Yamhill County Reporter LATER NEWS. CINEMI CRONJE ES(M — The U. S. battleship Kearsarge has been placed in oommiislon. D. 1. A8B111Ï, I-nbllshsr. Senator Simon, of Oregon, intro­ M c M innville OREGON duced a bill appropriating $250,000 to An Attack Upon the British establish a mint at Portland. Supply Wagons. Former Judge Wm. 8. Vest, a promi­ nent and wealthy citizen of Minneapo- ■ lis, is dead in Los Angeles, aged 63 HOW ROBERTS’ PLANS WORKED years. Buller has surrounded the Boers at Colenso and conifielled them to retire Boers From Natal Are Reported to B« Com pre hen »i ve Review of the Import­ across the Tugela river. The British Moving to the A$»i»tanc« of th« ant Happening« of the l*aat Week captured 100 prisoners. Free State Force«. Culled From the Telegraph Columns* It is said that Dr. Leyds had for his sole purpose in going to Germany, the London, reb. 20.—It is now amply The Boers now claim to have 120,000 establishment of a German protectorate confirmed that General Cronje escaped. fighting men. over the Boer republic. Every detail received, however, proves The army appropriation bill carries Voluntary requests for retirement how admirable Lord Roberts’ plans $111,700,364. from the navy have come in so rapidly were conceived and were succeeding. Treaty between the United States since January 1, that forced retire­ But for the unexpected delay at Dekiel ments will not be necessary. and Trinidad has been signed. drift, which was almost intnpassable At Oakland, Cal., the largest cargo for wagons, the whole Boer force would Charles Lewis, of Lewisville, Or., The delay of killed himself accidentally while hun­ of lumber ever consigned to that port, have been surrounded. is now being discharged. It consists one day there gave them their chance ting. for a hasty retreat. All the other Astoria, Or., is taking special pre- of 1,200,000 feet oi Oregon pine. movements of Lord Roberts were exe­ Dr. William Treacy, witness in the cautions against the introduction of cuted on time. Apparently General case of Senator Clark, of Montana, plague. Cronje is retreating with the main thought it a huge joke to offer a sr The anti-trust conference has de- army, and even if he shall escape alto­ clared in favor of the government own­ pre me court judge money for hishonoi. gether, he will probably lose all his ership of railroads. The battleship Wisconsin, now build­ baggage. There is still something doubtful of A press agent of the defunct Franklin ing at the Union Iron Works, in San syndicate believes that Miller made a Francisco, is fast nearing completion. about the capture of the British convoy. She will probably be ready for her trial According to a Daily Mail correspond­ million dollars out of the swindle. trip before July 1. ent with the convoy, which consisted Manufacturing, railway and ice har­ A board of survey has inspected the of 200 wagons, each loaded with 6,000 vesting interests have been greatly pounds of ration and forage, and each damaged by severe stoims in New Eng­ United States hospital ship Missouri, drawn by 16 oxen, it was quite unex­ now at San Francisco, and found that land, many repairs are needed. It will prob­ pectedly attacked by a commando Three well-known citizens of the ably be two months before the vessel supposed to come from Colesburg. The town of Nanaimo, B. C., were drowned is ready for sea. escort, consisting of 80 of the Gordon while on a hunting trip on Vancouver Highlanders, 40 men of the army serv­ Munir Bey, envoy of the sultan of Island. ice corps, and a few of Kitchener’s Turkey at Paris, has presented Presi­ The United States government has dent Loubet with the insignia and horse, maintained a defense until the • 1 new naval vessels under construc­ grand cordon of the Order of Nichi- I arrival of reinforcements sustaining tion, which will require in officers mimaz, the highest decoration in the insignificant casualties. The Standard’s correspodent at alone, 2,000 men. Turkish empire. Jacobsdal, telegraphing February 17, Willis P. Sullivan, Mayor Phelan’s Leaders in Polish national circles of says: •ecretary, was chosen by the board of Chicago say there is a secret National “An attack was made yesterday police commissioners of San Francisco Polish League, which is extended