The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 16, 1900, Image 6

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fils face had the grimnes* of granite;
It was bleached und bronzed by the sun,
Like the coat on hi* poor uarrow shoul­
And bi* hands showed the work be bad
Ilis dim eyes were weary and patient;
And be smiled through bis pallor and
A wistful, sad smile, as if saying;
“I’m only an average mau.
“J can't be a hero or poet.
Nor a dictator wearing a crown.
I’m only the hard-working servant
Of those set above me. I'm down;
I'm down, and it's no use complaiuiug;
1'11 get on the best way I can;
And one o' these Jays'll come morning
And rest for the average man.”
lie wages all buttles and wins them.
He builds nil turrets that tower
Over walls of the city to tell
Of the rulers and priests of the hour,
Without him the general is helpless.
The earth but a place and a plan,
He moves all aud clothes all and feeds
This sud-smiliug, average man.
Then I lifted my hand in a promise.
With teeth set close, and my breath
Held hard in my throat; and I uttered
A vow that shall outlive death.
I swear that the builder no longer
To me shall lie less than the plan,
Henceforward lie guerdon ami glory
And hope for the average uiau.
—Ilamlin Garland.
O HE'S gone at last, has he?”
said my wife, with a little,
piquant elevation of her pret­
ty brows. “I began to think he was
•oineliow gifted with immortality.”
“Dead nt last," said 1. “And what do
you think, Jenuy? He has left us a
hundred dollars.”
“A hundred dollars’" echoed my wife,
clasping her Im mis together. ■'Oil!
Charles a hundred dollars!”
Now all this limy sound like n two-
pence-half penny sort of aff air to f ollie
of my readers, ns I am verv well aware.
But as I am only a <•!<. k on a salary of
nine hundr <1 n year a hundred dollars
drifting, as it were, out of the sky,
•coined a very neat sum to me.
Jenny and I were both young people,
just beginning the world, with no par­
ticular riches, except one apple-cheeked
baby. Jenny did her own work, made
my shirts and cut ami fitted her own
dresses. I walked to mid from busl-
uess every day to save the twenty cents
«minibus fares. We did our best to make
both «'lids meet and u tight pilli we
found It.
So tlmt you will easily see that this
hundred dollar bill represented consid­
erable more to us than Its mere face
value. Old Uncle Moses Manson was
mortally offended when hie niece, Jen­
ny Clifford, chose Io marry me Instead
of a wizened, bespectacled, old eontem-
porflry of his own. He had never spoken
to her since, and we naturally enter­
tained no very exalted hopes of any
testamentary recollections on Ids part.
And the hundred dollar bill, therefore,
possessed tin* elmrm of ail agreeable
aiirprlse Into the bargain.
"Charles,” said Jenny, under her
breath, "what slmll we do with it?”
"That Is the very question,” said I.
“Do you know, Jenny----- ”
1 hesitated n little here.
"Yes?” she responded, interrogative­
"Every fellow In the bank, except me,
has a gold watch. I've been ashamed
of this old silver concern more than
once. And Seymour Ims a very nice
•econd hand one for sale that he will
lit me have for ninety dollars If-----”
“And turn the hundred dollars Into a
mere useless ornament!" cried Jenny,
with a strong accent of disapprobation
tn her voice, "Charley, that Isu't a bit
like you."
"Well, then. what do you suggest?"
“I should so like to give a social party
with It," said Jennie, coax I ugly. “Only
think how often we’ve been Invited out
•luce we were married, ami never have
had a chance to return any of the hos­
pitalities of our friends. The musi­
cians, the supper, and nil. would come
w ithin the hundred dollar*.”
“And you are absurd enough to wish
to eat, and drink, and dance up a sum
like that!” I cried. “No. no. Jennette, it
Is entirely out of the question.”
“A new velvet suit for the baby?"
suggested Jenny, pouting a little at the
rmphasls of m.v words.
"How would It correspond with the
rest of our surroundings?" | naked, not
without an accent of bitterness. "You
had a great deal better suggest a new
winter suit and overcoat for me. You
never seem to observe how shabby I
am getting.”
notices a
dress,” said Jenny. “I can make your
»vercoat l<s>k very nice with fresh bind­
ing and new buttons but how 1 should
like a sealskin Jacket!”
