s 5' deg 12 n w r,.i3 ch o ne cor Grace. Margaret, lot 1 of sec 15 tp 3 s r 5 Astoria is to have a sawmill with a E T Pei o s land thence s 14 deg 03 n w containing 30 o acres (o , ,jaj|y capacity of 250,000 feet. A sixteen epa’eh o beg tract or Jo'm Flett die Now. therefore, on Saturday, the 10 h day of i luot ggwlog that scales a thousand feet is 10 in sec >3 tp 9 s r 3 w ton 5 ac O March. A. D. 1 00 between the hours of 10 | Peter 0», Hans, 100 200 tt Newberg f 35 considered a good one. This mill will o'clock a. m. and 4 o'c'oik p. in. of >aid dav, at By virtue of a Delinquent Tax Warrant Petty o in. Lydia A, ’o's 234 and 5 blk the court house door in McMinnville. Yarnhill I eat up two hundred and fifty such logs a ski W add ‘o Newberg issued out of the County Court of the Ç5 County. State of Oregon, I will sell the above day, more than ten an hour for each of State of Oregon, for the Ciiiinly of Yam­ Prentiss, Maggie.Its 3 A 4 blk'i' Johns’ add 1 60 described real property at public auction to the hill, bearing dale of Januarv ¿2d, A. D. o McMinnville 8 35 highest bidder for cash in r and, subject to re­ I the twenty-four demption, to satisfy said taxes charged thereon, llKRi, and under lite seal of said Court, Reid, Agues, ’o s 1 and a blk o Dundee 47 3o The Corvallis Times, a truthful paper, together with the costs and expenses of levy and directed to me as Sheriff' of said Comity, Ko’jimoi, Francis, se ’/4' of sw sec tp says Corvallis' dilapidated reminder of commanding me in the name of the State 5 s r i wtoi no jc 3 48 sale. Haled at McMinnville. Oregon, this 71I1 dav leiom times, the street railway, is to be of Oregon, to levy on and make sale ol Foo :. Sarah Ella, beg at a pt 7 50 ch w 9 13 of February A. 1 *. 1 00 , the goods ami chattels of the delinquent of ne <0 of Jo in Miller dice 2'4 (J»'g no longer a monument to financial folly, W. G. HENDERSON. e 12 Vi ch w 20 ch n 2’4 deg w 12 50 ch laxpaverH, named in the d.-linqiient tux li is to be torn up root and branch, and Sheriff of Yamhill County, Oregon, and ex of e 20 ch :o beg in tp 4 s r 4 w co.naming 40 50 roll of said county for the year IH'JM, ficio tax collector of said county. 25 acres t the iron goes to eastern Oregon. thereto attached, and if none t>e found, /.Oss J 'D o burn, trustee, lot 21 blk A then i>p.>n the real property set forth anil 3 35 Ho son add to .Newberg 1 ®5 desenlied in said delinquent tax roll, 01 h > much thereof as shall satisfy the Ro viand, ( ' N, beg 21Z3 ch w of se co - of 4 30 amount of taxes charged thereon, to­ A T Hembree d 1 c w 3’ 03 ch n 5) deg w 3 31 ch ch e £21 ch to oeg in sec 3 gether w ith the costs and expenses ol 70 tp 4 s r 4 w and <0 itaining 100 acres 13 »5 levy and sale: 75 “ My home is in Sidney, Ohio. I have been nearer death with consumption Mow, therefore, by virtue of said de­ 90 Russ. Elijah, part of John Sherwoo Idle beg at ne co. T B Hender on tract w than any other living person in the world, and I want you to lead this, so you linquent Tax Warrant and in pursuance 3 5 4 ch s 2 74 ch e 3 14 ch n 80 deg e 2 10 can tell others. I took a severe cold and neglected it, 1 grew worse all the of the commands thereof, I have duly 35 2 /6 ch 'o beg; co 1 1,0 100 ac 2 50 time, and at the end of levied upon the following described two years I had run into Savage, Ansel, ’o‘ ij blk 44 Edwards add pieeee ami pan els of real property, situ­ to Newberg 80 ate, lying and being in Yamhill County, S» consumption. I coughed terribly, lost flesh, could Sco t, S H, H int in ’ot 5 blk 7 H & L s State of Oregon, and Het forth ami de- add to Newberg not sleep, and became so scribed in said delinquent tax roll as fol- 4 75 dreadfullj« weak that I low’H, to-wit : 8 00 33 Shell, Isaiah, ’o’ 3 in sec 22 tp 2 s r 5 w 30 58 ac i 75 had to take to bed. In Abdill, G B nw qr of Lot 141 Day­ the following eighteen Shutkff, WT, lots 3 4, 5 and 6 blk 9J1103 4 64 ton ... ................................ * months I gradually add :o McMinnville 4 To Aiderman, z\ L 13.W chs n 171Ji reached the last stages 1 05 Smith, Leila, (o n o 1 w line of Sidney deg e from sw of n Of A L Alilei- of consumption. No less Smith die 1 >.33 ch s of nw co' s 21% man, said pt lieing nw cor of than seven physicians ch n 8.15 ch w 24 1 2 ct s 18 15 ch to tract set off m M Aiderman by 6 65 treated me and all gave beg in sec 9, 10 15 and I j tp 3 s r 3 w order of Ct Ct t lienee n 17 ileg me up saying I was in­ containing 20 acres 6 00 30 min e on w bilrv of said claim curable. I was absolutely 1 Smith, I o etta. beg at nw cor ’ot 8 src 3 s 21.17 ch thence 11 ti3 deg 50 min 90 helpless. The whole fam­ 13 48 ch s i3. j 3 ch n 13.48 ch w 8.1 j ch e 17.75 ch thence e 11.30 ch ily wore themselves out in sec 3 tp 5 s r 5 w co 1 11 ac I 80 Jackson, Jennie, lot 2 blk 3 R & Ws ad thence s 27 deg e 12.78 ch thence caring for me. One day 9 35 to New’berg............................................ 2 20 Smith, L M, com 38 ft s of ne co. ’ot 4 blk s 25 deg 30 min e 14 ch thence h mother and sister came 7 Newberg H & L s add w 93 ft s 24 ft Johnson, Coda R, s A lot 19 Fisk’s sub 3 35 27^i deg e 3 ch thence s 43 deg e 93 ft n 34 ft o beg to my bedside, and said 3 7° e 11% ch thence a 29 deg w 13Ji Keeney, G O, part of Iri C Conger d 1 I had but a day or two more to live Tears rolled down their cheeks as they Somers, Jo in W, ne 1-4 of ne 14 sec 20 ch thence n 72 deg 30 min w to sobbed the news, The doctors had declared I was in the last stage, „ . and no c not 52 beg at the n e cor of Milton tp 3 s r 3 w 1 ac 4 '5 beg in Bees 9, 10, tp 4 a r 3 w E < *a s d 1 Lane, Emma, lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 17 and Acker’s English Remedy for Consumption. 1 declare before God and man that 50 c thence n 4 1 2 deg w 10 beg 114 1^2 by Barbeau, Joseph com 10.10 ch b 18 blk 38 Edwards add to Newberg 4 25 i<5 ft ; al o .0. 4 blk 13 Sheridan 10 'o every word here printed is true.” and 13 94 ch w of nw cor of C I! Large, L, lots 5 and 6 blk 29 Lafayette 3 75 Thompso 1, J L, lot 1 sec 13 tp 5 s r 3 w This remarkable testimonial, on hie in the office ot Messrs. W H. Hooker & Co., New York, Graves d I c sec 35 tp hart! w proprietors of I>r. Acker 's Celebrated English Remedy, is vouched for l.v them, as well as by containing 3. o ac ■io run a 1 deg w 4.40 ch run n 89 Lashier, F A, lots 9 and 10 blk 2 prominent druggists of Sidney, Ohio. Acker ’ s y.nflUh Remedy is sold l»v all druccists under a positive guárante.'- tliat yonr money will i»ere. deg w 12.38 ch to n line of coun­ Whiteson.................... .......................... 63 Thompkins, Roger D, lots 1 and 2 sec 2j funded In eaw of lallure. ac..5o. and »1 a bottle 111 V s .»nd (■ In i.u.iaud 1 ¡-. .¡„..nit cl. ty road n 57'2 deg e 13.17 ch h 1 tp 5 s r 3 w and lots 1 and ne 1 4 of sw Laughlin, Nancy C, the Jas M Laugh­ For Sale by ROGERS BROS. 1 4sec 23 tp 5 s r 3 w con 1'3 ac; ako deg w 21.57 ch s 89 deg e 1.21 ch lin <1 1 c in secs 19 20 29 and 30 tp 2 lot 6 sec 25 tp 5 s r 3 w con 55.50 ac to beg exc about tracts in Vol z 45 s r 4 w containing <543 68 acres; also 19 75 To.vnsend, 1 one C, lots 6 and 7 blk 4 Fos­ 31-502 in sec 3.5 tp 5 b r i> w con n e i of s e 1 of n e 4 in sec 9 tp 2 s r ter ’ s add to Sheridan Probate Court. 