way Mrs. Whiting asked she boy • their pistols and their dollars. As they ' CARRIED OFF THE BRIDE. FOK LITTLE FOLKS. num Iter of questions, and when aha turned their backs tbe Judge said: Just a little farther on—just a little far­ had learned that he was the son of an Strange Misadventure that Befell u “This man with the black whiskers ! ther on— Chinese liauieel. old acquaintance and that bls mother Is the oue that 1 originally saw.”—New Oh, the bappy days that lure us, when was boarding at a farm bouse not far The way of Oriental brides would York Press. A COLUMN OF PARTICULAR IN these days of stress are goue! TEREST TO THEM. Days of restfuluess and pleasure, days of from I’rof. Williams' camp, she was scarcely suit their Occidental sisters. Reading Manuscript«, very much inclined to give her consent In China a bride usually rides In a rich­ garnered joy and treasure. It would be a revelation to tbe All the harvest-homes of dreamland—just at once. However, she told Randolph ly embroidered red sedan chair, decor­ to come around lu bls canoe the next ated with flowers, and hired for tbe young writers who complain that every Something that Witt Interest the Ju­ a little farther oo. venile Members of Every Household word of tlielr stories is not read, to see morning, and if she had decided then occasion. What a hope to keep them smiling, faces to let Terry enter for the race, he -Quaint Actions and Bright Sayings Not long ago in Canton city a man bow fast an experienced and conscien­ wistful, faces waul would And her ready to practice with hired a chair to carry bls bride to his tious editor cau, at times, go through of Many Cute and Cunning Children. Wbat a spur to faint endeavor, till tbe him. a big pile of essays, stories or poems. homestead in tbe suburbs. The dis crusbiug task is doue! That afternoon Mrs. Wbltlug called tance was great and the hour late. Tbe title is often enough, aud be would “In tbe quiet of tbe early morning,” Ah, ’twould be a sorry showing life would upon and renewed her acquaintance When tbe four chair coolies and the lan­ say. “We don't want an article on that «aid tbe naturalist, “the housefly makes make for God's bestowiug If the good time did uot beckon—just a with Mrs. Murray, and the ladies paid tern bearers arrived at tbelr destina­ subject." The next article beglus with its toilet, and If one wants to see an a short visit to the professor's camp. little farther ou. tion tbe chair containing the bride was a page or two of commonplace intro­ I interesting proceeding let him watch Needless to say that upon her moth­ deposited outside tbe doorway to await duction. and that is thrown aside in tbe fly while it Is thus engaged. Its Just a little farther on, just a little far- er's return Terry received tbe desired the auspicious hour selected for open­ half a minute’s Inspection, without toilet makiug tak«*s nearly a quarter ther on. permission, and then “the fun of her ing the door to admit tbe bride and the turning more thau the next page. Tbe of an hour. In the joy we’ve almost tasted, is the life” began. Every day Randolph (»ad­ coolies adjourned to an opium den; and, next is written lu the first person, and “The fly begins by brushing its head crown we've almost won. dled around from the camp, and they as they bad traveled a long way ami peppered with "l's„” “We don't want with tbe tarsi am! tibiae of Its forelegs. riy the task a little stronger, stay the practiced together long and faithfully. wera tired, they soon fell asleep. How that egotistical stuff.” Tbe flrst verse After a thorough combing and brush­ arm a little longer; We shall grasp I he shining guerdon—just As tbe day of the contest drew near long they dozed they knew uot, but on of this poem lias false meter aud Is ing of tbe head and rubbing of tbe face Terry became more and more confi­ awakening they returned and found tossed aside. The next begins In school­ the operation Is carried on systemati­ a little farther ou. dent, while her mother grew more ner­ the bridal chair outalde the doorway. girl style, with "dove” and "love;” It Is cally from tbe head down the left side, Ab, the fleeting Farther On! ah, tbe vous. They came to tbe uot unnatural conclu­ uot read through. Of the next the the two front legs first being carefully cheating Farther On!