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, New Or­
E It A J W Foster to J W Bewley
leans and Washington,
lot 14 blk 2 Fosters.add to Sheri­
Connecting at San Francisco with several
Amelia B Gay to A B Belcher lots
lines fi r Honolulu. Japan. China,
2 A 3 and lot 3 blk 71 Lafayette 450 steamship
Philippines, Central ami South America.
J I- Combs A wf to J F Wisner
64,07 a sec 3-6-5 .........................
See MR. tv. MEItillMAN, agent at McMinn­
Mary O Waugaman et conj to Jno
ville station, or address
Emmett lot 8 Fairlawn subdiv
5 acres
. .
................ J 75°
Gen. Passenger Agent.
M G and M B Martin to John V
Portland, Or.
Hubbard, 15 a pt e hf Wm Dod­
son die . .................... .'.............
John Mauts et ux to J XV and M
G Fishburn 10x120 ft off n side
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble^'
lot 254 Dayton . . . .
and Don't Know it.
Wm R Helvie et ux to J W Fish­
burn lot 15 J W Fletcher's 1st
How To Find Out.
add to Dayton.............................370 50
Fill a bottle or common glass with j’our
Emily J Searlset conj to S W Par­
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
ish lots 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 sec 30
, sediment or set­
t 3 r 2 exc 40 a—36.90a ,.
tling indicates an
F and Mary Fouts to W H Blood
-—) unhealthy condi-
2v> a sec 11- 3-6..............................
K. , lion of the kid-
Newberg Fair Assn to Geo C Carl
i , neys; if it stains
4Ji a pt J B Rogers die ...........
^7 j your linen it ¡3
W H and Elsie Blood to J W Col­
evidence of kid­
lin se qr of ne qr sec 11-3-6
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
------- —-—
pass it or pain tn
Slept Over Two Weeks.
the back 1-, also
Mrs. I>. Nickols, of near Baker City, convincing proof that the .kidneys and blad­
who is confined at the Mount Tabor San­ der are out of order.
What to Do.
itarium, is sleeping and apparently in
There is comfort in the knowledge so
the same condition in which sho has often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
been for the past two weeks or more, Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
in curing rheumatism, pain In the
when the mysterious influence overcame wish
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every’ part
her. Dr. Coe, her attending physician, of the urinary passage. It corrects inability
says that there is absolutely no change to hold water and scalding pain in passing
in the patient's condition. By the ap­ it, or bad effects following use of liquor,
or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
plication of electricity, the woman has wine
necessity of being compelled to go often
been aroused from her sound slumbers during the day, and to get up many times
for brief intervals at various times, but during the night. The mild and the extra­
invariably she lapses back to the former ordinary effect of Swimp-Root is soon
It stands the highest for Us won­
condition. Medical men continue to be realized.
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
puzzled over the strange case, and are at If you need a medicine you should have the
a lose to know how to treat it. Dr. Coe best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes
You may have a sample bottle of thfci
is of the opinion that a radical change
will take place with the patient in a few wonderful
and a book that tells
days, but he declined toeav whether the more about it, both sent
chauge would be for the better or for the absolutely free by mail,
address Dr. Kilmer 8« _________
Rome of Fwamp-Root,
Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men­
tion reading this generous offer in this paper.
The Shasta Route
The double train service to be estab­
lished between Portland and Chicago
April "2, in which the O. R. A N., the
I’uioii Pacific and tiie <>regon Short Liue
are interested, will shorten the through
lime It hours, train No. 2, leaving Port­
land at 9 15 a. m., beginning ou the date
named, will lie known as the Chieago-
Portlaiid special. Its equipment will be
new, making it fully the equal of any
tram now: in service from the Pacific coast
In alniont every neighborhood there is ! to the east. It will consist of a mail car,
Mrs. Dennis wishes to announce that some one whose life has been saved by baggage car, a. library composite car, a
she has been to Portland studying the Chamlierlaine Colic,Cholera and Diarhoea first-class Pullman sleeper, a dining car,
111 nal ra led
I nr in
advanced styles and getting all the new Remedy, or who has been cured of chron­ iwo chair cars, ami a tourist sleeper.
