The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 09, 1900, Image 1

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Entered at the Postoffice In McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
-»*1 xvlAlvA.1 ▼
r ltll’A I y
\f 1 Ri’II Q 1CUM1
j I a IH*
A Case Where Love’s Ties Have Not Been Broken, But Have
Strengthened With the Advancing Years.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Singlenumbersfivecenta.
NO. 12
~ A bsolutely P ure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of
— and has been made under his per-
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex­
periments that trille with and endanger tlie health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Varegoric, l>rops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
ami allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrlwea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
The assertion that “marriage is a failure” would find no acceptance in
the minds of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Root, or their many friends. The
beauty and success of the relation in their ease has been such all the way
up to the 50th milestone, that about sixty of their friends were led to cele­
brate the event last Saturday, at their home in this city. The friends
gathered during the afternoon and evening, and an excellent supper was
provided by the visiting ladies. It was the pleasure of the following per­
sons to be present:
Rev. Joseph Hoberg anti wife, John Kingery, Mrs. J. E. Noll, Mr. and
Mrs. Cullison, Mrs. Lucy Cowls, J. H. Nelson and wife, F. E. Rogers and
wife, M. U. Gortner and wife. Miss Josie Gortner, J. O. Rogers and wife,
Franklin Stout and wife, F. S. Harding and wife, S. F. Harding and wife,
C. F. Mills and wife. Harlow Mills, Mrs. Elizabeth Mills, Mrs. J. S. Hibbs,
Mrs. E. C. Dallas, Mrs. Andrew Martin, W. A. Benedict, Mrs. Haney,
Miss DuBois, C. F. Talmage and wife, Mrs. Flesher, Mrs. Kegg, Mrs. Rob­
inson, Miss Lizzie Handley, Mel Lynch and wife, Mrs. W. W. Wright, Mrs.
Neal, son and daughter, Rev. II. T. Atkinson, II. A. Palmer, wife and
mother, Mrs. F. J. Martin, Mrs. E. A. Cook.
In Use For Over 30 Years.
J acob W ortman , Pres.
J ohn W ortman , Cashier.
E d H endricks , Vice Pres.
A rthur M c P hillips , Asst. Cashier 4»
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885.
Capital and Surplus, $90,000.
Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United 4»
States, and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe, The
accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited.
The First National Bank
properly it takes time. It requires experience and
a complete knowledge of drugs. It requires the
druggist to have a large variety of drugs—fresh
drugs. He must give the best possible work and
for compensation he must be reasonable. With the
above facts remember we are careful and strive to
please one and all alike. Those are reasons why our
prescription tile thribbles all in this county. We
are recognized by doctor and customer alike for be­
ing accurate and dispensing only the purest drugs.
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists.
Mammoth Bronze Turkey Eggs from
First prize Birds. 25c each, or 13 for S3.
Yours Truly,
MRS. C. D. NAIRN, Shadeland Farm,
Ballston, Or.
A large silver fruit dish and a gold-lined berry spoon were the hand­
some gifts bestowed by the guests. These were presented by Rev. H. T.
Atkinson, the Methodist pastor, whose choice expression of sentiment on
the occasion is the voicing of the heart’s desire of the many persons who
hold Mr. and Mrs. Root in high esteem. Addressing them he said:
I have been asked to say a few words to you in the name of tho friends who
have gathered here upon thia extremely interesting occasion. The fact that so very
few have journeyed over the highway of life as long as you have done, makes it
but natural that great interest should attach to this highly important event in your
lives. I feel that my friends, and yours, have placed upon me an extremely weighty
responsibility in asking me to make tho presentation speech in connection with
this beautiful fruit dish and spoon, which comes from them as a very slight mark
indeed of their respect and affection for yon. That you are together now on this
fiftieth anniversary of your wedding day is evidence that you have been faithful to
each other; for many years yon have been faithful to your God and to your church,
ami today it is our united wish that yon may yet live to see many more years on
earth before the sun of your life shall finally set to rise in the kingdom that has no
end. Take these gifts, then, and may you continue to live until continued use
shall have worn them out, and when that time comes may we also lie living to re­
place them with fresh ones.
Both recipients responded briefly, but were so impressed with the
kindly demonstration, that emotion expressed more than words. The en­
graving upon the dish was from thy poetical pen of Mrs. H. Mills, and is
as follows:
How swift dear friends the time has fled,
■Inst fifty years since von were wed ;
A ml friends have come witli gifts and cheer
Because your golden wedding’s here.
The Reporter takes pleasure in presenting the accompanying credita­
ble portraits of these worthy people. Lorenzo Root was born in Trumbull
county, Ohio, October 19th, 1825. In 1837 he went to Iowa with his par­
ents, and in tho following year they changed their residence to Hancock
county. Ills. Two years later the}’ removed to Whiteside county of that
state. Martha Vedder Root was born in Jefferson county, New York,
November 15th, 1829, and removed to Illinois in 1849. She was married
to Lorenzo Root March 3d, 1850, and together they came to Oregon with
an ox team two years later. They settled at Astoria, and remained there
six years before casting their lot in tho favored West Chehalem valley.