— “Terry, remember that you and Rand sion that the bride had already entered editor reads ten lines. It Is simply a rubbed and dressed after the bead Fairy lantern in the twilight, when tbe are going to compete with older boys the household and that the chair was dull description of a stream In a forest cleaning. Tlie second leg on the left summer day is done. nnd girls, who have been In these races left there for them to take back to tbe —not wanted. The next poem begins hand side Is then taken In hand, and Though we never overtake it, we can before. And then, too, Rand Is going city. Since they had all received their in a fresh way. seems to be constructed held well forward, is thoroughly ma­ never quite forsake it; While it glimmers it beguiles us—just a to compete In the first race, and that pay In advance they did not stop to according to the rules. Is pretty good. nipulated by the tarsi and tibiae of tbe will tire him; so you have only a very make further inquiries, but hurried It is put one side to see If other better forelegs, which means by tbe articulat­ little further on. little chance of winning.” home with the chair, put it In a loft, poems will crowd it ouL The next is ed feet and the shin or front part of “We have every chance of winning, and, rolling themselves up in their beds, a story. Tbe first page Is promising, the legs. In the cleaning of tills leg But there Is a Farther On, aye, there is a mamma! You don't know wbat we can slept the sleep of the just. In tbe but the second shows a coarse strain, the fly's proboscis also plays an active Farther On In tbe uttermost sweet country, where no do! Just w’alt and see." meantime- the bridegroom heard the and the reading stops there. Another part, supplying moisture and distrib­ mortal foot hns gone. At last the great day came. The sky bridal party arrive, but had to await story follows. The beginning is not uting It. The second leg on that side By-aud-by, beyond all seeming, we shall was cloudless, and the quiet lake, long the stroke of the auspicious hour before promising, but a glance at the middle being satisfactorily massaged and come to life's redeeming, before the appointed hour, began to manicured, the left hind legs are next Come to all that faith has promised—just take on a gala-day appearance. Little welcoming the bride. At last the can­ aud eud shows a marked improvement, In line for treatment. Tbe dressing of dles were lit, Incense sticks were light­ and it is laid aside for a more critical a little farther on! boats arrived from everywhere, bring­ ed. the new rice and viands for enter­ examination. In half an hour twenty these Is done by the leg just manipu­ — Orange Judd Farmer. ing spectators and participants by taining the bride were served, the articles are passed upon, aud with suf­ lated. one at a time. The fly brushes threes and fours. Teams drove in from parents-lu-law put on their best suits ficient good Judgment, for a minute to and rubs with this leg. frequently pass­ all the country round, and the pretty and so did the bridegroom and, with a manuscript is often more thau it ing It forward to have It cleansed in wooded shores were lined with groups much pomp and ceremony, the door needs. turn by the forelegs and moistened by of pleasure seekers and eager lookers- was thrown wide open; but as far as the proboscis. on. the lanterns' light would reach. Io! “As soon as tbe left hind legs are in Virginia's Natural Bridge. There was some delay before the first there was not a trace of the bridal The famous natural bridge of Vir­ a condition satisfactory to the fly, they race was caled. Then, “Canoe race, chair or bride, nor a single soul to be ginia is situated In Rockbridge County in turn are brought into service as toi­ single, ” was announced, and four ca­ seeu. Great was their consternation, and spans tbe mountain chasm In which let brushes. They alone are used in ANDOI.l'll was paddling with noes went swiftly to the starting place. and it became greater still as they con­ flows the little stream called Cellar brushing the under surface of the strong, even strokes through the Through a glass Randolph could be cluded that bandits must have kid­ creek, tbe bed of which is more than wings. While doing this the legs are placid waters of the little harbor. naped the bride and would hold her for two hundred feet below tbe surface of passed forward after every few The wcMxied bills rose round him on plainly seen, bis canoe being the sec­ ransom The district officer was the plain. The middle or the arch Is strokes, to be in turn cleansed by the ond from tbe left. Ihree sides, while out before him lay And now the race began, The four aroused, the case was reported to the forty-tive feet In perpendicular thick­ leg in front of them of whatever for- tbe open lake. There were no sounds dark specks shot forward, growing village justice of the peace and search ness, which increases to sixty feet at elgn substances they removed from the but the dip of bls