M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1900. Entered at the Postoffice in McMinnville, as Second-class matter. One Dollarlf paid in advance, Single numbfrstlvecent». NO. 17 ((HVEmOJ OF BHYAN FOL LOWERS. "ÄSTORIÄ For Infants and Children. ÄVcgc table Preparation for As­ similating Uic food and Regula­ ting litc Stomachs arai Bowels of I NF.VN IS / j CHIL'PHEX Promote s Digestion,Cheerful­ ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature N ot N arcotic . of CUPITCiIKR Pumpkin Sted " A!x.Senna * K.ddL Soils - /niic Seed * Pppcrmint - Jfi Co/ôonaà Soda * ffam Seed - Ctarified Siapir . Hi* syrien f lai ar. I ' I t t / i ï The ? / A perfect Remedy forConstipa- tion. Sour Siomach,Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of ¿zí« NEW YORK. 1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. You Have Always Bought. BASTONA Is Your Canned Fruit Getting Low? > Save it by buying some of our » dioico Dried Fruit? We have a good variety—Clean, Choice atid Cheap. The fine product of our Bakery is the comment oi our customers each day. We are scrupulously clean and neat in the production of all our baked goods. N gSf~X\ e Meet Competition on Groceries. L. E. Walker TO COMPOUND PRESCRIPTIONS properly it takes time. It requires experience and a complete knowledge of drugs. It requires the druggist to have a large variety of drugs—fresh drugs. He must give the best possible work and for compensation he must be reasonable. With the above facts remember.we are careful and strive to please one and all alike. These are reasons why our prescription file thribbles all in this county. \Ve are recognized by doctor and customer alike for be­ ing accurate and dispensing only the purest drugs. ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists. Wall Paper Everything but Ingrains for the next 60 days at a very LARGE DISCOUNT. Must have room for more paper now on the road. Yours Truly, H. C. BURNS that neither house of the legislature should have to exceed 18 clerks, includ­ ing clerks of committees. The republi­ Delegate» Appointed to Mate Con­ can party has frequently promised the vention and Revolution» Passed. people retrenchment and economy in The democrats met in convention at 10 public expenditures and has as often failed in those promises, showing that it a. m. Saturday, and were called to order is incapable of reforming itself. by H. C. Burns, who Was chosen chair­ 9. Resolved, That we call the atten­ man, and the office of secretary was filled tion of the people to the fact that our by Wm. Scott, with Chas. Galloway as taxes are very high, notwithstanding Makes the food more delicious and wholesome that nearly all that the farmers have to assistant. sell brings a very low price. With wheat gov *1 »Ax i so sowoew co., sew vows, Committees were appointed as follows: at a very low figure and hops worth less Ou credentials and order of business— than the price of harvesting them, the ■ H. Gee, C. Loder, W. W. Walker, Geo. people are in poor condition to pay could report at the next conference. Tilt: tUUVE SOLÜIEH HOY the heavy taxes imposed upon them by 1 Bryan and J. W. Roth. the state and county; that it is the duty Central comitteemen were named by It’s Just before the battle. Mother, On resolutions—J. A. Simmons, W.M. of the county court to retrench in expen- the ( various precinctB as follows: In the midnight’s chilly dew, Ramsey, Claude Ferguson, J. T. Simp­ ditures and not permit the drains on the Amity, Frauk Wright; Baker Creek, Now the Boers are waiting for us— treasury to grow. We call their atten- son and W. R. Kirkwood. O, I wish I was home with you. United States providing for the election M. B. Hendrick; Bellevue, C. J. Payue; Adjournment was then taken till I p. of United States senators by the vote of 1 Checowen, J. A. Simmons; East Daytou, All my comrades have been crying. m. At that hour convention was called the people. Wondering what their fate will be. John Versteeg; West Dayton, Henry 7. Resolved, That the democrats of to order, and committee reported as fol­ They say they would desert the army, Bertram ; West CUebalem, W. W. Wal­ Yamhill county denounce the action of But they cannot swim the sea. lows on credentials: • Senator McBride and Representatives ker; Fairlawn, W. 0. Arthur; North Mc­ Amity—C R Matthis, by F Wright, G