Hear H Tick ? LOCAL NEWS. .Ellas Maun, formerly ot Hie City The Page woven wire fencing at 65c Siliooli, Writes ot Her New field.. and 75c a rod. See E. Estes. Unalaska, Alaska, is the oldest settle­ Mrs. M. Underwood and eon Delos ment on the Aleutian islands. It is sit­ have been quite sick this week. uated on Unalaska island, strung along Largest stock of bulk garden Beede al half a mile just back of a curved and Daniele’ produce market. pebbly beach. The mountains rise all Wanted—Wool and mohair, by M. aliout the harbor straight out of the sea IJ. Hendrick. 13tf from one thousand to two thousand feet, P.e mire to Hee Fred Cooper in Ida car­ ami green to their summit with grass Ridge after ridge, summit toon work Friday night at the opera aud moss. after summit, fades out one behind the bouse. other into the oblivion of distance. The Mies Jessie Bond returned a few days only trees on the island are a couple ol ago from a two months visit with rela­ clumps of spruce set out years ago by tives in Illinois. the Russians. Beautiful little fresh wa­ Logan & Bradley, the barbers, have ter lakes abound everywhere in the green made considerable decorative improve­ valleys. Mt. Makuskin, an active volca­ ment in the interior of their place of no ten miles away, can be plainly seen business. from the townsite. A loud ticking watch is not always the best timer. Usually the stronger the tick the greater the need of attention Tile tick of a good watch in good condition is quite modest; in fact, can scarcely be heard. The man who is always putting his watch to his ear to hear if it still ticks, is helping his “ticker” tick its life away. Don’t wait for your watch to stop tick­ ing. Save time, money, worry and your watch by prevention. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” in watch care. Have it cleaned and oiled regularly every eighteen months. We warraut all work. Some warrants don’t First Secu lar church next Sunday at warrant. Ours DO. 8 p. m., lecture by Nettie Olds llaight. W m . F. D iklschnkider & B ro ., Subject, “The Devil in a Pulpit.” Mu­ McMinnville’s Reliable Jewelers. sical program. Every one cordially welcome. Timber Land Act June 3, 1878.—Notice for Publication. Be sure to attend the entertainment at the opera house Friday night for the ben­ efit of the High school base ball team. United States Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, March 11,1900. OTICE is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act oi congress Elmer Hoskins returned from Cen­ of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of He has timber lands in ihe States of California, Oregon, tralia, Wash., on Tuesday. Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extend­ ed to all the public land states by act of August been ill from malaria during part of his 4. 1892, Almon E. Lodge of Portland, county of absence. Multnomah, State of Oregon, has thia day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 5167, for Harvey Fleiscbauer left on Monday the purchase of the NE‘i of Section No. 32 in Township No. 1 S. Range No. 6 W., and will oiler for Hoquiam, Wash., where he expect­ proof to show that the land sought is more valu­ able for its timber or stone than for agricultural ed to engage in the wale of a number of purposes, and to establish his claim to said land useful household articles. before the Register and Receiver of this office al Oregon City, on Saturday, the 2d day of June, A. B. Apperson and wife of Astoria 1900. He names as witnesses Paul Rossman, A. T. came up to McMinnville on Saturday, Kelliher and Chas. Delaney of Salem, Oregon, and visited over Sunday with Mr. Apper- and Mrs. A. E. Lodge oi Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the Hon’s mother and sister, now here from above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 2d day of Sitka, Alaska. June, 1900 CHAS. B MOORES, Register. N The old residence that stood on the site of the new Burns block has been Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.