M'MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, FEB. 16, 1900. Entered at the Portodlcein McMinnville, as decond-elas. mailer. ’ VOL. XXX. AMITY. i O' 3»: Hffl For Infants and Children. One Dollar if paid In advance. Slnglenumbertdvecenla. NO. 9. COUNTY CO.H.VllüSIOMEHi*. R oyals A tax of $1.25 was levied on each bi­ Elder Lindsey, pastor of the Christian cycle in the county except those for sale church at McMinnville, is preaching at in hands of dealers, and sheriff was or­ the Christian church here this week. dered to procure necessary receipts and Ed Cockrau, while chopping in the tags. Supervisors were appointed for road timber south of town one day last week, districts as follows: A bsolutely P ure had the misfortune to cut one of his feet District 6, J. P. Johnson; 7. W. J. j Stater; 5, C. Bartholomew; 8, W. E. quite badly. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Thomas; 10, Wm. Hamilton; II, Van Farmers hereabout are improving the Parker; 16, Joe Draper; 18, John Web­ ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. good weather by plowing and sowing I ber; 19, J. R Forrest; 20, Smith Steph­ ens; 23, W111. Dee; 24, E. S. Remington; wheat. 26, Chas Mitchell; 27, D. M. Kirby; 29. The Degree of Honor will give a public F. J. Stewart; 31, Cary Barker; 2, Scott Laughlin Hiolliers Slave Struck it Hlch. drill and supper on the evening of the Bremmer; 4, W. R. Morris; 1, E. B. After three years of mining on the 14th. Thia bids fair to be one of the Flett. W. D. McDonald made a business trip County clerk was authorized to adver­ Klondike, Samuel L. Laughlin, of North most pleasant events oi the winter, as tise for bids for furnishing bridge lum­ Yamhill, says he is glad he went there, to Portland on Monday. the ladies are doing lots of training and ber and fir and oak wood tor county. as he has "made more money than he other work in order to make it a success. could have made in three lifetimes at I For pure home-made buckwheat flour, ADDITIONAL BILLS ALLOWED. home.” He arrived from Dawson, you will find it at Warren A Son’s. Frank Thomas and F. Robinson have 0 O Hodson, supplies court house$24 85 on the Sth inst , where he left January The body of Bert J. Clark is among the bought quite a large band of sheep, and C B Frizzell, house rent............... 5 oo 12. coming out over the ice by dog team, will try and sec if there is not more mon­ Jas Thomas, care of poor........... I oo aud reaching Skagway in 12 days. The soldier dead now remaining at San Fran­ ey to be made some other way than by Win Wess, Comd’r post sold'r fund 73 15 Oregonian thus speaks of Mr. Laughlin’s ; cisco. Mendenhall ez Bibee, supplies for experiences and quotes that gentleman: Found, on Third street, a white silk raising w heat. poor................................................. U 15 Mr. Laughlin, in company with tw'O j As spring approaches the hobo also Irwin-Hodson Co,registration laws i 75 brothers, all North Yamhill boys, leit handkerchief. May be obtained at this makes his appearance, and the average A V R Snyder, justice transcript. 7 oo Portland in the first rush, summer of office. Sutton, Calkins & Co, mdse for 1897, and were fortunate iu getting hold A picture puzzle sociable will be held in citizen as usual, prepares to teed him. poor ............................................... 34 08 of some good claims ou a tributary of Those on the sick list, so far as heard Nichols & Gabriel, shingles for Bonanza creek, 14 miles southeast of Union block, Saturday, Feb. 17th, at bridge ..................... .................... 8 75 Dawson, aud they have 26 miners at 7:30. Come and be merry. from, are all improving. A V R Snyder, registration notice 2 io work at present, drifting in the frozen February 18th, at 3 p. tn., in the Meth­ A L Stow, brick............................... 1 oo gravel, which is being piled on the GOl'llF.K. Nichols & Gabriel, suppl’s for poor 6 oo dump, awaiting the summer thaw, when odist church, Mrs. Helen Harford will W L Hembree, stationery ... 2 25 the gold will be sluiced out. The depth hold a special meeting for the children. J. Cronin was a McMinnville visitor J C Porter, supplies for poor . 