BANKING LOCAL NEWS. Fresh oysters at the fish market, tf Garden seed 3c a package at the Grange store, NO. 386T G. S. Wright, dentist. Mrs. D. S. Holman returned Monday THE McMINNVlLLE C. Griesen's new stock of wall paper. 6 from her visit at Boise, Idaho. 3 spools of thread for 10c at the Grange All the new spring goods at the Grange store. store will be sold at removal sale prices. The R eporter and Weekly Oregonian Mrs. J. F. Adams is looking after one vear for $2, strictly in advance —McMinnville, Oregon.— business interests in Pendleton this Paid up Capital, $50,000 Papa, go and C. Griesen, he sells such week. nice pianos and organs. I want one. Tickets to cape Nome on steamer Sen Surplus $10,000. W. J. Strong intends to move hie fam­ ator for sale by Odell & Wood. Trnnsai t a Oeuvrai Banking BuslnOM. ily to Carlton soon. In the college chapel 8 .turday evening, Office Hours 9 a. in. to 4 p. m. Full line of field and garden seeds at March 31st, Mrs. B will exhibit her Daniels’ produce market as cheap as wonderful family album. Admission 10c. LEE LAUOHUN, President. anywhere in the valley. Warren & Son are selling everything J. L. ROGERS, Vice-President. People who have been talking about E. C. APPERSON, Cashier. at cost. W. S. LINK, Assistant Cashier. w hat they were going to do in the spring Mrs. Chandler, Bister of Mrs. J. O. should get at it. Rogers, and who visited here last cum­ PHYSICIANS The patent leather ladies' shoes, mer, died at Gardiner, Or., on the Utb French heel, have arrived at Mr. Diel- inst. schneidei’s. 45c cash buys a plug of Star tobacco at E. GOUCHER, M. D., A recent letter received by Win. Chris­ the Grange store. Battle Axe 38c. man from Mrs. Gus Gaunt reports her Come and lay in your summer groce­ condition of health much improved by ries and crockery at Warren & Son’s. the climate of New Mexico. The old building back of Hotel Yarn­ D. M. Neyberger returned from Chi­ Office over McMinnville National Bank. F. W. Spencer has the Rambler bi­ bill has been repaired and painted, and cago and other eastern points on Satur­ MCMINNVILLE - • • O regon . cycle, in several different models. These fitted up by Landlord Dubois for a lodg­ day, and consignments of new goods are wheels have the best pneumatic tire ever following close after him. ing house. made. Call and see them. 7tf (JOOK & CABLE, R. A. King, the painter, fell from a Ed Nichols of Dayton is going to re­ The fruit is already set on many of the move to Riddle, Or., and go intopartnei- stepladder on Sunday while papering prune trees. Dr. G. S. Wright says that sliip with O. M. Harris in the drug busi­ Logan's barber shop, and sustained the if no freeze comes there will be the larg­ injury of two displaced ribs. ness. est fruit crop we have had for years. Rooms in Jacobson Block, Don’t be without a sewing machine. I have money to loan on farm prop­ See the latest styles in street hats at erty at good terms. Parties wishing to, - - • O regon . Mark Sisters. Spring openingof pattern $5 a month, 5 months, will buy a New borrow, call and 6ee me. Home Climax this month at C. Gris- hats Saturday, March 24th. 13-2 R L. C onner . sen’s. 12tf J C. MICHAUX, H. D., Housecleaning is at band, and those This school district awarded to T. D. There will be an entertainment at the rag carpets need washing. The McMinn­ Heuderson and Thos. Draper the con­ opera house Friday evening for the ben ­ Physician and Surgeon, ville Steam Laundry handles large car­ efit of the High school base ball team. tract for 10 cords of oak wood at $2.25 pets with great skill and without ripping, Admission 15 and 25 cents. Reserved per cord, and to H. M. Edmiston for 40 and the rate is only 4c per running yard. M< MINNVII.LE, OREGON. cords of fir at $2.25. seats 35 cents. Try them. Office in Union Block E. and O. G. Estes now occupy the Representative J. W. Maxwell pub­ This is a prolific year for sheep raising lishes in the Tillamook Headlight his old Apperson stand with a full and hand­ in Yamhill county. Five ewes of Sam 14-2 denial that he is a candidate for any some line of furniture. BICYCLE REPAIRER. Hibbs’ Hock have given birth to triplets. Taken Up—A two-year-old heifer. legislative fiosition in the coming cam­ This beats Roily Jones’ flock, unless he J S. ROSCOE, Owner