—Notice bought by F. C. Ferguson, and is being for Publication. moved to his lots at corner of Court and B streets, to be fitted up to rent as a United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore. March 14. Tu«> residence. OTICE is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of lhe act of congress of June S, 1S7H, entitled "An act for the safe ol DeWitt’s Little Early Risers purify timber lands in lhe States of California, Oregon, the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the Nevada and Washington Territory," aiextended to all »he public laud states by act ot August 4, system. Famous little pills for consti­ 1892, Emma E. Lodge oi Portland, county ol pation ami liver troubles. Rogers Bros. Multnomah. State of Oregon, tins this day tiled in this office iter sworn statement No. .dot;, for »Mrs. F. W. Redmond returned the the purchase of the SE*i of Section No. 3'2, in Township No. 1 S„ range No. *» W., and will offer last of the week from Watsonville, Cajif., to show (hat the land sought Is more valuable for it, timber orsioue than for agricultural pur w here she had been visiting for some poses, and to establish her claim to said land be­ time. She brought home some heads of fore the Register and Receiver of Hits ollie.- at Oregon City,Oregon, on Saturday, the 2d day of wheat, an orange and some blooming June, 1900. She names as witnesses Paul Rossman, A. T. alfalfa, to show Oregonians the advance Kelliher and Chas. Itelaney, of Salem, Oregon, of the season down there. and Almon E. Lodge of Portland, Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming adversely the John Gault made a very short sojourn above-described lands are requested to Hie their claims in this office on or before said 2d dav of at Sumpter last week, finding that he Juue, 1900. CHAS. B MOORES, Register had antedated the busy season about six weeks, and that when it does open there NOTICE or VINAI. SUTTLIJIIAT. are plenty of men on the ground to do the work to be had. He returned home OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has duly Hied In the County Court for after contracting a hard cold from the Tamhlll county, State of Oregon, his iinal ac ­ change of climate. Pneumonia is quite count as administrator ot the estate of A. May Sawyer, deceased, and said court has set Tues prevalent at Sumpter. N N day. the 1st day of May, A. 1). 1900. at the hour ot »me o'clock in the afternoon of said day, as the time, and the county court room in the court house at McMinnville. In sahl county, as the place to hear said llnal account, and of objec­ tions thereto, and to the settlement thereof Dated this March I4tlt, A. D. 1900. 13-5 U.S. WILLIAMSON, Administrator of the estate ol A. May Saw yer, deceased. C. A. Wallace is now sole owner of the fair ground site, having the past week bought the one-third interest held by Wayman Hembree, paying therefor $1,- i»0t). On Tuesday Mr. Hembree bought the fine residence property of Judge Ramsey, paying $2,01)0. He will take Cure a Cold in One I> h > . possession May 1st by moving front Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. Monmouth to this city. Judge Ramsey All druggists.refund money if it falls to will remove to Salem. cure. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each The organization of a bible stimtnei tablet. For sale by Kogers Bros. 47-0 {school to bold yearly meetings in the college grove at this place, has just been lor Male. etfected through the efforts of Prof. It will he A tine home in Fairlawn addition. Ralph Storey ami others A good 1 !, story house, good bard, plen­ interdenominational and permanent in ty of fruit, all cleared uik I eniloseil by character, and will draw to this city picket and board fence. Inquire of some eminent instructors in biblical lore. l.'tm'J W. K. D i khv , A session of about ten dais will be held Lafayette. . each summer. The date for this year's meeting is not yet fixed. Prohibition Count,- < oiiveualou. It is said that the agents of the Rex The prohibition convention lor Yamhill county will be held at the court house in Portrait company of Chicago, who can- McMinnville, March 23d, IvOO, at 10 .30 1 vanned this town in January for enlarged a. m., for the purpose of nominating a full county ticket lor the suffrages of the pictures, taking a large number of or- people at lhe ensuing election ami to »lers and bimlutg people to take frames organize a prohibition county club. on their misrepresentation, all lost their Every prohibitionist in the county is en­ job when the facts became known to the titled to a Heat in this convention, ami company. The frames are still stored at all are earnestly invited to be present. j Wallace A Walker’s, ami will he sold for We have saved many doctor bills since the freight paid by them, if nut redeem» »1 A we began using Uliamlierlain's Cough at the expiration of three months. Remedy tn our home. We keep a l>ut- good manv of