The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 09, 1900, Image 3

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    ■H Bill HD
Laws for Hawaii Go Through
the Senate.
Puerto Rico Tariff Bill Reported From
the House and Made the Unfinished
Business—Democrats' first Victory.
Washington, March 8.—The bill pro­ I
viding a form of govenrment for the
territory of Hawaii was passed by the
senate today without division. Cul­
lom has had charge of the measure.
Clay, of Georgia, delivered a carefully
prepared speech on the Philippine ques­
tion. He favored the adoption of the
Bacon resolution declaring it to be the
policy of the United States to turnover
the islands to the Filipinos as soon as a
stable government could be established
bv them under the protection of this
country. At the instance of Foraker,
the Puerto Rico tariff bill was made
the unfinished business, and will be
considered as soon as the conference re­
port on the financial bill shall have
been disposed of.
The Democrats scored their first
victory of the session in the house to­
day on the motion to take up the con­
tested election case of Aldrich-Robbins,
from the Fourth Alabama district. On
two seperate votes, the Democrats, with
the aid of two Republicans, Mondell
(Wyo.), and II. C. Smith (Mich.),
beat the Republicans oil the question
of the consideration.
An agreement
was made to consider the Loud bill re­
lating to second-class mail matter on
March 20. A bill was passed to grant
an American register to the ship Wind­
ward, iu which Lieutenant Peary will
make an attempt to reach the North
Kansas City, Mo., March 8.—Lon
Curry, one of the train robbers who was
engaged in the Wilcox, Wyo., holdup
on the Union Pacific last June, when
something like $30,000 was secured,
was shot and killed by officers near
here this morning while resisting
Curry was visiting the home of his
aunt and cousin, Mrs. Bob Lee and
Miss Lizzie Lee, in the country, 10 ■
miles south of Kansas City, and had
been there a week.
Thomas Sayers,
.assistant superintendent of the Pinker­
ton office at San Francisco, discovered
Logan at Cripple Creek, Colo., two
weeks ago, but lost him, and finally
traced him to Kansas City, where he
appears to have arrived February 18
Yesterday Logan was located at the
Lee home, and early this morning
three local detectives and three Pinker­
tons, including Sayers, surrounded the
house anil called on him to surrender.
Instead, Curry darted out of the real
door, pistol in hand. As he reached
the gate and turned to fire, a volley
from the detectives caused him to
waver. He ran 150 yards across the road
and into a cornfield before he fell.
When the detectives reached him be
was breathing his last.
There was a
bullet wound through his head.
revolver was still clutched in his hand.
Curry was placed in a wagon and,
brought to the morgue in Kansas City.
Rebels Seeking Funds.
New York, March 3.—A dispatch to
the Herald from Madrid says: The
Filipino junta here says that a special
envoy from Aguinaldo will arrive in
Paris in March, and will go thence to
London and Berlin to seek funds for,
the continuation of the struggle against
American supremacy. It is declared 1
that guerrilla warfare will be continued
and it is hinted that assurances of
money to continue the fight have been
received from Europe.
French Cannon Factory Burneil.
Le Creosote, France, March 3.—Fire
broke out yesterday evening in the
famous cannon factory hete whence the
Boers obtained their powerful “Long
Toms.” Two enormous buildings, con­
taining gun materials, stores and a
number of artillery models, were de­
stroyed. The losses are estimated at
nearly 1,000,000 francs.
A large
number of workmen have been thrown
out of employment.
Prospecting and Mining In Cape Noma
London, March 8.—Britons feel that
they are living in the presence of
momentous events.
Tornadoes of
patriotic excitement are whirling
through the country. Even the dullest
soul must have been stirred by the
emotions of yesterday, and London’s
6,000,000 were raised to a high pitch
of patriotic exultation. It was a won­
derful sight. Old men have nothing in
memory with which to compare the
day. Some likened it to Lucknow,
others talked of the fall of Sebastopol.
It was a time of singular abandon.
The usual conventionalities of society
ceased to control and every one knew
everybody else, all joining in smiles.
Lord Landowne chose the moment to
announce estimates execeeding £61,-
000,000, and rather startled the public
by unfolding the programme of the war
office to send out, in addition to the
30,000 troops now afloat, 56,000 fresh
soldiers. Lord Roberts will ultimately
have a force of 250,000.
