The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 16, 1900, Image 7

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All the world knows of the wonder»
ful cures which have been made by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­
pound, yet some women do not realize
that all that is claimed for it is abso­
lutely true.
If all suffering women could be made
to believe that Mrs. Pinkham can do
all she says she can, their suffering
would be at an end, for they’ would
at once profit by her advice and be
There is no more puzzling thing than
that women will suffer great pain
month after month when every woman
knows of some woman whom Mrs.
Pinkham ha.s helped, as the letters
from grateful women are constantly
being published at their own request.
The same derangements which make
Sainful or irregular periods with
till backaches and headaches, and
dragging-down sensations, presently
develop into those serious inflamma­
tions of the feminine organs which
completely wreck health.
Mrs. Pinkham invites women to
write freely and confidentially to her
about their health and get the benefit
of her great experience with the suf­
ferings of women. No living person
can advise you so well. No remedy in
the world has the magnificent record
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­
pound for absolute cures of female
ills. Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn,
Three Letters from One
Woman, Showing how She
Sought Mrs. Pinkham’s
Aid, and was cured of
St, press ion of the Men­
ses and Inflammation of
the Ovaries.
“ B eak Mas. P inkham —I have been
in bed a year. Doctors say I have
female weakness. 1 have a bad dis­
charge and much soreness across my
ovaries, bearing-down pains and have
not menstruated for a year. Doctors say
the menses will never appear again.
Hope to hear from you.”—M rs . J. F.
B rown , Holton, Kans., April 1, 1898.
“D ear M rs . P inkham —I received
your letter. 1 have taken one bottle
and a half of your Vegetable Com­
pound, ami used two packages of your
Wash, and feel stronger and better.
I can walk a few steps, but could not
before taking your Compound. I still
have the discharge and am sore across
the ovaries, but not so bad. Every
one thinks I look better since taking
Eour Vegetable Compound. ”—M rs . J. F.
¡«OWN, Holton, Kans., Aug. 13, 1898.
“ D ear M rs . P inkham —I think it Is
■ay duty to let you know the good that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound has
done me. After I took three bottles,
menses appeared, and I began to feel
stronger and all mv pain was gone.
Yours is the only medicine that ever
helped me. I am able now to work
around the house, something I did not
■xpect to doagain.”—M rs J. F. B rown ,
Holton, Kans., Jan. 25, 1899.
Three More Letters from
One Woman, Relating how
She was Cured of Irreg­
ular Menstruation, Leu-
oorrhcea and Backache.
“ D ear M rs . P inkham —I am suffer­
I have pains
in both sides of the womb and a drag­
ging sensation in the groin.
struation irregular and painful; have
leucorrhoea, bearing-down pains, sore­
ness and swelling of the abdomen,
headache, backache; nervousness, and
san neither eat nor sleep.”—M rs . C ar -
BIB P hillip «, Anna, 111., July 19, 1897.
“D ear M rs . P inkham —I want to
thank you for what you have done for
me. When 1 wrote to you I was a
total wreck. Since taking your Vege­
table Compound, Liver Pills' and Sana­
tive Wash, my nerves are stronger
and more steady than ever before, and
my backache and those terrible pains
are gone. Before I took youi medi­
cine 1 weighed less than one hundred
and thirty pounds. I now weigh one
hundred and fifty-five pounds. Your
medicine is a godsend to poor weak
women. I would like to ask you why
I cannot have a child. 1 have been
married nearly three years."—M rs . C a r -
1UE P hillips , Anna, Ill., Dec. 1. 1897.
“D ear M rs . P inkham —I did just as
vou advised me. and now I am the
nappy mother of a fine baby girl. I
believe 1 never would have had her
without your Vegetable Compound.”—
M rs . C arrie P hillips , Anna, Ill., Jan
27, 1899.
ing and need vour aid.
Proof that Falling of the
Womb is Overcome by
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege­
table Oompound.
“D ear M rs . P inkham — When 1
wrote to you some time ago, I had
been suffering from falling of the
womb for many years without obtain­
ing relief. Was obliged to wear a
bandage all the time : also had bad
headache and backache, felt tired and
worn out. After taking six bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham's N egetable Com­
pound and four boxes of Liver Pills, 1
discarded my bandage and have not
had to wear it since. I am entirely
cured "—M rs . J. P. T hoctman , B ox 44,
Hamilton, Ohio.
