The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, February 23, 1900, Image 7

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first—the medicine that
holds the record for the
largest number of abso­
lute Cures of female Ills
Is Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound,
Second Mrs. Pinkham
can show by her letter
flies tn Lynn that a mil­
lion women have been
restored to health by her
medicine and advice.
Third - AH letters to Mrs.
Pinkham are received,
opened, read and an­
swered by women only.
This foot Is oertlfled to by
the mayor and postmas­
ter of Lynn and others of
Mrs. Pinkham’s own city.
Write for free book con­
taining these certificates.
Every ailing woman is
Invited to write to Mrs.
Pinkham and get her ad­
vice free of charge.
Lydia E. Pinkham Sled. Co., Lynn. Mass.
Queer Hitching Posts.
Icelanders have a peculiar plan to
prevent their horses from straying.
Supposing two people were riding to­
gether, and wished to stop somewhere
to make a call. On dismounting, they
would tie each horse’s head to the
other’s tail. In this state the horses
could neither move backward nor for­
ward; at the most, they could go round
in a circle.—N. Y. Sun.
Mrs. Mary McDonald Fed the Federal
Troop* at Valley Forge Michael
Mooney Well Remember* the Scene,
of the Irish Rebellion in 17118,
According to his own account, “Un-
ele Jerry” Akin, of Rome, Ga., wlio
says he was boru uear Newcastle, Ilan-
over County. Virginia, In 17G0. Is 140
years old. He was owned first by
Spencer Rone. Rone was an olllcer In
the Revolutionary war. Jerry told a
correspondent of the New York World
he was at this time “big enough to sad­
dle a boss and wait on ole marster.”
He remembered his master taking him
to Richmond, where he saw the British
warsliips in James River. He saw
General Washington riding on a big
white horse, with gold "aperlotes” on
his shoulders, a feather in his hat. and
“lookin' mighty tine.”
For some years after the war “Uncle
Jerry did little or no work. After the
surrender he remained In the same
cabin and was taken care of by Mr.
and Mrs. Akin till their death. Then
Jerry and a woman named Hose went
to live with Captain John Davis.
Captain Davis gave Jerry house rent
free as long as he should live. In a
few years Rose died, and since then
Jerry has lived with Rose's da ugh ter,
who refused to allow “Uncle Jerry” to
be sent to the poorhouse.
John Hall of Owen Sound Is proba-
bly the oldest person In Canada, Ile is
colored and is 11G years of age. Hall
has a second growth of hair as thick
and white as sheep's wool, and almost
a complete third set of teeth, there be­
ing only one of his old teeth left. He
lived with his mother until the war of
1812. when lie took up arms for the
British, and was with Colonels Elliott
took possession of a negro slave who
came ashore. This negro bad saved the
life of a young white woman, who,'
grateful to her rescuer, became his
wife. The greatgrandchild of this
couple w as Violette Samis Hazard.
Mrs. Hazard lias had ten grandchil­
dren and thirty great-grandchildren.
Her busband died nearly twenty-seven
years ago, at the age of 78. She tells
of scenes on tlie Island during the war
of 1812, when men-of-war came to
anchor near aud British soldiers came
raiding there.
Time may pass slowly In Philadel­
phia, but a sedate life has advantages.
It Is doubtful If any other American
city can boast of such a group of old
people as these:
Mary McDonald is 129 years old.
Mrs. Celestine Nigro is 110 years old.
Mrs. Sarah Doran Terry is 109 years
Michael Mooney Is 107 years old.
Mrs. Terry was born In Mount Holly.
N. J., iu 1790. Iler father, a Revolu­
tionary veteran, lived to be 97 years
Gave Washington Bis Dinner.
Mrs. McDonald, very ill and feeble,
lives in the House for Aged and Infirm
Colored Persons. She Is the only per­
son living who can remember Valley
Forge. She was born near that place
in 1770, and was 7 years old during
that memorable winter when the Amer­
ican army camped there, and when she
helped fe<»d the starving, half-frozen
soldiers with nuts, apples, and potatoes
from her master's farm.
“I remember Washington; oh, 1 re­
member him,” she says. "A soldier
took me to him and he said: ‘This Is the
little girl that brought us our dinner.’
And Washington patted my head and
said ‘God will bless you for it.’ ”
Mrs. Celestine Nigro, of No. 1135
Vine street, while one of the oldest
womeij on earth, shows much vigor and
vivacity. Mrs. Nigro Is an Italian by
birth. She was born in Campagna, In
Salerno, and has been In the United
States about ten years. Her entrance
A nt 1-Climax.