An order has reached Woolwich for
the construction of 224 new guns from
three-pounders to 12-inch guns.
these, 140 are to be naval guns.
Already 25,000 workmen are employed
at the arsenal, and 3,000 more will be
engaged. These decisions to send out
more troops and to increase the home
armament meet with universal ap­
The Boers seem to have gotten quite
away from around Ladysmith without
losing a gun or their baggage.
Reenan’s Pass is only about 20 miles
from Ladysmith.
The enemy had
artillery in action and they utilized
probably both railroads in retreating,
sending the heavy pieces to Pretoria
and the lighter ones into the Free State.
Dr. Levds says that General Joubert
is assembling 50,000 men at Winburg,
70 miles northeast of Bloemfontein.
Colonel Albrecht, according to a dis­
patch from Paardeberg, affirms that
the Boers have 75,000 men left.
Newspapers and private letters re­
ceived from Cape Nome via Dawson say
that considerable prospecting was car-
i ried on this winter. Siany miners have
1 an idea that at and 1—low low water
I mark the richest sands will be found.
Therefore, as soon as the ice was solid-
| ly frozen to the Itottom of the shore
| they began prospecting to solve a
' much-vexed question as to the origin of
the gold in the beach sands. Prospect­
ing in the tundra warrants the belief
that it is impregnated with gold much
in the same manner as the beach.
Tundra prospecting, the advices My,
had not been carried on extensively,
owing to the difficulty encountered in
sinking to bedrock on account of water.
The ground freezes to an unknown
depth, the same as in the Klondike,
and if it should prove rioh an area of
country will be developed that will be
greater than a score of Klondike« rolled
into one. From what has already been
done, it was said to be reasonable to
predict that the tundra would prove
very rich.
Big prospeots had been
found in dozens of places, right from
the grass roots, but the weather has not
yet been sufficiently cold to enable bed­
rock to be reached.
Anvil creek is the Eldorado of West­
ern Alaska. Claim No. 1 below has
thus far proved to be the banner claim,
and is owned by Japhet Linderberg.
The output has been enormous, when it
is considered that it was worked but
six weeks. From this claim $117,000
was cleaned up, while Discovery yield­
ed $58,000 in three weeks; No. 2
above, $30,000; No. 4, $80,000; No. 5,
$40,000; No. 6 was worked, but the
pay streak was not located.
No. 7,
owned by Dr. Kittelsen, produced
about $30,000; No. 8, belonging to
Price & Lane, $192,000; No. 9, belong­
ing to the Swedish Mission, $68,000;
Nos. 10 and 11, owned by C. D. Lane,
Now Facing the Boer Army
at Osfontein.
The Main Fore« I. Bring Conean-
tratai Further North Under Joubert,
Where Battle Wilt Oeonr.
London, March 5.—Lord Rolterts, at
Osfontein, six or eight miles east of
Paardeberg, faces the re-formed Boer
army, from 5,000 to 6,000 strong.
This may be merely a corps of observa­
tion ready to retire on prepared posi­
tions. Doubtless it is receiving accre­
tions from the late besiegers of Lady­
smith, and from other points. What­
ever the force may be, Lord Roberts
has ample troops to cope with it. A*
a heavy rain is falling on the veldt and
the grass is improving, this will be a
good thing temporarily for the Boers.
British Camp at Osfontein.
Osfontein, March 5.—The British
camp has been moved here. A heavy
rain is falling, the veldt is improving,
supplies are rapidly arriving, and the
men are in good health, despite the fact
that they have been on half rations for
a fortnight. Cecil Rhodes has sent a
quantity of champagne from Kimber­
ley to be drunk to the health of Lord
Lord Roberts has published an order
thanking the troops for their courage
and for the zeal and endurance they
have displayed amid the hardships of a
forced march. He says that their for­
titude and general conduct have been
worthy of the queen’s soldiers.
A slight skirmish occurred several
mileB southeast, in which Colonel
Remington had a horse shot under him.