“D ear M rs . P inkham —For nearly
two years I was unable to work. I
was very weak and could not stand on
my feet but a few minutes at a time.
The doctors said I had falling and in­
flammation of the womb. I began to
use Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com­
pound. and after using five bottles I
feel like a new woman."—M rs . P. Ji.
B lau , Confluence, W. Va.
At Chicago 7.000 members of the
building trades are on strike.
: Georgiens Gab
Women Design Them and Use Primi­
tive Methods in Their Work.
Kilting Locusts by Inoculation,
Dr. Alexander Edington, a distin­
guished graduate of Edinburgh univer­
sity, now director of the Bacteriological
Institute at Grahamstowu, South
Africa, has cultivated a fungus which,
when administered iu it liquid form to
locusts, produces a fatal disease, rapid­
ly destroying the pests in enormous
swarms. Three great swarmsof locusts
ravaging the fields were recently en-
tirely destroyed iu this muuner within
a week.
The wonderful artistic blaukets
woven by tlie Navajo ludiau women ex­
cite the greatest admiratiou wherever
they are seen. They are the product
Why Poverty Is a Bleasing,
“Paw, what’s All this in the Papers of infinite labor. It takes the Navajo
about Poverty being a Blessing?” maw Indian woman six mouths to make one
of these blankets that the civilized
"That’s the latest discuvery." paw dame finds so delightful as a couch *
says. This is the Graitest alge of dis­ cover, so quaint as a wall banging.
coveries the world Ever seen. Every Her loom Is the simplest thing Imagina­
Our Nation's Wealth,
few Days they are some new kind of a ble—two upright poles, across the top
The material wealth and strength of our
discuvery. One week they Diseuver a
nation is in iron, the most useful of all
Wireless telegraft pole nod the uext t a fourth as a crossbeam at the bot­ metals, just as the wealth ofa huinaii la-itig
Day suinbudd Gets up from the Table tom. Then auotber beam Is fastened lies in a useful stomach. If you have over­
iu a hurry and says: 'Excuse me a few to the upper crossbeam with rawhide, worked yours, try Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters. It will relieve the clogged bowels,
Minutes. 1 got to go out aud Diseuver and two final poles—one top and one improve the ap|>erite and cure constipa­
a Linif to keep peeple from Ever bottom—to which the vertical threads tion, dyspepsia and biliousness.
Growing old,’ or else be Dlscuvers how of the warp are tied.
Bridge Burned With Electricity.
Before this primitive loom the weaver
to freeze air aud then thaw it So ‘t’ll
novel method of destoying a
squats, tailor fashion, day after day,
be Icewater.
wooden bridge has recently been tiied
"So Andur Carniggy got to Thinking
with complete success.
about it the Other day, aud he thot he As soon as a thread Is placed It is forced wires are placed across certain beams
would Do a little Discovering, beeoz Into a firm, close position with a "bat­ and heated by means of electricity; the
he had plenty of Time before he Would ten stick,” so that at tlie end the blan­ wires burn their way through the wood,
baft to Tare off the next Bunch of Coop ket Is capable of shedding the heaviest aided by the weights, and the bridge
pons. lie tliot and thot and thot trying rains. For while the Navajo woman falls.
to Diseuver sumthing that would make Is now quite happy to make her blan
Two thousand plumbers and 6,000
him faimtis, but the more lie Thot the kets for the adornment of the civilize
more It Seemed neerly Everything had homes, the first and chief reason fo, laborers in Chicago are either on a
their existence was to keep the Iudians strike or under orders to strike against
been discovered before he got at it, and
warm and dry in their wild rides over the new rules of the Building Contract­
they didn't seem to be Etitiy way left
ors’ Council.
the Western plains.
to Bring a little Glad sunshine Into his
The main beauty of these blankets is
Life. That nite be had to Make a
the coloring. The Indian woman likes
A powder I*» he shaken into tlie shoes.
