VOL. XXX Entered at the Postoffice In McMinnville, as Second-class matter. M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, APRIL 1900 Metropolitan Airs. -------- a . An Epoch in the City's History Now Opening. One Dollar if paid in advance, 8inglenumbersflvecentB. R oyal ex A bsolutely P ure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome spy At e»«ino powots co., new Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- ■Z/, sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex­ periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. ■ What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ami Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea-The Mother’s Friend. GENÜGE CASTORIA . . . . " Prominently and beautifully suspended at 20 points 111 the streets of McMinnville are the new arc lights. Since the arrival of the new dynamo on the nth inst., the city super­ intendent and engineer have been busy with the work of get­ ting the new machinery and y r lamps in position. The work is nearly accomplished, and it ' 'A I i is expected that Mr. Gran- ■ I stroiu will announce ‘‘Let ’er 9 go Gallagher” tomorrow, the i. 21st inst. This will mark an u epoch of importance in the city’s history. Along with it * A » • comes the decision of Judge ÍI Boise, which covers the dis­ r / > f 4 7 pute in the city council, and r i opens the way for a final ad­ justment of the trouble. z May the city’s light so shine that our neighbors seeing our brilliancy and progressiveness may be constained to fol­ low in our footsteps. I ALWAYS THE QI O WARHAATO ( ISI S. The Kind You Ha?o Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW VORK CITY. J*Is Your Canned Fruit Getting Low? « «î Save it by buying some of our « £ Choice Dried Fruits ♦» « We have a good variety—Clean, Choice and Cheap. The flue product of our Bakery is the comment of ♦i our customers each day. We are scrupulously clean « and ueat in the production of all our baked goods. * £4TWe Meet Competition on Groceries. «Ÿ L. E. Walker. TO COMPOUND PRESCRIPTIONS ■ i ±- , jo, set out above, was ascertained by counting the number of councilmen in office at the time transaction occurs, and not the number elected or to which the municipality is entitled. In these cases, they claim that after Durham resigned there were only five members of the council and that three votes were a ma­ jority of five. Mr. Nelson received three yqtes aud the other two were cast for other parries, and the council decided that Nelson, having received q majority of all the members of the council was dply elected. In other words, the de­ fendants claimed that when the charter speaks of a majority of the council or members thereof, it means members ac­ tually in office, and that the seat that was vacant should not be counted. The other side claimed that iu determining how many councilmen constitute a ma­ jority of the council or members thereof, the court is required to hold that the number of councilmen is six, whether that number are in office or not at the ! time the transaction in question oc­ curred. The court h*-ld with the relator on this joint and decided that a major ity of the council or the members there- cf was four at all times, whether there were six members in office or only five, .¡X properly it takes time. It requires experience and a complete knowledge of drugs. It requires the druggist to have a large .variety of drugs—fresh •drugs. He must give the best possible work and for compensation he must be reasonable. With the above facts remember we are careful and strive to please one and all alike. These are reasons why our prescription file thribbles all in this county. We are recognised by doctor and customer alike for be­ ing accurate and dispensing only the purest drugs. ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists. G Wall Paper and that when the charter speaks of a majority of the couucil or of the mem- The two cuies instituted to contest the j tiers thereof it means a majority of all election of R. Nelson and O. O. Ilodson j the members elected, although there as councilmen of the city of McMinnville i may be a vacancy in the couucil. were argued Wednesday before Judge The other point insisted on by the de­ Boise in the circuit comi. The argument fendants, and which was more fully dis­ lasted nearly all day, the plaintiff or re­ cussed by counsel, was the question of lator being represented by James McCain jurisdiction of the court to inquire into aud J. J. Spencer, and the defendants by the validity ot the election or apjjoint- Ramsey it Fenton. Many books were ment of councilmen. Section 16 of the cited on each side and commented on at charter provides that “the council is the length. final judge of the qualifications and There were two points in the cases,one election of its own members." being as to the number of councilmen Onr supreme court in the case of Simon necessary to constitute a majority of the vs. the Council of Portland, held that council. The charter of the city provides i language like the above in the charter of that vacancies in the count il