The Boer forces on our front are be­
lieved to be under the joint command
of Botha, De Larey and Dewet. They
are expecting reinforcements from
The guns that were captured at Paar­
deberg have been brought here. The
rifles captured have, in many cases,
scriptural texts engraved upon them,
for example, “Lord, strengthen this
It is said that just prior to General
Cronje's surrender there was almost a
mutiny in camp.
"Shot by Officers While Resisting
The Countries Swept by Tornadoes of
Chicago Woman Finds She will Soon
Be Worth Much Money.
Chicago, March 3.—Mrs. D. B. Ten
Eycke, 87 North Levitt street, received
information yesterday that she will re­
ceive probably one-fifth of an estate
valued at more than $20,000,000, left
by her uncle, who died 12 years ago in
Albany, N. Y.
According to the story told by Mrs.
Ten Eycke, the uncle’s name was
Rousler Wandell.
His relatives had
not heard from him in years, and had
no idea of his whereabouts or his
wealth, until some time after his
death, when the administrators of the
estate began to look up the rightful
heirs. The old man never married,
and left no will. Therefore the whole
fortune falls to the children of his
brothers and sisters, five in number.
Three of these live in New York and
the other two in Chicago.
They are:
Mrs. D. B. Ten Eycke and John Wan­
dell, a retired Chicago & Northwestern
Several years ago a brother of Mrs.
Ten Eycke, who lived in New York,
learned of the existence of the estate,
obtained papers from Rousler Wan-
dell’s former housekeeper, by means of
which he purposed having the property
transferred to himself and his brothers
and sisters. He had almost concluded
the work when he died, and until yes­
terday Mrs. Ten Eycke knew nothing
of the progress in the case. Airs. Ten
Eycke is of middle age and has a
daughter and son.
American Force Ambushed and Killed
Many Filipinos.
Manila, March 3.—Colonel Ander­
son, with the Thirty-eighth infantry,
employing the insurgents’ own tactics,
has ambushed the enemy near Batan-
gas. Through spies, Colonel Anderson
learned that a detachment of insurgents
would pass a certain road. He posted
his soldiers, concealed among the trees
lining the road, and when the enemy
arrived the Americans volleyed, kill­
ing 24 insurgents, wounding 30 and
capturing several.
Some arms and
ammunition were captured. The effect
of this olow has been salutary.
enemy in that locality are dismayed.
Ambunhed by Rebels.
Manila, March 3.—One hundred in­
surgents, seven miles from San Fer­
nando, ambushed 10 men of the Third
cavalry who were escorting a provision
train. The Americans were scattered
and while returning to camp one man
When Merritt Retires.
was killed. The insurgents captured
Washington, March 3.—Major Gen­ four horses and a quantity of provisions.
eral John R. Brooke, who has been in
this city since his recent detachment Religions Controversy In Philippine..
from duty as governor general of Cuba, I Victoria, March 3.—A Hong Kong
has been delegated for the military de­ correspondent, according to advices re­
partment of the East, with headquarters ceived by the steamship Breconshire,
at New York.
The change in that writes from Manila that a religious
command will not occur until June controversy is existing theie over­
next, when Major General Wesley Mer­ shadowing the insurrection and the
ritt will retire. General Brooke was plague. The main point of the trouble
offered his choice of the commands of is a suggestion to reinstate the friars in
the department of the lakes and the the provinces on the old basis, as under
department of the East, and expressed the Spanish rule. The trouble began
his preference for the latter assignment. with the publication of an allgeged in­
General Merritt’s retirement will re­ terview with Archbishop Chapelle, tele­
sult in the promotion of Brigadier Gen­ graphed to a Madrid paper. The inter­
eral E. S. Otis (major general United view was secured by a Manila paper,
States volunteers), commanding the coincident with its being telegraphed.
military forces in the Philippines, to When published it raised a storm.
the grade of major general in the regu­ Petitions came in fast, and many dele­
lar establishment.
gations interviewed General Otis.
Late Winter Storms.
Charted With •‘Bncket Shoppint.”
St. Louis, March 3.—Every railroad
running into the city, especially from
the West, is suffering as the result ol
the heavy fall of snow in the Missis­ i
sippi vallev during the past two days.
In St. Louis the streets are deeply cov­
ered with snow, and traffic is much
New York, March 8. — Reports from
all interior points in the state indicate
the worst snow storm in many reara
Th* blizzard weather is general.