Here they tended th°ir flocks and plowed the stubborn glebe until 1879,
when they moved to McMinnville, the immediate jewel of the universe.
Thev have iieen members of the Methodist church for over 50 years, and
have probably fed more preachers at their house, Methodist and otherwise,
than any other of the many households whose latch-string is out to the
men of God. They are worthy of the attention now shown them.
Elder Cane is at Perrydale holding a
Nearly one hundred voters of school
series of meetings for the church at that
district No. 40 were present at the an­
nual school meeting held Monday after­
Miss Pauline Maddox has been home noon. After reading the minutes of the
for the past few days visiting her parents last annual and special meetings, F. E.
and friends.
Bogers was chosen by ucclamatiou as
Krom what we learn there will be sev­ director to serve for three years. Ballot
eral new dwellings built here during the was taken for clerk between W. 8. Houck
coming summer.
and D. M. Caldwell, resulting in the
The old postoffice building has been election of the former.
The report of Clerk Rhodes was read
moved to the north part of town and
and approved. The main items of the
will be converted into a dwelling.
The T. P. S. C. E. had a social at report were as follows:
Roth’s hall Tuesday night. All present
enjoyed themselves and went home hap-1
From former clerk ................. $ 1184 07
Co. Treasureron Dist. tax 2370 01
J. W. Roth has bought 30 feet oft’ the
7 50
Christian church lot. This, in addition From sale of dictionary............
to his other purchase, will tneke a tine
Total....................................... 3593 58
site for a residence.
At the annual school meeting last
Disbursed from »his fund......... 1987 59
Monday- A. C. McKinnen was elected
Balance on hand.................... 1605 99
director and Thos. Jellisou, treasurer.
The meeting was harmonious and all
Received from former clerk
. 2106 60
seemed to want to do what was for the
Received from county school
best interest of the district.
fund........................................ 2026 40
Uncle Chas. Burch, one of Yamhill’s Received from state school fund 1038 88
old pioneers, was in town last Monday,
circulating among his many friends.
5171 88
Mr. Burch is not seen often these days, Disbursed on this fund teach­
but when one is lucky enough to get a
ers’ salaries........................... 4055 00
shake of his hand it makes hitu feel bet­ Other expenses.........................
698 60
ter for having met him.
Total........................................ 4753 60
The farmers in this community are
on hand in this fund
418 28
awakening to the fact that there is mon­
ey in clover. They have been a long Total cash remaining in both
funds ..................................... 2024 27
time in coming to this conclusion, but
since they have they are going into it in Bonded indebtedness of district 16500 00
earnest. Clover is perhaps the greatest Total estimated value of all
property.................................. 27200 00
renewer of worn out land there is, and
insurance on school prop­
in a few years, we make the prediction,
erty ..................................... 17750 CO
the large yields of wheat and other
grains will amply repay them for their No. of inhabitants in district
No. legal voters .......................
trouble and expense.
Children of school age in dis­
trict; male 353, female 342..
Mr. Griesen then took the opportunity
Miss Burdon went to Portland Satur­
to make some remarks on the school
day to work for Mrs. F. J. Miller.
book question, urging ]»eopie to use their
Miss Elsie Perkins visited in Lafayette best efforts toward securing an honest
Friday and Saturday of last week.
school book commission a year lienee,
Curt Jones and Wtn. Merritt left for and stated that one of the outrages on
their Tillamook ranches Sunday last.
school patrons was the immense profit
Quite a number from this place attend­ of the school book monopolies, a case in
ed the local show at Carlton on Friday point living Peterman’s civil government,
on which a profit of 112,000 was made in
Miss Lizzie Glandon visited with her Oregon by its adoption in the sixth and
Ho also spoke for the
sister, Mrs. Newhouse, in McMinnville seventh grades.
introduction of industrial instruction in
during last week.
At the whist club last Thursday the the schools, after the plan now generally
grand prize was won by Miss Belle in vogue in Euro|>ean countries, that
Laughlin, and the prize for the eveniug pupils might be taught to use their hands
as well as brains. fie argued that this
was won by Miss Gracie Fox.
The annual school meeting was held would teach the child that he was born
at this place Monday. R. Baird was for some useful purpose, and would pre
elected director for three years, and A. vent much of the vice developed among
boys through the habit of loafing. To
E. McKern clerk for one year.
An entertainment and luncheon will this end he made a motion that a com­
be given at the M. E. church Saturday mittee of three be appointed to investi­
evening, March Toth, the proceeds of gate the subject and develop plans. The
which will go for the benefit of the chair appointed for this purpose Messrs.
church. They have a fine program and Griesen, Hunsaker and Eckman, and
Mrs. Jacob Wortman and Mrs. J. W.
should have a good attendance.