24 00 of shafts ou their claims ranges from 10 Yesterday morning was the coldest Saturday. R E Smith, milk for poor............. I 50 to 100 feet, owing to the distance to bed­ E H. Taylor and Frank Stow' made Telephone Register, blanks and rock, along which drifts or tunnels are v.-eather of the winter. Rev. Joseph Ho­ business trips to Sheridan Saturday. advertising..................................... 4 70 run, as indications point to the richest berg’s thermometer registered 2O-"egrees Miss Mollie Thompson is visiting with A Rea, lumber...................... 3 75 deposits. The old-style system of thaw­ 011 an open porch. J T Hembree, drawing jury.. relatives in McMinnville. 7 00 ing by fires built in the drifts is found to A Frances Willard memorial service Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Agee spent a few J S Courtuey, medical attendance io go be satisfactory, and no thawing machines days last week with friends in McMinn­ Chas Jack, hauling boards ......... 5 00 have yet been used. The frozen gravel will be held in the Methodist church on Valley Transcript, prt'g................. 27 00 is hard as flint, and will not yield to the Sunday, Feb. 18th, at 7:30. Mrs. Helen ville, returning to their home Sunday. 3 co pick and shovel until thawed out. Mi­ Harford, state president of the W. C. T. J. Eborall and wife spent Sunday with Mrs. S. A. Burnett, house rent Mrs. Eborall’s uncle, Mr. Cockerham, H F Bedwell & Co., mdse for poor 14 50 ners’ wages at present are $6 a day and U., will speak. Special music and reci­ Matthies & Co., meat for poor . . 3 00 board, eight hours being a fair day’s who lives near Willamina. C Grissen, stationery............... io bo work. This is quite a fall from $15 a tations have been prepared. The public Marion Taylor was visiting in McMinn­ Jas McCain, examining tax collec­ day originally paid, and is considered is cordially invited. ville for a few days last week. tion .................................................. *s oo very poor compensation, suggestive of S. Howorth took his departure Wednes­ Luke Booth and wife of upper Willa­ J D Hibbs, supplies for poor . 5 oo hard times. The rush to Nome will, mina visited Saturday and Sunday with City of McJI., water and lights. . U oo therefore, continue, as the cape has a day afternoon for Portland, to be present the family of D. Evans. Valley Times, notice to voters.. . I 50 good name in Dawson, and many claims at the marriage of bis friend Ralph will be abandoned on the Klondike in Jake Sliger is moving his family and Calbreath & Goucher, medical at­ tendance .... ............................ 8 oo favor of the new Eldorado this summer. Cryeler to a lady named Burdick resid­ belongings to a place in the mountaius, Or. Telephone Co., rent of phone. 4 IS Mr. Laughlin likes the climate and the ing at St. Johns Messrs. Howorth and along the Willamina. 5 70 diggings of the northwest territory bet­ Crysler were boys together at Niagara We are pleased to report that both Irwin-Hodson Co., stationery 3 50 ter than he does the laws, which he says Falls twenty years ago, and during all Mrs. S. Evenden and Mrs. Lambright Glass & Prudhomme, file books Sutton, Calkins & Co., uidse for are almost unbearable. The government are still improving. poor................................................. 6 oo figures to grab about 75 per cent of the their wanderings since, their friendship Quite a number of hunters were seen Frank Hauswirth, poll tax refund­ wealth produced, and the corrupt offi­ has remained firm. going to the mountains Sunday. It is ed ..................................................... I 00 cials make matters worse by the manner There have been various rumors that supposed they were after bear or panther, D I Pearce, cotu'r salary................. 20 20 of enforcement of the laws. "We pay as a panther has been prowling around J N Branson, “ " ................. 25 So 10 per cent royalty, $10 a year miners' Judge Magers was going fo Corvallis, the foot hills lately. K P bird, money advanced .......... 13 SO license; $15 for recording a claim, and Ashland, and other points to engage in “ salary................................. 