BANKING LOCAL NEWS. NO. 3«ST THE MCMINNVILLE National Bank —McMinn vllle, Oregon.— Paid up Capital, $<50,000 Surplus 910,000. Transacts a General Ranking Business. Office Hours 9 a tn. to 4 p. tn. LEE LAUGHLIN, President. r J. L. ROGERS, Vice-President. 1 £. C. APPERSON, Cashier. W. S. LINK, Assistant Cashier. PHYSICIANS E. E. GOUCHER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Office over McMinnville National Bank. O r boon . M c M innvilli ÇOOK & CABLE, Physicians and Surgeons. Rooihs in Jacobson Block, M c M innville , - - O regon . - C. MICHAUX, H. D., J M c M innville , O regon . Office in Union Block ATTORNEY. L. CONNER, Attorney and Notary Public Office rooms 9 and 10, Union Block. - Oregon CONVEYANCER. A E. McKERN Notary Public and Conveyancer NORTH YAMIIILL, OR. Legal papers written and acknowledgements taken. PHOTOGRAPHER. J N. HOBBS, v High • lass Photography a Specialty. I am located next door to R. M. Wade & Co., and am here to do good work and give satisfac­ tion. Terms reasonable. MEAT MARKETS Q STREET MEAT MARKET, Reynolds & Bond, Prop’s. Fresh and salt meats and sausages of all kinds constantly in stock cash paid tot hides. Highest market priee paid tor all kinds of fat stock. j^ATTHIES & CO., Proprietors of CITY MARKET. Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds South side Third St. between B and C. PRODUCE MARKET. Q STREET PRODUCE HARKET, C. F. Daniels, Prop. u««h paid for Poultry and Country Produce. Hide’ and Tallow bought Hay, Ont«, Millfeed, Oil Meal. Flaxseed and Bee Supplies of all kinds kept on band. BARBERS.____________ I^OGAN & BRADLEY, BARBERS. We are located opposite IL C Burna’ and aim to give all customer« itood treat ment for little money. Rath rooms in connection. Your pat­ ronage solicited. HARNESS ____ gl.SIA W RIGHT, Manufacture« and Deale in HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES. a ' Fresh oysters at the fish market, tf C. Griesen's new stock of wall paper. 6 Plows and harrows cheap for cash. Camera and photograph supplies for Hodson is selling them. G. S. Wright, dentist. all cheap at Hodson’s. Born, Feb. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs. Arnold Lindsey «ent to Portland A son was born to the wife of I. N. ILSliaull of this city, aeon, weight 10 on Friday to visit her daughter. pounds. Collard on the 4th inst. The place to buy the boat coffee for Mr. and Mrs. R. Ekstein will be Colon Eberhard went to Butteville the least money is at Warren A Son’s. ' yesterday to visit hie graudfather, Mr. O. at home after Feb. 10, 1900. —-Z John McCullough is sick with lung i II. Cone. Mrs. W. T. Macy is threatened with fever, and the Woodmen are giving him F. W. Spencer haB the Rambler bi- pen paralysis, aud bad to discontinue fraternal attention. writing in the recorder’s office. ! cycle, in several different models. These We want to close out our line of tine! We now have a few thousand dollars to wheels have the best pneumatic tire ever umbrellas and are selling them cheap. I made. Call and see them. 7tf loan on farm property, at good terms. W m . F. D iei . schnkideb , the jeweler. 12tf I rvine A V inton . Drop in at Warren A Son's grocery and • • A Martha Washington basket ball will I have money to loan on farm prop­ inspect that fine uew hue of garden seeds be given at Secular hail, Feb. 22d. erty at good terms. Parties wishing to exhibited in a revolving case. You can Watch for announcements later. see at a glance what you want. The borrow, call and see me. seeds are fresh and of the very best va­ Emerson A Milton pianos, Kim­ R L. C onner . ball organs; bottom prices and easy No better work done in Oregon on rieties for Oregon. terms at C. Griesen’s. 37-8 Remember the spring will soon be shirts, collars and cuffs than at the Mc­ here. Don’t forget that we wash blank­ Minnville Steam Laundry. Try us and A daughter was horn to the wife of F. ets, quilts and rag carpets at reasonable H. Johnson, the jeweler, on Monday, be convinced. Feb. 5th. The phenomenal success of our Clearance Sale has left The California Rose Co., Los Angeles, prices, at (he McMinnville Steam Laun­ Cal., are headquarters on the coast for dry. us with thousands of Remnants, which we don’t want, and New 1900 model Rambler bicycles, The ladies of the W. C. T. U. are clincher or cemented tires, latest im­ nice field-grown rose bushes. All the making plans for properly observing propose to close them out at one-half their value. latest and best sorts. Send for a cata ­ proved. Brices $20 to $40. F. W. Spencer. ‘‘Memorial Day,” Feb. 17th and 18th, in logue today. 