M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, FEB. 9, 1D00, Entered at the Postofficein McMinnville, as Second-clash matter. One Dollar if paid In advance, Singlenumbersfivecenta. k.VECVTIOX AT DALLAS. court, 1899. The evidence brought out at this trial did not differ materially W. G. Magers, the convicted murderer from that of the first trial, and the jury, after being out about an hour, returned of Andrew Haymond Sink, expiated his a verdict of guilty of murder in the first crime on the gallows at Dallas according degree. The sentence of death was to program last Friday. He died pro­ again pronounced upon him. An appeal testing his innocence. An extra edition was again taken to the supreme court, but the motion for a new trial was de­ issued by the Polk County Observer gives nied, and he was re-sentenced at the the following account of the execution December, 1899, term to be hauged Feb­ Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ruary 2, 1900. The evidence produced and hiBtory of the crime : At 10 o’clock Sheriff VanOrsdel went at the trial was wholly circumstantial, ROYAL BAKING POWOER CO.. NEW YORK. into his cell and read the death warrant. and in substauce was about as follows: In the spring of 1898, Magers went to The doomed man displaced considerable temper, and proceeded to demolish every Sherman county, and worked for Sink, NEW BF.HG. loose article of furniture in his cell. In who was a well-to-do stockman living and the lap robe that was in the buggy have never been found. uear Moro. After leaving Sink's place, a frenzy of rage, he broke his table into Last week Mrs. J. C. Nelson spent kindling wood. He soon grow calmer, Magers came to the home of his brother- The McMinnville Fence Work* some days in Portland. however, aud when he was led out of his in-law, E. Manning, near Gervais, and cell, he displayed but a slight amount oi during hop-picking time induced Sink Was established just three years ago, Mrs. Bennie Wiley is stopping with agitation. Just at 10:14 he was led upon to come to tlie valley, holding out the beginning with picket-wire fence ma­ her brother, W. V. Wiley, of Hillsboro. the gallows. Sheriff VanOrsdel and Ehl. idea to him that the purchase of a livery Mrs. H. R. Morris visited her parents, Riggs leading the way. Magers was stable in Gervais would prove to 1>e a chinery ami gradually extending the supported by Deputy Sheriff J. T. Ford paying investment. Sink made some business to include fencing and fencing J. D. Carter and wife, in McMinnville and W. E. Williams, of Airlie. The attempt to buy the stable, anti on one or material, wire and wire goods for all pur- last week. death watch brought up the rear. He two occasions said to various persons he [uwes. At that time steel and steel prod­ After a three months’ visit with her walked upon the trap without aid, and was going to shake $2100 at the propri­ stood looking down at the crowd below. etor for the property, giving the impres­ uets were at bed-rock prices—below the sister, Mrs. Frank Hobson of Idaho. He was neatly attired in a suit of black, sion that he had considerable money on cost of production—and probably will Miss Mabie David has returned to her with w hite collar and black tie, and w ore his person. On the day of the murder, not be so low for many years to come, home near town. tan shoes. Further than a quiver of the Sink was intending to start home, aud yet with the low prices of wire, wire Dr. Woody, a prominent Baptist min­ chin the doomed man displayed but lit­ he and Magers hired a team and buggy tle agitation. Prayer was ottered by ami drove to Salem, arriving thereabout fences were then higher in price in Mc­ ister of Portland, preached to a large Ehler Riggs, and Sheriff VanOrsdel then 10 o’clock in the morning and leaving Minnville than at the present time. congregation on Sunday evening at the asked Magers if he had anj thing to say. the team at Keeler's stable near the eml The McMinnville Fence Works manu­ Baptist church iu Newberg. lie replied with a voie«* quivering with of the Salem bridge. They ate dinner Chaplain Gilbert of the Second Ore­ emotion : “Gentlemen, you are looking at Strong’s restaurant, between 11 and factures picket wire fencing, and with upon an innocent man; I pray that 12 o'clock, ami shortly afterward went fourteen jears' experience, still holds the gon volunteers spoke to a limited num­ to Captain Downs' lodging house, near those who testified against me will be opinion that it is the best fence a man ber at the M. E. church on Friday last. forgiven, and that I will meet them in the bridge, aud at once to bed. Between can build, when properly made and set. The talk was vastly interesting, and Heaven. I forgive those who have done six and seven o'clock in the evening Of late years fence of all wire has been those who remained away missed a treat. me wrong.’’ When he had ceased speak­ they returned to the stable, where the On Saturday Druggist C. E. Smith ing, Sheriff VanOrsdel pinioned his arms team had been left, and ordered the cheapened uud improved until it has They then drove and legs, and stepping to the lever, team hitclie«l up. come within reach for ordinary farm use. was arrested on a charge of illegally dis­ away, saying that they were going for a sprung the trap. The body shot down­ The outcome of the To meet the demand for a good all-wire pensing liquor. ward ns straight as an arrow, and the drive and that they would soon be back. drop broke his neck instantly. lit* This was the last time that Sink was fence the McMinnville Fence Works has trial, which is set for Wednesday, the made three attempted respirations with­ seen alive and positively identified. secured the agency of what is undoubt­ 7th, is eagerly looked for. in one-half a minute, and otm feeble ex­ Shortly after they left the stable, a edly the best of al) wire fences, tho world piration wilhin one and onehnli min­ young man named Sparr was loading famous AMERICAN FIELD FENCE, NO It'I'll YAMHILL. utes. The pulse for the first minute was wood 011 the Lincoln road north of Sa­ lem, on the Folk county side of the guaranteed absolutely satisfactory by the 74; next 3 minutes from 80 to IM; filth Walter Pruden of Lafayette was in our minute, 48; and increased to 135. After river, and while there a team answering manufacturers themselves. The compa­ city on Sunday. the description of the team driven by hanging 12 minutes, lie was pronounced ny is the largest steel and wire manufac­ The little child of Mr. J. T. Patterson dead by the pinsicians, Dr. R E. L. Sink and Magers passed him oil the turing concern in the world, and the wire road, and while not positively identify ­ Steiner, of Dallas, and O. D. Buller, ol is reported as being seriously ill. Inde)»endeuce. The body was cut down ing them as being the parties he saw in for this fence is drawn especially for it; Miss Edna Buun is visiting her sister and turned over to his brother in-law, the buggy, he fell morally certain they all HARD WIRE, but not too hard—just Dora, who is at the hospital in Portland. were the same parties. He saw the body Manning. Tim remains were buried in of Sink at the morgue, ami at that time right for fencing purposes—and ample W. C. Miller of McMinnville was in the old Dallas cemetery. remarked to a friend that he felt sure it provision is made under their own pat­ our city Monday, looking after the hop Magers was born in Marion county, was that of one of the parties he saw in ents for contraction and expansion by ami was alioiit 26 years of age. A few the buggy. He afterwards saw Magers business. days ago he made a profession of Christi­ in the com t room, and believed him to heat and cold. It is a heavy fence, and Ed. Crandall, our painter, left Mon­ anity, and was baptised by Elder Barton be one of the men who drove past him the weight of metal is so placed to meet day for Sumpter, where he goes looking Riggs, pastor of the Christian church, a on the evening in question. The evi­ the strain and wear of an effective and for work. large lank having lieen taken into tlm dence went to show that on that even­ lasting fence. A fatal defect , in most Lola Perkins has been very sick for jail for I hat purpose. His mother and a ing a buggy had driven down the road younger brother visited him early in the toward Lincoln, and had turned into a fences is the use of light wires. They the last week, but at the present time week, and slm urged him to tell the lane leading to the residence of E. E. say “no strain comes on them, they are she seems to be a little better. Iruth concerning all be knew about the Harritt, then turned around and came only put in to hold the fence in Bhape.” Thos. Laughlin and wife are in Forest crime. He protested lus innocence to out of the lane and continued on north her, and told lier Im had nothing