00 3.48 ac................................................ 5 5° 5 w con 10 ac.......... ............................. 53 85 Bentler, John lots 7, 8, 9, 10 block Turner. Marian, beg ne cor Ira C Conger Guardiansnip of Lydia May Wixson. Leighton. Mrs C A, lot 3 blk 11 o 10 d 1 c w 17 1 2 ch s 6.87 ch e 17 1 2 ch n 5 45 49 Dundee . Faulconers add to Sheridan........... . 2 0" Petition of guardian for allowance of $75 6.87 ch exc a strip of land 2 rds !o lg n Berry, I»ela and Bayard lots 5 and Lewis, J/ary E, lot 14 blk 1 Foster’s for support of minor allowed. side e end in sec 27 tp 2 s r 3 w co.i ti block 4 Sheridan . . 25 1 12 50 ac i 85 add to Sheridan...... .......................... 35 Estate of Watson S. Bagley. J. H. 4 70 BoggesH, James II nw qr of nw qr Livingstone, Robert, blks 17 21 22 23 Un on Savings and AsfoJat’on, lis Olds appointed administrator, Bonds o of sec 27 tp 4 s r 0 w con 40 ac 25 4, 5 and 6 blk 3 H & L s add to New- and 27 and lots 2 3 10 11 blk fixed at I200, filed and approved. bei g n 20 ft of o' 4 and s 1-2 lot 5 blk 9 Kidney trouble prcy3 upon the mind, dis­ Bond, A H lot 5 blk 2 Foster’s add 5 00 76 all in Dundee................................. 4 00 Edwards add tp Newberg 13 95 Estate of Wm. Hemstock. H. R courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor to Sheridan 25 Loughary, L, s 4 of s w 4 of sec 17 tp Un o 1 Savings & I ©in Ass n, all that | o' - , and cheerfulness soon David appointed appraiser in place of Bowman, W J sw qr of ne qr see 50 __. rf-T disappear when the kid- 4 s row con 80 ac............................. 4 00 t o 1 o’ ’o. 28 Chehalem Orchar Ho nes 30 tp 4 s r 7 w con 40 ac, n hf sw Wm Bagley. lying n’and e of center of Co rd thio igh Lyman, James A, part of Benj Heat­ neys are out of order qr and se qr of sw qr and lots 2 same lot Guardianship of Little heirs, Second 1 9° er d I c beg at a pt 73.9.5 roils w of *" or diseased. 1 55 mid 3 of sec 27 tp 5 s r 7 w con­ Un^oi Savings ¿c I om As o iat’on, lots 1, n e cor of sec 9 tp 3ai r 2 w thence s annual report filed and approved Kidney trouble has 30 taining 174 87 acres, also a hf of 2 7 and 8 blk 2 Van Ostrums a*dd 10 88.80 roils to a point on n line of become so prevalent Estate of Jacob T. Williamson, IW' qr sec 8 tp 4 s r 5 w con 80 ac Sheridan 00 Benj J Heater d 1 c wr on said line 5 jl that it is not uncommon ne qr of nw qr see 17 tp 4 h r 5 tion to set aside order of Nov. 28th, 1898, 18.02 rods n 88.80 rods to n line of Unki o vn, se 14 of ne 4 4 and lot j in sec u-^-f f°r a child to be born w con 40 ac ........................... 13 30 sec 9 e 18.02 rods to place of beg con 1 and 2 tp 2 s r 5 w co 1 no 33 ac fa heard and after argument of counsel 5 f1 afflicted with weak kid- 85 Unkro vn, ’o13 and 14 blk 42 Edwards 10 ac......... ............................................. Bradley, Dora lot 259 in Dayton 5 80 Jizy- ne.V3- If the child urin- dered that said order be set aside. add to Newberg Maxwell. Thos, com 244 ch eand 14.75 Brun non, Thos L lot 2 blk 32 in 95 ** ates too often, if the First semi-annual account filed 3 60 c n of sw eor S Smith d 1 c run e 244 Unkr.o vn,’o s 31, 35, 3'», 37 blk “C” Lafayette .................................... 65 urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child ch n 16 ch w 244ch s 16 ch to beg in approved. Money on hand ordered Ho i‘O i s add 10 .