5-4 honor of Miss Willard. The state presi­ Mrs. G. A. Black, niece of Mrs. M. Un­ Remnants of Dress Goods, Silks, Flannels, Outing For Rent—Large house with stable and dent will be here, and something more derwood, expects to leave today on her than ordinary may be expected. Place of Flannels, Bleached and Unbleached Cotton, Table Linens, 3 acres of ground in McMinnville, In- return to her home at Aberdeen, Wash. meeting and other matters will be given quire of John Handley or Rhodes A later. All ladies are cordially invited to Crashes, Ginghams, Calicoes, Shirtings, Tickings, Ribbons, When sending your laundry work to Rhodes. the regular meetings on each Saturday Laces, Embroideries, White Goods. McMinnville Steam Laundry you are afternoon. The firemen will give a regular old- encouraging home industry. A. B. Apperson and Mrs. Jennie fashioned ball—lots of qnadrilles and Odds and ends of Shirts, Shoes, Clothing, Pants, Boys’ Prof. A. M. Brumback and family re­ good music—at Campbell’s hall, Thurs­ Thomas formerly of this city were mar­ turned home from Boise, Idaho, on Fri­ day evening, Feb. 22d, 1900. A special ried in Astoria January 31st, by Judge Suits, Hats, Hosiery,—in fact Remnants of everything un­ day last. invitation is extended to all of the old Brower, in the presence of a few inti­ der the sun, mate friends. They will continue to re­ The patent leather ladies' shoes, firemen. side in Astoria, where Beverly is con­ French heel, have ariived at Mr. Diel- A most enjoyable surprise was given nected with the auditing department of schneider’s. Vernon Derby at the home of his parents Special care taken in washing fine in Fairlawn Friday night, when about the A. A C. railroad. It is an actual fact that at Warren A unless sooner cleared out. woolen underwear, lace curtains, etc., at twenty Christian endeavorers of the Our advice: Be on hand early, if McMinnville Steam Laundry. Christian church quietly stole up to the Son’s grocery last Saturday their delivery­ you want the bargains. Each remnant marked in plain fig­ Mrs. Annie Evenden was quite ill door and broke forth into melodious wagon was unable to deliver aff the goods ures with number of yards and price per piece. early in the week, and has been unable strains, “Way Down upon the Suwanee sold. When night came they had to put After being invite 1 in and on an extra force to fix out their custo­ to attend to her duties as teacher of river.” There’ll be a scramble for them. GET THERE. given possession of the house, the even­ mers fur Sunday. Naturally the pro­ music in the college. prietors are proud of their trade, and will The New Home and Climax sewing ing was pleasantly spent in plavitig do their utmost to accommodate all machines, needles and extras at C. Grie­ games and an old-fashioned candy pull. comers. We appreciate our splendid congrega­ sen’s. 42tf The writing which W. G. Magers was tion each Lord ’ s day. Come again. You Mrs. W. H. Logan and little daughter so busy upon a few days before his exe- arrived home Saturday, from a visit to are always welcome. The subjects to be discussed next Lord’s day are as follows: cution, has been published, and instead relatives in Polk county. Morning subject, “Is So Called Ortho­ of being a confession of the crime, as There have been more U. S. A. double doxy a Safe Criterion ?” Evening sub­ was expected, it was a haud-to-heaven and single axes sold than any other. ject, “Sociology. ”Mr. Rowland and son asseveration that he was innocent. He Cause: Fully warranted. Hodson sells will favor us with another coro ret duet. makes the point that ‘‘when a man with them. We appreciate them very much indeed. a previous conviction, and when once Dr. James Minty was called to Perry­ Ttie choir will have special music. Pas­ the black mark is against bis name, you dale on Tuesday in the capacity of stock tor Lindsey in the pulpit. know that he cannot get justice,or really P. S.—Saturday we open up 50 cases new Spring Goods inspector, to see some sick horses. He a fair trial. They will convict him on for your inspection. The subject for the evening sermon at is working the cases on the quiet for the general principles and public Bentiment.” the M. E. church next Sunday at 7:30 This is a well-taken point, and whilo it present. will be “True Greatness.” The people did no good in his case, it emphasizes Walter Hembree was up to Dallas on are cordially invited to attend, and es the value of a previous good character Friday and witnessed the hanging of W. pecially those who have no ehurch home. with no uncertain sound. Good char­ G. Magers. He obtained several kodak The evening service is preceded by the acter and good behavior will retain tbeir views of the execution. Epworth League prayer and praise ser­ Mr. E l. Hodges, brother of Mrs. G. 8. vice which begins promptly at 0:30. value as long as the world stands, not­ Barred and White Plymouth Rocks, Wright, wl.o visited here during a part The Epworth League service is always withstanding the tendency to exalt the power of money and to dignify those Silver and White Wyandottes, o' the summer of 1899, died at Prine­ very interesting; its membership having Brown Leghorns and Langshans. ville, Or., last Sunday morning, after a been increased last Sunday evening by who attaiu to positions of eminence through questionable methods. Let the rather brief illness irom consumption. nine. £*~Higliest scoring Barred Plymouth Rock at State Show, Alba­ young and aspiring youth remember He was 24 years old. ny, January 22-29, *9°°- Dr. Harry battlefield, brother of Snpt. this fact. W. W. Smith of Lafayette was arrest­ Littlefield, who returned from Manila a ------SCORE 93%.