Journal l*iilrli*hed It ret* I,
There will be but one change of cars to
ideas as to trimmings, drapings, etc., for ic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine. all eastern points. I lie full lime will pe
al Naleiii Tr> II.
her spring trade in dress making, The Such person* make u point of telling of it three days through to Chicago, or four
The Homestead is it twenty page pa­ ladies will please give her a call.
w henever opportunity offer*, hoping that day s and two hours to New York.
per, four columns to the page. The sub­
it may betlie means of saving other lives. | The second train, known as No. 6, will
A number of people were disappointed For sale by Howorth & Qp., druggists.
leave Portland at 6:20 p. m., connecting
scription price is fl a year, in advance.
at East Portland with the Southern Pa­
Its publication was begun March 1, 1900, in not hearing Mr. M. O. Lownsdale in
------- -»a ------
cific's ovet land tram from San Francisco,
It eso I n 11 on x off Condolence.
and it immediately took first place Easter music at the Comb. Presbyterian
mid will carry through « quipuieut to Chi­
among general farm papers, and will church last Sunday morning, as ad ver
W hereas , it has been the will of the cago via tiie Union Pacific and ttie Chica­
maintain it. The Homestead bus all the tised. The cause of his failure to supreme ruler of the universe to remove | go A Northwestern, and also the equip­
facilities for publishing a farm pa|>er of be present was due to the illness of Mrs. from our fraternal circle our beloved sis­ ment for the \Vashington division of the
ter, Marttia Henderson, and we are sad­ O. R. A N., in connection with the Great
the first class, and of wide circulation. Lownadale.
dened as vve remember we shall greet Northern for St. P.iul. This train will
Why send your money east? Why not
Report of the lower Gopher valley her no more in the daily walks of life, ranch Spokane at 10 a. m. A dining car
will be furnished for breaklast into Spo­
help maintain here in the northwest a school, Miss Gertrude Imus, teacher, for therefore, be it
Resolved, That as members of Friend­ kane, and for dinner on corresponding
farm newspaper of general circulation, I the month ending April 13th, 1901): No.
Rebekah lodge we extend our heart­ train leaving Spokane at 3:45 p. m. The
As to Bryan’s “gifted oratory
and devoted to the interests of this sec­ of ilavs taught, 20; number of pupils en­ ship
felt sympathy to the bereaved family in new schedule as arranged, w ill supply the the following from the Woodburn
tion ?
rolled, 17; average daily attendance, 15- this their hour of sorrow.
most complete service ever furnished on
The price of The Reporter is fl » year.
Resolved, That we further extend our the O. R A N. ; it provides increased ser­ Independent is about correct
We will sand our paper ami the Home 45. Those who have been neither ab­ sympathies
stead one year for fl.50 in advance.
ing family a copy of these resolutions.
needed, and gives immediate connec­
Tin. K kfohtkh , McMinnville. Ore.
good deportment for the month are Anna and that the charter he dra)>ed in mourn­ ly
tion w itti the Washington division at Pen­ i generally loses the Htatcs through
Agee, Minnie Evans, Elmer Taylor, ing for 3.1 davs. and these resolutions lie dleton. At this point there is a large in­ j out which he speakes. The people
During the year 1900 there will be Cleveland Agee, Sera and Ralph Tharp spread upon the minutes of this lodge, terchange of traffic, on account of ttie va­ I are lead to exper t a great orator—
and that a copy he sent to one of the rious milling districts of Baker county,
three eclipaca, twu of the nun and one of and Anna Taylor.
county papers for publication.
and the Cveiir d’Alene, the Republic ami I the greatest in the United States—
the moon. The tirat is a total eclipee of
Capt. II. L. Heath is said not to have
Kootenai mining cain|>s. Portland is but they bear an ordinary speaker
Si sip M. F o RI>, 1
the aun on May 28, and will l>e visible been greatly dieappointed in not receiv­
Livrru: L. H orks . - Committee. greatly benefited bv this chauge, inas­ with an auctioneer's voice, playing
through the United States. Thia eclipse ing the nomination for congress. On
much as increased service is giveu from
Kimn P atty ,
on the passions of the people run­
Eastern Oregon and Idaho.
will begin about 8 A. M. and continue j ()ne
he stood within six of reach-
ning down Mark Hanna and Eng­
tor five hours and 23 minutes. During ing the plum. The Whitney forces i Iffemarkiiblf* Cure of Iff llrnmntlvin.