to con­ to where a road turns off in the direc­ When they are gone, what will t>e the Grove at the bedside of their mother, fess. The parting between tlm inotlmi tion of the river and leads off into a result? No little wires in the AMERI­ Mrs. John Laughlin, who is very low. and son was a most pitiable scene. He lonely stretch of waste land, covered CAN—No. 12 is tho smallest. Mr. Curtis Jones and Miss Nora Bur­ asked that his bat be sent home, as he with brush and cut up by sloughs. The Don’t like the American? How’s the ton were married at the M. E. church would have no further use for it. Tlm buggy continued 011 down toward the execution was witnessed by about 2f 0 river until some bars anil a feuce were Shinier Spring Steel, the Ellwood Dia­ Sunday evening at 8:30, by Rev. Leach, persons, while several hundred rnen reached. At this point a dog belonging mond and DeKalb Cable wire fences? Miss Grace Fox being the bridesmaid, stood just outside the enclosure. The to a man camped near the bars made so The McMinnville Fence Works ib agent execution this morning rings down tlm much disturbance that the rig seemed to for all of them, and Ellwood Jr., Wau- and Mr. F. L. Trulhnger the best man. There was an immense crowd at the curtain on one of tlm most noted and ex have been turned and driven back to the : keganito barb wires aud M. M. S. poul­ pensive murder »rials in the history of main road, then turned south toward church to witness the ceremony. try nettings. Dealer in fencing lumber, Oregon. Salem, and into Ilarritt’s lane again. WHITEBON. About tlm 20tl> day of September, The buggy passed through the gate, cedar, oak and steel posts, wood, iron 1898, some hoys who were on tlm Wil­ presumably for the purpose of getting and wire gates and fences, electrical lamette river in a skiff discovered the the heavy iron window weights attached wires and supplies, iron and steel and Wesley Morrison, the livery m^i of body of a num floating in tlm river, a to the gate, and was then driven out to Dallas, was in town Sunday.. copper and brass wireB, wire cloth -short distance below the steel bridge at the mam road once more and in the di­ R. W. Phillips attended the hanging Salem, and near the Polk county side. rection of Salem. Here, near the lane, for all purposes, wire rope, bale ties, The mutter was at once leported to the the tracks were lost, The shoes worn by wire work, bird cages, household and of Magers at Dallas last Friday. coroner of Marion county ; mit the body the horses driven by Magers and Sink office wire articles, etc. The oyster supper given by the C. E. being on tlm Polk county side of tlm were compared with the tracks in the last Saturday was a decided success. The largest retail exclusively fence and river, Coroner L. N. Woods of Polk Harritt lane, and corresponded exactly, Uncle Dick Phillips and wife made a county was n< titled. He immediately l he tires on tlie buggy driven by them wire establishment in the Northwest. repaired to the scene, and after empan­ were almost new, and made a clear cut The wire sign WIRE made of wire. rushing visit to Salem the last of last eling a jury, proceeded to hold an ex­ track which correspondetl with those in week. Everybody invited to visit the Mc­ amination. It was fourni that tlm de­ tlie lane. About iq o'clock that same There will be regular service in the ceased had apparently been struck on night, Magers drove into the Fashion Minnville Fence Works. Presbyterian church Sunday, conducted tlm fotehead with some blunt instru­ stables, in Salem, and saying that he by Rev. Scott. ment, tlm common carotid artery had would be back in a few minutes, left the Trnrhrrt' F'.xaiuliiatloii«. been cut, and there was also a wound in team and went away. lie was gone J. Pratt of McCoy is visiting in town. Notice is hereby given that the county the mouth. Tlm hands were tied to­ aliout half an hour, and then returned to He will leave Thursday for an extended gether with a rope and a window weight the stables and drove off. He arrived at superintendent of Yamhill county will tied to them ; lhe legs weie also tied and the home of his brother-in-law, near hold the regular examination of appli­ visit with relatives in Idaho. C. D. Morgan has rented his farm to a similar weight attached to them. Tim Gervais, about one o’clock in the morn­ jury returned a verdict that deceased bad ing, and went to a tent at the hop yard, cants