“Jenny.” said I, somewhat disgusted.
“1 had no Idea you could be so selfish.”
Jenny colored and tossed her head.
"Selfish, Indeed!” cried she. "I would
like to know whether you have yet sug
gested anything which was not for
your own special benefit and use?"
We were both silent. I don’t suppose
either one of us had felt so vindictive
before, slme our marriage. Clearly,
the hundred dollar bill had worked no
great benefit ns yet.
"I’ll tell you wlmt, Jenny," said I:
“let's compromise. Let's buy a new sit
ting room and stairs carpet. 1 saw a
beautiful pattern nt Moody’» yesterday
— pearl gray, with a vine of scarlet
moss all over It."
“I don’t care very much for new car
pets as long n* we live on a second
Boor,” snld Jenny. “And you don’t
lee in to remember, Charles, that I
Haven't bad a silk drew since we were
married Black silk Is suitable for all
occasions, from a wedding to a funeral,
and I really think----- ”
”1 believe a woman's thoughts are al­
ways running on dress.” muttered I,
somewhat contemptuously. “I'm sure
that black alpaca of yours lu beauti­
“That’s all you know aliout the mat­
Quaint Saying* and Cute Doing* of the
ter,” said Jenny, elevating her nose.
Little Folk* Everywhere, Gathered
“Well, I don’t care. Spend the money
and Printed Here for All Other Lit­
as you choose. Only, Uncle Moses was
my relative.”
tle One* to Read.
“And the money was left to ine, Mrs.
Evarts,” said I.
Shadow pictures are as old as the
Jenny looked at me with her eyes full
hills, for In sunshine or moonshine,
of tears.
wherever there is a tree or a rock or
“Oh, Charles,” said she, “how can
t dying bird, a blade of grass or a
you speak to me so?”
cobweb floating its almost invisible
“Because I’m a brute, Jenny,” said I.
shape along the air, there will be found
fairly melted. “Forgive me, and we’ll
shadows, and they all make pictures of
fling the paltry old hundred-dollar bill
some sort to the careful observer. 1
into the tire before we'll let ft scatter
remember seeing a little tot of a girl
the seeds of division between us.
imong the lilacs of n private flower
“No, Charley, don't do that,”
pirden last summer. The day was sun-
Jenny, laughing through her tears.
ay and warm and the baby was sitting
"Let's—put it lu the savings band.”
“Agreed,” said I, sealing the bargain
with one of our old-fashioned klaaes.
“Aud apropos of savings banks, did 1
tell you about Greene?”
Born in Dunfermline, Scotland, N ov.
Born in Fayette County, Ohio, in 1849.
"No. What about Greene?”
Dry goods clerk at $5 a week when 16
“Why, he and his wife have Just
Came to America with parents at age years old.
moved Into the prettiest little Gothic of 10.
Bookkeeper in distillery at 21. Salary
cottage you ever saw’, Just the other
Began to help earn family’s living when
side of the Harlem Bridge, with a la wn 12 years old by working as bobbin boy $7 a week.
With friends bought 360 acres of cheap
anil a garden, and space tv keep a lit Ue in a cotton factory, receiving $1.20 a
land aud fifty coke ovens when 22 years
Alderney cow.”
Fired a boiler in a cellar when 13 years old.
“Rented it?”
“No, bought It.”
Doubled capacity of coke works four
Clerk in bobbin factory nt $2.50 a week years later.
“Why, Charles, how can that be?
Greene has only two or three hundred at 14.
Survived panic of '73, when others weut
Messenger in telegraph office at 15.
a year more than you, and It takes
Telegraph operator at $25
money to buy places lu the country.”
patting the shadows
“All savings banks, my dear,” said I. when lti, supporting family.
Kail way sold part iuterest iu coke company to jf the twinkling lilac leaves. She
“Greene tells me that he aud his wife
Carnegie in 1882.
called the shadows butterflies, aud
superintendent at 10.
have been saving up for years, with
Secretary to Pennsylvania Railway offi­
Became partner with Carnegie iu steel would put her lmnd over one aud then
special reference to this country home
peek under her hand and give a little
business iu 1888.
cials 1854 1801.
for their children. They commenced
tqueal of surprise that the shadow but­
Military telegraph operator during war.
with a tlfty-cent piece.”