the photographs taken by tie open all the time and whenever any the agents have never been returned to of iny family or myself liegin to catch Cold we liegin Io use the cough remedy, the owners. At the Christian church last Sunday and as a result we never have to send away for a doctor ami incur a large doc­ evening the large auditorium was filled, tor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Rem , and the doors con netting with the lecture edy never fails to cure, it is certainly a medicine of great merit ami worth D room were opened to accommodate the 8. Mearkle, general merchant ami farm­ unusually large audience assembled to er, Mattie. Bedford county. I’ennsyl- listen to Pastor Lindsey’s discourse on vatiia. For sale by Howortb A Co., the "Theater, and the Greatest Actor of druggists. the Age,” and the music of the Shaw ------- •- ■* company’s orchestra, which wa» there <11 II Cl.I KIIIM, I 1ST. by s|s*cial invitation to remler selections. The departure of the company for Eu­ We have sj>ecial arrangements with gene the next morning evidenced a warm the following leading publications, reciprocal friendship between the dram­ whereby we are able to offer them in atists and many citizens. As the train connection with our own at exceedingly pulled away Mr Shaw Ln re» I hie head low rates, as follows. The Rki»>kiKH and exclaimed with his illimitable or- banity : “Good bye, McMinnville; Gud anil Weekly Inter <>»■» The Tri-weekly New York Tribune 2 00 Demnreat • Family Magazine 1 75 Met all's Monthly Magartne l.W The Oregon Teachers' Monthly .......... 1 SO Word A Works »monthly» and Hick» alm'nc 1.7'• 4AAI.OKV ASB WHEREABOUT». It is very bar,! to stand idly by and see our dear ones sutler while awaiting the arrival of the doctor. An Albany N. Y. dairyman called at a drug store there lor a doctor to come and see his child, then very sick with croup. Not finding the doctor in, lie left word for bun to come at once on his return He also bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remeitv. which he lio|»ed would give some relief until the doctor should arrive. In a few hours he returne»!. say­ ing the doctor need not Come, as the ■ ■ » a»- — child was mneli better. The druggist, care a Cold In One On,. Otto Scholz, says the family has since Cough Taks Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets worn mended Chamberlain’s Remedy to their neighbors and friends All druggists refund money if it fails to until he has a constant demand foi it care. The genuine lias L. B. Q. on each from that part of me country. For sale Co., druggists. tablet. For sale by R»-gers Brue 47-fij by Howorth Unalaska has a population of over three hundred, consisting of Aleutes, a mixture of Russians, Americans, Creoles, so-called, and a few Americans as com­ pany and government officials. We can notice but two seasons; winter begins in October and ends in May, when summer suddenly asserts herself for the rest of the year. The winters are mild, but colerature is about 50 degrees in summer ami 30 degrees in winter. Storms come up very suddenly. The wind blows so hard at times that it is difficult to keep your footing. Snow gets all the way from eighteen inches to five feet deep on a level. In June, July and part of Au­ gust the whole earth is green with grass covered with flowers of brilliant colors— one of the finest botanical fields known There are a number of nice, comfortable houses in Unalaska. Besides the Alaska Commercial Company buildings, Jessie Lee Home, government school aud other buildings for government officials, the A. C. company have built several one-story frame houses for the natives they em­ ploy. Two families occupy each house. There are a few native houses called “banabras.” The banabra, if well built, makes a dry shelter. An excavation is made in the earth ten or twelve feet square and three or four feet deep. A wooden frame is then put in this sub­ cellar, and the earth is thrown back against and over it, with an outer wall of carefully cut sod laid up a foot or two, sloping down to a well thatched roof. The entrance to the banabra is through a low doorway that is made to a small storm hallway. This shields another little door which opens into the living room. The ceiling is about five feet high, the floor is of plank or hard trod­ den earth with grass mats spread over it. A single window is put at the opposite end of the room from the door. A stove stands in the center of the room. They usually have one