66 65 $17.50 for re-recording. Besides this, business. He informs a Reporter man NO11TH YAtlllll.l. the government retains every 10 alter­ that he does not know that he will leave Mrs. M 7J Hoxter, Florence Critt­ enden home.................................. 8 oo nate claims for itself, so that a miner is helping the Ottawa government accum­ Yamhill county at all. The Judge ha» J. W. Bones of Sheridan was in our Good Samaritan hospital, care of poor ... .......................... ‘ .......... ulate wealth every turn he makes.” He grown up here, and has warm attach­ oo city the last of the week, looking after 27 finds the Canadians narrow-minded and ment for Yamhill’s environments and Mc.M Grange & Farmers Co., mdse his “health." for poor.......................................... 56 50 very jealous of Americans. This feel­ her people, and it would be like pulling Lester Daniels made our town a flying R Jacobson, overpaid tax............. 45 oo ing is due to the fact that Americans heartstrings to leave. visit Saturday last. Nichols dt Gabriel, mdse for poor 3i 82 rushed in there and made the country, Mrs. J. C. McKern has been on the and at the same time got hold of it. It seems like presumption to dispute sick list for the last few days, but is re­ Nome seems to have charms for the suc­ Notice ol IBulb tor Wood. ported as being on the mend. cessful Klondiker, too, as Mr. Laughlin such a veteran gardener as S. H. Maris, Sealed bids for furnishing wood will be is arranging to ship a cargo of cattle and who says he doesn't see how we can pos­ Sam Laughlin came in on the evening train Saturday, having just arrived from received by the county clerk as follows: horses to the cape by the first steamer sibly have strawberries this year, but Dawsou City, where he reports every­ Fifteen cords of second growth fir wood available. "That’s the only place for a we’ve a notion to offer to wager him a thing as being in a flourishing condition. of good quality and well seasoned. Twen­ young man,” he says, alluding to the new hat that we will. He bases his pre­ ty-live cords of oak pole wood, well sea­ frozen north. “What can a young man The body of Richard E. Petry, our soned and to be not less than three in­ soldier boy who died in Manila, arrived ches in diameter at the small end, both do here? There is a fortune in that diction on the fact that the plants have home Saturday evening, Feb. ioth, and fir and oak wood to be full 48 inches long country for the man who will work and repeatedly bloomed during the mild was buried Wednesday last with the sol­ and the fir to be split small enough for take care of himself, though, of course, winter, and have bloomed themselves he has risks to run in getting there, and dier’s burial. use in ordinary heating stoves. All to a rough life after he arrives, but, out. We base our belief on the fact that Lola Perkins, the fourth daughter of be carefully corded up on grounds just also never never win.” In speaking we want them, and can hardly conceive N. H. Perkins ami wife, died at her home north of court house not later than Sep­ of the venture, municipal justice is admin­ of Oregon failing on strawberries. iu this city Wednesday evening, Feb. 7, tember 1st, 1900. The county court re­ istered way Dawson, he says men are aged 17 years, 7 months ami 26 days, serves the right to reject any or all bids. brought in On Thursday evening of last week an before the court, charged with and was buried in the I. O. O. F. ceme­ Bids to be opened on the 8th day of having been drunk. "Do you plead unknown man was run over and killed tery Friday. Rev. Leach preached the March, 1900, at 10 a. nr. By order of guilty or not guilty?” asks the judge. by the southbound passenger on the funeral. Lola was a good girl and will the court. "Guilty, your honor.” "Fifty dollars be missed by her many friends. The Feb, 12, 1900. and costs,” says the judge. Another west side at a point one mile east of bereaved family have the sympathy of 9-2 J. II. N elson , C o . Clerk. culprit pleads "Not guilty.” “Fifty Forest Grove. The body was discovered the entire community. dollars and costs,” says the judge. The the next morning, when life yet existed, Glen Henderson, deputy sheriff, was Notice for Hid« lor Bridge 1.umber. incident is related to show how Klon- though the head was badly cut, and in our city the last of the week. Sealed bids will be received for furnish­ dike officials all have an eye to tlirift, death ensued in a short time. The man Snow fell to the