shall be ■ the city of Portland made the council of tilled by appointment of a majority of that city the final judge of the election thè council. of the mayor and couuciltuen, aud that Sec. 30 of the charter is a. follows "A the courts could not inquire into such majority ot the whole number constitut­ ing the council is a majority of the elections. The relator claimed that this provision of the charter does not apply council or uieml>ers thereof within tlie meaning of this act, and not otherwise, to a councilman appointed by the coun­ cil, and the couit sustained this conten­ [unless otherwise expressly provided, tion, and held that the court had juris­ j The concurrence of a majority of a quo mtn is a sufficient majority to determine diction to inquire into the action of the any question or matter other than the council in making the appointments of final passage of an ordinance and the both the defendants. Tlie court held that neither of the defeudants was legal­ appointment or removal of an officer. ” The counsel for the relator claimed ly appointed or elected, because neither 1 that it required the votes of four council­ of them received a jnajority of the coun­ men in all cases to appoint an officer, cil, although Mr. Nelson received the as the charter provides for the election the vote, of a majority of all the mem­ of six councilmen, and that "a majority bers of the council in office at the time of the council” means a majority of sir, the appointment was made. The court whether the council is full or not The overruled the demurrers to the com- counsel for the defendants claimed that jdaiuts aud gave ten days for the filing of a majority of the couucil under section answer*. i hew Teachers. The teachers' examining board finished its work April 14th, and found the fol­ lowing to have passed. First grade—E. F. Perkins, J. B. Stil­ well, W. S. Buell and C. E. Hoskin*. Second grade—Eva Keys and Annie Dudley. Third grade—Jasper Miller, Leuna Martin, Jas. Dodson, Emma Gill, Ray Wisecarver, Myrtle Gardner, Jennie Jones, Elizabeth Gowdy, Ida Stewartson Pearl Harris, Susie Branson, Edward Dodson, Irene Bones, Grace Dudley, Manetta Jones, Orba Branson, Ora De­ lashmutt and Nina Baxter. Primary—Lenora Rinehart aud Marga­ ret Inglis. NO. 18. OPINION OF PADEHEWBKI. In re*|>onse to a request from The Re­ porter for her impression of the perform­ ance of tlie great Paderewbki, Mrs. Annie Evenden, of the chair of music of Mc­ Minnville college, whose opinion all will regard as thoroughly competent, lias kindly given us the following expression : “A very large and brilliant audience greeted Paderewski on his first visit to Portland. He certainly received an ova­ tion such as never was tendered another pianist in that city. Paderewski is to my miud the greatest living artist. Of course there are others who can possibly equal him in tecnique, but not one has his wonderful poaer to make the piano sing. Some of his tones were merely breathed out, and yet could be beard perfectly in any part of the house. That in itself, I think, ranks hint first. Then again, no one can so completely cast a spell over his audience and hold them syiell-bound, as Paderewski does. His personal magnetism is very great, in fact his audience Beein almost hypnotized. During eaclt number we could almost hear a |>iu drop. His strength is phe­ nomenal, and yet his extreme delicacy of touch is equally as wonderful. He is an extremely nervous and sensitive man, but yet you can sec he has the most per­ fect control over himself. It is a study in itself to watch his face, for it expresses every emotion expressed by the muBic. The astonishing and beautiful effects he get* by his clever manipulation of the pedals, is a study to all pianists. Now, to speak of some of his numbers. His rendering of the celebrated ‘Waldstein’ sonata was a revelation to uh all. Those who are familiar with it will realize the greatness of the work, aud understand fully the almost unsurmountable diffi­ culties with which it is replete. It is an example of how technical brilliancy in the performer may be displayed without injuring the real musical aud poetical parts of it. It seemed no effort to hint, however, and 1 do not think that any­ one there that evening had " ever heard the Waldstein really played before. The great power that is needed in the ‘Alle­ gro con brio’ was brought out grandly, yet you realized that there was still more behind. H ib playing of Chopin’s funer­ al march showed his exquisite singing tones to perfection. Thero were a- num­ ber there who were not ashamed to shed a tear. There is a very pathetic little story attached to the march, aud Pade­ rewski played it with the mort intense feeling. It is acknowledged to be the most beautiful funeral inarch evtr writ­ ten. It was the Liszt Rhapsodie, though, that carried his audience by storm. He seemed in that number to throw away ti*control, and give vent to the wild and tumultuous feelings caused by the style of music he was playing. 