The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, February 02, 1900, Image 4

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    T exas populists openly announce dozen, the fathers of the Mormon
that W. J. Bryan will accept the families have sufficient cause for
nomination of that party for presi­ ; complaint.
1». I. ANKl.’Hï, Editer A Propr.
if it is offered him. In making
ECKMAN, ¿«••elate Editor.
A future problem likely to arise
this statement the Texas populists
for solution is what would we do
Subscription $1 OO Per Year.
i has been an open secret for some with the Filipinos should they come
| time, that Mr. Bryan would gladly over to this country in large num-1
bers to become residents of the
Readingnotieetin local column“ 10 cents per accept a nomination from any old
This is beyond question the
line for first week and 5 cents per line thereafter. i party, for fear lie could not get it United States and cheapen labor for
most successful Cough Medi­
Display advertisements, annual rates, one iuc’i
ever known to science: ft
j»er mouth SI; each additional inch 50 cents p* r from another.
few doses invariably cure the
cases of Cough, Croup
Obituary and marriage notices not exceeding
and Bronchitis, while its won­
10 lines published free, if furnished in time to
success in the cure of
be current news. Additional matter 10 cent* per
Consumption is without a par­
discussion. Multnomah county will ! man. They arc lazier than the Chi­
allel in tne history of medicine.
Since its first discovery it has
ignore the law requiring a levy of 1 nese however, and the probability is
been sold on a guarantee, a
FRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1900
test which no other medicine
of a mill prescribed by the legisla­ will not seek residence so far from
can stand.
If you have a
Cough, we earnestly ask you
ture for scalp bounty purposes, and the land of their nativity, especially i
to try it. In United State« and
T he wrath of the Germans against
Canada 25c , M'c. and $1.00, and
in that county no tax for the bounty when they learn that it is necessary ■
in England Is. Vd., 2s. 3d. and
England is futile for the simple rea­
will be collected. If the law should
son that on the seas England has no
be declared contrary to the consti­ I clothes in America.
enemy for whom she need entertain
tution the counties which have levied
any great fear.
H op men are bolding out patiently |
the tax will ask to be reimbursed.
- »•«------
------ ----------
1 against the buyers, and if there is
W ith goats selling at $5.00 per
lx Guayama, Porto Rico, a short benefit to accrue from the hop grow- [
head in Benton county, and sheep time ago, they held an election and .■rs' association it will soon manifest!
$5.50 per head, the farmers are be­ the newly-made freemen stuffed the itself. The stiff upper lip which it
ginning to find out how profitable ballot boxes with an energy and is maintaining seems to be having a !
stockraising is.
eagerness worthy of Kentuckians. good effect, according to an officer of,
As one result of the election there the association, who says that hop- | T he Oregonian’s fight against Sen­
ator McBride is at par with the feel­
M issouri may have a place on the have been 59 indictments for illegal
dealers are beginning to “knuckle!
ings of the boy who doesn’t like the
next republican national ticket. voting and one man, Dr. Vozquez,
under.” Several offers, he states, I
other boy who has the biggest red
Web Davis, ex-mayor of Kansas has been convicted. He announces
have been made by dealers for pooled
City, is spoken of as a likely candi­ that he will appeal to the United
hops in the hands of the combine.
date for vice president, on the ticket
States supreme court.
In fact, it is claimed there will soon
T he people expect the present
with Wm. McKinley.
be a general “caving” of the dealers republican congress to legislate
S alem will hold a “Farmers’ Con­
A man may not escape the war­ gress” on the 7th and 8th inst. on all sides, and that the association against the trust evil, and as soon
stamp even after death, if he would There is no reason why a congress will realize its efforts in striving for as that body can get down to busi­
ness it is confidently believed that
have his soul released from purga­ of farmers should not be made a higher prices than now quoted.
such legislation will be enacted as
According to the revenue meeting of mutual benefit to those
T he Independent at Hillsboro is will hold in check the combinations
laws bequests made to priests for who participate. Farming is pro­
receipt of a letter from gentlemen of capital. One step has already
saying masses for the repose of the gressive, and new methods are con­
propose to establish at that been taken in this direction bv the
soul are liable to a legacy tax.