‘‘My proudest boast,” declared the
lecturer, who expected his statement
to be greeted with cheers, ‘‘is that I
was one of the men behind the guns!”
“How niqnv miles behind?” piped a
voice from the gallery.—Philadelphia
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature
is on each box. 25c.
Not an Expert..
“I’m afraid our cook hasu’t
much experience.”
“She has been here a week
hasn’t broken a dish.”—Town Topics.
Piso’s Cure for Consumption has saved
me large doctor bills.—C. L. Baker. 4228
Regent Sq., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec, 8,'95.
The recent investigations for cable laying
in the Paciiic Ocean have revealed the fact,
that if not upon rock bottom, they become
encrusted with seaweeds, heavy enough to
break them. This is like dyspepsia, which
grows until it breaks down the health.
Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters will cure it, as
well as indigestion, liver and kidney
Important Factor in
nental Travel.
No one crossing the continent can
afford to cut Salt Lake City from hie
route. The attractions of the place,
including the Mormon Temple, Taber­
nacle and Church institutions, the
Great Salt Lake—deader and denser
than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land—
the pictures<iue environment and the
warm sulphur and hot springs, are
greater to the square yard than any lo­
cality on the American continent.
The Rio Grande Western Railway,
connecting on the East with the Den­
ver & Rio Grande and Colorado Mid­
land Railways and on the West with
the Southern Pacific (Central Route)
and Oregon Short Line, is the only
trailscontiuetnal line passing directly
through Salt Lake City. The route
through Salt Lake City via the Rio
Grande Western Railway is famous all
the year round. On account of the
equable climate of Utah and Colorado
it is just as popular in winter as in
summer. Send 2c to J. D. Mansfield,
253 Washington St., Portland, or Geo.
W. Heintz, Acting General Passenger
Agent, Salt Lake City, for a copy of
“Salt Lake City—the City of the
Hl. Slaughter of the Kneiny.
Mrs. Mury McDonald, 12V years.
Michael Mooney, 107 years.
Jerry Aiken, 130 years.
Mrs. Celestine Nigro, 110 years,
and Jamis when the American Gen­
eral, Hull, was repulsed from Wind­
sor. Next day he was sent with others
to occupy a fork at Amherstburg, but
was soon recalled to act as interpreter
between Tecumseh and the British
leaders. He tilled this post until 1815,
when he was made a prisoner of war
by Americans under Captain Peter
Catalet and taken to Virginia. He was
taken to Kentucky and sold as a slave
to William F. Cannon In Fleming Coun-
ty. Friends of Catalet located lilin,
and, after several attempts to have
him set free, offered to buy him from
Cannon, but they were met with a flat
While living with Cannon. Ilall mar­
ried. His master, afraid that Hall
should be taken from him, decided to
sent! Idin to New Orleans to be sold.
So lie asked Hall If he would accom­
pany him to Cincinnati, Hall assented,
but that night young Cannon warned
him to flee, and the advice was taken,
In the second Black Hawk war Hall
was sent with a letter to Sir John
Cockburn. Governor of Canada, asking
that the British supply arms to the re­
bellious Indians. He soon left that
and worked at odd jobs until the Mc­
Kenzie rebellion. In 1837, when he was
attached to the Royal Life Guards.
Hall, until ten years ago. acted as
town ciler. but his wounds then began
to liother him. He himself abstracted
several bones from his cheek, which
had been hurt In 1815 by splinters from
a post, near which lie was standing,
•truck by a cannon shot.
The old man tries to keep the wolf
from the door by selling photographs
of himself, lie Ilves about a mile from
his “place of business.” and walks the
distance every pleasant day.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
bYRCP or Flos, manufactured by the
C alifornia F ig S yrup C o ., illustrate
•.he value of obtaining the liquid laxa­
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in thè form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa­
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per­
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub­
stance. and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
I d the pro-ess of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
Mr*. Hazard la IO1 Years Old.
known to the C alifornia F ig S yrup
Near the old “Pequot Path,” at Nar-
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please ragansett Pier. R. I., lives a negro
remember the full name of theCompany woman. Mrs. Violette Hazard, a direct
printed on the front of evert' jmckage. descendant of one of the few survivors
CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. of the lost ship Palatine, who was lol
years old on Dec. 13. She Ilves with
her daughter. Mrs. Ixmlsa Victoria Se-
For sale by all Druggists — Price 50c. per bottle.
