The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 16, 1900, Image 3

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    Hi BlftS MMHD
Roberts’ Movement Takes
Them by Surprise.
tic treated Eastward, Being Followed
by French'«
Cavalry—The Dutch
Making fur Bloemfontein.
London, March 10.—The Boers ap-
pear to have made no stand whatever,
except that while in retreat they twice
repulsed General French’s cavlary with
rifle fire. As no report has been made
of the capture of prisoners, the enemy
probably got away with their entire
force. General French is still follow­
ing them and keeping between them
and Bloemfontein.
The evacuation of the northern dis­
tricts of Cape Colony is now nearly
complete. The British are in posses­
sion of the rialroad crossings.
The military critics comment on the
discouraging news from Mafeking.
Colonel Baden-I’owell seems to be in
grave need of outside help. Otherwise
he would not allow correspondents to
seud out information respecting the
distress of the garrison.
A re-adjustment of some of the higher
commands is taking place. General
W hite is to go to Stormberg to take
supreme command of General Gatacre’s
division and the Tenth division, now­
in process of formation, which will be
under the immediate command of Gen­
eral Hunter, Sir George White’s chief-
The Daily News makes the following
“It was rumored in London yester­
day—and we have no reason for be­
lieving the rumor,to be correct—that
the two republics made informal and
unofficial overtures of peace on the
preceding day.
Unfortunately, the
conditions suggested were of such
character as to preclude the possibility
•of leading to any result. Terms which
might have been gladly accepted be­
fore the war, in order to avert it, are
impossible after the war, with all the
sacrifices it has entailed.”
General Robert«* Report*
London, March 10.—Following is
the text of Lord Roberts’ dispatch, re-
v lived by the war office today:
"Poplar Grove, March 10.—Two
irigades of cavalry, with horse artillery
•nd Kelly-Kenny’s division, marched
:oday 10 miles eastward.
The Boers
were taken by surprise yesterday.
They moved off so hurriedly that they
left cooked dinners behind them. We
captured a Krupp gun and several tents
and wagons.
The total casualties
Killed, Lieutenants Keswick
and Frieslick; wounded, Lieutenants
Hailey, of the Twelfth Lancers, and
Decrispigne, of the Second Life Guards,
both severely, and Lieutenant Smith, o'
the Shropsliires, who is believed to
have been picked up by Boer ambu­
lance. Two men were killed, 46 wound­
ed, and one man is missing.
“Gatacre re|s>rts he intends occupy­
ing Burgersdorp today. Repairs to the
Tailroads toward both Stormberg and
Leyusberg are being pushed. Clem­
ents now occupies Nerval's Point, on
the south bank of the Orange river.
The bridge was blown up March 6, and
-the enemy is holding the north bank of
the river, but not, it is believed, in
any great strength.”
Ma ny Have Smallpox.
Jackson, Miss., March 10.—An offi­
cial report made to the Hinds county
Icard of supervisors reveals an appall­
ing state of affairs in the Jonesville
neighterhood, in the southern part of
the county. The community is literal­
ly honeycombed with smallpox of the
most virulent foim, and during the past
six weeks nearly 100 deaths have oc­
curred. On some days the death rate
lias been so large that it was imiossi-
ble to secure coffins, and rude caskets
were made from rails. Whole families
were wiped out of existence and of sev­
eral large families only one or two chil­
dren are left.
Many of the patients who are now in
a critical condition are without medi­
cal attention, and are dying at the rate
■of from three to five a day. The death
rate exceeds 75 per ceent, and the en­
tire lower portion of the county is de­
moralized. The board of supervisors
will make an effort to check further
spread. Blot In Bordonnz.
Bordeaux, March 10.—Late yester­
day evening students and others issuing
from a pro-Boer meeting marched to
the British consulate, battered down
the doors, shattered the windows with
stones, and then proceeded to the con­
sul’s private residence, where they in­
dulged in similar demonstrations. The
jsilice disjiersed the mob and arrested
several leaders.
The prefect of the
Gironde, the mayor of Bordeaux and
the commissary of police called on the
consul today and expressed regret at
the occurrence.
Recruited to Full Strength.