upon the rear guard of our main body to be chief of police. throughout Euiope and America, and by a force of 1,400 Boers, who were They Sam Beswick, an old and well- that it has existed for 14 years for the hurried up from Colesburg, known character on the Chicago Board purpose of freeing Poland by force of succeeded in capturing some of our ot Trade, died as a charity patient iu arms or any other method. They are wagons, but Lord Roberts did not de- hoping for war between England and lay his march to retake these, There the Baptist hospital of that city. the Czar. were few casualties on our side.” Mexican papers are giving much at­ The last oi our supply columns ar­ Assistant Secretary Allen has been tention to the proposed construction of rived from Honey Nest kloof today, notified by the secretary of the treasury the Nicaragua canal. They believe it I that the revenue marine service will be having met with no opposition on the will benefit Mexican trade. glad to participate in the war college way. England is suffering from a severe ( exercises of the coming summer, and Specials from Ladysmith report an blizzard. Trains are snowed up in all will detail several officers to attend. apparent movement on the Boers to­ directions and street-car lines blocked , Secretary Root has not yet replied to ward the Free State, presumably with and telegraph and telephone wires are the navy department’s invitation ior the object of assisting General Cronje. down. I the army to take part in the course, but Bonded Warehouses. The Salvation Army celebrated the 1 Assistant Secretary Allen understands The presi- City of Mexico, Feb. 20.— 2 20th anniversary of its establishment military officers will be detailed. dent has issued a decree for the estab- Lord Roberts’ forces have occupied lishment of a system of bonded ware­ in the United States with the baptizing oi Bootli Tucker’s-baby. The ceremony ' Jacobsdal. houses at ports of entry, Managers of took place in New York. i on the Terrific snow storms are raging in warehouses may lend money goods deposited, as well as enjoy the 1 Northern Germany. The Vladimir Vostock, one of the usnal privileges pertaining to this busi­ •tipply ships chartered by the govern­ The house passed the legislative, ex­ ment for the transportation of quarter- ecutive and judicial appropriation bill. ness in foreign countries, collect stor­ age charges, etc. Exemptions of cus­ iiiastFr’s and commissary stores, ar­ General Kelley-Kenny’s brigade cap­ toms duties on the materials for the rived at San Francisco from Manila. tured a Boer supply train of 78 wagons construction of the warehouses is grant­ Patriotic women of Vancouver, B. near Jacobsdal. ed for five years. Several banks here C., have devised a means to aid the A blizzard is raging in New York. are interested in this business, and British soldiers in South Africa. Three Blinding clouds of snow are being New York parties are expected to take thousand pairs of socks are ready for whirled about by a strong northeast a portion of the capital required. The shipment, besides sweaters, caps and wind. business was projectd some years ago, handkerchiefs. An armor plate trust, com posed of 15 but was defeated in congress, but it is The revolution in Venezuela, tinder j firms in the world, which practically now certain to pass. the leadership of Hernandez, is said to I monopolize armor plate, will be Steel Plant for Mexico. be gaining headway. formed. Chicago, Feb. 20.—A special to the The treasurer of Nez Perce county, Will Burts, a negro, was lynched Record from Monterey, Mex., says: Idaho, was arrested for de]x>siting pub­ near Baskett Mills, S. C., by a mob of Au American syndicate with a capital lic funds in national banks. 