stantly being added, therefore wide­ place a condensed-milk factory, pro­ introduction of a resolution by Rep­
------ ----------
awake farmers can lose nothing by vided the farmers in that vicinity resentative Jenkins, of Wisconsin,
T he Tillamook Headlight reports
keeping in sympathy with the plans furnish at a central depot the milk
chairman of the subcommittee of the
that the cheese made in Tillamook
of their co-workers.
of 50 cows at the beginning and in­ house committee on judiciary,
county last year brought in from
crease the number to 1000 by the charged with the consideration of
the outside $74,000; butter, $100,-'
B efore congress and the adminis­
000; beef cattle, $50,000. No ven­ tration have settled on the details end of the first year. The offers for trust measures, and his action is, in
der the Tillamook farmers are for the government of the savages a site and building to be deeded after a way, a reply to a challenge from
Save it by buying some of our
the factory runs three years have the democratic members of the com­
umong the most prosperous in the
we have annexed, equal suffragists been received by the promoters of
It is somewhat doubtful
have begun to bombard congress this proposed industry.
Yamhill, under the limitations of the consti­
Choice Dried Fruits
with petitions to give the poor, half­
S outhern expansion sentiment has clad women in these colonies equal Tillamook and Washington counties tution, which have reserved to the
We have a good variety—Clean, Choice and Cheap.
grown to such an extent, says the suffrage. The equal suffragists are comprise in the order named the states certain sovereign rights,
Globe Democrat, that Mr. Bryan not taken seriously, however, here best dairying section in the United whether an effective national meas­
The fine product of our Bakery is the comment of
thinks it advisable to begin trim­ in Oregon. Noone takes a suffra­ States, aud it is only a question of ure can be enacted. But the people
customers each day. We are scrupulously clean
ming. But a southerner who looks gist seriously but her poor husband, enterprise and rustling ability, to may rest assured that the effort will
neat in the production of all our baked goods.
for a real. expansive policy in that I and he is afraid to do anything else. secure the development of the in­ be made and to insure the success of
the plans which may be inaugurated,
quarter is not familiar with the Bry­
«3T We Meet Competition on Groceries.
the democrats in congress, if they
an record on the Philippines.
T he proposed amendment to the
F acts are accumulating which are sincere in their protestations
■ >.»
state constitution granting equal
give substantial encourage­ against the trust evil, will join
R oberts , the polygamous senator suffrage to the fair sex will be voted
from Utah, has gone home posing as down next June because the said f. ment to weakened republicans. in the fight.
a martyr. But the people df Ameri-: s. does not seem to be willing to They point to coming events with as
disagreeable features
ea rejoice that his statesmanship have the burden of statesmanship
law is that
will never illuminate the pages of thrust upon her weak shoulders. A
T he shooting of Goebel is one of
history, and, while he may fondly number of the leading ladies of Ore­ terview Governor George K. Nash part which it was thought would the deplorable results of the long
believe himself a martyr, his name gon, representing no creed or class, of Ohio, speaking of the approach­ work so great a hardship on natural­ mental strain under which the people
will not be praised by coming gener­ have organized a non-partisan move­ ing national political campaign, said: ized voters whose papers had been of Kentucky have been laboring
“There are no factions in the repub­ lost. Some of this class of voters since the beginning of the election
ment, whose aim is to keep woman lican party of Ohio today.
The have exercised the right of suffrage contests. The political atmosphere
out of politics.
party is absolutely united, and I for a great many years, but under was favorable to the incubation of Men’s Boots and Shoes are
W ho paid $4,000 to cable Senator
------ »•«------
marked down 10 to 15 per
Hoar's speech to the Tagal camps in I T he proposition to elect U. S. look to see Senator Foraker re-elect­ this law they were barred from hav­ all manner of cranks, and it is not
ed two years hence without oppo­ ing their names written in the
Luzon last winter? This was the!
senators by popular vote means the
a creature of such a condition. Goe­
match that ignited the dry tinder of possibility of eliminating from the sition. Ohio, always strongly re­ county's book of voters by reason of bel was an unscrupulous, unrelent-1
insurrection, but the person who, upper house of congress those mem­ publican in presidential years, will their inability to produce evidence ing political tyrant, having bimse'f Ladies’ and Misses’ 15 to 20.
besides the copperhead senator, is bers whose constituents would not this year give William McKinley the that they bad ever been naturalized, murdered an opponent a few years
But whatever of evil there Boys’ and Children’s 10 to 15.