Chicago. March 3.—Three prominent
meml>ers of the Chicago Board of Trade
were this afternoon arrested by federal
authorities on the charge of "bucket
shopping.” The men taken into cus­
tody are: James Nicol, first vice-prefi­
dent of the Board of Trade; Henry O.
Parker and C. A. Whvnland, president
of the firm of C. A. Whvnland & Com­
pany. All of them are charged with .
using the mails to defraud, in collusion
with the firm of McLain Brothers.
Rican Butins to Be Used
Starving People.
Washington, March 5.—Two hours
after the receipt of a special message of
the president recommending the imme­
diate passage of a bill to place in his
hands all the moneys collected upon
Puerto Rican goods since the Spanish
evacuation of the island, to be used for
the relief of the Puerto Ricans, had
been read to the house today, the house
had passed and sent to the senate a bill
to carry out the recommendation.
The message came like a bolt out ol
a clear sky to the minoiity. They were
at first inclined to hail it with delight
as a reproof of the majority for the
passage of the Puerto Rican tariff bill.
The Republican leaders, however, had
a bill ready to carry the president’«
recommendations into effect. Cannon
asked immediate consideration of it,
and this was given. It was only when
the debate opened and it had been
agreed that 20 minutes should be al­
lowed on a side that, under the lead of
Bailey, of Texas, the Democrats liegan
lining up against the bill, because it
placed no limitations upon the presi­
dent’s discretion in the use of th*
money. The bill was passed by a vote
of 162 to 197. 13 Democrats, 2 Popu­
lists and 2 Silver Republicans voting
with the Republicans.
Billlon-DolInr Trust*
New York, March 5.—A special to
the Tribune from Wheeling, W. Va.,
says: A combination of iron and steel
industries, with $1,000,000,000 capital,
will be completed within six months
from April 1. It will include the
American Tin Plate Company, the Na­
tional Steel Company, the American
Hoop & Wire Company, the National
Steel Company (now forming) and an­
other which is already in existence and
which is as large or larger than any of
the concerns named. The name of thia
latter concern is withheld. This infor­
mation is given by a man who holda
interests in all eave one of these com­
binations, and who, with W. T. Gra­
ham and Judge Moore, of Chicago,
planned the American Tin Plate Com­
pany and the National Steel Company.
Germany and the Peace Conference.
How to Write Advertisements.
The most successful pol­
icy which can be adopted
in writing any advertise­
ment is to so word it as to
win the confidence and re­
spect of the reader. If you
can make such an impres­
sion upon the reader’s mind
that he will believe that
you are in earnest in what
you say, that you really be­
lieve it yourself, and that
you are laying the case be­
fore him in a plain, busi­
ness like manner, without
any exaggerations or at­
tempts to mislead him, you
are nearly sure to get that
person’s trade.
were worked on lays, and the Lapland­
ers who worked them got for theii
share $50,000 clear money.
Several quartz ledges have been
located along Anvil, one opposite No.
9, on the right limit, and another oppo­
site No. 7, and it is believed that a
little development work will uncover
the mother ledge, and, if found, the
output is sure to be enormous.
Other claims on tributaries of Nome
and Snake rivers have been prospected
to a limited extent. Enough has been
done, however, to warrant the beliel
that the work of next summer will re­
veal Eldorados and Bonanzas by the
Fire destroyed the store of the North
American Transportation & Trading
Company at Fort Yukon, January 9.
All the valuable contents of provisions,
dry goods, household goods, rurs and
everything else in the building was de­
stroyed with it.
A Department of Mine«.
A new cabinet officer, to be known
as the secretary of mines and mining,
is provided in a bill favorably acted on
by the house committee on mines and
mining. The bill creates an executive
department, which shall have entire
charge of affairs relating to mines, in­
cluding geological surveys.
The proposed secretary of mines is
to have the same rank and Mlary as
other cabinet officers, and an assistant
Another mining measure favorably
acted upon establishes mining experi­
ment stations in each of the miuirg
states, similar to the agriculture ex­
periment stations, and provides for the
appointment of a government geologist
at $3,500 and an assaver at $2,500, in
the several mining states. These offi­
cers are to furnish assays, issue public
bulletins and conduct explorations of
mining regions.