\ewberg fo reaches an age when it should be able to Bredberg, Albert A block E Co­ sec 10 15 tp 3 s r 3 w con 41 a<*; also Unkiotn, 1 q ‘. i blk t3 Hurley & Large's tributed as prayed for. 05 control the passage, it is yet afflicted with sine’s 3d add to McMinnville 6 78 com 28 ch e of sw cor of S Smith d 1 add to Newberg ÍQ bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of Bradberg, E 1> a hf of s hf lot 1 blk c parallel with u boundary line of,’o s 2 and 30 H q ’ hois Fruit the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the firsi 3 75 4 Amitj* ... 85 said claim 14.78 ch to center ofCo rd Uncle Dan Holman has returned home Land Sub i 99 step should be towards the treatment ol e 3-50 ch s to s boundary line of elm Brooks, E C lots 5 and (1 blk 24 from his Portland visit. Unkr o vn, s 80 ft of ’o s 20 and 23 blk “C” w 3.«50 eh to beg in see 10 15 tp 3 s r these important organs. This unpleasant Rowland's add to McMinnville 4 95 Ho ' q i s add to Newberg 40 r 3 w’ con 5.16a; also com 24| ch e of W. C, Williams of Amity is keeping trouble is due to a diseased condition of the Brown, Etta lot S blk 2 South Sher­ Vestal, Martha J, 'o s 1 >, 17, i3 blk 23 sw eor M and Sidney Smith d I c run kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as 9 55 3 75 books for Wade & Co. in this city. idan. and ’ol 2 blk n Edwards' add to New­ n 14.75 eh to Cn rd e 3j ch s to s line most people suppose. berg elm w to beg in sec 15 t 3 s r 3 w con Co Brown, Maggie beg 20 chs c of the Dr J F. Calbreath, of the state hospi Women as well as men are made mis­ «5 acres .................................................... 10 85 Wade, Mrs. Annie F. lot 3 blk 3 Deskins sw cor of sei' 2 run n 40 chs w erable with kidney and bladder trouble, tai, visited McMinnville last Saturday. add to Newberg 3 90 2 Lyon, N S, lot 8 blk «5 Bibees add to to the branch down Ritiue to sec OS and both need the same groat remedy. Sheridan................................................. Ward, J J, Lying in the e ks of n w % sec Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., raved his The mild and the immediate effect ol line ami e to beg containing 40 14 tp 2 s r 4 w coin on sec line at n w Marley, P IL s A s w 1 and 3 4 n e J of acrea in sec 2 tp 5 s r 7 w also e child’s life by tine Minute Cough Cure. Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sole cor of said land e 78 rods, s 4 rods e 4 sec 27 tp 3 s r 5 con 100 aere.s also lit of the ne qr of see 10 mul nw 30 Doctors bad given her lip to die with by druggists, in fifty- rods s 2 > rds 2 ft w 80 rods, n 30 rods 2 lots 3? and 38 Hurley's fruit land qr of nw qr sec 11 tp 5 H r 7 w fl to I »eg in sec I 4 tp 2 s r 4 w tun 15 ae croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, cent and one dollar 55 subd ................... .................................... 9 25 containing 60 acres 3 7.5 sizes. You may have a Warren R K, lot 3 blk 37 and lots 1 2 and ' artin, Joseph, lot «3 blk K Cozine's 3d colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and sample bottle by mail •> Brown Bros, «t Berry lot 9 blk 8 blk 3 Oak Park add to McMinnville 5 50 !H I add to Me ». innville ............................ 1 throat anti lung troubles. Relieves at free, also pamphlet tell- Homo Baker's add to Sheridan ____ nt __________ 15 Swamp-Root. Waugaman, X of s e 1-4 sec 22 .May. David, beg at sw cor of Clayton ing all about it, including many of the <>nce. Rogers Bros. and s w 14 of n w 1-4 and w % of s w Brown, M M lot 8 blk 14 Whiteson 25 Richardson dice 28.35 ch n 31 deg thousands of testimonial letters receivec 1 4 sec 23 exc 1 o ac also s e 1-4 of s e Bryan, Clabe ami Maude part of e along road .56.23 ch s 83 deg w There are several candidates to initiate from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilme". 