The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 06, 1900, Image 1

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    VOL. XXX.
A l.rje Crowd to Uear Bryan on
April 4th.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of
— a ml has been made under his per-
sonal supervision since its infancy.
< /Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex­
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castorin is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Props
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless ami Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind.
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Is Your Canned Fruit Getting Low?
Save it by buying some of our
We have a good variety—Clean, Choice and Cheap.
The fine product of our Bakery is the comment of !»
our customers each day. W e are scrupulously clean !»
and neat in the production of all our baked goods.
fiTWe Meet Competition on Groceries.
L. E. Walker
u- ••'•¿i1-•Ili'/»’
properly it takes time. It requires experience and
a complete knowledge of drugs.
It. requires the
druggist to have a large variety of drugs fresh
drugs. He must give the best possible work and
for compensation he must be reasonable. With the
above facts remember we are careful and strive to
please one and all alike. These are reasons why our
prescription file thribbles all in this county.
are recognized by doctor and customer alike for be­
ing accurate and dispensing only the purest drugs.
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists.
Wall Paper
Everything but Ingrains for the next 60
days at a very LARGE DISCOUNT.
Must have room for more paper now on
the road.
Yours Truly,
Anxious lor
lite Beet Nngnr Factory.
On« Dollar if paid in advance. Single Humbert five cents.
NO. 16.
R oyal sax
Agreeable to program, Col. Win. J.
Residents of Newberg and vicinity to
Bryan arrived on a special train at 9:45
Wednesday morning, and was driven at the number of about 500 were present at
once to the Cook school house square, the called meeting last Monday, for the
A bsolutely P ure
where a platform had been erected for further consideration of the beet sugar
the speaker. He was in charge of II. C.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Burns, Yamhill's democratic central
The meeting was called to order by
SovAl BAKING powoen CO.. HEW YORK.
committeeman who is opposed to fusion, Hon. Jesse Edwards, president of the
wlio was piloted and aided by a body­ new beet sugar organization, who stated
l.ire of llop-l-oli-H.
guard of a dozen or more of the unterri­ that an address by Dr. Korn, of Dayton,
fied. The crowd was large, variously Ohio, who is the representative of the
All hop-growers realize tire time, labor
Newberg is very lively these days.
estimated at 4,000 to 6,000. Mr. Burns syndicate negotiating with the Newberg and money expended in the frequent re­
A large number of the citizens in and
introduced the Colonel in a few happy people for the factory, liad been expect­ newing of poles. Tho wisli is frequently
words, and with a personality that did ed by mail to be read at the meeting, expressed that some preparation could about town will hear W. J. Bryan.
not suffer in the least by comparison but had failed to come. An interesting be discovered to save thia triple expendi­
Tuesday last Miss Lou Dillon returned
with those about him. Others occupy­ program, however, was substituted. Mr. ture. Such a discovery baa been made from a stay of a few weeks at Astoria.
ing places on the platform were Mayor Edwards himself gave the meeting some in Caribolineuni Avenarius.
Mrs. C. F. Johnson announced her
Maloney, C. W. Talmage, Rev. Lindsey, valuable information concerning beet
This is an oily com(>onnd for the pre­ millinery opening for the seventh of
Hon. J. H. Townsend, of Dallas, Mr. culture for sugar, and showed the pro­ servation of wood. It can be easily ap­ April.
Shade Richardson and two reporters gress of the industry iu this country from plied to green or dry wood and will pre­
M. F. Hamilton, the popular merch­
its inception. I11 1896 there were six serve either, without deterioration, for
from Portland,
ant, was in Portland a few days last
Mr. Bryan said he had come to talk to factories in America, 16 in 1898 and 30 an infinite period
Discovered in Ger­
week preparing for a trip to Cape Nome.
republicans; to those who were against in 1899. Germany, with a territory little many over 25 years ago, it is successfully
T. II. Gardiner is at his home near
him in 1896; to people who are all wrong; larger than Oregon repeated by half, has used today all over tire world for railroad
even though it was a tax 011 his strength. 450 factories. The sugar product from sleepers, pavements, bridges, ship tim­ town for his yearly visit. He is em­
He believed republicans were open to both cane and beets in the United States bers and hundreds of other purposes. ployed on an Eastern railroad, and hails
conviction, and many were willing to last year was 50,000 tons, while the con­ Absolutely effectual in preserving timber with delight his visit with liis family.