Ottawa, March 10.—Minister Borden
received tonight from the war office a
cable accepting 100 men to recruit the
First Canadian contingent to its full
«■trength. They will leave with the
Strathcona Horse.
Eight-Club Circuit.
New York, March 10.—The National
Baseball League for the season of 1900
will have an eight-club circuit. This
announcement was made at the Fifth
Avenue hotel at 11:30 o’clock tonight,
when the league meeting adjourned.
A verbal agreement was reached to­
night, and tomorrow the agreement
will be formally executed. The retiring
clubs are Washington, P.altimoie,
Louisville and Cleveland. Each club
will receive a money consideration for
•to franchise.
Terrible Plight of the Besieged, but No
Talk of Surrender.
ftlch Claim, tn Hit* Klondike Country—
Aestheticism in Mining Camps.
Mafeking, Feb. 21.—What may be
typhoid fever has broken out in the
womens’ laager, and dysentery, due to
the absence of vegetables, is rife among
the garrison. We are thrown upon
our own resources. Such luxuries as
we had are exhausted, or have been
commandeered for the hospitals, which
are filled to overflowing.
The chil­
dren’s graveyard, close to the women’s
laager, grows weekly as the young lives
are cut short prematurely by shells and
fever. We look with hope deferred for
The cheerfulness which was charact­
eristic of the early days of the siege has
almost deserted us, the men preferring
to remain at their posts, rather than
move about and work up an appetite,
which cannot be satisfied. The natives
are in the worst plight.
Those who
are unable to obtain work are allowed a
small handful of meat daily. Many,
braving the danger, wander about the
town with gaunt and huiigiy faces in
search of work which eutitles them to
an extra ration of meat. If they find
work they are generally too weak to
jierform it.
From their advance posts the Boers
rake the streets and the market square.
It is impossible to dodge their bullets.
We have taken remarkable precaution,
however, and the casualties, though
heaVy, are not what they might have
been with less able men at the head of
Even the headquarters’ mess fares
scantily. Like saints under the altar,
we cry,
“How long. O Lord, how
Two hundred and ninety-two per­
sons have been killed, wounded, or
dead of disease,
The garrison is so
small that it would be criminal to
make its weakness public, but- there is
never so much as a whisper or sugges­
tion of the possibility of surrender, lie­
cause we do not mean to get beaten,
and we are cheerfully enduring the
hardships of today rather than to make
a surrender in any degree possible to-
Some one said that inau first works
for bread, then for butter on his bread,
and will exhaust himself to get sugar I
on the butter. There is a great deal ol
truth in the remark; at least as far as I
miners are concerned. They want th«
best when they have the price. They i
«re not so exacting so far as flowert
ami lerfuines go. They are not aestlric
in their tastes and inclinations, but
they want good clothing, good board,1
good magazines and laaiks and good,
comfortable homes or lodgings. They
can rough it when necessary, tak«
their bacon and beans as their every
day diet, sleep where night overtakes '
them and never whimper, growl oi .
grumble at their fare. They are min-1
erg and take life as they find it, not
as they would wish it to be. Of
course, they enjoy their bread, but will
take butter on it if they’ can get it, and
will have the sugar if it doesn’t cost
too much.
But a miner’s life, and his cnstore
aud habits do not lead him in th<
direction of aestheticism, He is a geu
tieman, but not a dude, He may be *=
little rough in his ways and blunt it
his language, at times, well-meanin;
and kind-hearted and disposed to de
the right thing under all circum­
stances. He may npi>ear stern and tin
yielding, but it should be borne it II
mind that the miner is forced to meet
aud overcome stern and apparently un­ I
yielding conditions in his daily avoca­
tions. These conditions often find ex
pression in his demeanor.
Graine, Flax, Clover and Vegetable*
Thrive Surprl«liigly — AI mo Goats,
Sheep and Cattle.
General Trad. Distribution Ha. Skaww
Tendency to Kipand.
Bradstreet’s says:
Relieved from the hampering effect*
Town of Aparri Assaulted
of stormy weather, general trade distri­
bution has shown a tendency to expand
by Filipinos.