or two small beds; for style, however, for they sleep on the floor on a lot of rags with their clothes on. Fish is the staff of Aleutian daily life. They vary this with all the tea, sugat and anything they are able to purchase from the stores in the grocery line. Tlit average Aleute is not large, the hair 1» coarse, straight and black, prominent cheek bones, broad nose, small, jet bli^k eyes, thick lips. They are short lived. A great many of them die with the con­ sumption. They are a very quiet ami peaceable class of people. Most all speak Russian and Alaute, and under­ stand English, but a great many do not speak it. Aleutes are very fond of mu­ sic ami have a correct ear. This accounts for their being good dancers. Most ev­ ery child can play a harmonica, and can be heard playing 011 the streets any time. An uccordeon is a favorite instrument with them. Unalaska has an Aleute brass Land, and it is indeed a creditable organiza­ tion. The natives are very fond of drink. Their native drink is "quass.” It is a fermentation of flour, water, sugar and dried fruit of any kind. They all cele­ brate their "names day,” and go about it in full resolution to have a stirring and vociferous time. Their neighbors are all invited in. They gather around a barrel ot quass and spend the evening in drink­ ing. Husband and wife get drunk to­ gether. They don't know anything more until again it is day, and very often don't go home all day. They have about two hundred holidays tn a year, aud they are all celebrated the same way. But very- few crimes are ever committed. Gold has been «liscovere»! about two miles from Unalaska, where a three- stamp mill is 111 operation with a very fair show of success, ami sulphur about the crater of Mt. Makuskin has been taken out. A company from Boston is to liegin work there again as soon as spring opens. On the shortest days there is almost seven hours of daylight. Don't notice much difference tietween the short »lavs here ami a cloudy day when it is raining in Oregon. Pigs, sheep, cattle and chickens are raised in small numbers. There are five or six reindeer on the island, brought here from Siberia. Fresh water ducks, sea birds. grouse ami geese .»re very I plentiful Ravens are the village pets. Dutch harbor is about a fifteen minute walk from Unalaska. The North Amer­ ica Commercial company is located there ami the Alaska Commercial coni panv at Unalaska. They do the princi­ pal business of the Aleutian islands There is a postotfice at both these places. Mail steamers come once a month. All steamers to and from St. Michael and Nome stop here for coal. They are also the rendezvous for U. S. revenue cutters and for British gunboats doing patrol or guard duty in the Bering sea—a point ol all arrivals for and from this vast area. They are most fitly cltoseu ami beauti­ fully located. F rancks M ann . ------ ► »•» ------ WMHIM1TOX I.ETri lt. W ashington, D. C., March 10th, 1900. Congress has lieeu occupied with im­ portant questions that have excluded all other subjects. These are the financial bill and the Puerto Rico measure, the last one of the most interesting subjects of the present time. It seems that this favored isle had been more gently treat­ ed by Spain than any other of her insu lar dominions. Since the American oc­ cupation it has been ravaged by storm and had no market for her products. Its people are suffering great hanlsbips ami the determination is to offer them good terms, to make their lots as comfortable as we can. Representative Mooily is working to get favorable consideration in the house tor Senator Simon’s bill that passeil the senate, providing for the enlargement ol the old post office building at Portland. The committee on public buildings had determined not to pass any new bills of that character this session, but it is un­ derstood they may report favorably for increase of some appropriations already made to enable construction to proceed where work has been delayed by in­ creased cost of labor and materials over the first estimate. He also has been giving careful attention to two other bills of importance to his district, that Senator McBride has passed in the sen­ ate : S. B. 945, for launch for Astoria customs service; and S. B. 359, making Astoria a port to and from which duti­ able goods can be shipped in bond. He has also been impressing on the public lands committee of which he is a mem­ ber, another important hill (of Senator McBride’s) that passed the senate a short