Mining many yearn ago left the realm
of speculation and now occupies a dig­
nified and important position among
the legitimate industries of the world.
As the years pass gambling, as a fea­
ture of mining enterprises, is fast dis­
appearing. While gambling in mining
stocks may continue indefinitely, the
mining industries,per se, is as free from
illegitimate practice« as in anv other
business. Henc > it should receive the
same interest, fostering care and pro­
tection, at the hand« of the general and
local governments, as do other indus­
Berlin, March 5.—During the debate
in the Reichstag today on the foreign
office estimates, Herr Grandnauer,
Social-Democrat, requested to be in­
formed as to the attitude of the govern­
ment in regard to The Hague peace con­
The minister of foreign
affairs, Count von Bulow, replied:
“Our aims are always directed to­
ward peace, and it will not lie broken
by us. I can give no guarantee of the
action of others. Therefore, we must
lie armed. We gladly participated in
the labors of the conference, but could
A commercial dub has been organiz­
not agree to obligatory arbirration, and ed at Vale, Malheur county, Or., to pro­
can only decide upon recourse to arbi­ mote the business interests of the com­
tration as cases arise.”
L ojip Highwaymnn.
Calistoga. (Jal., March 5.—The Cal-
istoga an-1 (Tear Lake stage was held up
todav by a lone highwayman on Mount
St. Helena, six miles from this city.
The robber secured $4.50 in cash and
Wells, Fargo & Co.’a express box,
which is Mid to have contained but
little o. value. The stage was driven
by A. R. Palmer, and it contained four
passenger«, three women and one man,
an Italian gardener, who contributed
the $4.50. The passenger« were nut I
When a soldier enlists in the English
army he ha* given him a little volume,
containing among other things three
blank forms for a will. These are us­
ually found properly made out on the
liody of the soldiers killed on the bat­
tlefield, but often will« are left in other
ways. It is related that an English
inldier, found dead on the battlefield,
had scratched on the inside of his hel­
met: ‘‘All to my wife,” using the end
of a bullet to write with. The war de-
oartmeut held the will to be valid.
First Actual Return« for th« Twelfth
A«u«u« Give the Statistic« af
tbe Fruit Produced.
The first actual returns or statistics
tor the twelfth census are now coming
in. They relate to cranberry culture
and give the acreage, tenure, quantity
of fruit produced, cost of labor and fer­
tilizers, area of new plantings, value of
crop and losses from disease, insects
and other natural causes for each bog
or plantation.
In January, 1900, preliminary sched­
ules relating to the cranberry yield of
1899 were sent out to all the growers
whose names and addresses could be
obtained. The number of commercial
growers in the United States is over
2,000. They are found mainly in the
states of Massachusetts, New Jersey,
Maine, Connecticut, Michigan and
Wisconsin, but Minnesota, Oregon,
Rhode Island, Washington and New
York reported bogs.
The number in
Michigan and Wisconsin is on the in­
crease despite a temporary set-back by
forest fires.
The growers are well organized, the
national association having its head­
quarters at Trenton, New Jersey, and
local organizations existing in Massa­
chusetts and possibly elsewhere.
Annual ''Pom Pom.”
Underlying Business Conditions
Highly Satlsfnetory.
Bradstreet’s says: Stormy weathe*
has retarded the development of spring
trade at many markets, interrupting
telegraph and railway communication
and nearly checking the movement of
In prices, aggressive
strength is still the feature of the cot­
ton and cotton goods market, while re­
tail lines remain steady. Food prod­
ucts, however, have weakened, and
some raw materials, like wool and hide
are quotable lower. Railway return*
continue to reflect large gains over *
year ago, though, as pointed out last
week, comparisons from nowon will be
with better conditions in transportation
matters than a year ago, and phenom­
enal gains are less likely of attainment*
That underlying business condition*
are in a high degree healthful will be
gathered from the fact that busine«*
failures for February are at a minimum
as regards the number for that month,
and liabilities, only slightly exceeding
those of the same month a year ago,
have shrunk to a phenomenally low
I ercentage.