The Carlton dramatic club gave an Gault.
On motion the meeting then ad­
entertainment at this place Saturday
evening for the benefit of the North journed.
Yamhill band. They were greeted by a
Wood Rid Notice.
full house, all of whom went away well
Notice is hereby given that the board
pleased with the perlormance of the
of directors of school district No. 40,
Carlton people.
Yamhill county, Oregon, will receive
Notice to the Public.
sealed bids up to six o’clock p. ni. on
The jewelry business heretofore con­ Monday, March 19th, 1900, for 40 cords
ducted under the name of Wm. F. IMel- of old fir wood, including the lieart of
schneider will in the future be conducted the wood, and for 40 cords of grub oak
under the firm name of Wm. F. Diel- wood, none of winch shall be less than
schneider A Bro., Mr. F. A. Dielsclineid- three inches in diameter. Said wood to
er becoming a partner in the business. be delivered not later than August 1st,
There will lie no change in the busi­ 1900. Right reserved to reject any and
ness otherwise, and tho public is assured all bids.
B. F. R hodes ,
that no effort will be «pared in the future
School Clerk.
as in the past to make this the leading
Cure n Cald In One Day.
jewelry store on the west side, outside of
Portland, and tho liest place to have your
Take Laxative Brorno Quinine tablets.
watch, clock and jewelry repairing done. All druggists refund money if it fails to
W m . F. DiELscRNEtriEB A B ro .,
cure. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each
McMinnville’s Reliable Jewelers.
tablet. For sale by Rogers Bros.
Two doors below postoffice.
Mrs. Casey returned home Monday
Miss Lou Dillon left for Astoria on
Monday to continue her work with Mrs. from a short visit in McMinnville.
Miss Eborall of McMinnville is visit­
Dunbar in millinery.
Rev. < >, W. Grannis of Salem shed the ing with her brother, J. Eborall and his
light of his countenance on the conven­ wife.
Floyd Long made a business trip to
tion at Friday's session.
McMinnville Saturday, returning home
The Union band gave a concert on | Sunday.
Saturday night, and was enjoyed by
Wtn. Jones ami wife of Chase visited
those in attendance.
1 over Sunday with Mrs. Jones’ mother,
The Epworth league convention was a Mrs. Flynn.
success in every way. Near ninety del­
Miss Mollie Thompson returned home
egates were in town. The sessions were
largely attended aud were very beneficial last week from a long visit with relatives
to all. Several excellent singers from in McMinnville.
Miss Celia Flynn intends to go to
Salem gave us a treat in song. On Sun­
day Presiding Elder Watters preached Portland during this week to stay with
the sermon in the M. E. church, and her sister this spring.
J. Watts has gone to Gray’s Harbor,
visiting ministers occupied the pulpits
to work during the spring!
of Friends and Baptist churches.
and summer. He left Monday.
Mrs. J. Lough was very suddenly
Marr h I2ih, ItMHt
The St Charles store will have been ’ taken ill lass week and Dr. Barber was j
For Male.
iu business one year. On the whole it called in. Under his treatment she is
We have saved many doctor bills since
has been satisfactory to us, and we be­ improving very rapidly.
I have 100 ewes, with 120 lambs, all
At the annual school meeting held on we began using Chamberlain's Cough early lambs. Also 35 to40 yearling ewes,
lieve to our patrons also. We make
Remedy in our home. We keep a hot- i
the following new officers were tie open all the time and whenever any all long wool and in fine condition. Ewes
this promise now, if we live we will be
in better shay* next year to do business ele'ted: J. Evenden, director, and J. of my family or myself begin to catch and lambs have been on wheat since De­
than the past. Our single aim is to , Cronin, clerk. The board now consists cold wo begin to nee the Tough remedy, cember.
J. L. P urvink ,
and as a result we never have to send
please our customers and get a profit on 1 of F. Long, F.. H. Taylor and J. Even-I awav for a doctor and incur a large doc­
9 miles north of Salem, and 1% miles
each and every article we sell. No baits. I den.
tor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ north of Zena, Polk county.
Miss Gertrude Imus, who taught the edy never fails to cure. It is certainly a
Polite and appreciative attention. Ev­
fall term of school, has been engaged to medicine of great merit and worth —D.
erybody is our friend.
N. E. K egg .
The work of clearing the site for the
teach the spring term to begin March S. Mearkle, general merchant and farm­ new- Borns block has tiegun. Brower A
er, Mattie, Bedford county. Pennsyl­
The R tenant a and Weekly Oregonian 19th. No teacher has yet been employ-1 vania.
For sale by Howorth & Co., Son and Jones A Adame do the evava-
one vear for |2, strictly in advance
I ed in the upper school.
ting and take their pay in dirt.