Bought Adams Express aud sleeping and riots in 1892 a and won it, after being terfly was gone. So, for ever so long,
“We can do better than that!" said car stock in small quantities.
this small girl played in a shower of
shot by Anarchist Berkman.
Jenny, with sparkling eyes. “Please
Bought oil lands, which ultimately be­
auttertly shades that were unconscious­
God, dear Charley, our little fellow came worth millions, in 1866.
ly making pictures for her. It Is more
Built iron bridges in 18117.
shall have a green aud sunny place to
than likely that the stealthy shadows
Built Bessemer plant in Pittsburg when
Built one of the most luxurious homes t>f the great forests tirst suggested to
play in before he is many years older!
And 1'11 do without the silk dress."
the Indians tlmt the wilderness was
Twenty years later
“Aud I'll make the old overcoat last seven great steel wor
Was able to pay $100,000 for one paint-i
an.nuer seasou, ut the very least,” 1 Pittsburg.
ing when 49 years old.
Parted with his business associates in ? Employed John G. Johnson, Pennsyl- ’
“And we’ll give tip al! such nonsense 1800, when his steel works und mines < vauia's greatest lawyer, to tight Carnegie
were estimated to be worth $500,000,000. j iu the courts, February, 1900.
as new carpets-----”
“And gold watches”
“And foolish suppers and whies and
than does the pension official through 1
everything else that Isn’t absolutely
whose hands pass the result of invest!- I
necessary,” added Jenny, comprehen- Romantic Marriage of Miss Miltick anil gallons of claims. A ease from St. I
Prince Oscar of Sweden.
Louis fairly illustrates hundreds of do- '
One of the most romantic marriages
The next morning, bright and early,
mystic complications which come under
as soon ns busluess hours would per lu royal European circles was tlmt of the observation of these officers. Soon
mlt, 1 went and deposited the hundred Prince Oscar of Sweden, better known after the civil war a soldier who had
as Prince Bernadotte, to Miss Muuck. married in the vicinity of St. Louis
dollars in the nearest savings bank.
A week afterward Mr. Manyply drop­ one of the attaches at his mother’s died. His whlow applied for a pen­
ped In, in a friendly way. Manyply is court, and the most singular thing sion and got it. But while the claim
spirits, and caused them
the lawyer who transacted
was pending a courtship was also under
Moses Manson's financial affairs a her husband by a song. Prince Oscar, way. The second marriage took place to think that the tree, the stream and
plump, bald-headed, deep voiced old the King's second soil, saw the youug Just before the allowance of the pen­ the modest flower had each its guard­
gentleman, who always dresses in lad) at her duties among the maids of sion. It stopped further payments, and ian angel.
In winter evenings It is great fun to
spotless black and wears u big seal­ honor in Ids mother's train. None was all that Mie woman received was the
ring on the little liliger of Ills left hand. more obscure tlmn she untitled and amount due from the death of the sol­ make shadow pictures on the wall, ami
"So,” said Mr. Manyply, ‘you've In unportioned. But she had a face that dier husband to the remarriage. With the accompanying illustrations will
vested tlmt hundred dollars, have you?” iu his eyes singled her out from all.
her second husband the woman lived suggest to you how easily they may be
It shone, white and pensive, from a twelve years. Then a separation took produced in great variety.
"Yes,” said 1, w itli the complacent air
Take the tirst one, representing San­
of one who has an account lu bank. frame of hair as yellow as that of any place. The woman went to Denver,
Valkyrie iu the Norse mythology.
"But how did you know It?”
became acquainted with a soldier, and ta Claus. You have but to cut a tree
Prince Oscar, who knew the folklore lived with him as his wife about ten tnd cap and beard from cardboard and
“Oh, 1 know a good many things,"
said Mr. Manyply, oracularly. “But of his native land by heart, wove years, or until his death.
around tlmt face of hers many a day
what's the Idea of it?”
Remembering her experience with
"Economy,” struck In Jenny, proudly. dream In which thoughts of gods and the first huKbaud, the woman presented
"We are saving now, Mr. Manyply. W e
a claim for a pension on account of the
mean to have a home for little Charley with the realities of to-day. his own second soldier or third man with whom
a garden full of roses und piuks aud hopes ami his own affections.
she had sustained marital relations.