Speech before Some people that
bright colors, and she lias learned to
this season your feel teel swollen, ner­
haven’t Ennything to live for except blend them with truly artistic feeling. At
vous and uncomfortable. If you have
liow to find Sum way to Get rid of the Nor does she ever turn out two blankets smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
Worry a purson has after they get «like. Each has a design of Its own. Foot-Ease. It rests ami eomfiirts; makes
more Than Leven or Fourteen million thought out in her brain, and worked witlking easy. Cures swollen ami sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves
dollars, aud When he Got up on the out by memory on the fabric she is corns
ami bunions of all pain and is a cer­
Stage he had happened to Look at the fashioning.
tain cure for I lit I hiatus, Sweat i ng. damp or
feet. We have over thirty thousand
Faces In front of him and There he
Some of the blankets are made from testimonials. Try it fixlsy. Sold by all
seen Kockyfello. That made him think wool raised and dyed by tlie Indians druggists
ami shoe stores for 25c. Trtul
of what be was trying to Diseuver all themselves. They are as beautiful in package FREE. Address, Allen 8. Olm­
the time. It was just like if be would coloring, although not so closely woven, sted, Le lloy, N. Y.
of Been inspired, and lie sed:
Employes of the American Hide and
as tlie blankets made from the Ger­
“ ’Poverty Is a Blessing.’
mantown yarn, of which these primi­ Leather Company’s tanneries at Low­
“The unhappy millyunaires that were tive workers use hundreds of pounds ell, Mass., who huve been on a strike,
Lisseniug to llim broke out in Wild every year. Some of them, called the returned to work, the differences hav­
apploz and give him three Cheers. It common Navajo bed blankets, are ing been settled by arbitration.
was One of the most Tuteliing tilings woven In stripes of red, white and
Ever happened. Strong men wep and black. They are sold, rather curiously,
wimmen who haft to Use Marble Batli for so much a pound, there being about With local applications, as they cannot reach
the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or
tubs neerly fainted when they Thot of twenty pounds to a blanket. Navajo constitutional
disease, and in order to cure it
tlie Blessings of the poor and Then Ke­ saddle blankets are the same, except­ you ni’tst take internal remedies. Hall's Ca-
internally, and acts directly
membered their own trubbles. The ing that they are smaller in size.
I on th» blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca-
poor Don’t haft to worry for fear the
Exceedingly pretty are the fancy i tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed by one of trie best physicians in this
coachman might get drunk and Let the blankets made from native wool. Those country
for years, and isa regular prescription.
horses Kun away when they are Goitig more expensive are built on a scarlet It is composed of the best tonics known, com­
the best blotal purifiers, acting di­
home from the Grand opera. Tlie poor ground, with the designs in high colors, rectly on the
mucous surfaces.
The perfect
don't Need to Be afrade the ship mite and are of real value for decorative ef­ combination of the two ingredtents is what pro-
dm.-es such wonderful results In curing catarrh.
Sink while they Take three Trips to fects. Blaukets of this kind sell for #e rd for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Proprs., Toledo, O.
Yoorup every year. Tlie poor needn't from $5 to $15.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
It Is on the designing of the blankets
Toss about at nite thinking niebby one
Halls Family Pills are the best.
of the Survents mite run Away with a made from Germantown wool that the
Iu Gennerul Kobbe’s expedition in
Dimund necklace valued at tlirde hun­ Indian woman expends much thought,
dred Thousan dollars and dimunds go­ and they really are marvelous combina­ the islauds of Luzon, Leyte and Samar,
ing up every day on Account of the tions of coloring. Conventional repre­ troops from the two regiments have
War In Africky. The poor Don’t haft sentations of the various phases of na­ I occupied nine towns and placed 180,-
to think their sons mite Get their necks ture and mythological symbols often 000 bales of hemp on the market.
Broke playingpolo or chasing bags witli enter Into the designs. But what strikes i I never used so quick a cure as Piso’s
annus seed In them. The poor don’t one most curiously is the homely ob­ Cure for t’oiisumption. - .1. B. l'lilmer, Box
Haft to Worry Beeoz tlie Butler was jects that the weaver introduces into 1171, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 25, 1805.
so blame green be went and Wiped the her work. A weaving fork, a liow and
Greater New York has one negro
Cobb webs offti the shampane Bottle arrow, perhaps a simple cooking uten­
before he Brot it in where the Cumpny sil. is sure to lie pictured there. And policeman.
Is, when they paid Thurty sents a Bot­ that simple bit of everyday life is a
tle extry to have tlie Cobb webs put hint to the weaver—a sign to her by
New York City, Feb, 15, 1900.