bastine. I d a little cottage not far from
Mrs. Hazard was liorn on the Isle of
Manisees. the home of Colonel Ned
I Best Coefk Syrup- Tastes Good. Use I
tn time- Bold 1 >y dru< rgi«ta
Bands. The chief dweller» on Manl-
aees at this period were the Sandses
These Islanders were slaveholders, and
Mrs Terry, 100 years
John Hall, 116 years.
to this country was memorable. Ad­
mission was refused her owing to her
extreme age, as she was then 99 years
old. The old woman has living In
America and Italy twenty-one grand­
children. Her daughter, Mrs. Antonio
Gambelno, with whom she resides, is
above 00.
Michael Mooney lives at the home of
the Little Sisters of the Poor, at Eigh­
teenth and Jefferson streets, and Is by
far the healthiest and strongest of the
centenarians, lie was born on Easter
morning, 1792, in the town of <iran-
witli, County of Longford, Ireland.
"My family were active participants
In the rebellion of 1798,” he says, "and
my father and two brothers fought gal­
lantly all through the uprising under
Lord Edward Fitzgerald.”
An old soldier was boasting of his
expei ience during the civil war, when
he was asked:
“How many rebs did you kill during
the war?”
“How many did 1 kill? How many
did I kill?” repeated the old veteran.
“Well. I don’t know exactly how
many, .but I killed as many of them as
they did of me.”—Ohio State Journal.
“My wife bad pimplee on her face- but
•he has been taking CASCARETS and they
have all disappeared. I hud been troubled
with constipation for some time but after tak
Ing the first Cascaret I have had no trouble
with this aliment. We cannot speak too high­
ly of Cascarets ’’
F red W artman .
Small lliamon*!« Usually Rear.
There are more perfect small dia­
monds than there are perfect large
ones, and where a man gets together a
collection of perfect diamonds he Is
most likely to have a collection of small
ones. Thus the diamonds owned by
Americans are not, as a rule, so large
as the ones owned In Europe. Artifi­
cial light enables the European dia­
mond wearer to wear bis big stones
that are not altogether perfect.
Chamber of < ommerce at Tunis.3
A British chamber of commerce, au-
thorfzed by the prime minister of the
bey, has just been established •t
No difference how fine a team looks
in the spring, when you buy it. It looks
tough the following winter.
He Liveth Long
That Liveth Well
He that maintains “the
perfect circulation of pure
blood in a sound organism,
or in other •words, good
health, may live both long
and well. "
A great multitude of people gladly tes­
Try Before You Buy!
Ten cents buys a box of Cascarets. but if you tify that Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured
want a free sample and booklet, addrt ss Ster­ their diseases, gi’ven them good health,
ling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York,
and lengthened their lèves.
Scrofulous Humor — "I-was in terri­
ble condition from the itching and burning
oi scrofulous humor. Grenz morse under
treatment of several doctors. Took Hood's
Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills.
cured me thoroughly,” J. C. Little.
Fulton. N. Y.
It takes time for manure to show­
full effect in the soil, ami but little
benefit may be noticed the first year,
but gradually the materials will de­
compose and return to the soil the
original elements derived therefrom.
Some farmers are occasionally disap­
pointed with the use of manure, but
the benefits from manure the first year
depend largely ujxm its condition when
applied to the soil.
Never Disappoints
Hood's Pills cine liver ills; the non irritating and
on y cathartic tc take with Hood's Sarsaparilla^
A Civil War Battle.
One Confederate regiment at Gettys-
burg lost 720 killed and wounded out
of 800 men. There has been some
sharp fighting in South Africa, but
nothing to recall the battles of the
American civil war.—St. Louis Globe-
Cuba’s Population.
The new census gives Cuba’s popu­
lation as 1,572,840, which is 50,000
less than in 1897.
Puerto Rico hai
The PleuKantest, Most Powerful and i 957,679, a gain of 150,000 since 1897.
Effective Nexerfai ing Remedy for S tate op O hio , C ity of T oledo , |
L ucas C ounty .
Rheumatism ’
F rank J. C heney makes oath that he is the
l,A GRIPPK and GATAKKH! senior parter of the firm of F. J. C heney A Co.,
Ifallknew what thoiixands know ot doing business in the Citv of Toledo, County
Taaac mark the efficacy of “ft DROI’S’’ hm a Cu­ and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
rative as well as a Prev« ic ive of any Ache or Pam the sum ol ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each
known to the tinman body, there would not tie a and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
family in all America without a bottle of '.» by the uac of H all ' s C atarrh C ure .
