Entered at the Poetoffice in McMinnville, as Second-class matter. M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, M ARCH 30, 1900. >S7 NO. R oyal BRYAN IS COMING ! sta One Dollsr if paid in advance, Single number. Uve cenia. I A bsolutely P ure » For Infants and Children. AVcee table Preparation for As­ similating the Food and Regula­ ting llie Stomachs and Bowels of iT> Promotes Digestion,Checrful- I ncss and Rcst.Contains neither ! Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. • N ot N ah cotic . Makes the food more delicious and wholesome .OVAL BAKIHO ROWMH CO., HEW VOSS. The Kind You Have Always Bought 26th inst. Owing to some trouble about the directorship the limo for Lieginning the school was postponed. Bears the Signature of 1 I Ileal Erlend nV the Hop Grower and The Faruii-r. À The Kind You Have I I 7 I I , J A perfect Remedy forConclipa- iion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions.Feverish­ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Eac Smale Signature of NEW YORK. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Will Speak in McMinnville Wednes= day, April 4th. ■ — — - - — — — - > our customers each day. We are scrupulously clean and neat in the production of all our baked goods. i» f SF" We Meet Competition on Groceries. L. E. Walker. ft» ft» ft» The committee appointed to secure Colonel Wm. J. Bry­ an for a speech in this city on the above date, has been suc­ cessful, and it means a large crowd and a busy day for the metropolis of Yamhill. People coming from the country to hear the great apostle of Free Silver should reach the city as early as 9 a. 111. to be on the safe side. og TO COMPOUND PRESCRIPTIONS properly it takes time. It requires experience and a complete knowledge of drugs. It requires the druggist to have a large variety of drugs—fresh drugs. He must give the best possible work and for compensation he must be reasonable. With the above facts remember we are careful and strive to please one and all alike. These are reasons why our prescription file thribbles all in this county. We are recognized by doctor and customer alike for be­ ing accurate and dispensing only the purest drugs. ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists. _ •« z._ - * n K * W Wall Paper !i ,S Everything but Ingrains for the next 60 days at a very LARGE DISCOUNT. Z Must have room for more paper now on ‘ the road. Yours Truly, H. C. BURNS. 8 The farmers all over the country count amongst their heaviest expenses to run the farm, the lumber bill. All are un­ doubtedly interested to learn of a medi­ um to reduce the same at ¡east to half its former cost. This medium is Carboline- um Avenarius, a wood preserving paint based on 25 years’ experience. Many are of the opinion that paint, tar and linseed oil w ill preserve the wood against rot and decay. These coatings only form an air­ tight cover, but ne Minute Cough Cine This remed}' quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. 11 arm loss and pleasant to takb. It prevents con­ sumption. A famous specific for grippe and its after effects. Rogers Bros. An Old Criminal 111 ii IMew (rime. George R. A. Ferris, who shot John Wardle on the Ilruithwait farm north of this city about 16 years ago, is the same fellow who killed another man about two weeks ago in the state of Washington, and who is now ill jail at Goldendale awaiting trial for murder, W. M. War­ dle of this city saw the account of the last crime in the Oregonian, and he was led to write the sheriff who has the pris­ oner in charge, to ascertain if he was the same criminal who shot bis father. He is satisfied from the description tbut it is the same man. Ferris shot Wardle be­ cause the latter refused to sign a deed to some land, now owned by E. M Greeley, until Feri is would pay back J20 Wardle had loaned him. Ferris drew his gun and said be would put Wardle w here he wouldn't need his signature, and shot him in the center of the breast, the bullet passing clear through Wardle's body. Wardle was sick with the wound for over a year. He is now 86 years old, and at times can feel pain due to the wound of sixteen years ago. The sheriff writes that Ferris is likely to pay the penalty for his latest clime. He claims self-de­ fense, but it is known that he rode thirty miles to kill an unarmed man. For his first crime Ferris was placed in jail at Lafayette, but effected his es­ cape before he was tried. He has since served ten years in the Washington pen itentiary for horse stealing. Native Io Horse Rreeiler«. My stallion Van S. and Pollux, will make the Reason as follow r Amity, Mondays and Tuesdays ; Sheridan, Wed­ nesdays and Thursdays; McMinnville, Fridays and .Saturdays, beginning April 2d. 15tf J. W. H cmby . Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his child’s life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors liad given her np to die with croup. It's an infallible cure (or coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once. Rogers Bros. Mr and Mrs. W H. Morris and Mr A. Odall attended the soldier’s funeral in Portland laat funday. In addition to I lie development of the dairy business in the Willamette valley, the Southern Pacific, through its general freight and passenger agent, C. H. Markham, is now interesting itself in the possibilities of the poultry industry. Mr. Markham is of the opinion that this branch of farming is one which can be made most profitable, and thinks that it w ill pay farmers generally to take it up, either in connection with other branches of farming, or as a business by itself. On this matter, he said to an Oregonian man recently: “Speaking of diversified farming, the raising of chickens for market is one which ought to receive attention at the hands of our farmers. Dining the year 1899 there was shipped from Kansas and Nebraska to California over this com­ pany’s lines 224 carloads of poultry. The handling of these shipments requires ears of special construction, for Which a heavy rental is charged in addition to the freight rate. The loss in transit is considerable, ns is also the cost of feed­ ing and expenses of a man in charge. “The rate from Kansas and Nebraska to California is $1.75 per 100 pounds, or |35O per car. The average number of chickens to a car is about 4000, weighing aliout four pounds each, but the freight charge is based on a minimum of 20,000 pounds. The coat of laying shipments down in California, therefore, is not less than 3 cents per pound, equal to 12 cents for each chicken, or $1.44 per dozen. "Chickens are selling in Portland to­ day fm from |4.50 to $5 per dozen, and 1 am informed that a coop of choice ones sold this morning lor $5 50. This would seem to indicate that our home market is not being adequately supplied. “The freight from Oregon Io Nan Fran­ cisco is not one-half what it is from Kan­ sas and Nebraska, and as a matter of fact express service can be obtained for as low uh $1.50 per 100 pounds. “Climatic conditions are very much in favor of Oregon, and there is no reason w by < fregon chickens should not replace those from Kansas and Nebraska in the California market. Ae is well known, chickens do not thrive in California, there being some adverse climatic con­ dition. We will tilwave have at our very doors a market for our surplus poultry.’’ A Pleasant AVeildlng. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McCourt in this city, at 8:30 p. tn. Sun­ day, March 25th, occurred the niariiage of Mr. Samuel T. Gaunt and Miss Ollie McCamish, Elder Arnold Lindsey offici­ ating. Miss Daisy Henderson of Forest Grove played a wedding march. Charles Young and Mi:. Hallie Reynolds were groomsman and bridesmaid. After the ceremony a splendid supper followed. The presents were numerous and hand­ some. Mr. Elviti Underwood presented a gift of $50 on a previous promise that the wedding should occur on his birth­ day. The bride was attired in a dress of white organdie, with high satin collar, trimmed with lace and insertion, of late Paris fashion, without train, und carried a bouquet of white carnations. Theguests present were Mr. and Mis. Arnold Lindsey, Mesdames Mead, of Grants Pass; Alexander, of Portland; Downs, ol Hillsboro; Long, of Portland; Misses Nettie and Helen McCourt, Daisy Henderson, Jennie Anderson, Hallie Reynolds, Messrs. Will McCourt, R. Ja­ cobson, D. M Nayberger, Geo. Snyder, Chas. Young, Thos. Warren, Elvin Un­ derwood, Dell Warren Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt oc< upy the T. B. Kay house on Fifth street. Junior Nadal. A very pleasant social was tendered Lucretia Strong Tuesday evening at the C. P. church by the Junior F.ndeavorers. The program consisted of songs and reci­ tations, after which the Juniors present­ ed her with a Junior Endeavor badge, to which she responded in a few appropri­ ate words. A social hour was spent in playing games, after which all joined in singing “God l>e with you ’till we Meet Again." Lucretia has a wide circle of friends hers and she will be greatly miss­ ed, but what is our loss is Carlton's gain. M abkl Cox, Sec Freeh oysters at the listi market, tf