"Saying and Doing Are Two Things/' It is not what we say but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the story of its merit. Its great record of cures of all forms of blood diseases, including scrofula, heumatism, dyspepsia, ca- arrh, prove its power to cure you also. Catarrh —“¿Vy throat nvas in such a condition nvith catarrh that I could hardly s'tvallonv and had no appetite. I found Hood"s Sarsap 'rilla an excellent remedy, and nom> have a good appetite/' Ella J. White, Ennis, Texas. Never Disappoints Hood’» Pflla cur« liver Ills; the non-Irrltatlng and only cathartic to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. A Hard Luck Story. He stood before the police judge a wreck. He suggested an echo of better days. He had been arrested the night before for Bleeping in an open doorway. The judge saw that the prisoner had not always been a tramp and ques­ tioned him with regard to his past. "Well, your honor, it was this way,” the man said, quietly. "I haven’t always been as you see me now. I was a stock broker once. When I was a younger man I became interested in copper. Copper is us­ ually solid, you know. Well, I made a little pile, then shifted to iron. Iron is hard to handle and I lost. I with­ drew from speculating for a time, but the old fascination drew me again into the maelstrom. I took a flyer in some glittering mining stock, but it was a loser. I said I would try again. 1 bought a little train of different rail­ way stock, but I didn’t tie to it long enough and went nearly broke. Then I shoved all of my remaining fortune into pork. It turned out that pork was on the hog, and here I am.” The judge had listened to the story attentively and at its conclusion dis­ charged the prisoner. “Have you any money?” he inquired, as the man turned to leave the court room. “No, sir,” was the reply; “I’m broker now than I ever was.”—Detroit Free Press. Improved Train Equipment.. The O. K. & N. and Oregon Short Line have added a buffet, smoking and library car to their Portland-Chicago through train, and a dining car service has been inaugiuirated. The train is equipped with the latest chair cars, day coaches and luxurious first-class and ordinary sleepers. Direct connec­ tion made at Granger with Union Pa­ cific, and at Ogden with Rio Grande line, from all points in Oregon, Wash­ ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities. For information, rates, etc., call on any O. K. & N. agent, or address W. 11. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Liquor in Groceries. In Connecticut, liquors and groceries cannot now legally be sold on the same premises. For a number of years past many groceries in the state took out what is called a package license under which they sold liquors not to be drank on the premises. The last legislature passed a law prohibiting this and now any grocer who wishes to sell liquors will have to give up his grocery busi­ ness. Over one-fourth of Hamburg’s in­ habitants pay an income tax. In Germany one newspaper Is pub­ lished for every 12,902 persons. An Excellent Combination. KILLED BY TRIFLES. ODD ACCIDENTS DUE TO PETTY OCCURRENCES. Man Holated to a Roof by the Weight of a Barrel of Bricks—A Philadelphia Man Electrocuted by au Umbrella While Viewing a Toy Window. The good old Anglo-Saxon adage. “The uuex|>ected always bappeus,” is as true to-day as It ever was. aud the fact Is ofteu verified by ibe occurrence of peculiar accidents. Some accidents are so odd aud brought about by such a strange combination of circumstances that probably they could not be re­ peated In a century, simply because all the conditions would nut be Identical at a given time. For example, an ac­ cident happened lu connection with tbe erection of a sky-scraper In one of our large Eastern cities In tbe following manner: A laborer was engaged In regulating tbe "paying out” of a rope attached to a fall and tackle used In lowering barrels of bricks from one of tbe upper stories to the ground. Tbe rope was controlled by beiug wound two or three times around a gaspipe, one end of which was stuck Into a bole In tbe woodwork on tbe ground floor. At the time the accident In question occurred a barrel was tilled wllb bricks preparatory to being lowered and was swung out Into midair In tbe usual way. In paying out the rope tbe la­ borer carelessly let It slip off tbe gas­ pipe, but he clung tenaciously to tbe end of the rope and his weight, being less than that of tbe barrel of bricks be was hoisted to the top of tbe building as the bricks descended, the barrel striking hint as It passed—not sufficient­ ly hard, however, to compel him to loosen hls grasp. As tbe bricks reach­ ed the ground the Jar knocked the bot­ tom out of tbe barrel and released tbe bricks. As a consequence the laltorer. clinging to the rope with a tenacity born of despair, fell to