can have same by proving proper­ paign. has something new to report. only dust proof crank hanger with ty and paying costs of keeping. Enameling in Black and New 1900 jnodel Rambler bicycles, ball The bearings 14-2 N. A nderson . on the outside of sprocket clincher or cemented tires, latest im­ J. M. Bunn of North Yamhill, sheared Maroon cheap for Cash proved. Prices $20 to $40. F. W. Spencer. i wheel is the Recycle at Hodson’s. 18 goats lately, that averaged 7% pounds J. L. Myers, who recently formed a Full line of repairs and all repair work done The first through trip of the Tillamook of mohair each. At present prices the in the best style. South side Third Street near B. add North Yamhill stage since the snows copartnership with Sam Gaunt in the value of the clip is $46.80, or $2.60 per of winter was made last Sunday, the barber business, sold his interest to his animal. mail bp to that time having been carried partner, and will investigate eastern Mrs. Dennis wishes to announce that MEAT MARKETS Oregon for a new location. He left here over the summit on horseback.^/' she has been to Portland studying the on Tuesday. J. B. Clark, Peoria, Ill., says, “Sur­ Q STREET MEAT MARKET, advanced styles and getting all the new “I was nearly dead with dyspepsia, geons wanted to operate on me for piles, ideas as to trimmings, drapings, etc., for tried doctors, visited mineral springs, but I cured them with DeWitt ’ s Witch her spring trade in dress making. The Reynolds & Bond, Prop’s. Hazel Salve.” It is infallible for piles and grew worse. I used Kodol Dye pep ladies will please give her a call. Fresh and salt meats and sausages of all and skin diseases. Beware of counter- sia Cure. That cured me.” It digests Goat raisers will realize a little lower for kinds constantly In stock. Cash paid — what you eat. Cures indigestion, sour hides. Highest market price paid for all kinds feits. Rogers Bros. stomach, heartburn and all forms of price for mohair this year than last, but of fat stock. The Rev. W. R. Powell of Portland the fleeces are said to be heavier, which dyspepsia. Rogers Bros. will conduct the services at the Episco­ will afford consolation for the drop in jy^ATTHIES & CO., The Yamhill county Sunday school price. Portland quotations are 26 @ 28 pal church in this city next Sunday, ad­ Proprietors of ministering the holy communion at the convention will hold its fifteenth annual cents. morning service, and preaching. All in­ session in Carlton, March 29th and 30th. The announcement that we are going Each school in the count)- will be ex­ vited. to build means that business is good. Our pected to send its full quota of delegates, Spring is here, and you will want jour Choice, Fresh Meats, AH Kinds present store is small, our expenses are winter clothing, bedding, etc., washed and all who are interested in the Sun­ light and our pricee are the lowest for South side Third St. between B and C. day school cause are cordiallj- invited to and cleaned before laying it by for sum­ cash or produce. Examine our stock mer. The steam laundry will do it for be present. and be convinced. Spring goods arriv­ BARBERS. yon cheaper aiul better than anyone else Double-mask ball Secular hall, March ing every week. P. M. F lynn & Co. can. 30th. Elegant prizes to the couple best Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich,, [ OGAN & BRADLEY, The Jones mill force will leave for the sustaining opposite or contrasting char­ says, “I suffered a long time from dys­ mountains about the first of April, should acters. Minor prizes to best sustained pepsia ; lost fleBh and became very weak. ■ the weather remain reasonably good. single characters. Music by Prof. Wirtz’ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured Although lumber has raised in price at orchestra of Forest Grove. Supper on me.” It digests what you eat and cures IVe are located opposite II. C. Burns’ and atru tn give all . u-toiiu is good treatment for little neighboring towns from $1.50 to |2 per the Stage. all forms of stomach trouble. It never money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pat­ thousand feet, Mr. Adams says that they ronage solicited. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson Cook moved to fails to give immediate relief in tbe worst caseB. Rogers Bros. expect, to sell at last year’s prices. their icsidenco east of the college last Geo. W. Bibee and Dr. W. Tyler It has been a query with some people Friday. They leave the old farm for HARNESS to know how tho custom house receipts | good this time, having toiled there for Smith were down from Sheridan od for Oregon and Washington compare many years. They will be heartily Wednesday, and effected sale of the gLSIA WRIGHT, with I tie receipts from tho new internal welcomed to citizenship in McMinnville. Sheridan Sun plant to Mr. F. H. Barn­ Manufactures and Deals in revenue stamp regulations. Mr. Hobbs, i Capt. Parker, the present owner of the hart, who took the evening train for deputy district revenue collector, etates farm, will occupy it about May 1st with Sheridan to inspect his new purchase. that the collections from the latter are his family, and his son Raymond will Mr. Barnhart is both a printer and edi­ SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, about three times thuf of the former for I have the control of farming operations. tor of ability, and with proper support ».nd brushes, and sells them cheaper thau they will give Sheridan a jiaper of which they can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette a given period. Henry T. Atkinson goes to Forest' can be proud. Mr. Yates, tbe former Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are Miss Woods has just received a gener pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. Grove next Sunday to preach for Rev. | al assortment of Spring goods, consisting I T. L. Jones, who is pastor at that point,1 publisher, will move back to Washing­ ton county. in pait of silk waists and neckwear, pul- I and who has lieen quite sick for some DRAYMEN ley belts, ties, and other novelties. The time. In his absence the Methodist’ Another contestant at next summer’s band tournament will be the juvenile opening will occur on Saturday, the 24th, ’ pulpit here will bo filled both morning band, which was organized in this city- gROWER & SON, from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Mr. Ramsdell, I and evening by Rev. A. I.. Black. Bro. on Wednesday evening. The band is MciTINNVILLE of Lipman, Wolfe A Co.’s, is expected to I Black is a rising and talented speaker in compoeed of fourteen small boys, with the following complement of officers: be in attendance. the Baptist denomination, and a cordial J President, Frank Snyder; vice president, The Sheridan Sun of last week finds invitation is extended to all to come and Ilollie Burns; secretary, Harry Hobbs; Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful treasurer, Fred Bradley. handling guaranteed. Collections will lie made that Mr. If. F. Mayer of that city, who is [ hear him next Sunday. monthly Hauling of all kinds done cheap. now 84 years old, was a delegate to the Hue Heads to McMinnville. The instruction in tree grafting and Missouri stale convention that elected The St. Charles store is located on one “One Minute Cough Cure is the best delegates to the Whig convention that sewing given in the public schools last of the most prominent corners in the city remedy I ever used for coughs and colds convened in Baltimore in 1840 and nom­ Friday was well attended. Today Mrs. and is known for its good stock and It is unequaled for whooping cough inate'! Win. Henry Harrison for the L. I.aughary will talk on general house­ reasonable prices. “ All goodB sold at a Children all like it,” writes H. N. Will­ presidency. They were 14 days in going j hold duties to the girls of the Cook profit.”—No baits.—Our coffee alone has iams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. by boat to Wheeling, Va , from St. I school, and Mrs. Dennis will give fur­ made us famous. Come to see ub often, you’ll get fine treatment. N. E. K eoo . It is the only harmless remedy that Louis, and staging the rest of the way to ther instruction al Columbus. Henry gives immediate results. Cures coughs, Baltimore. The Sun thinks that Mr. | Schenk will instruct the boys in carpen­ Anction Sale. colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, Mayer is probably the only man in Ore­ try at Columbus and Mr. Noll will give a At Warren & Son’B store, Saturday, lesson