while ago, for repayment of $1.25 per acre to settlers on forfeited railroad lands, who had paid $2 .50 per acre under former laws. Representative Tongue is one of the busiest men in congress. When I saw him last he had two typewriters at work and tells me that it requires that many experts to do his correspondence. He lets no business go unanswered but all letters are replied to immediately. The work of a congressman is drudgery if he attends to the w^ints of his constituents. There are no more hard working men in this city than the Oregon delegation. Mr. Tongue has been drawing up a list of the. new post offices he has had crea­ ted and we counted 62, fourteen of them in Lane county. During the three years he has been in congress there has been much improvement in postal sen-ice in the first district, many weekly routes having been increased to semi-weekly, tri-weekly or daily, so that mail facil ities have greatly increased. During that time he has secureil 275 original pensions, or increase of pen­ sions before granted. These have add­ ed to his district revenue over $2,000 per month. He has now in his hands fully a thousand other pension claims that will receive his attention as fast as he can find time. He has taken firm attitude and makes speeches 011 the gokl standard. One of these was on the Teller resolution to pay­ bonds itl silver. When the republican congressional committee two years ago got up a campaign document, they quot­ ed front speeches made by five distin­ guished men, and used that made by Mr. Tongue. He has taken strong ground for ex­ pansion anil made a plea tor annexation of Hawaii. He advocates the election of United States senators by vote of the people; while he made no speeches on the tariff, be worked successfully to se­ cure protection for the fruits and pro­ ducts of the Pacific coast. Appropriations for the Willamette and Yatnhill rivers for the 2b years Irotti 1871 to 1897—lhe time of his coming to con­ gress—were $288,51x1; during the last three years they aggregated $160 000, or live times the annual sum for the pre- ceiling 26 years. Experience means much for the constituents of a congress­ man, for he lias, if he deserves promo­ tion, lieen placeil on important com­ mittees. If really influential he may he chairman of some committee. Mr. Tongue belongs to one very important committee ami is a committee chairman Much to have accomplished within three years. "The irresistible logic of events" is receive.I as proof positive There was 110 influence to secure .for an Oregon member such promotion, save personal desert. Membership of important committees commands friendship from many who desire to pass measures pending. The success of a congressman redounds to the advantage of lus constituents. Our congressmen occupy good position» ami Oregon is favored. No new man can till such positions until lie has enrneii them; the man who has realized success, has certainty for greater success in the future. Senator Simon passed his first bill through tile senate a few days since: S. B. 3840, to enlarge the old post office building at Portland, appropriating $150,000 for the purpose. The senator had recently introduced this bill ami diligently presse»! it as member of the committee on public buildings. Within a few days he secureil favorable action and the bill is now before the house Though there is disposition to make no new appropriations for public buildings, Senator Simon hopes that they will con­ sent to improve a building *0 iieceronrv. ei»l*ecia1lv when lie can show that it has t>een pronounced unsale for years past by engineers, and the Portland bar has presented the need of the aildition asktd tor. Senator Simon has work to »Io on the judiciary committee that is import­ ant anil takes much time; he has other committee work anil »levotes himself to advancing all measures needful to Ore­ gon. The following list of Senator Mc­ Bride's bills that have passed during the last thirty days. shows that his industry in getting early reports from committees on his bills has born good fruit: S B. 359, designating Astoria as a port to and from which dutiable goods may be shipped iu bond without delay for payment of duties at the port of first entrv S B. 945. appropriating five thousaml dollars to hny a launch for the use of custom house officials at Astoria tn boarding vessels. S. B. 343. granting a pension to Mrs. SOUTH AND EAST Mary J. Freeman of Portland, passed the senate January 29th. S. B. 354, granting