J. L. HoskinB and J. G. Hadley, both
change their views on a moment's notice sumption of sugar iu the country under such aovere usage as this, its pro­
if their leaders told them to. He told amounted to over two million tons. tective value for hop-poles, exposed being candidates for the office of record­
the “I like it” story, known to be over Heuce it is au easy matter to see that simply to air and soil, can be readily per­ er, decided to lay their names before the
30 years old, about the beef being the ratio of consumption will keep pace ceived. A single treatment will insure primary meeting on Saturday last, and
‘‘tough, but I like it.” This was the with the increase of product, and there them against decay, dry rot and vermin let it lie decided by vote which should
cue on the winding up of almost every is no possible danger of overproduction. (tho latter injurious to vine and |>ole have liis name go before the county con­
Mr. Edwards was followed by Hon. alike) for ten years and render sharpen­ vention. Mr. Hoskins won by a few
argument. He said the democrats had
voted for the income tax and the repub­ Clarence Butt in a stirring speech setting ing unnecessary for at least five. This votes.
licans against it; he charged them with forth the profits in raising beets as shown can be safely guaranteed from successful
The meeting culled for April 2nd to
favoring the greenback when Lincoln front various reports, the concensus heing results obtained in treating telegraph discuss the beet sugar industry was well
signed the bill which was the salvation that the net profit from beets was about poles, in varying climates, subjected to attended and much interest was mani­
of the nation, and now they are trying I25 per acre; while that from wheat was almost identical exposure.
In these fested, although not nearly enough
to tear the greenback ; “it's tough, but about $4.
cases Carbolinetim Avenarius has always acreage was set forth for the raising of
you have to say you like it.” He
Wm. Manning was called out for a stood the test.
tho lieets. The farmers will respond
charged them with passing a bill provid talk, and opened by saying that he had
When such facts as these are present­ no doubt more liberally soon, if they
lug for national bank currency resting figured on wheat raising, and found that ed to the hop grower, arguments in favor realize more about it.
on national bonds; and that while osten­ it cost him 47jic to raise it, and he had of using the preventive would seem lit­
sibly they had favored international sold bis [crop for 52'40. He grew elo­ tle needed. Additionally, the cost of the Ileiuarkublc Cure ot Blieuiuatiaiu.
K bnna , Jackson Co., W. Va.
bimetallism, they never wire sincere in quent in giving the history of liis former article is light and it can be cheaply ap­
About three years ago my wife liad an
their desire for it. The democrats, on town in Virginia, which from a sleepy plied by any person. This is done with
the other hand, were still lor 16 to I, village had reached a pay-roll of hun­ the brush or, better still, by dipping the attack of rheumatism which confined her
“without the aid or consent of any other dreds of thousands of dollars by the citi­ poles into the liquid Purchasers should to her lied for over a month and rendered
nation on earth.”
zens giving encouragement to numerous notice carefully that the full name "Car- her unable to walk a step without assist­
O11 the subject of trusts, he said re­ enterprises. The talk was to the point, holineum Avenarius” appears on every ance, her limbs being swollen to double
publicans saw and denounced them, but without any surplusage, atnl awakeued package,as spurious imitations are offered their normal size. Mr. 8. Maddox in­
more have been organized iu the last lew great enthusiasm in the meeting. Mr. by unscrupulous persons under the name sisted on my using Chamberlain's Pain
years than in the whole history of the Heston read a paper on the proper culti­ Carbolinenm and other titles, calculated Balm. I purchased a fifly-cent bottle and
country. His proposed remedy for this vation of beets, after which the meeting to deceive the unwary. These aro as used it according to the directions and the
was to take ull the water out ot the stock adjourned for dinner.
worthless as tiie genuine article is val­ next morning she walked to breakfast
Gor further information apply to without assistance in any manner, and
of corporations, and demanding them to
Iu the afternoon Rev. Craven gave a
she lias not had a similar attack since.—
McMinnville, Or.
take out a license in the state in which talk 011 what he desired to see in the
A. B. P arsons , For sale by Howortii A
they operate, on evidence showing that matter, and predicted a motor line con
Co., druggists.