Wheat (including flour) shipment*
for the week aggregate 3,868,887 bush­
els, against 3,660,850 bushels last
week, 5,815.585 bushels in the corre­
sponding week of 1899, 8,252,008 bush­
els in 1898, 2,075,435 bushels in 1897.
and 1,407,379 bushels in 1896.
Failures in the United States for th*
month of February number 745, with
aggregate liabilities of $9,995,464, *
decrease of 3.5 per cent in number from
February a year ago. Liabilities are 3
per cent heavier, but asseta are consid­
erably smaller than in the same period
a year ago. Failures for the week
uumber 173, against 168 last week, 17®
in the week a year ago, 232 in 1898*
>62 in 1897, and 270 in 1896.
The Indiana residing along the river
near Toppenish, a short distance from
North Yakima, Wash., are having their
annual “(Him pom” dance. Numerous
tepees are used for this occaaon, and
the inmates spend the time in singing,
dancing, feasting and making merry.
They began last week, while the enow
was on the ground, to give a Chinook
dance, as their ponies were getting
poor, and the indications were winter
had -et in, but a sudden change in the
teni|>eratnre made also a change in
the dance programme, and the "pom
Seattle Market«.
pom” or “grass dance” was instituted.
Onions, new, $2.25(32.50 per sack.
This peculiar dance is observed in the
Lettuce, hot house, 40c per dos.
same manner as Chinese new year, and
Potatoes, new, $18 @20.
lasts a week or ten days. The Indians
Beets, per sack, 75 @ 85c.
array themselves in gorgeous costumes
Turnips, per sack, 60c.
and congregate at different tepees,
Carrots, per sack, 50c.
where a general feast is prepared.
Parsnips, per sack, 75 @ 85c.
is the season for making new friends,
Cauliflower, 75c @$1 per dozen.
and old animosities are buried.
Cabbage, native and California,
tribe as a whole has ceased to observe $1.00@1.25 per 100 pounds.
this sacred annual festival, the educat­
Apples, $1.25@1.50 per box.
ed members thinking it beneath their
Prunes, 60c per liox.
notice, but the isolated members con­
Butter—Creamery, 81c per pound»
tinue to dance every spring when the dairy, 17@22c; ranch, 20o per pound.
winter is over and grass begins to Bhow
on the range.
Cheese—Native. 16c.
Poultry—18@14c; dressed, 14@15c.
Chrhall« Sawmill.
Hay—Puget Sound timothy, $12.00;
The Doernbecber Manufacturing
Company, of Chehalis, Wash., which choice Eastern Washington timothy,
is preparing to move the furniture man­ $18.00@ 19.00
Corn—Whole, $28.00; cracked, $28;
ufacturing business to Portland, Or.,
in the early spring, yesterday sold the feed meal, $23.
Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton,
Chehalis buildings of the company to
the West brothers, of Chehalis, who $21; whole, $22.
Flour—Patent, per barrel, $3.25;
are going to put a saw mill into the
buildings. The sski included all of blended straights, $8.00; California,
the buildings and the three dry kilns, I $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra-
with the fans, etc., as well as the boil­ I ham, per barrel, $8.00; whole wheat
ers of the main engine. The mill will I flour, $3.00; rye flour, $8.80@4.00.
Millstuffs—Bran, per ton, $14.00;
be put in just as quick as the furni­
ture factory |>eople move out, and the shorts, per ton, $16.00.
Feed—Chopped feed, $20.00 per ton;
mill engine will be used to furnish
power to run the city electric light middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
plant, Harry West being the city light per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef
steers, 7H@8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8o;
Sale of Timber Land.
|s>rk, 7 Me; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8H@
The Charles K. Spaulding Lumber 10c.
Company, of Newberg, Or., has closed
Hams—Large, 18c; small, 13Hs
a deal with the Southern Pacific Com­ breakfast bacon, 12Hc; dry Mlt side*»
pany for 5,000 acres of valuable timber
land on the headwaters of the Luckia-
mute river, in the coast range. This is
Wheat — Walla Walla. 51@52c;
about the last large body of timber
tributary to the Willamette river not Valley, 52c; Bluestem, 55c per bushel.
Flour—Best grades, $3.00; graham,
previously bought up by corporations,
and this company is considered fortu­ $2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats—Choice white, 85@ 36c; choic*
nate in being able to secure it.
gray, 34c per bushel.