Tongue and Moody in voting to impose Minnville,James Henry ; South McMinn­ O, Dear Mother, why did England Ever send us to this shore? W Briedwell, M F Corrigan, J W Roth tariff taxes on the trade between Puerto ville, L. G Suitor; North Newberg, L. I would rather tight with lightning Rico and the United States as an act of and F Wright. F. Hall; South Newberg, R. L. Jones: Than to risk it with a Boer. Baker Creek—M B Hendrick, H Gee, injustice anosedof. M. B. Hendrick was nomi­ will preach at night. made us famous. Come to see ns often, Carried. nated. He withdrew and named Capt. Jo Melotte and family will go east of you’ll get fine treatment. N. E. K kgo . Raleigh reported no delegates from H. L. Heath. W. M. Ramaey was nomi­ the mountains by team soon. y< Frank South Sheridan, and moved that J. T. nated, but explained that he would not Melotte will go with them. The Heat In 'I he World. Simpson of North Sheridan cast their be here long. Hendrick wanted Heath We believe Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­ Mrs. Joda Hays and little daughter proxies. Carried. declared the unanimous nominee, but went to Tillamook this week to join her edy is the beet in the world. A few weeks Report of committee oil order of busi­ the balloting proceeded and resulted in ago we suffered with a severe cold and a husband, who went several weeks ago. ness recommended, first, reports of com­ 78 vote« for Heath out of a total of 86. troublesome cough, and having read their Young Mr. Scott has been home on a mittees in order of appointment, second, advertisements in our own and other pa­ Nomination of delegates was .next in election of a county committeeman for order, and the following gentlemen were visit from Albany college for the past pers we purchased a bottle to see if it the slate; third, election of eleven dele­ named: J. 8. Allison, II. C. Burns, week. would effect us. It cured us before the Harry Dupuy ha9 been home from the bottle was more than half used. It is the gates to the state convention; fourth, John Versteeg, F. H. Caldwell, C. J. choosing a committeeman from each pre­ Bayne, C. G. Scott, C. C. Ferguson, Dr. Corvallis school visiting relatives and best medicine out for colds and coughs. cinct for a new county committee. The Matthis, J. C. Sawyer, Fred Hess, C. B. friends. —The Herald, Andersonville, Ind. For report was adopted. The relatives and friends have decided | sale by Howorth A Co., druggists. Nelson, J. F. Simpson, H. Bertram, Bau) Committee on resolutions reported as 1 Fundman and W. C. Arthur. Morin to have the body of C. W. Watts brought For Nair. follows: wanted to know il all precincts were home from Dawson City for burial, as To the Yamhill County Democratic ' now represented. Twenty ballots were soon as the river opens for steamboating Two heating and one cook stove and convention: We, the undersigned, your on the Yukon. some household furniture; 1 ladies’ side committee on resolutions, beg leave to , taken to secure eleven delegates, the Farmers are busy seeding now. A saddle; 1 two-year-old Van 8. gelding; 1 submit the accompanying resolutions, vote running as high as 103. Those yearling heifer; 1 milch cow ; 1 cart; 1 and recommend that they be adopted by elected are as follows: H. C. Burns, large acreage of grain will be »own. the convention camp stove; 1 baby carriage. Inquire of C. R. Matthis, F. H. Caldwell, C. G. and Messrs. Job Carey, Henry Bros, I. Resolved, That we hereby reaffirm Scott, J. F. Simpson, H. A. Bertram, C. M rs . A lick S immons or A. E. C ook . their hop! Dan Parker have plowed up our Adherence to the Chicago platform adopted by the democratic national con­ ’ J. Bayne, Claud Ferguson, C. B. Nelson, yards and put them to grain. CASTORTA Baul Fundman and I-ee Jones. vention of 1896. No move on the locks yet. Too much Bears th« signature of C has . H. F l etc hi J. C. Cooper moved that the chair ap­ 1. That we most heartily endorse our water iu the river, Hope to see work In use for more than thirty years, and bold and fearless leader, Hon. W. J. Bry­ point a committee of seven toconfer with move forward soon. an for president. 7Ar Kind Foa Ha vs Always Bought. the advisory committee appointed by the 3. That we condemn the present re­ The united Evangelical church has publican administration for the disgrace­ |XTp