the ground. Tbe barrel In Its turn struck tbe beams at the top and broke Into pieces, which fell ti|K>u the man lying below. It Is needless to say that the man was seri­ ously Injured, but. curious to say. a pipe which he was smoking at the mo­ ment be started on bls perilous Journey to the roof was held still In hls clinched teeth when he was picked tip. Here Is another case where all the beholders expected to see a man dashed to death, but through pure accident he came out without a scratch. This also occurred on a building In course of con­ struction. A workingman who was employed on one of the upper stories of a frame building stepped off and fell to the groun 1. Hls companions thought surely that he must be killed, or at any rate severely hurt, but there was a huge pile of shavings where he fell and he tumbled Into them as If Into a feather bed and after he recovered from his surprise picked himself up and re­ turned to hls work In the upper part of the building as nonchalantly as though nothing unusual had happened. Here Is a man who met with a strange accident, but who did not get off ns luckily as tbe hero of the pile of shavings. He heard a cry of fire In a house adjoining his own. In hls own bouse he had a chemical fire extin­ guisher, which lie fastened to hls back and went to see what he could do to assist hls neighbors. For some reason best known to Itself the extinguisher went off like a huge skyrocket and the unfortunate man was lifted bodily through the window aud burled to the ground and killed by the fall, although not Injured 111 the slightest degree by the explosion of the extinguisher. The greatest risk Incurred In shoot­ ing Is generally that of being hurt by the direct discharge of the piece, but here Is the case of a man who was out hunting and discharged hls gun, when a shot, through pure misadventure, hit a hard object and rebounded Into one of his eyes, completely destroying the sight. One stormy night In Philadelphia a man was standing before a show win­ dow engrossed In the beautiful holiday display. He was holding an umbrella over hls bead and altove him was an arc light. In some unaccountable way the tip of the rod of hls umbrella came in contact with the Iron frame of tbe lamp, the frame, because of some freak of the current, having become charged. The circuit was completed and the man. who an Instant before believed himself lu a place of perfect safety, received a shock which killed him. And so It Is that tbe most remote and insignificant causes produce startling results. A man is never hurt In Just the same manner he anticipates. If he thinks about it at all. If he had a dread of railway sniashups he Is usu­ ally dragged out of telescoped passen­ ger trains comparatively uninjured, but escapes that fate only to sneeze too hard on some ill-starred day. breaking a blood vessel In a vital locality, from which he dies.—San Francisco Call. The pleasant method and beneficial effect« of the well known remedy. S yrup or Flos, manufactured by the C alifornia F io S yrup C o ., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa­ tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It la the one perfect strengthening laxa­ tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per­ Rockin? Cbaira and Insanity. manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub­ The rocking chair causes Insanity, stance, and its acting on the kidneys, so It Is said. In fact, the physicians liver and bowels, without weakening are claiming that the rocking chairs or irritating them, make it the ideal are the cause of the nervous troubles laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs from which women suffer and are ad­ are used, as they are pleasant to the vising their relegation to any place taste, but the medicinal qualities of the where they will not be used. Tbe more remedy are obtained from senna and nervous and tired a person Is tbe more other aromatic plants, by a method vigorously she rocks, totally oblivious known to the C alifornia F io S yrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial to the fact that energy Is simply being effects and to avoid imitations, please consumed by the endless motion and remember the full name of the Company itrengtb that might be applied Is wast­ printed on the front of every package. ed dally. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP OX SAN FRAWCIBCO. CAL XXJtnSVTLLX. XT MXW YORK. W. T. For sale by all Druggists —Price SOc. ger buttle tz“ ri PISO S CURE Pc>R & L CUkfS AfkEM All ILM Beat Cough Bymp. Tastai < Dee -, How Paul Identified HeraelF. "Then give them to me.” "Have you any old letters by wblci I can identify you?