250 men. lh assaulted the wife of a of $10,000,000 will immediately begin the construction of a great steel plant Two hundred shareholders of the planter. iu this city. The plans for the mam­ Panama Canal Company met in Paris Rear-Admiral Sampson has been moth concern have been completed and and chose a new board of directors. offered and declined the presidency of the ground purchased for locating the Massachusetts institute of A bill appropriating $150,000 for the the several buildings. Au abundance of enlargement of the postotlice building technology. high grade iron oie and coal is within at Portland, Or., was passed in the Three men were caught in a snow easy shipping distance. The plant senate. slide in Colorado, near Silverton. Two will make a specialty of manufacturing After an overhauling at Mare Island were killed and the third saved his life steel rails, aud will be the first in­ navy yard, the Philadelphia will pro­ by running. dustry of the kind to be established in ceed to the island of Tutuila, one of The Abbott-Downing Carriage Com­ Mexico. It will give employment to the Samoans. pany, of Concord, N. 11., has made an alxiut 4,000 men in the different de­ A branch of the mineis* union has assignment, with liabilites of $200,000 partments when they are in operation. Several American capitalists iu Monte­ been formed at Cornucopia. This is ami assets of $600,000. noteworthy in that it is the first branch The strike situation at the island of rey are heavy stockholders in the to tie formed in Oregon. Martinique is now calm. Several ar­ enterprise. The Venezuelan Revolution. rests have been made of strikers for in­ During the last three months nearly Havana, Feb. 20.—General Ignacio 250 demented soldier* have arrived in terfering with men at work. Kan Francisco from the Philippines, The body of Miss Esther J. Cullen, Andrade, former president of Vene­ and it it said 200 more are on the way. of Olympia, Wash., was found on the zuela, who is now in Havana, said tide flats of that city. A complete air today: The Corliss proposition for the gov­ "1 left Venezuela for the good of my of mystery surrounds her death. ernment ownership of a Pacific cable country, as it was claimed that I was was defeated by the house committee | The Vermont State Federation of the cause of the revolution. As the on interstate and foreign commerce, by Women's Clubs is attempting to secure revolution continues, I can scarcely the appointment of women on the state have been the sole cause. a vote of 8 to 5. I confess board of penal and charitable insti­ that I do not know the precise cause F. O. Tait, amatuer golf chapmion ol tutions. of the war. By some it has beeu at­ Great Britain in 1896 and 1898, was A band of Cree Indinas, camped tributed to the division of the country killed during General MacDonald's re­ connaissance at Koodersberg, being shot near Butte, Mont., bought a quantity into 20 states by congress. The* revo­ through the body. He had previously of alcohol, and by mistake were given lutionists pretend to consider it uncon­ wood alcohol, three of the band dying stitutional, but they have themselves been wounded at Magersfontein. in great agony. maintained that diivsion.” The British ship County of Edin­ The Owen brothers, two of the baud- | Elephant« Ran Amuck. burgh went ashore near Manasusn life­ its who held up aud robbed a Wells- ' London, Feb. 20.—An exciting scene saving station, on the Jersey coast, Fargo express car at Fairlutnks, Aril., near Point Pleasant. She is hard and have been captured near Pearce, Aril., took place at the Crystal Palace, Syden­ ham. this afternoon. Two large ele­ fast aground, and it is expected to by a Tombstone posse. phants belonging to the circus ran break up. The crew were taken off iu Pirates are causing much trouble in amuck, killed their keepers and gored the breeches buoy by the life-savers. Chinese waters. A crew from a British another man. There was a terrible By an executive order, a certain por­ gunlmat had a lively tight with them panic in the audience attending the tion of the peninsula in tile district near Choutou Chang, in which several concert in the place. One animal was of Alaska, immediately north of th, pirates were killed aud one sailor shot. captured after great damage to prop­ southern bouudarv, and embracing erty. The other escaper! through the Cauip Point Spencer, has been reserved At El Paso, Texas, a mob of negro grounds, but was captured late this soldiers from Fort Bliss attacked the for public purposes. The tract is evening iu the suburbs of Rreckeuham. located ou the west shore of Port Clar­ city police station with the object of | releasing two of their comrade* who ence bay, comprising the peninsula on Eire in Denver. Colo., destroyed a which is Point Spencer, aud includes