paddle and the mel­ larger and more distinct as they ad- parties were sent out In every direction. its juncture with tbe vast abutments. wings. Tbe cleaning of jhe under sur­ ancholy cry of a distant loon, until vanced. face and the fore edges of the wings suddenly came the slip and quick rush being finished, the fly starts in to do up Rand was a little In the lead, but ef falling rocks and earth, and at the next canoe gained upon him, nnd Its right side. Its head having been same moment the cry of “Boy, boy, thrhl was but a paddle's length behind. shampooed at the beginning, needs no help!” more attention, but the front legs and One had dropped back so far that it Randolph turned Ids canoe and pad­ had no chance at all. feet have another overhauling before dled rapidly toward the shore whence work is resumed. The only thing to do Rand leads them still. Terry's eager these sounds had come, and there be eyes are fixed upon him; he has never on the right side, though. Is to massage found a laughing girl, already shaking paddled so well ns now. But what Is and manicure the second leg on that herself free from the dirt and debris the matter with tbe next boy to him? side, and for some reason this is done tbnt had accompanied her fall. more lightly and apparently less thor­ He has changed bls course; ills canoe “No, I'm not hurt,” she said, mer­ shoots forward obliquely; lie is get- oughly than in tbe case of tbe compan­ rily. “But when I culled I was sure I ting In Rand's wajr! Their paddles ion leg on the left side. After it is was going to be! I was enviously clash; the rival canoe darts forward; done, what seems to la* the most Impor­ watching you paddle, from tbe Indian's the one just behind has gained, and tant part of the entire proceeding is performed. This Is the dressing of the Rand, recovering his stroke, come In upper surface of the wings. This is third. With his hnnd upraised to the done by drawing them longitudinally judges he cries, “A foul!” But Ills pro­ many times between the two hind legs, test Is unheeded, and last year's win­ which are frequently manipulated dur­ ner, through transparent trickery, has ing tbe operation by both the right aud carried off the prize. second left leg. to which the proboscis Great was the indignation of Mrs. contributes of whatever it possesses of Murray over the manner of her boy’s use In the manipulation. When this defeat; bitter was Mrs. Whiting's self- treatment of the wing Is completed reproach that she had consented to her they glisten like polished silver.” daughter's taking part In these races. But Terry, with blazing eyes, had An Indian Prince. left her mother's side and gone to DISCOVERY OF THE BRIDE. Away off in India lives a young Rand. prince of 18 years, whose father was “Unfair, unjust!" she cried out hotly, “and the winner nnd the judges know Tbe bridegroom, though distracted, had It Is sixty feet wide, and its span Is a baron and owned an estate of twen­ that It Is! You ought to have that cup sense enough to rueth to the city and almost ninety feet. Across the top Is ty-one villages a few miles from Aj- —but never mind; we'll win our race: make Inquiries of the chair bearers. a public road. For many years the mere. When the baron died Ills young we'll show them what we can do; and The coolies were dumfounded and ex­ name of Washington, cut in the rock son, Maharaja Siwal Jey Clngh, suc­ plained what they had doue. Together forming one of tbe abutments when ceeded him as ruler over the state of not one of them can touch us!" Head up there, and suppost* tbe recent Rand looked at her, and the color they climbed to the loft, opened the the Father of bis Country was a lad, Ulwar, which Is noted for Its schools, rains have undermined the old fellow's slowly came back to his white face. door of the chair aaid found the demure- stood high above all others; but in 1818 its two excellent regiments. Its orange «'onstltutlou so that my weight proved I’uconsclously he straightened himself looking bride, long Imprisoned and half a student of Washington College, Vir­ too much for him. Ills nose and 1 up and ids weariness ami discourage­ starved, but still appearing to her best ginia. Piper by name, climbed from the tumbled off together. I don’t »«••* how ment left him. advantage in her beautiful bridal foot to the top of the rock, ami placed I'm ever to get back to th«* road from "Yes. Terry; we shall win!” he said. gown. The bride appeared to have his name above that of Washington. here—It's Just straight up!" Tlie afternoon wore on. Some of the known that she was being carried A Story of Bismarck. “If you nr«* staying over Woodhaven races