responsible, is as reluctant to reveal elect them to the office of road su­ largest majority in the history of or that while under age the father of ago.
have been in his life would not
his identity as the person who com pervisor, much less choose ‘.hem as the state. The state is in a won­ the family had been similarly en­ justify an attempt at assassination
mitted the celebrated ‘ crime of 73. lawmakers for the nation. As this derfully prosperous condition, and dowed. But now there has been a I bv a cowardly foe concealed from
Reductions are only for
the people are not going to turn’ to plan evolved whereby some of them view. There is an old and venerated
class appears to be in the majority
during the month of Jan­
I t has come to such a passover in at Washington, the proposed con­ the party which stands for a revers­ can be able to vote in all the majesty the sword shall perish by thesword ” I uary, 1900.
of sovereign American citizenship.
South Africa that it is a distinguish stitutional amendment, after passing al of present conditions.”
In this case the man who played with [
It is stated that they can, if they the passions of the illiterate moun­
ing mark of bravery and good gen the house, will meet its death in the
eralship for a British officer to be senate.
A gain the ghost of Grover Cleve­ landed in the United States before taineers of Eastern Kentucky, where [
shoot to kill, evidently did so;
able to retreat out of reach of the
land looms up in the horizon of Bry­ the age of 18, and have since resided they
with a full sense of resignation to the :
Boots & Shoes.
Boers with half of his command ) T he meeting of republican clubs an s candidacy for the presidency continuously therein, declare their in­ attendant consequences.
Unless our cousins get hold of a new at Portland next Tuesday will to all | while Gorman is training in the tention to become a citizen ar.d be ad­
1 >t of officers they will be badly practical purposes mark the opening ¡same direction. Cleveland would, mitted to citizenship at the same term
of the Big Boot.
whipped before the 4th of July.
of the campaign of 1900, so far as ; if this ghost were made to walk, be of county court. When that is done. I
the republican party is concerned. i a formidable rival to Bryan's nomi­ they cau walk with their papers in­
republicans will enter upon the nation. Four years ago this would to the county clerk's office, and pro-1
S ince the close of the war with
All Editor’« kite Snvtd by ( !iambrr>
ceed to register without molestation
lai 11’« Congh Kcintdy«
Spain the foreign sneer against campaign with a reasonable promise have been out of consideration, but
everything American has disap­ of success, therefore every atom of times have changed with them. In
During the early part of October, 1896,
peared. Ata recent consular din­ discord should be kept out of the 1893 the national question was
I contracted a bad cold, which settled on
T he stock men of the great ranges
ner in Chicago, at which the repre body, and “ring” methods should whether we should pass to the sil­ in eastern Oregon are opposed to
my lungs and whs neglected until I feared
that consumption had appeared in an in­
Seutatives of all countries were in not be allowed to gain a foothold. ver basis under existing legislation. the bill now before congress which
If you have “a good mind to cipient state. I was constantly coughing
attendance, every one—even the A legislature is to be elected this Grover Cleveland met the crisis al­ provides for the leasing of the ranges
to Dr. Pierce ’ ’ take pen in and trying to expel something which I
Spanish consul testified that the year, which will choose a U. S. sen­
on those vast plains to herdsmen. hand and begin.
Then you’ll could not. I became alarmed, and after
United States was ‘ the greatest
Their objection is that the system
lican party in the various counties before the people had a chance to will prohibit individual ownership of avoid the experience of Mrs. M. P. giving the local doctor a trial bought a
country on earth.
—... » • * -
should begin thus early in the cam vote on the question. During the land and destroy the small farmer Davis, of Honaker, Russill Co., bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
and the result was immediate improve­
T he announcement of the opening paign to guard against placing in last presidential campaign the force and stcckgrower. The lands if leas­ Va. She writes:
ment, and after I had used three bottles
of additional Philippine ports to nomination for legislative honors, | of Cleveland’s well-known opinions able will be controlled by rich cor­
"For seven years I was "confined to inv lungs were restored to their healthy
commerce is to be regarded with sin­ men who will sacrifice everything tn and example on finance caused hun­ porations and when the small stock­ of internal organs and female weakness. state.—B. S. Edwaids, publisher of The
cere satisfaction, for more reasons elect their favorite candidate Party dreds of thousands of democrats to in in comes in contact with them he I had four doctors and they said 1 could Review’, Wyant, 11). For sale by . Ho-
than one. Perhaps the most obvious platform pledges are but ropes of unite with the republicans for the will go to the wall or rather to the not be cured...........After the doctors said worth & Co., druggists.