for state papers at McMinnville, R. C. Smith. He and his wife started come to his death at the hands of some where a couple of girls and a young mail February 14, 115, 16 and 17th as follows: Tuesday for California. person unknown to the jury, and the were waiting for him. He remained at Commencing Wednesday,February 14th. Artisan lodge meets every Wednesday. body was then taken to the morgue at tlie tent a short time, ami then went to at 9 o’clock and continuing until Satur­ Salem to await identification. the house and retired. Before leaving day, February 17th, at 4 p. m. Wednes­ The membership is increasing rapidly, and a decided interest is being takenr After being several days in the morgue, for Salem tlie niornipg before, he had spelling, the body was finally identified by a told one of the girls he might go with day—penmanship, history, Miss Edith Percival returned Satur­ algebra, reading and school law ; Thurs young man by the name of Niece, of them to Portland the next day, but that day from McMinnville, where she has Sherman county, as that of Andrew he didn’t know for certain; when he re­ day—written arithmetic, theory of teach­ Raymond Sink, a wealthy rancher from turned to the tent that morning he said ing, grammar, liook-keeping, physics, been assisting Mr. Hembree in the book store. near Moro, Oregon. Meanwhile, the he would go. The next day, in com­ officers had been diligently searching pany with the girls, and other hop pick- civil government; Friday—physiology, Mr. Cane and wife of Nebraska, who I ers, he went to Portland and stopped geography, mental arithmetic, composi ­ for some clue which would throw light are on a tour of the northwest, spent the He re­ tion and physical geography ; Saturday— on the foul crime, and upon investiga ' with them at the Depot hotel tion, found that Sink had last been seen mained with the two girls at the hotel botany, plane geometry, general history, latter part of last week with W. G. Rob­ alive on the evening of September 13, for a week or more, and was arrested bins and family. English literature and priycholngy. 1898, in company with one W. G. Ma­ there by the officers. At the time of his Rev. Scott will give a steriopticon en­ E. V. L ittlefield , Co. Supt. gers, of near Silverton. Magers had arrest, he was trying to induce one of tertainment and lecture in the church recently been discharged from the pen­ the girls to go east with him. Magers Saturday evening. A book will be given < •lainibu* School Moles. itentiary, having been sentenced to that was taken to the police headquarters in institution from Folk county on a charge Portland, and when questioned about Mr. Griesen was a visitor last Friday to the most even tempereil person pres­ of burglary, and bore a bad reputation the crime, told a number of conflicting ent. morning. and impossible stories. At the first generally. Magers was located in a few By the united effort of the Christian Tlie boys are having lots of fun on days at the Depot hotel, in Portland, in trial he claimed that after driving out of Endeavor society, of which Miss Jean company with two young women, one of' Keeler’s stable they met one of Sink’s those rings. whom he represented to be liis wife and old friends, whose name he could not Reviews for the fifth month come Waddel is president, a number of im­ the oilier bis niece. He was arrested remember, and that Sink and the friend provements are going on in the church. | again next week. drove away together, while he remained and brought to Polk county, and upon a A new rostrum has been added and soon Considerable sickness is reported in preliminary hearing at Independence, in Salem. He testified that later in the we can boast of a new carpet. was held for murder in the first degree evening he found the team standing j our building. to await the action of the grand jury. hitched near the river. While in Port- The pupils have been invited to attend for Heller Hoods. He was at once brought to Dallas and I land, Magers and his female companions the exercises at the Baptist church next ! had proceeded to “ take in the sights, ” placed in jail. At the December term of Jas. Reid, road supervisor of District circuit court he was ilidi« te«l for murder I but now much money he had spent 1 Monday evening. No. 24, whose territory embraces the in the first degree, and the case cuuie on could not be learned. When arrested, There has