a ¡tension of ft2 a month to Catharine L. Nixon, a soldier's widow, passed the senate February 20th. S. B. 346, granting a pension to Mrs Arethusa Wright of Sheridan, Oregon, passed the senate January 30th. S. B. 349, granting a pension to James II. Coventon of Hood River, Oregon, passed the senate January 29U1. S. B. 354. granting a pension to Vin­ cent DeFrietas of Portland, Oregon, passed the senate January 29th. But the bill 111 which the senator is most interested is S B. 340, to pension Lmiian war veterans of Oregon and other states, chiefly in the interest of pioneer soldiers of Oregon and Washington, After working hard to get an early favor­ able report-on this bill, which interests so many old Oregonians, »Mr. McBride made ail effort on the first of February to take the bill out of its place on the calendar, and pass it by unanimous con­ sent. A half dozen or^more senators seem to want to amend the bill so as to take in soldiers of later Indian wars, and finally it had to be laid aside for regular order. Since that time the senator has explaineil the bill to the objecting sena­ tors, so that when it came up a few days ago not a single objection was made and tile bill passed. Senator McBride is highly gratified over this result and has called on the speaker of the house to in­ duce him to favor the bill. Represen­ tatives Tongue and Mooilv are already doing active work for the bill, ami will urge early action by the committee of pensions. The passage of eight of Senator Mc­ Bride's bills during the last thirty days evidence his industry and his influence in tile senate. Other proof, if any were needed, of his high standing among re­ publican leaders, is found in his recent appointment on the executive committee of the republicau congressional com­ mittee, which consists ot one member of congress from each state. On this exec­ utive committee of nine members, there are but three senators, Proctor of Ver­ mont, formerly secretary of war, and Gallinger of New Hampshire, ami Sen­ ator McBride of Oregon. To be one of three senators selected to manage a great campaign, is no small compliment to a senator of less than five year’s ser­ vice in congress. Another honor lately conferred on Senator McBride, was his appointment on the republican committee to decide the order of business for the senate, the other members being Senators .Allison, Aldrich, Hanna, Hale, Woicott, Cullom, Sewall, and Spooner. This is called the "steering committee” and practically decides what bills shall have priority of consideration in the senate. Republican senators could give no stronger evidence of their confidence in Senator McBride than by placing him on this important committee, among the veteran leaders of the senate. These appointments show that republican senators consider McBride worth}- of the highest trusts for the party and the country. Oregon ought to be proud that helWiative son in the senate has attained such standing in so short a time. Al VIA The Shasta Route I.eave Portland........... I.eave Albany............ - Arrive al Ashlaml “ Sacramento....... “ San Francisco. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 7:00 p. 10:50 p. 11:.»a. 1,3.» a. s:15 a. in. m m m in. Ogden ...................... ..5:4 » a. m. 11:45 a. m Denver .................... ...... ‘LOO a. in. 9:00 a. m ....7:2.» a. m. , 25 a.in Chicago................... ....7:15 a. Ill. 9:30 a m Los Angeles............ ..... 120 p. in. El P»‘<»................... ... 6.OÜ p. in. tì'iiu a ni. Citv of Mexico .. ..... 9: »7 a. m. Houston ................. .....1AM) a. m. New Orleans........ ....6:25 p. in. Washington........... ....6 12 a. in. New York............... .12:43 p. iu. — • 7.00 a. m 0:00 p.in 6:30 a. m. 9:55 a in 4:00 a. m 6:25 p. in 6:42 a in 12:43 p. ni Pullman ami Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Pan» ami Tourist cars to Chicago, St. Loui.s New Or leans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship lines ft r Honolulu. Japan, China, I’iiilippines, Central and .South America. See MR. W. MERKIMAN, agent at McMinn­ ville station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. Passenger Agent. Portland, Or. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil­ ter out lhe waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu­ matism come from ex­ cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin­ ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar siz- I es. You may have a sample bottle by mail Home of swmnp-ltoot. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. the Christian Church. The attempt to eliminate the super­ natural from Christianity and yet retain its spiritual power is like an effort to ent down a tree and yet retain its fruit seas» n ami grateful shade. The best way to have a stalwart Chris­ tian character is to plant it right out of doors in the great field of Christian use­ fulness. I know jou appreciated our services last Lord’s day at the Christian church and we appreciated you. Come again next Lord’s day ami bear the following subjects discussed: Morning subject, “The Immaculate Conception oi Jesus;” evening subject, “The Wedding.” Our choir was at its best Lord's day evening. —Arnolil Lindsey. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. It art i flcially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digestive or­ gans. It is t he latest discovered digest­ ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in­ stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgia.Cramps,and all other results of imporfeetdigestion 'In divorce the < urfew. A number of citizens met in the hall in Union block on Monday evening to discuss the nee»! of enfori iug certain city ordinances which have been dead letters, paiticularly the one relating to the roaming of the streets bv minors at night. Secs. 7 ami 8 of ordinance No. 141 provides as follows: Sec 7—That any person or persons who may be found roaming about the streets at night after the hour of 12 o’clock without having any lawful busi- nees upon the streets at that time, shall upon conviction thereof liefore the re­ corder’s court lie punished l»v a tine not less than $2. .80 nor more than $15, or by imprisonment in the city jail not lees than one »lay nor inure than 7 davs, or both, al the discretion of li e court. Sec. 8—That no minor under the age of 15 years shall l»e permitted to go abroad upon or wander about the stieets of the citv of Mi'Mituiville alter the hour of nine o’clock at night from the first of Septenilier to the first of April nor after the hour of ten o’clock at night from April let to the 1st of Sept... units-» such minor shall have lhe permission of his or her parents or guardian or shall lie aivompanieil by such parent or guardim, or unless such minor shall have neces­ sary business upon the st net or streets, an»i any minor who shall violate the provisions of this section shall upon con­ viction thereof before the recorder's court lie lined not less than $1 nor more than $5, or l»e imprisoned in the city jail not less than one nor more than two days or both at the discretion of the court. The meeting resolved I 1 cir» ulate |>e- tilions for signatures, ami to take them in person t»eforc the city council at its next regular meeting, asking for the ap- ¡toinliiient of deputies to assist the mar­ shal in enforcing this ordinance, ami to smemi the same by raiding the age limit to 16. The petitions are being numer- oiih I v signed. ■ ....SJ’-O a. m. 12.30 p. in. . 12 a. m. •:oo p in. 7 4 > p. m. Prvoared by E. C. DeWitt a Co.. Chicago. HOG EKS BROS. -‘■■3 I' Dr Shilohs7j » Cough and s m Consumption Cure Zi This is beyond question the most successful Coti^h Medi­ cine ever known to science: a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup and Bronchitis, while its won­ derful success in the cure of Consumption is without a par­ allel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a A’j/ which no other medicine can stand. If you have a Cough, we earnestly ask you to try it. In United States and Canada 2.V , M)c. and $1.00, and in England Is. 2d., 2s. 3d. and 4s. Cd. SOLE PROPRIETORS ? S.C. W ells &C oj LEROY. N.Y. J TORONTO, CA.N Sold by S. Howortli & Co. IDnmvTK ITiŒ’v XITIC F. — - — Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORTA. a safe and sure remedy for infants and children. ami «ee that it i t I In V»e For Over 30 Tear» The Kind You Have Always Bought i • ^“OTH'E is her» by given that the nnd« reigned ’ 1 • ■ - t Yamhill county. Oregon, dn’y api«oiuted administrator of the estate of Watson s Bagivy, d*r«ased Now therefore, all persona having claim« against «aid estate are hereby notified and re- quire«! to present the -am«- duly venned to the undersign« d. at his residence In Lafayette, Yamhill county. Oregon» within aix months from the date heranf. Dakd February 20th. 19(0. J H. OLD« Admini*trat«w of the « Mate of U atson 8. Bag le\. dec« a«ed 10-5 K. L. CONNER, Attorney for said Estate.