One of the important repoits which this week, prices of many staples ar*
has just been submitted to congress by firmer and higher, and generally there
the secretary of agriculture and ordered is a better tone than noted for oom*
to be printed deals with the agricul­ weeks. Easily holding first rank in
tural investigations in Alaska. It is the matter of speculative activity, cot­
important tecause it brings out some ton early in the week touched the high­
Rebel« in the Southern Penlnnula Scat­
facts in regard to the agricultural relia­ est level, not only for the present sen-
tered Into Small Bands—Mammcre
bilities of our vast Northern territory, son, but for at least bix years past.
at Calabanga—40 Spaniards Killed.
which will astonish those who have re-1 Wool is rather weaker, following th*
garded it as a useless ice box, which at drop in prices at the London sale, »nd
most, was valuable only for the gold it the rather slower demand from Aineri-
Manila, March 12.—Generals Young
might contain or for the fur aud fish it can manufacturers,
•ml Hood are asking for reinforcements,
i By another of the short swings which
•nd a battalion of the Forty-eighth has
These investigations, as far as they have distinguished wheat prices for a
been sent to Aparri. Other troops will
have gone, indicate that it has latent long time past, quotations have been
capabilities which, when developed, advanced this week to the level touched
The rebels recently persistently at­
may sustain a large ]*opulation and some time ago.
tacked Aparri for several hours, but
make it a prosperous state. And why j Boot and shoe manufacturers are
were finally driven away. Details of
not? The little country of Finland, actively employed, aud leather is firm,
the affair are lacking.
which lies between Sweden and Russia but hides are weaker or lower at moat
The rebels are holding reunions in
in the same latitude aud is less than markets,
the proivuce of Noith llocos and the
one-fourth the size of Alaska, has »1 Building materials are firm, except
red Katapuuan cross, symbolic of re-
|K>pulation of 2,506,000 and ex|a>rts at cities where labor troubles are ap­
sistence, is again appearing among
I Kith grain and livestock, as well as prehended.
the natives.
vast quantities of dairy products. The
The industrial situation is rather
It is believed that the insurgent gen­
author of the report, l’rofessor C. C. irregular, owing partly to the com­
erals, Tinto and Florhes, have bejn
Georgeson, who has charge of the in­ bined strike and lock-out of 50,000
driven by Young into Hood’s territory.
vestigations, brought to Washington 11 building hands, building material
The fact that Young is unable, owing
varieties of spring wheat, a dozen workers and machinists at Chicago,
to lack of troops, to maintain garrisons
varieties each of barley an-1 oates, and I and partly to isolated strikes of small
in all the towns occupied has had a
rye, buckwheat and flax, all of num tiers of men throughout the
bad effect on the natives.
which had matured at the experiment I country.
General Bates has returned here af­
stations at Sitka and Kenai, in the
Wheat, including flour, shipments
ter leaving garrisons in the provinces of
Kenai iieninsula.
The re;>ort states for the week aggregate 4,208,758 bush­
North and South Camarines. The ex-
that red clover lived through the winter els, against 3,863,387 bushels last
| pedition lost seven men killed and 10
at Sitka, uiade a luxuriant growth week, 4,398,821 bushels the corre-
wounded. On entering New Caceres,
aud matured seed, and that vetches spending week of 1899, and 4,844,701
Not Good for Poor Men.
province of South Camarines, General
Fred Sniedeman, an old time Seattl) and other forage plants did equally as bushels in 1898.
Bates learned that 2,000 insurgents
Business failures in the United States
had departed the same day. The Ameri- man, who haH spent the past 18 montlii | well. All of the common hardy veget­
: cans immediately sent out three pursu- in Atlin, B. C., and one of the pioneeri' ables v ere grown to perfection, some for the week number 189, against 178
1 ing columns, encountering the enemy who blazed the trail into that section, cauliflower at Kenar measuring 14 last week. 177 in this week a year ago,
247 in 1898, 227 in 1897 and 282 in
in three small engagements and killing returned to Seattle a couple of dnyi inches across the head.
A statement by the superintendent 1896.
ago, en route to St. l’aul. Mr. Smede-
a total of 40 men.
