M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1900 Entered at the Post office tn McMinnville, as Second-class tnatter. /OL. XXX. ler Husband’s Story “ My name is E. J. Sprong. and my address is 16 Bondman Block, Troy. N. I want to tell how thankful I am that my wife’s health has been restored to About a year ago she caught a dreadful cold, which settled in her bron» cliial tubes and lungs. She cer­ tainly had bronchitis, and I think consumption, too, and we de­ spaired of her life. She had a tightness and soreness in the chest, and it was difficult for her to breathe. There were darting, sharp, dull and heavy pains, with constant coughing and expectorat­ ing. Each day she was worse than the day before. I was ad­ vised to ge{ Acker s English Rem­ edy, and did so, but my’ wife only shookherheadand said: ’Another dollar thrown away.’ She took the Remedy, however, and said the effect was magical. In less than an hour there was a remark­ able change. She got better at once, and in a short time she was entirely well and strong again. The cure was permanent and there has been no relapse. I don’t know what Acker’s English Remedy is made of, but I am sure it contains something that fortifies the system against future attacks. My wife is in better general health now than ever, and you can’t imagine how happy she is for her recovery. She tells everybody about Acker’s English Rem­ edy, and so do I, for I believe it to be our duty to the public to help every suf­ ferer who has throat and lung troubles. My neighbors say it is a sure specific for croup, and has saved the lives of hundreds of little ones around in this vicinity alone.” Sold at 25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Car ada; and in England, at is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. He authorize the above guarantee, II’. H. HOOKER & CO., Proprietor», Sew Yorl. For Sale by ROGERS BROS. J acob W ortman , Pres. J ohn W ortman , Cashier. E d H endricks , Vice Pres. A rthur M c P hillips , Asst. Cashier The First National Bank Of McMinnville, Oregon. 4» » 4» t» » The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885. Capital and Surplus, $90,000. 4» Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United 4» States, and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The 4» accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited. 4» CKXXXXXXXXXX>OOi We Haven’t Killed flany Bears But we havs hammered mu iy ni.jht and day rnrlGrnn’ftf'ntive year« at the pre- ecription counter with the result of haviugat»Hmed the largest prescription file in yC the county. There’s a reason for this. Anyone can dish f ut patent medicines, but when it comes to filling prescriptions you want a competent man at the tiller, so to Zj speak, with a clear eye and a clear head - in fact, a man who realizes that a human Xp life hangs in the balance. We do this; it’s our specialty. $ ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists. ===Seasonable Merchandise I» x j Air-Tight Heating Stoves AH Kinds, Sizes and Prices I Best of Ammunition for Everybody í O. O. HODSON /nrnrinrn ïthtttiîtï o o Mitchell, Lewis &Staver con PAN Y. o< 0 M c M innville , O regon . Will have samples of their 1900 Bicycles i O o o in about January 15th. Will be pleased to show you the latest up-to-date wheel ever shown. Investigate the merits of BRASS LINED TUBING, in a moist climate wheie your bicycle frame requires protection from rust on the inside as well as on the outside. Atao carry ■ full line of FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES U. S. BOOTH, Manager. 0 UULfiJLOJLL5UUUL^ 0 0 3 o> 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o LAW AND FACT. Tile City Council Laboring Problems in U01I1. One Dollar if paid in advance, Singlenumbersflvecents. NO. 7. NORTH YAnillU. Willi Born,to the wife of Philip Withycombe , Jan. 27th, a girl. The resignation of J. E. Durham as Born, Friday, Jan. 26th, to the wife of city councilman, owing to removal from Louis Hutt, a little baby girl. this city, aud the failure to secure a new Farmers are busy plowing duiing this dynamo on the contract made with the Northwest Electric Co.,have precipitated fine weather, aud are therefore happy. a special amount of business on the city­ F. H. Colwell and wife visited with council, as well as a new contention. C. C. Ferguson the latter part of last Four special meetings have been held week. within the past eight days. The first J. C. McKern made a flying trip to was held Thursday night of last week, Portland Tuesday morning, returning in when the resignation of Councilman tho evening. Durham was presented and accepted. E. F. Schneider went to Corvallis The mayor then asked for nominations Thursday looking alter the fruit drying to fill the vacancy. Councilman Macy- business, and the sale of his patent fruit nominated Mr. R. Nelson, a former dryer. member. The vote was taken and stood The revival meetings conducted bv Nelson 3, Rummel 1 and Manuing 1. Rev. I.eaeh closed on Sunday last, there Mr. Nelson was declared elected to till having been 7 converts