Cnlunibua School Notus.
the stock was not watered, and hunting necting Newberg with towns up the val­
Monthly reviews come again next
In Hhnost every neigh lioriiood there is
the per cent of business they might do ley within five years, which would great­
some one whose life has been saved by
within that territory, naming for exani- ly add to transportation facilities.
| pie 98 per cent on sugar and 90 per cent
Mamie Graves has dropped her »Indies Chamlierhti ns Colic,Cholera and Diarhuu
J. G. Eckman was called to speak on
Remedy, or w ho has been cured of chron­
on wire. This would create quite a
the 1 Oth grade.
the relations between McMinnville and
ic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine.
flood for a time, but he believed it would
Kellon Peery, of the Sth grade, had
Newberg, and took the opportunity to
Such persons make a point of telling of it
abolish the trusts. He made a slap at
answer a few good natured slurs made the misfortune to fall from the rings and w henever opportunity offers, imping that
Whitney , who failed to come over to the
by former speakers about Newberg tak­
it may be the means of saving other lives.
Bryan leadership. The populists left
For sale by Howorth A Co., druggists.
ing McMinnville in as a suburb when one day Iasi week.
the republican party, also the silver re­
she gets her factory.
There was no school Wednesday fore­
publicans, and even some of the demo
Mr. Chas. Grissen was rise slated noon. It was dismissed so that the Chrl.tlnn <liureli Announreinent.
crats, all the time rendering the republi­
He who Bttidies books alone will know
speaker for the occasion, and right well teachers and pupils could Bee and hear
can party less able to reform itself, until
how things ought to be, and he who
he held the attention of the large crowd the Hon. W. J. Bryan.
it had become the home of refuge of all
st tidies men will know how things are.
for over an hour, relating what he had
There were quite a number of visitors
the magnates. This was illustrated by
seen in beet sugar manufacture both in at our school Wednesday afternoon. There is a great difference between an
the Irishman and hi:, mule. The mule
California and on the occasion of his Those that we found out the names of idealist and an idle dreamer. One reason
had got his foot over the dashboard, and
visit to Germany. He sought to impress were Misses Alma Jellison, Estella Kin­ w hy the world grows no better is because
the Irishman declared “if you get in, I'll
particularly the point that citizens should man, and Miss Mulligan and some other each one is trying to convert his neighlmr
get out." He referred to the low price
be free from the selfishness that leads young lady of Amity, and Mr. Wallace and neglects himself, Mean souls like
of wheat, the tariff on sacks, twine and
menu pictures, are sometimes found in
one man to place obstacles in the way of and Mr. Weed, ’99, of McMinnville.
wire, and the increase in the price of
large, good-looking frames. That's right,
another who has the opportunity to
stoves, as arguments in favor of voting
we enjoyed your audience last Ixird’sday.
make an holiest dollar, and the further
for Bryan next full. He denounced the
We shall expect you again next Ixird’a
point that now is the accepted time to
revenue stamp tax as unjust On fhe
day. The following are the subjects to
break away from unprofitable wheat
The roads are much better.
question of expansion he found the least raising and seize the opportunity tor new
lie discussed : Morning—"That peculiar
The farmers are busy plowing.
response, and the enthusiasm was very industries. The advantages of soil, water
power through which we liecome the
S. G. Dorris is at The Dalles at present.
slight at any time. He talked solely on and fuel possessed by Newberg and the
sons of God.” Evening subject—"A
the assumption that the government whole valley were dwelt upon. Mr.
Mrs. Gay has sold her residence prop­ groat city converted through the preach­
would take an imperialistic attitude ou George C. Sears followed with a very erty here to Miss Belle Belcher.
ing of one man.”
We appreciated your
the 1‘hilippine question, and by infer­ sensible and encouraging talk to his
Miss Rose Vickery is at home again. most excellent solo, Mr. Grissen, and
ence lead his heaters to think that there neighbors; and pledged 100 acres of land She has been stopping most of the win hope to have you again soon.