The Spanish prisoners report that the man will return to Seattle in a few' of the Alaska Commercial Company in
enemy was divided into small bands in weeks and go from here to the new gold regard to his company’s experience
Seattle Markets.
the mountains, under the leadership of fields in the Cape Nome district it | with livestock at Kadiak is of more
Onions, new, $2.25@2.50 per sack«
General Legaspi. The town of Iriga April. In Atlin he has several mining than passing interest, because it reveals
Lettuce, hot house, 40c per do».
i has been burned by the enemy. Both properties, but speaks in very conserva­ possibilities in the stock industry
Potatoes, new, $18® 20.
whi<4i are bound to lie of much impor­
tive terms of the district. He says:
provinces were thoroughly scouted.
Beets, per sack, 75@85c.
“It is not a ‘poor man’s camp’ it tance in the future development of the
The inhabitants of the district of
Turnips, per sack, 60c.
Libmanan, including Abella, the pro­ any sense of the word, but will tak«, countiy. The company has for many’
Carrots, per sack, 50c.
vincial governor and other officials, are money to develop the country. Monej ' years kept cattle, sheep and Angora
Parsnips, per rack, 75®85c.
Nonunion Workmen Employed on Chl- returning to their homes.
Abella lias will be made, generally speaking, onlj ' goats on some of the small islands near
c»go Building«.
Cauliflower, 75c ®$1 per dozen.
issued a proclamation calling tqion the by large concerns who have secure«, j the town of Kadiak. On one of these
Cabbage, native and California*
Chicago, March 10.—Under police natives to submit to the Americans.
and are securing strings of claims to 1« islands it was not found necessary to
guard, over 300 nonunion workmen
The liberated priests from New Ca- worked on a large scale with hydraulic feed or shelter the cattle at all, winter $1.00® 1.25 per 100 pounds.
Apples, $1.25® 1.50 per l>ox.
or summer. Year in and year out they
were today given work by contractors I ceres report that the insurgents killed plants.”
Prunes, 60c per l>ox.
lived in the open and were maintained
engaged in erecting various down-town : 68 Chinamen and 40 Spaniards at the
Rich Mine« iu Southern Oregon.
Butter—Creamery, 31c ;>er pound*
solely by the native grasses, which are
buildings. This was the first serious town of Calabanga.
The Kubli Bros., of Jacksonville
attempt on the part of the contractors
It is estimated that there are 100,- Or., who own the Golden Standarc abundant in all of Southwestern dairy, 17 @ 22c; ranch, 20o per pound.
Eggs—15 Ifc (3 16c.
Alaska. The herd increased yearly
to resume the work interrupted by the 000 bales of hemp in the Camariueg
mine, situated on Gall’s creek, neai alxnit 75 per cent of the breeding cows.
Cheese—Native. 16o.
strike of the unions affiliated with the provinces.
Gold Hili, have arranged to start wort A flock of Angora goats increased 60
Poultry—13(3 14c; dressed, 14(315o.
Building Trades Council. Nearly all
Twelve hundred well armed insur­
Hay—Puget Sound timothy, $12.00;
the unfinished buildings were heavily gents, formerly of Cavite proivnce, on their property the present week per cent annually and gave very good
picketed by the unions, but beyond one with a Chinese colonel in command, with a force of 12 men. For the pres- results in mohair. A flock of sheep choice Eastern Washington timothy,
or two attempts to persuade the non­ ; surround the towus of Albav and Le­ ent they will use the old and thrift} has been kept for the past 16 years on $18.00(3 19.00
Corn—Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
'1 he in-
union men not to go to work, no at­ gaspi. They have effected three night two-stamp mill, which has reduced s( pasture, the year around,
much rich ore for them in the past
tempt was made to interfere.
! attacks and continually harass the but they have decided to replace it, crease was something over 60 per cent, feed meal, $23.
Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton,
and the clip averaged about five
Labor troubles culminated in a riot * Forty-seventh regimeut, which has lost
at Thirty-sixth and Wallace streets this | eight men killed ami 20 wounded in I and have secured a 10-stamp mill, pounds of wool per head yearly. There $20;
with 500-pound stamps, which the) seems to lie no doubt that animal hus­
Flour—Patent, per barrel, $3.35;
evening. William Schindler was shot defending these towns.
will change to 800-pound stamps, and bandry can be successfully prosecuted blended straights, $3.00; California,
and probably fatally wounded, and six
have in running order in the neat in different parts of Alaska.