during the meet­ the unexpired term. Objections were ings. raised by Councilmen Jones and Daniels The wedding of Miss Nora Burton and that the election was illegal; and here is Mr. Curt Jones is announced to take where the point of law comes in. Other business transacted at this meeting was place at the M. E> church next Sunday, the reconsideration of the tax levy, the ceremony to be at 8:30 p. m. Up to the present time there have which was raised as follows: A levy’ of 3'i mills for general fund, IL. mills for been registered at this place, 12 in Clie- cowen precinct and 4 in North Yamhill streets and 2 mills for water fund. A motion to rescind the contract made precinct, which is rattier a light regis­ with Mr. Cannon for a dynamo, was tration, as there are about 320 voters in taken up from the table, where it was the two precincts. placed at a previous meeting, and was GOPIIEK. carried after a statement from Mr. Can­ non. Arthur Guild is repotted to bo quite The committee on health and police ill. reported duty performed regarding cess­ J. Eborall made a flying trip to Mc- i pools. Minnville Friday. The following bills were allowed : Miss Celia Flynn ia suffering from a . $ 99 00 J. S. McAlister, brick o 00 severe attack of Hote throat. Valley Transcript, advertising O. O. Hodson, brick and clay 88 ! * On Monday Miss Frances Taylor be­ O. O. Hodson, lime and freight 16 25 gan teaching in the Bertver Dam school. Total............................................ $206 2J James Lough, who has been on the Ou motion $2,400 was transferred from sick list for some time, is able to be the general to the water fund. around again. On motion council decided to accept Mra. Sarah Evenden ia quite ill with new bide for dynamo, and adjourned bronchitis. Doctor Smith of Sheridan ie until Saturday. At this meeting all attending her. were present, including Mr. Nelson. E. F. Duval, formerly’ of Portland, is The motion came up to open bids for visiting with relatives and friends at dynamo. Mr. Jones at this juncture de­ clared that in his opinion Mr. Nelson this place. was not qualified to sit as a legally elect- The farmers are all wearing pleased I ed member of the council, and followed countenances since the nice weather has his opinion by leaving the room without commenced. Mias Annie Agee returned ltoine on | permission from the mayor. Mr. Dan- | iels followed, asking permission, which Sunday, after an extended visit with her j was not granted. The mayor then de­ aunt, Mrs. Chas. Spring. clared the conncil legally constituted lo Miss Ella Casey baa returned to her do business. The bids wore opened, position in Portland after a visit of two ! and were found to be as follows: weeks with her relatives here. j Mr. Cannon submitted his former bid Mieses Belle and Minnie Evans visited with additional fixtures at $2,418.50. with their sister, Mrs. L. Booth, at upper The Westinghouse Electric Co. of Willamina Saturday and Sunday. East Pittsburg, Pa., for dynamo and 20 | arc lights, $2,358.00. Cure n ( old In One liny. The General Electric Co. of Schcmect- Take Laxative Bromo Quinino tablets. i ady, N. Y., $2,875.00, with $40 to cover All druggists refund money ifit’frtils to freight from Portland to McMinnville. cure. The genuine liaB L. B. Q. on each The council then took adjournment tablet. For sale by Rogers Bros. 47-6 till Monday night. At the Monday meeting Judge Win. Columbus School Note«. M. Ramsay was unamiously chosen city The boys weie practicing on the bar attorney by the councilman present, viz: ! Messrs. Wright, McDonald, Nelson and the other day, and now they are think­ ing of putting up a pair of rings, so that Macy. Mr. Wright moved that council buy a 1 they will liavo something to do to pass 190-kilowatt dynamo of the General away the ten .minute recess that we Electric Co. as per bid submitted. The have. motion carried and the recorder was in­ Mr. Charles Cook, Esq., was a visitor structed to have attorney draw contract Monday morning. He came down in for purchase of same. This will stipulate the interest of the meeting, which is to that dynamo Is to bo shipped within 30 be held at the Baptist church, Feb. 12th, days irom receipt of order, and as it will in honor of Abraham Lincoln. come from Schenectady, N. Y., it is State School Supt. Ackerman was a figured that it will require ten days in welcome visitor last Friday morning. 