------ ed recently for driving on the bicycle short time ago, where he was an army CASTORI A Send for Catalogue, path between McMinnville and Lafay­ surgeon, has gone to Asheville, N. C , Bear« the signature of C has . H F cetchxk J. M. GARRISON, ette. He will have a hearing before where he will be house surgeon at the In use for more than thirty years, and Forest Grove, Oregon. Thf A'oof i'OU Havt Aluayt Bought. Justice Sntder next Monday, when it is Winyah sanitarium, and will be absent expected the legality of the law will be a year. He was accompanied by his Pieuse Take notice, brought to a severe test. sister, Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw of The Mr. D. M. Nayberger, the junior mem­ Sheriff Henderson did not go to Dallas Dalles, who is suffering from pulmonary ber of the firm of R. Jacobson A Co., last Friday, though he held a ticket ad­ complaint, and hopes that the climate of will leave within a few days for the East, mitting him to tlio Magers execution. North Carolina «ill prove of benefit to for the purpose of purchasing our spring and summer stock of merchandise. And He had one hundred applications for her health. as everybody is aware, buying goods the ticket, and Sheriff Van Orsdel ¡8 said On Wednesday evening, Jan. 31st, East is strictly a busiuess trausaction. OF PECULIAR EXCELLENCE. to have had one thousand more appli­ Miss Nellie Hembree was married in Therefore, parties indebted to the firm of R. Jacobson & Co. will confer a favor by cants than he could grant entrance to. Portland to Mr. George Houseman of calling at once and settling their ac The new ly-formed association of ladies, that city. After ths ceremony, witnessed counts, as we must have our past-due R. J acobson & Co. the “Brockwood Club,” holdsits meet­ only by immediate relatives and friends, accounts paid. ings weekly. last week the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Houseman left for a trip to Warren’s best was held at the home of Mrs. Win. Scott, California, where they will remain until You prefer a rich, and last evening the club members and spring, when they will return to Port­ in spices, in Baking powder, their husbands were pleasantly enter­ land to reside. Mies Maude Hembree aromatic, heavy liquor­ tained by Mr and Mrs. F. C. Ferguson attended the wedding from McMinnville. in extracts, in coffee are giving ing Coffee of Delicious Mrs. Anna Henderson received word O, L. Clark, who for six iqontlja has good satisfaction Tuesday of the death of her Unde represented the Bankers Life Insurance at Warren A Son Flavor? George W Nelson of Stillwell, Ills., he Association (n Yamhill county, has The highest market price paid for but­ being the last of a family of eight broth­ written insurance in this county to the ter and eggs. ers. He was a large land owner in the amount of $100 000. During the nine Warren’s Best Blend center of tjie beet farming district of months that he has occupied the field | Hemiiuiiia! Hemnunlatt will suit you. Illinois, and highly respected by all who from Portland to Dallas he has written Our eleventh annual clearance sale kn< w h m. to the amount of $240,000. This is sub­ which closed Saturday, left in its wake a accumulation of remnants and odd Dr. W. N. Wilson ami wife of Indian­ mitted as a pretty good record, both for I large lots in every department, and as our apolis, ¡nil., have been McMinnville Mr. Clark «nd as an exponent of the I bright and clean stock for spring and visitors during the week. Dr. Wilson is financial status and good judgment of summer will soon commence to arrive, therefore we are determined to cleau out a brother-in-law of J. F. Taylor of this the future by the people. all odds and ends. AR our winter jack­ city, and also of Prof. Newlin of New The Popular Grocers, McMinnville, Oregon. The lecture by Dr. Blackburn Friday ets, heavy drees goods, and in fact every­ berg. This is his first visit to the coast, evening at the Baptist church, cloned ths thing w hich would be necessary to carry and lie predicts a bright future for this series givep by Baptist Young People’s over for another season, must be sold out R. J acobson & Co. productive section of the great North­ Union of this city. Il was an excellent at a big sacrifice. west. course, but for the most part very poorly Think ol It. Lincoln anniversary services will lie attended, owing to various causes. Dr. ‘ Time waits on no man.” Every bill held at the Baptist church on Monday Black burn’s lecture was on "Gumption,” of groceries you b-ty other than st the 81. evening, Feb. 12, at 7 :30 o'clock, tinder and was extremely practical. Practi­ I Charles store, you are losing money. ---- 1 WILL, ON----- the auspices of Phil Sheridan Circle No. calness is in fact the doctor's long suit, What are you working for? Posterity ? 