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gnu-
Joseph Walsh,
others were injured,
future. Extensive development work
Land for agricultural experiment sta­ ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
foreman for the Link Belt Machinery
Company, and 11. K. McLain, super­ General Wheeler Suggest« a Territorial has also been planned, and when if tions has teen reserved at three places flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(34.00.
shall be carried out this mine is ex­ in the coast region; namely, at Sitka,
Millstuffs—Bran, per ton, $13.00;
intendent of the same company, were
attacked by strikers, For some time
San Francisco, March 12.—General pected to enter the list of large pro­ Kadiak and Cook Inlet, and develop­ shorts, per ton, $15.00.
Feed—Chopped feed, $20.00 per ton;
ment work was begun the past season
the strikers have followed Walsh and Joseph Wheeler favors giving the Phil­ ducers in Southern Oregon.
at Sitka and Kenai. A headquarters miildlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
McLain every night when they left the ippines a territorial form of govern­
Rich Klondike Claim«.
shops, and have threatened to kill ment. Said he:
Sections of Gold Run Gulch in th< building was erected and partially com­ per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef
It is to contain
them. Tonight some one threw a club
“I believe the people are leady for a Klondike are yielding $1,000 per linea. pleted at Sitka.
nt Walsh, striking him in the back of certain kind of self-government. They foot of the claim. One claim in th« offices, lateratory, library and quarters I steers, 7,'e®8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8o;
the head. He accused Schindler, and could be given the power to make laws, I twenties, for wihch the owne -s asked for the person in charge. Most of the jsirk, 7,' bc ; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8599
when the latter denied it a fight fol­ under such a sytem of government as $600,000 some time ago, but did not scientific work will be done at Sitka.
Hams—Large, 18c; small, 13
The stations are equipped with work
lowed. A crowd of strikers gathered I has been adopted for our territories. : sell, is yielding an exceptionally firn
around and Walsh, believing his life The municipal governments are all in return. Not being able to sell it, the oxen and all the tools necessary for breakfast bacon, 12z*sc; dry salt aide»,
was in danger, shot Schindler in the I the hands of the natives, and they get owners set to work with seven met pioneer farming, The report enumer- 8c.
breast. A general fight followed the along without trouble or friction. 1 and without thawers have shown u; ■tes also the lines of experimentation
Portland Market.
shooting of Schindler, and strikers to Under a territorial form, the islands $75,000 and not over 100 feet of th« which are of chief interest to that
Wheat — Walla Walla. 51® 53c;
the numlier of 40 made an attack upon could be best controlled.”
500-foot claim has teen touched. A country. They include those which Valley, 52c; Bluestem, 54c per bushel.
Walsh and McLain, and four others
He reviews his impressions of trade, section of 45 feet of the claim yielded relate to the improvement of the soil,
Flour—Best grades, $3.00; graham*
who were with them. Although badly possibilities in the Orient as follows:
$7,000, $1,000 and over per lineal foot, the selection and improvement of small $2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
jiounded up, they managed to hold
“England, Russia, Germany and and the owneis claim that they will re­ grains, experiments with vegetables,
Oats—Choice white, 85 (3 86c; choio*
their own, and beat off their assailants France have braved war and pestilence ceive more than $300,000 from the the introduction of fruits and exjieri- gray, 34c per bushel.
ruents relating to the various branches
until the arrival of the police. Walsh in efforts to secure a share of the ground included in the claim area.
Barley—Feed barley, $14(315.00;
of livestock industry.
was placed under arrest.
wealth which will come to them by
brewing, $17.00« 17.50 per ton.
commercial relations with these peo­
Millstuffs—Bran, $13 per ton; mid­
North weit Notes.
Senate Taken It Up.
