LOCAL NEWS. SOUTH AND EAST VIA Largest stock of bulk garden seeds at ! Daniels’ produce market. Wanted—Wool and mohair, by M B. Hendrick. 13tf Another sign of spring: the edituis are receiving garden seeds from Washing­ Trains leave McMinnville for Portland and ton. way stations at .VM a ni., and 3:p. m. 10 .’»o I». Ill Leave Albany...... 12-33 ». lu. ll;30 a. in. at Ashland The regular meetings of the W. C. T. Arrive Sacramento . i>> p. ni. 4:85 a. m. .... U. will be held on Fridays at 2:30 7 l> p. m fc:L> am. San Francisco. o’clock in Union block. ,5:45 a. in. Ogden Attorney M. D. L. Rhodes of this city Denver.................... ..... 9:üü a. m. was last week admitted to practice iu Kansas City.......... . ..7.2-5 a. m. Chicago................. ....7:45 a. m. the United States courts. In the new census enumeration under L oh Angeles........... .... l:2ß p. ni. Supervisor C. B. Winn, Yamhill county El Pa*o.................. ... «>.00 p. ni. .... a. ni. Fort Worth will have eleven enumerators. City of Mexico ... .... 9:«>«> a. m. Houston ............... .... 4:00 a. m. The Eugene Guard has Lair Thomp­ New Orleans.......... 6:2.5 p. in. Washington...............6.42 a. m. son’s oration subject “Evolution, Our New York................ 12:43 p. m. National Policy.” Try again. Holt Turner, an old-time McMinn­ Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains. ville boy, is in the city this week, repre­ Chair ears Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, and Tourist ears to Chicago, St. Louis, New Or­ senting the Avery Thresher Co. leans and Washington. Died—At Lafayette, March 11th, of consumption, Miss Edith M. Pullen, Connecting at San Francisco with several lines Icr Honolulu. Japan, China, aged about 18 years. Burial was made steamship Philippine», Central and South America. on Tuesday, at Columbia Slough ceme­ tery. See MR. W. MERRIMAN, agent at McMinn­ Mr. CarljP. Fuchs, the cigar man from ville station, or address C. II. MARKHAM, McMinnville, was in tbe city, also Arch Gen. Passenger Agent. Peery from the same place to look up a Portland, Or. location for a drug store.—Tillamook Headlight. Our dummy electric lights are attract­ Thousands Have Kidney Trouble ing the attention of the show boys. One and Don’t Know It. of them Blammed Oregon pretty hard How To Find Ont. when he said tbe dummies indicated the Fill a bottle or common glass with your high water mark. water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a S t sediment or set- Mrs. Pratt Sitton is expected to return ' tling Indicates an home from Watsonville, Calif., tomorrow, El--- 1 unhealthy condt- where she has been several weeks in the hope of finding relief from rheumatism. §T|Y/ tion ,'le kid- We understand the improvement has ' | / neys; if it stains been but slight. ! your linen it is Vevidence of kid- It is reported that Representative J. \ I / p ney trouble: too W. Maxwell has another political bee in 'iS ire. O. Hodson, Hardware,etc Rogers Bros., Drugs, etc. F. Dielschneider, Bootsand Shoes. McMinnville, Oregon. Always Ask For Stamps Iiaen over them four times this winter A Vigorous Kick For Good Hoads anil good prospects for another immers­ E ditor R eporter : I read in the Contract for furnishing 15 cords of ion. At one time part of the trees were ‘■Oregonian, weekly" that Oregon City Dayton, Or., March Sth, 1900. second-growth fir let to M. F. Kirk for under water two weeks without harm, is raising a large sum of money for the $1.65 E ditor R eporter : This question is per cord. Contract for 25 cords of being seriously debated by many per- us far as I can see. .Some older trees are purpose of making her leading roads oak pole wood at $2 per cord let to same sous at the present time. If you mean budding to blossom now Even a prune good. Such an act reflects on the enter­ party. by this a small orchard ol a hundred is ready to burst into bloom which has prise of the city, and it would reflect Polling place in Willamette precinct trees or so, lor home use, the answer taken ull these baths, but I would con­ more to the credit of McMinnville to do changed to Hopewell on petition of J. M. i the same thing, for nowhere in this should almost invariably lie yes,for there fine prunes to the next higher bench. What varieties of appleB are best? valley is there such disgraceful road Kirkwood and 70 others. are few locations on the Pacific coast Road matter of L. F. Hall and others where such an orchard would not pay Again the answer depends on the motive work done as in this vicinity. Go which continued till next tertn. for the outlay. But if you mean a mer­ of setting. For a small orchard for way yon will, the highways in places are Lumber contracts for the various road Indulge virtually impassible, because the intelli­ cantile orchard, to be depended upon as home use, set a large variety. For a gent supervisors will not study the laws districts were let as follows: a regular part of the income of the farm, your own tastes and wishes. D P Trullinger, dist 1, f 10; dist 4, $8. or as ii business by itself, a great deal of mercantile orchard set but few varieties. of drainage. Note the piece of road in C L Smith, dist 2, J8; dist 3, $7.50. study and examination and counting of 1 have set only two, the Baldwin and the city by the public schools, east; C K Spaulding Logging Co, dists 5, 6, Both note it, either point of the compass, anil cost should precede the undertaking. Beu Davis, in equal quantities. 7, 8. 