Like a Valkyrie, too. Miss M unek After a careful Investigation of all of
strawberries one of these days.”
"And a very laudable ambition,” could sing a man's heart away. Prince the facts the pension office refused this
said Manyply In that smooth, oily way Oscar discovered that listening to her claim, on the ground that there bad
of Ills. "How much would such a place one day when she thought she was been no marriage to the second soldieer.
cost now?”
Thereupon th© woman entered claim
King aud Queen and nil the court for the restoration of the old pension
“Charles thinks If we wnlted for a
bargain we could secure It for about were horrified when Prince Oscar pro- granted to her on account of her first held them in the proper position be­
claimed tliat he loved Miss Muuck mid husband, and stopped by the second tween the light and the wall to get the
$7,060,” Jenny answered, promptly.
"Buy It now, then," said Mr. Many­ that uo other woman should be Ills marriage. To make her ease she frank­ I *hadow picture. By wriggling your
ply. “Here's a check for eight tliou- wife.
ly admitted that she had not been mar­ ! fingers you may make Santa wrinkle
There was a great turmoil. The maid ried to the third man. She uext pro­ I his nose and upper lip In a most amus­
of honor was admonished to keep her ceeded to get rid of the liar created by ing manner.
"Eh?" cried 1, breathlessly.
Next we linve “John Bull." who Is
“A cheek,” the old lawyer went ou. thoughts and her eyes away from the her second marriage. She declared It
“signed by your Uncle Manson, payable King's sous ami Prince Oscar was scut was Illegal. To establish this she set just now after the Boers. With two
to the order of Ills niece, Jane Anne ou a long voyage, with orders to forget forth that theseeoud husband had liv­ pieces of cardboard nml your fingers
Evarts. Ah! you may well l<s>k aston­ Miss Muuck as speedily as possible.
ing at the time of the marriage another in right position you get a picture of
Meanwhile her gift of song had been wife, from whom he had not been di­ I English John carrying his flag before
ished. He was an eccentric old eliap,
this uncle of yours, Mrs. Evarts and I discovered by others and the Queen eu- vorced. Investigation showed that thia him. Just below is a pig's head, made
have Ills written Instructions to keep couraged her to use It for the pleasure was strictly true. The second husband,
an eye on the manner in which you in­ of the court.
after the separation from this second
Klug Oscar himself Is no menu poet wife, had become reunited with ills first
vested that hundred-dollar bequest of
his. 'If It Is squandered lu any foolish nnd musician. At that time lie had wife. The examiner found the two liv­
way,’ he writes, 'there Is an end of the composed several songs. Miss Muuck ing together In St. Louis and learned
matter, l’ut my money all In the Hos­ studied them and learned to Interpret that they were highly respected people.
pital for Hunchbacks. If they show them with great feeling.
— St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Prince Oscar returned from his voy­
any disposition to save help them along
Kussian Whist.
with this check for eight thousand dol­ age In much the same frame of mind,
America hits already rivaled England
lars. to lx1 expended only In the pur­ save tlmt lie thought more of Miss
ns a home for whist. It will be interest­
chase of real estate.' My young friends. Muuck than ever before.
So matters stood oue evening when ing to see whether we shall follow the
I congratulate you.”
Ami Mr. Manyply'» spectacles beam ' the court gathered In the music saloli. example of our transatlantic cousins iu by properly placing the hands, only.
| Miss Muuck was commanded to sing. the mania for ‘ bridge,” or "Russian Move your fingers up ami down and
cd upon us like two full moons.
This Is bow we became possessed of She began a song of King Oscar's—bis whist,” which Is now all the rage lu watch the fellow opeu and shut his
London, and tn many card circles has mouth. Perhaps he represents the Boer
iur lovely little country home, where 1 favorite composition.
The theme was a sad one, the music made whist as obsolete as “Boston.” making faces at John Bull.
Charley thrives like a growing flower
nnd Jenny flits about In a broad-brim- pitched iu a tender minor. All the It Is a sort of dummy whist. Different I In spite of the fact that It Is winter,
med gardening lmt. trimming roses, girl's breaking heart found voice as she suits of cards give different values to the next shadow picture shows a ter­
pruning gooseberries nnd planting lily­ sang.
the tricks, the red suits, for example, rier dog with a inuzle on. Move your
When she censed she Imd apparently living more valuable than the black. fingers a bit and the dog will bite at
bulbs. And the hundred dollar bill Iles
forgotten where she was. As a deep The dealer does not turn up a trump the nose cage that should have been
untouched In the savings bank.