The late heavy rains and the fresheti
ple. The treaty of peace cast upon us
dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 pa*
Washington, March 10.—Formal dis­ the responsibility of sovereignty over following them in some of the section)
An opera house to cost $12,500 and ton.
cussion of the Puerto Rican tariff and from 7,000,000"to ibooo’ooo people’ 1 of Southern Oregon and Northern Cali to have a seating capacity of 1,000, is
Hay—Timothy, $9(310; clover, $79
civil government bill began in the sen­ together with the islands which they fornia,
.... ' ” * along the Klamath
* to be erected at Albany, Or., this year. 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6(37 perton.
ate today, and continued uninterrupted­ inhabit, containing an area three times river, have cleared away large bodiei
Butter—Fancy creamery, 50@55c;
Mrs. Jane Kees, who died near Leb­
ly for 4 hours. The principal speak­ that of our great and prosperous Empir« of tailings and rock1 piles and othei
anon, Or., left an estate valued at about seconds, 421»«45c; dairy, 80® 87)9«;
ers »ere Foraker, in charge of the state.
debris that hsve accumulated in th) $120,000, mostly in money. She left store, 25'9® 82 Sc.
measure, Slid Pettus, but at various
“Very naturally, there may be honest past few months. Th's has been most
Eggs—11c per dozen.
times during the debate lively col­ differences of opinion as to whether beneficial to the miners along th< no children, and the money goes to her
Cheese—Oregon full cream, 13o;
brothers and sisters.
loquies occurred, in which other sen­ everything has been conducted during whole length of the river. The minei
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10*
ators were i>articipants. After Mason the two years in accordance with the along the Klamath river which hav<
The hoisting engine at the govern­ per pound.
had entered his motion to discharge highest wisdom aud test possible judg­ produced big in the past are receiving ment works at Bandon, Or., was crush­
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $8.509
the committee on foreign relations from ment, but there should be no question special attention now.
ed to smithereens. A big blast was 4.50 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs*
set off. and a rock weighing 25 tons $2.50(38.50; geese, $6.50(37.50 forold;
further consideration of a resolution among the American people as to the
Rich Strike In Josephine County.
fell on the engine, fairly pulverizing it. $4.50(36.50; ducks, $5.00®5.50 per
expressing sympathy for the Boers and duty and wisdom of now uniting in a
L. Brownin, who at one time owner
it had gone over until tomorrow under determined effort to take the sitnation
turkeys, live, 10® He pe»
Fairhaven, Wash., claims to have dozen;
the rules, Pettus delivered a carefully as it stands, and so conduct the affairs the Greenback mine, in Josephim not only the largest salmon cannery in pound.
prepared speech in opposition to the of our country as to add the most to its
Potatoes—50®65c per sack; sweet»,
the world, but also the largest shingle
pending bill.
Foraker occupied the glory, honor, welfare and prosperity. near Leland, for which he has beet mill, and the daily capacity of the lat­ 2® 2 Sc ;>er pound.
floor during the remainder of the ses­ It is a friendly struggle for commercial made a very large offer, but declines t< ter is now being increased from 500,-
Vegetables—Beets, $1; turnips, 90c;
dispose of the property. The rock if
sion. speaking in defense of the bill.
supremacy in which our rival nations rich in gold, and thé farther he goei 000 to 700,000.
per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab­
are using their best efforts, and I say, into the earth the richer the ledge,
Bad Fire in Philadelphia.
A. C. Tettys, ex county assessor of bage, 1 Ho per pound; |>arsnip<i, $1;
Philadelphia, March 9.—Fire entail­ let us, in a friendly but determined which is two feet wide.
Morrow county, Or., who has a fine onions, $1.50®2.25; carrots, $1.
Hope—3® 8c per |>ound
ing an estimated loss of over $700,000 spirit, use our best efforts also.”
farm Hnd orchard three miles east of
Wool—Valley, 12® 18c per pound;
occurred early today in the retail dry
Labor Disorders In Chicago.