8, Ladies of G. A. R. Mrs. Evenden I and in his talk gave some suggestions of Patronize the St. Charles and add a little. SATURDAY, FEB. 24th, 1900, at 1 o’clock p. m., and others will furnish appropriate reform, particularly along the line of1 N. E. K egg . At the Court House Door, sell to the highest bidder, music. Short addresses by the minis­ handling criminals, and the abuses in for cash in hand on day of sale ters of the city, and others. Everybody dree«, which if adopted would make the There is uo better medicine for the cordially invited, a special invitation I«- world a great deal better babies Ilian Cliamberlain’a Cough Rem­ More or less, one mile south of Sheridan, and known as the Har­ ing extended to the veteran* and sons of Lewie R Aiderman, principal of the edy. Ils pleasant taste and prompt and rison T Graves farm, one of the best in the county. On Satur­ veterans of all wars, and our sister co­ Brownsville public schools, has bxen effectual cures make it a favorite with day. March 3, 1900, at the same place, time and terms will sell workers, the ladies of the W. R. C. By mentioned by the Albany lieraid as a mothers and small children. It quickly Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 6, in Bibee’s addition to Sheridan. order of the Committee. 7-2 candidate for the republican nomination ' cures their coughs and colds, preventing For further information and arrangements call on the Trustee. W C. Miller is in receipt of a letter for county school ».uperintondent of Linn pneumonia or ot her serious consequences. Dated McMinnville, Jan. 23, 1900. R. JACOBSON, from Lillientball Bro«., Lop dealera of county. A personal acquaintance with It also cures croup and has been Trustee for Estate of Harrison T. Graves, Bankrupt. New York city, wherein they offer to Prof. Alderman leads ns to heartily - used in tens of thousands of cases with- contract for 10,000 bale« of choice 1900 commend this selection. Mr. Alderman out a single failuro so far as we have hops at 12 cents delivered in the city. is a graduate of the slate university, was been able to learn. It not only cures Hops in New York at 12 cents means for a bright student at McMinnville college, croup, but when given as soon as the Mrs. A. H Gaunt is suffering from the Oregon grower not more than 9 cents and has l>een a pronounced success as croupy cough appears, will prevent the J. M. Hodson, grand master of Or­ lor a choice article, and A to 8 cents for an instructor since his college (lays. He attac k. In cares of whooping cough it egon .Masons, is expected in the city a severe attack of grip. prime hope. Surely, the outlook for is k man of fine riiaracter and personal liquefies the tough mucus, making it Saturday evening, on an official visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers’ little lioj>growers is far from being bright. appearance, and poeses’es a degree of easier to expectorate, and lessen« the girl is suffering from pneumonia. CASTOR! A Mr. Miller believes that an organization energy that would put snap into the pnb- severity and frequency of the paroxysma Bears the signature of C rab . H F lctcwm . of hop growers in each county could I lie schools of any county in his native of coughing, thus depriving that diaease A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Gant is visiting from Goldendale, Ja as* for more than thirty years, and accomplish nn>'h more than the state slate which might ehow the good judg­ of all dangerous consequences. For sale Wash. The Kind I'oa Here Altresì Bought. ment to select him as its superintendent. I by Howorth A Co., druggists. I association will be able to do. CHICAGO STORE Great Remnant Sale! Beginning Saturday, Feb. 10th, at 10 a. m. and closing Wednesday, the 14th, at 6 p. m. Your Own Price for Four Days, Physician and Surgeon, McMinnville, G. 8. Wright, dentist. SPURS. -.ndbnirhea. and sell« them cheaper than they Jan be bought anywhere else In trie Willamette Valley Our ail home made set’ of harness are pronounced nnaurpa.-eed by those who buy them. DRAYMEN gROWER & SON, McniNNVILLE Truck and Dray Co Good« of all description* moved, and careftil handling guaranteed. Collections will be made mouth y Hauling of all kinds done cheap. CHICAGO STORE FOREST GROVE POULTRYjVARDS! SOMETHING NEW ! Warren’s Best Blend Coffee ! WARREN & SON, PUBLIC SALE I —-—288 ACRES OF LAND—— I