*’ “No. 1 have nothing but my visitlDg card. Here It is.” “Ob. that's Dot enough, madam; any one can get visiting cards of other |>eo- pie. If you want your mall, you will have to give me a better proof of youi identity than that.” A brilliant Idea then struck Madame Patti. She began to sing. A touchiug song she chose, the one beginning. “A voice loving and tender,” and never did she put more heart Into the melody.- And marvelous was tbe change as th« brilliant music broke through the In­ tense silence. In a few minutes the quiet postottice was filled with people, and hardly had the singer concluded the first few lines of he ballad when an old clerk came forward and said, trembling with excitement: “It's Patti! Patti! There's no one but Adelina Patti who could sing like that.” "Well, are you satisfied now?" asked the singer of tbe official who bad doubt­ ed ber Identity. The only reply which he made was to go to the drawer and band ber the pile of letters. Good Blasting. Th« Month« of Madn«sa. Enthaelaail« Old Whaalman. What Was Larking. “That waiter of yonrs is the slowest I e\er struck,” said a fat customer. “Well, if you had a wagon, and the wheels didn’t work to suit you, what would you do?” asked the restaurant proprietor, “Why, I’d grease ’em.” “Well, why don’t you ‘grease’ the waiter?”—Y’onkers Statesman. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAT Hall'« Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of Send for testimonials, free. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. the system. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O. All druggists refund the money if it Bold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 26c. On April 1 next Buffalo carpeuters Within a year eight beet sugar fac­ will got 25 cents an hour. tories have been built in Michigan. VITALITY low. debl mated or exhausted cured by "The guides who pilot visitors about In Norway,” said a returned traveler to tbe New York Tribune, "are a pleas­ ant, Intelligent set of men. They Bpeak our language fairly well, and are al­ Dr. Kline's Invigorating Tonic. FUEL II Trial ways auxious to pick up new words. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth­ Bottle containing it WFfk»1 treatment Dr. Kllne’f ing Syrup the best remedy to use for thr’V Institute. H3I ArchBI., Plitindelpliin. Founded 1*71. "Sometimes this desire leads to funuy mistakes. While exploring some of A large cotton mill is being erected children during the teething period. The Republic Steel Company, one ot Two-thirds of the worlds’ sugar is the two big steel trusts recently the wild and precipitous cliffs one day in Mexico at Atotoncillo on the line of produced from beets. formed, has 13 plants in Indiana. with uiy guide, we came upon a spot the inter-ix'eanic railroad. which looked like an abandoned quarry. “•What Is this. Karl? 1 asked. 'Have they been getting out stoue here? “ ‘Yes, sir.’ he answered; ‘It Is where some time ago they have been shooting the rocks.’ “ 'Oh. yes; blasting.’ 1 said, with a smile, and Karl's quick ears caught the new word for ‘shooting.’ 1 heard him When a man gets one, he becomes a slave murmuring it to himself two or three times afterward. to his bowels. Every person ought to have “The next day our Journey brought us Into a large tract of magnificent control over the different parts of the body, forest. 'Karl,’ said I. ‘there ought to and it is the easiest thing in the world to be fine huntlug here In the season.’ “‘Yes. sir,’ was tbe prompt reply, educate the bowels, make them do their duty ‘very good liuntlug.' Then with the air of a man who seizes an opportunity naturally and regularly, and keep them from be added proudly. ‘Indeed, it Is near here, sir, that we blast many bears.’ ” becoming a source of misery and a deformity OWEL BAY-WINDOWS as well. Educate your bowels! Ironware Bicycle. Here Is a picture of a bicycle made (save for the lamp and bell) entirely of the component parts of an ordinary stove. The machine was made by an Don’t neglect the slightest sign of irregularity but see that you have at least one natural easy movement a day. Pills, salts and black draughts are dangerous because they strain and weaken the bowels. What you want is a mild but sure laxative, that tones and strengthens the bowels and stimulates their movements. Such a laxative is CASCARETS, and when you try them, you will find that it is the easiest thing in the world to make and keep your bowels clean and regular, strong and healthy. By keeping tbe bowels clean, all serious disorders are Omaha firm In order to advertise its wares. This extraordinary machine may henceforth be known as the “bone- : shaker” par excellence, while it may i also boast of the biggest bicycle bell and bicycle lamp on record. As Was Fitting. Everybody who attended the World's Fair In 1893. as well as many who have ouly rend of It, will appreciate the fol­ lowing story, which comes from Chi­ cago: A man from one of the suburban towns called at a lawyer's office one