had l>een arrested and during the tight tour-story building. Loss is estimated on* officer and one soldier was killed. ■ bout font square miles. at $150,000. — French railroads have ordered 30 lo- Captain Charles Loeffler has 1>een comotive* from Philadelphia. doorkeeper at the entr.vuce ot the exec­ A Leipsic newspaper warns German utive chamber in Washington for over manufacturers may crowd them out of 80 years. Russia. The oldest consul of the United A Fiench court sent a man to prison States in continuous service is Horatio for three months for insulting Queen J. Sprague, who became consul at Gibraltar in 1848. Victoria in a pamphlet. The persons engaged in raising fund, The queen of Italy has a handker- chief valued at $30,000. It took sev-, to buy a home in Washington for Rear- eral women more than 20 year* u Admiral Schley have made another ap­ peal for money. make it. I I Seven Stores Worth •tfO.OOO. Burned. Clarksdale, Miss., Feb. 30. — Fire which started in the rear of Bacol Capp«’ general store destroyed seven brick store, in the business portion of the city today; lose, $50,000. College Destroyed by Fir*. New Orleans. Feb. 20. — The St. Charles college, at Grand Coteeu, to- gether with a large and valuable libra­ ry. was destroyed by tire today; lose, $50,000. BATTLE IN SAW HER SOUDAN. LEG CUT OFF I Woman M Year. Old Undergoes H.irgl- Woman cul Operation by New Method. French Force Defeated Rabuh, a Native Chieftain. 4 ‘ Faris, Feb. 19.—M. de Oral*, min­ ister of the colonies, has received a on telegram from the governor of the Opening of Discussion French Congo, M. De Lamothe, an­ Porto Rican Bill nouncing the defeat in battle of Rabah, the principal chieftan of Central Sou­ dan, by a French expedition under M. INTEREST IN THE MEASURE Gentil. Rabah has long been the strongest opponent of the extension of French Preliminary Speeches by Payne, nal- influence in the Soudan. It appears xell .nd Klchard.on—Democrat, Ar- that he was strongly intrenched at rayed Agalli.t the Measure. Kouna. between French Congo and* Lake Tchad. Kouna was defended by Washington, Feb. 21.—The debate 12,000 men, with 2,500 rifles and three cannon. After a desperate fight, the a pen the Puerto Rican tariff bill, which French demolished the fortress. Ra­ is to continue throughout the week, bah, who was wounded during the I and possibly longer opened in the fight, tied six hours before its conclu- J ' house today. On all liandB it is agreed sion. The commander of the French that this bill, although it applies only expedition, however, admits that prac- ' to Puerto Rico, involving, as it does, ticallv half of bis own force was placed the question of the power to govern i hors de combat. Fortv-three Senaga- our new possessions outside the limita­ lese sharpshooters were killed, and tions of the constitution, is the most four Europeans, including Captain important measure which will come Robillot, and 106 Senagalese were before this congress. Interest in the wounded. The commander of the ex­ bill is intense among the members on both sides, and there is Argent demand pedition says in his report: “We had altogether 820 rifles, so I for time. The Democrats are solidly arrayed thought it advisable to continue the march to Lake Tchad. Captain against the measure, and they will Robillot occupied a fortified canton- have powerful support from the Repub­ lican side in McCall (Rep. Mass.), aud rnent at Tounia.” The commander of the expedition Littlefield (Rep. Me.), both able and returned to Bangue to inform the gov­ forceful debaters. How far the Repub­ or ernor of the defeat of Rabah. He re­ lican disaffection will extend, ports that the result will be very im­ whether it will endangel the bill, it portant, as Rabah is completely de­ is impossible to say at this time. moralized by his losses, estimated nt Payne (Rep. N. Y.), floor leader of the majority, refused to agree that a vote between 2,000 and 3,000 killed. should be taken upon a substitute to be YAQUI PRISONERS. offered by the minority. This substi­ tute, which has not yet been framed, six Hundred of Them Will Be Distrib­ will be in substance the bill originally uted in Various Cities. introduced by Payne, providing for free Austin, Tex., Feb. 19.