On. The poor Don't haft to be afrade which she can recall the time of its
My Dear Carlton:—I know it will
their privut Car mite be left Standing making.—Chicago Chronicle.
please you to learn that my homeward
out on tlie track where it’ll get Rained
Her Doga.
journey Ironi San Francisco was more
on or mebby the Sailors mite no liow
Summer In Dawson, says the Inde­
to Unlock the side Board on the ate pendent, is delightful, and even tlie than pleasant. One striking feature
hundred Thousand doller yot their winters, declare those who have stayed that added very much to my comfort
fawtlier gave them for a Burthday there Iu that season, are glorious. Many was the dining car service on the Rio
Grande Western aud the Denver & Rio
nre the stories told aliout the wondrous Grande. This is the finest service of
“All these Things and a Lot more I lieauties of the trail over the lee and this description 1 have ever seen any­
enn’t think of just now Come to Andy the White Pass, where even women where, either in this country orabroad;
in a Flash when he looked at the Sad have gone, handling tlieir dogs, from the ftKid and looking was all that could
faces of the Hitch In frunt of Him, and day to day, as tlie men handled theirs. lie desired, ami at very moderate prices.
it's no Wonder Sum of Them almost Every man aud woman there lias a If you hap]ien to know the Rio Grande
Broke down when they thot How they I story, all interesting aud some thrill­ Western people, 1 wish you would say
had recked their lives by getting So ing.
to them that it will afford me the
they could Own counties here and theie
"I used to like to start out first In greatest pleasure at all times to bear
with Cassels on Them ami have Their the morning,” said a Detroit woman. testimony anywhere to the above facts.
own Ice Cut. So when the meeting “Once, as I hurried my dogs down the
Very truly yours,
was over they all went up and shook trail In the gray dawn, I saw three
(Signed) J. ADDISON BAKER, 2nd.
[-sit Lske Tribune.]
Andy’s hand, and when they Went stray animals romping on the way.
The Rio Grande Western Railway
away from there every one Had a new Now, If you catch up with a stray dog
on the trail, he is yours; so, my heart now operates through Pullman sleeping
resolve in his hart.”
fluttering with Joy, I began whistling cais lietween Ssn Francisco and Chi­
"What was that?” maw ast.
cago, without change. The route via
“To go on Nolily sacrificin’ them­ to the half-wild creatures.
“At first they paid no attention to me, Salt Lake City is unequalled iu attrac­
1 selves and their Time and happiness to
keep welth from where it mite bring but kept romping and leap-frogging up tiveness and wealth of novel interest.
Misery and dlspepsy to millytins of and down the trail. 1 slowed up my Three through trains daily. Write for
their Benlted countrymun who don’t no team and put myself In front, the bet­ information, rates, etc., to J. D. Mans­
Ennff to Enjoy a first Class blessin' ter to make my pt-ace with the rene­ field, General Agent, 253 Washington
street, Portland, Ore., or Geo. W.
When they've got It and can’t get out gades.
“When we had come within a hun­ Heintz, Geueral Passenger agent, Salt
from under It,” paw says.—Chicago
dred yards of them they stopped play­ Lake City.
ing. sat down and stared at us. I whis­
A ftrnllc Hint
tled again and they all ran. How fool­
A Particular Regg>r.
you interested in ath­
When lieggars can be choosers, they
are particular ones. Here Is an authen­ me that I had been trying to harness letic sports!
She (who has waited)—Yes; I am
tic tale of a beggar of high standards, three wild wolves!”
very much interested in the ring just
who lived In Oxford, England:
What la Rood 7
Outside the college gates stood regu­
“What is the real good?”
larly for two or three hours a day.
I asked in musing mood.
when the thoroughfare was crowded, a
Take I-axative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
"Order,” said the law court:
blind beggar with a boy as guide. Al­
All druggists refund the money if it
"Knowledge.” said the school;
though a beggar, he was not oppressed
“Truth,” said the wise man;
fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature
by poverty, and the following conver­
"Pleasure,” said the fool;
is on each Itox. 25c.
sation was heard between him aud bls
“Love,” said the maiden;
“Beauty," said the page:
At a request of the legislative com­
“Fieedom,” said the dreamer;
“How much Is It?” asked the beggar,
mittee of the Ohio Federation of lailior
“Home,” said the sage;
just after the coin dropped into his cup.
a bill has been introduced in the Ohio
"Fame,” said the soldier;
“Threepence,” replied bis guide.
legislature providing for equal wages
"Equity," said the seer.