1 transit. The five higher rooms were all assembled The meeting Wednesday night was in the two large rooms, and after sing­ for the purpose of passing an ordinance ing America, the whole school gave the authorizing the mayor to enter into con­ flag salute. Prof. Ackerman then spoke tract for the new machine. several minutes on educational lines, in The two absenting councilmen concede wich he said “that if we filled our place that the city can be held on the proceed­ in the work, which all must do, we ings of the four members, but propose must apply ourselves, and stick with it.” to test the charter as to the legality of I He was loudly applauded, and after the the election of Mr. Nelson, and have other rooms were dismissed, he heard takeD legal advice iu the premises. the 10th grade recite geometry and said Their contention is based on section 30 that they had a good start and wished of chapter 5 of the city charter, which them much success in their work, He reads as follows: visited in our school until noon. A majority of the whole number con­ <’«»k Vchool Moira. stituting the council is a majority of the council or members thereof within the Parents, remember that your children, meaning of thi. act, and not otherwise, if you intend to enter them in the pri­ unless expressly provided. The concur­ rence of u majoruy of a quorum is a mary grade, must enter the first week of sufficient majority to determine any February. qnestion other than the final passage of Tliis week ends the first half of school. an ordinance and the appointment or removal of an officer. A number of pupils are absent on ac­ They believe that there was a quorum count of sickness. of the council hut not a majority, which Supt. Ackerman spent Friday of last would require lour. It is understood week with the Cook school. that the matter will l>0 determined in Mrs. West was a visitor Monday. the March term of the circuit court, with Roll of honor for the 7th grade: AU8- Judge Ramsey appearing for tlie city aud James McCain for the contestante. tin Arthur, Ralph Martin, Freddy Her- kowskv, Lily Granetrom, Julia Olds, It taken but a minute to overcome Mabel Bakeman and Mamie Bakeman. tickling in the ihroat and to stop a cough Have Opened an Office. j by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. The Ilarralvha Manufacturing Co. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless have opened in the McMinnville bank and pleasant to take. It prevents con­ building for exhibition and sale of their sumption. A famous specific for grippe remedies. Call and investigate and hear j free muaic ! and its after effects. Rogers Bros ROYAL Ä A bsolutely P ure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Tlie vic.VIliinvillc Fence Work« lie K eels From lli, Labor,. Was established just three years ago, After an illness of a year or more, Mr. beginning with picket-wire fence ma­ Win. Hemstock departed this life at his chinery and gradually extending the home in this city at 3:50 p. tn., Monday, business to include fencing and fencing Jan. 29th, at the age of 72 years and to material, wire and wire goods for all pur­ months. Mr. Hemstock was a uative of poses. At that time steel aud steel prod­ England, and emigrated to Canada in ucts were at bed-rock prices—below the 1942, and in 1847 removed to Wisconsin. cost of production—and probably will In 1850 he was married to Miss Mary A. not be so low for many years to come, Bingham, an estimable lady, and a na­ yet with the low prices of wire, wire tive of England, who survives him. Four fences were then higher in price in Mc­ children were bom to them in Wiscon­ Minnville than at tbe present time. sin, all of whom are living and were The McMinnville Fence Works manu­ present at the funeral. They are Geo. factures picket wire fencing, aud with H. and A. B. Hemstock of Mnltnomah fourteen years’ experience, still holds the county, Mrs. Hannah Wright of Mc­ opinion that it is the best fence a man Minnville and Mrs. Fanny Spencer of can build, when properly made aud set. Bellevue. Of late years fence of all wire has been Ou his arrival in Oregon in 1874, Mr. cheapened and improved until it has Hemstock purchased 297 acres of land come within reach for ordinary farm use. five miles southwest of this city, upon To meet the demand for a good all-wire which he lived, made improvements and fence the McMinnville Fence Works has prospered until about seven years ago he secured the agency of w hat is undoubt­ retired from the farm and settled at Uni­ edly the best of al) wire fences, the world versity park, Portland, where he con­ famous AMERICAN FIELD FENCE, ducted a bookstore. Three years ago he guaranteed absolutely satisfactory by the purchased a home and returned to spend manufacturers themselves. Tho compa­ his remaining years in this city. As a ny is the largest steel and wire manufac­ trustee he was largely instrumental in turing concern in the world, and the wire constructing the McCabe chapel in this for this fence is drawn especially for it; county, and was among the most ardent all HARD WIRE, but not too hard—just workers. He and his wife had been right for fencing purposes—and ample Methodists for forty years, and have al­ provision is made under their own pat­ ways been classed among the most de­ ents for contraction and expansion by voted and conscientious Christians, true heat and cold. It is a heavy fence, and to their every conviction of right. The the weight of metal is so placed to meet 22d day of last month was the 50th or the strain and wear of an effective and golden anniversary of their marriage, lasting fence. A fatal defect in most which the old gentleman survived just fences is the use of light wires. They one week. say “no strain comes on them, they