in grafting to the boys of Cook bronchitis and »11 throat and lung gon w ho was a delegate to either of the March 24th. We will Bell our entire trouble«. It’ early use prevents con­ great party conventions for the cam­ school. stock of groceries, crockery, glassware, sumption. Rogers Bros. As a result of the revival meetings just store fixtures,, etc. Sale to commence at paign of 1840. closed at Sheridan, conducted by Mrs. one o’clock p. m. Come and secure bar­ Down in Portland they are asking the Chester Cam] bell has been ill with Barrett, 93 have been forward to the gains. question, "Can the prohibitionists be pneumonia since Monday. altar for prajers, 63 have connected A. R. De Fluent, editor of the Journal, , recognized as a party organization in the D. S. Nash of Buena Vista is in the coming local campaign?” The discus­ themselves with the M. E. church, sev­ Doyleeton, Ohio, suffered for a number! city, looking after hi’ property here and sion of the matter arises from the follow­ eral have joined the sister churches, and of years from rheumatism in his right! shoulder and side. He says: “Sly about 35 are still to make * church home. right arm at times was entirely useless. greeting old friends. ing section in the law : “A convention Another result, at a called meeting of I tried Chamberlain's Tain Balm, and Special meeting by the Salvation of delegates, within the meaning of this Army, led bv Brigadier S. Marshall and act, is an organized body of delegates the Epworth league Monday evening, 43 was surprised to receive relief almost immediately. The Pain Balm has been wife, Monday, March 26th, at 8 p. m., in representing a political party, which, at new names were added to the roll of a constant companion of mine ever since membership and a Junior league has, the Christian church. All are invited to the election next preceding polled at and it never fails.” by Ho- been organized. worth & Co., druggists. attend. Grand time predicted. least three per cent of the entire vote The family of Wesley Houck are bap- ' CASTORIA The family of B. G. Emmerson, Mr. cast in the state, county, precinct or Bean the algaature of C has . H. FLsreasa. Hodson's new tinner, moved up from other electoral district for which the py over the arrival last Saturday of a In uae for more than thirty yean, and Newberg on Tnureday, and are occu­ nomination is made. An assembly of number of relatives from Illinois, who Th» Kind Fon Hnvs Bangkl. pying Mrs. Ball’s residence near the At­ electors, within the meaning of this act, are here for a visit of a few weeks. The is an organized body of not less than 10t> party is composed of Mrs. Mary Bishop, las mills. Teachers’ laatltate. Mr. Sidney Bovingdon, who came here electors of the state, or electoral divis­ mother of Mrs. Houck, and J. R. Dillon, Tbe next session of the teacher's local from Pennsylvania several months ago, ion thereof for which the nomination is her brother, both of Cissna Park, Illa., institute will be held in Carlton. March On some of the offices they Mrs. Clara Duvall of Hoopeton, a sister, 31st. Prof. C. W. Durette will take will leave the last of Mart It for Santa made.” Clara, from wltith place he has just re­ failed to poll the required three per cent. and Mrs. Roaana Biggs of Georgetown, charge of tbe institute and will present the following subjects: Primary read­ turned from a tour of inspection. He In this county the cold water people an aunt. If they will prolong their visit ing. geograpliy, nature study and civics. sufficiently they will see Oregon at her seem to be safe, having polled about 30 likes Oregon, bnt believes the change All teachers and patrons are requested E. V. L ittlefield , will-be tietier fur the health ol his fam­ votes over three )*‘r cent on all offices very best, and no doubt the Houck fam­ to be present. County Superintendent. I ily will see to it that they do this. fir which they had a nomination. ily. National Bank E. Physician and Surgeon Physicians and Surgeons. G. 8. Wright, dentist. P. Fisher was in Portland over Sun­ day. You can get good bargains at Warren & Son’s. Thé registration of voters in this coun­ ty up to Wednesday noon was 1,522. Miss Lillie Ball of Portland was visit­ ing friends in town during the week. You will find an A 1 tinner and plum­ ber at Hodson's. Work the best and prices the cheapest. For Rent—Photo gallery, with furni­ ture, the best in McMinnville. Inquire of O. H. Adams. We now have a few thousand dollars to loan on farm property, at good teems. 