"It shall be Charley's fortune," says sob was heard all eyes turned from her <ard, but has the privilege of making discarded long ago.
my wife. "It would be a shame to to the King. Hi* eyes were streaming. any suit he pleases trumps, or may de­
Plant* that Shoot Their Seed*.
Approaching Prince Oscar he took clare no trumps, which Increases the
touch It .after It lias wrought us so
The witch hazel throws its seeds to a
> him by the hand and led him to where value of the tricks. This value also
much good."
And I quite agree with her.—New ' the singer sat. Without uttering n may I h > doubled again ami again by greater distance than any other plant.
word he Joined tlielr baud* and left tlie holders of good hands, so that It is It flowers late, after the fall of the
Y’ork News.
1 them there, standing amazed before a game of uncet taint les. The best leaf, and amid its plumy yellow blos­
A Republican Hat.
, them all.
authorities use the American leads, soms cluster the nuts produced from
The story below, taken from the New
l’rlnce Oscar and hl* wife the Prince w hleh itrr rather dropping out of use iu Inst year’s flowers, each containing two
black, white-tipped seeds. As they
York Tribune, proves that w hen poetry nnd Princess Bernadotte ns they call English whist.—Troy Times.
ripen the outer shell cracks from the
I* In. wit I* uot necessarily out:
themselves are well known and liked
top, while the inner covering splits nnd
Michael Joseph Barry, the poet, was all over Europe. They are very rellg
Onion* anil Garlic a« I'erfnmr.
appointed a police magistrate In Dub­ . ions and often work together ns public
lu Tartary onions, leeks and garl’c turns Its edges inward, so as to press
lin. An Irish American was brought ' evangelists. Ami at such times the art- regarded ns perfumes. A Tarts on the seeds. As soon as the crack ex­
liefore him, charged with suspicions princess' voice ring* a* sweetly in Indy will make herself agreeable b tends below the middle of the nut this
conduct, and the constable, among o her streets and slums as It did in a palace rubbing a piece of freshly cut onion o., pressure exi>e!s the seed, which la. It
Is said, sometimes thrown forcibly to a
things, swore that he was weariug a when It won a king's heart
her bands aud over her countenance.
distance of forty-five feet. To pass
"Republican hat.”
through a witch hazel copse in late
"Does your honor know what that
Kmln* of the But rrs
means?" Inquired the prisoner's law
It la said that Sir Reivers Buller la autumn Is to expose oneself to a minia­
Difllcuttle* Hurmonnted by the W Mow
ture bombardment. Many other plants
yer of the court.
the wealthiest general (among common-
of Three Soldier*«
throw their seeds to a great distance,
"I presume," said Barry, “that It
erm in the service, aud Admiral Sir
There are skeleton* In the p'geon
the advantage l>elng that the seedlings
means a hat without a crown.”
• I hole* of the pen«1<»n burean. »keietott*
find fresh grounds, neither overshad­
The average man would be satisfied a* ghastly as ever took up habitation
owed nor exhausted by the parent
People arc very patient, considering plant In different species the means
If he could only get the earth, but Alex 1 tn a family closet. Th* specialist who
amler the Great wanted to get up a make* divorce getting his buslneaa does that the end of every day only fluds employed Is very various. The distri­
not receive more shocking rev »Laue us them one day nearer their grave*.
bution in the case of the g rguiums is
AfZse of Two Men
From Pennies to Millions
’ on the principle of a released spring!
by which are often thrown seeds fofi
twenty feet. With some pod-bearing
plants, as the vetch and the broom, thq
pods burst suddenly with a spiral inor
tiou, so that the seeds may be projected
teu or fifteen feet. The wood-sorrel
has its seed pods spilt along their wholi^
length, but the fissure remains closed
until the tiny, delicate capsule lu whlcM
each seed is wrapped bursts, and in so
doing propels both Itself and its con­
tents with considerable violence.
How Tom Thought It Out.