—A dispatch trade with Puerto Rico by the exten­ from Manzanillo, Mexico, says that sion of the customs and revenue laws the Mexican gunboat Oaxaca has ar­ of the United States over the island. rived there from the mouth of the The debate today lacked exciting Guaymas river with 600 Yaqui Indian features. It was in the nature of a prisoners on board. They were cap­ long range bombardment before the tured in the battle fought about three lash of the contending forces in battle. weeks ago near Mazocola. The pris­ Payne opened with a general argument oners will be taken to Gnadalajara, and in support of the bill, going largely there distributed to the various interior into the material side of the situation, cities. They will not be conlined in w hich the bill is designed to relieve. prisons, but will be kept under surveil- Richardson, the Democratic leader, ance for a few years, until they have joined issue upon the power of congress become educated in the habits of the to enact the proposed legislation, and Mexican people when they will be allowed to return to their tribe and im­ Dalzell (Rep. Pa.), backed up Payne with a constitutional and legal aigu- part their newly acquired knowledge ment. All three were listened to with to their fellow tribesmen. When the Oxaca left the Yaqui river close attention. the government troops were making good progress toward subduing the rebels. General Torres had divided his command, and the two armies were to advance into the Yaqui country from two different points. No official con­ firmation is obtainable as to the gov­ ernment’s loss in the recent battles, but it is reported that there were ovei 400 killed and wounded. It is claimed that the Yaquis left 200 killed, about 300 wounded and 600 captured. OWN TWO MEN PRESIDED. Unusual Scene in the Kentucky State Senate. Frankfort, Kv., Feb. 21.—The Demo­ crats held a session of the senate, with President Pro Tern. Carter presiding, this morning, and adjourned to meet The Republicans had ad- at 10:30. jonrned Saturday to meet at 10:30 today. When the senate convened, both The Carter and Marshall presided. Bacon's Resolution. Republicans recognizing Mr. Marshall, Washington, Feb. 17.—Considera­ adjourned after prayer, and, led by tion of the financial matter having Lieutenant-Governor Marshall, the Re­ been concluded, discussion of the Phil­ i publican senators left the hall. The ippine question was resumed in the Democratic senators, recognizing Presi­ senate today. McEenrv, (Rep. La.), dent Pro Tern. Carter, paid no atten­ strongly opposed the permanent acquis- tion to the Republican proceedings, tion of the islands, and believed the and continued in session. The Demo­ United States ought to relinquish them cratic senate then adopted a motion, as soon as the authority of this country introduced by Mr. Allen, of Lexington, had been asserted. Stewart, (Silver to reaffirm the former action of the sen­ Nevada), took a pronounced position ate by which Goebel was declared gov­ in favor of the admission of the products ernor. This prevailed on a viva voice of any of the island possessions of the vote. Senator Triplett, anti-Goebel United states free of duty. The bill Democrat, voted with the Democrats providing a form of government for the for the purpose of making a quorum. territory of Hawaii was read, but be­ The Democratic senators adjourned yond that formality nothing was done after adopting the Allen resolution. with it. The house Democrats will follow the Injured at Fire«. action of the senate Democrats, ratify­ Chicago, Feb. 19. —Eight persons ing the former proceedings in the Goe­ were injured, one fatally, in four fires bel and Taylor and the Beckham- that occurred late last night and early Marshall contests. The house convened this morning in the residence portion at noon. Speaker Trimble presiding. of the city. In all about 35 lives were The journal of the Democratic legisla­ imperiled by the fires, and there were ture, siting at Louisville, was read. heroic deeds of rescue by the tiremen. Hickman (Dem.) demanded a roll call M. W. Littlefield, Mrs. M. W. Little­ to ascertain the presence of a quorum. field, Curtis Jamieson and Frank The Republicans did not answer to llampden were overcome by smoke and their names and only 53 of the 60 Dem­ rescued by firemen. The two small I ocrats were present. The house adopt­ children of Mrs. H. E. Bump, sleeping I ed a resolution directing the custodian on the first floor, were also overcome of public buildings to drape the legis- by smoke and rescued by their mother lative halls and statehouse with em­ at the peril of her life. lilems of mourning, aud to place the The total loss will not amount to state capitol flag at half-mast, on ac- $50,000. Most of the tires were caused count of the death of Governor Goebel. by overheated furnaces. The contest matter was not taken up. Chicago. Feb. 21.