1 4 sec 22 and s of n w 1 4 of s w 1 4 along road 22 28 eh s71 dej w 124eh Dan Johnson d I c also part of sec 23 100 ac lea\ing <0 a in sec 23 tp 5 Tuesday evening next by the Rebekahs, & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure anc 3 65 s,52 deg w 16.64 ch n 724 deg w 104 5 D Gaunt d I c also 20 a.'rea of s r 4 wr i 00 and a good attendance is desired. Supper mention this paper. ch tn w line of elm s 34 59 ch to beg R R land beg nt sw cor of tract Hadley, Eli J Iota 9, 10, 11 and 12 Westerfield A B heirs, s 1 2 of lots 2 and in sec 31.32 t 5 s r 4 w con 165.47 ac 2'j 95 will follow. deeded to Jennie Bryan, SAD blk 25 Edwards add to Newberg 1 45 3 and all of lots 4 5 and 6 e 30 ft off s Mendenhall, .Abbie C, lots 14 and 15 blk Bryan, deeds X-710 714 thence b 1 2 lot blk 12 Lafayette 3 It takes but a minute to overcome Hadley, Mrs Ida J hf ac near A Ho foi s ad 10 Newberg 1 Co White. Henrv, Est., lots 1234567 blk to s line of Gaunt clnim eon said Church add to Newberg 4 35 Messinger, S E. 6-7 int in lo'.s 72. 73 and tickling in the throat and to stop a cough claim and R It land to w line of 14, lots 9 10 blk 15, lots 7 bp 10 blk 16, 74 Dav.o 1 tn the County Court of Yamhill County, State 2 9° by the use of One Minute Cough Cute. Joel Perkins <1 I c n on w line nd lots X 2 3 4 5 5 7 b 9 10 blk 17, lots 1 2 3 Hardwick, J and Eva E beg nw of Oregon. 4 5 6 7 o 9 !• II 12 13 14 15 x > blk 1 >. Metzger. Mrs. Ella, lots’ 5, 6, 7, 8 of Elijah claim to se cor said Jennie Bry­ cor of Roddel Matteson land n 72 This remedy quickly cures all forms of In the matter of the Estated lots 1 2 3 4 5 13 1 1 15 l.lh 18 lots 1 2 Millican cl 1 c in tp 4 s 1 4 w as describ an laud w on s line of said Bry­ deg e var 20-leg39min e 14 ch 13 *4 throat and lung troubles. Harmless 345 . z d w 10 bit. 20 lots 123456 7 ed in 5 00 and its after effects. Rogers Bros. Harilwtch, Laura B ami John D e court, and said court ha- mad. an order fixing 4, 5 and 6, blk 30 Lafayette 5 7° Wliittn re. E J O. lots q and 10 blk 20 Ed­ Butl'um, Thos ami George beg at a tile litll »lav of March, A. Il Ham. at the hour ot hf lot 13 Hurley's sttbd Newberg 50 Folk county ’ s first annual goat show is wards add to Newi»erg i Miller, I .( o larie. o s 8 and 9 blk 2 Watts' Co eleven o’clock in the forenoon of said day at the point on \ Illi liiibkirk H w line, Harger, George W lots 2 and 3 sec to be held 111 Dallas tomonow. The ex­ count} court house al McMinnville. Yamhill and add io Amity t Cs Wilson. John and Martha J. com 15 ch n Mid point being 144.02 roils h county, Oiegon, a« the time and place for the 5 tp 3 s r 5 w con 34.90 ............. 3 40 Mint) on, H J and Laura E, l»eg at a pt of s c cor sec 31 tp 2 s r *2 w n 25 ch to hibit will be large, over 12.5 goats having final hearing of sani final account and all objec­ and 50 rils and 10 ft e of the nw n e cor of s e 14 said sec 31 w ^o ch s 74.31 rds w and 1 75 14 ft s of seco sec aw Hash. Addison n hf of the cor of T J Jellison lot deed Vol been entered for exhibition a week ago. tion therein, it any there be. P 5 a 8-291 thence w 10 roils s 20 roils The competition for premiums is limited JeHtate are hereby tmtin.-.l ,m,l ri quireil to appear lot 74 in sec 31 tp 2 s r 2 w con 79 ac teet e 4 34 10 Is (Oitafnmg 1 1 3 ac; aho 3’ 45 o 00 r 7 w con 40 ac at salii time and’ plac.- and show cause, it any e 10 rods ami 11 20 rods con 2 ac co n 4.3 ) rds vv and < o ft s of nw co. of Wilson, Joseph, lot blk 5 Edwards add to Polk county, I there u fiy «ai - - but there will be exhibits is --” be. -........ md accounts should not la* af­ in sec 29 t 5 s r 4 w 3 95 Hawn, if ary 1 10th int in ne tract o! deeded by Jesse Edwards to Newberg exc 25 tt 10 front \ ■.iinhill Xfuriryry Rzjwfrxr» and tin «-I zxl lx ’'‘""i a"'1 approved and «aid r «rule firrever and •I»- Yamhill, Marion, Benton oth- to ( hel.alein Monthly Meeting of Friends I nnniii settled, and sai ...... discharged and Butl'ura, T F beg at se cor of 3 ac , finally «ettled, said l ixt executor an0 10 11 and 12 blk 25 Buell, H Iota 3 anil 4 blk 8 Fanl- exc vol 28 to Sarah Hoskins 36x to a stane n 24 deg e 0 33 ch s 65 deg e Edwards add o Newberg 95 Herminie, Pa. ‘‘1 have been afflicted 1 58 ch s 24 deg w 6.33 cn n 56 deg w coner's h <1<1 to Sheridan 5 1.5 100 ft, also part of lot 2 blk 3 1 5! ch to beg con 1 <»c, also lots 4 and Mo k Fiant 1. \ n blk 13 in Newberg with rheumatism for several years and Newberg com 26 ft s of tie cor Buntin, I’hoels» E l>eg 3 tils e of se 5 oik 30 Faulconers add to Sheridan b\ jessr Edwards, al oa -trip 50 feet 1 i h berela ctr«11 tliat ili, inder«igned said lot w 94 ft s 12 ft e 94 ft n 12 eor of blk 10 Amity thence s to a have tried remedies without number, ^l»Th wide ado ning same 01 west -x lain, I -i..t •«. ,. i;n,\ court ot V am -5 20 Wight Vbraham. est, n e 1 4 sec 21 tp ft to l>eg ....................................... 6 35 (Kiint 10 rds n ami 3 rile e of ne 5 ' hill < oiiiiit. viri'tfon, li h - I,,, n Hpi,oint>-d ns ex­ but Pain Balm is the best medicine 1 s r 7 w con 1 o ac Mo rr, tH'. beg sw > e-iate of William ih mstock, de­ Henderson, W G assignee for I II have got hold of." One application re­ cease,I Ail person« liaving , 111111« Hgninst Hitch run n 4 1 deg w 11 4 ft s .”5 ucg e w 74 Wright Mrs L R beg s ecor of n e 1 4 rds 11 to a (Hiint e of beg and w Baker beg qr chs e of ne cor of ft .0 s Imc Gardner s adu ¡o Sheridan sec 3 n 1 - rods w f o rods s 33 rods e to lieves the pain. For sale by Howorth & •--tHte sr, r, quir, ,1 to prj-. in ih, m nitbin six ■ to lieg in sec 29 tp 5 s r 4 w con nioinh« from the nte,l (lit-7th ,I h , of February, tl'tst. S-5 s : 3 c ' ’ 3 5° u * 7 ?3 rds w 0’j nls ami a 10 nl« in all el 5 It s '5 dee der, w 74 h l4 tt io e line ot » 74 it to < lire a < old in tin«* Hay . MARY A HEMsTrX K. 1 seculrlx. 2 ami 3 tp 5 s r 3 w con 112.80 \\ • t \l.« t - • Gatunet': .u I o Shvittlan lliruce 1 ipu ’j ae. also lots I ami 2 blk 7 ami ac, also com 11 w cor John I'arrish v<« No 111 .11 secs 11 12 13 and 14 tp Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. ft o s line o Sherman st thence 11 l’s** wr 10 rds of blk 8 Amity 1 95 3 s 1 3 w eon 50 25 ac 8 30 elm sec 34 Ip 4 s r 3 w s to n line deg c 4‘, teet o beginning C5 All druggists refund money if it fails to Burton J J heirs aw qr of ne qrsec .1 M Forrest d I c to e line of said W\aooski Warehouse Co. beg at angle 9 •1 McCafirrx Henry I . s * ? s sw sec cure. The genuine has I.. B. Q. on ea< h 36 tp 2 a r 4 w con 4 rods 108 1.5 ac............................................ 31 26 McKinlr\ Alex. *• int in ne l* an nw U ^cv 1 tp < r 4 w «oiiit t 17 4 n orods e 8 roits part ol Sam I Snow to C < i Sav lor aiiiI ot hets Vol \ Hiatt Lewis lot 8 l>lk 9 Newberg M»TI< K OF t lH»T MKF.TBG Ot Mills In - den d 1 c in tp 3 s r 2 w con 84 100 acres c5 446 w 191, ft n 14 rtlse 19*> ft a 35 central add. also 125x71 ft New­ <1(1 DITOlia. McKinlrv YarLougb. I.iizie, lots 13 and 1 4 blk 3 Bi- 14 rda, also a piece ileaerilH>»l an •> 55 berg ...................... . la*e s add to Sheridan s r 4 w i 3° follows Beg at a point 602 8-12 30 In the District Court of the United States for Harrison, Mary J nw qr sec 6 tp 3 McKmlex Frank. 