day and asked him: "Can’t a given name be changed if a ; man wants It done and Is willing to pay for it?” “Certainly,” replied the lawyer, "If , there are no good reasons why It should not be done.” “Well.” rejoined tbe caller, "my name Is Park.” “Yes ?” “I named my oldest boy Washing­ ton.” “Well?” "And my youngest 1 named Jackson.” “Washington Park and Jackson Park. Very good.” “But there Is a daughter, I.ucy, who comes between the two. 1 want to have ber name changed to Midway Plaisance.” To any needy mortal, «uttering from bowel trouble« and too poor to buy CASCARETS, we will «end a box free. Addreu Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York, mentioning advertisement and paper. Willamette Iron and Steel Works) Fence anil Wire Work». MINING AND 8AWMILL MACHINERY AND LOGGING ENGINES I'ORTI.AND WIRK A IKON WORKS: WIRR and iron fenehig; oflice railing. etc. 334 Alder. Machinery and HuppHe«. IRONFOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. BOILERMAKERS AND STEAMBOAT BUILDERS Deaignrra anil Builder« of Marine Enfin?«, Mining an«l Dredging Machinery and General Mill and Iron Work, Fire Hydrants, Pulleya, Mhnftlng, etc. Corre­ spondence Mol ici ted. A Tenderhearted Congressman. “On the steps of the Capitol the oth­ er day some small boys were torment­ ing a poor, forlorn feline, when a mem­ ber of the House came upon them sud­ denly. “Ob, boys, that Is cruel!” as one of tbe boys gave tbe kitten a vicious punch, whereat the boys ran quickly away. Tbe member, who Is a new one, turned to leave, when the little morsel gave a pitiful "meow” and limped a few steps. “The poor thing Is lame and suffering.” he said, ami lifting It tenderly he examined It, and evidently concluding It was a seri­ ous matter took out a fine linen band- ‘ kerchief. In which be wrapped tbe kitten. He then dropped It gently Into ■ hls overcoat pocket and made bis way to the cars.—Washington Star. - r® VIN MARIANI a a good a« hay Price of seed lOe per pound or SS p«a hundred. Address Bl. J. SHIELD!« A CO., Moscow, Idaho« m KläKIffißK P aie ,P uny .-S ickly The Main Difference. uiH MARIA m » For Good Digestion And quiet, restful sleep, nse MACHINERY, all kinds word "wholesale" tut« hls printing. •• tf le It First Street FORILA ME OR. BUILDS UF-j"»* Moore’s Revealed Remedy Only vegetable Ingredient nerd in tbe making. For sale by druggists. |l no YOUNG MEN! BODY NfRVes AND BRAirt 8Y TMf HCDICAl FACULTY- ALL OVER TKE WOXLDk, ARTER'S INK JOHN POOLE, P ortland , O rfgox , can give you the twat bargains in general machinery,'engines, boihm. tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The naw eiecl IXL windmill, sold bv him, Is un­ equalled. CORIN WHEAT * ■ > CHILDREN CA WSTON A CO.; KNGIN'KS, BOILERS, MA- chmery, supplie«. 4b-fiti First Hi., Portland,Or. W ill out-yield corn; will make the i«me kind of meal; h as superior fattening qualities; will rolve the problem of fattening Hogs and Cattla ina wheat country; should be sown In the spring the same as wheat and will yield from So to loo bushels per acre; the straw after It 1« thrashed has an oily subetance and It Is almost ...TATUM A BOWEN... Fnddy—Some folks bold that plated ware is as good as solid sliver, while others will hive only the real article. Duddjr—I know. The main difference between plated ware and solid silver is that one Is made for use and tbe other to be handed down to one’s heirs.— Boston Transcript. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. JAMES LOTAN, Manager, PORTLAND, OREGON On her marriage to Baron de Ceder- atrom. Patti left orders at her home Before a marriage engagement Is a Have you tented it— that ber mall should all be forwarded week old, tbe girl Is well posted on an to tbe Cannes poetoffice. On ber arrival argument to prove that boarding is No otiter ink ••just as good. ^here she went to the poatotfice and cheaper than keeping house. PAHPCD 18 Curable asked If there were any letters for tbe UAIsULll WiHiat fatai bife. Every retailer likes to work th Bnroneaa Adelina da Cederstron Patti. "Lots of them.'* At Auburn (N. Y.) the malsters havo Contrary to the general opinion, more gained an increase of wages from |9 people go mad during the summer per week to «12. months than in the usually gloomy and Ths Plesssntsst. Most Powerful and dull months of November, December Effeetlvs Neisrfsilmg Remedy tor and January, when times are bad and lllluLa Rheumatism the general conditions appear more con­ tA GK1PPK and CATAKKHt ducive to insanity. Not only in this — If ail knew what tbouNands know or T»»M MM. ,«<»<•, „f ..6 IlKOI-H" U a Oil- country, but also in many others, it is catlve as wed aa a Prev> nlive of any Ache or Pain found more people go mad during May, known to the human body, there would not be a in all America without a bottle of “A June and July than during any other family Drops sen«