Oregon, 8® 14c; mohair, 279
goods district. The conflagration origi­
made by grating two teaspoonsful o: frost injured the peach crop,
Chicago, March 12.—Efforts of con­ white Castile soap, three or four o trees were nearly in bloom when the 80c per pound.
nated in the engine room ol Shonemsn
Mutton—Gross, lieet sheep, wether*
Biothers’ dry goods and millinery tractors today to place nonunion men orris root, powdered, and a handful o frost came. He also states that the
store, at Eighth and Arch streets. The at work on buildings in various parti oatmeal. Let all soak together in t oodlin moth was doing a great deal of and ewes, 4 Sc; dressed mutton, 79
7 Sc per pound; lambs, 7 Sc per pound.
principal losers are: Shoneman Bros., of the city, work on which has been in­ cupful of warm water for a couple o injury to his orchard.
Ilogs—Grose, choice heavy, $5.00;
dry goods store, four-storv building, to­
hours; then add a few teas|>oonsful o
Pendleton, Or., will have a Chinese
tal loss, $300,000; Marks Bros., dry eral encounters between union and non­ this preparation to the water in whicl voter at the June election by the name light and feeders, $4.50; dressed*
goods store, a five-story building, com­ union men. At the new Ogdensburg you bathe. It is cheap, and good foi of Eng Chung, who was tern in Han $6.00(36.60 per 100 pounds.
Beef—Gross, top steers, $4.00® 4.50;
pletely gutted, estimated loss, $300,* dock, Ohio and Kingsbury streets, the the skin.
Francisco. He is well educated and cows, $3.50®4.00; dressed beef, 6S9
000; Myerhoff Bros., manufacturers of
Silver spoons and forks may be kepi reads and writes the English language 7So per pound.
women’s and children’s clothing, and men through the picket lines of ths
Veal—I*arge, 6 S <3 7Sc; small, 89
when used daily by soaking as well as the average American, and
the Philadelphia Electric Equipment
to hear him talk without seeing him it
Company, estimated loss. $200,000. A few bricks were thrown, but no one them in strong borax water for a few would lie impossible to say that he was 9c per pound.
Tallow—5® 5Sc; No. 2 and greaae*
Several smaller buildings adjoining was hurt, and the police quickly ■up- hours. The water should be at a tei 1 not an American.
8 59® 4c per pound.
ing heat when the silver is put in it.
pressed the disorder.
were more or less seriously damaged.
A 16-yearold boy has been arrested
Ilin Fire nt Lead.
Run Franeiieo Market.
A beautiful natural park has beer in Spokane charged with bicycle steal­
Chicago Church Destroyed.
Lead, 8. D., March 10.—Fire this
Spring—Nevada, 12® 15c pea
Chicago, March 10.—The Second
Presbyterian church, at Twentieth Deadwood fire dejiartment was called dition attached is that "no l>eer or in tin J of the ten wheels -eported stolen pound; Eastern Oregon, 12(316c; Val­
ley, 20(322c; Northern, 10(313c.
street and Michigan avenue, was de­ on lor assistance, snd re-|s>nded. In toxicating liquor of any kind shall lx .n February.
Hops—1899 crop,
ll®13o per
stroyed by fire tonight. The building addition to the combined fire depart­ sold, given away or drank on or upot
The average wages paid in the lnmter pound.
was the home of one of the most aristo­
■ nd shingle mills of Washington is
Butter — Fancy
creamery lie;
cratic congregations in the city. A re­ up buildings in the path of the fire with condition is violated, then the property ilioot $2.78 per day.
The lowest
ception was l>eing given in the church djnarnite in order to stop its spread. returns to the state university. Th) vages paid is for firemen, who receive do seconds, 19<a30c; fancy dairy, IT
parlors by the Young People’s Christian Owing to the high wind blowing, the city council hesitatos to accept it oi 11.75 per day. The highest are re- (318c; do seconds, 15<3 16c per pound.
Eggs—Store, 185»c; fancy ranch,
Endeavor Society of the church, and scarcity of water and the inflammable them conditions, and the Liquor Dealei eived by head sawyer and t>ook-
the assemblage was in the midst of the nature of the buildngs, the firemen observes that ”it would have beet erqien, their compersation being $4 16c.
Mnistuffs — Middling», $17.00 •
festivities when the blaze was discov- were unable to do anything to stay thi more in keeping with propriety to havi er day.
bran. $13.00« 13.00.
ere-1 in the organ on the