No. 6 at 7 :45 a. ni. as at present.
and enlightening his hearer
the passage of the shadow over the Unit­ were hi« downfall. Some of hie friends ;
K i ss v, Jackson I 'o., W. Ya.
The w estlxiund train out of Chicago, I
ed States it will move at the rate of 41 came home somewhat crestfallen. A de- . About three years ago my wife had an corresponding with No. 2, is No. 1. Thio on no new point relating to public
miles |>er minute. The eeeond ie a par­ teat in convention in this case is better j attack of rheumatism w tiich-confined her will arrive in Portland at 4 p ni. The affairs. '
tial eclipse of the moon,beginning at 7:14 than defeat at the polls. The captain ia to her lied for over a month and rendered irain corresponding with the eastbound
No. 6 is No. 3, out of Chicago. Thia will
1*. M. on June 12, and lasting but seven well fitted for useful positions in life out her unable to walk a step without assist reach
Portland at 7 :3o a. ni. Westbound
minutes. The third is an annular eclipse aide of the sometime* doubtful honor of ance, her limbs being swollen to double train No. 1 will leave Chicago at 6:30 p.
of the aim on November 21, and in- mingling wilii congreaenien. Ilia inter­ their normal size. Mr. S. Mad.lox in­ m.. and Omaha at 8:90 the following day.
viaible in America. The total eclipse of est in the Badger gold mine is likely to sisted on my using Chamberlain's Pain The time will he reduced two hours and
15 minutes. No. 3 westbound train will
the sun on May 28 will l>e a most inter prove the greater gold mine of the two. Balm. 1 purcbaseil a fifty-cent bottle and leave
Chicago at 10:30 p. m.. and Omaha
eetmg eight. It ie some time since we any way, and he ia pursuing its develop used it according to the direction* and the at 4:25 p. m. the next day.
bad an opportunity of witneaeing a total ment with a persistency worthy of sue ; next morning she walked to breakfast
The service on the Union Pacific on all
There is now a goo I. New Two-seated
eclipee, and no one should fail to see cess. The difference between Dr Daly, I without assistance in any manner, and these trains includes buffet smoking libra­ Hack on the Mail Line from Salem to
she has not had a similar attack since.— ry cars, and dining cars. No. 6 will carry McCoy.
this one. Make a note of the date. May who is a linker, and Capt. Heath after A. B. P arsons . For sale by Howorth à a daily ordinary sleeper to Kansas City,
the election, if Daly doe* a* hi* party Co., druggists.
with change enroute to ordinary cars to
him, will be that Heath will
Consult the nearest ticket agent for
Teople going from here and mirronnd-
have his gold, while Italy will be out his Wear, the Mgnaiure of CSA*. ft 1'crrcsas,
•rtn tMtifwt'irr of C mas K. Ftwrewmt
detailed information.
ing country will find out that it ia their
In n«e for more than thirty year*, and
W H. H i ribvrt ,
c heapest, way to go to Salem.
In u»e for morr than thirty year«, and
; be congratulated.
General Passenger Agent.
E. E. DAVIS, Propr.
fh A'reg >«■
A.'avrt .loafU.
71/ A5W »• ¿few
b J
McCoy Stage
Leaves McCoy daily, at I o’clock.
Karl’s Clover Root Tea
Beautifies the Complexion, Purifies the
Kl.iod. Rixes a Fresh,Clear’skin. CuresCon^
ta’I’Vextion, and all Eruptions of
•»'»«hie Laxative Nerve
J onfe Sold on absolute entrant«« by «y
druyguds nt 2r>c., 6uc. and »1.00.
•on e«OF*itron»
Sold by S. Howorth & Co.