9, $8. In the old days it was thought that the are large, red apples. The Baldwin yet McMinnville expects the farming F R Wilson, dists 10, 18 and 22, $7.90; whole Willamette valley was first-class ripens in early winter, the Ben Davis community to patronize her. Doos she dist 24, J8 50. orchard land, but since the introduction keeps till late in the spring. These will hold out any inducements? Look at H Bailey, dists 11 and 23, |8; dists 12, of the apple canker, wooly aphis, codlin Imth sell, the Baldwin for quality, the the disgraceful holes on the real to 13 and 14, {7.50; dist 17, $7 25 ■noth and a host of other annoyances, Ben Davis because it has no competitor Whileson; look either way and find the Daniel Willamette Edson, overpaid tax 410 for the arrest and conviction of any-1 Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ileartburn, 1 have little personal build and run your own dryer to make The bicycle is a vehicle and should use Jas river bottoms, Telephone-Register, adv ’ g it pay. For an orchard of this charac ­ experience with the hills, but I know the vehicle road, and that if there is any Yamhill Reporter, one killing birds described in the first Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, that most of I lie great mercantile orchards ter, which we will suppose consists of a path nt ull it should be for foot passen­ Dayton Journal, Sick Headache,Gast ralgia.Cramps, and section of the law. “ thousand trees. I would set in the follow ­ all other results of i mperfect d ¡gestion I mii I i of apples ami prunes are located in gers. I do not believe that the law cau Valley Transcript, prtg and advg ing proportions: Red Astraehan, Wax ­ Brolher Shaw and company, you and Prepared by E C DeWitt a Co. Chicago such positions. For prunes I think the discriminate between a tew and the Valley Times, advg en. Gravenstein and King, one each , preference is with the bills. They do general public in such a question. More all other visitors and strangers are cor- ROGERS BROS. & Co, “ not seem quite hh liable to late frosts a» Baldwin and Ben Davi«, two each. Tins than that the bicycles are doubly taxed, Conover dially invited to attend tbe services at Valley Transcript, del tax list would give a succMeion of the finest of the bottoms, amt so far there are few in­ which is arbitrary law The money if Yamhill Reporter, the Christian church next Lord’s day. sert enemies to hother them. I’eaches drying fruit, iieginning in August and legal to be collected, should be placed D I Pierce, per diem do Morning and evening the subjects to be will grow to advantage now hero but in running for six months or over if de­ on the highway for the good of the pub­ R P Bird, salary................ the bottoms and are very unreliable sired. Thus a small diyer and a few lic. A path for footmen is a part of the F S Harding, express discussed are as follows: Morning sub­ hands could handle a large crop. Such road law, and is more essential in the 1 N Branson, per diem there. For apples I would always choose ject, “The Conundrums of a Great 9 a bottom orchard. First, on account of hii investment would be safe and sure to w inter months t han i» the bicycle path. Geo Cone, care of poor 10 provide an immense amount of work at Woman.” Evening subject, Theater, ■oil. You w ill generally find it made We have 6 ) leet ol highway in the full and the Greatest Actor of the Age.” laud, or river deposit from ten to forty remunerative wages. All these varieties intent of the road law, as known gen­ feet deep. It is therefore of inexhaus­ are the finest shipping apples in their erally, yet in a thousand and one places I t is reported that fifteen hundred All are cordially invited.—Arnold Lind­ tible fertility. This soil is deposited season. there is only room for a wagon track. women of the state of Kentucky have sey. If you would enter a mailing, hurry up in old gravel bars which reach from Wliat is the use of tit) leet and that often issued a protest against the carrying John R. Booth returned from Woods bluff to blutl through the bottoms. Thia iug, driving business, where belli risk impassible. A traveler lias no light to of concealed weapons, and their ac­ and possible profit are very great, set a on Monday, whither he went the previ­ gives the l>est conceivable drainage, for tear a man's fence down to get by, and the water in the soil always stands on large prune orchard. Then you will be he must traverse the whole 60 feet if tion strikes at the root of the lawless­ ous Friday to visit hi« brother Wm. J. | the level with the river, which is l>elow obliged to employ a host of hands and possible to find a way through. Hence ness that disgraces the state. There, the gravel line in summer and atiove have an immense dryer and do your the reason be gets on to the so-called is a law in Kentucky as in nearly, if Booth, who had been seriously ill for during the high water of winter. Tlie work of harvesting in ten or fifteen days. bicycle path and pays flu and costs to not all. the ether states, against the some time. He arrived just in time to first bench or lowest bottom is the ideal Ji you have a good location this is very keep up little offices. And the farming carrying of hidden firearms. The see hie brother die on Saturday morning. location for an apple orchard. This is profitable, but ttie outlay and risk is al­ public must fo..t the bills. For every Louisville women urge that severe W. J. Booth had been postmaster at most ten to one as compared with apples. aliout sixteen feet above low water and