23 d I c and the ne cor of W M. Wardle, Bankrupt. > In Bankruptcy. Hill, I’ ami A J Morris com at the N<-' • W \V. uiuli\ulrt 27.79 Nature in strengthening and recon­ 1 >5 7 ’ ac anti Portland road wly e along said road 70 U Notice is hereby given that on the llth day of paces to ne cor of J Quimbv nly ch e of ‘4 post la’t aeca 32 ami 33 50 ft to a point n of lieg s to beg ¿0 by February, A. D .lwO. th.-«aid W M Wardle was structing the exhausted digestive or­ New O' Jo'n with Wm Wibon. each s on n line to rishi of wav O A c run n 20 eh w 2 eh a 20 ch e 2 eli ofert i o drily adjudicated bankrupt, arid the first meet­ gans. It is the latest discovered digest­ w l ? D" I > Hadv d I c exc the * 1'7 ac in R R n 3.8 paces more or less to ing of Kia creditors w ill be held at the office of ant and tonic. No other preparation to lieg in mh h 32 and 13 tp 2 a r 3 st vs 8 q , 1 1 nd 17 to 21.< o ae 5 45 Wil'a.write Valiev lrlrphonr Co. e 1 2 It Kh.ate« A Rhodes, in McMinnville, in -‘aid do said dice on n line 117 pace« to w con 4 ac 1 65 P.v ■*-< Real Estate (o ‘ os io S3 and 9 I Ik 1 1 Ih'skins 2 id add to Nvwl»erg triet, on the 6th Jay of March, A. D. t'JUH, at two can approach it in efficiency. It in­ Tt O beg in sec 2 tp 2 s r 4 w con 14 v'elsck in the afternoon, at which time the *aid stantly relieves and pernianentlycures «?8 Dundee Orchard 1 o nes Clemmena, Henrv lota 7 ami A blk 5 ac. also tl ac from D J Quimbv in Ridglet. W. scot nw of sec 23 tp 2 s r 3 w creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap­ Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn. 12 Central add to New1»erg ft SO Perois. ’ Fionas beg t* 5tch 1185'* deg con acres point a trustee, examine the bankrupt. and 5 see 2 tp 2 a r 4 w 00 I 70 e and n 32 33 ch n 14 dtg 03 n w or«o n transact such other bo-inesa as may properly Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Nausea, Cone. Rebecca undivided of all Hobeoti. T E beg at ne cor blk R Davis. Geo. nc 14 of sw 1 4 ICC 15 tp 2 S secs 1 A. 1 > 13 and «>oi range line be come before «aid meeting. Sick Head ache, Ga«tralgi a. Cramps, and that pert of lot 5 blk 12 Lippin- r 6 w con ,o acres Hobson'a add to New berg w 135 I »51 February 16th, UM tween ranges 3 and 4 w tp 2 thence 3; all other results of imp. rfect digestion roll’s add to Dayton in tp <> a r M D. I.. RHODES, ft n to cor Dayton ami Portland deg tan e 10 4 ch thence n ^oS dCg Prepared by E. C- DeWitt & Co . Chicago Ft —hil and lot 3 blk <> < '(»zine’s 3d add to Mc­ Minnville . ................................ Dancer, Mrs C \V lol I blk 1 Watts add to Atnily.................................... Itavenport, Vilnbfof nw qr sec 29 tp 2 s r 5 w eon 80 ac. . . Deardoff, D II lots 4, 5 and 8 blk 3 Beskin’s and to Newberg DeLaehiuutt. E L lots 3, 4 and 5 blk 2 VaiiOstrmn’s add to Sher­ idan..................................................... Dimtuick.A B lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 blk 5 Wheatland .................................. Dorrance, J G beg 68 rds n of se cor tract deeded by Edwin Fop- pleton to Jesse Edwards and wf w 40 rds s 9 rds e 40 rds n 9 rds to lieg in secs 19 and 20 tp 3 n r 2 w con 2.25 ac Duncan, Emma I beg 5 ch e of HW cor qf lot 7 sec 6 e 5 ch n 10 ch w 5 ch h 10 ch in sec 6 tp 3 s r 2 w con 5 ac........ ............................... Easter, W II sw qr of se qr in sec 35 t p 3 s r 5 w con 40 ac Edwards, John n hf of lots 2 and 1 blk 22 Edwards add to Newberg Ellison, Helen M 60 by 30 ft and lots 3 and 4 blk 3 Rowlands add to McMinnville................................ Everest, Walker lots 1 and 2 sec 21 tp 3 s r 2 w con 7 62 ac, also part oi the Richard Everest d I c corn at the se cor of a tract of land owned by William Everest w along Wm Everest s line 25 ch s 11.57 ch e 25 ch w 11.57 ch to beg in sec 21-22 tp 3 s r 2 w con 28.72 ac.................................. Faulconer, A B lot I and w y hf of to lot 2 blk 23 Faulconer’s adii 1 Sheridan . ............................ Faulconer, Ifattie lot 6 blk 12 and frac blk 17 Faulconer’» add to Sheridan................................. Fletcher, Morris R coni se cor of Ahio S Watt d 1 c 11 10.63 ch n 30'? deg w 35.37 ch s 62 deg w 26.40 ch b 6 deg e 27.50 ch 9 52 deg e 19.78 ch s to a line of said Watts claim n 67 min e 25.96 ch to beg in secs 13-24 tp 4 » r 4 w Ma I 48.00 n<- ......................... 1 lynn. John Est n hf of the sw qr sec 34 and the e hf of the se qr sec 33 tp 4 s r 6 w eon 160 ac . Fly tin, J J lots 1, 2 and 3 and s lif sw qr sec 34 tp 4 s r 6 w con 154- .72 ac........................................... < iaines, Sarah Est 15 ac in se i cor Sarah Gaines land in sees 16-17 1 tp 5 s r 3 w..................... .. . Gardner, L C lot 14 blk D Hob- I son’s add to New berg Gardner, L E lots 3 and 4 Hobson Fruit Land Subdivision............... Gehr, .1 G lot 12 blk 75 Dundee Gwenke, Henry F beg ne cor D Wall <1 I c run 11 80 rds to nw cor of J Dixon dice 40 rds hw iy to beg in tp 3 s r 3 w con 10 ac ami also nw qr of sw qr in sec 21 tp 3 s r 3 w eon 40 ac.......................... Collins, Henry 80 ac in sec 34 tp 3 s r 3 w.................................. ........... Glendenning, Walter sw qr of sw qr in sec 3,5 tp 3 s r 5 w con 40 ac Goucher, E E e hf of n hf lot 4 blk 4 Amity, also com 99 ft b of nw cor of blk 11 Amity run e 140 ft s 17 ft w 140 ft n 17 ft to beg Grace, George W b hf of se qr sec 29 exc 2 ac in nw cor sold to Ed Cady in tp 2 s r 5 w con 78 ac. . Graham, A II ami J King lots 9 and 10 blk 18 Whiles add to Whiteson .................................. t.nlliford, J A being pt of lots 7 and 8 of Wynooekie sttbd com at sw cor of said lot 7 n to nw cor ely following co rd to angle 15 s 76 deg e 2 eh s 35 deg w left bank of Willamette river nwly along bank to beg in tp 3 a r 2 w con 6 ac ........................................... 23 80 Church nt tn beg con \ac........... Hobson, II V D lot 7 blk 17 central 10 add to Newberg......................... (Ioekint, A M and 8 J hf interest in com at ne cor lot 1 blk 2 New- l»erg by Edward# run w 34 ft a 100 ft e 34 ft n 100 ft to beg, ul#o beg 34 ft w of ne cor blk 2 New­ berg by Edward# run w 4 ft a 1U0 it e 4 it n 100 ft 4 by 100 ft, also U’g 10 ft a and 3S ft w of ne cor blk 2 Newberg bj' Edward# run h IK) ft w 27 ft n !H) ft e 27 ft 27x90 it lots 4,5 and 0 blk 17 Newberg............................................. 44 Hnuie, Peter beg at hw cor E C Williams d 1 c e 18 84 clia n 15- .92 ch# w 18.84 chs h 15.92 chs to l»eg, also a atrip of 16 50 it ior road in wee 29 tp 5 8 r 4 w con 9 30 acres ...................................... Hnrlev. Mary Plot# 4,5 and 14 Hurley’s iruit land sub Husner, Geo F, lots <5 and 10 blk 35 of Bibee's add to Sheridan...................... Ingle, J W, s 1-2 of lot 5 and n 25 feet of lot 8 blk 5 Watt s add to Amity 5 Investment Co. of Portland, Oregon, lot 5 blk «36 Oak Park add to Mc­ Minnville ............................................. . .Jackson, D II, s 25 ft of lot 1 l»lk 34 H & Ls add to Newberg, also beg 24 ft n of # e cor of lot 8 blk 6 H I s ad