—Mrs. Mary Arndt, in spite of her 83 years, watched a sur­ geon at the county hospital today am­ putate her right leg near the hip with­ out giving any evidence of pain. Hie operation proved successful. The method by which the operation was performed was of great interest to the surgeons, and is said in professional circles to be a great step in surgery in America. Dr. Samuel Weber, a mem­ ber of the advisory staff of the hospital, ha«l charge of the operation, which >* said to be the first of its nature per­ formed in America, and the second known to medical men, the fii.- being been pel formed in Europe. Weber made a study of the initial operation, and concluded the method might be employed for the amputation of lower limbs of patients who were unable to withstand the effects of anaesthetics. The method consists in the deaden­ ing of the nerves in the limbs by the injection of cocaine in the vertebral cavity above the point where the nerves controlling the lower limbs branch from the spinal chord. The patient had suffered a gangrenous affection of the leg, ami amputation became necessary to save her life. She was not in a condition to make the use of an anaesthetic safe, and the surgeon decided to try the method which had proved successful in a Berlin hospital. The drug was injected into the patient’» vertebral cavity a short distance below the waist line, and soon she announced that she had lost all feeling in her lower limbs, while she was fully con- scions of what was going on and had the full use of all her faculties. The limb was removed two inches below the hip, and after the effect of the drug had passed away the woman said she felt well. The prospects foi her recovery are good. ALL The liner AROUND CRONJE. General Hopcloly rounded. Sux- London, Feb. 21.—A member of the cabinet told H. W. Lucy tonight that the war office had received a telegram announcing that General Cronje was hopelessly surrounded. Mr. Wyndham was beset with anxious members of the house, but would only reply that the government’s news was extremely satisfactory. The sole explanation ol the government’s withholding good news is that confirmation and more details are awaited. The situation, as disclosed by corre- spondents over the Free State border, is tantalizing to the public expectation. The elementary facts are that the Boers are trekking eastward toward Bloemfon­ tein with slow moving baggage trains, and that they are pursued by Lord. Kitchener with General Kelly-Kenny’s division. General MacDonald, with the Highlanders, made a forced march to Koodoosrand ford and Sunday pushed 20 miles eastward. General French left Kimberley Saturday, going along the Modder river. Lord Kitchener is trying to outmarch and to outflank the Boers, thus checking their retreat, if possible, and driving them back in to the hands of MacDonald and French. THE EL PASO RIOT. Captain Loughborough'i Report; of the Affair. Washington, Feb. 21.—General Mc­ Kibben, commanding the department of Texas, has forwarded to the adju­ tant-general a copy of the following­ telegram from Captain Loughliorough, commanding the troops at Fort Bliss, Texas, in regard to the trouble with the local authorities at El Paso, Texas, on the 17th. “Through negligence or connivanc» of noncommissioned officers in charge of the barracks, arm racks were opened last night and a number of rifles taken out. One soldier was killed, and I learn one guard at the city jail, where two soldiers were held for drukenness and disorderly conduct. Arm racks are now locked and the keys are in my possession. All ammunition has been placed under lock and key. I have not permitted any one to leave the garri­ son. I am co-operating with the civil authorities and will do everything in my power to Iring the guilty parties to justice.” General McKibbon adds that he ha* ordered an additional officer to Fort Bliss, and that he will make a thorough Locomotive Exploded. The Inter-Ocean’« Sult, investigation. He says further trouble Topeka, Kan., Feb. 19.