12tf I rvine & V inton . An immense line of ladies’ wraps and children’s hose just received at the Racket store. 14-2 Cyclone cameras, Seeds’ dry plates, Ve- lox paper, prints by lamp light and makes the beat pictures; no time lost. O. O. Hodson sells them. CHICAGO STORE C ) We’ve got so many interesting things to talk about this week, we hardly know where to commence. The new things are piling up. Every shelf, counter and bal­ cony is full to overflowing. Our Eastern buyer har cer­ tainly done wonders for us this spring. Our stock is quadruple the size of any former season, but then you know our trade is growing with such wonderful rapidity that it gives us encouragement to buy more liberally. Shirt Waists We have been appointed sole agents for the West Side for the famous Royal Shirt Waists. Every house in the country shows waists, but there is only one Royal line, and they are as much ahead of any lines shown here as daylight is ahead of darkness. The prices are no higher thau ordinary goods: 50c, 75c, $1,51.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2 and 52.50. Petticoats That famous Peerless line again, you know how nice they are and how nice they are made—a distinction about them that other petticoats have uot got. The prices too, are lower than the common kind: $1, 51.25, 51.50, $1.98, 52.25, 52.50, $2.98 and 53. Waist Silks They are beauties, too. Some high grade novelties in the line in flue hemstitched effects in single patterns. Your neighbor won’t have one like yours if you buy of us Puffings and allover Laces The correct thing for Yokes and Dress Fronts for spring. We’ve got an exclusive line, and you know our prices are always right. Duchess Trousers The name Duchess signifies a great deal; it means if they rip or give our you get another pair free. Spring styles now in. Nordecia Ladies, if you want the best shoes shown in the U. S. for the money, look at the Nordecia. 15 styles, kid and vesting tops, all widths and sizes, price $2.50. Table Linens • < We’ve opened up a beautiful line. Richardson’s fine English damasks with napkins to match, price 50c to 52 per yard. MORE NEWS NEXT WEEK. CHICAGO STORE. CITY MARKET. FOREST GROVE POULTRY YARDS! Barred and White Plymouth Rocks, Silver and White Wyandottes, Brown Leghorns and Langshans. £j^Highent scoring Barred Plymouth Rock at State Show, Alba­ ny, January 22-29, 1900. ------SCORE 93%.------ BARBERS. HARNESS, sgs Send for Catalogue, J. M. GARRISON, Forest Grove, Oregon. J acob W ortman , Pres. « J ohn W ortman , Cashier. ♦j « « E d H kndricks , Vice Pres. A rthur M c P hillips , Asst. Cashier The First National Bank Of McMinnville, Oregon. The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885. ♦J Capital and Surplus, $90,000. « ♦j Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United States, and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The « accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited. * Truck and Dray Co Grand Spring Opening I T We will have our Spring Opening, with the Most Select and “ Largest Stock in the Valley. The biggest portion was personal- B ly selected by our Mr. Nayberger, one of the firm who has been B east for that purpose. He has visited the largest manufacturers ! J and has purchased goods at old prices yet. We wiil show up the W Newest and most Up-to-date Goods ever Shown. Our Stock con- B sists of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, Silk and Shirt Waists Of all Shades and Styles, and a good many garments are only one of a kind. Our stock of Millinery is Extra Fine and Large, : And prices we guarantee cheaper than anywhere else, quality considered. We do not make you believe that we give a 120 garment for half price. We do not. and it cannot be done by doing a fair and square business. But we do claim we give you full value for your honest dollar, and every one treated alike. It is impossible to mention all we keep, but please come and satisfy yourself. Respectfully Yours, $1. faecbdcn 4 » 4» 4» 4» 4» 4» 4» 4» 4» 4» 4» 4» 4»