Drops!” Sen t for trial bottle. 25c, or large bottle, .
f I —eontaining 3tX) doses. 6 boitlcw for
Sworn to before me and subscribed iu my
SWANSOM RHEUMATIC CURE CO presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. lH»a.
160-164 E. Lak. St. Chicago. III.
I se TI
A. W. i .LEAS o N,
_ I
Notary Public.
The commissioners of the District of Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts
surfaces of
Columbia have decided that the drug­ the system. Semi for testimonials, free.
gists of Washington cannot sell
F. .L C11E N E Y At O., Toledo, O.
by druggists, 7oc.
extracts with out the prescription of a Sold
Hall’s Family Pills are the besL
reputable physician.
with the decision of
that all such liquors
express provisions of
This is in line
Watermelon makes a lovely com­
the police court
come within the plexion wash, and lemon juice is also
the liquor law.
RAMBLERS and IDEALS $40, $30, $25, $20
Fred T
Merrill Cycle Co
Willamette Iron and Steel Works
neslgnern anil Builders of Marine Engine«, Mining and Dredging Machinery
and General Mill and Iron Work, Fire Hydrants, Pulleyw, Shafting, etc.
■ pondence Solicited.
Consumption ?
The Ideal French Tonic
Biace 1863, Endorsed by Medical Faculty
5708 Germantown Ave.. Philadelphia. Pa
Fence mid W tre W «»rice.
Ornaments to the Directory.
Here are a few names of foreigners
who have applied for citizenship pa­
pers in the United States Circuit Court,
New York City: Spiro I’apastavaro-
pulos, Cologero Tuiotk-a, Ferz an Dik-
rau Garabus, Faschellere I.e Hengell-
eive, Henri A. Van der I’aauwert,
Pinens Tvachtenbrolt, Gander Torkild-
sen, Felix I. De Ctlspere Barriel,
Sehwarzbard Schllbs.-. Beutojose Sir-
baa and Antonio 8. Fernandes y Ros-
wlsez. The above named are In their
respective order natives of Greet e.
Italy, Turkey. Fiance. Holland, Rus­
sia. Norway, Spain, Austria, Po>tugal
and Cuba.
A Com pari am.
Tn the village of Send, Surrey,
tick benefit society, which is divided
into two sections, one for teetotallers
and the other for molerate drinkers,
the last balance-sheet was a typical
one. It showed that the teetotallers
had received no sick i>ay during the
proceeding 12 months, and that the
subscriptions of each were returned to
the extent of £1 4s. lid., whilst only
18s. was available for each of tho mod­
erate drinkers, whose section lias re-
ceived £15 Is. 8d.. in sick pay.
It is just as necessary for a farmer
to “geta reputation” as fora merchant
LIT V low, drbilitatpd or rxhaiiHieil cured by
to get to the top with a certain line of VITA
Dr. Kline's IiivigorHtiiig Tonic. FREEI1 Trial
containing 2 Weeks' trcHtinent. Dr. Kline’«
When the farmer makes a Bottle
Institute, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia. Founded |s7L
specialty of butter, eggs or any other
The striking blacksmiths at the
article, he should seek to introduoe the
goods himself. It may not be encour­ Brooks Locomotive Works at Dunkirk,
aging at first, but his products will in New York, leturned to work, having
been granted an increase of 10 conts
time become known.
per day.
The Reynolds Manufacturing Com­
pany, of Davisville and North Kings­
Now Arizona comes to the front with
ton, Rhode Island, will increase the
pay of their weavers and spinners the discovery of a jug tilled with petri­
fied whiskey. In after years they will
about 1 per cent.
probably discover a petrified liar in
that vicinity.—Chicago Daily ew8.
New M ap of the I’nited States.
The Joint Seale Committee of the
coal operators and miners made another
unsuccessful effort in Indianapolis tc
reach an agreement.
An Excellent Combination.
Barnacles on Ocean ('able«*.
Tlie Rock Island railroad is dis­
tributing among its patrons and
friends, a new map of the United
States. These maps are of recent re­
vision, and are iu every way up to date.
They are three and one-half feet by
four and one-half feet, printed on extra
heavy paper and bound suitably to
hang on the wall. A great many of
these maps have been sent to hotels ami
public places, and many requests from
school houses have been received and
complied with.