were very amusing, and the spec­ backward and forward, but could not Bismarck was for some time an of­ way, I can puddle you around; it's Just tators were still laughing over the tubs, protest, t>ecause It Is the custom for tin* other aid«* of this long point.” which had upset, ami the wet boys brides not to open their lips till the ficial reporter for one of tbe courts of “till, how lovelv for I've never lieen were splashing merrily In towards the marriage ceremony Is performed. justice. Upon one occasion, when questioning a witness, tbe latter mad» in a canoe ami haveu't had a chance shore when "mixed double canoe race” Hence all the trouble. an Impudent retort, whereupon the em­ till now! Yes. we'n* at the W<>< idlin- was called. ALL WERE SELF-CONVICTED. bryo Chancellor exclaimed, angrily: Six canoes were s«s»u In line, each ven Inn. I've lenriietl to sw im this sum iner, ami I have a rowboat, but there with Its crew of girl and boy. Terry's Ge«,rain Lawyer» Bunded Over Their “If you are not more respectful, I shall kick you out of the room!’’ "Young isn't a canoe anywhere around tbe scarlet waist could lie Reen from the Gun» witli HbiKUlnr Unanimity, Ink«* that I can get mid I did want one very start by all on shore. And now; Georgia has a stringent law forbid­ man,” said the Judge, interrupting the Mrs. Murray could hardly control her, ding its citizens to carry pistols on pain proceedings, "I would have you under­ dreadfully!” “Then perhaps you'd like to try pul anxiety nnd nervousness, while Mrs. of forfeiting the weapons aud paying stand that this is a dignified court of dling now? If you would. I'll go back Whiting seemed on the verge of tears. a flue of 960 or being Imprisoned for justice, and that If there Is any kicking Forward came the canoes—In an even thirty days. Shortly after the passage to lie done the court will do It!” "Ah, for an extra paddle. I'm one of the isiys at Professor Williams' eauip. Just line It seemed but no, for Terry's scar- of thia enactment Judge Lester was you see,” said Bismarck to tbe wituess, I let waist was ever so little In the lead. holding court In a little town, when "If you are not more respectful to me, over there." The girl was delighted at Ills sugges I I'helr paddles flash In unison; clock­ suddenly he suspende«! the trial of a the court will kick you out of the room. tlon, nnd soon Randolph had returned work Is not more true! But the next case by ordering the sheriff to lock the So be careful, very careful, sir!” with another paddle, and the two start canoe Is gaining steadily upon them—, doors of the courthouse. Testing the Vie nneso of Air. «*<1 out slowly ami at flrst quite cau­ am! they have almost reached the line. "Gentlemen,” said the Judge when MAHARAJA SIWA1 JKY CINOH. Prof. Dewar has recently devised a Oddly enough, Terry Is the coolest the doors were closed, “I have Just seen tiously. But tlie girl Imimxllately took the motion with th«* easy grace of one one of all the contestants, nnd just ns a pistol on a man lu this room and I new method of testing the contamina­ groves and its tine stables of Imported tis«*«l to out-of-door sport, and the Isiy she lias talk«*«! to Rami when the two cannot reconcile It to my sense of duty tion of air. A short time ago be exhib­ horses. Splendid tigers are found tn Ulwar, behind her regarded her with th«* hon­ were practicing together, she is talking to let such a violation of this law pass ited before tbe Royal Institution two samples of liquid air I d glass tubes— and many an exciting bunt did tbe est admiration that he would have felt now. unnoticed. I ought perhaps to go be­ “We can do It. Rami! That’s fine! fore th«* graml jury and Indict him. but one was made from air which bad been baron give his visitors. The present f«»r another boy. Keep right on! Don't change till the “Randolph Murray." read the girl If that man will walk up to this stand washed to purify It from dust, soot, chief has Inherited bis father’s love of from tlie paddle that she was using, very last minute! You know the words and lay Ills pistol ami a tine of $1 down carbonic acid and other Impurities. sport, is an excellent rider, ami Is fond Thia, when condensed, was a pale blue of polo and cricket. His English guar­ "la that your name? Mlm* Is Teresa we agr«*«*d on all ready, now---- ” here 1 will let him off this time." "Then!” Whiting, but everybody calls me Ter The Judge paused, ami a lawyer sit­ liquid. Tbe other sample was made by dian has had him carefully educated, They have made the chnnge; tlielr ting Just before him got up. sllp(ie«l his condensing the air of the lecture-room and In a few years, when he