accident to harness, etc., tie county penalties be inflicted by the courts alsiut eight leet above the ordinary win­ The moat successful prune orchards are should be imide to pav the costs. Look on all who disregard the law. Noth Woods for thirteen years, until last fall, upon the lower reaches of the red hills, when he turned the office over to Ins ter stage- 1 use the figures that would at the railroad crossing this side of apply to my place, ten miles east of .Mc­ or the higher benches of the river hot- Whileson. Such a disgraceful place ing could work a greater change wife. He was 52 years, one month and . toms. Few locations on the prairies are Minnville. but 1 suppose other locations should be fixed and the railroad company in Kentucky, and it would put an end 10 days old, and was a native Oregonian. might be somewhat different. An or­ tillable. should * be made to ilo it. It is on their to the bloody affairs that have made If you intend to set an orchard this A proposition is now under consider­ chard set in such a location will be com­ land. the blue grass state in truth “a C itizen . spring, set at once. The fall is the l>est pletely immersed seteral tiuiee every ation by the people of Medford and vi­ dark and bloody ground." I time to set trees on the uplands. The winter by floods, the water standing cinity for a canal carrying water from I t is stated that the demo -populists over the trees from three or four days to spring, in the bottoms liable to over F red L. P ost . Karl s Clover Root Tea in this county have made a com­ It takes but a nriuute to overcome Little Butte creek to a point near Med- ns much as two weeks at a time How flow. Fsautlfies the Complexion, Purifies the bination and that the union is per­ tickling in the throat and to stop a cough ford. The proposed ditch is to have an manv codlin moth do you suppose will mood, Rives a Fresh, Clear Skin. Cures Con- Cure ■ «'aid In One Day. live through such an experienceT All fect The leader* claim that in as- by the use of One Minute Cough Cure average depth of six feet and an average 5?' uLl”’ tn.’iiestion, and nil Eruptions of vie pkjn. An aarceahle Laxative Nerve remedy quickly cures all forme of width of 10 feet and will be near 25 miles insects are thus destroy ed and we have Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets much as they broke through and se­ This ionic. Sold on absolute guarantee by all practically clean orchards. A few moth Harmless in length. It will be used to irrigate the druggists at 25c., 60c. and «1. X». cured one officer last year, they can throat and lung troubles. All druggists refund money if it fails to wander in from other orchards but do and pleasant to take. It prevents con ­ s. C. WELLS A CO., LEROY, N. V. again do the ame thing and that ful sumption A famous specific for grippe large area of now arid land north of 1 lately read an ac­ cure. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each very little harm, SOtC PROPRIETORS Medford, known as the “ desert." and to ly a half of the ticket can be elected count of a túan who boasted lie had tablet. For sale by Rogers Bros. 47-6 next June The work »0 far done and ite alter effects. Rogers Bros. furnish the town of Medford with water saved ninety per cent of his apples by and power. Sold by S. Howorth & Co. has been quiet and republicans have spraying eight times I have not lost Mrs. Virginia Meek, relict of the fa­ \\ e have saved many doctor bills since hartily realized what is going on five tier cent of mine and do not spray at all. I find the rich soil induces such we began using l'haml>erlain's Cough However republicans have heart! the mous trapper and ecout, Joseph Meek, >OTH K OF Fl* Ai. M.TTI.r HF.tT. «DltniSTHATnR's NOTICE. luxuriant grow tli that the black spot or Remedy in our home. We keep a IxM chuckle of delight —Hillsboro In­ died at the home of her eon. S. A. D. canker does not effect the trees as badly tie open all the time and whenever any dependent. Meek, at Glencoe, on the 8th inai., aged i > hereby civen that the uodemgnr»! as on the prairies. All trees grow much of mv family or myself l>egin to catch N OTICE has duly filed in the County Court tor ^TOTICE is hereby given that th«- nnegiii to me the congh remedy count as adminiatnitor ot the estate of A. May of the estate of Watson S Baglev, d. ceased W ord comes from Roseburg that are two or three years longer coming and as a result wo never hate to send Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his sawyer, deceased, and said court has set Tues­ Now therefore, all persons having claims into tiearing. To anyone having a piece awav for a doctor and incur a large doc­ a ledge of siiver has been discovered day the 1st day of May. A. D. 1*X>, at tbe hour against said es6 50 per ton i cold«, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and i tions thereto, and to the settlement thereof Dated February 20th 19(0 Dated this March lath, A. D. 190U. 13-j wash or be liable to drift. A year ago I er. Mattie. Bedford county. Pennsyl­ J H. OLDS. C.8. WILLIAMSON. thruwt ami lung troubles. Relieve* at silver and some gold. — Grants Pass Administrator of the estate of Watson S Bag- For sale by Howorth A Co., set a young orchard of one thousand vania. Administrator of the estate of A. Mav taw ver, tor. wrwewaau. I once. Roger* Bro*. Mining Journal. 1 deceased. tree* io such a location. The water ha* druggists. R. L. CONNER, At oruey for said Estate. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.