Northwest Note«.
Barley—Feed barley, $14 @15.00;
Ellensburg, Wash., is soon to have a brewing, $17.00@ 18.00 per ton.
telephone exchange.
Millstuffs—Bran, $18 per ton; mid­
George W. Hopp, of Tumwater, dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 pea
Wash., has been appointed [ostmaster ton.
Hay—Timothy, $9@10; clover, $7@
at Cape York, Alaska.
Alierdeen, Wash., ba« declared war 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6@7 per ton.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 45@50c;
on hobos, and given them the alterna­
tive of going to work, going on the road tecouds, 42)«@45c; dairy, 80 @37 He;
itore, 25‘«@82)tc.
or going to jail.
Eggs—11 @ 12c per dozen.
The Spokane Sunday School Associa­
Cheese—Oregon full cream, 18c;
tion is aliout to make a census of the
city, to ascertain the number of chil­ Young America, 14c; new cheese 10*
dren who do not attend Sunday school. per pound.
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $3.50@
T. J. Tjossen & Son, whose flouring 1.50 per dozen; hens, $5.00; spring«,
mill recently burned near Ellensburg, $2.50@3.50; geese, $6.50@7.50 for old;
Wash., entailing a loss of $17,000, will $4.5O@6.5O; ducks, $5.00@5.50 per
rebuild, and expect to have the new
turkeys, live, 10@llo per
mill in operation in June.
John G. McMillan, a prominent citi­
Potatoes—50@70c per sack; sweets,
zen of Hoquiam, Wash., and well 2@2)^c per pound.
known throughout the state, accidental­
Vegetables—Beets, $1; turnips, 90c;
ly shot himself at Spokane, while show­ per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab­
ing a revolver to a friend.
He died bage, 1 Ho per pound; parsni|>s, $1;
shortly after the accident.
onions. $1.50@2.50; carrots, $1.
Hops—3@8c per |iound
Stuck river farmers blew up a log
Wool—Valley, 12@l3c per pound;
jam that bad dammed the stream near
its junction with White river, and the Eastern Oregon, 8@14c; mohair, 27@
water in the Stuck was lowered a foot 10c per pound.
Mutton—(¡rose, l»est sheep, wether*
At the same time White river farmers
were tiying more completely to ob­ tnd ewes, 4 ’«c; dressed mutton, 7(«4
struct the channel of the Stuck so as to 7 Sc per pound; lamin, 7,Hcper pound.
Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
get relief from flood on their own lands.
Ground has been purchased and laid light and feeders, $4.50; dressed,
out by a floriculturist at (lie Elum, $6.00@6.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef—Gross, top steers, $4.00@4.50;
Wash., and hothouses will soon be
erected. The industry is to lie carried sows, $8.5O@4.00; dressed lieef, 6H@
on at Cle Elum as Puget Sound cannot 7 \ c per pound.
Veal—Large, 7@8c; small, 8H@
furnish enough sunshine to supply the
per pound.
demand made by the florists, for with­
Tallow—5@5Hc; No. 2 and grease,
out sunshine the flowers lack fragrance
l)«@4c i>er pound.
and rich coloring.
Ran Frua*ci«co Market.
The rural delivery along the Elgin
branch shows a gain of over 50 per cent
IVool—Spring—Nevada, 12@15opev
over »he first few mouths of its exist­ pound; Eastern Oregon, 12@16c; Val-
ence, handling last month nearly 4,000 | ey, 2O@22c; Northern, 10@12c.
pieces of mail.
Hops—1899 crop,
U@13c per
O. C. Applegate, the Indian agent at pound.
the Klamath reservation, is consider- I Butter—Fancy creamery 22 @22 He;
ing the building of a portable mw mill Io seconds, 21 @21 Ho; fancy dairy, 1»
for work on the reservation. There is iJ20o; do seconds, 17 @ 18c per pound.
considerable demand for lumber out I fr'-l«»—Store, 12@ 14c; fancy ranch,
there, and the magnificent forests of 17c.
sugar and bull pine furnish an unlimit­ | Millstuff« — Middlings, $17.00 <
ed source of raw material to work up. 10.00; bran, $12.00@ 18.00.