comes •f ry.” "And they call me Rand," said tlie paddles dip am! finsh now on the oppo­ hand Into a hip pocket, drew out a In which the audience was assembled, age. he will begin the absolute rule of boy. "Say. Terry, if you and I could site sides; their tired muscles are re­ neat ivory-bandhxl six-shooter and laid and was an o|mque, blackish fluid, re­ 3,000,000 people. get som«* g«s»d practice together, ami lieved. fresh ones come Into play; their It with a dollar down upon the stand. sembling soup In appearance. A Little Hero. enter the races w«*ek after next. 1 be­ canoe shots forward half Its length I h *- "This Is all right,” said th«* Judge, There is a four-year-old little boy I d ••Polly Con." yoml Its nearest rival — lieve we could win tin* cup! You have “but you are not the tuau 1 saw with An old lady lately aske«l President the hospital In New York City, who is And the line Is cross«*«!! a tine stroke; you paddle just like a pistol." Hadley of Yale—lie tells the story him­ a hero with real nerve, if ever there A shout of applause rises from the the boy.” Upon this another lawyer arose and "Oh!" cried Terry. "If papa were here shore, aud Terry raises her pa.l.tle laid dov n a Colt's revolver and a dollar self—wbat be was teacblug. To Ills re­ was one. Peter Jackson Is his name, he'd let me! And I really think mam­ above her botiti with a little cry of bill before the Judge, wno repeated his ply, “Economics,” she said, thought­ aud every morning he called for bls 3-year-olil playmate, “Aggie” Ward, fully: ma will not object, for I've never «lorn* trlu mph. former observation. The process went "Oh, you tench the students to be and went with her to the kindergarten "First prize won by Miss Tere«a on until nlnet«*«*n pls* Is of all kinds anything In my Ilf«* I I Ik,*,I half so well Whiting and Randolph Murray!” Is an- and sixes ami shapes lay upon the economical. That Is good. When 1 school, bringing her home safely when as this.” school was out. And In the sii.lilon exuberance of her nouneed. and two silver cups are hand­ stand, together with nineteen dollars by was a young lady they never learn«»«! to Tbe other day, when they started be economical until they got married. ” ed, one to each! — Philadelphia Times. spirits Terry came near upsetting the their side. The Judge laugh«*d as be home nt noon. Peter waited until he canoe. eoniplltnente«! the nineteen delinquents The True Contlltlon. thought it was safe to cross, and then, Galileo, “Say, you Briggs—Ik» you lielleve that the world holding Agnes tightly by tbe band, be "Do you retract," demand«*«! the In' u|»on being men of business, but add«*«! Rami; and Terry promised to r«mtraln that the man whom he had iwn with Is dlvld«*d Into two classes-those who started. all such ebullitions of d-llglit In fiitun qulsltor. "your statement that the tin* pistol ha«i not come up and. glanc­ borrow and those who lend? Just then a baker's w agon came t«*ar- world move«?” When Mrs. Whiting saw her daugh­ Grigg»—No, sir! My experience Is Ing around the corner, and Peter, see­ “Yes.” falter«*«! Galileo, As h«* was ing at the far sld«> of tlie «•vurt, be con- ter. who had start«*«! out for a "tramp tinued: that two other classes nre much more ing their danger, tried to go hack, but over tlie hills," returning In a canoe led away by a serg«*ant of poli«*e. th«* “I will give him one minute to accept prevalent—those who want to borrow he was too late. The two little ones philosopher »e who won't leud.—Pittsburg were run over and Peter's left leg and Terry would t»e «loltig next, And when thing goes," he muttered.—Harlem band him over to the sheriff." Dispatch. arm were broken, while Agnes, too. the strange tsiy ami her own "odd lit- immediately two men from tbe back bad a broken arm. Life. ____________________ Jersey lightning Is about the only kind tie girl," as she called her. came to of the court rose and began to move to­ Peter was picked up by willing hands that ever strikes in tbe same place. Of the various school exercises the ward the Judge's stand. Oner they her with their startling request, she nnd an ambulance was called, but as small boy prefers the kind be gets dur­ atof>ped to look at each other, and then, fairly gasped for breath. The man who distrusts his neighbor he was carri«*d away be called out: But before she gave an answer either ing recess. cviuliig slowly forward, laid down wLU bear watching. ‘Tip pot hurt; it's Aggie. Please A LITTLE FARTHER ON, pick Aggie up. Her mamma told mo to take care of her, and she’ll be so scared.” Even when he was placed In the wag­ on he kept pleading: “Please, mister, look out for Aggie. I’m