We hope
had been no exigency of war which had devoted to beets tor five years.
ter in Portland.
to have the Rowland ipiartet of brass as
brought upon the country a hard prob­
Mr. Joe Melotte has sold his residence soon as they are able to play. Our choir
The proposition of the factor}’ builders
lem to solve, ami which will doubtless is this: Pledge them the product of here to C. Itryan. Mr. Melotte is going is getting better all the time.
be solved in the best way by a conscien­ 5,oou acres of beets for five years, anil 50 to Sumpter soon.
A rnold L indsey .
------ —
• -•-------
tious government. Some of the soldier acres of land for a building site. For
Rev. A. A. Winter, pastor, received
1 ine Hoiid. to Itlrltllnnville.
boys were heard to remark that too the beets they will pay Fl per ton on 12
five more members into the United Evan
much good blood had been spilled on per cent purity, and 25 cents additional
The St. Charles store is located on one
gelical church, making fifty during the of the most prominent corners iu the city
Philippine soil to allow to go unclaimed per ton on each per cent of increase in
late revival.
They baptized 29 on last and is known for its good stock and
what the exigencies of war had brought
reasonable prices. "All goods sold at a
to us. Mr. Bryan came far from striking
profit." No baits.—Our coffee alone has
The meeting then proceeded to take
made ns famous. Como to see us often,
a popular chord with his anti-expansion subscriptions of acreage, and 489 acres
theory, and many a man who voted for were pledged, being an average of 6 acres gon July 17, 1858, and died at Dawson you'll get fine treatment. N. E. K eog .
him in 18961'811 never endorse this part to the farmer. This, with former pledges, City, N. W. T., on March 15, 1900, aged
The Be.l Ini hr XI arid.
41 years, 7 mouths atid 28 days. He
of his platform.
made a total of nearly 1,000 acres. For
We lielievc < 'hamberlain's Cough Rem­
The speech was just one hour in the remainder a systematic canvass of died with friends, after an illness of 8
length. Personally, Mr. Bryan has de­ outlying territory is to be made, and days, of pneumonia. Funeral services in edy is the best in the world. A few weeks
teriorated since his last visit to Oregon. this community as well as others will be the M. E. church on Sunday following. ago we suffered with a severe cold and a
His body will be held subject to the troublesome cough, and having read their
He is worn out with too much speaking, asked to pledge acreage
w ishes of the Woodmen of the World, advertisements in onr own and other pa­
and cares less than formerly about a
Other meetings are soon to follow
trim ¡a-rsonal appearance.
His best
and his family at Albany. He was going pers we purchased a bottle to see if it
friends concede that he is capable of a
to Nome as soon as the ice was melted. would effect us.
It cured us before the
much more captivating speech, when at
Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his He was the only son of Dr. J. W. Watts bottle was more than half used. It ia the
himself, and this comports with tlie
child’s life by One Minute Cough Cure, of Lafayette, where deceased waa raised. best medicine out for colds and coughs.
ideals people had set up for him.
The train was taken at once after the Doctors had given her up to die with His family live in Albany. He was a —The Herald, Andersonville, Ind. For
speech for Hillsboro.
croup. It’s an infallible cure for coughs, newspaper man for many years. Peace sale by Howorth A Co., druggists.
colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and to bis ashes.
t ar Male.
Natica I» Har*a Breeders.
throat and lung troubles.
Relieves at
and ouc cook stove and
My stallion Van 8. and Pollux, will once. Rogers Bros.
geons wanted to operate on me for piles, some household furniture; 1 ladies' side
make the season as follone
but I cured them with DeWitt’s Witch saddle; 1 two-year-old Van 8. gelding; 1
Mondate and Tuesdays; Sheridan, Wed­
Hazel Salve.” It is infallible for pilee yearling heifer; 1 milch cow ; 1 cart; 1
nesdays and Thursdays, McMinnville,
and skin diseases.
Beware of counter­ camp stove; 1 baby carriage. Inquire ot
la u.e for mora than thirty years, «nd
Fridays and Saturdays, t>eginning April
Mas. C. C ook , or A. E. C ook .
J. W. H enry .