1 certainly never heard it played so wonderfully be­ fore, uml I have heard at least six other great artists play it. The audience al­ most went wild at the finiah. It was the last number on the program. Another great charm with Padorew ski is, be ha* no mannerisms at the piano, and is per­ fectly quiet and self-poHse»sed. To stun him tip in a few words: ‘He is a real artist.' ” I.4FA VETTE. The weather is delightful at present. Mt. Fred Larkins lias’sold out his grocery store to a man from Salem. Please Cali aud Settle. Mrs. Eliza Perry has returned among I desire payment within the next ten us after an absence of over a year back day* of all account* due and all my out­ to Indiana on a visit among relatives. standing note* overdue. Several j>eople are on the sick list thi* C. D. J ohnson . week. Mrs. Carr, Mrs. Dony and J. E. Hubbard. Hon. A. R. Burbank was able castoria to be up town this week. Bears ths signature of C kas . H Ft iTcasa. Easter was observed in the churches Ja use for more than thirty years, sud last Sunday on a grand style. How grand Vu KinB You Hov. Aluruyi Bought. the lesson, to wake up in the morning and know that our friends are asleep, not dead. Jesus rose again; we shall rise Reed’s Fence is Best on Earth again. This life is not all. vqsk . IS F.U BERG. Whooping cough is quite prevalent in town. M. McDonald was a Portland visitor last week. Easter Sunday was appropriately ob­ served in the various churches. Mrs. C. E. Smith and children have returned from a visit in Linn county. Last week Mrs. C. T. Belcher, of Port­ land, visited with her father and brother, J. C. and W. W. Nelson. Mrs. VanOrsdel of Pendleton, grand guardian neighbor of the Women of Woodcraft, paid an official visit to Burr Oak circle on Tuesday. A good meet­ ing is reported. She was entertained by Mrs. Annie McDonald while in the city. Police To Contractor*. Sealed bide will be received by the un­ dersigned upto Saturday, May 5th, 1900, ior the construction of a two-story brick block 60x80 feet, according to plans and specifications to lie seeu at. my store. Bidders are expected to furnish bond for the faithful performance of tbe work, in the sum of |10,0J0. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. McMinnville, April 19th, I960. 11. C. B i ’ bnb . Notice To Contractor«. Sealed bids will be received by the un­ dersigned up to Saturday, May 5th, 1900, for the construction of a two story brick block 30x85 feet, according to plans and specifications to be Heon at my store. Bidders are expected to furnish bond for the faithful performance of the work, in the sum of $8,000. The right to reject any or all bills is reserved. McMinnville, April 19th, 1900. P. M. F lynn . Probate Court Estate of Martha Shadden, Petition to set aside probate of will and codi­ cil and to admit to probate later will set for hearing May loth, a. d., 1900, at one o’clock. Citation to issue. Estate of Peter Wirfs. Final account filed and Tuesday, June 5th, at one p. tu. set to hear same. Estate of J. IT. Maddux. Petition of Jas. M. Pugh for removal of administra­ te' and the appointment of another filed and May 1th at ten o’clock set to hejrr same. Citation to issue to administra tor B. N. Daniel to show cause why lie should not be removed. ■.Icensea to Marry. April iz—Wilber Dudley, 37, and Florence Shepherd, 17, both of North Yamhill. April 16—Marion A. Palmer, 33, of Lane county and Eva L. Fletcher, 18, of Yamhill. Total Keglstrat ion, April ISth. Amity, 132, Baker Creek, 134; Bellevue, 74; Carlton, 103; Checowen, 116; Dun- dee, 56; Eaat Dayton, 11a; West Dayton, 7a; Fairlawn, tao; Lafayette, 106; North McMinnvrlle, 136; South McMinnville, • 75’. North NeWberg, 160; South New­ berg, 137; North Yamhill, 1*4; North Sheridan, 119; South Sheridan, 44; Wliiteson, 50; Willumette, 68; Willamina 96, West Chehalem, 123. Total, 3359. To The Public. Section 5 of the bicycle laws of the state of Oregon provides: Section 5. The absence of the proper tag from any bicycle shall be considered prima facia evidence that the tax has not been paid. It shall be the duty of any anil all peace officers, deputy sher­ iffs and bicycle tax collectors to seize, securely and safely hold all such bicycles until the levied tax and ft additional has been paid as a fine for such non-pay­ ment Therefore, all bicycle owner* are notified that this tax must be paid by May ist. W. G. H enderson , Sheriff of Yamhill Co. Aatlea tn ilor*e Hreeder*. * * * For the Money. Everything but Ingrains for the next 60 days at a very LARGE DISCOUNT. Must have room for more paper now on the road. Yours Truly, H. C. BURNS. I1 ■ Woob J Pscd cm f r.tsd us out lore-sr My stallion Van S. and Pollux, will We believe Chamberlain'« Cough Rem­ make tbe season as follows: Amity, edy is the beet in the world. A few weeks Mondays and Tuesdays ; Sheridan, Wed­ Ranch or Residence. Hard, ago we suffered with a severe cold and a nesdays and Thursday*; McMinnville, troublesome cough, and having read their Friday* and Saturdays, beginning April Galvanized Steel Wire. 15tf J. W. H xnby . advertisements in our own and other pa­ I 2d. pers we jxirchased a Imtlle to see if it Mede tn Six Heights, 18 to 58 in. High. Fare a