I could not be cured I wrote to Doctor
consideration is that it indicates sand, whether they are formulated defeat of Bryan, and it is no idle sand plains of the Columbia. How Pierce
for advice...........I followed the
subsidence of rebellion and brigan­ by republicans, democrats, populists ¡dream to believe that at the Novem­ the system works is illustrated by advice he gave...........I feel better than I
\\ . R. \\ inans of Salem, who is acting
dage and the return of peace under or independents. The burden of in­ ber election Cleveland would have the condition of the range in Colo­ ever did. My friends sav I do not look in capacity as missionary for the Ameri­
like the same woman, lam sorry I did
the lawful authority of the United augurating reforms rests with the | superior strength to Bryan.
rado, Wyoming and Montana. A not take Dr. Pierce's medicine when I can Sunday school union, lectured in
began to haze poor health. I could the M. E. church to a union meeting of
lowest nominating bodies. Let the
small man stays away and has rea­ first
nave saved what I paid to humbugs.”
the various churches in the interest of
republican clubs admonish the pri­
son for doing so. The country is
No one ever regretted writing to the society which he represents. Mr.
E x -K ing Malietoa writes from Sa­ maries to send their best timber to
Br-ir« th» cimature of Cn vs H FLBrenv*
unsettled, industries are neglected, ; Dr. Pierce for advice. Many have Stevenson was to have lectured, but was
moa to The London Times his the county conventions, and these
Xn use for mor» than thirty years, an,l
schools and churches and society are ! regretted not writing sooner.
taken suddenly and violently ill and
ZA» AVnif >"<><• /A ik Aiwaji AetfU.
opinion of the partition of his island be careful to select good men to rep
unknown. A better plan, and one!
Mr. Winans took his place. The large
kingdom, aud says it was a crime resent them in the state convention,
that would give equal justice to the . sult Dr. Pierce by letter, free, and audience which was present gave many
against the law of nations. Allow ami there will be little need of the
large or small stockgrower, would |
expressions of their pleasure at the close
ing for his point of view, there is a party making apologies for place from Tillamook, arriving yesterday. Mr. be to impose a tax of so much per! so obtain the opinion and advice of of the instructive lecture, and with the
color of plausibility in his contention hunters and hirelings of men seeking
All correspondence pri­ usual good humor of McMinnville audi­
ar.d went up to Dallas last evening to head on all stock grazing on public j women
positive enough to shine through political glory
Address Dr R. V. Pierce, ences. overlooked the unavoidable' ab­
be present nt the exe,ution of Magers, lands, the stock to be counted in vate
quite a thick coat of whitewash
sence of Mr. Stevenson.
January wheu it is about the bay Buffalo. N. Y.
D octors in Salt Lake City are sentenced to hang today.
But there is a law of deeper found»
stacks. Thus every man. rich or
Dr. Pierce’s Medical Adviser,
tion than the code of nations, dis­ going about vaccinating the Mor
<«re ■ < «Id In one Day.
Richard Ekstein arrived hotue with poor, possessing many cattle or few, j 1008 pages, is sent/nrr on receipt of
tributing the tools of authority to mon children, whereat the saints are his b ide Mundav evening, and is pre­ would be treated equally.
I stamps to defray expense of mail
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets
If the doctors charge for paring to begin housekeeping in the new
those who best know how to use kicking
ing only. Send 2 1 one-ceut stamps All druggists refund money if it fails to
them, and that is happening all over their professional services at so co*tage constructed tor them by J. P. The RsroRTHM and Weekly Oregonian for paper covers, or 31 stamps for ure. The genuine has L. B. Q. 01» each
one war for $2, strictly in advance
much per head instead of by the Irvine,
tablet. For sale by Rogers Bros.
doth. Address as above.
the world all the time.
Yamhill County Reporter
r Shilohs
S Cough and
E -—"—- Cure
Your Canned Fruit
L. E. Walker
Big Reductions
F. Dielschneider,
The Pen in the
Hand is worth
two in the