Mothers will lind Mrs. Winslow 's Sooth­
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for th’G
children during the teething period.
The fruit grower who expects to
have fair crops of fruit must begin with
the use of insecticides early. He must
not delay too late into the spring, as
Che first spraying is sometimes the
most important of all.
Paris green
will not destroy the enemies that live
on sap nor will kerosene injure those
that feed u|»n the leaves. In using
remedies, therefore, it must be done
with an object in view and with a
knowledge of the habits of the parasite
CT insect to be destroyed.
A recent report of experiment at the
Academy of Medicine in Paris gives
astonishing testimony of the virtue of
rhythmical twitching of the tongue as
a means of restoring life in cases of
drowning or asphyxiation.
the past few months there have been at
this hospital 40 such cases of resusci­
tation by this oue menus. Some of the
statements made by M. Laborde, of the
Academy of Medicine, in connection
with this report are of exceptional in­
terest. In one case a drowned man
was resusciated only after three hours
spent in unintermittent twitching ol
his tongue. Which is certainly a re­
minder to physicians that this remedy
is one that requires patience.—N. Y.
1 Thl« new, aarllffit, corn will ravola-
tloniie corn «rawing, yielding in
I8W9, In Minn-eota, 400 Lu«. per aora.
C orn
Pleasant. Palatable Potent. Taste Good Do
Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe 10c 25c, 50c
•ferllag Remedy C*o*aay, t'bleag», Meet re al. Saw Tert.
MA TH RAP Sold and guaranteed by all drug-
NU*IU*DAu gists to CV HE Tobacco Habit
HIM rot’ll OATS
yield» 2>0 line, per acre, aud yoa
eaa beat that I
K 80 hu*. per acre. <:reelect grain
I and bar ( ted this eld ofthe tiara!
J yield» IS! bus. IsK.Y. W na lerMI
Olree rich, green food for cattle,
eheep, »wine, poultry, »to., atS5e.
a ton
We aril nine tenths of the
Rape aeed need in the C. 8.
I Greatest gra»« on earth Gr wsto
I perfection In America ever; where.
■ Ralter warrants it I
■ pet aio 1« the most tai .cd of 70•
n talo on earth, and Fa.;< .- M:
;W eeko | both will niaicc ; ou rie’a.
Largest grower of Fotaioco aad
Farm Seeds In the world.
Alwaya ebsaper
In the end than any seeds
that only cost half as much.
Tested, true to name, f-^sb and
reliable. Al ways the best. Ask
(or Ferry's —take no others.
Write for 1WW Seed Annual
Petrel I. Mleb.
1 Largest, choicest list In U 9.
d Onion Seed, SOo. lb
I. -rjt'ung
\ warranted to grow. 15 pkga cut-
\ Hast vegetables, poet paid. |1 00.
•nd ____
____ r __
___ ____________
thia notice,
wo ___ still
great Poed
Catalog anti 10 pkgs Farm A«ed X ch sitia».
Catalog »!•«>• Se. pos tag» Ft
J ohn AS alzer S eed C o .
JOHN POOLE, P ortland , O regon ,
ran give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tank«, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel i X L w i i i<i in i 11, sold by him, is un­
***** ***tw* ****** ******* 3
1 There's MONEY >•">
No biiklneae pays as well on amount Invested W
with our modern machinery. ••IT 8UC. fl
■L99Ml8 A NYMAN, :
mi ***********************
Something to put their blood in proper condi­
tion for spring's changeable weather.
/Toore’s Revealed Remedy
Will do It effectively. No alcohol or poisonous
driign purely vegetable. |I.UU per bottle at
the drug stores.
A wonderful discoverr. Will render the
thineat and mo«t porou* leather waterproof
• nd add« to it* durability. Send ua 20c silver
•nd receive by return mail, post paid, enough
to last you two yearn Satisfaction guaranteed.
Thompaon £ < raig, 4L> 3rd Kt., San Francisco,
Bay it of your storekeeper.
HM 11 First Strwt
_ ,
la I u» 5 <lara.
G uaran t»-<1
not to ■<notar».
Fr»vrflt» <1
---------------- ,
rSltHf E ïa ..|C mmi U l C o .
U. 8. A
N. F. N. V
kdtlrsw PR MICI KIRK, Mvuoiala
vr kotooaoss.
or wnt io plain '.rap**.,
» «iprs». prapai,!, to*
Oi, or 3 bottina, *l.ta.
Irralar w.t on rrquaae.
No. a-isoo,