are The funeral obsequies were held at the only put in to hold the fence in shape.” M. E. church on Wednesday, conducted When they are gone, what will be the by Revs. II. T. Atkinson and Joseph Ho­ result9 No little wires in the AMERI­ berg. Burial was made in Masonic cem­ CAN—No. 12 is the smallest. etery, a large procession of fiiends at­ Don’t like the American? How’s the tending the last rites. The casket was Shimer Spring Steel, tho Ellwood Dia­ placed in a sealed box. The pall bearers mond and DeKalb Cable wire fences? were J. (). Rogers, C. F. Mills, A. A. Du­ The McMinnville Fenco Works is ageut hois, John Kitigery, L. Root erni Mr. for all of them, and Ellwood Jr., Wau- Collison. keganito barb wires and M. M. S. poul­ try nettings. Dealer iu fencing lumber, Fable ol the I.ion mid Hie lluutrr. cedar, oak and steel posts, wood, iron A lion once, n roynl beast, in Afric’a and wire gates and fences, electrical sun-scorched lands, roared loud and long wires and supplies, iron and steel and aud shook his mane, and pawed the des­ copper and brass wires, wire cloth ert sands. His gleaming eyes, his glis­ for all purposes, wire rope, balo ties, tening teeth, gave token of bis wrath; wire work, bird cages, household and and woo unto the hapless one that came office wire articles, etc. within his path. But lo, a hunter brave The largest retail exclusively fence and and bold, stepB on the lion’s tail! “You wire establishment in the Northwest. are a mighty beast,” says he, “but this The wire sign WIRE made of wire. is my Transvaal. 1 know you'd like to Everybody invited to visit tho Mc- swallow mo—just try it, if you dare! But there will be a hot old time, within yojur Minnville Fence Works. stomach, sair!”—Muriel Gray. A Chinese Wedding. A good many McMinnville people will remember the visit of Seid Gaia, son of the well-known Chinese merchant, Seid Back of Portland, to this city about a year ago, and tho favorable impression he created as an intelligent young China­ man. He was married Thursday even­ ing of last week, to Mary Grau, at the Baptist mission church. The room was elaborately decorated with choice flowers of many varieties, cedar branches and flr boughs. Long before 9 o'clock the room was filled with Chinese and Ameri­ can friends. Promptly at the hour, the bridal party entered. Tho btide and groom, preceded by two little flower girls, beautifully attired, in their quaint costumes, marched up the aisle. They were met by Rev. Alexander Blackburn, D. D., of the First Baptist church, who performed the ceremony. The service closed with a short address in Chinese by the pastor of the mission, after which light refreshments were served. The bride, a daughter of the Chinese mission­ ary at Victoria, was gowned in white silk, her veil being held in place with orange blossoms. She is said to be an exceedingly attractive young woman. The l.nal Lecture. Dr. Alexander Blackburn, of the First Baptist church of Portland, will deliver his celebrated lecture on “Gumption” in the McMinnville Baptist church Fri­ day night, February 2d, at 8 p. m. Do not look for full-sheet posters. Colored plates will not be used in advertising this lecture. We don’t claim that Dr. Blackburn is the best lecturer in the United States, but he will do you more good if yon hear him than ten entertain­ ments of the ordinary kind. There will not only be fun but also profit; not only enjoyment but also a stronger impetus to overcome in the battle of life. The admission price is put at 25 cents in or­ der that as many as possible may be benefited. • A ATATK OF INM HHECÎION. Senator Goebel of Kentucky was shot by an unknown man concealed in the state house at Frankfort last Tuesday, and lingers in a critical state. In view of the unsettled so­ cial and polit ical condition in the city Governor Taylor issued a proclama­ Call lor Bld«. tion declaring that a state of insur­ The city of McMinnville will receive rection existed, and adjourned the sealed bide for 6u0 cords of old fir and 600 legislature. Democratic members of cords of yon ng or second growth fir wood, that body refused to obey the edict, were prevented by the militia four feet long and free from large knots, but from holding a meeting. Gov. Tay­ delivered at the city waterworks. The lor called a meeting of the legislature city reserves the right to reject any and for London, but the democratic mem­ all bids. Bids to be o|>ened at the regu­ bers refused to go there. lar meeting of the council in February, To complicate the situation even worse, Goebel, whose election has 1900. W. L. H kmhree , City Recorder been in contest, was sworn in as J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur­ governor on Wednesday, and the geons wanted to operate on me for piles, guardsmen, who are mostly republi­ can, will refuse to obey his orders to but I cured them with DeWitt’s Witch I vacate the city. Hazel Salve.” Il is infall!»de for piles —— — — —— and akin diseases. Beware of counter­ Great redaction on the entire line of feits. Kogers Bros. cloak« and capee at R. Jaco boon A Co’s. )