depth of about one ing lumber for the different road districts from gold commissioner down. followed the occupation of repairing inch Tuesday evening. in Yamhill county in wagon load lots for Quite a number of McMinnville peo­ the year 1930, to be delivered when and DeWitt’s Little Early Kiners purify chairs, and recently wired all the chairs ple were in our city Wednesday, to at- •ahere directed by the supervisor of each the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the in the court house in this county. He district, lumber to be good and sound. tend the funeral of R. E. Perry. had told different persons that he had a Bids to be opened on the Sth day of aystem. Famous little pilla for consti­ March, 1900, at 1 o’clock p. in. The pation and liver troubles. Kogers Bros. brother by the name of Brown on the NEW DERO. Oak Hill stock farm of C. E. Ladd near county court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the court. North Yamhill, whom he hud not seen Lincoln lliij Observance. Mrs. Clem Blum of McMinnville is in Feb. 12th, 1900. town visiting relatives and friends. The ladies of Phil Sheridan Circle G. for 13 years, and that he was on bis way 9-2 ............. * o . Clerk. ~ ' J. II. N elson , C A. R. observed Lincoln day Monday to see him. The foreman on the farm, Mr. C. J. Bishop of Fortland visited evening at the Baptist church. There however, sa)s that lie was not hie broth­ over Sunday at W. W. Nelsen’s near Coluinbu* School Notea. was a good attendance, largely made up er. The coroner's jury exonerated the town. Friday closes the fifth month of school. of children from the public schools. The young people of the Epworth train crew from any blame, as no one The boys seemed to enjoy themselves The McMinnville band was present and league will hold a basket social at Cra­ saw the mau at the time of the accident. discoursed music throughout the pro ­ Wednesday. They were playing in the ter's hall on Thursday evening. gram. Rev. Joseph Hoberg lea in The arrest of W. W. Smith, H. D. Bur­ Judge R. P. Bird was in town on Sun­ snow. A portrait of Lincoln was Colds seem to be an epidemic in our prayer, day, to examine Mrs. Will Heston for dette and A. M. Waddel for trespassing crowned with an evergreen wreath by insanity. She was conveyed to Salem building. Nearly everyone is "barking” school children. Mrs. C. W. Talmage upon bicycle paths was not carried to on Monday; the second time she has and several of the pupils are absent on sang a patriotic solo. Rev. H. T. At­ trial this week, all parties pleading guilty that account. been committed to the asylum. kinson addressed the people on "Lincoln, The 9th and 10th grades have taken the Man,” and was followed by Rev. and paying a fine of $10 and costs. Several social events have taken place during the past week, in honor of Mr. up Civil Government. This is a very Geo. W’. Fender on "Lincoln, the States­ These gentlemen are among Yamhill's and Mrs. G I’. Kenyon, prior to their interesting as well as an important man,” Rev. R. W. King spoke on best citizens, and so far as we know each departure for their new home in Califor­ study. Lincoln’s religion, and made nim out an trespassed inadvertently, and each by nia. They leave on Thursday next. Mr. Okerson was a visitor in the High orthodox Christian. One of the pret­ Among the events was a tea given for *chool and made a short speech. He is tiest parts of the program was a flag sa­ his action has said that he wanted the Mrs. Kenyon by Mrs. Verona Nelson at agent for a book, but as the rules do not lute by Children while singing “ Avert* law upheld. This was right. Gentle I reader, if you have traveled the roads this her suburban home. The invited guests I allow any of the time from 9 a. m. to 4 ica.” were Mrs. G. P. Kenyon, Mrs. J. C Saw­ ■ p. m. to be taken up by agents, he did winter and saw that smooth path on one yer, Mrs. Dr. Rossiter, Mrs. J. C. Porter. not take many orders in our building. tn Editor*« Lite *av«d by (hauibrr- side within easy reach, you know that Mrs. M. McDonald, Mrs. C. H Barrie, Director Irvine was a visitor Wednes­ lain*« tough Remedy* you have either traveled it or been great­ Mrs C. E Smith, Mrs J. W. Barrie of day morning. He made a few remarks Newberg, and Grandma Kenyon of about his old