all right,” and It was only when she was placed lu tbe ambulance beside him that the manly little chap would be quieted. Both tbe children are getting along all right-, and tbe little girl has already been taken home, while Peter Jackson, the 4-year-old hero, will be out in a> few days. Four Little Travelers. Mary Alicia set forth for the east To see where the sun comes up; Aud Edward Delaucey went straight to ward the north To search for a polar pup. Margaret Auna repaired to the south. Where oranges flourish, you know; And Thomas Augustus struck out for the west, Where gold mines and buffaloes grow. ’Tis a very strauge thing that 1 have to relate Concerning these traveled young folk— But the very next morning they all of them found They were safe in their beds when they woke. —Youth's Companion. Who Cun Solve It? “These examples what’s in the 'rith- metlcs aren't any good.” writes a boy who doesn't like school. “Wbat 1 want to know Is. If I trade my knife for a top and six marbles and then trade the top for a mouth organ and the marbles for an apple and a jewsharp. aud then eat the apple, how much do I make?” Margie Had a Reason. “I wish 1 was a great big pudding, mamma.” said little 3-year-old Margie. "Why do you wish that?” asked the mother. “’Cause,” replied the observ­ ing miss, “then I would get lots and lots of sugar put Into me.” The Rainy I»ay Came. “Where Is the money you had saved up last week. Tommy?” “Why. auntie, father said I was to save it up for a rainy day. It was a rainy day yesterday, and so I spent it.” Didn’t Want to Rust. “Mamma,” said little 4-year-old Har­ ry, as his mother was giving him his bath, “be sure and wipe me real dry so 1 won't get rusty.” The Farmer's Lot. The farmer is a happy man—or should be, don't you know. He doesn’t have a thing to do but plow and reap and sow. He sleeps till 4 o’clock each morn, then goes about bis tasks. Gets three square meals each working day, that is all be asks. He hires a man to do his work, when he can raise the price. Feeds him on pork ami johnnycake, pota­ toes, mush and rice; When autumn gilds the towering hills, he comes to town and votes, Aud settles up his winter’s bills by issu­ ing his notes. He always has one suit of clothes, and often he has two. For footwear he prefers a boot, and never wears a shoe; And when the summer comes he sheds bis duds to ’scape the beat. And doesn't have to don his coat when be sits down to eat. lie keeps a wagon and a span with which to drive to town; His wife was never known to be without a gingham gown; Ilis childseu. too, are fat nnd stout— they're not brought up on cake. And never cry all night because their little stomachs ache. He needs no money in his purse, bis credit's always good. He takes the weekly paper and he pays for it in wood. The merchants furnish him dry goods, and groceries as well. Because they know some day he’ll have some pork or wheat to sell. > Ah. happy is the man who dwells upon the farm, apart From noisy cities, crowded towns, and commerce’s busy mart. Serene he lives nor gives one thought to hoarding piles of pelf, My dearest hope is that some day I’ll have a farm myself. —Utica Globe. The First Jewish Peer. Lord Rothschild has just celebrates! his flfty-nlnth birthday. His lordship Is tbe male heir of old Meyer Anselm Rothschild, the founder of the wealth of the family. The latter’s son became an English subject, and the father of Lord Rothschild was the grandson of old Meyer. For twenty years Lord Rothschild sat In the House of Com­ mons as member for Aylesbury, and In 188o he was promote«! to the peerage— the flrst Jew to receive the houor. It was Mr. Gladstone who created tbe In­ novation. but Lord Rothschild Is now a follower of Lord Salisbury. Extent of Mississippi l«ever«. The levees on both sides of the Mis­ sissippi are of sufficient extent that If they were built In a single straight line they would be about 1,300 miles long, or long enough to stretch the greater part of the distance between New Or­ leans and New York. They would form a bank of earth about eighty-six feet wide at tbe base, eight feet wide at tbe top and thirteen or fourt««en feet high. Tbe Chinese wall would lose Its repu­ tation as a wonder In comparison with them, aud they have cost many mil­ lions of dlolars. At a I»isadx-antage. Mamma—Now, Robbie, when we go to church you must behave like a man. Robbie—But I can't snore, mamma. Many women think they can do nothing without a busband, only to And when they get one they can do nothing with him. No man can successfully make love to a girl if there is a cuckoo clock In the room. Tbe proper way to mash a masher tei to sit on him.