been no literary society or­ for trial. Much difficulty was experi ; he had quite a sum of money in his ganized in our building, so far as we McMinnville-Dayton road, was in the city on Wednesday, filing his report enced in securing a jury, owing to the ' ¡ossessioii, which on the trial proved to wide spread notoriety the crime had at­ ' la- a considerably greater amount than have heard. with the county court. Mr. Reid be­ : lie had earned since his discharge from tained After exhausting the regular lieves that the way to have good roads “ I think I would go crazy with pain ' the penitentiary. After his arrest, an panel, and examining about IOu special veniremen, a jury was obtained., The inspection of the buggy disclosed blood were it not for Chamberlain’s Pain is to build them. Accordingly, he levied trial lasted several days, and thé jury, on the floor and back curtain, and upon Balm,” writes Mr. W. U, Stapleton, three assessments on the taxpayers of after t2 hours deliberation, returned a a careful examination by experts it was Herminie, Pa. "I have been afflicted hia district, which, with the $211 dona­ verdict of''guilty’’ as charged in the in- pronounced to be blood precisely the with rheumatism for several years and tion made by the business men of Mc­ ■ami us human blood, and the floor of «lictrneut- Judge Burnett pronounced the death sentence upon the prisoner, the buggy also bore the appearance of have tried remedies without number, Minnville, furuished 290 cubic yards of On the evening but Pain Balm is the beat medicine I road. Tlie supervisor desires to express but an appeal being taken to the supreme havingbeen sernbbed. court on questions of law arising during j of the murder and shortly after Magers ' have got hold of.” One application re­ his thanks to the business men who so the trial, that body after «lue consider­ j and Sink ha«l left Captain Downs' lodg- liberally and cheerfully contributed to ation granted him a new trial. He was 1 tug house, Magen returned to th« house lieves the pain. For aale by How or th 4 I the fund for improving the highway. again med at the May term of circuit and carried «way Mink's grip. The grip I Co., druggists. Rout The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of z? — and has been made under his per- ^7* sonal supervision since its infancy. sX, /¿¿'tcAi'v' Allow no one to deeeive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex­ periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOFHA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and 1'leasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other ¿arcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, it « lires Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It. assimilates the Food, rcgiilajes the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MUOilAY STRFTT, NTW» YORK CITY. L J acob W ortman , Pres. ♦i J ohn W ortman , Cashier. 1 Ei> H endricks , Vice Pres. A rthur M c P hiixip S, Asst. Cashier The First National Bank Of McMinnville, Oregon. The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885. Capital and Surplus, $90,000. Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United States, and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited. » » » » è» » » è» è» » » We Haven’t Killed Hany Bears • » V ►J ►;< But we have hammered away night and day for 1G consecutive years at the pre­ scription counter with the result of having attained the largest prescription file in the county. There’s a reason for this. Anyone can dish out patent medicines, but when it comes to filling prescriptions you want a competent man at the tiller, so to speak, with a clear eye and a clear head-in fact, a man who realizes that a human life hangs in the balance. We do this; it’s our specialty. ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists. o( * : Mitchell, Lewis & Staver □ M c M innville , O regon . o 1900 Bicycles in about January 15th. Will be pleased to show you the latest up-to-date wheel ever shown. c o Investigate the merits of BRASS LINED TUBING, in a moist climate where your bicycle frame requires protection from rust on the inside as well as on the outside. Also carry a full line of FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. » 0 i COMPANY. Will have samples of their o 0 U. S. BOOTH, Manager. o 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 » Take The Reporter and Get the News, NO. 8,