school days, about the ad­ During the early part of October, 1890, ly tempted to. Mr. Waddel in this con­ Butteville. vantages that we now have, and said 1 contracted a bad cold, which settled on nection makes a good suggestion. He that l»oth the schools in this district my lungs and was neglected until I feared ’ j says it would be only fair to the traveler Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., were in good condition. Come again. that consumption bad appeared in an in- [ j to post an occasional reminder along the says, ”1 suffered a long time from dys­ cipient state. I was constantly coughing ' path to suggest to people that what pepsia; lost flesh anti became very weak. l.icrn.M to Marry. and trying to expel something which I seems to be a side road in winter is real- Kudo) Dye|>e|»ia Cure completely cured Feb. 12—Edward Coates, 21, and Leia 1 could not. I became alarmed, and after 1 ! ly a summer bicycle path. He appreci­ me” It digests what you eat and cure* I. Hewitt, 18, of Wheatland. 1 giving the local doctor a trial bought a ates all the benefits of the path, aud par- alt forms of stomach trouble. It never Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his liottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, 1 licularly in the summer time, when it fails to give immediate relief in the child’s life by One Minute Cough Cure. ‘ and tbe result was immediate improve- keeps the scorcher out of the way of worst ca*es. Kogers Bro*. Doctors had given her up to die with : ment, and after I had used three bottles fractious horses, having also had experi­ Harry Watkins of Boise, Idaho, has croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, 1 my lungs were restored to their healthy ence along that line. These arrests were Ilia colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and state.—B. 8. Edwards, publisher of The made on complaint of George Easterly, been in Portland the past week, smiling countenance has not yet been vis­ throat and lung troubles, Relieve« at Review, Wyant, III. For sale by Ho­ who is employed for that purpose Look out for him. The law must be upheld. worth A Co., druggist«. once. Rogers Bros. ible in McMinnville. LOCAL NEWS. j&’ecetabie Preparation for As­ simila t ing the food and Reg ula - ting the Stomachs and Bowels of -TÀy«. HltflB E\3- Promotes Digestion.Clicerfiil- ncss and Rest.Con tains neither Snum.Morphine nor MiBcrdl. ot ?*>l I Bears the Ê & Signature N arcotic . cf OLI UrSilILtie FITOHëtl Alx.Scnr-a * sja - elnisc Sud * jUppermint - Z/l CwSCiieS Sole • fióre Siiti - ilnnftíH Sti-urr . never A perfect Remedy forConslipa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea I Worms .Convulsions .feverish­ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP- Far Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. J acob W ortman , Pres. J ohn W ortman , Cashier. F. d H endricks , Vice Tres. A rthur M c P hillips , Asst. Cashier The First National Bank Of McMinnville, Oregon. The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885. Capital and Surplus, $90,000. Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United States, and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited. TO COMPOUND » 4» I» è» è* i» •» 8 PRESCRIPTIONS 8 8 properly it takes time. Jt requires experience and a complete knowledge of drugs. It requires the druggist to have a large variety of drugs—fresh drugs. He must give ttie best possible work, and for compensation he must be reasonable. With the above facts remember we are careful and strive to please one and all alike. These are reasons whv our prescription file thribbles all in this countv. We are recognized by doctor and customer alike for be­ ing accurate and dispensing only the purest drugs ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists >0<>OO Mitchell, Lewis &Staver con PAN Y. McMINNVILLE. OREGON. Will have samples of their 1900 Bicycles in about January 15th. Will be pleased to show you the latest up-to-date wheel ever shown. 0 3 Investigate the merits of BRASS LINED TUBING, iu a moist climate wheie your bicycle frame requires protection from rust on the inside as well as on the outside. Also carry a full line of FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. Take The Reporter and Get the News I