—Two men Springfield, Ill., Feb. 21.—In the is apprehended. were instantly killed and three fright­ appeal of tlio Inter-Ocean Publishing Drove Rebel. From Rich Country. fully injured by the explosion of a loc­ Company against the Associated Press, Oaxaca, Mexico, Feb. 21.—General omotive boiler in the Santa Fe round­ the supreme court today rendered an Bravo’s force of government troops ha» house this afternoon. The dead are: opinion leversing the decree entered by driven back the Maya Indians and John Heustis, a boilermaker; Nels the Cook county circuit court and the taken possession of several important Linden, tireman. The injured are: J. appellate court for the first district, towns that were occupied by the re­ L. Beardsley, will probably die; Artie and remanded the case to the the cir­ bels during the week. The country Sailor, bruised and badly shaken up, cuit court, with directions to enter a occupied by the Mayas is little known and Bert Shields, face cut and one eye decree as prayed for in the original bill to the outside world. Its natural riches injured. Tne explosion was caused by filed by the Inter-Ocean Publishing are great. An army officer with Gen­ compressed air, w hich was to be used Company, to restrain the Associated eral Bravo’s troops writes as follows as a motive power in the "midget” Press from suspending or expelling the of the country: locomotive, a small switch engine. petitioner from its in >mbership and "All this vast territory which is Beardsley was lettinc the air into the from refusing to tnrnsish it news ac- now being reconquered contains fabu­ cording to its contract. tioiler when the explosion occurred. lous wealth and an exuberant fertility of soil, which can raise everything in Sa moan Treaty Proclamation. C'alitvrrM« Big Tree Grove Sold. Washington, Feb. 21.—The president the way of agriculture. Its forests are San Francisco, Feb. 17. — Robert today signed the proclamation making extensive aud have all the precious Whiteside, of Duluth. Mina., has prac­ woods. The whole country is well public the Samoan treaty. The procla­ tically purchased the Calaveras Big watered. There is an abundance of mation is in the usual form, save for game, the singing birds, many with Tree grove, having paid the company I owning it $1.000 for an option of 90 the section relative to the exchange of -plendid plumage, are everywhere. days. The price for the grove is $100,- ratifications, and recites the treaty in Deer and mountain tnrkey are here by 000, and it consists of 8,800 acres. exteneo. the thousands. Edwin Mayo Dead. He has already purchased 5.000 acres Quebec, Feb. 21. — Edwin Mayo, of jt timber land west of the Calaveras Marching on Guaymas. grove and has bonded two other large the "Pndd'nhead Wilson” companv. Austin, Tex., Feb. 21.—Information tracts east and south of the big tree dropped dead in the Chateau Frontenac reaching here today from Ortiz, Met., park. A joint resolution is (vending in today. Mr. Mayo and his wife were is to the effect that a courier has been He was dispatched after Generl Torres and the iongress authorising the secretary of staying at the Frontenac. he interior to open negotiations for chatting with Edwin Varney, manager Mexican forces. The cause of thi* bonding of the Calaveras county groves of the Academy, until alx>ut 2 o’clock. special messeenger is that information of sequoia gigantea for a government When Mr. Varney started to take his has been received that the main body park. I leave. Mr. Mayo arose to see him out. of 2,000 kaquis are marching on Guay­ and suddenly fell back in his chair. mas. with a view of capturing the If cakes and cookies stick to the He bled profusely from the month, and town, with all its supplies, stores and pans in which they are l>aked. rub the was dead l>efore a doctor, who was inhabitants. There are only 300 sold­ pans with Milt before using them again. called, could g?t to the hotel. iers there in garrison.