“How much have we taken alto­
for men and women.
Spake my heart full sadly,
“The answer is not here.”
“Two shillings.”
Then within my bosom
"Wait a bit.”
Softly this 1 heard:
Then the listener rants round ano
“Each heart holds the secret—
Kindness is the word.”
dropped in a shilling.
"How much?” whispered the blind —John Boyle O'Reilly.
The 10OO Salon.
“Another shilling.” replied the boy.
If yon haven't a regular. health? movement of the
French painters should have room bowel«
every day. you're «Irk. or will be Keep your
“A shilling. Ab. go tell them to have
enough at the l’.Hto Salon, as the archi­ I bowel« open. and be well Force. In tbe »hai>cof
oyster sauce with the mutton!”
violent phytic or pill poison. 1« dangerous The
tect of the building has provided them smoothest, easiest. most perfect way of keeping the
A Mysterious Box.
with nearly four miles of banging bowel« clear and clean 1» to take
In 1S38 Francis Douce, the antiqua­ space.
ry, bequeathed a sealed l»ox to the ;
Called on the Br were First.
British Museum on condition that It
was not to be opened until Jan. 1, i The brewers of Johannesburg were
1900. Some literary people In England the first to be commandeered for horses
• re now clamoring for Information as to supply the Boer artillery.
to its contents, but it is unlikely that
Don't overwork yourself. Just Imag­
their curiosity will be gratified for a ine how miserable you would be If yon
long time, "s a great many formalities finished all your work to-day and had
_Plea«ant. Palatable. Potent Taste Good Ho Good,
have to be gone through first.
■ever Rkken. Weaken, or Gripe. Kir.
IPr Write
nothing to do the rest of your life.
More herring ar* eaten
other kind of fish.
Wealth changes some men more than
for free «ample, and booklet on health. Address
Ckteaga, Maatrael, Saw Tart. MSa
Had Catarrh Nine Years—All
Doctors Failed.
Hon. George Kersten, a well-known Justice of the Peace, of Chicago says:
“/ was afflicted with catarrh for nine years. My catarrh was
located chiefly in my head. I tried many remedies without avail.
I applied to several doctors, but they were not able to cure me. I
learned of the remedy, Peruna, through the daily newspapers. After
taking the remedy for lb weeks I was entirely cured. I consider my
cure permanent, as it has been two and a half years since I was cured. ”
All families should provide them­
selves with a copy of Dr. Hartman's
free book entitled “Winter Catarrh.”
This book consists of seven lectures on
catarrh aud la grippe delivered at The
Hartman Sanitarium. It contains the
latest information on the triatment of
catarrh diseases. Address Dr. Hart­
man, Columbus, Ohio.
Any man who wishes perfect health
must lie entirely free from catarrh.
Catarrh is well-nigh universal; almost
omnipresent. Peruna is the only abso­
lute safeguard known. A cold is the
beginning of catarrh. To prevent colds,
to cure colds, is to cheat catarrh out of
its victims, l’eruua not only cures
catarrh, but prevents it.
We need your assistance in announcing to the world the GREATEST REMEDY that Science
has ever produced, «nd you need our assistance to secure relief tor yourself and friends
ttlVAWunM'C ('a
"5 hcnp^
As surely as the American Navy has con-
_ _ __________________ ___
__ _
quered and will conquer all that oppose«
it so will “5 DROPS” unfailingly conquer all diseases like Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia,
Lumbago. Catarrh of all kinds, ASTHMA, Dyspepsia. Backache, Sleeplessness. Ner.ouaness-
Heart Weakness, Toothache. Earache, Creeping Numbness. Bronchitis.
Liver and Kidney Troubles, etc., etc., or any disease for which we rec.
otnmend it. " s DROPS' ’ Is the name and the dose. “ 5 DROPS" la per.
ï)l IO PS^
1J F
fectly harmless. It does not contain Salicylate of Soda ttor Opiates in any
form. The Child can use it as well as the Adult.