He Is uot a boy in a book; he lives in
our house. lie seldom says anything
remarkable. He eats oatmeal lu large
quautities, goes through the toes of his
boots, loses his cap and slams the doors,
like any other boy. But he Is remark­
able, for he asks few questions, and
does much thinking. If he does not
understand, be whistles—au excellent
habit ou most occasions.
There was much whistling In out
yard oue summer. It seemed to be at
all-summer performance. Near the end
of the season, however, our boy an­
nounced the height of our tall mapls
tree to be tliirty-three feet.
"Why, how do you know?” was tX
general question.
"Measured it.”
“Foot-rule and yard stick."
“You didn't climb that tall tree?” hl
mother asked, anxiously.
"N'o’m; I Just found the length of the
shadow, and measured that.”
"Butthelength of a shadow changes.’
“Yes'm; but twice a day the shadow«
are Just as long as things themselves
I’ve been trying It all summer. 1 drove
a stick Into the ground, and when th»
shadows were just as long as the stick
I knew that the shadow of the tree
would be Just as long as the tree, and
that's thirty-three feet.”
"So that Is what you have been whls
tllng about all summer.”
“Did I whistle?" asked Tom.—Se­
Could Trust Her.
“Do you like candy, mamma?” asko
4-year-ohl Bessie.
"No, dear,” was the reply. “It al­
ways makes me feel bad.”
"I’m awful glad of it,” said the little
miss. “You’re just the one I want tv
hold my caramels while I dress dolly.’
And Others of Coat Dust.
"Mamma, are
dust ?”
people made of
“Yes. dear.”
“Well. then. I suppose the Indians ar«
made of brick dust!”
XVhat They All Said.
Mr. Newman—You're a alee little boy.
Tommy—That's what they all say
when they tirst meet sister.
Inquiries to Boys Who Wish to Go to
the City.
Benjamin Franklin, oue of the most
sagacious and practical of the world's
great statesmen, had the habit, it is
said, of reducing every puzzling prob­
lem lu life to a series of written ques­
tions and answers. "When I can see
them before my eyes I can master
them,” he used to say. There are hun­
dreds of boys aud girls to-day on farms
and in country villages who are eager
to go to the nearest great city to “try
their luck.” We offer a few questions
for them to consider before making
tlieir decision.
First. 1 am going to the city in the
hope of making my fortune. Is there
any duty at home ou which I shall turn
my back when 1 go—auy duty weightier
and more urgent than that of making
my fortune?
Second. For every dollar to be earn­
ed there are at least ten competitors in
the city for oue In the couutry. What
qualities have I which will insure me
success over the other nine?
Third. The Jack of nil trades, or
“handy mau, who enu turn his hand to
anything.” Is not wanted lu the city.
He Is speedily trampled out of sight.
Success Is to be won only by the men
best trained In their own trades or pro­
fessions. What trade or profession have
1? What proof have 1 given of special
ability In auy trade 1 have In mind, or
that may seem attractive to me?
Fourth. Have I energy, skill, pleas­
ing manners, tact to win me a place
where the crowd nnd tlie competition
are so great? Or is my only qualifica­
tion for town work discontent with
home and village life aud unfituess for
work lu the country?
Fifth. At home 1 have the good will
and friendship given to my family aud
to me by people who have known me
since I was born. This is a valuable
capital, out of which happiness can be
made to come. What is there In the
city to atone for the lack of It to a poor
friendless boy? Isn’t there some occu­
pation In the village or the country
town that I can secure, or ennnot fann­
ing. with energy and Industry, be made
to give me an adequate livelihood?
These question*. If gravely consider­
ed. may lend a l>oy or girl of common
sense to a wise choice at one of th*
great turning-points of life.—Youth's
Hi* Fatal Mistake.
“Ah. no!”
Count de ITattebroke raised his vole*
to a tone of impassioned protest as he
addressed the homely heiress.
“Ah. no! 1 do not love you for your
money! It I* your own fair face that
I love. My affection is as great as
your beauty.”
“Then. Count.” came the cruel an­
swer of Miss Ugleigh, “you'll have to
look a little farther. Your affection
doeM't appeal to me.”
For she had a mirror that had told
her a few thing* about her beauty.
Besides, as she afterward said.
“What's the use of having money If it
Isn't appreciated?"
What, Indeed?—Baltimore American.