Read carefully what Mr. L. R. Smith, of El Dorado Springs, Mo., writes
us under date of Nov. 37, 1800, also Martan Bowers, of Caraghar, Ohio.,
I do not know how to express how wonderful I think your “ft DKOPflP”
medicínela. 1 was suffering Intensely with NEUHALOIAand thought for
a month that 1 would have to die One day a lady called to see me and brought
our “
ft DROPS '* 1 resolved to try It and sent
rue an advertisement of your
o«..v for a sample bottle. llar»
ifave not had an
.... attack of ‘ suffering
been taking It for three weeks and iTave
1 toy* the first dose. I be­ -
inient is posit
lieve It has saved my life. This statement
Ilyclv true.
1 shall also take pleasure in recommend-
of NElJHAbGlA.
Ing your “ft DBOHI” for thecureof
Hl Dorado Springs. Mo . NOV. 27, 1889.
Your “ft DROPS** came to hand on the llth of last month and was glad to receive It for I was suf­
fering at the time with untold agonies. The first dose helped meout of my pain on short notice. Bless
the name of God for It. It will du all you say It will, and more too. 1 had severe pains all over my body,
when night came 1 could not sleep. The worst pain was In mv left leg. I could notput my footto tba
floor without suffering great pain. Have used four different kinds of medicine for ItHKUM ATIBM
and got no relief until I got your M ft DROPS/* which gave me immediate relief as above stated.
MAILTAN BOWKK8, Box 83, Caraghar. Ohio. Deo. 16, 18911.
to enftb,e sufferer« to give “6 DROPS’’ at least a trial, we will »end a sample bottle, pre»
UV UA T O paid by mail for Sftc. A sample bottle will convince you. Also, large bottles (300 dosee)
«1.00 « bottles for 96. Sold by us and agents. AtiKNTS WANTED In New Territory. Don’t Walt ! Write now!
1 BO to 1«4 Lake IL, ( HK AGO, ILL.
Late«t In Hose«.
The latest thing in roweH is the pon-
flegbion of an East Anglian r'»se grower,
who, in hi» catalogue, sayti that it«
name i« Kruger, and that it require«
u warm powition and much disbudding.
Mothers will lind Mrs. Winslow'« Sooth­
ing Hyrup the best remedy to uwe for th^’r
children during the teething period.
Public school« cost Perlin $8,000 a1
_____ _
Th«.y Never Fall.
Almost never, (’««carets cure so larg»» a per- |
rentage, that they’re guaranteed to cure
chronicconstipatioii or money refunded. Drug­
gist«, 10c, 25c, nOc.
Eighty-tour per cent of Idaho is pub­
lic laud.
WORKS: WlltK 1
«nd iroir ienciiig: <»ffice railing, etc. HBIAIder
II Mull iiirry hih I Niippl I«*«.
cAwaTox a co
knoinim . hoii . km
BT ...
Fwitc« Hilft IVirtx Uiirk».
‘ an trace their trouble to the blood, bu-l—'
na . I liiHt don't help, unler« they find a remedy.
ch inery, supplies. 4«-ôü First Mt., Portland, Or i
Moore’s Revealed Remedy
JOHN POOLE, PoBTLAwn, O regon , Purifies the blood make« sick women strong
can give you the best bargalnn in general mid weil. fl.OOper bottle at the drug store.
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
pious, belts and windmills. The new
steel t X L windmill, sold by him, is un­
Steam Pumps
and Water
W ill out-yield corn; will make the same kind
of meal; has superior fattening qualities: will
solve the problem of fsttening Hogs «nd Cattle
in a wheat country; should be «own in the
spring the ««me as wheat and will yield from
fin to KX> bushels per acre; the straw «iter it Is
thrashed han an oily substance and it is almost
Pumping Plants off
Any Capacity
29 to 35 Firat Street. Portland, Or.
Mochinerv—Ail Kinds.
as good as hay.
Price of weed lOc per pound or SA per
hundred. Address
M. J. HH1ELD« A CO., Moscow, Idaho.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure81ckHeari«cheandDys-
pepbla, K. mo e Phnple«,Purify the Blood, Aid Diges-
tlon, I
rnt B!if<»u«nc»«. D * not Gripe or Sicken. To:
convince y-fi. will mail «amp e free; fullbox.23c. DR. 1 TAR
Pa. Boldby Druggist«, LIIU
For <P-nnrrh«ea and Gleet get Pahat’« Okay Specific. It
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